Will You Help Me Fulfill My Fantasy?

By Dr Throat

Published on Apr 18, 2015



Will You Help Me Fulfill My Fantasy?

[Disclaimer: Any resemblance to actual people or events in the story is purely coincidental, though it would be totally cool if something like this happened to you. Also, this story does not allude to safe sex or lack thereof. It is always recommended for you to practice safe sex. At all times. Under any circumstances.]


I'm a 33-year-old gay man. I've known forever that I'm gay, and never had an issue with it. Coming out was no problem since I was just a confident guy. In fact, confidence is my middle name. I'm goodlooking, but I'm definitely not the most gorgeous guy out there. Maybe an 8 out of 10. But I've been told repeatedly that the confidence I ooze makes me irresistible. My main fantasy is straight boys. I love the chase and the suspense.


You're that straight boy that I'm chasing. You're in your late 20s. You went to college and then law school. You live in a one-bedroom apartment and work hard at the law firm. Although you have a good head on your shoulders, people think of you as the sporty type. You're always playing ball with your buddies on the weekend, and frequent all the bars with them all weekend. You have strawberry blonde hair and freckles. Nice biceps. Nice shoulders. Without your shirt, one can still see a hint of baby fat that makes you so much more of a human than an Adonis. Being part of the millennial generation, you're very cool with gays and gay rights. Oddly, you don't have any gay friends, but are open to the possibility. You live in a neighborhood with a decent number of gay guys. At the gym you have seen them check you out as you flex. It never bothered you. It actually flattered you, though you're not looking for attention. A few times in the steam room you let some gorgeous guys give you a hand job. You figured it was harmless and fun, while taboo and lustful all at the same time. Hey, everybody has to experiment a little bit. Twice, before you could stop it, those guys landed their lips on your dick and gave you blowjobs that you still cannot forget. Yet you don't think of yourself as bi, let alone gay. You like pussy. But something has intrigued you into answering my ad to fulfill my fantasy.


My fantasy is you! My confidence and decent looks have always made it easy for me to hook up with guys I want. I know how to start a conversation and be assertive. Yet I'm picky. And my type: Straight boys. The more unsuspecting and straight, the more I get turned on. It is as though I am playing my super confidence against your trepidations as you're being hunted. That's why I placed my ad looking for a straight boy to be seduced.

You answered my ad. You still don't know what possessed you to do it. Maybe it was the wording of the ad, and how secure I made you feel reading it. As I said, I've very confident. We talked over the phone, traded pictures, and decided to meet up.

My fantasy is to give you a blowjob right after you come back from a game of ball with your buddies. This is when you are pumped with testosterone, and you're all sweaty. That's how I like it. That's my fantasy. You told me you have a game at the neighborhood park on Sunday at 10:30, and that by noon you could be home. Perhaps I can come then and see what happens. I insisted I'm coming at 10:00 to meet you before you go. I want to see you off to your game before you go. Then I'm going to sit in your apartment and wait for you like a yearning wife until you finish your game and come home. It seemed very unnerving for you to leave a complete stranger in your apartment as you go out. But something in my voice, in my expression of my fantasy, made you decide that you will participate in the intrigue. There is something taboo about it, and it turns you on.

Sunday morning I show up at 10:00 sharp at you door. Like any self-respecting gay man, I have already got up a few hours ago, did a facial mask and some last minute manscaping. I went for a run, and did some weights at home to increase my muscle tone. As I told you, I know what I'm doing. You, however, are a novice. After the second time I ring the bell, you finally open the door. Turns out you went out with your buddies last night and stayed out later that you normally do. You all had a few too many drinks. Then with blue balls you all went to some skanky titty bar and got a few lap dances. When you got home, you did set your alarm clock to be ready for today, but you must have slept right through it.

You're standing on the other side of the door, wearing only your boxer shorts and your morning wood. Of course you're wearing boxers, you're straight. The morning wood is very obvious. Also, there is a small pee stain on the one side, which is my weak spot. But I can't show you my weak spots yet.

Still frazzled, you apologize for oversleeping. You give me a quick one-over with your sleepy eyes, and invite me in. You apartment is every bit as I expected it. No cleaning lady. Dirty dishes in the sink. Closet doors wide open with laundry trickling down the floor. To one corner, your pants and shirts and shoes from last night. Of course, this is a straight boy's apartment.

You still don't know what is supposed to happen at this point. You are finally waking up, and your morning wood has gone away. You don't know what is the proper etiquette. You're also starting to rethink that this was not a good idea after all. Maybe you should have never answered that ad. Most certainly you should not have agreed for me to come over before you leave for the game. Maybe you should stay and skip the game now that I'm here.

Me and my confidence take over now. Of course you're straight and you don't know what to do at this point. It's up to me to take charge. I remind you that you're not going to the game wearing only your boxers, and that we need to get you dressed. The 'we' part of that sentence made your heart sink. What do you mean 'we'? You just assumed you're going to put on your outfit like you've done every day of your life. But today is different. Today I'm here to dress you for your game of ball with all those straight boys. I'm here to get your ready to go out and do some manly things before you come back and then we do some more manly things together.

I ask what are you planning to wear to the game. You take out a worn T-shirt, one with your college mascot on it that you have owned since freshman year. It's your lucky shirt and you love it, even though it is falling to pieces. You also take out your mesh basketball shorts, socks, and a pair of very worn sneakers. That and your basketball.

At this point I expect you to take out a pair of compression shorts or jock straps to hold your junk as you play basketball with your buddies. But of course you don't have any. You're straight, and straight boys only feel comfortable in loose boxers. And that's why I'm here. My fantasy is straight boys.

I push you down on the edge of your bed until you're seated. You thought that this meant we're going to skip the game and you will get that blowjob I promised you on the phone. Nope, I have other plans. I kneel down on the floor by your feet. I give you an intense look into your eyes. You feel embarrassed and nervous, but you wouldn't dare look elsewhere. You return the stare as long as I'm invading your body with my eyes.

You still don't know what is about to happen. You have given all control to me, and I'm in charge, just the way I like it. In the meantime, that snake in your boxers has woken up, and is giving up your secrets how aroused you are by the intrigue. I take your left foot and raise to my knees. I massage it gently and then put your gym socks on for you. I then repeat the same with your right foot. I then massage your calf and work your my past your knees to your thighs. You're pretty sure I'm going to go for the gold and that I will have you dick in my hand in no time. But I stop half way down your thighs. Not now, not quite yet.

I then grab your gym shorts. It has not been washed for probably a year judging by the stench and how crispy it feels in my hands. Of course you haven't washed your gym shorts. What's the point, they're just going to get dirty again. You're straight. You don't have time for silly laundry tasks. I open up the waistline of your shorts and you get the clue that it is time for you to lift both feet and put your short on. You're still intrigued if this is all part of a foreplay, although you and your dick both are kinda getting disappointed that maybe I am really getting you dressed and sending you off to a game of basketball with that raging boner. I plant your feet on the ground and you understand that it is time for you to stand up. Once you're up, I slide your shorts all the way to your wait. Naturally, there is a speed bump on the way up, namely your stiff cock. But I expertly manage the fabric of your gym shorts around it without touching it. And that makes your hard on even stiffer. At this point you just want me to milk your cock already and have it over with.

I then kneel straight up. My face is right above your boner, right near your belly button. I kiss your belly. You jump. You have never been kissed by a man before. Even those two times in the steam room where you got your dick sucked there was no kissing involved. It's one thing for a straight boy to get serviced by a willing gay man, but kissing is a whole other level of gay. You were not ready for this. I sense your hesitation and grab your back so you can't run away. Slowly I rise, kissing you on your belly and then on your chest and the right side of your neck, as I am now fully upright. We are now eye to eye with each other. You're still intrigued what will happen next. You know that I'm in charge, and you won't do anything to dispute my authority. But part of you wishes you had the guts to take over and seal the deal already. We agreed over the phone that you would go to the game and only then I would blow you. But that game could not be any farther on your mind right now. And that boner in your pants is all the proof I need.

You're getting more disappointed as I grab your T shirt and motion for you to raise you hands up so I can put the shirt on you. The shirt comes on, and the bottom end sits right on top of that stiff dick that is trying to poke its way through the boxer shorts and gym shorts. Even though you are really disappointed, that boner will not quit.

I grab your hand and drag you to the kitchen. Without saying a word, I open the fridge door and take out a Gatorade from the top shelf. How did I know you would take a Gatorade to the game with you? How? Because you're straight. That's what straight boys do. I then take you to the living room, and grab your basketball for you. I hand it to your and escort you to the door. As you face outwards from the doorway, I slap you on the ass as all you straight boys do during games, and then whisper softly in your ears: "Go play your game, my prince. Come back to me horny and sweaty." Those are the first words we have spoken since I came to your bedroom and asked what you'll be wearing. I then close the door behind you.

You're getting more convinced that is a very bad idea. You just left a total stranger in your apartment alone. What if he is a psycho? What if he goes through all your stuff and robs you? What if he goes through all your online ID's and steals your identity? You practically don't know anything about me, besides that you feel you left a doting girlfriend back home waiting to pamper you once you get back from the game. You start heading out, but that boner won't go down. You hope it will be cool by the time you reach the park.

No such luck. The boner is alive and well the whole way. Almost like one of those commercials for Viagra where they warn you about boners that don't go away. You arrive at the park, and the thing is still poking out. That's what you get for wearing loose shorts instead of jock straps. Shit out of luck, that boner never did go down the whole game. You try several times to conceal it with your T-shirt, dragging the edge down as far as it goes. But your manhood just does not and could not get concealed. You're sure your buddies saw it a few times, but they have too much of a decency to confront you with it. Maybe they thought those lap dances last night still had you going.

In the meantime, your mind is racing what I am doing in your apartment the whole time. You feel kinda embarrassed leaving me there with all that mess. The laundry, the stench of old socks, the nearly empty fridge, the stash of straight porn mags and videos in your bedside drawer.

After you leave, I casually go through your apartment. It's everything a straight boy's apartment is cracked up to be. Yup, the laundry, the stench of old socks, the nearly empty fridge, the stash of straight porn mags and videos in your bedside drawer. I might be too much of a neat freak. I do your dirty dishes and leave them in the dish rack. Then I go back to your bedroom. Those are the same sheets your mother bought you from IKEA when you went off to college, and you still have them. You don't wash them often. The last time you washed them was when you had this girl over who turned out to be a gusher. As you fucked the shit our of her, gallons of pussy juice just kept pouring all over the sheets and soaked through the mattress. The fluid kept sliding down your thighs all the way down to your knees and up to your belly button. And it was nice lubricant too, and you pounded the shit out of her. However, her personality left much to be desired, and you never called back. You deserve better than her.

I then strip down to my jock straps. I keep those on for now. I slide into your bed. The same sheets you should have washed a while ago. But the sheets smell like you, not soap. They smell manly. They smell like your armpit. Maybe I can even detect a stench of the pussy juice a few weeks ago. I pull the sheets up to my shoulders, clenched in my fists, and roll around a few times. I want to get your smell all over me. This gives me a boner too. To be in your bed, waiting for you to come back all manly and ripe. I stay like this a while, then close my eyes, and take a nap. I've never slept in rougher sheets or more horrible mattress, but I am loving this moment right now. I am waiting for you to come home.

You game if finally over. You're relieved not only that you will be coming home, but that you will not have to conceal that boner from your buddies any more. You dribble your basketball the whole way home. You just don't know what to expect when you arrive. You come upstairs to the door. You're relieved that the door is not wide open and all your stuff has not gone missing. Oddly, you ring the bell to your own door. You don't know what made you do it, but you didn't feel it was right to barge into your own apartment while I was there. I get up from the bed in my jock straps and open the door. There you are, exactly as I had described it in my ad, sweaty and rough, holding your basketball under your right arm. The piercing boner was just icing on the cake.

You just wait there for me to tell you what to do. You actually wait for me to give you a signal it is OK to come into your own apartment. I take your left hand, and bring you in. I close the door. I take you to your living room. You're relieved everything seems to be where it should be.

I stand you in front of your futon. Of course there is a futon and not a proper sofa. You're straight, and sofas are too grown up for you. For the first time you notice what I am wearing. Just a simple white jock strap, with the bulge full of my junk. I don't had a full hard on like you do. Not yet.

I go down to the floor and situate myself in between your legs. I look up at you from that angle. A tower of sweaty man who has volunteered to be my lunch today. I approach your knees with my nose. The aroma confirms your visual cues of sweaty man. I take in a couple of whiffs to satisfy all my senses. I then take out my tongue and lick the inside of your knee. First one side, then the other side. With my arms I grab your calves to spread your legs apart, which you do. You drop your basketball on the futon. This was not part of the script. I give you an angry look, you realize your mistake, and quickly grab the ball again and hold it under your right arm.

I then place my head in between your spread knees. I start licking the inside of your thighs, a little bit on each side, climbing higher as I go from left to right and then again to the left. I reach where your gym shorts are. You straight boys wear your shorts so wide and loose you can fit a whole head between your pants and your pantlegs.

I see your everlasting boner is pointing to the left. That's the leg I'm going for. I put my head inside your pantlegs and continue further north. It's dark and moist in there. And there is the other fabric layer of your boxers, which are completely soaked with sweat. I push the boxers aside using my tongue only. Just then my tongue meets a piece of meat I wasn't expecting to meet so soon. But it seems my straight boy is very well endowed, and his snake is poking its head. In the darkness of your pantlegs, I find that snake and give it another lick. I taste precum. I feel it throb and pump with your pulse. But I'm not ready for my prize yet. I dig further up, behind your dick, toward your balls. I feel hair and sweat. I dig in deeper, as deep as my tongue will go. I find your nuts and lick them. I lick them with my tongue all the way stretched out. I can circle my tongue around both nuts now. I then point my tongue toward your taint. You're not sure where I'm going, but I know and I'm in charge. Finally you get the clue and spread your knees some more to allow me in. Now I can lick the back of your balls into your taint. You never had anyone do this for you. You never felt this tender part of your body being worshipped. I lick and lick and lick. By now you are totally into it, and are allowing me in by further spreading your knees, almost like kneeling. But this closes off your pantlegs and actually cuts off my access. Time for you my boy to take a few layers off.

I come out of your pantlegs, catch my breath, still with your balls sweat on it, and stand up. I use my tongue to lick all around my lips to savor everything that's is on me. This turns you on in a new way. You wonder if the fun is over, or if there is more. Technically, you still haven't had your dick sucked, and that is the main reason I have been in your apartment for the past 2 hours.

I stare you in the eyes. I grab your T-shirt by the collar and the small natural rip in it. With each hand I spread and shred your favorite T-shirt into 2 halves. It comes right off. Fear and terror come to you as you see your favorite T-shirts in 2 pieces on the floor. Then your bottoms. The same fate comes to your gym shorts and your boxer shorts, one at a time. They are ripped to pieces, as I am too assertive now to gently take them off. You're naked now, and I finally have a full view of your naked body and cock. It is everything I dreamed about. And your cock is a full 8 inches of uncut prime beef. Thick with a few veins. Time for me to have my long awaited lunch. I came here to suck your dick, and after a long and intriguing foreplay, the time has come.

But before, yes before, I'm going to fuck with you some more. I grab your dick in my hand and start massaging it as I look with a piercing stare into your eyes. You return the stare and allow me into your soul. No words are exchanged, but we're communicating volumes. You know the best is yet to come, but you're allowing yourself to be at my command. You're such a good boy. All straight boys are.

I roll your dick in my hand, and allow your precum to get all in between my fingers. I then switch hands and bring the precum drenched hand up to my face. I lick the precum off my fingers. I save the last finger for you. I offer it to you. You never tasted your precum. You never even knew it was a thing. Hesitantly, you allow my finger in your mouth and taste my finger and your precum at the same time. You linger a bit longer than I thought with that finger in your mouth. Pretty adventurous for a straight boy.

Now, I gently push you onto your futon and you fall back like a load of prime meat that you are. Even though you are reclined, with only your neck and your head propped up, your cock is so stiff that it is floating straight up. It is pumping with every heartbeat. It is calling my name. I kneel down in between your knees, and proceed to my main course. I grab your balls and squeeze them to pump even more blood into your cook. I slowly approach your lollipop, and start blowing gently on it. I take out my tongue and make circles around your pee hole. I widen those circles until my tongue is digging under your foreskin. I make several more circles and taste the cheesy salty buildup that you are too lazy to clean up. I lick it until the taste is gone and you're all clean. I then look you in the eyes and in one full motion I take the entire 8 inches in my mouth all the way into my throat. You we expecting me to tickle it some more, but the sudden swoosh and gulp sent a chill down your spine. This is the moment you were waiting for. Those two times in the steam room at the gym, when those guys also attacked your dick, you also felt the same chill. Except that each time was interrupted by some other unsuspecting straight boy walking in and ending the party. You never had the chance to seal the deal, although the intrigue of it all made you answer my ad.

I start going up and down on your dick, each motion taking me fully to the base of your dick. You have never had anyone who can take the whole 8 inches in every time without gagging. I squeeze your balls some more to heighten the sensation, as I do my signature move of inhaling all way from my lungs to create a super suction. At times it feels like you might just lose your dick inside my lungs. This, oh this, is exactly what you were waiting for. This is the reason you have had a non-stop boner for the past 3 hours.

I keep worshipping your cock, ever so careful not to make you climax. I then let go of the cock, and move south to your balls. I take both balls in my mouth and apply the same deep suction. I roll the balls in between my tongue and give you a wash and a massage. I then focus on your thighs. I plant my face on where your thighs meet your groin and worship the skin next to your balls. Every new area I explore, I find more salty patches of your sweat from your game. I keep licking the whole groin until there is no salt left.

I keep going south. I now pull your balls up, spread your knees, and look at your taint. I had gone for this area before in the darkness of your pantlegs. But now I see the area in broad daylight. No manscaping whatsoever. Just a patch of hair that trails from your balls to your taint right into your crack toward your asshole. I plant my face here. First, I just inhale. There is the aroma of musk, the kind of stuff they bottle in aphrodisiac potions. I then start licking. I lick and lick and lick till all the taste is gone again.

I now grab the undersurface of your knees and lift your legs all the way up. This gives me full view of your asshole. Again, no manscaping. At this, you start to tremble as I'm holding your knees. You have always seen anal licking in straight porn. Yet with none of your female conquests you ever felt comfortable to approach the subject. The moment has also never been right enough to just go for it. Besides, if you ask girls to give you some assplay, they might they you're gay.

This morning you thought you will be just getting the best blowjob by a gay expert. Never did you imagine that you will also be getting your ass licked. I first give you a solid minute stare into your eyes as I hold your legs up, making sure you fully understand what I am willing to do for you. I then lower my head and plant that exploring tongue of mine right in the center of your hairy asshole. Up you jump, as you never thought it would be this stimulating. Not to embarrass yourself, you come back down and allow me to continue. I make those same circular motion now on your asshole. I go round and round, cleaning all the sweat and musk. Once it is all clean, I come back to the center. I slowly try to push my tongue into your rosebud. It's tight, and you don't know how to respond. You know this is body worship at its best, and you really want to cooperate. But your lack of experience shows. In order to loosen you, I grab your dick and start stroking you again to distract you. Slowly you're able to relax again, and you let me in. I can now get the tip of my tongue in. I look up, and your eyes are rolled up with ecstasy. You're in a different universe of absolute pleasure. Nobody, none of those skanks you ever dated, could ever make you feel this level of pleasure.

I keep tongue fucking you until you have lost your sphincter inhibitions. You're all relaxed now. I now remove my face from there and sit up. You're looking into my eyes looking for clues on what I will do to you next. There are no ropes or handcuffs, but your are my sex slave right now. You will do whatever I make you do.

Your asshole is moist from my saliva. I take my index finger, lick it, and plant it on your asshole. I tickle it in circles. This arouses you again. Those circles become more and more narrow until my finger finds its way inside you. Boy, you sure are a virgin. This is the tightest asshole I have ever seen. But I am on a mission to bring you to a whole other level of pleasure. You figure this is a once in a lifetime experience, and allow my finger in. You never expected assplay, but your are just melting in my expert hands.

The index finger is all the way in. I slowly start to pull out, then in again. In rhythmic motions I am now finger fucking you. You thought you were just getting some ass licking, but my finger there is something you never thought you would allow another man to do to you. But you are in too deep, and besides, you're loving it.

One finger becomes two. Now I'm using two fingers to go in and out of you. That tight virgin asshole is nicely dilated now. You still can't figure out how the rest of our session is going to play out, as you can't even imagine anything beyond this exact moment.

I pull my fingers out, and sit at the base of the futon and stare again into your eyes. For the first time, your eyes want to take in the rest of me. You take in my neck with your eyes, then move down to my built biceps and pecs. You check out my 6 pack I'm been laboring years to achieve. Down below is the plain white jock strap I'm wearing, now with the tip of my stiff cock poking from the side. It never dawned on you that this man who had come to your apartment to suck you off also has a body and a cock. It is the first time you are looking at me as a human being, someone who is more than a mouth on your cock.

As you're staring at my package, contemplating if this is your cue to do something, I pull away the pouch of my jock strap to the side away from where my boner is pointing and expose my entire package to you. My 8 incher pokes straight forward. It is now only a couple of inches from your asshole. You then catch my stare again, piercing into your soul as I have done a few times already. No words, just a piercing state. As we lock stares for what seems like eternity, I slowly nod yes. You're puzzled what's the meaning of my nod. Then you see your legs all up in the air, and my throbbing dick inches away from your asshole and suddenly it strikes you that I plan to fuck you. My nod was your fair warning. Your heart sinks. This is not at all what you've signed up for. You wanted to help me fulfill my fantasy, all the while that you got an expert sucking of your cock. Getting fucked up the ass by a gay guy was a whole different thing.

You're still there with legs up in the air, and my throbbing cock, now with my own precum, only inches away from your asshole. You can't believe what predicament you got yourself into. Of course, you have gone too far to get violent. You have also checked out all your will power to resist a long time ago. Desperate, your eventually frown your eyebrows up in a child-like plea to see if indeed that is what is about to happen. I nod yes again. You take a deep breath, hold it for as long as you can, and then look me straight in the eyes, and nod yes back. You have signed over complete ownership of your body to me, and now that I have kept my end of the promise to give you the most sensuous blowjob, I will have the rest of my prize. See, you thought my fantasy was just to blow a straight guy. When in fact, getting you to the point of no resistance and fucking you in the ass has always been my real fantasy. But I couldn't share that with you last week when we spoke over the phone. You would never go for that. And now, once I have melted away your will power, you're all mine.

I take out the lube that I had brought with me and lube up your hairy asshole real good. Even though I had loosened you up with two fingers, that virgin asshole is still going to be tight. I then lube my dick until extra liquid is dripping on your futon. What the fuck, its not like you straight guys care about stains on your furniture. You actually relive each stain with the story that came with it.

I lean forward, and now my cock is touching your asshole. I know better than to dive right in. I do those circular movements until I make them smaller and tip is jammed right outside your sphincter. I gently push into that virgin hairy asshole. Maybe it's magic, but I could swear that the same suction that I used in my lungs to draw your cock in during your blowjob just pulled my cock all the way into your bowels. I didn't mean to go all in yet, but here we are, at the base of my cock. You balls now are sitting pretty on my pubes. I pull back, but the suction pulls me back in. It becomes a rhythmic motion as my cock tries to escape but your bowels pull me back in.

This assfucking has turned out even better than I had planned. Not only I'm enjoying dominating you, but I'm actually really enjoying your asshole a lot. And you're not squealing like a pig in pain as most virgins do. You're groaning with me in unison, making the whole experience just complete.

For the first time, you take an active role. You grab your dick and start stroking it as I'm enjoying your ass. This is the most ecstasy you have ever experienced. And thanks for making me part of it.

Among your straight buddies, there have always been urban legends about assplay. There are the stories about the occasional skank who will agree to eat your ass out. Then there is the unicorn of all stories: the girl who will massage your prostate with her finger as she blows you and you come in her mouth. But having a dick up the ass is so much more pleasurable than you ever thought. At this moment, at this point in time, you cannot be bothered if it is totally gay. You have never known such sexual pleasure ever before. Entire pleasure zones you never knew existed are on fire right now.

A few more strokes, and you are maxed out. Shots of hot cum shoot far away from your balls and cock all the way up to your neck and face. You have given a few facials to the ladies in your lifetime, but you never thought you would be the subject of one. And none of the other times you jerked off was the stream so powerful to reach all the way to your face. Or maybe that's because you also never had your legs up in the air getting fucked up the ass and having someone else's dick massage your prostate as you come.

This was all the signal I need to burst as well. I pull out, and I try to replicate that same cumshot to cover your neck and your face. Now you are drenched in a mixture of both of out cums. This stuff is gooier and hotter than you ever imagined, not that you really ever imagined having cum on your face.

Instead of collapsing, I let your legs down. I lean over and start licking the mixture of our cums from your face and your neck. I lick it clean and store it all in my mouth. I then lean over and plant my lips on yours. I pierce your lips open with my tongue, and pour that still hot mixture down your throat. You have never kissed a guy before on the lips, let alone tongue wrestle him as a mixture of your cums make your lips stick to each other. I push all the rest of cum in your mouth pull back. I stare at you, and like a good submissive straight boy you know what I want you to do without me having to speak a word. You swallow that hot mixture with one big gulp.

It's time to clean up my straight boy. I pick you up from the futon, and now I see all the other fresh cum stains and lube stains. I take you to the shower and we both step in. I make you stand with your back to me as I pick up the soap and wash your back. I then bend down and wash the back of your thighs and calves. I turn you around as I'm still down there, planning to wash the front of your legs before coming back up. I am almost smacked in the face with a raging hard on, the same one that has not gone down for almost all day now. This time, I'm going to ignore it. I continue washing you up your belly, with that awesome hint of baby fat. I wash your chest, and then proceed to shampoo your hair. All the time you're just standing there like a well-behaved little boy getting a bath from his parents. I'm finished cleaning you. Your boner is still poking me in the groin, as we are standing very close to each other. You lean over and give me a gentle kiss. You know that was not part of the script, part of my script. You're hoping that after all that we just experienced, this moment of non-sexual tenderness is going to be OK with me. After all, you never slept with a girl without first making out with her.

You lips are too voluptuous for me not to reciprocate. I lean in and give you the signal that you did not cross the line. By now my dick is stiff again too and we're having a sword fight down below as we lock lips up above. You raise your hands and cup my head by the ears and really pull my head in as you continue to kiss. Again, you're hoping that this tenderness is OK with me. By now I realize that my straight boy is the loving type. He likes passion and kissing. He loves loving his sexual partner, not just fucking. Truth be told, I have been on a prowl myself and did not see any tender moments in my near future.

We finish kissing and I towel you off. We still both have boners. You turn to me and say: "Is it OK if I fuck you?" You realize that this is off script too. You also realize these are the first words we have spoken since 10:30 when I slapped you on the ass goodbye and sent you off to the game. A lifetime has passed between us, yet only piercing stares and those famous nods are all that we needed to communicate.

My straight boy is giving me such a blushed face as he asked me to bottom for him. He is so sincere and polite. He truly cares how the other side feels. Unlike me, who gained entry into him by means of authority, he is asking me like a little boy asking his mom for a cookie. How can you resist that sincere face and gorgeous smile? Yes, fucking me is off script, my script, but I think that since you asked so politely, I would oblige. I finally nod yes. Again, no words.

I take you to the bedroom this time. I grab the bottle of lube with me on the way in. I lay down on back in your bed, the same bed that has a stench of man sweat and those sheets that are in real bad need of a wash. I grab the lube and get my ass ready for you. Unlike you, my ass is nicely shaven. It is a nice pink rosebud ready for action. You lean forward and follow my lead. You have never done this before. You have never fucked anyone up the ass. You've heard stories, you've seen it in straight porn, but again you never dare ask one of your female conquests. You have too much respect for your conquests.

You lube your dick and approach me. You climb on top and I can feel the tip of your 8 incher touch my hole. Like an amateur, you try to go right in. You meet some resistance and don't understand that you're supposed to negotiate with the sphincter before you're allowed in. My straight boy is so innocent. I nod yes at you to make you understand to persist until you're in. Slowly, you are, all the way in. It is the tightest hole you've ever been in. Much tighter than a pussy. You like it. You wonder how come you've been missing out on this all these years. Today is a whole new day of firsts for you.

You pick up the pace of your dick in and out of me. Years of breeder sex have at least given you a good rhythm. And I love seeing you on top of me as you penetrate me. I've been on such a prowl recently that I had forgotten the joys of bottoming. I like a dick up there, and nice straight boy's dick who actually asked for permission rather than assuming he can do whatever he wants.

Just as the pace was getting to be picking up, and I could slowly reach climax, you pull out. You shyly whisper that you liked it the other way around. I'm puzzled. You lower my knees and legs back to the bed till I'm laying flat. You grab the lube and cover my dick with it, then you lube up your ass. You then straddle me while I'm on my back, and position yourself over my dick. Without any shyness, you grab my dick and point it toward your asshole. You lower yourself and sit on it. You're still dilated from before when you had dick for the first time. My dick goes right in, and I feel that immense suction power into your bowels. You sit all the way down on me, till my dick has disappeared completely into your ass. You then start your motions up and down, milking my dick with every movement. Up and down you bounce, with your erect dick waving at me in circles as you do.

Not a minute later, you shoot your load on my belly and chest without even touching yourself. Again, that's all the excitement I need to shoot as well. Except that this time you are on top of me and I can't pull out to show you my load. I just shoot it inside you. Spurts of hot cum fill up your insides for the first time ever. I suspect that the awesome suction power of your bowels just whisk them all the up inside of you.

It goes without saying that this second half of our session, which is off script, my script, did not last long at all. You initiated it, and like a little horny straight boy losing his virginity you shot your load too soon.

But altogether, that was a more intense session than I ever expected. I came for a blowjob and had designs on fucking you. I never thought I'd fuck you twice and also get fucked myself.

You're still on top of me, and your cum is now starting to run on the sides of my belly and chest all the way to the sheets. I look around for something to wipe myself, and I can't find anything. I grab one of the pillows, and I take the pillowcase off. I wipe myself down till I am dry. Not knowing what to do with the pillowcase, I toss it in the direction of the laundry pile. Sarcastically, I think that this should be a hint for you that it is time to do laundry.

After that, things calm down. It is the middle of the afternoon, and I need a proper shower. However, no self-respecting gay man would ever dream of taking a shower with the products that I saw in your bathroom. Unless you want frizzy hair and ashen skin. Those products would never touch my skin.

I make some small talk as I put my clothes back on. You reciprocate with some small talk, while I can see that you are really nervous about what just happened. You have my number, and I have yours. However, I don't think I would ever see you again. I came to your apartment and I violated you. I invaded your manhood, and I took your cherry. I manipulated you to completely humiliate you into submission. Even though we went slightly off script, my script, I still was the conqueror and you are my trophy. It would never occur to me that a straight boy like you would want to revisit this degree of humiliation ever again.

Next Friday night I have a date with someone my coworkers set me up with. After the first drink it was obvious that he is not my type. However, I kept it polite, and finished our dinner together. At around 10 PM we did kiss-kiss on the cheeks and I went back home all alone.

A little bit after 11 PM, you call. I know it's you from your caller ID. Your voice is trembling on the other side. You sound nervous. At first I am concerned that something is wrong. You tell me that nothing is wrong, but you would really appreciate having my company over tonight if I am free. I know what this is. This is a booty call. You want me to come over and take you back to that level of ecstasy that you had never experienced before. This is not the first time that I am being invited over for a booty call. I know the routine. But this is the first time that is straight boy is actually initiating the booty call. I must've really woken up some hidden feelings in you last weekend.

Around midnight I arrive to your apartment. I knock on the door. You open the door, and you greet me with a raging hard on. No boxers this time. Just a hard on. Your hard-on is beet red. And it's glistening with layers of lube. That poor cock of yours looks like it has been rubbed and rubbed and rubbed all night.

You grab my hand with your lube filled hand, and take me in the direction of your bedroom. As I look at your back, I see that the bottom half of your ass crack is just as red and raw as your dick. Just then we enter your bedroom. You haven't bothered changing the sheets and washing the laundry since I was there last time. That one pillow is still missing the pillowcase that I took off last time.

On the nightstand, there is a large bottle of lube. We're talking party size. It usually takes me at least a half a year to go through such a bottle. This one on your nightstand is already half empty. On your bed, there is at 6-inch dildo, 8-inch dildo, and a large 10-inch dildo with very prominent veins. It just occurs to me that I have entered into your sex frenzy.

It turns out that the satisfaction you got from having my cock up your ass was more intense that you had possibly imagined. The night after we were together last weekend, you tried to jerk yourself off immersing yourself in memories. However, you couldn't come without some anal stimulation. You tried massaging your own asshole with your finger. But it was too dry and you couldn't get it in. The next evening after work you stopped at the local sex novelty store, and you picked up the 6-inch dildo. And some lube. After much difficulty, you were able to get the dildo in. However, all your attempts to finally come still did not work. You were unable to orgasm without something substantial up the ass. The following night after that, you stopped at the same sex shop, and picked up the 8-inch dildo. This time you had an easier time getting it in. However, after two hours of penetration and jerk off, you still could not come. The night after that, you went back a third time to the store, and picked up the 10-inch dildo. You were sure this is all the stimulation that you will need to finally be able to come again. You fell asleep exhausted last night, still unsatisfied.

Today, the whole day was in a haze at work. You couldn't concentrate. You were bursting with anxiety. You were bursting with libido and testosterone. Yet you have not been able to satisfy yourself ever since I left you Sunday afternoon. You got back home, and you have been jerking off and inserting various size dildos up your butt ever since 6 PM. You didn't even stop for dinner. By 11 PM, you finally figured out that you need a real piece of flesh in there to satisfy your urge. All this plastic artificial shit was not going to cut it. Against all your good judgment, you picked up the phone and called the only person in the world that you knew was going to be able to solve your problem. Lucky for you, I was also available.

On the one hand, you are absolutely mortified to let me or anyone else see here in this condition. On the other hand, you know I am the only one in the world right now who can save you from yourself.

Now you walk me to the side of your bed. You are naked with a boner, but I am fully dressed. Maybe I didn't jump into action that same second, because I was taking in this crime scene that I just walked into. You want me naked. You want me now. You have been waiting for this for the longest time, and all these layers of clothes on me are in your way. You grab the top of my T-shirt in order to try to rip it off of me like I did to you last weekend. But my T-shirt has stretch fibers, and it will not rip off. With this, you just get frustrated. You just lose it. What has become of you? What has become of you??? Just a week ago you were a happy go lucky straight boy. Now you are a prisoner of gay lust. You have become so weak that you can't even rip off the T-shirt off of me.

In frustration, you put both palms of your hands on your face and eyes and cover your complete state of defeat and embarrassment. I know you want to cry looking at this pathetic condition you have got yourself into in the past five days. But you are too proud to cry in front of a stranger. Even if that stranger is the only person you can trust right now. I lean forward and grab you in my arms. I let you put your head on my shoulder. I whisper tenderly in your ears: "It will be okay. You will be okay."

As much as I don't want to take advantage of you or the situation at this delicate moment, I know that there is only one thing that is going to satisfy your urges and let you finally calm down. You need my cock. That's why you called me here. And I owe it to you after what I did to you last weekend.

I gently put you down on the bed. I then take off my clothes. I lay down on the bed on my back with my cock exposed and ready. I figured this will give you some control about how you will use my cock to your satisfaction. You don't waste a single moment. Your ass is already pre-lubed for both of us combined. You straddle me, and make my dick disappear and you in one quick motion. Even though you are facing me, you are too embarrassed to look me in the eyes. You start grinding me up-and-down, claiming that elusive prize that you have been deprived of all week. I don't even think it took you 30 seconds to come. This cum that has been building up inside of you for the past five days just oozed out of you in a nonstop stream. I finally see some relief on your face once you finish coming. You are spent at this point. You just collapse on top of my chest, and our two chests are sandwiching that large load of cum that just came out of you. This is not the moment for me to make a fuss about cleanup. I let you put your head back on my shoulders, and your get a chance to finally relax. You dig in your arms behind my neck, and give me a bear hug all the way to my back. I let you have what you need to get through this delicate moment. You deserve it for being such a nice straight boy.

After 10 minutes of this, I figure I should do something with my hands. Maybe gently caress your back as you are hugging me. But this sends you into a panic. You think I am about to push you off and get up and leave. You tighten your bear hug around me, and ask me to not leave you. You ask me to spend the night. I nod yes, and I bring my arms up to complete our hug. Just then you loosen your grip a little and plant a gentle kiss on my shoulder where you head is lying.

We fall asleep in this position. The next morning, we wake up still in the same position around 10 AM. Your cum that had been sandwiched between our chests is now completely dry and crusty. It was kind of humorous when you try to get off of me, but you are stuck. It would make a great joke, but I don't think that you are in the mood.

You thank me for staying the night. You're welcome. You were too fragile for me to leave last night. You take me to the kitchen. You serve me Folgers instant coffee and blueberry Pop Tarts. Typical straight boy breakfast. A far cry from my usual breakfast of organic berries, artisanal Greek yogurt, and homemade cappuccino. But I am going to humor you. You think that actually toasting the Pop Tart and serving it with a square of paper towel as a napkin is very Martha Stewart of you.

We spend the next hour talking to each other. We learn a great deal about each other. Who knew you could have a meaningful conversation over instant coffee and stale, mass-produced tasteless pastry?!? Although you don't repeat yourself, it is very obvious that you are extremely grateful that I came over last night. Not only for my cock, but also for me as a companion. You could not have survived another night alone in that state that you were in.

Your phone dings, and it is your reminder that your basketball game starts in half hour. You tell me that you don't need to go, and that the guys can play without you. I actually encourage you to go. I think the nice fresh change of scenery will do you some good. You need to get out of the apartment for a little while. You've been cooped up here with your sex toys and your bottle of lube for way too long this week. You shyly tell me that you don't want me to leave and go home yet. You try to figure out what I should do. Maybe I can wait around for you in your apartment like I did last weekend. Or maybe I can go for a walk or get an errand done, and we can meet later. Stupidly, or maybe politely, you even offer that I can come to the game with you. You're sure the guys can use an extra body for the game. I remind you that I don't do team sports. I am a proud gay man.

I always had a fantasy of waiting for my sporty straight boy at home as he comes back from a game of ball. It never occurred to me that maybe I can actually go to that game of ball and see him in action. In the game of shirts versus skins played by young straight guys, I will be cheering for team skins.

I actually jump on the opportunity to tag along to the game. Then it suddenly dawns on you how you will explain who I am to the rest of your buddies. They are all used to girlfriends and wives coming to watch the game; there is never another guy on the bleachers cheering on. You just got yourself into a mess of a situation, again, but you are too polite to backtrack now. You just decide to go with the flow, come what may.

We go to the game together, and you introduce me as a new friend. I try my best not to raise any eyebrows. Your friends are very nice. I am very glad that you were team skins, and that your team won. Seeing all those young guys running around and sweating arouses me to a whole new level.

After the game, we pick up sandwiches to bring home. We go back to your apartment. I would never be caught dead eating a sandwich from Subway on a Saturday afternoon. But for you, I will oblige today. The only thing we have at home to wash it down with is more Gatorade. That stuff is just nasty. But then again for you, I will oblige.

I am not sure if you want me to stay just for company, or you want my body as well. Once we finish our sandwiches, I understand that your intentions include the latter. You put your hand on my thighs, and slide it over my jeans to my crotch. That is my cue that you want me to put you back in ecstasy. We walk back to the bedroom. I gently take off your surviving T-shirt with your college mascot, and your bottoms. You gently take off my Prada T-shirt and my designer jeans. We are both horny and ripe. I try my best to gauge my usual level of assertiveness on your mood. You seem to be in a lot better place than you were when I saw you last night. However, you might still be fragile.

Well, today, you are in the mood for kissing. Once again you are on top of me. Our lips are locked, and you are caressing my shoulders and my upper body. Neither one of us has shaven today, and the friction of our one-day-old beards is completely new to you. This freaks you out a little bit. Instead, you go down to my neck. You cover me with gentle kisses as you make your way to my nipples. You have never tasted men's nipples before. You are used to women's tits, and this feels foreign to you as well. However, you appreciate my muscle tone, which is much more firm than the loose sack of liquid of ladies breasts. You work your way down to my abdomen. Much more muscle definition then all the chicks you are used to. However, halfway down my belly, you are encountered a brand-new item. There is an erect dick covering the lower half of my belly. You are not used to anything coming out of the groin area of your sex partners. You are used to having a flat field, until you make it all the way down in between their legs. This time, there is a piece of man meat meeting you halfway. At first, it hits you on your chin as you go down south. You just were not ready for my goods that high up the belly. You're not quite sure what you are supposed to do with it at this point. Do you use your mouth on me, or are you supposed to grab something? I help you with your dilemma. I grab the base of my cock, and point it all the way up in the air. You clearly understand that you are supposed to put your lips on it, and go all the way down. You are a novice, my straight boy. Not even 3 inches down, and you are already gagging. It will take you a long while to learn how to suck cock well. But, you are up for the challenge. Oddly, you've had dick in your ass three times already, but never in your mouth. It feels rubbery at the tip and stiff all along. You're not quite sure if this is what you expected, not that ever in your life you expected to suck dick. At least it doesn't smell like rotten fish, which is what you are used to in your previous sex partners.

Slowly, you are able to cover more of my cock inside your mouth. And then, there is that other surprise. That tangy taste must be my pre-cum inside your mouth. You don't know if you are supposed to swallow it or what. Since you don't want to look any more novice than you are already, you decide it's best to just swallow it. There must be something in that pre-cum liquid, because as more of it goes down your throat, you are able to take more of my cock, and you feel hornier. You don't let go of my cock for at least half hour. Gradually, you are able to get almost 6 inches in. Not bad at all for a first timer. And obviously great effort.

Falling back to your usual manner of being a straight boy, you feel that you need to put your manlihood in your sex partner. I let you fuck me. I go down on all fours, and you grab my ass from behind. You go in and start pumping me like a pro. This part you are an expert at. However, only two minutes later, you stop. You tell me that you enjoy it much more when I'm the one fucking you. Having my meat inside of you just does wonders that can climax you as though you are in heaven. Now I make you go down on all fours, and I grab your ass. I lube up my dick, and gently tease your rosebud. You are tight again. Not loose like last night. I manage my way in, and once again your bowels suck me in one rapid movement. I still can't figure out what it is about your bowels that have such suction power in them. I go slowly at first, and I expertly pick up the pace until I am really giving it to you. By the end of it, I have full 8 inches coming completely in and out of you with every stroke. Just to put you over the edge, I grab the back of your hair, and I pull your head up. This was enough to put both of us into orgasm right away. I shoot my load into you as you shoot your load out onto the sheets. Those sheets should get washed real soon.

The next time we see each other is next Friday night. Instead of a mysterious sex encounter, I insist on a proper dinner date. You come to my neighborhood where all upscale gay men with proper jobs live and hang out. Being seen with me on that date in this neighborhood is freaking you out almost as much as that first time that you understood I will be fucking you with my dick. You are terrorized. Yet I maintain calm with gentle conversation. I reach over the table and hold your hand. At first, you are nervous. But eventually, as you see that everybody else in the restaurant is also doing the same, you relax and reciprocate. We have a lovely dinner together. After dinner, I think it is too early for you to come with me to a gay bar. Baby steps.

We go back this time to my apartment. You see what a real gay man's apartment is supposed to look like. Coordinated furniture, a thought-out decor scheme, and proper towels and sheets. Interesting coffee table books. Real art on the walls.

Inside my bedroom, you admire the organization skills. Also, it is clear that the cleaning lady comes at least once a week. Laying in my bed with your naked body, you appreciate what real sheets are supposed to feel like. You enjoy my bed almost as much as you enjoy me in the bed with you. That night, we make passionate love again. You are much less fragile, and I am able to be assertive with you again. Yet this time, I have much more respect for you. I am not there just to take advantage of you; I am there to pleasure you.

The next morning, we get up for another round of passionate sex. We shower off in my bath with proper products. Your hair has never looked and smelled so good before. We go for a walk in the park in my neighborhood. Most people there are gay. Halfway through our walk, I reach out and grab your hand. At first, you jump. But then again you look at the surroundings, and you are sure that you are in good company. You reach back and grab my hand. We walk the rest of the path hand-in-hand.


That first Sunday morning when I showed up to your apartment was a pivotal moment for both of us. We have been together and inseparable ever since then. We got married last year, in the presence of all of our friends and family. We are in the process of adopting a baby girl. You have become quite a master of the kitchen and the house in the interim. You host some of the best dinner parties of any of our friends. You only buy organic and natural items, and insist on making everything from scratch. Your homemade blueberry pies, which you make from the freshest blueberries from the farmstand, are legendary. A far cry from the toasted blueberry Pop Tarts you served me five years ago. You have mastered manscaping, and you managed to lose that last bit of baby fat. I actually liked that last little bit of fat on you, as it made you so much more boyish and adorable.

You still like to play ball with your buddies on the weekends. Except now you wear designer T-shirts and high-end sneakers. You also like to bring everybody your homemade cupcakes so they can enjoy after the games. One moment you're dunking the ball, and the next moment you're trading quiche recipes with one of the wives. Every time we come back from one of your ball games, I attack your body and lick off every last bit of salt and sweat off of you as I pleasure you over and over. And every single time I count my lucky stars for marrying you and guaranteeing myself a lifetime supply of hunky sweaty manmeat who is also my true soulmate.

In the bedroom, you still like me to be assertive. You like it when I communicate with you in bed through our eyes only. You understand what I want you to do without ever uttering a word. I try to keep things spicy by coming up with new ways to pleasure you. Apparently, neither one of us is into anal beads. Every once in a while, your remote straight boy past takes over and you want to fuck me. I usually oblige and let you have me. Nine times out of 10 you regret it, and we end up switching roles halfway. You can only climax with my dick in you. No other dildo or plastic or beads comes close. You just have to have me in you.

The inspiration for this fictional story started very innocently when I was introduced to a new co-worker. He is the guy with strawberry blonde hair and freckles. He is super nice, super straight, and super sporty. That whole first day I could not take out the image of him with a football or a basketball coming home after a game to get serviced by me. From that image, the rest of the story just wrote itself. You just never know where inspiration will come from. If you have any comments or suggestions, I will be very glad to hear from you at DrThroat@aol.com

Author's confession: After I finished writing this story, I kept reading it over and over again not just because I was proofreading it, but it seems that I actually bonded with the characters as my new best friends. I kept on reading to see what happened next in their love affair, only to discover the whole thing was a figment of my own imagination.

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