Wind Him Up

By sacred cowboy

Published on Apr 25, 2018



Thanks so much for choosing to read one of my crazy ass adventures. Remember, please donate to Nifty, to keep this website free, and fun for all.

Jess Du'Prix, a displaced Southern man, living in the wild lands of California. Works in the medical field, tending those in need by day. By night, a writer of filthy and fun stories. Please check out "Running the Bulls" on Amazon. An original fantasy story with crazy, mystical beasts set in a modern age!

On with the recollection... and THANKS!

Wind Him Up By Jess Du'Prix

"I can't believe you've kept these after all these years." Aiden said to me, as he handed me another one of my journals that he had retrieved from the disintegrating card-board box. "I thought you would have wanted to bury your past... in a deep dark hole." He added. I took the dingy, cloth bound diary, and cracked it open.

"Oh, I dunno. Maybe something in here is worth keeping." I said, and glanced at the badly scrawled hand-writing that I had when I was a younger man.

"What year is that one?" He asked, looking over my shoulder.

"Um, looks like... 1988." I answered.

"You were, what? 21?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. That was one crazy-ass year!" I said with a nervous smile. Aiden had his own, brightly colored past. But lately, he had been focusing on mine. We had been together too many years now, to ever be jealous about what we had done as younger men. Fact was, after one of us would relate an old story about past sexual encounters, we'd be off in the bedroom, having a little fun ourselves. It seemed that a rockingly good orgasm wasn't just for the `boys.' We sat down on the couch, and I began reading it to him. I was amazed at the quality of memories that seemed to flood back into my brain. The scents and feels of a good ole' fashioned Horn Dog Adventure.

I had been living with a room-mate named Chris. He was fresh out of the Navy, and was working in the budding electronics field. His company had been responsible for making the speakers for the latest pop diva, who was constantly on the charts, and constantly on tour. Truth be told, I had a bit of `thing' for my roomie. We were both young. Both horned up beyond words. And we did have a little tryst late one night. But, it had gone no where. Chris was not the kind of guy that wanted a serious relationship that lasted more than a day or so. I thought that I did. And so, I pursued him, pretty hard. In my heart of hearts, I knew it was a lost cause, but I still maintained that little bit of hope.

Chris had gotten a call from a friend of his. Someone who had served on ship with him. Max had issued an invite to his old buddy, to come see him up in Portland. Problem was, Chris's car was down for the count. But, mine was running like top.

"Hey Jess, you feel like taking a trip for a few days?" He kind of cuddled up to me one evening. I just looked at him over the top of my magazine.

"Where?" I asked.

"Portland." He answered.

"That's like, 12 hours of driving away." I answered.

"Yeah, I know. But My really good friend Max just moved there, and really wants... to meet you." He said with a small smile.

"Me? Why?" I asked. Chris just gave me a shrug. "Maybe he's into tall Cajun guys with adorable accents." He answered.

"Chris, you are so full of shit." I said, and went back to my magazine.

"Come on, Jess. I'll pay for the gas, and the food. You just drive, and I swear, you'll have a great time." He said, taking my reading material away from me, and making me look at him. Chris really was a cute guy. Shorter, but well put together. Brown hair and eyes, with a trimmed little Magnum PI mustache. (It was the late 80's after all.). I remembered that I had a few days off, and thought that if push came to shove, I could take a little more time after that.

"Are you sure Max isn't interested in a little cocky fucker, with a strut in his step?" I asked with a grin.

"How RUDE!" He said, but laughed.

"Alright. If this guy wants to meet me, and he's a good friend, I'll drive, but you owe me." I said, and snatched back my magazine. He made an excited sound, and went to get his buddy on the phone.

The next day, we were heading north. I wasn't sure what to make of Portland. After all, it had been years since I had been out of state. But Chris was a giddy little mess. He talked non-stop about how he and Max had shared a little Island guy, when they were in Australia. How they had torn up the streets of Madrid. It was one sexual escapade after another.

Sacrament came and went, and soon enough, we were in Northern California. My legs were really beginning to bug me, so I made us stop for a bite to eat in some little town called Weed. I wish I were making it up. I caught the eye of the burger guy working behind the counter of a fast food restaurant. Chris was going to drive this stretch of the road, so I made him go fill the car up with gas. I met the kid in the bathroom. We slipped into one of the stalls together, and I managed to get his shirt off of him, before he could even latch the door. Good looking guy. Probably just out of high school. He had dark hair, and sleepy eyes. His chest had a spray of hair on him, and when I managed to get his polyester work pants down, I was not disappointed. A good solid 7" on him, with a partial foreskin. Just enough to slide over the head of his prick. I took hold of him in my hand, leaned forward, and kissed him, hard. He smelled of salt and grease, and had a desperate feel about him. He made no attempt to touch my own cock, so I just figured this was going to be a quick hand job in the can. I pushed his pants all the way down, with my boot, and continued to stroke his cock. He thrust into my hand a few more times. I just locked my mouth onto his and continued trying to lick his tonsils.

"Shit, I'm about to cum." He warned. If we were naked, and alone, I would have pointed that cock at my mouth and chest, and let fly with the white gold. But, I still had duds on, and I really didn't need to try to explain to Chris what the mess was all about. I aimed his dick at the far side of the stall, stepped around him, and pressed my jean covered hard cock into his ass. A slow, grind into him was what it took to finish him off, and with my free hand, I cupped his nuts, running my thumb along the underside of his sack. He pumped my fist, and let it fly. I swear to God, the kid must have fired 12 solid blasts all over the painted steel wall. When his shudder seemed to become a little more manageable, I kissed his neck, unlatched the door, and slipped out before the last of the dew fell off his joint. A couple of tugs to my crotch got me fixed up, so that my own Yok wasn't pressed down my left leg. I made sure that my t-shirt covered me, well enough, and stepped out into the parking lot.

Chris gave me the longest look when I climbed into the car.

"Well?" He asked. I just shrugged.

"A gentleman never discusses his conquests." I said, breaking out the southern accent.

"Well, you ain't no Gentleman." He replied, putting the car into gear, and pointing us north.

By the time we got to Portland, it was dark. I had never been there before, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I held a small pen light in my mouth, and poured over the map. I had taken the liberty of highlighting a path on that gigantic folded monster, and it was just a matter of keeping on top of the check points.

We arrived at a fairly new apartment complex. I was reminded of a rabbit hutch, looking at the place. The neighborhood wasn't bad, but the place seemed so... depressed. We found Max's apartment, and Chris knocked on the door. I was giving him this sideways look, as it seemed like the anticipation was about to kill him.

Max opened the door, and what I saw was text-book ordinary. I mean, I don't want to describe someone in such an unflattering way, but this guy could turn his back in a crowd, and just vanish. He was about 5'10" and about 20 pounds over weight. His hair was black; longer than what one would expect from someone in the military. His eyes were some dark brown that defied description. But the look on my room-mate's face told me that he thought Max was Adonis. The two threw their arms around each other, and held onto one another for a very long time. Then, there was the kiss. It wasn't just a make-out kiss. But one that told me that there was a lot of passion that each had felt for one another. When it broke, Max just gave me an up and down look and I suddenly felt like the hired help.

They walked into the tiny apartment, and I followed, with a very bad feeling.

"Max, this is my friend, and room-mate, Jess Du'Prix." Chris said, not taking his eyes off our host.

"Yeah, nice-ta-meet-ya." He said, and gave me the fastest handshake I had ever experienced.

"Hey, you mind if I use your can? I have had to pee since Eugene." I said. Max just pointed to the bathroom, and I darted in.

After a record breaking piss, I washed my face, and my hands, and was about to suggest that we all go out to dinner. I opened the bathroom door, and the two of them were already on Max's bed, dry humping. They at least had their clothing on. I just stood in the doorway for an uncomfortable minute, until I coughed into my fist.

"Oh, Jess. Hey." Chris said from under Max. "Could you, um... like, give us an hour?" He asked.

"Are you fuckin' kidding me?" I asked. "What happened to `Max is just dying to meet you?'" I asked, hotly.

"Yeah, it's really cool to... finally get too..." Max said, quickly. I just held up my hand.

"Tell ya what, dude, I'll give you the whole fucking weekend." I said, and grabbed my jacket. Chris came after me. I walked out to my car, and let myself in.

"Jess, wait!" Chris said, but I gave him a blistering look.

"I should have known better." I said, started the car, and put it into gear.

I was pissed. More so at myself, for thinking that this was anything more than what it was. I was a taxi. Chris obviously had feelings for Max, and vice-versa. I should have just relaxed, and played the whole thing off. But at that moment in time, I felt the fool. Like I had been used. And I had gotten this kind of treatment from someone I had described as my very best friend. They didn't even have the curtesy to... fuck it. Fuck them.

I had no idea where to go. I didn't really have the cash to stay at a hotel. But, I was young. I was resilient. If need be, I would just sleep in the car for a day or so, and then drive back to Max's place to pick up Chris. If he wanted to stay in Portland, that was fine. I would go back to California, find a new place to live, and be done with it.

But, where to go in a strange city? I drove around the districts for the better part of an hour, until I spotted what looked like an adult book store. I parked the car, grabbed my jean jacket, and ventured inside.

There were all kinds of skin books on racks, and guys that looked a little desperate where thumbing through them. A glance in the far side of the large room told me that an arcade was in the back. It probably took tokens or quarters. I really wasn't in the mood for porn. I was so far from horny at the moment that the light from that emotion would have taken 10 years to reach me. I walked over to the guy who was standing behind the elevated counter. He looked at me, and he gave me a slow smile.

"Hi stretch." He said. I just gave him back his grin.

One of my `tells' has always been my accent. When I was a kid, having just moved to California from Louisiana, I got made fun of quite a bit. So, after a few years, I managed to sound just like the other kids around me. Except when I get nervous, drunk, or angry. Then, it comes flying out of my mouth.

"Excuse me, I'm not from around here." I said, and the drawl was damn near overpowering.

"No kidding, sweetheart." He said, leaning on his elbow. "I could listen to you all night." I swear, the man batted his eyes at me.

"Look, I'm trying to find someplace to get a beer, and maybe shoot some pool. You know of a place like that... where... you know... the men hang out?" If he sparkled at me when I walked up, the shine in his eyes seemed to go nova.

"Oh honey, take yourself on over to Stark Street. You'll find what you are looking for over there." He took a business card, and proceeded to draw on the back of it, a little map with some directions. "And I am sure those boys will find what they are looking for, too." He handed me the card, and his fingers lingered on my hand a little longer. He wasn't a bad looking guy, just not really my type. Probably in his early 40's, but it had been a long hard road to there.

"Thank you, kindly." I said, and went to the door. Just before I walked out, I heard him say to himself,

"Lord have Mercy." I grinned as I got in my car.

I believe the place that I parked in front of was a place called "Scandals" or something like that. I managed to get inside without too much fuss and muss. So I went straight over to the bar, and ordered whatever they had on tap. I carried it over to one of the pool tables, and watched a few of the guys as they shot some stick.

There were a few good looking guys there. Some, not so much. But I got big smiles from several of them. I slid out of my jean jacket, and put it on one of the beer boxes that surround the table. After I got a good feel for what the story was, I put my name on the board, and waited my turn. The guy playing was about 30. Sandy brown hair, with a military cut to it. He was also wearing an army jacket. I couldn't get the feel of what his body was like, because he didn't shed that big coat. It was late spring, but I didn't think it was cold enough for something like that. I was fine in my black t-shirt, and 501's. I did pull my own hair back into a ponytail, as it was longer then it had been in a long time, and I secured it with a rubber band.

The guy in charge of the table called out to me.

"Hey, blue eyes. You're up." He said. I quickly found a cue, rolled it on the table to see if it was sound. One of the other guys watching, leaned over to me.

"Honey, ain't nothing in this club is straight." He said, with a wink. I gave him back his wicked smile.

"Well, let's just say I am looking for something with a curve I can take." I said back to him, loud enough for his friends to hear as well. There was some good natured hoots after that.

"Let's make this game interesting." The guy with high and tight said. "Let's play for beer." I just shook my head.

"Naw. I'm just interested in a good game." I said.

"Well, we gotta make it interesting." He replied back to me. "So, let's make it a dollar a ball." I was young, but knew a hustle when I saw it.

"Look man, I don't gamble like that. If you want to make the game interesting, get naked and we'll see how it goes." I said. The `girls' behind me really began to cat call now. The guy got pissed off and threw his stick on the table.

"Fuckin' Queer." He said, and stormed out. I just shrugged. If he would have done anything more, I'd have reminded him that I wasn't in fear of breaking a nail. I'd have cleaned his clock. And then, maybe fucked him afterwards. In a Gay bar, I think I am the only one I knew, who had ever been called that.

An hour went by, and I ran the table a few games. A couple of the on-lookers had remained, and had even gone up against me while playing. On the last game that I was playing, I was two balls away from winning, when one of the guys who had been spectating came up behind me.

"Hey, I think that guy has your jacket." He said into my ear. A quick glance up and I realized that this little shaved head man was pulling my coat over his shoulders. I literally vaulted over the table towards him. Instantly he put up his hands, but not before I grabbed the collar of my coat.

"Oh, sorry! I thought this was mine!" He said, but it was clearly three sizes too big.

"Don't fuck with me, little man! I will break you in half!" I said, giving the collar a good shake. He dropped his arms, slid out of the coat and ran. I had never seen anyone do that before. Just shed a garment like it was a second skin. I was standing there with it in my hands, watching the little dude as he ran for the exit. I just shrugged again, and slid it on myself. He hadn't gotten my keys, or the bundle of cash I kept in the left breast pocket, so I considered myself lucky.

The guy who warned me, was a blond. He was thin, and had very streamline features. Good looking guy.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember your name." I said as I stuck my hand out to him.

"John." He said, and shook my hand. Standing behind him, was a dark haired guy. Quite the looker. He had a neatly trimmed beard, and his eyebrows were dark and prominent. "This is Brad, my... boyfriend." I nodded at him. Brad? His coloring marked him as Persian. But, who was I to say?

"Listen, let me buy you a beer for saving me a weekend without a coat." I asked. He just put up his hands.

"No. Thanks. I think I've had enough." He said. I looked at my watch and saw that it was now a bit passed midnight.

"Do either of you know a good place to eat around here that's still open?" I asked. They looked at each other, and Brad piped up. He did have a bit of an accent, and my suspicions were probably well founded.

"Yes. There is a small diner not far from here, called the Retro. We can take you there if you like?" He said.

"Thank you, I would be much obliged." I said, and followed them out. When we got to the parking lot, I indicated that they should climb in to my car. I realized that I still had Chris's suitcase in the back seat. I was fine with that. Chances were, he would be naked most of the weekend, anyway.

"You are from California?" Brad asked.

"I live there now, but not originally." I answered, starting up the car.

"Texas?" John asked. He was sitting behind me.

"Not quite." I answered.

The diner was a cute little place, right out of a 50's movie. I was delighted that they had grits on the menu. I ordered a double portion, along with sliced tomatoes, and iced tea. The guys didn't eat, and I started to think that they might have been vampires or something. Maybe I was going to be on the menu. I kind of chuckled at that. I was much taller than they were, and really wasn't that worried about winding up sold to a Saudi Prince or something like that.

"Where are you staying?" Brad asked. I finished up my tea, and just chuckled softly.

"I haven't figured that out yet." I answered. "The place that I thought I was going to be in, got crowded, real quickly. So, I may just have to bunk in my car until Sunday night." I answered. I had no intention of telling these two that. But it just kind of fell out of my mouth.

"Stay with us." John said. After a moment or two, I decided to go for broke, and accepted their offer.

I was directed to a nice little condo that overlooked the river. Clearly, an expensive piece of real estate. I wondered who was the owner of the place. It had just the one bedroom, so I just assumed that I would be surfing the couch. The place was small, but extremely well put together. They showed me the bathroom, and I looked longingly at the shower. I had about 500 miles of travel grime on me.

"Towels are in the cabinet." Brad said, as if he could read my mind. I did not let two heart beats go, before I was stripping down.

10 minutes later, I was feeling better then I had in awhile. I folded up my clothing, and wound the big towel around my waist. I stepped out into the main part of the house, and realized that the guys were not in the living room, or the kitchen. I went over to the couch, and discovered that it was bare. No blankets. Nothing. I walked over to the bedroom, and realized the door was slightly ajar. Inside the two were naked, and in a 69 position. John was smooth, with just a bit of hair around his nuts, and under his arms. Brad, on the other hand, was rather furry. His chest, arms and legs were covered in a dark fuzz. It did not deter from the fact that he, and his boyfriend, both had tight little bodies. They must have been runners or something. I was thicker in my build. With a bit of fur across my chest. Chris once told me that I looked like every country boy he had ever seen. And if that was the stereotype, so be it.

I just stood there for a moment, watching. When they saw me, Brad just disengaged from John's cock, and held his hand out to me.

"Don't be shy." He said. I came over, and John pulled the towel off my hips.

"Nice." He said, looking at my cock. They both were about average, but my thick 7" seemed to intrigue them. John was the first to put his mouth on my dick. It was hot, and slick, and felt fantastic. I watched his bee-sting lips slide over my shaft, and felt his tongue working the underside of me. This was going to be a good night after all.

I climbed up on the bed, and John continued to nurse on my prick. I looked over at Brad who gave me the slyest of smiles.

"You like my guys mouth on you?" He asked. I just put my hand behind his neck and pulled him into a kiss. I reached down, and took ahold of his junk, and began to pump his uncut cock. I loved jacking foreskin. It's a whole different game. While Brad fed me his tongue, John kept on working my knob. Brad ran his hands over my back, and cupped my ass cheek, giving it a good feel. I did the same to him, but focused on playing a little more with his hole. He seemed to like that, a lot.

When my cock was good and hard, I decided that I would mix things up a bit. I pulled out of John's vacuuming mouth, and got him to sit in front of me. I realized that my little blond friend needed some attention. I pushed John's back against the mattress, and hoisted his legs up in the air. He let out a little sound of approval, as I positioned myself in front of him. His ass was dry, so I decided to give him a little tongue action first. I dove in. His skin was smooth, and I suspected that he swung bottom, probably exclusively. That fine little ass was shaved so smooth, I felt like I was licking on a perfectly poured plane of glass. As soon as my tongue entered him, he started to buck. Brad was watching me, munch on his boy's butt, and every minute or so, he'd lean in and get a lick himself, and then he'd kiss me.

"You want me to fuck your guys ass?" I asked, almost in a breathless tone.

"Yeah. I do." Brad answered. He grabbed something off the nightstand, and the next thing I knew, he was applying clear gel to his boyfriend's hole. I raised up, and Brad slathered it to my cock as well. Stroking it nice and firmly, making sure I felt every bit of that pleasure.

"Please, Jess. Don't make me beg for it." John said. I gave him a bit of a smirk, put the tip of my cock against him, and then just held it there. He really started to thrash around a bit.

"Brad, give him your dick to suck, keep him occupied, while I play with that little hole of his." I ordered. Brad then straddled his mate's face, with his ass up to me. I couldn't help it, I gave his butt a good smack, and he let out a little yelp. I somehow knew that I was going to be doing a lot of fucking this evening.

I moved forward, just a fraction, watching the lips of his ass part around my cock head. It was a truly filthy sight. But, one that I loved. While he had his mate's cock in his mouth, he was able to still make approving sounds. I entered him, a fraction of an inch at a time, teasing him. Every time he tried to force the issue, to get me to sink up to the hilt in him, I would counter his movement, keeping my prick only partially buried in his ass. I wanted it to be a slow, and steady assault. I wanted him to be aware of every bit of me. To feel what I was going to give him.

When I was convinced that he was about to loose his mind, I finally sank the last bit into his body, and flexed my own cock. He seemed to approve. I was inches away from Brads ass, so I leaned over and bit his cheek. He hissed, and ground his hips into his lovers face.

After a minute or two of the slow grinding I was giving John's ass, Brad disengaged himself, spun around, and then sat on John's face. I guess he wanted to watch more of what was going on.

I slowly ground into the blond's ass, letting him feel every inch of my dick. I would flex it after a few pumps, just to remind him how thick a Cajun's cock could be. He made some muffled sounds against his boys ass, and continued to eat. I reached down, and took John's cock in my hand, giving it a little squeeze at first, then a soft stroke. His body responded accordingly. He pushed his ass up to meet me, which was fine. I continued to play with his dick, and I could feel that he was a lot closer to cumming then I realized. I guess the hedonist in me, wanted to see it. So, I really started sawing into his ass, digging my toes into the mattress, so I could get that last little bit into him. He tried to push my hands away from his cock, but I wouldn't let him. I continued my assault on his sensitive parts. I nodded at Brad, who took hold of John's hands, so I could continue doing to him what I wanted. He bucked under me, fiercely. His body went tight, and I was rewarded by seeing an absolute fountain of cum rushing out of his knob. It hit Brad's face, catching in his light beard. It also got all over Brad's hairy chest, and made him look like someone hand dunked him in icing. John continued to thrash under me, while his orgasm played out.

"Jess, are you close?" Brad asked me. I just shook my head. Maybe if I continued on for a few more minutes, I'd pop my nut into flesh... seeding his guts with my jizz, but not yet. I looked down at Brad's prick, and realized that it was so hard, it was bobbing with each heart beat.

"Looks like you are." I said, and he nodded. Brad lifted off John's face, who was now as red as the tomatoes I ate at dinner. I thrust back into him to the hilt, and pulsed my cock a few times. His arms went around me, and I knew he wasn't interested in letting me up, any time soon. I just pulled out of his backside with a pop. "I think I need something to drink." I said, and fell back on my heels.

"Let me get you... some lemon aid." Brad said, and stepped off the bed. I just kind of sat there, collecting myself. I hadn't cum yet, and was ready to. But I thought it might be fun to do something else, when I eventually got my nut. John was still trying to catch his breath. He rested a hand on my Yok, and squeezed it.

"I want you to cum inside me, Jess." The way he said it, was almost an order. A command. "I want to feel you in me when you shoot." He whispered. There was something odd about this, but I was still ready to go. I looked around the bedroom, and saw various pictures of Brad. Him sitting on a huge red-wood log. Him in front of the Hollywood sign. Those kind of shots. There was one of him with another guy, who had their arms around each other. The stranger in the photo was older, and more rugged looking. I thought it might be an uncle or something. I was about to ask John about it, when Brad came back into the room, with a tumbler filled with my drink.

"Thank you, kindly." I said, taking it from him, and downing about half of it in one gulp. "Oh, man. I think you got some peel in there, it taste bitter." I said.

"Sorry," he answered. "I was trying to hurry." He took the glass, and set it down on the nightstand.

I was beginning to realize how painfully hard my dick was. I mean, if I thought that Brad's was solid, it was a soft serve compared to mine. It stuck straight up to the ceiling, and all the veins were pulsing. I just looked over at Brad for a second, and the next thing I knew, I was on top of him. John's spit-works had pretty much wetted everything down on his back side, which was good. I was still somewhat lubed up, but at that moment, I really didn't care!

I have done my fair share of threesomes, even at that early time of my life. I would try to be respectful of the third person, even when paying attention to the one I was focused on. But, John might as well have been invisible. I mean, I savaged the FUCK out of Brad. I bit his shoulder, and when he winced, I sank my cock into him, to the hilt. He let out a little yelp, and I froze. Despite the raw lust that was coursing through my lower region, I didn't want to harm him. I looked down into his eyes, and he nodded at me. I moved his legs around my hips, and then began to pound him. I don't think I have ever given anyone such a thrashing. But, I couldn't seem to get my dick into him, deep enough. I couldn't fuck him hard enough. And to be fair, he was soaking it up. I must have thrust into his body forty or fifty times, pulling out to the corona of my dick, and then slamming it home.

My heart was thudding in my chest, and at any moment, I expected to see it burst out, and yet, it wouldn't have stopped me. I rose up, took Brad's legs in my hands, and spread them. I began to buck wildly into his body, and then I felt it. The tingle that started at my toes, and raced up me until it settled in my nuts. I literally threw back my head, and howled as I shot my load into his ass. I was so deep into him, that I knew that his body would just accept it, and not a drop would leak out. I continued to short stroke him, and then I realized that John was looking on, with the strangest expression. I leaned back, with my dick still in Brad, and John then climbed up and put his ass over Brad's cock. I watched as the hole I had punished earlier, took his boyfriends piece up in him. I was still semi hard, so I pulled out of Brad, and repositioned my knees so I could get a better view of John as he continued to bob up and down on Brad. It was a fun little sight, but I thought I might like to add to it, myself. I ran my semi hard cock head over John's opening and Brad's balls. The two seemed to welcome that kind of attention, so I continued to tease them both, John must have been primed up again, because soon enough, he let out a strangled little cry, and I watched as his ass spasmed around Brad's joint. When that went off, I managed to reinsert my cock head into Brad's ass, and that was enough to send him over the edge. He fired off a mean load into John. I pulled back, and watched the two as they wound their arms around each other, with kisses, and panting.

I stood up, grabbed the tumbler, and finished off the shitty lemon aid, and went into the bathroom, to wash the cum off my dick.

Back in the living room, I found a blanket in a basket beside the couch. I covered up, and laid down. I glanced out the window and saw that the sun was coming up. I thought for a moment, what Chis and Max were up to. Had they fucked themselves out as well? Was Chris feeling any kind of remorse for his little trick? I decided that I would deal with any strange feelings about the issue, later. I needed to get a little sleep. I'd been up for nearly 24 hours. So, I hunkered down, closed my eyes... and laid there.

Sleep was not coming, any time soon. I wandered around the small living room. I looked at the books on the shelves. I saw some photo albums. I even cracked a couple of those. Pictures of Brad, and the mystery guy. But none of John. I went back to the couch, and was aware that even now, my cock was still semi-hard. I thought about beating my meat, just to knock myself into unconsciousness. But, somehow, I really didn't want to have one of the guys walk in on me when I was wanking my crank.

I covered up, and shut my eyes again. I think I drifted off... because the next thing I knew, I could feel lips on my cock. When I opened my eyes, John was beside the couch, trying to coax my dick into spurting some joy juice into his mouth.

"Hey -" I started to say, but John just put his hand to my lips. He wanted to blow me. I was guessing he wanted an orgasm out of me as well. I just put my hands on his head, and let him have his fun.

The guy had a talent for giving a good hum. I guess I still had some stamina going, because it started to feel really good. I was really get into it. He pulled off my cock, and then climbed on board. He wanted my cum in his ass, and this guy was determined to get it. I just let him do it. He straddled me, hanging one leg over the back of the couch. I had to admire his flexibility. He began to ride me, like he had ridden Brad. And though both of us had pounded him earlier, he was capable of cinching down on me, and made it feel so incredible. I put my hands around his waist, and pulled him into my thrust. He sighed, and his head rolled back. I decided that I would up the game a little. As quickly as I could, I put his back against the couch, and stood on the floor, with my legs as wide as I could spread them. I was still able to thrust, which I began to do. I knew he was well primed, so I didn't ease into him. I just went for it, letting my hips take over. Within minutes, I had worked up a pretty substantial layer of sweat. My hair hung down into my eyes, but I was a man, driven by sheer lust. I wanted to plant my jizz in his ass. I needed to do it. There was nothing that was going to stop me. So, I continued to throw cock into him, and he just pounded his own dick. Soon enough, I tighten up, pressed forward, and shot a second load for the evening, right into his body. As soon as I came, he did as well. But it looked like it was mostly a dry orgasm for him. His face got just as red as before, and he seemed a little starved for oxygen.

"Thank you, Jess." He said. And when I pulled off of him, he stood up, and went into the bedroom. I just shook my head, walked over to the kitchen sink, and cleaned up there, with a handful of paper towels.

I did get an hour or two of shut eye. But soon enough, the guys were up. They asked me to get dressed, as they were going to take me to Saturday Brunch. I hadn't done anything like that before, so I was a little unsure of what I needed to wear. They assured me that jeans and a t-shirt would be fine.

30 minutes later, we were sitting in this crazy little bar. There were a handful of people inside, eating really crummy food out of pans that sat on hot plates. I had a cast iron stomach, so I wasn't that concerned about food poisoning, but I still avoided the eggs, and focused primarily on the sliced fruit and fried potatoes. What was pretty astonishing, is that I wasn't all that hungry.

"What do you want to drink, Jess?" Brad asked me.

"Coffee. Black. Large. Hot." I answered. I was starting to feel the effects of the lack of sleep. And for some reason, I felt like I was nursing a hang over, without the headache. Brad handed me a cup that was filled with the black gold that I needed. A big sip told me that there was more than a healthy shot of whiskey in it. I almost gagged. I looked over at the bartender who just shrugged at me.

When I glanced around the place, I noticed that everything had been painted this obnoxious shade of blue. It all matched. The chairs, the bar-stools, the walls. I just sat there, feeling pretty terrible.

John and Brad greeted this guy who came in. Huge man, with a walrus mustache and mirrored sunglasses. He was about 6'7" and wore beat up leathers. He had a wicked scar that went from the corner of his right eye down into his facial hair. He was introduced to me as Gus. I shook his hand, and he gave me the once over with his eyes. I thought to myself, this was a man who probably played rough. Not my scene. But, there ya go.

The bartender was named Gary, and he was a nice enough sort. He was wearing Spandex bicycle pants, and a string tank top. He had the body to justify the skimpy clothing. While Brad and John were talking to Gus, I leaned over and dumped two thirds of my coffee into his bar sink, and pointed at the simmering coffee pot. He knew what I needed, and topped off my cup.

I went into the head for a well needed pee, and when I came out, the guys were gone. Vanished. I sat back down at the bar.

"Gary, where'd they go?" I asked. He just rolled his eyes.

"They had to... run an errand." He answered.

"Oh?" I asked. He just gave me the saddest look.

"Where you from, Country Boy?" He asked.

"Louisiana, originally." I said, and we got to talking.

I guess an hour had gone by, and the guys still hadn't shown back up. Honestly, I was having a good time, just talking with Gary. He was an artist when he wasn't slinging drinks. And when he found out that I was a young bartender, he pulled me behind the counter. I guess he was also the manger, so my presence there wasn't a big deal to him.

"So, you actually changed your last name after your mom threw you out?" He asked. I nodded at him. I explained that Du'Prix was not the classic way to spell that sir-name. It meant, quite frankly "The Price." It was what I paid when I told my family the truth about my inclinations, and what my honesty had cost me. He just shook his head, and I started in on a pile of rocks glasses and beer mugs that needed to be washed. He brushed up against me, with those damn spandex pants on, and I could feel his package, right through my jeans. I decided to come around him, and when I did, I put my hands around his waist. That boy had an electric ass! It was like two cantaloupes fighting for dominance, when he moved. I went rock hard, almost instantly.

"Holy SHIT! You are hot." I said, and rubbed my cock up against that thin material. He responded by wiggling that fine ass against me. I reached around him, under the tiny red apron he wore, and felt this monster cock of his. I swear to God, it was 9 inches long, and traveled down the leg of his pants. As soon as I felt that prick, I stuck my tongue in his ear.

"Okay, stop, Louisiana." He said, and pushed me away with his butt.

"Oh, hey, look... if I overstepped myself..." I started to say, but he spun around and looked me in the eye.

"Jesus, you're cute." He said, with the cockiest of grins. "That accent is killing me. I'm off in a couple of minutes. Go through that door, and wait for me in the office." He said, and turned back around as someone new walked into the bar. I did as I was told.

The place was marked `private.' I was wondering what he had in mind. I just tuned on the light in the windowless room, and sat down on one of the desk chairs.

About 15 minutes later, Gary came in, with his till. He put it down on top of one of the file cabinets, and locked the door.

"What are you doin,' man?" I asked, watching him untie the apron, and letting it fall. He then peeled off his shirt, and dropped it with the apron. He was a buff little monkey, about 5'10", 165 lbs. He was in his late 30's, and there was a little salt and pepper in his hair. He then slid down those bicycle pants, and that monster prick of his sprang up. It bobbed obscenely in-front of him. "Jesus, man, when it get's hard, do you get... light headed?" I asked. He looked at me funny. "I mean, cause all the blood rushes to your dick." He just laughed.

"You gonna strip, or am I going to do some kind of dance for you?" He asked.

I don't think I have ever shucked my clothing so quickly. I had to get that prick in my mouth, just to see if I could get it down my throat. It was trimmed, like mine, and had some serious girth to it. He leaned up against the desk, while I got down on my knees, and worked his joint.

It really was fun playing with that piece of pipe, but I also wanted to see that ass of his. So, I stood up, and spun him around. When I saw that perfect butt, the heavens opened, and the angels began to sing! It was a true thing of beauty. Smooth. High and tight. And it begged the question.

"Lord have mercy, I hope you like getting fucked." I whispered into his ear. He just let out a soft laugh.

"Usually, when guys see my dick, their legs go up in the air." He said.

"Well, babe, if we had a weekend, we both would fuck each other stupid." I said, and let my one eyed monster touch that wonderful skin. He backed into me.

"Oh, thick boy." He whispered back to me. I just ground into his ass with a slow, and steady grind.

"I've made a few people squeal in my time." He responded by humming out the banjo scene from Deliverance. He disengaged himself, and went over to one of the drawers of the desk. He withdrew a tube.

"You keep lube in your desk?" I ask with a smile. He shrugged. "You, want me to rubber up?" I asked. He came around and looked at me for a long minute, right in the eyes.

"No. I think I want you bare." He answered. He then applied a generous amount to my dick, and then slowly began to back himself onto me, while we were both standing. I pushed his chest against the desk, and slowly inserted my prick into his incredibly hot ass. Oh Lord in Heaven, it was like I had slipped my cock into a moist oven. I slowly pushed into him, and he made a gasping sound. When I went to stop, to ease myself into him, he put a hand on my ass, and guided me home. There was no need to prep this boy for a quick assault. I ran my hands over his cheeks while my dick was inside him, watching the pale flesh as it gobbled up my tan member. It was luscious, and sweet. Hot, and exciting. I was fucking this guy in his office, in the middle of the day. I spread my legs wide, so I could pull him back against me. When I did, I was able to reach around him, and get both my hands on that massive cock of his. He squeezed a bit of lube into my fingers and I applied it, accordingly. He hissed out a couple of breaths, when I began to work both sides of him. Front and back. At that time, it was one of my most favorite things to do: Fuck big-dicked guys!

We were only at it for a few minutes. I was still wanking his joint, when I felt him clamp down on my prick. I realized that he was close. So, I continued to stroke him, fuck him, and then I stuck my tongue back in his ear. I bucked once, and I bit down on his shoulder. He threw a bit of a yelp out, and then I watched as he sprayed jizz all over his blotter. I mean, it flew out, and all over the place. I know he hit the back wall with his seed. That was enough for me... I turned loose of his manhood, dug my fingers into his hips, and shotgunned my own orgasm into his ass. Watching those pretty mounds bounce against my own thighs was enough of a trigger to really get me. But this one, made my eyes roll up in the back of my head.

I slid out of him, and my knees buckled a bit. He turned around, and sat on the edge of the desk.

"Jess, I gotta tell ya, I don't usually do this kind of thing." He said with a smile.

"Says the man with lube in his desk." I teased. He just laughed.

"Would you believe me if I told you it was a very old tube?" I leaned over, and kissed him.

"Yes, I would." I said, and kissed him again."

Gary invited me back to his place, but I couldn't accept. I wanted to get over to Max's, and check on Chris. Just to make sure they were okay. I scribbled my phone number on a card for him, and promised that the next time I got to Portland, I would look him up. While sliding back into my jeans, Gary put his arms around my neck, and looked me in the eyes.

"You watch those two... Brad and John. They can get a little... treacherous." I waited for a little explanation, but none came. I kissed him, and left.

I found Max's apartment again, and knocked on the door. Chris answered, and I thought he might be pissed at me, for taking off like I did. Instead, he threw his arms around me, hugging me hard.

"Oh Jess, I though you might have decided to head back to California." He said. I just patted his back.

"No, I wouldn't do that to you." I said, and handed him his luggage.

"Oh bless you. I am out of underwear!" He said.

"You... wear... underwear?" I asked. He smacked me in the arm. "How ya doing Max?" I asked. He just gave me a good grin. I was about to come into the apartment. "Oh SHIT!" I said. They both gave me a horrified look. I just told them that I had left my jacket at someone's apartment. They both gave me shit-eating grins. "What, you think I'm gonna spend my time in prayer while I'm here?" I asked. Without missing a beat, Chris piped up,

"Well, I know at least you'd be on your knees." I thought Max was gonna fall out. I took down his number, and told them that I would call them in a bit, and headed back over to Brad and John's place.

When I got back to the condo, I knocked on the door, and Brad answered.

"Hey there, Hill Billy." He said with a smile.

"Hey back to ya. I forgot my jacket." I said. He just invited me in.

"Sorry about leaving you with Gary. We had to take care of some... business." He said. John was sitting on the coach, wearing just a pair of shorts.

"Not to worry. We had a nice time." I said, and I guess my smile got the better of me.

"Oh?" John said.

"Yeah. A REAL nice time." I answered. I thought I was gonna just go. Head back over to Max's place. But, the two had other plans.

"We're going dancing tonight. Want to join us?" John asked. I thought about it a moment, and then asked to borrow their phone. I called Max, to see what they were up to for the evening. They said that they were going to grab some dinner, and then take in that new movie about the racing team. I had zero interest in that, so I begged off, letting them know that I would call them, first thing Sunday morning. Max told me `pace yourself.'

Brad made me a drink, a vodka tonic this time, and again, it was pretty nasty. I was beginning to think that their ice machine had gone south. But, it was a free drink.

We decided to grab a bite at the Retro restaurant again. I had a single serving of cheese grits this time, but kind of picked at it. I drank about three quarts of iced tea though. I couldn't seem to get enough liquid in me.

About 11:30, we headed over into this district with a lot of warehouses in it. At first, I got a little concerned. I mean, I thought we were going to a club. But we drove up to this dilapidated building. When we got out, there were all kinds of people milling around the area. We kind of hung out for awhile. I wasn't sure what to make of any of this. I was just some big ole' country fuck, in the big city. I wore different kind of clothes than anyone else. My hair was too long, and I really started to get a little self conscious all over again. Suddenly, I was back in high school...

"Jess, you okay?" John asked. I gave him a half hearted nod. He got up close to me.

"Listen, I don't know if you party or not, but I'd like to give you something that might make you relax a bit." He said in a hushed tone. I just gave him a funny look.

"Like what? You sneak a flask in her or something?" I asked. He just laughed, gently, and then put two small tablets into my hand.

"I wanted to give you a little Ecstasy. Just to kind of, you know, take the edge off."

I had heard of E, but had never tried it. From what I knew, it was a party drug. One that made things somehow better. I decided to throw caution to the wind, and popped the tabs, and swallowed them down.

OH MY GOD! By the time we got to the front door, I was already feeling it. When Brad touched my back, I got goose bumps. When John handed me a glass of punch, it was the best tasting thing I had ever put in my mouth. And then, when the music started up... I went to the dance floor, lost my boots and shirt, and became the dancing monster!

Just after 1 a.m., Brad and John hustled me into the bathroom. It was an older building, but the fixtures had been added, as they were newer. When we got into one of the stalls, there was a fourth guy with us. I don't even remember his name.

"You are so hot." He said, putting his hand on my sweaty chest. Young guy, could have been John's brother, except he was dark haired.

"Yeah, it's pretty humid in there." I said. Brad just laughed.

"No, Jess, he wants to suck your dick." He said.

What the hell? I just popped open the buttons of my 501's, and pushed them down to my knees. My dick was already hard. The new guy knelt down, followed by my two friends. New guy popped my cock in his mouth. But, Brad and John just watched. They didn't flog their own meat. They just ogled my prick as it slid between his lips. It felt amazing. Better than anything I had ever felt before.

New guy was very enthusiastic, but his teeth kept getting in the way. After the third nip, I finally pulled out of his face, and started jacking it in front of him. His mouth opened, and his tongue shot out. He was begging me for my load, with his eyes. I grunted a couple of times, and then let fly with some white rope. It hit his tongue, his nose, his forehead, and his neck. I continued to milk out every drop of it. John and Brad both stood up. I just smiled, and pulled up my jeans. When I went to give the guy a hand up, John stopped me.

"No-no. Don't. He likes it like this. Just walk away." He said. I ran my fingers through my own cum on his forehead, then let him suck on them. I unlatched the door with a chuckle, and stepped out. Second time this weekend, I'd had a sexual encounter in a bathroom stall.

We ended up back at the condo. John and Brad were ready for some more fun with me. I was ready too. Though I had shot a few wads within the last 24 hours, my body seemed to be responding. I accepted another couple of drinks from Brad, with the shitty mix in them, and ended up fucking both of those guys in the living room. I dropped the first load in Brads ass, and then while I was watching Brad fuck John, I got a little more inspiration. John was riding Brad's cock, and I came up behind them and started sliding my dick along side Brads into John's hole. I don't think either of them were ready for this kind of assault, but every one of my inhibitions had fallen into a pile, along side my clothes. I just plugged into John, and rode him with his boyfriend. When Brad pulled out, I would take his place, and vice versa. We did this for several minutes, until John cried out, and I watched his dick empty all over Brads face. I pulled out and shot all over Brad's dick as he continued to plug John. When my seed his Brad's balls, he let loose his orgasm as well.

Oh God, I needed a shower! I staggered into the bathroom, and turned on the water, keenly aware of how sweaty I had gotten over the last few hours. I stood under the spray for a good ten minutes. I could hear the roar of the water in my ears... and I could also hear... voices. I just figured that my two hosts were just conversing. Maybe comparing notes. How often did John get two dicks up his ass? But, I heard a third voice. And this one didn't sound too happy.

I guess I put it together in my head. A little light came on in my brain. The guy in the pictures with Brad... THAT was Brad's boyfriend! After thinking about it for another moment or two, I would guess that Brad was the bottom boy in his current relationship. John was the guy that Brad got to top from time-to-time. The rugged guy was alpha of the group. And if that were the case, I was the one who was the trespasser. I got a little afraid. I shut the water off, and when I did, the voices stopped. I stood in the shower for a few moments, when I heard the bathroom door open.

I was country, and my mom's boyfriend had taught me about defending myself. So, unless the man produced a gun, I was feeling pretty secure. But, who's to say what a jealous man could produce. Would I walk out of this building? Would I be carried out? Would I be lead out in handcuffs? The shower stall was a big area, with a frosted door. I could make out a figure beyond the glass, but no real details. I heard the click of the latch, as the door swung open.

Yep, it was the rugged guy from the photos. He was about my height, but outweighed me by a good solid 20 lbs. Medium brown hair, with a conservative cut. His face was tan, and he spent a lot of time out of doors.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asked, looking me up and down.

"I'm Jess." I answered, and debated about extending my hand to him. I realized that was probably a bad idea.

"Which of those two did you screw?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes at him for a second.

"Both." I answered. He once again gave me the up and down look. He reached over, and turned the water back on.

"Finish your shower. We'll take later." He said, and closed the shower door. I realized that I had suds that were drifting into my eyes, and frantically started trying to rinse off as quickly as possible. I was about to turn the water off, when the shower door opened again. This time, boyfriend was naked, and was climbing in with me!

"What the?" I started to say, but he covered my mouth with his hand.

"Name's Chet." He said, and took his hand off of me. "I let Brad keep his little boy toy on the side. But he went out of bounds with you." He said. He put his big hand on my chest, and shoved me up against the tile wall.

"So, you're gonna teach him a lesson... by having sex with me?" I asked. He gave me a hard smile.

"Something like that." He said, and his big ole mitt grabbed my meat, and gave it a couple of tugs. He got real close to me, looking into my eyes, trying to find something. Trying to seek out something in my soul. I didn't know what to do, so, when all else failed, I kissed him. Hard. He seemed to like that, and returned it, just as roughly. I felt his hands go up my back, and he pressed his hard body against mine. He found my hair, and pulled. I smacked his hand away.

"I ain't tryin to take your man from ya." I said, my Cajun came roaring out of my mouth. "I thought those two were a couple, addin' me, as a way to spice things up." He went to grab my hair again, and I blocked it with forearm. "I ain't yours to abuse, you got it?" I said, hotly. "You want to be with me, you need to understand, I call the shots. You ain't takin' nothin' from me, that I ain't gonna give!"

"Tough little Hill-Billy are you?" He asked.

"There's a reason Yankies stay out of the swamp." I said, inches away from his face. He gave me a very long look. And I'll be damned if it wasn't one of approval. He went back to kissing me, hard. And I returned it. I spun him around, and forced him by his shoulders until he was back against the wall. His hands gripped my ass, as we continued to devour each other. I felt his cock against my belly, and when I looked down, I saw that it was rock hard. When I looked back into his eyes, he'd softened quite a bit.

"I haven't been with anybody but Brad, in the last five years." He said.

"You mean, you haven't fucked his boy?" I asked, sliding down so that I could get a good eye view of his cock.

"Little blond twinks don't really do much for me." He said, running his fingers through my hair. How quickly his tone had shifted. I took hold of the base of his cock, and pointed it at my mouth. It was pretty substantial. 8 inches, but not as thick as mine. He also had a pretty good bit of foreskin on him. Chet. Must have been short for Chester. Not a common name in the US these days. He didn't sound southern, but I could detect accent in him as well.

"Welsh?" I asked, putting his cock into my mouth, and started sucking him, slowly and gently. His hips thrust into me, driving that long dick down my throat.

"I'm impressed." He said, and my suspicions were correct.

I was a little turned on by the situation, and it overpowered my initial fear of an attempted ass-beating. I looked up at him as he stared down at me. He was quite the stud. I could understand what Brad needed. But DAMN, this man was totally hot! The cock in my lips got harder, and harder. I ran my own hands over his ass, and found his hole with my middle finger. I circled his opening, and then started to slowly tap into him. He started to throat fuck me, wildly. My body could handle this, no problem. If this was how he wanted to get his nut, I was totally cool with it. But he stopped himself after a few more moments of pressing his nuts to my chin. He grabbed my wrist, and pulled me up, and gave me the most passionate kiss I think I had ever had. It wasn't just lust filled, but something else was in there as well. He spun me around, and pushed me against the wall, once again. This time, he knelt down, took my ass cheeks in his hands, and spread me wide. His tongue went right up inside me. I jumped, but he held onto my waist, and continued to stick that wicked piece of flesh into me. I pushed back against him, as he continued to lap at my backside. Despite the fact that my cock was pretty battered over the last couple of days, it still rose to the occasion.

A few more minutes of his munching, and I started seeing stars. He stood up, and pressed his cock against my ass. He started grinding into me, rubbing that prick against the cleft of my butt. I grabbed the shampoo bottle, and drizzled it down my back, until I could feel the suds he was generating against the backs of my legs.

"You like that cock, don't you, Cajun boy?" He said. I reached back over my shoulder, and pulled his face into mine for another kiss. When I did this, he actually slipped his cock inside me. I winced a moment, and he was a little surprised. I guess he was prepared to just rub that dick against me until he came. I leaned forward, and nodded at him. He grabbed my hips with those rough hands, and slid all the way in. I gasped, as it was going a little deeper than I expected him to go. But he continued to thrash that hard flesh into my own body. It was really starting to feel amazing. I pulled off of him, and he went to his knees. I faced him, and sat back down onto his cock. He slipped it back into me, and I started riding him like a champion. His prick was starting to get really hard in me, and he was thrusting deep into my ass. I put my arms around his neck, and began feeding him my tongue. When he tasted that part of me, his hips went up, and he growled his orgasm into my mouth. He shot his load deep inside me. I just enjoyed the ride. I reached down, and worked my own prick, to coax one more cum out of my joint. It did not fail me. When I came myself, I was still kissing him, and gave him back what he gave me.

"Oh FUCK, Jess. Now I know why they picked you." He said in a whisper.

"They didn't fuck me." I said. "You're the first one in awhile to get inside my back door." I pulled up off his cock, and was sad to feel it leave my body. I hadn't had a good fuck like that in quite awhile.

"Now, I wish I would have met you, first." I said. He just smiled up at me.

"I wouldn't have done anything with you." He answered, taking my hand, and letting me help him to his feet.

"I hope you don't break it off with Brad." I said. "I don't want to be the reason to bust up a couple."

"If we break up, it's not because of you." He said, and touched my face. "Thank you for reminding me that there are still guys out there that like what I got." I realized in the days to come, that he was of the adage that he was somehow past his prime. But, he was mistaken. He had a lot more fun times ahead of him than he did behind.

We shared one more kiss, and I'll be damned if I wasn't convinced that the chemistry between us wasn't white hot. He put his hand on my chest, and then gave me an odd look.

"Jess, do you party?" He asked, but the expression he had on his face was one of pretty profound concern.

"I drink a bit, and John gave me some Ecstasy earlier. But other then that, no." I answered truthfully. "Why?" I asked.

"Your heart is beating like mad." He answered. I just shrugged at him. He then looked into my eyes. Not into my soul, but at my orbits, like he was looking for something. He took me by the hand, and lead me out of the bathroom.

John and Brad were there. Both were dressed. John even had his coat on. Chet walked over to Brad, and leveled a hard look at him.

"What did you give him?" He asked. There was a quiet heat in his voice.

"... noting." He answered, and he looked like a rat caught in a trap. Chet never took his eyes off of the younger man. I picked up the drink I had earlier, and saw that there was still some left. I started to lift it to my mouth, when Chet snatched it away from me. He looked inside, and then sniffed it. Slowly, he turned back to the dark haired guy.

"You stay at John's tonight." He said, slowly, enunciating every syllable. There was no mistake.

"Jess -" John started, but Chet gave him a look that not only stilled his tongue, but made him move quickly to the door. Brad followed him.

""Look, I'm sorry-" He started to say.

"Just go." Chet almost growled. I wasn't sure what was going on. But inside of a minute, I was standing alone with the lover of a trick I had picked up. I started to feel a bit funny, and so I moved over to the couch. I was about to sit down, when Chet took me by the elbow.

"I think you should come into the bedroom with me, where I can keep an eye on you." He said.

"Keep an eye... what's wrong? You aren't going to, like, bump me off or something?" I asked. He just lead me into the bedroom.

"Jess, how many times did you take a drink from Brad?" He asked. I just shrugged.

"I dunno. Maybe five or six. I think you got a bum ice-maker. Everything taste bitter." He just looked up at the ceiling for a long while.

"He was putting speed into your drinks!" He finally said.

"What do you mean? Like cross-tops or something?" I asked, a little alarmed.

"No, like maybe Crystal Methedrine." He said. "It's usually real good for getting people's clothes off."

"Oh, SHIT!" I said, realizing why he was so quick to give me refreshments. He was dosing me! I got mad. Madder than I had been at Chris and Max. "Those little... bitches!" I said.

"Have you slept at all?" He asked, sitting down with me.

"Maybe an hour." I answered. "Over the last couple of days."

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Horny." I said, with a laugh. "I fucked both of them, and let a guy blow me at the club. And now, all I can think about, is riding your dick again." I said, putting my hand on his back, and running my fingers down his spine. He twitched a little, like a horse would when surprised. I kept up the stroking of my fingers on him.

"If I were to do you right now, I'd not be any better then those two." He said.

Oh, the plight of an honorable man. I thought, with a little laugh. He just looked over his shoulder at me.

"What if I told you, that I wouldn't hold it against you?" I asked. He just laid down beside me. I was able to put my arms around his neck, and I snuggled into his strong embrace. He felt good in my arms. I was able to really get a good look at him. Strong arms, and shoulders. He did a man's job, for sure. Something blue collar. He had ridges on his flat belly. If he wasn't a gym guy, then he had really good genetics. His nose had been broken at least once in his life. He had full lips, and hazel eyes. I ran my thumb over those lips, and he kissed my fingers.

"So, how long is this stuff supposed to last?" I asked. Honestly, I felt like I was in complete control of my facilities. I was tired as fuck! And I wanted a dick up my ass. But, cognitive in the extreme. I thought about state capitals, and my recipe for Étouffée. Everything in my brain seemed to work. I was not impaired at all.

"Chet, I am going back to California soon. I would be honored to share this last night with you." I said. "I am not drunk, or stoned. I have all my wits about me. And it seems like a crying shame to let a man like you go mostly ignored... except for a little balling action in the shower." He gave me the sweetest smile. "Besides, I think you were just tying to prove a point." I reached down, and felt that his cock had risen to the occasion.

"You sure?" He asked.

"I'm not sure if I can cum again. But I would be willing to bet you can." I said, and sat up. He put his hands on my chest. I leaned over him, and extracted the lube from the night stand. He seemed amused that I remembered. I slathered up his joint, and positioned it against my hole. A deep breath, and I slid down on him, until I could feel his thighs against my own. He thrust up into me, gently. Almost, respectfully. He was deep enough with that long cock of his that I felt it brush up against my prostate. I little shudder ran through me. And my poor tortured dick found new life.

I did a little bouncing on his lap, slowly at first, just so I could feel his cock head kissing on that deep button inside me. He ran his hands down my chest, and gripped my own dick in his hands. My flesh was tender, almost raw. But, I was not going to push his hands away. He'd stroke me, and I would sink down on him as far as I could go.

"Jesus, this feels good." I said, and I could feel my heart racing again. I felt his hands go around my waist, and he flipped me backwards, so that he could come down on me with his full weight. My ankles found his hips, and I locked them so that he couldn't pull too far out of me. He lifted up, and for the next ten minutes, gave me a serious of fast and slow strokes. He would penetrate me in just fractions of an inch at a time, then turn the tables on me, and pound away. Over and over he nailed my prostate, and I had to fight to keep from cumming. I wanted this fuck to last me awhile. I wasn't sure when I was going to get something this amazing, again.

"You want me to pull out?" He breathed into my ear.

"Fuck no!" I said, desperately. "I want you to do this to me, like, NINE more times!" I said with a laugh. He kissed me, hard, again. This man knew how to lock lips. And soon enough, his actions got even more intense. He ground into me, screwed up his face, and let fly with another impressive burst of jizz. I swear, I could feel it hitting my button... and I bit his shoulder, and came so hard, I honestly thought I had died a little.

He covered me with his body, and I was content.

He did nail me a couple more times, before I had regained myself. I did sleep in his arms for about an hour. And when the drug seemed to have worked its way out of my system, I was able to look at Chet with a new set of eyes.

He was the kind of guy that I had been looking for. But, he was still tied to Brad. I knew that he loved the little snake. I would have been disappointed if he hadn't. But, he did tell me that it was good that I was not a local. As he just might chuck Brad out the door for me. I did leave my number in his wallet, before I managed to get myself dressed. My shirt and boots were gone, so I had to drive back to Max's place the way I was. It was still early.

"Jesus, Jess. You look terrible." Chris said from the kitchen, when Max let me in the front door.

"I need a little sleep." I said. Max just guided me into his bedroom, and I shucked my clothes right there.

"Jess, your... dick... is bruised." He said, pointing down at me.

"It's been used a lot this weekend." I said, and crawled into the sheets. I swear, I was out before my head hit the pillow.

8 hours later. Chris was waking me up.

"Jess, we gotta go. You sleep in the back seat, and I'll drive." He said. I let him take control of the car, and just did what I was told.

When we got to California, I was awake enough to tell him all the gooey details. He laughed when he should, and was horrified at others. But, it was a weekend excursion to end all. In the months to come, I would meet Gary in San Francisco for Gay Pride.We saw very little of the celebration.

Brad called a couple of times with apologies and invitations. I ignored both. Chet did split up with Brad. He wanted me to move to Portland, but, I opted against it. I wasn't the kind of guy who could be kept. Chet wanted me to move in with him, and go back to school. He'd take care of the bills...I declined, as gently as I could. It kind of pruned that budding relation. So, mentally, I kissed him and wished him well.

Aiden took the journal from my hand.

"You really haven't shown much interest in topping anyone that I know of." He said. I just smiled.

"I was just trying out new things." I said. "Why, you looking to have a little fun sitting in my lap?" I asked. Aiden just gave me a wink, took me by the hand, and lead me to our bedroom.

"Story time is done. Now, let's play some big boy games." He said, and smacked my ass as I started peeling off my shirt.

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