Winging It

By Pee Jay

Published on Nov 29, 2008


"Winging It" -Part II By: Pee Jay

This is purely fiction

A half-hour into the flight, John bid departure good day and tuned the radio to Unicom, 122.8 (for uncontrolled fields). It was the frequency they would monitor for Manchester. General aviation aircraft would be announcing their presence and progress to other aircraft in and around the airport.

He smiled at Adam and stroked his thigh. Adam slipped his hand under John's and squeezed it gently; raising it to his lips, he kissed the back of John's hand and lowered it to his lap.

John returned his attention to the instrument panel and the windshield as he held Adams hand. He couldn't believe that Adam still wanted to be with him. He had placed this inane morality issue between them and Adam respected it; but most important of all, he didn't go away! John couldn't believe how fortunate he was, he felt small and narrow minded. John thought, 'why did I do it'? The answer wasn't readily discernable.


John wanted all of Adam. He wanted Adam any way he could have him. As for Adam, his feelings were even and reciprocal.

John thought of the evening to come; he was going to make love to the person he so deeply cared for. It would be a night to end all nights; one for the books, posterity even! The anticipation was driving him crazy.


John flinched with surprise, "Yeah? Take it easy, okay? It's just the two of us here for Christ sake."

"I had to shout to get your attention. What were you thinking?"

John hesitated for a moment then spoke softly, "I was thinking about you and me. How much you mean to me and how lucky I am to have you." John felt pangs in his chest and a lump in his throat having said it.

Adam couldn't help himself; he was overcome with emotion, "I love you, do you know that? Do you know how good that feels?"

John was moved, he was having trouble concentrating on flying. "Yeah, I do. It feels good" was all John said and his heart pounded with every beat.

After a few moments of silence John said, "You want me to sing for you? I feel like singing" John was trying to make light of his confession, he felt somewhat exposed.

"I think not. That would be too painful, you can't carry a tune to save your arse" Adam laughed.

"Like hell I can't. On a clear day, you can see forever..." Adam cut him off, "Enough Mary Poppins. That's awful; it's torturous, cruel even. It's getting close in here."

"You want to get out?" John said with a grin.

With no quick answer and a smile Adam said, "God you can be a dick sometimes?.

"Don't ya just love it?" John was grinning at his quick wit and Adams loss for words.

"You're giving me a headache" Adam stated matter of factly.

"Oh, here we go. The little lady isn't feeling well. I can see it coming now."

"Just fly the plane dickhead."

John decided to back off for a while; in spite of his good-natured ribbing, Adam was starting to show signs of wear. John wasn't sure if he over-stepped a boundary. He reached for Adams hand and squeezed it. Adam tightened his grip on John's hand; everything was okay.

Adam stared out the side window thinking about what John had said. It was kind of funny in a way but the implication was not. He didn't feel much like a lady, let alone little. Hmm. It surely wasn't like John to make those kinds of comments; was he trying to tell me something? Adam concluded that it was in jest and should be taken as such.

"You okay hon? John wanted to know. He kissed Adams hand and held it to his heart.

"Yeah, I'm good. That little lady comment stung but I'm over it."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it. I obviously didn't think before I spoke. I apologize my alpha and omega" he kissed Adams hand again and held it to his chest.

Adam smiled and winked at John, "No offense intended I'm sure. And what is this alpha and omega thing?" he said shaking his head.

"You're my beginning and end. It's that simple. I didn't begin living until I met you and I'll cease to live when you... Well, you get the picture." "Nice recovery" Adam said and they both chuckled.

"But you have to admit it."

"Admit what?? Adam looked at John. He cursed inwardly; he had the feeling that he had taken the bait again.

"I'm a nice dickhead, huh?"

"I guess so" Adam grabbed John's crotch and gave it a rub and squeeze. "Yeah, nice dickhead" he was grinning.

They were near enough to Manchester to hear other planes in the area over the radio. John banked north so as to enter the Manchester traffic pattern on the downwind leg. The active runway was 18 and the winds were calm. John eased the throttle back and began a cruise descent. A few minutes later John announced their position on the radio. There was a Beech Bonanza attempting to enter the pattern in the same position. John reduced the throttle yielding to the Bonanza, it was bigger and much faster.

Nearing the end of his downwind leg, John announced his base leg and banked right. Another announcement and he turned right for his final approach.

"I'm going to take the first turn off" John said and deployed ten degrees of flaps. The 152 was buoyed up with additional lift so he reduced the throttle some more.

Once again on the glide path he wanted; John deployed another five degrees of flap and cut the throttle.

"You're low and slow" Adam said.

That reminded John of the two most useless things to a pilot; altitude above you and runway behind you. He eased the throttle in.

John began his flare over the chevrons and chopped the power. The plane settled into ground effect and made a perfect touchdown. He 'greased it in' as the expression goes. He looked at Adam who was smiling his with his approval.

True to his statement, John made the first turn off and cleaned her up (retracted the flaps). They taxied to the opposite side of the field where the hangars were.

With the engine off, John tied the plane down while Adam used John's cell phone to call a cab.

"There's a piece of paper with all the phone numbers we need in the side pocket," John told Adam.

"Got it."

"It looks like Jim left us a message," Adam said after he powered-up the phone.

"We can call him while we're waiting for the cab. What time did he call?"

"About twenty minutes ago. Did you set the parking brake?"

"Um no, I'll do it right now."

"Put the sun shield in the front window too."

"Where is it?"

"Inside the door on the tail."

John had to get a hug and a kiss first. He held Adam as best he could; they both had their coats on and it was a tad awkward. John retrieved the sun shield from the tail and went to the cockpit door. It was locked and the keys were in the ignition.

John walked back to Adam, "Hon, I screwed up."

Adam held his finger up and told the dispatcher where they could be picked-up. He said good-bye and closed the phone.

"What's screwed up babe?"

"I locked the keys in the cockpit."

"No biggie. Crawl through the door in the tail and push the panel forward to the cargo area. It's held in place with Velcro. Be careful though, it isn't much sturdier than cardboard."

John opened the door and looked inside. It was going to be a tight squeeze but there was no alternative. When he was inside the door on all fours with his feet dangling out, Adam poked his finger at Johns butt hole. John instinctively jerked up and banged his head on the metal overhead.

"DAMN-IT ADAM" Johns voice echoed in the compartment.

Adam let out a howl and began to laugh hard. His laughter was so strenuous he was staggering as he held his stomach trying not to fall. He eventually doubled over gasping for air between belly laughs. His face was turning red from lack of oxygen. He sat on his bag and continued to laugh as he tried to say something but was unable to form the words. As his breathing became more regular all he could say was 'Oh shit' and it sent him into another round of guffaws.

Adam saw the taxi on the other side of the airport and stood up to wave it over. He was still giggling and drying his eyes on his sleeve.

John climbed out of the cockpit and locked the door. 'Good timing' was all Adam could think. The taxi was almost there.

"The taxi is here" Adam said to John and giggled some more.

"You're one lucky bastard. You know that?"

Adam knew it. He was too weak to defend himself; it would be a while before he could mount any sort of defense.

"All I did was touch it" Adam said and he burst out laughing again.

John couldn't resist the urge to join him. He was so damn cute, and handsome and sexy and all that other stuff too. He didn't have a mean bone in his body and John knew it. 'God help me, I love him to death' was all John could fathom.

"Where to guys?" the driver wanted to know as he threw the bags in the trunk.

"Mountain View Inn, please" John said still prone to a giggle. Adam wore a grin for the ride to the inn. Occasionally, his body would hiccup and a snicker would escape. It wasn't lost on John who smiled at his lover boy.

With key in hand, John unlocked the door and Adam was first to enter the room. He threw his bag on the bed and walked to the far side. The wall was all glass and overlooked the lake, surrounded by snow-capped mountains.

John stood beside him with his arm around Adam and the two took in the view. It was majestic and beautiful. They stood there for a few minutes until John was overcome with feeling. He moved in front of Adam and held him in his arms; he rested his face against Adams neck and shoulder. Adam embraced John and they savored the warmth, smell, and nearness of the other.

They held each other indefinitely, neither one feeling the need to speak. John ran his fingers through Adams hair and loved the softness. Adam lowered his hands to Johns hips and pulled his crotch tight to his own. They felt each other's hardness and held fast.

A minute later Adam asked, "What time are our dinner reservations?"

"Seven-thirty, we could change it if you want. They shouldn't be too busy, it's the off season."

"That's fine. If we decide to go earlier we can wait for a table. Let's change and get going. If we stay here much longer we won't leave at all." "Whatever you want dear heart."

"Oh god, you didn't say that did you?? Adam said as he pulled back smiling.

"Nope" John said as he gave Adam a peck on the mouth. "Let's get going. I forgot the camera."

"I brought it. You left it in my room last weekend" Adam reminded John. "I charged it at work this morning."


They walked the length of Main Street wandering in and out of shops and galleries. John bought a T-shirt for each of them with an area theme on the front. Adam bought himself a baseball cap with a Manchester pic and caption on it.

They saw a store with a rainbow flag out front and decided to go in. Adam asked the good-looking guy behind the counter to take their picture and he was more than happy to oblige. Unknown to John, Adam raised his fingers in rabbit ear fashion behind John's head, which made the clerk chuckle. Adam used the bathroom at the store and John took advantage of his absence to buy Adam a souvenir.

The clerk suggested a fine gold chain necklace saying it would look great on Adam and John quickly concurred. He asked if it was plated although the price seemed to indicate otherwise. The clerk assured him it was not. They did the credit card transaction first and the clerk offered to drop it off at the inn on his way home. John thanked him and pretended to browse around the store.

Adam approached John from behind and kissed his neck saying, "I'm ready babe?. Adam knew that was a hot spot for John.

"Okay, let's go eat" John said. As he followed Adam, he turned to the clerk and mouthed 'thank you' silently. The clerk smiled and nodded. They were a few minutes early but were seated right away. Adam decided on the Steak Au Poivre while John went for the Trout Almondine. Adam didn't care if they had red or white wine so John ordered a bottle of Pouilly Fusse‚; at restaurant prices that was about as high as he wanted to go.

The two talked between bites and exchanged the occasional gaze into each other's eyes. John was looking around the room seemingly distracted; Adam didn't pay it much mind. He thought it was one of John's insecurities or something 'two guys having dinner alone' or whatever.

He did, however, notice that John had nearly drunk the bottle of wine himself. That was very un-John like. Adam realized he still hadn't finished his own first glass. And more evidence that something was amiss; John wasn't eating, he was picking at his food and appeared preoccupied in thought.

"Are you okay babe?"

"Yeah sure, I'm good hon. How's your steak?"

"It's perfect as far as I'm concerned, couldn't be better" Adam gave John a discerning look.

John had a bead of sweat on his brow and felt uncomfortable but couldn't figure out why. Everything was perfect. The lights were low, the mood was right and the company was all he could possibly hope for; exactly what he wanted. 'What's wrong? He wasn't sure, his palms were sweaty and the room was feeling clammy.

"I'm going to the bathroom hon. I'll be back in a minute."

"Are you okay babe?" Adam was worried. He knew something wasn't quite right.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Be right back." John squeezed Adams shoulder as he passed.

John splashed some cold water on his face twice and dried it off. He took a couple of deep breaths and went back to the table. He was in a better frame of mind.

John pushed his plate away and said, "I'm nervous to go back to the room hon" he turned his gaze away from Adam to the fireplace.

Adam was blindsided; he had to think. Where was this coming from? The whole thing was John's idea. Mr. Cool, calm and collected was uptight? It didn't make sense; yet he had just said it. Adam told himself, 'think quick'; how can I help him? Adam decided to end the meal as soon as possible and get John out of there; he was putting too much thought into the situation...again.

"Let's get out of here and walk for a while okay?"

"I'm ready if you are" was all John said.

Adam waived the waiter over and asked for the bill. John slid his wallet to Adam to take care of things. A few minutes later, Adam settled up and they left.

Adam led them to the other side of the street and headed down Main street for the boardwalk. He was intent on easing John's mind; he wanted to be with his boy this night.

They walked on the boardwalk for a distance and Adam placed his arm around John and turned with him so they could observe the lake. Holding Johns hand on the railing Adam said, "Wanna tell me about it?"

"No, not really."

Adam let it slide for a few minutes; he knew this was something they had never discussed. Whatever it is, it must be something of import; what the hell could it be? What didn't he know about John at this point? He thought he knew John as well as anybody. They had done everything in bed short of screwing. Was that it? Cold feet?

"John, whatever it is, it won't go away. Is it something I said or did?" John continued to stare into the night unable to respond.

"John?" Adam paused and stroked Johns back. "C'mon babe, you can tell me."

"I know" John said and cleared his throat.

Adam decided to wait him out and let John proceed at his own pace, when he felt ready.

"Ahem, ahem. There's something I never told you."

Adam was quiet. He put his arm around John?s waist and gave him a squeeze as he watched the puffs of steam escape from John?s mouth and nose. It was cold.

"Just say it babe. Things never are as bad as they seem" Adam tried to sound reassuring and diffuse whatever roadblock John had erected for himself.

"I never told anyone about this. It happened when I was fourteen. I was molested."

John looked like a statue, pale and rigid.

Adam was flabbergasted. He didn't know what to do or say. He knew these kinds of things carried serious repercussions but he didn't have a clue how to handle them. It did explain a lot of John's behavior as to affection. Adam moved his arm around John's shoulder, pulled him in and kissed the side of John's neck then said, "It's going to be okay. C'mon babe, let's go back to the room it's cold out here."

As they walked in the direction of the inn, Adam knew John was in a fragile place and was treading lightly. He didn't want to say anything that might damage or traumatize his babe. He was frustrated and lost as to what he should do.

When they reached the lobby, John told Adam to call the elevator and he would be there in a minute. He went to the front desk and asked for any mail as he presented his room key. The lady retrieved a box and handed it to John, the clerk had gift wrapped it with nice foil paper and a bow. John smiled and put it in his coat pocket.

Inside the room, Adam sat on the bed next to John "I'm not sure what to say babe but this doesn't change how I feel about you" and he took John's hand.

"I'm not sure either" John said and paused. "I feel a lot better now though. I'm glad I told you. I don't have any more secrets to tell" and he smiled at Adam.

"Well there is one more actually." John had that grin on his face again and Adam knew something was coming.

John walked over to his coat and brought it back to the bed. He sat down next to Adam and gave him the gift-wrapped box saying, "I love you."

Adam was caught off guard and looked at John, "What's this for babe? You don't have to do this."

"I know. I wanted to. Open it."

When Adam saw the necklace, he was touched. He put his arms around John and gave him a passionate kiss and hug, "Thank you babe, I love it but you shouldn't have spent the money?.

"Let me put it on you" John took the chain and fastened it on Adam's neck. He moved away for a look.

"It looks good on you. It goes with your hair perfectly." John took Adams hand and brought him to his feet. He admired the male beauty before him then embraced him and spoke softly in his ear, "Now fuck my brains out stud boy. I want you, all night long."

Adam put his hands on John's butt and pulled him in tight. He pressed his erect dick against John and rubbed it in hard, a low audible sigh escaped him. He released John and turned the lights off.

He pulled the bedspread down, lay the sheet and blanket open then took the lube from his bag and placed it on the nightstand.

They watched each other as they undressed in the dimly lit room. John could make out the outline of Adam's soft fine bush around his erect cock. Adam eyed the dimples on John's butt cheeks, his erection hardened. John rolled into bed coming to rest on his back. Adam knelt on the bed and lowered himself on John pressing his lips and crotch against John. John spread his legs and wrapped them around his lover boy while Adam chased Johns tongue in his mouth.

Adam moved his lips to John's neck and began licking and kissing him. John was moaning with lust and pleasure and pulled at the small of Adam's back to bring them closer and tighter together.

John began thrusting his hips into Adam, forcing his hard cock into Adam's stomach. Adam began working his way to John's nipples alternately gnawing and licking them as John squirmed beneath him.

Adam licked the fine dark hairs between Johns' navel and his bush coming to rest on John's cock. He began to lick and kiss John's cock and John stopped him, he was too near orgasm.

John reached to the nightstand for the lube and Adam buried his face in John's armpit; licking and drawing it into his mouth, he savored John's maleness.

John handed the lube to Adam. Adam put some on his finger and spread John's legs noticing the perfect ring of fine hair around his hole. His cock was eager to feel it. Then he lubed his cock, put a finger at John?s hole, and slowly massaged the ring as John began to dilate.

He slid the finger in and pushed gently as John pushed down on the finger. Adam repeated the process with two fingers and John began to move up and down on them. Adam glanced at John and received John's assent.

Adam placed John's legs on his shoulders and moved his throbbing cock against John's hole. He applied steady pressure and John pushed down forcing Adam inside. John let out a half painful, half elated moan and told Adam to keep going.

Adam inched the whole of his hardness all the way up inside John and held it steady as he locked eyes with John. He lowered his lips to John and they tongued each other's mouth.

John said, "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Fuck me Adam" John's insides were twitching as he held Adam in his ass.

Adam began the slow in and out motion and his cock grew harder from the sensation. He started thrusting faster and harder as John rolled his head from side to side in pleasure, moaning.

"Fuck me hard" John said a little too loud and pushed his ass down on Adam as he plowed John's ass.

Adam picked up the pace and force as he moved up and down inside John. He was pounding John?s ass as hard as he could and arching his back with every thrust. John could feel Adam's cock enlarging in him and knew Adam was close. John pulled his ass cheeks apart and Adam drove deeper. Adam began to slow down as the juice inside him began to boil. He gave one last hard, deep stab into John and pumped himself into John moaning with his release.

John arched and shot his load simultaneously having never touched himself. His first load hit the headboard and the next two loads emptied into his face and chest as his head bucked up and down on the pillow.

Adam said, "Oh god babe" and collapsed on John.

John wrapped his arms around Adam and the two lie quietly regaining their breath. Adam was still hard inside John.

"Hon, my ass is a little tender. Can you remove that telephone pole?" and John let a chuckle out.

Adam kissed John and slid his still erect cock out of John. He eased off John and lay on his side facing his lover.

John slid his arm around his boy's neck and pulled him in for a kiss then said, "You're amazing lover boy."

Adam pulled John in for a good hard squeeze and said, "The fact that I love you makes it all the more amazing" and he kissed John.

John pulled the covers over them and they held on to each other for several minutes.

"Does that thing ever go down? Is there an off switch?" John asked and chuckled.

"Not when I'm this close to you."

John reached down and began to jack Adam's cock. Adam was pushing it in and out of John's fist, it was still slick. John stopped and rolled over pressing his ass into Adam's hard cock. He reached around and guided it inside him again. John hardened up in no time.

Adam pulled himself into John and began thrusting into John again, slowly building a steady crescendo. John was stroking his own cock and pushing his ass into Adam as he probed his gut.

As the pace grew faster and harder, each one began to feel the wave of orgasm overtake them. John let another load go into the sheets as Adam began his eruption into John for the second time. They both gasped in primal elation. This time Adam slowly deflated as he held his babe in his arms. John was too exhausted to roll over; they lie there waiting for the flood of sexual stimulation to recede.

After a few minutes, John rolled over to face his lover boy, kissed him and said, "I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything babe. I feel it too" and he gave John a bear hug.

After a few moments of silence John said, "I feel like having a cigarette." "You don't even smoke fuzz nuts" and Adam squeezed John's balls.

"Yeah, but that's what they do in the movies after surreal sexual encounters; and that was surreal at the very least."

"Yeah it was. Let's try to get some sleep, okay?"

"K." They tangled up and drifted off with smiles of satisfaction at a job well done.

The next morning Adam awoke with the sun light in his eyes. He carefully unwrapped himself from John and went for a morning whiz. He ordered breakfast from room service and lie down next to John to watch him sleep. He grew impatient and began to turn in bed hoping the movement would cause John to stir.

It worked. John blinked a few times and opened his eyes. He was startled by the nearness of Adam's face and jerked his head backward.

Adam said, "Geez, I don't look that scary in the morning do I?"

"No hon, I was surprised, that's all" and John kissed Adam on the cheek.

"I ordered breakfast for us from room service."

"Good, I'm starved after last night."


"Yeah" John said as he made his way to the bathroom to relieve himself.

Adam watched his naked lover move as he walked. Those dimples in his firm ass cheeks were a particular turn-on for Adam.

John came back, picked up his briefs and put them on, "What's up?"

"I was wondering about last night" Adam paused. He was unsure how to phrase it. "You were pretty upset for awhile."

John sat in the chair at the desk and looked at his dream-come-true. The gold chain looked perfect against Adams smooth skin and hair color, "I never told anyone about that. It was a little unnerving is all."

"What happened? You don't have to talk about it if you would rather not."

"It's okay, a little embarrassing but I'll tell you. It happened when I was fourteen with another kid from the neighborhood. He was eighteen at the time. I had a teenage crush on him and I'm pretty sure he knew it. Looking back, it was more infatuation than anything.

Anyway, he would go to the woods at the end of our street where he and some of the older kids had a fort. They stole lumber from the new homes under construction in the 'hood for the materials. One day, he was at the fort when I was looking for my friend and asked me inside so I went. Eventually, we felt each other up and dropped our drawers. We were playing with each other's tools when he became overly zealous in his lust.

He pushed me on the floor of the fort and tried to screw me but he couldn't get it in, it was too big. It hurt and I started crying and told him to stop. He continued trying to get it in and I squeezed my ass closed as tight as I could. A couple minutes passed and he shot his wad in my crack.

He told me to get the hell out of there and not tell anyone or he would kick my ass. I went home and managed to quit crying before I got there and never told anyone. Well, that is until last night."

Adam walked over behind John and massaged his shoulders, "Are you okay with it babe?"

"Yeah I think so. I mean, I don't think it was anymore than a good scare. Hell, if he had gone about it differently; I probably would have let him do it" John chuckled.

"The best thing that came out of it was for you."

"How so?"

"I ended up saving it for you! How 'bout them apples? Don't ya just love happy endings?"

John turned as he rose to his feet and hugged Adam. "And it was well worth the wait."

Someone knocked at the door and announced 'room service'. Adam opened the door and stepped aside to allow a very cute guy to wheel a breakfast cart into the room. The guy did a quick assessment of the one bed scenario and the two guys in underwear and grinned. He handed Adam the bill and Adam signed for the meal as he returned it smiling.

They immediately set to devouring the meal. John inhaled his food and began picking at Adam's plate. Adam poked John's hand with his fork and told him to leave his food alone.

"Hon, I'm still starving. That was more like a snack than a meal. I could eat a horse" and he grabbed Adam's crotch.

"Trying to distract me are you? So you can move in on my meal. Won't work."

John sighed and said he was going to take a shower and went to the bathroom. A few minutes later Adam went to join him in the shower. He opened the door and dropped his underwear when it hit him.

"Eeew, it stinks in here! Did someone die?"

"Turn the fan on" John hollered from the tub and laughed.

Adam turned the fan on, scooped up his underwear, and left the bathroom. When John emerged after his routine, Adam took the newspaper and his turn at the three ess's.

After a few quiet minutes with no noise from the bathroom, John decided to startle Adam. He walked up to the closed bathroom door and knocked as loudly as he could. He heard the newspaper 'rattle' and smiled to himself. It worked!


"Oh nothing" John said walking away laughing.

"Asshole" echoed from the bathroom.

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Next: Chapter 3

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