Winter Wonderland

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Nov 6, 2014


Winter Wonderland 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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In retrospect, I have no idea why I was in a room with three naked men I did not know. I did strip naked, but that was more to be polite than with sexual intent. I didn't expect to enjoy myself as much as I did. The men seemed to regard me as a sexual buffet. One man sucked my cock, another rimmed my ass and a third offered me his cock for my oral pleasure.

He was memorably uncut, with extra skin. That was a novelty for me and I explored the skin. I essentially tongue fucked his foreskin until I reached his cock head. I then discovered his cock was like a soda fountain dispensing precum. I knew he had big balls but had no idea that they were as productive as they were.

I had not understood how intoxicating precum was. It may be just me, but I became enveloped in sexual lust. Of course, I had tasted it before, but it had been in drips and dribbles. It flowed from this guy in a continuous stream. I had thought of precum as being messy. It seemed generous now. This man was feeding me his special sex juices. I later found out his name was Seth. The other men were Grayson and Luke.

The other men were busy. I soon felt a cock head at my ass. I did not react and a little later Luke eased it into my ass. He was a huge man, but his cock was long and thin, Seth had a beer can and Grayson was average. Eventually all three men fucked me. I fucked Seth and Luke.

I was back in my room an hour later. It had been pleasurable, intensely pleasurable several times, but it hadn't seemed like sex. I didn't know them and they didn't know me. It was play, low stress play. We were not in love, but we enjoyed each other.

The next day the atmosphere of the place had changed. Edouard de Ville had solved some problems and the dance numbers worked. He had found a way to make the big men look good. They were talented, but they were not ballet dancers. He had found a way for them to be graceful, and several other ways to make the dance comic. They were happy, as was he.

Edouard became cheerful and accommodating. Once he had things right, he did not need to be the Prima Donna. Once the dances were right everything else fell into place. Our early efforts to please him paid off. He actually became a friend with the chef.

My own situation in the hotel changed in some ways. In the past, many of our guests were gay. They were actors, set decorators and similar people, but I had been too old for most of them. Most of them were looking for twenty year olds, not middle-aged men. I was well beyond the bar scene, even if there were bars or nightclubs nearby. These were rare in this area.

This was the first time I had a large number of men my age or older. They weren't all gay, but the 70 to 80% were members of the club. The elves, fairies and Santa's helpers had their own group.

There were no virgins in the dancing bear and lumberjack group. None of them was shy and most had been around the block a few times. None seemed to be uncomfortable with their bodies. They were non-standard bodies, but at one time, they would have been considered handsome, fine figures of a man. They were big and brawny.

I also found out that they were not prone to keep quiet about their sexual partners. They thought I was handsome and willing. I hadn't thought of myself as handsome in years. I hadn't realized how willing I had become.

This puzzled me. I eventually realized that sex with these men was enjoyable and comfortable. It wasn't true love but it was relaxing. While my partners and I felt relaxed, that relaxation did not affect the erections or the orgasms. I had intense, relaxed orgasms. That may be a contradiction of terms, but that is what it felt like. No one worried if your cock was oozing precum or dribbling sperm. Most of the men were happy when they shot off a big load, and they were equally pleased when you did the same.

I saw Ronnie the next evening. "I heard you hit it off with a few of the boys last night," he said. "You like group play?" I assumed he was pissed and I did not know what to say. He must have noticed my confusion.

Ronnie leaned close to me. "I like group play too. I have some pals who would like to meet you," he said. "I told them I had met someone who could take my cock and smile afterwards. That is a rare occurrence," he added. "They would like to watch. Let me warm you. They aren't the watching type. They will want to join in."

"If they are your friends, I would be fine with it," I said. "I had never done group before last night. It wasn't what I expected. I enjoyed it."

"Are you free tonight?" he asked. "I could make a call and see if anyone else is in the mood." I had to deal with a problem in the kitchen, but could be back in a half hour I said. Ronnie said that would be perfect. A minute or so later I regretted my willingness. This was uncharted territory. I had been carried away by temporary lust.

I would seem like an idiot to Ronnie if I failed to show up or begged off. I liked Ronnie, but sex with him had been unbelievably good, too good to pass up. I decided to go through with it

When I returned to the room, I found there was a dwarf, Grady, who was one of Santa's helpers and an elf, a small, slim elegant man named Jules. We talked a little and another man entered the room, Edouard. Of course, I knew he was gay, but I had picked him out as being into the slim, elegant types.

Ronnie was wearing a robe. "We are all here now, let's get naked and get to it!" Ronnie was a natural leader of men. No one needed to be coaxed. Grady was a pint sized, very macho and very hairy man with a bushy, reddish beard. Jules was blond, pale and delicate, and Edouard had a nearly perfect swimmer's body, with a carefully manscaped hairy chest.

Grady was already erect and possessed an impressive man tool. It looked large compared to his body. Edouard had a long, white snake. Jules had a bloated, beer can type organ that looked like it was meant to be dangling from a longshoreman's crotch.

I expected an uncomfortable period before we got into the sex. That did not happen. Everyone was ready, willing and able. No one was shy. I thought sex with a dwarf would be complicated, but Grady must have made a study of it and he had ways to get what he wanted. Unexpectedly, Edouard lost all of his airs and affectations and was a plain old, horny man.

Ronnie knew them individually, but he had never been in a group with them. I had been afraid that this would turn into a gang-bang with me as the main attraction. That didn't happen. The men had never met and Ronnie was the only common link. It seemed to me that the men wanted to sample all the goodies.

"Are there any bottoms in the room other than David?" Edouard asked. "I hope I haven't offended you David, but Ronnie told me of your interests, I am afraid I am all top."

"I swing both ways," Grady replied. He took a long look at Edouard's organ. "Thick is a problem for me. Long definitely is not a problem."

I got on the bed. Grady climbed up and sucked me, but he had his ass in the air. He had tucked his small legs under him and his ass was wide open. He had no problem swallowing most of my cock and his bushy beard provided a cushion for my balls. He had no problem breathing as he sucked and he swallowed several times. My cock loved that.

Edouard lubricated his man tool and took up position at Grady's ass. He seemed to probe gently Grady's hole. He was testing the water. Ronnie moaned.

I looked over and saw that his entire cock had vanished into Jules' mouth. His nose filtered air though Ronnie's bush. Jules must have possessed a detachable jaw. He took the whole thing.

Grady pulled away with only my cock head in his mouth. He eyes glazed over and crossed. Edouard's cock was deep in his body.

"Damn, this is good!" Edouard cried. After a few seconds, Grady began to nurse my knob as Edouard made deep strokes, each stroke penetrating deeper in the dwarf's body. Everyone was happy. Sex follows a fixed path ending in a climax. Good sex usually reaches the climax quickly.

"Why don't we all break up and find a new partner?" Ronnie asked. "I'd like to make this last longer."

"Like musical chairs?" Edouard suggested. We all rotated.

Jules came over to me. "Ronnie suggested I open you up a bit," he said. "Are you game?" I nodded. He had a bulbous cock shaped a bit like a Zeppelin. It looked huge in comparison to his spare and elegant body. It wasn't as large as Ronnie's member, but it was still impressive.

Grady relocated so I could suck him as Jules eased his cock into me. It was thickest in the middle and then tapered as it approached his bush. It came close to hurting at the thickest point, but was comfortable when fully lodged. Edouard was with Ronnie and they seemed to be having a hot, make out session.

Jules did not fuck; he undulated. I squirmed quite a bit rubbing his cock against my prostate. That felt good. His thick tube was in constant contact with my prostate. It rubbed it the right way. It was erotic, but not so exciting to make me shoot off. He was still for a little while and I felt his cock pulsing in my ass. He pulled out and Ronnie's cock touched my hole a second after Jules moved out of the way. I was not excited about having the men watch me as Ronnie plowed me, but I did not have much time to worry about it. He was at my ass and a second later, he was in me.

From then on, I was out of it. The intense feelings made it impossible to get a grip on what was happening. I heard Ronnie say that he loved natural lube as his cock encountered Jules' sperm. Edouard was impressed by my anus' resilience.

I sensed that Ronnie was building up to a climax. He pulled out for a second or two. I felt semen splattering on my hole, and then he shoved it in deep. When he pulled out, I felt empty. Grady licked my hole and he seemed to like the splattered cum that surrounded it. The party was over and I was exhausted. I returned to my suite.

Five minutes later, there was a quiet rapping at the door. I looked out the peephole and there was no one there. The rapping continued. I opened the door and found Grady. "You didn't shoot off," he said. "I came here to take your cream. Do you want me to take it in my mouth or ass?"

"You take requests?" I asked. He laughed and said he liked it all. He began sucking. I wanted to suck him too and we got in the sixty-nine position. He liked that, as did I.

"I'm getting close," he said. "Do you have a problem taking dwarf cum?"

"I doubt it, but I know I don't have any problem taking yours," I said. Warm and creamy sperm flooded my mouth. I began to shoot. He pulled back so he could taste my sperm. We calmed down and ate up the later ejaculations and drool. I fell asleep and when I woke, Grady's cock was still in my ass, slowly pulsing.

"How long have you been doing that?" I asked.

"About a half hour," he relied. "You were nice and open. I hope you didn't mind."

"It's real nice, but I have to get to work." I said. He pulled out. We showered together and I went to work. It was a quiet morning with no overnight disasters to deal with. The rehearsals were intense, since it was all singing and dancing, but the men were in a good mood. The costume makers and set painters were increasingly busy. Everything took longer than was scheduled.

We catered everything. We always provided lunches, but we were now doing dinner too. We now had the stagehands, musicians, set people and the costumers to feed. We provided a snack at 10:00 at night. The dress rehearsal was coming up and some of the staff that would normally go home at night stayed at the hotel. Some lived an hour or more away and an accident on the interstate could delay them.

We were short on rooms, so we put some up in the old athletic club. When the hotel was new, a posh athletic facility was stylish. We closed it when the park acquired the building. It had always been a good marketing tool, but a bad moneymaker. We put cots in the exercise area and opened up the shower and steam rooms. These were popular because when you are putting in long hours, a shower is refreshing in addition to being hygienic.

It was no surprise that the showers tended to attract gay men. Most men in the group were live and let live types. It is hard to be anti-gay in a theater troupe. Those who aren't gay usually don't mind a little tension relief, and don't object to watching.

We had a little screw-up in the executive suite arrangements. Edouard had decided to stay for the opening. He had become quite excited by the potential of the show. We had a major critic coming to look it over. Edouard had told him it was worth seeing. Edouard said he was a flaming faggot and would not like the Country Club atmosphere preferred by the Park's bigwigs.

I gave him my suite and joined the men in the athletic club. I was on a cot in the former club director's office. It was not posh. The staff moved me out and spiffed up the suite with flowers for the critic. It would only be for three days.

The critic's arrival excited the actors and the rest of the staff. A chance for anyone in regional theater to be seen by a new critic was a rarity. The critic, Roland Montjoy, was important, influential and everything Edouard said he would be. He made the Virgin Mary seem like an action movie star. He arrived with a man named Maury Grossbaum, a Broadway producer. He sounded and looked a bit like Max Bialystock from the movie, but he was the real thing.

Roland and Edouard went off to rehearsals. Maury was tired and went to the suite to rest. The kitchen and wait staff were working at full blast, and I had called in extra maids and janitorial staff to keep up. When the crew comes in from a hard day having everything spic and span is good. It was especially good for me since the President of the company came by and he was pleased. He also noted I had given up my room for a guest. That was what he liked in his management team.

Everything calmed down at five when we sent catering trucks off to the theater with all the staff needed to serve it. Maury came down looking for something to eat. The dining room was all but closed, but the chef was still there and he cooked something for Maury.

Maury loved it. He was going to the theater at eight, so he had some time to kill. I showed him around. It was a much different situation than he encountered in New York and he was interested. We visited the athletic club, which looked like a barracks for World War II with all the cots.

"Is the steam room working?" he asked. "I'm stiff." I said it was.

"Why don't you join me? You look like you could use some relaxation," he said. Maury was one of those men who used a question as an order. I said some time in the steam room might be nice.

I cranked up the steam; we stripped and went in the room. The hotel had oversized towels available, but once we were in the room, Maury took it off and sat it next to him. In his business clothes, Maury seemed like a dumpy, overweight man. He was hairy like a gorilla, but he must have worked out. He was shaped like a brick and had no neck, but that was just the way he was built. He had cock hidden in his hairy crotch, but I could only see his pink cock head.

"What's it like working with actors all the time?" he asked. "I would think it would drive you crazy."

"Most of the time it's more like working with kids at a summer camp. This show has older actors and it is more sedate," I said. "We seem to have fewer prima donnas than usual."

"Is there lots of sex going on every night here? Are most of the guys gay?" he asked.

"We don't ask and we don't tell," I said. "Gay men don't get pregnant, and our dancing bears and lumberjacks seem to be more emotionally stable than the twenty year olds. As long as no one is fornicating in the main lobby, I am happy."

"How about fornicating in the steam room?" he asked. He was fondling his balls.

"I was under the impression that was all but required," I said.

Maury laughed. "If I told you I am a happily married man who likes a little fun on the side, would you be shocked?" he asked. He looked at my crotch. "Looking at you, it wouldn't be a little fun at all. You are well equipped."

Two men came in the room. I recognized them as construction workers who were building the sets. They went to the other side of the steam-filled room. They sat next to their towels and talked quietly. One of them began stroking.

"You have a nice looking tool there," Maury said.

"We all work with whatever is available," the man said. "If it bothers you, just let me know."

"There is no problem at all," Maury replied. "I'd like to see more."

"This is all I've got," the construction worker said.

"I'd like to see the white, creamy stuff you have stored in your balls," Maury added.

The man laughed. "That is not a problem, but it tastes better than it looks," he said. "Would you like to trade, yours for mine?"

"Mine is kosher, is that a problem?"

"I doubt it. My pal here has his meat complete with its wrapper. Dickey has extra skin. I'm Scooter, by the way."

"I'm Maury," he said as he got up and went over to the two men.

"Damn, you're a hairy one," Scooter said. "I can suck cock and floss at the same time."

Dickey and Scooter were impressively redneck, and very gay and into sex. At the hotel surrounded by actors, dancers and artists, it was easy to forget that gay men were in all occupations, not just the arts. We played around in the steam room, and Maury asked us back to his suite for some more intense play.

Scooter was a top and he enjoyed Maury's ass. Dickey like to be sucked. The skin was an adventure. I seemed to be getting really interested in foreskin. Eventually he fucked me. His cock was thin, long and hard. The foreskin made it feel as if it was cushioned. My sphincter grabbed the skin, and held it tight, but the cock pounded away.

I was learning more about cocks than I ever thought I would. I had not exactly been a monk, but the last weeks had doubled the number of men I had been with. I should have felt slutty or trashy. I felt relaxed and comfortable.

Next: Chapter 3

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