Winter Wonderland

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Dec 16, 2014


Winter Wonderland 4

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The show was doing well, and I had the hotel working at peak efficiency. We paid the staff double time for work after 9:00. The kitchen and service staff were usually done by 9:00. Since they were now working from 9:00 to 2:00 in the morning, we paid extra. The staff appreciated some extra cash at Christmas.

There was a scandal of sorts associated with the show. A sleaze ball promoter had a "charitable" campaign to send poor kids and families to the show; this was a scam. The promoter did buy 1,000 tickets for the show at a discount. That cost $30,000.00. He had raised $1,400,000.00 by the time the Park discovered what they were doing and shut them down. He tried to claim that they had administrative costs of $1,370,000.00 on the $30,000.00 project. The Park had good lawyers. The promoter returned the money to the donors as an alternative to arrest. The police put them they were on a special watch list and this list was widely distributed.

This generated some good publicity. The Park arranged to send groups of actors with Santa to visit hospitals and homes for the elderly. They would do a number from the show and give away presents. They were paid to do this, but the actors offered to give their pay to the institutions they visited. This nice gesture again generated additional favorable publicity.

Our kitchens were working on Santa cookies and cupcakes to go with Santa on his visits. Our staff had a good time with this, especially the bakers who had a chance to display their skills. They also dealt with special dietary requirements, and produced cookies for Jewish and Islamic patients.

I was shocked when this caused a mini-scandal. We were being generous and nice and we were being attack by a local Bible Thumper. He broadcast a show condemning us for pandering to non-Christians. It was part of the "war on Christmas" shit.

Ronnie has suggested that we shove a Christmas tree up the broadcaster's ass. There was a ribald discussion as to what sort of a tree, with a Giant Redwood as the preferred choice. I was partial to the Scotch pine since it had the sharpest needles.

A local television reporter interviewed Ronnie in his Santa role. Ronnie is good, intelligent and articulate man. He said that Santa loved all children whether they believed in him or not. If he could bring a little happiness and joy to a sick or needy child, he would do it. He ended by saying "God is love and he loves everyone. I just follow his lead." When asked about the broadcaster directly, Ronnie did a subtle "more to be pities than censured" routine that was entirely convincing. He did not mention the Giant Redwood.

That interview made national news. The Park administrators did nothing to capitalize on it. A reporter asked the park P.R. person if they supported Ronnie's statement. "How can you criticize Santa?" she answered. Sometimes letting nature take its course is the best policy.

Given the work level of the show's crew and the hotel staff, the attitude was good and almost festive. The audiences were responsive and enthusiastic. A good, well received performance every night is a great morale booster. Our food was good and the actors were appreciative of that too. We are not a four star hotel, but we kept everyone happy and satisfied. The relaxed atmosphere and openness of the hotel helped.

The guests were good about entertaining themselves too. They included me in their entertainment. To say my experience with the guests was rich and varied understates the case. This was true on both the personal and sexual level. Woody liked me and came to see me regularly. He wanted to play and he hinted he had some pals who wanted to play. I asked if they were dwarfs.

"Well, they aren't that tall," he said. "I told them you are real nice and that you let me fuck you. My pals are nice people and were interested. We tend to attract tops who want some variety. My friends like to top too." I said I would think about it. When we were sexually engaged, Woody was a man, not a dwarf. I did not have a fetish for dwarfs and I did not feel any particular attraction for them.

I laughed at myself. While I was not particularly attracted to dwarfs, I did seem to feel an attraction to anyone who had a cock. I did not feel a need to have sex with every cock-endowed person, but if the opportunity arose, I was tempted.

Woody appeared the next night with three pals, BJ, Johnnie and Wally. BJ and Johnnie were dwarfs. Wally was a small, thin, delicate dancer, who was one of the star elves. He was perfectly proportioned and elegant. The dwarfs had what I considered as normal dwarf bodies; they were bearded and macho like Woody. Wally was beautiful and looked breakable.

We talked a little while when Woody took me aside and asked me if I could help them out. I have been in the hotel business a long time. It was hard for me to reject a request from a guest.

"That is fine with me," I said.

"Boys, it is play time!" Woody announced. We all stripped and the small men mobbed me. I like to think I am a good judge of gay men, but Wally was the first to be naked and the first to suck my cock. I had assumed he was the shy type. Technically, I think he was what is called horny as hell. BJ was uncut and when I sucked him, I tasted a double dose of his sex juices stored in his foreskin. He had been excited and oozing. I seem to lose my inhibitions when I tasted his precum. The men were not virgins and they noticed my excitement.

Adding to my excitement was the discovery that the men were not small everywhere, and they were genuinely enthusiastic. BJ was the first to fuck me and it was good. Wally was next and his cock seemed to be bigger than it looked. He was a forceful fucker, but since B. J. had left a deposit in my ass, it was not a problem at all. Delicate Wally had no problem with sloppy seconds.

The men soon realized I enjoyed being fucked. They relaxed and became more uninhibited. I think we all went places we did not expect to visit. Unexpectedly, they were both sex-crazed, polite and considerate. The sex was good and they wanted it to last. They did not want to wear me out.

Johnnie had a short cock with an oversized head. It was intensely pleasurable. His head was in deep enough to touch my prostate and he massaged my little gland with each thrust. This almost drove me crazy.

A little later, BJ sat on my cock, facing away from me. Woody was in my ass and the two small men made out like teenagers. I was sucking Wally and Johnnie. I had both of their knobs in my mouth as they kissed. All four of them traded sperm.

I had not shot off yet. That worried BJ who thought it was not fair. After they recovered from their last orgasm, they competed for my cock and cum. Wally got it. Once he had it, he was willing to share. BJ rimmed my ass and licked up any semen that drooled from my well used opening. We were all happy campers. They went to their room and I fell asleep. It was a good experience for all of us.

In general, no one spent the entire night. The show was physically demanding and they needed rest and sleep. Orgasms functioned as a sleeping pill for them.

The next morning we had a major incident; one of the bears had a heart attack. Luckily, it was in the lobby after breakfast. The head porter was trained in CPR and the desk staff called the rescue squad. The head porter recognized it as a potential heart attack and the Cardio rescue squad arrived in ten minutes. A major hospital was only twenty minutes away.

The man, Julian Rogers, had his contact and next of kin information on file. Corporate asked me to call them. I had witnessed the incident and could tell them more. I called a brother, and got his wife. She did not seem to be interested. I also called a friend of his in New York; he was not home, but I left a message.

An hour later, I had a call from Julian's nephew. I told him what I knew. He was concerned and I gave him the hospital's number. Julian's brother had suffered a heart attack a year earlier and had not yet fully recovered, so the nephew was knowledgeable. His Aunt was still shell shocked form that. I told him that if he or his family wanted to visit, there was a free room at the hotel.

The show went on, as one would expect. I called the hospital about his condition. After some complications with getting information, I reached a sensible nurse. While I was not family, he had many friends in the cast. By giving me an update, I could keep them aware and reduce the number of calls to the hospital. I did not want to know any details about his condition, just his status and any changes. That worked well. He was in the ICU and would go in for open-heart surgery the next morning.

I posted the information in the lobby and called the nephew. He was taking the train down that night. He asked if he could rent a car. I told him our van would pick him up and provide transportation. He arrived in time to see his Uncle briefly before he went into surgery. The nephew, who was named Julian after his Uncle, came back to the hotel at six. The surgery went well, but had taken seven hours.

Julian would be in medically induced coma for 12 to 24 hours. His nephew, Julian was thirty years old or so and was a thinner, more muscular version of his uncle. He had dinner and went to his room. I told him that the cast would return to the hotel at 10:00 and asked if he wanted to meet them or get some sleep. He looked tired and the trip on the train could not have been restful. He asked me to call him when the cast returned.

Ronnie called me during an intermission and asked about Julian. I told him what I knew and said the nephew was at the hotel. Ronnie is a leader of men. He served as the contact man in the cast and he knew Julian's closest friends.

The next morning Julian went to the hospital. I let him my use my car, since I was on 24/7 duty at the hotel. Christmas was a week away and the crush of performances and special appearances was evident. We had several office parties for the park employees and vendors. These used the balls rooms that the crew of the shows had not used. We out-sourced the catering for some of these parties since our own kitchen staff was not that large.

Julian returned at noon and said they were keeping his Uncle in a coma for another day. He looked frazzled and I suggested he get a massage. I suggested go after two, when the cast was gone and it was calmer.

We had a plumbing problem that occupied the next three hours of my time. A sewer had a back-up problem and sewage was seeping into the basement. I called the city and our own staff discovered our back flow valve had jammed.

In the street, the city crew discovered it was what they called a TRE. I asked what a TRE was and the city crew leader said it was a Tampon Related Event. Luckily, the workers solved problem with a hard whack of a hammer on a back flow preventer. The problem was minimal. We were able to clean up the basement before the smell got into the hotel proper.

At three, I went to get a massage. Officially, the club was closed until 10:00. Butch let me in and locked the door behind me. Julian was getting a massage from Rudolph. Butch offered to take care of me. Julian was all but asleep.

"If you're in the mood we might get a bit intimate," Butch whispered. I looked over at Julian. Mason smiled. "He's a member of the club," he added. "He is a top who is looking for a bottom. He has a nice one, if you like them thick," Butch continued. "He told me it's too big for most guys. I said that if we got lucky, I could open you up and prepare the way. He was okay with that. Are you?"

"I think that would be fine," I said. Butch was not a professional masseur, but he was good, he clearly learned his skills from Rudolph. It was relaxing and stress free. Butch eased his cock into me as he continued to massage me. The anal stimulation was a nice extra-added attraction.

"That sure is a pretty sight," Julian said. I looked at him. He was either a muscular otter or a comparatively slim bear. He was also erect.

"Would you like to help us out?" Butch asked.

"I would love to help, but I don't think I could hold back, the way you do," Julian said.

"I don't think Bill would mind if you shoot off, but Rudolph and I could give you some pointers on edging." Butch added. I think they got off playing the role of sexual advisors and guides.

"This is more public than I am used too," Julian said. Julian was an aggressive, driven man. He overcame his concerns about being watched and took the plunge. Butch and Rudolph were Daddy type figures and he tried a slower approach. It was a snug fit and he liked the feel of my ass as it gripped his organ. He was uncut and I peeled back the foreskin every time he entered and then pulled the skin over his knob when he pulled out. He like this.

I think he was accustomed to a quick poke followed by a race to an orgasm. Butch helped him slow down and Julian discovered some new sensations. He had a short fuse, but he was able to hold back and was able to screw me for almost fifteen minutes. When he finally shot off it felt like a fire hose in my ass. Julian tried to pull out, but Rudolph held him in.

Julian's cock became ultra-sensitive after the orgasms. My warm ass was a good place for the overly tender cock head. When he tried to pull out the sensations were almost overwhelming. It took him five minutes to pull out. Every minutes was pleasurable for him. He was exhausted and went to his room.

He woke in time to have dinner with some of his Uncle's friends at 10:30. He had called the hospital and his uncle was doing better than expected. They would bring his out of the coma the next morning. He saw me as I was going up to bed and came over to me. "Is there any chance we could do that again?" he asked. "It was great."

"Actually, there is a very good chance," I replied. "I am on my way to bed now." He followed along and I did not object at all. When we got to my room, Ronnie's door was open. He heard us walking down the hall and asked Julian how his Uncle was doing. It took me four or five seconds to see that Ronnie was interested in Julian. I was tired and went to my room. Leaving them talking.

I assumed they would work things out. The next morning, I saw Julian on his way to see his Uncle. "I hope I didn't offend you," he said.

"I was tired and needed some sleep," I said. "I thought you would hit it off with Ronnie."

He leaned close to me and whispered, "I'm not one of those guys who dreams of fucking around with Santa. After last night, I may start dreaming about him. He's good!"

I smiled. "He is friendly." Julian left for the hospital. This day there was a matinee and the regular night performance. Everyone was gone by one. We had only to send food to the theater to keep them going between performances. Christmas Eve was the next day. It was only the matinee, but there were special events in hospitals in the evening. Christmas day was off.

Julian returned at 1:00. Butch and Rudolph were off until 10:00 that night. Butch asked if we would like to drop by their house that afternoon. "We are having a few friends over," he said. "Most of our friends are off to see family and friends tomorrow, or are cooking dinner for their families. This is to give some pals a chance to drain their balls before two or three days of wholesomeness." Butch gave me the address and said the party started at 3:00.

"Are you interested?" I asked Julian.

"Would you think I am an out of control cum-hound if I said yes?" he asked. I smiled. We went to the party.

Butch lived in an old 18th century house that one of the architects of Williamsburg had restored and expanded. The main rooms were period but there was a large kitchen and family room to the rear. The site was sloped so there was a big exercise room below.

Most of their friends were older men, but all were in good shape. There were either masseurs or former jocks. Several were coaches. Butch was a good coach, and many of his team members followed his example. All of the men were naked, or more correctly nude. They had good bodies and did not mind showing off.

I was one of the younger men there, Julian was the youngest man at the party and he made friends easily. A big older man came over to me and introduced himself as Pete. He was a well- tanned Santa type. There were no tan lines.

"You have the required jolly look," I said. He laughed.

"I grow it out for the season. My grandkids love it," he said. "It's my great grandkids now. I am off to visit them tomorrow. They are in Atlanta. My daughter-in-law had found god in a particularly dreary way. I will bring the Christmas joy."

"Does he know about your sexual tastes?" I asked.

"I assume she does, but I am a wealthy man. I have helped them out several times," he explained. "She can be civil. She is one of those people who think Presbyterians are crazed liberals." He looked at me. "You are a good looking guy. What can I give you for Christmas?"

"Would I insult you if I asked for some Santa cock?" I said as I reached out and fondled his equipment.

He leaned close to me. "I haven't fucked a man as young as you in years. Is that a possibility? I love to suck and be sucked, so if that doesn't work out, I have a back-up plan!"

By then his cock was hard and impressive. "I'm pretty open minded," I said. "Do you bottom too?"

"I don't bottom often, but I would take yours," he said. "I like it bare. I've been tested."

We went to the exercise room. It had mats and a mattress on the floor and a sling in the corner. There were tubes of lubricant scattered around. I dropped to my knees and began sucking. Pete's sex juices began to flow immediately. That had an instant effect on me.

"Lie down and let me sit on it," I said. "It's nice and thick." I had thought his cock was short, but that was because it was so thick. It was a bull-nosed butt plug. I wiggled and squirmed on it and once I was open, we went to the sling. Pete was an aggressive man and he like to be in control. He like to have it last too, so it was a long session.

Pete had several friends at the party. "I am willing to share," he said. "Would that bother you? My friends are good guys." I did not object. Pete pulled out and an older black man took his place. His cock was quite a bit longer than Pete's was.

"I'm Wellington, I was a coach for years," he said. "I don't usually fuck a man before I say hello. I hope you aren't offended."

"It feels good," I said.

"Slings are odd. They are comfortable, but I thought they were scary at first. You are tied in, spread wide open and defenseless," he said. "It's pure fucking. The only connection is between your ass and my cock. You are a good bottom. It warm and juicy in you, but your sphincter is tight. I hope it is as good for you as it is for me?" I nodded. "Did Pete shoot in you?"

"No, he got close though," I said. Wellington made some corkscrew like motions with his cock and that was good; I moaned.

"Pete has good control over his orgasms. I would love to have that skill, but I get carried away," Wellington said. "I usually shoot a huge load. It is the best lube if you don't the mess. In this group no one minds sloppy seconds. To be frank, no one here minds sloppy thirds or fourths." I moaned again. "I'm getting close, tell me if you want me to pull out!" I smiled at him. Pete and an incredibly hairy and ugly man were watching. Wellington picked up the pace. I felt his hot sperm pumping into my ass.

Next: Chapter 5

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