Wizards on Deck

By RobGnVA80

Published on Mar 24, 2012


(Very) loosely based on an episode of the Disney Channel series 'Suite Life on Deck,' where characters from 'Wizards of Waverly Place' have guest spots. (Both shows are still being repeated) 18 year-old Wizard Justin Russo (played by David Henrie) wins a trip on the cruise ship SS Tipton, and his 15 year-old Wizard brother Max (played by Jake T. Austin) joins him. (In this version everyone is a little older than they were on the show episode). The twins Zack and Cody Martin (played by Dylan and Cole Sprouse, respectively) are 17. This takes place after the 'Suite Life Movie' so Cody and Zack have experienced the effects of the Merge, though those effects have (mostly) worn off.

This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to Disney. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors or the characters.

Wizards on Deck, Part 3

Zack held the base of Max's cock in one hand while cupping his tight, almost hairless balls in the other, and began to lick the head of Max's pulsing cock. Zack felt kind of naughty but at the same time it was so hot, and Max was so cute and innocent, how could it be wrong for them to just have fun together? He slowly, gently, sucked Max's cock into his mouth...

"Oh, dude!" Max half groaned. He pushed the covers down so he could watch in the light filtering in from the porthole, then he just lay there for awhile, loving this new incredible sensation of Zack's warm wet mouth sucking and licking on his dick. Then he gently ran his fingers through Zack's lush blond mop, slowly rocking his hips up in time with Zack moving his head down on his dick. "Man, that feels so good." He moaned. Then Zack started to tickle his balls and it intensified the sensation. Max spread his lean legs, thinking this was the most incredible thing ever. The somewhere in the back of his mind, he thought back to when he had magically spied on Justin while he jerked off, his legs spread and playing with his own bigger balls... Max realized he was getting close... and also realized he was being selfish. He also honestly wanted to see what it was like to suck on another guy. "Zack, Zack, hold off for a minute." He gently eased the twin away from his wet swollen dick.

"You okay?" Zack looked up, after letting Max's hard cock out of his mouth with a wet pop, and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "I, um, I never actually did it before, so I hope I was doing it okay. To tell you the truth my jaw was getting kinda tired."

"Yeah, you were doing great man; actually it was so good I was close to cumming. But now, can I try, um, sucking you?" He asked hesitantly.

"Sure man if you want to, I'd love it. Actually, we could do each other at the same time. It's called '69.' "

"Really? What does numbers have to do with it? Dude, I'm not that good at math."

Zack had to smirk at Max's almost cartoonish naivete. "Just flip around so my dick is over your head while I keep sucking from above you."

"Ohhh! Sixty-nine!" Max said, as if he got it, (but he really didn't). But he did spin around under Zack and eagerly but gently took hold of the twin's rock-hard cock. It was fairly thick, six inches or so, cut and a big flared head. 'Well, here we go,' Max thought, 'I'm about to put another guy's dick in my mouth.' Again somewhere in the back of his mind flashed an image of Justin sprawled on his bed, naked and hard. Max pushed it out of his mind and tried to concentrate on the hot blond guy he was with. 'Dude, you are naked with this really hot guy who was just going down on you, and he's a better kisser than any girl you ever kissed (not that there were all that many) shut up other voice! Just go for it Max!' At first he tentatively licked at it, and when he liked the kind of sweet precum taste leaking out of it, he gently took the head into his mouth and sucked while moving his tongue, trying to imitate Zack's actions that were giving him so much pleasure. It was kind of weird but kind of cool, and Zack's sucking on him was definitely feeling great too.

After a few minutes though both boys were sweaty and needed to take a break. They flopped back - and Max almost fell off the single bed, until Zack grabbed him and they rolled back together with Max on top. "That was fun." Zack grinned. Unlike Max and Justin, who as guests had a relatively spacious cabin with double beds and a balcony, as students Zack and Cody got a small room with single beds and a porthole.

"Yeah." Max smiled back, a little out of breath. "But, actually, it felt better doing it one at a time, cause, well let me show you." He crawled down and gently took Zack's still-hard cock in his mouth and started to gently suck while running his tongue along the underside just at the base of the head.

"Oh yeah, that's the real sensitive spot." Zack half-whispered.

Zack could not help smiling up at the darling Latino-looking boy so innocently looking at him in the dim cabin.

Max smiled back at him. "What?"

"You're just so cute."

"Aw come on." Max flopped over on his back, managing to stay on the bed next to Zack.

"Really, dude." Zack propped himself up on one elbow, and started running a finger over Max's smooth chest. "Sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you. I've just never done stuff with a dude, and I got lucky I guess!"

"Hey me too. I got the cool twin!"

"Cody's okay, for a nerd." He leaned down over Max then, his palm lightly on the Russo boy's chest, his blue eyes searching Max's brown to make sure it was okay if he went in for another kiss. He really wanted to kiss Max again, those hot full lips of his. He didn't have to worry.

Max reached up, tangled his fingers in Zack's blond mop, and pulled them together into a kiss that started gentle and grew into a passionate lip-lock. Max couldn't believe that this hot older dude thought he was that cute, but he was going to do his best to be a good... well whatever two guys called each other when they messed around. He didn't have much kissing experience, but he got the feeling that he was getting better, since Zack was moaning and grabbing onto him, and oh geeze here comes his tongue again!

The boys started to stroke each other as they kissed and as their moaning and thrusting became more intense, it was clear what was about to happen. Max was first, pulling away and gasping, grapping his dick and pumping it, spurting cum all over Zack. The twin started stroking himself fast them too, and seeing the cute teenager orgasm was enough to send him over, firing a load all over his own stomach. The two collapsed together in a sweaty heap.

Finally when he caught his breath, Zach said "Wow."

"That was fun!" Max said hoarsely.

"Let me get a towel." Zack struggled to get up and staggered to the bathroom. He came back a minute later and gently wiped Max off.

The Russo boy giggled a little, partly from just feeling embarrassed now. "Zack..."


"I'm sorry..."

Zack could already sense what was coming and secretly he was sort of grateful, as hot as he thought Max was. "Don't be sorry man, tell me."

"I think, well, you're awesome, really, and I want to see you tomorrow okay for sure, and it's not like I won't, being on this ship and all. But, I think I just need to go shower and go back to bed and sleep now, 'kay?" He looked shyly at the twin.

"Max dude I totally understand, and believe me I think I feel the same way. I am so glad we met but we already did a lot and maybe we should, you know, slow down a little."

"Cool." Max smiled his most disarming grin, which just about melted Zack. "So I'm gonna head back. I wonder what Cody and my brother are doing."

"Knowing my brother, he is wrapped in three blankets on the sofa of the cabin like he's in a cocoon." Zack said with a little snort.

Max got to his cabin door and found that when he tried to use his key, the door magically spoke at him in Justin's voice: "Max I'm busy! Sleep with Zack!"

"Like that's gonna stop me," muttered the young wizard, pulling out his wand. "'Door don't be a bore, let me use the key, cause I gotta pee!'" The door glowed for a second, Max tried his key and this time it worked. He slipped into the darkened room. He saw that his bed was still made and in the dim light there was a big lump in Justin's bed. 'Wow, Justin and Cody are sleeping together? You go, bro.' But he couldn't help somehow feeling jealous that it wasn't him in there sleeping with Justin, like they used to do sometimes when they were younger.

Max made his way to the bathroom, managing to find a clean pair of boxers on the way. He liked to joke about being dirty, but really, he loved to feel fresh in a nice clean pair of boxers. Actually the ones he just grabbed were a pair of Justin's Captain Jim-bob boxers, which made Max feel a little naughty for snagging them and excited to wear them.

Meanwhile, Cody had been awakened by Max coming in, and even seen the strange glow around the door. But he was mostly shy about Max seeing him in bed with Justin for some reason, so he pulled the covers over his head. As soon as he heard the shower in the bathroom start he knew he had a couple of minutes. Suddenly Cody felt terribly self-conscious about what he had just done tonight, and he desperately wanted to be in his own bed and sort things out. "Justin?" He whispered and gently nudged his bedmate.

"Hmm?" Apparently Justin was not such a light sleeper.

"I'm gonna go, okay? Max is back. But... I'll call you tomorrow, or you call me. I had a great time." Cody started to get out of bed, and it was then that Justin made a sort of pleading sound and reached out for him. "Justin, I really need to go."

Justin opened his eyes, propped himself up and looked up sadly at Cody. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, of course not. It's just kind of weird with Max back and all." The twin said as he hunted around for his clothes.

"Hmmkay." Justin flopped down, sounding unconvinced.

Cody dressed quickly then bent over Justin to give him a kiss. "I'm looking forward to our date."

"Me too." But there was still a look of sadness in Justin's eyes, as if he didn't quite believe him.

Cody had barely left the room when Max came out of the bathroom in just the pair of baggy boxers, his hair towel-dried and disheveled. Justin saw him silhouetted in the bathroom light for a moment, thinking how tall and lean his brother had become.

Max must have caught sight of Justin in the light before he turned if off. He was shirtless, looking very hot lying in his bed. It was obvious now that Cody wasn't there, though he was pretty sure he was before. 'Ooops. I screwed up.' "Sorry bro, I didn't mean to wake you." He walked to the space between their beds and hesitated.

"It's okay, I was awake."

Max sat on the edge of Justin's bed. "Dude I'm sorry if I made Cody leave."

"It's not your fault, Maxie." Justin sighed.



"Do you feel kind of weird too?"

Justin paused for a moment, shocked by Max's frankness, and his insight - not to mention wondering just what Max and Zack had gotten up to while he and Cody were... intimate. "Yeah, kind of."

"Can I sleep with you? Please? Like we used to do when we were kids?"

"Of course, Maxie." The truth was, Justin felt his chest ache with happiness, and he was secretly craving closeness with his affectionate little brother right now. He lifted up the covers for Max to crawl in.

The younger Russo brother immediately spooned up against Justin, both of them just in boxers. "Thanks, it's cold in this room with the AC cranked down!" Max snuggled as close as he could.

"Your hair smells nice."

"Yeah, you know they have these little bottles of stuff called 'shampoo' that you can use just for your hair..." Max said with a little giggle.

Justin put his arm around his lean brother and gave him a little hug. 'Max really has toned up recently.' He resisted the temptation to grope his brother too much.

"This feels really nice, bro." Max put his hand on top of Justin's and pressed it against his own chest.

"Yeah it does." Justin whispered, but he was embarrassed to realize that he was getting a hardon, and he was sure that Max would be able to feel it pressed against him.

But instead of pulling away, Max pushed his hips back against his brother's, sending a clear sign that he could feel Justin's erection and didn't mind it. "It's all good, bro." Max whispered hoarsely. At the same time, he started to ease Justin's hand down over his body...

"Maxie, I don't know if we should..." Justin protested, but he didn't fight Max's guiding hand as he slipped over his little brother's smooth tight abs. They laid there in silence for several minutes, but it was clear neither of them was anything close to falling asleep.

"Justin, I've always had a kind of... crush..." Max's voice broke.

Justin could feel his brother trembling, though he couldn't be sure if it was Max, or him, or maybe both of them. "Max, I love you too, so much." He whispered against his brother's neck. "But this isn't right, we're - "

But at that moment Max suddenly moved Justin's hand lower again, over his hard cock. Justin almost involuntarily wrapped his hand around his brother's throbbing shaft. Both youths groaned and arched their backs. Then Max suddenly twisted around in Justin's arms alike an agile worm, pulled his big brother in a surprisingly strong embrace and buried his face in Justin's shoulder. "I love you Justin!" He whimpered. "I want you. I wish you liked me the way I like you. But I'm so confused." Max started to cry, shaking and snuffling against Justin's bare shoulder.

Poor Justin could not keep up with his little brother's surprises, but after only a moment's delay he hugged the whimpering Max tight, then tenderly caressed his heaving back. He didn't know what to make of this overwhelming display of emotions. He was in enough turmoil himself over what he had done with Cody, and then this confession from Max. And even more confusing was that he could not deny that he had a very strong attraction to Max as well, and not just as a brother.

Then Max moved his head back so they could look into each other's eyes. Max's were red from crying, but his face had a hopeful look.

"Maxie, it's gonna be okay. I... I'm really attracted to you too." Justin still had a hand on the back of his little brother's neck, fingers tangled in his soft wavy brown hair. Without really even thinking, Justin slowly pulled Max closer again. They both closed their eyes, and their lips met in a feather-soft kiss. Max let out a happy little groan of pleasure as Justin's fingers cradled the back of his head to hold them together, and their kiss grew more firm and passionate. As Justin felt one of Max's hands slide down and cup his muscular ass cheek while the two brothers started to grind their hard cocks together through the flimsy boxers, Justin thought 'What the hell are we doing? This is so wrong, but I have wanted to kiss Max like this for so long, and it feels so right... maybe it took meeting the twins for both of us to realize some feelings that we'd kept pent up inside.'

The brothers kept at it for several minutes: kissing, hands roaming over each other, until Justin took Max by the upper arms and gently but firmly pulled him away.

Max looked confused and a little hurt. "What? Justin please -- "

"It's okay. I just thought, well, now that we both know that we have these... feelings... for each other, let's just slow down a little. I mean, we have time, right?"

"Yeah." Max looked down and nodded, his mop of hair bobbing.

"Maxie, I just want it to be right between us, especially since, you know, we're brothers and all. I just want to know you're going to be okay with whatever happens."

"Justin, believe me, I'm okay - " Max smiled and edged back closer to his brother.

"Max, shhh." Justin put a finger to his brother's sensuous lips, then slid his hand around so his fingers were gently feeling the side of Max's face. "That's great, but for me then, can we take it one step at a time? I'm still facing up to the fact that I've had the hots for my little brother, okay? And if we do want to do, you know, more, I want it to be special."

"Really?" Max grinned and wiggled his hips against Justin's. "You really have the hots for me?"

"Yes, I do." Justin hissed, trying to use his best controlling wizard-teacher tone. "But tonight, can we just kind of snuggle together and, like kiss like we were? I know it might be tough just in our boxers and all, but - " Max interrupted him with a playful grind and a giggle. "That is not helping, Max!"

"I'm sorry, but it's so cool having something on you for a change, almost as cool as knowing that you like me, that way." Max rocked his hips a little away then and instead pulled his older brother into a gentle hug, nestling his face into Justin's muscular shoulder. "That better?"

Justin sighed and hugged his slender sexy teenage brother back. "Yeah Max, that's nice." But he couldn't resist nuzzling Max, then kissing him on the neck, while his brother made little happy noises. 'Oh my god, this was my darkest most secret dream come true. Can this really be happening? I'm making out with Max: gorgeous, clueless, beautiful sexy my little brother Max? How are we going to deal with this back at home?'

"Justin?" Max slid his hand over his older brother's muscular chest.

"Yes Max?"

"Don't worry, it'll be okay." Max snuggled against his brother, wrapping his arm around Justin's chest.

Cody slipped into his and Zack's room, trying not to wake his brother, but he heard Zack stirring in his bed.

"The sexy stud returns." Zack said, his tone sarcastic. "So you actually found someone who was hot AND a nerd. Well besides Bailey, and we all kind of knew she was a beard right?" But secretly, Zack was relieved that Cody had come back. Maybe things had not been perfect with big hunky Justin? The dude sure did have an awesome body even if he was kind of a dork.

"Huh-hi, Zack." Cody said, his voice shaking.

"Sooo, what did you guys get into? His little bro sure was a hottie in the sack."

"Dammit Zack, do you have to get all explicit?" Cody felt his face burning. The truth was, he felt kind of jealous thinking about Zack doing it with another guy.

"Heh, that's hardly explicit. 'Explicit' would be if I told you in detail every thing we did together..."

"Please don't!" Cody slumped onto his bed and kicked off his shoes.

"Whatsa matter, the nerd stud not all you hoped?"

"No, actually he was awesome. He's a really good kisser, and his body is amazing, and..." He trailed off.

"So what's wrong, bro?" Zack sat up and his tone from teasing to actually concerned. "Why didn't you stay with him?"

"I don't know." Cody looked forlornly at the floor. "I just started to feel weird. I'd never done anything like that before with anyone, certainly never with a guy."

"Well we've fooled around a little bit." Zack said with a wry smile.

Cody shot him a dagger glance. "That's different."

"How is it different? Because we're twins? If I remember the last few times we kissed, it was a little more than brotherly."

"Zack!" Cody snapped.

"C'mon, bro, lighten up a little. Come over here. Get in bed and we'll sit and talk about it." Zack fluffed his pillows up while Cody stripped down to his underwear and climbed in next to him. Zack put his arm around Cody's shoulders. "We haven't done this in awhile." Zack said quietly.

"No, we haven't, not since that whole Gemini incident." Cody sighed and rested his head on his brother's shoulder. "I've missed it."

"Me too, bro. You know, I kinda miss having the empathy with you too, though sometimes I think I feel it again, just a little." Zack lightly ran his fingertips over Cody's slender shoulder.

"Me too! I guess I really finally understood you, at least a lot more than I did before."

"Same here." Zack gave Cody a little hug.

"Zack, I'm so confused."

"That makes two of us."

"Really? You? What are you confused about?"

"Well..." Zack leaned his head back and lightly against Cody's. It was something he wasn't sure he was ready to admit yet, but this felt wonderful, to just be here snuggled with his twin, no pressure but skin-to-skin. He did miss the intimate bonding they felt after they ate that strange fruit in the Gemini experiment and they could sense each other's feelings, feel each other's pain. For a short time they could even read each other's mind. That was a little too much though. "First, I guess I have to face that I really like guys. I mean I like girls too, but being with a guy is different. So I guess maybe I'm bi. Your turn."

Cody sighed and snuggled a little more against his brother. "I have been attracted to other guys for awhile, but scared to do anything about it. Especially here on the ship."

"Cody! This is the perfect place! There's a new shipload of cute guys every week!" As Zack talked, he let his fingers stray down over Cody's chest. He wasn't even quite sure what he was trying to do besides comfort his brother, but snuggling with him, touching his soft skin, feeling his warmth next to him, was feeling really good right now.

"I know. I guess I'm just plain scared. It's interesting though that you think you might be bisexual. As identical twins it was much more likely if one of us was bi or gay that the other would be. So, you want to tell me how far you got with Max?"

"Naw, I'm having more fun talking about us." At that moment, Zack found Cody's nipple and ran his fingertip over it playfully.

"Zack!" Cody jumped, and rolled onto his side so he was facing his twin.

"Aw you like it." Zack turned his head to grin at his brother, blue eyes meeting blue eyes.

Cody swallowed hard, then put his hand on Zack's chest, feeling the soft smooth skin. He could also feel himself getting an erection.

"You know, when I was with Max, as hot and nice as he is, I kept thinking about you." Zack turned his body more to face Cody and put his hand on his brother's slim hip.

"Really? Why?"

"Cause, I dunno, maybe cause you were my first kiss. Maybe because... I love you, bro." And then Zack leaned in, and as they both closed their eyes, he very tenderly kissed his twin brother.

Cody shivered. They had kissed before, but Zack had always brushed it off as goofing around or 'practicing' for girls. This time was different. He felt Zack's heart pounding against his palm, and he felt warm all over as they kept kissing, just light touches, their lips mating perfectly. They opened their lips just to let their tongues touch. Both young men made soft little noises as their kisses became more intense.

Zack slipped his hand around Cody and pulled him closer. His dick was hard as steel, and he knew Cody was probably going to feel it, but what the hell.

Cody moved his hand up to Zack's neck, cradling his head as they kept kissing, both boys just enjoying the intimacy of their embrace. It was something forbidden, and yet only something identical twins might understand: there was a special sense of oneness. And of course only Zack and Cody had experienced the unique bonding from the Gemini experiment. But Cody was not really consciously thinking about this. Cody was a brilliant young man, but right now he was running all on feelings.

After several minutes of this, which was slowly escalating as they pulled their bodies closer together and their kisses grew more intense, Zack pulled back a little.

Cody stared at Zack in alarm. "What, did I do something wrong?"

Zack chuckled. "No, of course not. Don't be so uptight Cody, it's just you and me." He brushed his brother's hair out of his eyes. "Actually, that was awesome." He ran his hand up and down Cody's side, then down over his flat stomach. "This actually feels great bro. You're a great kisser."

"For a guy." Cody volunteered ruefully. Then as Zack cupped his little butt and pulled them against each other, he realized that his brother was hard too.

"No, silly. For anyone. That little make-out session was the best ever for me, and I've kissed a lot of girls."

"It was really nice for me too." Cody smiled shyly. "Maybe it's because we know each other so well, even if we are different from each other."

"Maybe not so different after all."

"But Zack..." Cody gently caressed his twin's soft chest, "It's not the same now, is it? We're not just playing."

"Geeze." It was Zack's turn to get choked up and have to pause. "No, it's not. Cody, I know I tease you and I get you into trouble but you also know that I would do anything for you if things got really bad."

"I know." Cody laid his head on Zack's chest.

"I'm glad you came back tonight and we're here together." Zack pulled the covers up and put his arm protectively around his brother. "You know how much I love you."

"Who knew you could be so nice?" Cody grinned.

"Don't tell anyone, you'll ruin my reputation!"

End of Part 3.

Next: Chapter 4

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