Wizards on Deck

By RobGnVA80

Published on Apr 23, 2012


Warning: this story graphically depicts sex between fictional brothers (gasp). If you are underage to read this where you live, or offended by the idea of this, what are you even doing here? Go!

(Very) loosely based on episodes of the Disney Channel series 'Wizards of Waverly Place:' "Cast Away (to another Show)" and 'Suite Life on Deck:' "Double Crossed," where characters from the two shows cross over. (Both shows are still being repeated.)

Eighteen-year-old Wizard Justin Russo (played by David Henrie) wins a trip on the cruise ship SS Tipton, and his 15 year-old Wizard brother Max (played by Jake T. Austin) joins him. (In this version everyone is a little older than they were on the show episode). The twins Zack and Cody Martin (played by Dylan and Cole Sprouse, respectively) are 17. This takes place after the 'Suite Life Movie' (it's on YouTube and they repeat it frequently on Disney Channel and Disney XD) so Cody and Zack have recently felt the effects of the 'Merge' (as depicted in the movie), where they experienced a special empathy for each other, then knew each other's feelings, and (briefly) could read each other's thoughts. Those effects have (mostly) worn off.

This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to Disney. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors or the characters.

I love feedback! Please feel free to email, and let me know how you think this story is going, good and bad, and your ideas (though no promises, I do have ideas about how this is going). I don't want it to be all about sex, but we are talking four horny teenagers, two of whom are Wizards who can do almost anything, and two are twins with almost telepathic powers with each other...

Wizards on Deck, Part 4

Justin Russo woke up at six am, as he always did, no matter what. He had a routine every day, even on weekends and summer, and being on a cruise ship somewhere in the Caribbean sea did not confuse his internal clock. What did confuse him was realizing that there was a half-naked body draped over him, the bed was sort of 'thrumming,' and that he was also half-naked, not wearing his usual Captain Jim-bob Sherwood pajamas. As Justin was wont to do, he freaked out, just a little. Then it all came back to him in a huge flood of memory and emotion, and confusion.

Of course, he was on a cruise ship. Across the cabin, through the partially open curtains leading to the balcony, there was a gray predawn light starting to come in. That explained the vibration.

Oh, god, he'd met this really cute blond guy who was a student on the ship, and they had done... all kinds of things together. But that was not who was on him.

'Ohgodohgodohgod!' The warm body half on him, half wrapped around him, was his cute (okay, becoming handsome) teenage brother Max, who was obviously also wearing almost nothing. Max had his arm around Justin, his face lying on his chest, and one leg flopped over him. Justin looked down at his brother, who he had to admit looked downright angelic, sleeping with his head resting on Justin's chest, a little smile on his face. This was at the same time really nice and really awkward. He remembered their talk last night, and how they had both admitted their 'affection' for each other, and how they had even kissed... really kissed. And then Justin started to get an erection again. Even more awkward: Max's leg was right over his groin, so he was going to feel it.

Justin closed his hazel eyes, took slow, deep breaths, and tried to think about what to do. 'Think about kittens!' Zeke had said to him once years earlier when they had talked about how they would get random hardons at school. But just as he tried to concentrate on those annoying little furballs (he was allergic to cats, along with cinnamon), Max stirred and writhed a little, rubbing his thigh against Justin's hardon, and -- almost as bad - his hand strayed onto Justin's chest and lightly cupped one of his defined blocky pectorals.

Justin was the last person to be vain about his body, but he did work very, very hard to be in the best shape that be could; he was after all a certified Monster Hunter. And he wanted to look good for Juliet... 'Oh Justin, quit lying to yourself. You like it when you catch Zeke looking at your chest, and that's why you wear those tight dress shirts to teach your wizard class, there are a couple of really hot guys in the back row you are trying to impress.' Justin sighed. 'Yeah, I'm gay; I should just get over it.' Then he whispered it to himself out loud. "I, Justin, Vincenzo Pepe Russo, am gay." Then he opened his eyes, stared at the ceiling and tried to let it sink in. 'What will mom and dad think? Alex? What about my friends? Zeke? At least I guess Maxie will be okay.'

Max chose that moment to squeeze Justin's muscular pec, grind his crotch against Justin's thigh, and make a cute little whimpering sound in his sleep. Justin put his arm around his slim little brother, and that was apparently enough to wake Max up, at least partially. He, unlike Justin, was not a 'morning person.'

"Hmm, bro." Max rubbed his smooth cheek against Justin's shoulder and snuggled closer.

"Max... Maxie," (Justin secretly loved calling his little brother by the affectionate name they used when he was a little boy), "Can we talk about, um, stuff?"

"Sure." Max still sounded sleepy, but he propped himself up on his side. He also kept one hand on Justin's chest and his leg over his older brother's lap. He blinked his big, light brown eyes and grinned crookedly. "I missed sleeping with you, like when we were kids. You're really buff now, though." He gave Justin's pec and gentle squeeze and ran his thumb over his nipple - which immediately began to stand up.

"Max!" Justin tried to sound lecturely, but it just came out as a kind of hiss of enjoyment. "Where... how did you learn to be like this?"

"Like what?" Max looked genuinely confused (an expression usually on his face). "I know what feels good on my body, I just figured. Should I stop?" His last question was not even teasing, just totally innocent na‹ve Max.

Justin kept one arm around Max's back but also put one hand on top of his little brother's hand, which was just plain making him crazy. "Well, it feels really good, I won't lie."

"That's smart of you Justin, cause you are a terrible liar!" Max said with a little giggle.

"How do you know?!" Justin glared at him.

"Alex and I rate how bad your lies are, dude. On a scale of lame to pathetic."

"Okay I don't want to know any more about that." Justin sighed.

"So you wanna talk about last night?"

"Yeah. I just want you to know that, no matter what Max, I love you so much..."

Suddenly Max propped himself higher so he could look his older brother face on. "Justin! What do you mean 'no matter what'? Are you sorry that we did stuff?" He sounded hurt and a little angry.

It was Justin's turn to look hurt. "No! I just... you're my little brother; you're only 15 and I'm 18. I'm an adult. I just want to be sure I didn't, you know, take advantage of you."

"You're kidding, right? I got in bed with you, I told you how I felt. It's not like I resisted when we kissed! And I think I grabbed your butt!"

"Well, true." Justin blushed.

"Bro, maybe I should ask you if you really want to do more with me like you say you do, not because you feel sorry for me or something. Cause, you know... if your night with Cody was anything like mine with Zack, even though it might be really fun, it might be kind of weird after. But, if you really feel that way about me, you want to be with me that way, then I sure am up for it. And we'll always be brothers, okay?" Max looked up through his thick eyelashes at his older brother.

'Wow, again, I have so underestimated Max. What has been going on in his head the last few years? In some ways I feel like he is more mature than me.' He looked his little brother in the eyes, ran his fingertips over Max's smooth cheek and smiled. "Maxie, I promise, I meant what I said. I have been attracted to you... well I guess since you really grew up a year or so ago and went from my cute little brother to this handsome hot young man. And I felt guilty, because you were my brother. I never thought you might actually feel the same way about me."

"Yeah what are the odds?" Max grinned. Then he suddenly climbed on top of Justin, and grabbed his wrists, pulling his unresisting brother's muscular arms up over his head.

"Max, what are you doing?"

"Showing you that I want you bro, and I am not a little kid anymore." Then Max grabbed his wand from the night table and recited "'Wristo Christo Restraino!'"

Suddenly Justin's wrists were bound to the upper corners of the bed in orange strips of soft silk. "Where did you learn that spell!?" He demanded incredulously.

"You don't wanna know, something about that artist who covers things in orange curtains." Max smiled crookedly as he threw all the covers off the bed, leaving his older brother lying spread-eagle and exposed except for his boxers. Max sat back to admire his handiwork. His brother looked even hotter as his muscles flexed, trying to escape his bonds. 'Wow Justin really does have an amazing body. Look at those guns!' "They don't hurt, do they? They aren't supposed to hurt."

"No, but, this is embarrassing! Max! Let me go!" Justin tugged at the soft silk restraints. Actually they did not hurt at all; in fact they gave a little, and he thought if he really tried he could probably break free of them, or certainly he knew a spell or two. But he could not deny that it was strangely exciting that Max wanted him in this position. He was becoming fully erect in his boxers, something that Max did not miss.

"Oh look, big strong smart wizard Justin isn't in control for a change! And I think it kind of excites little Justin!" Max teased. He straddled Justin's legs and ran his fingers over Justin's hardon through his boxers.

"Oh man, Max, what are you doing?" Justin moaned, thrashing on the bed. "Max, let me go!"

"Nope, not until we agree that we are equals, maybe not in the Wizard Competition, but as far as who came on to whommm." Max leaned over his brother, and this time, he was sounding teasing as he smiled his best charming smile.

"Okay, just..." Justin struggled fitfully against the straps. "Wait, you knew how to use 'whom' rather than 'who,' what is going -- ?"

But Max didn't wait for Justin to finish. He leaned down, down, until his full pouty lips touched his brother's. Justin's half-hearted attempts to get free subsided and he went totally limp - except for his mouth, which responded eagerly to Max's kiss. For a few moments their lips pressed hard while tongues began to dance together.

But Max was in a teasing mood. He pulled back up, grinning now, his face framed by that wild shock of brown hair. "You really do like me... that way!"

Justin glared up at him. "Max I told you I did! Why are you doing this?" He yanked at the straps again.

"I dunno. Maybe because it's the first time I really feel like I can make you do what I want, and I like it!" Max leered. He sat up, slid his fingers into the waistband of Justin's boxers, then looked up teasingly at his brother.

"Max... what are you doing?" Justin asked nervously.

"What does it look like?" Max grinned.

"Max, I don't know if we really should... I don't know if I'm ready. Please." Justin's voice rose in a sort of pleading whine and his breath started to come in short gasps, causing his chest and abs to rise and fall rapidly.

"Why not, bro?" Max looked genuinely confused. "I've seen you naked before, though it's been awhile."

Justin relaxed a little, though he was acutely aware of his brother's fingers still in the waistband of his boxers, very close to his throbbing erection. "Uh, I think it's a little different now."

"Cause you got a hardon? What's wrong with that? You got one cause of me, and I want to see it. I'll show you mine." Max smirked.

"Max! Justin hissed, glaring at his brother. "Once we go there, we can't go back."

"I'm counting on it." Max said, his voice serious. Then he slowly pulled the waistband up and away from Justin's body to clear his cock, which was sticking up at an angle. Then he eased them down, revealing his brother's beautiful, eight inch long, thick, cut cock. "Wow Justin, it's bigger than I remembered." Max breathed in awe. "The end of it is huge!"

"Max, please..." Justin begged quietly, feeling really vulnerable to be lying there naked (not to mention tied up) while his little brother admired his hard dick.

"What, bro?" Max grinned at him then, putting his hands on Justin's strong quads. "It's not like you should be embarrassed, that is one big dick." Then he suddenly yanked his brother's boxers the rest of the way off, tossed them on the floor, and gently laid himself on top of Justin's body, their faces inches apart. "Bro, your eyes are so much cooler than mine, they are like, different colors, green and blue and gray and brown."

"They are not, Max! Yours are that light brown that catches the light sometimes and have this glow that..."

And that was when Max lowered his head down onto Justin and their lips met again. And Justin tugged fitfully at the restraints, wanting to hug and caress his little brother, but on the other hand kind of wanting this little fantasy to play out as Max ran his hands over his body. Max ground his hips against Justin, his cock obviously just as hard as his brother's, as they were separated only by the thin fabric of Max's boxers. Max kept slowly humping Justin as they kissed, running his hands over his brother's helpless naked body as Justin started to rock his hips back up to meet his brother's thrusts. It was Max who first stuck his tongue in Justin's mouth this time, causing his brother to involuntarily buck up with his strong legs, and almost break one of the bonds. Max held his brother's head as they passionately kissed and ground their sweaty, sinewy bodies together.

"Maxie, please, let me go! I want to hold you too..." Justin whispered hoarsely after he broke the kiss, gasping. He opened his powerful legs wide and tried to hook them around Max's, but his little brother was too fast.

Max hopped up on the bed on his feet still straddling Justin, hands on hips. "In a second, bro. I just wanted you to see what I was wearing, what we both got all our wet stuff all over!" Then he grinned triumphantly.

Justin gasped "My Captain Jim-bob Sherwood boxers! Max, how could you!" Justin struggled, but secretly he was even more turned on that Max was wearing his favorite soft boxers, which hung loosely off his skinny hips. But then Justin forgot about the boxers for a moment as Max slid them down his legs, revealing his upturned light brown cock and tight balls. His cock looked almost as long as Justin's already, though maybe not as thick. It was circumcised like his was, thicker at the base than at the end, and while the head was larger, it was not the big cap that Justin had. Max knelt over his brother, grabbing the boxers in one hand, still smiling.

Justin immediately felt guilty looking at his little brother's cock - and almost as guilty thinking of it as a 'cock' in his mind - ''penis' Justin!' - and tried to look away but it was so sexy and beautiful, different from his own in a lot of ways, even though Max was his brother. Clearly Max got a lot of the Latin blood while he got the Italian, Justin's analytic mind was processing. But in the back of his mind, he wanted... oh god what did he want? He wanted to feel his little brother's cock, to taste it, to...

Meanwhile, Max straddled Justin's waist, settling himself down, with Justin's hard cock underneath him, and his own cock bobbing above Justin's heaving six-pack stomach. "You okay, bro?" Max grinned as his wavy hair fell over his face again.

"I'd feel better if you let me go, Max! We can play games another time."

"Promise?" Max smiled, but he had already grabbed his wand. "'Wristo Releaso!'" The orange silk bonds fell away with a sparkle of light.

"Thanks Max." Justin smiled, then gently put his hands on his little brother's flanks, running his hands up and down the smooth light brown skin.

Max set his wand aside, put his palms on Justin's strong pecs, and slowly leaned down. "Justin, I may be dumb, but I'm not that dumb."

"Actually, Max, I don't think you are dumb, and neither does Professor Crumbs."

"What?" Max sat up, still straddling his brother.

Justin smiled crookedly up at Max. "Professor Crumbs sort of said I should not say anything but he didn't come out and tell me not to. He says wizards work in different ways. There's me, I study and learn all the spells. There's Alex, who gets in trouble and sometimes figures her way out unless I help her, and there is you."

"What am I, the loser?" Max frowned.

"No! You are different Max! You invent spells out of nothing! That is a special gift! I learn spells. Alex corrupts them for her own selfish whatever. But you just make things up and sometimes they work."

"Justin I really hope you are not just teasing me, cause, um, we are naked and were kissing, and, oh man, oh..."

"No I never tease you Max. You are special." Justin tenderly pulled his younger brother down on top of him and tugged the sheet and blanket over them. He wasn't sure why it might help but he rocked his skinny brother back and forth on top of him as the youth just held him silently for a long time. Then out of the blue, Max spoke, his lips against Justin's chest.

"So, anyway, I know how good a wizard you are. You could have gotten out of those stupid straps a while ago. I used the play-binding spell on purpose. I knew, since you are so strong, you could break the bonds in a second. Besides, even without your wand, I bet you could have used some magic to get out of them if you really wanted to. I never meant to force you, it was kind of a test."

"To be sure that I really wanted you...?"

Max blushed. "Yeah. I wanted to make sure you weren't just, you know, trying to make me feel better like you sometimes do, and you really wanted it."

"Max, you were right about everything; you have nothing to be sorry about." Justin pulled Max against him as hard as he could, wrapping both arms around the slender teenager, holding their bodies close. Max laid his head on Justin's shoulder, their bodies still somewhat entangled.

"Justin I have wanted this so bad! For years! I have wanted to be with you just like this, just you. I laid at night in bed thinking about you in the next room. It was like torture. I even thought about using magic." Max sighed, running his fingers through his brother's thick black hair.

"I hope it's not too disappointing." Justin whispered in his ear.

"Are you kidding? It is way better than I ever imagined. Maybe I am not an experienced judge but you are an awesome kisser, the best cuddler, the hottest body to snuggle with. And I guess the grades for other stuff will wait." Max tweaked Justin's nipple playfully

"Max! I can't believe you even... oh, I give up!" Justin laid his head back on the pillow.

"Justin, did you... did you ever think about me?" Max asked with unusual trepidation.

Justin could feel the tension returning to his little brother's body. "Max, the last couple of years, I could not help myself from checking out your cute little butt, how you've grown and your body matured, how handsome you've become. And I felt so guilty having thoughts I shouldn't about you, never imagining that you might have the same thoughts about me."

"You think I have a cute butt?" Max said with a grin, as usual taking one little thing out of a long serious confession.

"Yes Maxie, you have a really cute butt." Justin smiled. And then he smacked his little brother on his ass. "And, you are far more sneaky and clever than I have given you credit for."

Max just smiled his mischievous smile, lowered himself onto his older brother, and as they both closed their eyes, they tenderly kissed again. Justin could feel his cock swell in desire even with this sweet kiss. His hands roamed lightly over Max's smooth shoulders and back. Max moaned plaintively into Justin's mouth as their lips worked together, and the older Russo boy thought it was about the cutest sound he had ever heard. Their hard cocks were rubbing against each other and leaking precum.

Justin felt his hands straying almost on their own down over the small of Max's lean back onto his little round perky ass, pulling on it as they thrust against each other. And as he cupped and squeezed Max's strong glutes, his little brother pushed as hard as he could against Justin, pulled his mouth away from their kiss and whispered "I want you so bad bro." And he ground himself against Justin's rock hard pole. Then Max started to kiss Justin's neck, working his way down to his chest. Then with his hand on one pec, Max started to lick and suck on Justin's other nipple.

The elder Russo boy groaned and arched his back; never had he felt anything like this, even when he had played with his own nipples while masturbating, and even when he and Cody had played around. But still in the back of his mind was this guilt and confusion: this was his little brother Max doing this to him. His smokin' hot little brother. Dammit! 'I love him so much, but do I love him this way? I know I'm attracted to his beautiful body, but... I am so confused!'

Then as Max kept licking, sucking and even gently biting Justin's nipple, his hand slipped down over his tensing abs... down to rub around in his curly little bush of black pubes, and then to suddenly wrap his long fingers around Justin's thick shaft. 'Wow he is so big' Max thought, 'I really want to make him happy but wow. I can't believe we're doing this. I have dreamed about this, being with Justin, wow even kissing him is so awesome, and I love how he gets all shaky when I feel his hot body. Could he really be as nervous about this as me? Man, his body is so hot...' Max ran his other hand up over Justin's torso to his pecs again. 'He's perfect, and he's my brother. I don't know why this is wrong. I love him, I want to make him feel good. He's so shy, and girls have hurt him again and again. I'd never hurt him.'

Meanwhile, Justin gasped as Max gently took hold of his aching cock. This was the second time in twelve hours, and the second time in his life, that someone had held on to his bare cock. 'I can't believe this is happening!' Being with Cody was amazing, and he really had feelings for him, but being with Max was something different. For better or worse, he and Max had a different kind of bond. 'Maybe Max just has misplaced affection issues... oh my god!' Justin tried to rationalize until Max began to stroke him, and his kisses worked down over his perfect six-pack. He had the urge to stop it, to just pull Max up and hug him and stop the sexual thing, but he couldn't.

Max paused for a second and raised his head, but he kept playing with his older brother's hard swollen cock. "Bro you have a rockin' body, your abs are amazing!"

"C'mon Max, you have nice ones too!" Justin's voice cracked as he reached down to run his fingers over Max's lean, toned torso.

"Nothing like your muscles. Especially this one." He grinned, pleased with himself over his little pun, as he gently pulled Justin's cock up and away from his stomach so it was standing almost vertical. A little clear drop of precum was on the tip.

"Maxie... Max...?" Justin told himself he shouldn't look but he couldn't help it as Max lowered his mouth over the big purple head of his cock. Justin was secretly proud of his dick, though he also sometimes wondered if it would ever see any action. He never in his wildest dreams imagined that this cruise would create such opportunities.

Max first just licked the tip, tasting the sweet precum. Justin gasped and shivered. Max worked his agile tongue over it, got the mushroom head in his mouth, tightened his lips and sucked and licked the underside, while working the base of the cock with one hand, and Justin's big balls with the other. He was glad for his practice with Zack, but Justin was a lot bigger. In a way it was really hot that his older brother was such a secret stud, but in another, it was really intimidating.

Meanwhile, Justin pretty much gave up resisting. He gently put his right hand on Max's head, running his fingers through his soft brown hair. With his left hand he started to tweak his own nipple, like he sometimes did when he masturbated. He spread his big strong legs open for Max, and his brother did not disappoint, pushing them wider. And, moving his hand from Justin's balls, he wiggled a finger into his big brother's tight virgin ass.

"Ohhh!" Justin gasped. 'Oh this is so wrong, so wrong!' Justin thought, but then he conceded, 'Why should this be wrong? We love each other, we both want this. It's not like we are going to get pregnant. I would never hurt Max emotionally or physically, and I don't think he would intentionally hurt me... oh god!' Justin felt a wave of pleasure surge through his body and his big cock jumped when Max found his prostate. 'How does Max even know about this!?' He looked down again and his sexy brother was sucking more and more of Justin's thick shaft into his mouth. It felt incredible... too incredible in fact. He felt his orgasm starting to build, and he wasn't ready to cum yet. "Max, Maxie stop!" Justin begged, gently pulling Max's head away from him. His hard cock slapped wetly against his abs.

"What, Justin, did I hurt you?" Max looked worried. "I saw it... uh... on the internet."

"No, not at all, it felt great, in fact I was getting close to, uh, cumming already. So now I want a turn." He smiled, hooked his hands under Max's underarms and pulled him up so they were face to face. "Time for me to be in charge for a little while." Justin whispered with a smile. Then he wrapped his arms around his lithe brother and rolled them over so he was on top.

Max looked momentarily confused, but then he smiled as Justin settled on top of him. He ran his long-fingered hands over his brother's strong back. Once again their hard cocks were grinding together as Justin rocked slowly up and down against his cute brother, while they looked into each other's eyes. Then Justin lowered his head, and as their eyes closed they kissed again. Max moved one hand up, his fingers splayed as he combed through Justin's thick black hair as their bodies moved together.

Then Justin broke the kiss, but only to begin planting little feathery kisses on Max's smooth cheek, then on his neck. Max turned his head and moaned in pleasure as his older brother licked and sucked on his tender throat. Justin started to move down, hands on Max's lean pecs. His thumbs found the youth's pert little nipples and lightly rubbed them until his mouth made it to one. He flicked his tongue over Max's left nipple, rewarded by a little gasp and a nervous giggle from his brother.

"That tickles!" Max said apologetically.

Justin smiled at his brother. "That was so cute, Max." He slid his hand down over Max's tight six-pack, down over his trembling belly and into the little dark brown bush of pubes.

"Hmmm!" Max almost whined as the older Russo boy's fingers brushed against his aching cock. "Justin, please..."

"What, Maxie?" Justin asked teasingly, as he very gently wrapped his hand around Max's pulsing dick and ran his thumb over the moist tip.

Max's only response was a whimper. His whole body was trembling.

Justin scooted down so he was looking right down on Max's groin. He was so beautiful. He didn't even have a trail yet from his belly button, just a thick little bush above his cock. His cock itself was standing up from his flat belly at a slight angle and seemed to jump a little with his rapid heartbeat. His balls weren't quite as big as Justin's yet, and they were still practically hairless. Justin caged them gently in one hand, feeling their weight. They immediately pulled up towards Max's body, but Max spread his legs open for his brother, knees bent. Still holding Max's warm balls, Justin leaned down and very lightly ran his tongue up the underside of his brother's pulsing cock, ending right at the sensitive spot at the base of the head. A little dollop of precum dribbled from the tip, and before it could fall, Justin took hold of Max's shaft again, aimed it up, and put his lips around the head. He ran his tongue over the tip to scoop up the sweet clear fluid.

"Ohhh man..." Max whispered, his fingers digging into the sheets.

Justin meanwhile was nervous about what to do. He had played with Cody, but of course that was the first time in his life and he barely knew him. Max was special and Justin wanted it to be perfect. At least from his brother's responses, he was enjoying it. Justin ran his tongue over the underside and started to move his mouth up and down while sucking on Max's steel-hard cock. With his right hand he held onto the base of the shaft and rubbed it lightly, and the left he ran over his brother's tight, smooth torso.

"Justin, Justin, oh it feels so good..." Max moaned, his legs moving back and forth. He put one hand lightly on the back of Justin's head -- not pushing at all, just to play with his brother's thick ebony hair.

The older Russo worked on sucking more of Max's shaft into his mouth, but would keep going back to just the head, toying with it with his tongue. Meantime, he slid his left hand down to Max's balls again and very gently played with them. Max obligingly spread his legs as wide as he could, and then Justin felt very naughty. 'Heck, if Max can do it, I can.' He took his mouth off Max's cock for a moment (he needed a little rest anyway, his jaw was starting to hurt), and wet his left index finger. Then as he went back down on Max, he rubbed the finger against his brother's pink hairless rosebud.

Max made a little gasp of surprise and jumped, but then relaxed as Justin's finger massaged the sensitive skin.

Then as the elder Russo took more of Max in his mouth, he gently pushed his finger into Max's ass. He felt the strong muscle clamp onto his finger.

"Oh geeze Justin!" Max's whole body convulsed, but as he flopped back down, Justin managed to get a little deeper.

Justin took his mouth off his brother's cock. "Is this okay Max?" He asked as he started working his finger in and out of his brother's tight hole. "I just want it to feel good, like you did to me."

"Go for it man, I was just surprised. Did it feel good when I did it?"

"Yeah it sure did bro, it felt amazing. Do you trust me?"

"Duh, Justin, I trust you throwing spells on me every day. I know... I know you'd never hurt me. Come up here a sec." He gently tugged his brother up so they were facing again.

Justin felt himself tremble. There had been a few times, because of the wizard competition, that he had not helped Max as much as he could have. But his brother didn't seem interested. "Max, I'd never hurt you..."

"Yeah I know, you want to win the competition. And you will. I'm not 'the sharpest knife in the shed' or whatever. I don't care." Max looked up at his brother with his soft brown eyes.

"Maxie..." Justin put his hand tenderly on Max's cheek, his expression sad.

"Oh stop Justin!" Max smiled, "Come here." He grabbed Justin's head and pulled him into a deep passionate kiss. Max's surprisingly long tongue snaked into Justin's mouth and fenced with his own as their lips locked passionately. Both young men sighed and moaned as they struggled to pull their bodies closer to each other.

Then, both of their chest heaving, Justin pushed himself up over his brother. He looked down with his hazel eyes into Max's deep brown, and he couldn't help smiling, because Max was smiling up at him. Somewhere deep inside him, Justin was torn. He had such a deep affection for his brother, and in a way even the kissing was okay (even though it was certainly not the way brothers would normally kiss) but the sex was so... well, wait. Married straight people had sex and they called it 'making love.' Why couldn't he and his willing brother also show their love?

"Are you okay?" Max looked uncertainly up at his brother.

"If you are, then I am." Justin grinned.

"It feels weird, but also really good, being with you like this."

"I just want to make you feel good, Maxie."

"I know. I trust you bro. But I have to tell you, I am not gonna last much longer."

"Okay, just warn me when you are close, okay?"

"You got it."

Justin scooted back down and began to work on Max again, one hand roaming over the teen's abs and groin, the other using a finger again to gently probe into Max's tender little hole. Meanwhile, he sucked eagerly on his brother's beautiful cock, alternating between up and down on the shaft and working on the head with his lips and tongue. Whatever he was doing seemed to be working because it wasn't long before...

"Justin - oh! Oh man, I'm gonna --" Max started to make little high-pitched gasping sounds and his hips thrust up in time as his fingers dug into Justin's shoulders. His whole body arched up.

But instead of pulling off, Justin held tight on the base of Max's cock while sucking the head and running his tongue on the underside, while working his finger deep inside his brother's ass, rubbing his prostate. He felt the first jet of cum fire out of Max's pulsing cock and hit the back of his mouth. As he swallowed, he thought it was kind of tangy-sweet. He kept working on his now writhing little brother as Max fired several more powerful shots into his mouth before the younger Russo's body started to relax.

"Oh jeeze!" Max exclaimed with a big exhale. He was still breathing hard, and a little sweaty.

Justin let Max's still semi-hard cock slip out of his mouth and levered himself up. "Be right back."

While Max recovered, Justin went to the bathroom, washed out his mouth and brushed his teeth. It wasn't that Max's cum was unpleasant, but it was still a little too weird for him. He also brought a cool moist washcloth to his brother and began to gently wipe him off, starting with his face and working down.

"You don't have to do that." Max pouted, feeling a little of that after-sex embarrassment.

"But I want to. You know sometimes I washed you when you were little."

"I remember. Alex never wanted to take care of me but you did. You tucked me in and even read to me. I don't think I thought about that you were only like three or four years older than me, you seemed so smart and already knew lots of stuff."

"I was reading three grades above my level..." Justin could not resist boasting, not that it would have any meaning to his brother.

"I remember one time you told me you had a fantasy about being in your bed all snuggly and warm, but you were outside in a forest, and it was all windy and cold, but you were warm in your bed. Do you remember that?"

"I do. Actually sometimes I open the windows of my room to make it colder in the winter so I can feel that way. Don't tell dad!" Justin gently ran the washcloth over Max's abs where a little cum had dripped. "But anyway, I'm the oldest. It's my job to look after you and Alex, cause mom and dad have to take care of the shop." Justin didn't mention that of course back then Max was just little Maxie his cute baby brother who he liked to cuddle and tickle and read to. But now Max was all grown up. Nearly as tall as Justin's six feet, deeper voice, hair... He couldn't help noticing that Max's cock was becoming fully hard again. "Wow bro, you're a machine."

"Aw, man." Max felt his cheeks burning. "Put the cloth away and get back in bed please!" He stretched out his arms and made his best pleading little-boy face.

Justin put the cloth in the bathroom, and surreptitiously wiped his eyes with a tissue. 'Darn allergies.' He realized that his cock had softened somewhat, but it was not a big deal. 'I made Max happy, that was what's important.' When he came back in to the main suite he looked around for his boxers.

"What are you doing?"


"You're looking for your boxers! Stop it man! Get in bed, I'm cold!" And we have some unfinished business."

Justin, surprised at the commanding tone coming from his little brother, looked over at him in the growing light. Max was grinning in his usual silly way. "Ohhkay smarty pants, but I am going to do one thing." He walked to the balcony and tugged the heavy curtains closed so the room was in near-darkness again. Somehow it was easier to get into bed naked with his hot brother in the darkness than with the sun shining in.

Then as he walked towards the bed, Max asked, his voice back to his usual higher-pitched tone, "So I'm thinking we might miss breakfast?" He held the sheet and quilt up for his brother to crawl in.

Justin, smiling, pulled Max against him so they lay side by side facing each other under the covers. "That's the great thing about being on a cruise, they serve food all the time. So what is this unfinished business?"

Max furrowed his brows while smiling. "Dude, we need to get you off!"

"You don't have to - "

"Justin I want to!"

"Okay! But can we just, be like this for awhile. Your old brother still needs to recover."

"Yah, right." Max snorted, pulling Justin against him. I bet you could outlast me." He nuzzled into the crook of Justin's shoulder.

The older Russo son could feel his brother start to relax. It didn't take Max long to doze off. He reached over to his wand on the nightstand, waved it in a silent incantation, and set it aside. Gradually the cabin dissolved into a beautiful forest on a winter night, swept by chill breezes. Only their bed and the nightstand remained, with the covers furling in the winds. Then a light snow began to fall, swirling in the wind. No flakes touched the covers to wet them, but a few fell on the faces of the young men cuddled together in the bed, warmed by each other. Justin had always wanted to do this, but casting spells for personal gain was forbidden, despite the fact that Alex seemed to get away with it on an almost daily basis - do not grind teeth, do not grind teeth - he had to do it now, with Max.

To Justin's surprise, Max opened his eyes and smiled, looking up at the trees and the falling snow above them. His hair ruffled in the chilly wind. "Hmmm, it's just like I imagined it bro, this is better than any cruise." Then he pulled his brother even tighter in a hug for warmth against the cold forest around them. He closed his eyes as a few flakes touched his light brown cheeks. "Are there any gay wizards?"

"I guess there must be." Justin pulled the covers a little higher over them.

End of Part 4.


Part Five: Zack and Cody experience a merging of feelings again... and then, who knows?

Let me know what you think! RobGnVA80@aol.com

Next: Chapter 5

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