Wizards on Deck

By RobGnVA80

Published on Aug 6, 2012


I love Feedback! Please feel free to email, so I know this story is being read and hopefully enjoyed.

Check out another story I just started: http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/disney-non-stop-summer

Warning: this story graphically depicts sex between fictional brothers (gasp). If you are underage to read this where you live, or offended by the idea of this, what are you even doing here? Go!

(Very) loosely based on episodes of the Disney Channel series 'Wizards of Waverly Place:' "Cast Away (to another Show)" and 'Suite Life on Deck:' "Double Crossed," where characters from the two shows cross over. (Both shows are still being repeated)

Eighteen-year-old Wizard Justin Russo (played by David Henrie) wins a trip on the cruise ship SS Tipton, and his 15 year-old Wizard brother Max (played by Jake T. Austin) joins him. (In this version everyone is a little older than they were on the show episode). The twins Zack and Cody Martin (played by Dylan and Cole Sprouse, respectively) are 17. This takes place after the 'Suite Life Movie' (it's on YouTube and they repeat it frequently on Disney Channel and Disney XD) so Cody and Zack have recently felt the effects of the 'Merge,' where they experienced a special empathy for each other, then knew each other's feelings, and (briefly) could read each other's thoughts. Those effects have (mostly) worn off.

This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to Disney. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors or the characters.

And here are a couple of fun youtube clips:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=sdbZNe_ZPEc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br1M1W-MPDc&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P4Ho6N3T_g

This is just David Henrie's awesome bod (and a funny little ending): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYProN3T_W8

Look at Max's Hair!!! And could Justin be any cuter/hotter? (no): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-H_BbaLVGzc&feature=fvwrel

Wizards on Deck, Part 5

Justin and Max napped a little while longer, snuggled together, until the winter spell evaporated and they were once again in their cabin.

"I'm hungry." Max murmured.

"I can feel your tummy rumbling."


"Don't be. So should we get dressed and go see what kind of food they have out now?"

"Yeah, then let's come back here." Max nuzzled his older brother's neck.

"Oh, what for?" Justin could not help smiling a little, gently holding his lean brother.

Max wrapped his hand around his brother's already semi-hard cock. "Cause I want to play some more."

"You are so bad!" Justin said with a little chuckle.

The younger Russo son looked into his brother's eyes, his expression serious. "Dude, I want to do everything with you. I want you to, you know, have me."

Justin couldn't keep his big dick from suddenly springing to full hardness while his pulse quickened. "Max, are you sure? I hear that it can hurt, at least at first."

"Justin, I know you won't hurt me."

"Of course I never would on purpose Max. But, let's talk about it later. We both smell pretty rank right now."

"You don't like my B.O.?" Max pouted, then promptly shoved his armpit into his brother's face.

"Peyew!" But Justin was actually kind of turned on by the musky man-boy smell of his brother. 'Might have to explore that later.'

"Well, then let's take a shower together!" Max grinned, clambering out of the bed and strutting to the bathroom.

"Be right there." Justin paused a moment to admire that perky little ass as Max headed away. He had to admit, his cock was rock hard and he was thinking how hot it would be to really make love to Max, to be joined together... "Oh god..." he moaned out load.


They managed to behave (mostly) in the shower together, though Max could not resist washing Justin's chest over and over. Then they dressed, ate like pigs on one of the buffets, and went back to their cabin. The door had barely closed before Max was stripping out of his shorts and shirt.

"Woah, where's the fire, bro?" Justin said with a little laugh.

"In my pants! I am so horny, Justin! And you haven't even cum once yet, come on!"

Justin sat on the bed. "I dunno, I could use a nap, maybe out on the Skydeck..." He looked at his little brother with a teasing smirk.

"Stop it!" Max grabbed a pillow and threw it at his brother.

"I'm sorry!" Justin smiled, deflecting the pillow. For some reason now he was feeling so shy.

Max sat down next to his brother. "Dude. You didn't like what we did?

"Of course I did, Max. But, I don't know; is this right?" Justin looked troubled.

"Oh don't go there, it's a little late. You liked it, I like it. No one is gonna get pregnant. We are both virgins..." Max looked at his brother expectantly.

Justin blushed.

"Justin I want to do it now, please. I am so horny to try it. Your finger felt so good inside me. You were touching something inside my butt that made my dick feel really good, if that makes any sense."

"That's your prostate, Max, and yeah I've heard that it can feel really good when it gets rubbed the right way."

"No wonder guys like to get it up the butt! I can't wait to feel your dick man." Max grinned at his older brother, all boyish eagerness, running his hand over Justin's leg.

"My dick is a lot bigger than my finger, dude." Justin warned.

"I know; your dick is real big! But guys can do it, we know they do. Justin please, I want you so bad!" Max pleaded. He ran his hand up higher on Justin's strong thigh, then wiggled his eyebrows. He also already had an obvious tent in his boxers.

Justin tried not to laugh at Max's cute but comical seduction. "Okay, just I don't want to hurt you Maxie." But secretly inside, Justin was so turned on at the thought of putting his cock inside his brother's beautiful little round bum that he thought he might explode right there. He had to rearrange his hardon even in his baggy shorts.

"Stand up, bro." Max said suddenly, and almost without thinking, Justin complied. Max smiled, grabbed the hem of Justin's t-shirt and started to lift it. Justin raised his arms, and Max slowly pulled it off him. And as they stood face-to-face, Justin realized that his younger brother really had grown to be nearly as tall as him... and so handsome. They looked into each other's eyes, suddenly both quiet and serious.

It took his breath away. "Max, Maxie..." He very gently put his hands on his brother's hips, slid them lightly up and down his flanks, feeling his brother's chest rise and fall with his breathing.

As they started to move closer, Max slid his hands over Justin's powerful glutes, spreading his fingers to grip his brothers rounded ass. "Justin, I don't want to pressure you, but you're so hot, and you got me so worked up, and I love you so much-"

Then Justin pulled Max in for a kiss, because otherwise he thought hearing this was going to make him cry.

  • KNOCK KNOCK * "Room service!"

"Oh my god!" Both teens leapt apart like they had the same magnetic charge, and gasped for breath. Then they stared at each other.

"I didn't order room service!" Justin glared at Max accusingly, though he could not figure when Max could possibly have ordered room service.

"Well neither did I! Though it sounds like fun, they bring food to you!" Max countered, trying to glare back, but really failing at glaring as usual.

"Get in the bathroom and hide; you're practically naked!" Justin made frantic shooing motions then spun around the room. "Shirt, need money for tip... who ordered this?" Then he got to the door, peeked through the peephole, saw it was a porter with a cart, then cracked the door and peeked around it. "Um, we didn't order room service."

The (rather cute, young) porter looked at his ticket. "Oh this is compliments of London Tipton: 'For the winner of the Essay Contest, and looking forward to meeting you at the reception tonight, Mister Russo.'"

"Oh wow, that was very nice of her." Justin said, opening the door for the porter, who wheeled in the cart. He assumed that the porter would leave, but he proceeded to transfer the cart contents to a small dining table, and describe the contents. Justin felt suddenly very self-conscious, since he had not managed to put his shirt back on, and he noticed how the porter was looking at him rather appraisingly.

"We have a fruit plate, including mangoes, pineapples, melons, grapes. Assorted cheeses and bread, and two bottles of Crystal Champagne. Allow me to open one for you."

"Um, well that's not necessary. Actually, you see, I'm not really-"

At that moment, Max burst out of the bathroom in a Tipton robe. "Champagne! I'll have a glass, my good man!"

The porter then grinned widely, looked from Justin to Max and back again, and said "Very good!"

Justin just sat on the bed and watched helplessly while Max bantered with the porter and ate cheese. 'Oh my god, Max and I don't look that much alike, and maybe he thinks we are a couple... well, we ARE a couple, kind of. Max is so at ease, while I am freaking out. What is wrong with me? Why can't I just enjoy this? This is like a dream! Max and me alone on this ship, and it turns out he has the same feelings for me that I do for him, and we have a week to do whatever we want, and... god he looks so cute standing there just yammering away with the porter. I just want to run my fingers through his hair and kiss him all over, and... oh shit, hardon. That porter must realize that we are not twenty-one and he is serving us alcohol. Though we're out in the middle of the ocean and I don't know what laws are here, and he's just following orders...'

The porter skillfully popped the cork on the expensive champagne and poured two flutes. He gave one to Max, and when he presented one to Justin, the older Russo finally came to his senses and tried to give the porter a tip. "Oh you don't need to tip me, it's included." The porter smiled, glancing appreciatively at Justin's chest. "I wish you two gentlemen a very enjoyable cruise!"

The door closed behind the porter, and Justin turned around to see Max raising his glass to him. "This just gets better and better!"

"Wow. I don't think they understand that we're underage! And I can't believe you ate so much cheese." Justin raised an eyebrow.

"Aw Justin! We gotta have a little of this bubbly! Mom and dad have let us have a little bit on New Years for a few years, and even some wine once and while because it is an Italian tradition. We can't let it go to waste! It's not like we are driving or gonna get wasted or anything."

"I don't know, Max. I'm responsible for you while we are here..."

"Justin this is perfect!" It'll help us relax for you know what! You were worried about it hurting me; this will make it easier. Please? I won't drink it unless you say it is okay. I don't want to make you mad because we are having such a great time. But I don't think it will hurt." He sat next to Justin on the bed again and made his best innocent Max face.

"Well, you are right, mom and dad do let us have a glass on New Years, and wine once in awhile. Dad says it is an old Italian thing. And now that the porter opened the bottle it will go to waste if we don't drink it. What the heck." He smiled.

"Yeah! Oh, and that room service dude was totally flirting with you!" Max clinked his glass with Justin's... then proceeded to down almost the entire thing in one gulp while Justin had a sip.

"Max!" Justin gasped.

"Getting the party started!" Max stood up, and started dancing around as if he was already drunk, which was of course impossible. He got the bottle and refilled his glass.

"Max, stop it and come here!" Justin again tried to sound officious, but at the same time, his tall lean brother swaying his hips around in the slowly opening robe was just turning him on. "I wanted to show you something."

"Sure, bro, what?" Max sat close, smiling his charming wide smile. 'Damn, why does Justin always look so sweet and innocent? I am younger and I feel like I am seducing him.' Max sat up straight and pulled his robe together.

"You didn't have to do that, it was looking... hot... open." Justin said hesitantly. 'I can't believe we have had oral sex and now I am shy about asking him to show his chest. I am such a loser.' "Anyway, there is this thing I wanted to try that two people sometimes do when they drink champagne, it's just a ritual thing, but I wanted to try it."

"Sure." Max absentmindedly brushed his hair out of his eyes with one hand while holding the other hand out with the champagne.

Then Justin realized that since he was left-handed he needed to switch, then he reached out. "What we do is wrap our wrists around each other and drink." And he held Max's wrist and started to show him how.

"But why...?" But then Max realized, because it brought their faces close together, and they looked each other close in the eyes as they drank their own glasses, but had their arms together. Then he only sipped. Plus with his young metabolism, the first glass was already starting to hit.

And this time--to his surprise--Justin took a big swig, and smiled at his little brother. "I'm... so glad we're doing this Max." Justin felt himself blushing.

"Aw what, just getting along as brothers... or other stuff?" Max grinned.

"I think you know I mean both." Justin admitted.

"I think it would be more fun if you had to drink from my glass, then I could 'accidentally' spill it on you, and then lick it off you." Max grinned.

"When did you become such a bad boy?" Justin furrowed his brows. "You really never messed around with anyone before?"

"No one I swear, just a couple of little kisses with girls, yuck, and then well Zack last night, we did mess around. But Justin, as cute as he was, I wanted to be with you."

Justin looked glumly at his sexy lean brother next to him and took another swig of champagne. He was already feeling a little lightheaded, but it must be his imagination. "So you mean he was really a lot hotter than me, but you wanted to make your nerdy older brother feel better?" He had to admit, he was baiting Max, hoping to get him to admit that he really was...

"Oh shut up! How many times you want me to tell you?" Max smacked his brother across the back leaving a momentary five-fingered red mark. "Oh, jeeze! I'm sorry man!"

Justin looked surprised at first, then realized that his brother had been right. He was being an ass. A fucking ass ('omg, did I think that, am I drunk?'). He and his incredibly hot brother had been intimate and expressed their love, and Max had offered everything to him, and he had still been all whiny, and second-guessing. "No, Max, I'm sorry! I'm being a jerk!" He put his glass down, put Max's down and hugged his brother as hard as he could. They fell back on the bed, and he started kissing Max on his smooth, tender neck. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to doubt you."

"Oh, Justin, you know... oh shit! Jeez I think the cham-campa-stuff has gone to my head."

"Just so you don't get sick!" Justin smiled down at his brother.

"Oh hell no! I just feel really good! But I better wait before I have any more."

"That's a good idea. Me too." Justin leaned down then and gently kissed Max, who returned it in kind at first, but then slid his hands up around his brother and pulled him closer while pressing his lips against his older brother's. Justin slid his hands down Max's body, pushing the robe open so their bare chests were together, and his little brother moaned into his mouth. Justin could feel Max's hardon already pressing against his thigh. He ran his fingers over Max's smooth chest, found one of his little nipples and started gently tweaking it. He felt Max smile against his lips.

"That tickles!" Max gasped, and started writhing on the bed.

"I figured it might!" Justin grinned down at him, then snuck both hands up under Max's arms--where he was just getting a little bit of hair-and really started tickling him.

"Oh god, no! Justin!" Max squealed, trying to get away while giggling uncontrollably. "You will make me puke if you don't stop!"

"Okay!" Justin smiled, "I just wanted to get you out of this." He eased the robe off of his brother.

"Well all you had to do was ask." Max grinned. "Now about those ugly shorts..."

"My shorts are not ugly!" Justin said indignantly, then he had to smile when he realized Max was teasing him. 'How does he always get me?'

"Well they look hot cause they have that big tent in them, but it must be uncomfortable. Here lemme help with that." Max leaned over, unbuttoned the shorts and slowly unzipped them, revealing Justin's huge bulge trapped at an angle in his briefs. "Ohh, sexy black low-rise briefs Justin, I didn't know you had these." Max wiggled his beautiful eyebrows.

Justin felt his face growing hot. "Well, I, um..."

"Aw shut up Justin! They're hot!" Max laughed, as he yanked off Justin's baggy shorts. "You wore them for me, didn't you?" He asked, crawling back on top of his brother, then playfully grabbing his wrists and putting them over Justin's head.

"We're not gonna play that bondage game again, are we?" Justin looked alarmed.

"Naw, unless you want to." Max leaned down close.

Justin saw his chance, grabbed his lighter (and unresisting) brother, And flipped them over so he was on top. "Or I get to tie you up."

"That could be fun too." Max smiled innocently, but at the same time, his hands were back on Justin's glutes, kneading the big muscles. "Damn Justin but you have a strong butt."

Max's actions just made Justin grind his hips against his brother, and Max opened his legs, so their cocks were rubbing together through their underwear while they stared into each other's eyes. Justin thought that looking at another person this long would get weird or awkward, but once in awhile one of them would just smile, as they slowly ground together, running their hands over each other.

Finally, though Max hooked his thumbs into Justin's briefs and said. "Time for these to go."

Justin made a little whimpering sound of protest but he lifted himself up, and Max was careful to pull the front of them away from his cock, which popped out as big as ever.

Max slid them down, and as Justin kicked them off he said, "Now isn't that better?"

"Yeah now your turn, smarty." Justin crawled down, and got Max's boxers off, and next thing he knew he was facing his younger brother's beautiful light brown cock, hard and bobbing slightly in time with his heartbeat. He looked up at Max, and their eyes met. Max's cheeks looked a little red, even behind his Latino genetics. He smiled his cute innocent smile, which seemed so incongruous to Justin, about to do something incestuous and gay.

"Dude." Max looked at him, suddenly very serious. "It's okay if you don't want to. We can just hang out, but I hope we can cuddle or-"

But then Justin aimed his hot little brother's cock up and took as much of it as he could down his throat. He had to admit that the alcohol probably helped, because he almost gagged as he started to suck on Max, but he didn't, even though he took just about all of his brother's beautiful seven inches. It did take him a few seconds to get into a rhythm again and enjoy it, running his tongue over the underside of his teen brother's cock, making Jake give him a little precum, while he milked his balls...

"Ohhh, man, Justin, yeah!" Max moaned, but after a minute he stopped his brother. "Dude, that is awesome, but you have not cum yet, and I want us to do it."

Justin looked up at Max, breathing hard, his face flushed. "Are you sure?"

But in answer, Max managed to get his brother onto his back, shimmy down, and in a moment he was staring at Justin Russo's thick eight inch cock. The big blunt head was bright purple and leaking a little precum. The head was bigger than the rest of the shaft, which was pretty much a uniform circumference. He wrapped his mouth around the head, eagerly sucking it while squeezing the base of his brother's hard cock. He did his best to imitate his brother, running his tongue along the underside of the head as he sucked, and Justin seemed to love that. His legs would move back and forth and his hands would clutch on Max's shoulders.

"Oh! Max, stop, bro, omg I will cum if you don't stop!!" Justin gently tried to pull his brother off his spasming dick. Justin was only 18; he knew he could cum and be ready to go again pretty quickly, but for some reason he wanted to hold this one for his brother, who was all about the, well, the...

Max leered at his brother, a little precum at the corner of his mouth. "Just getting you ready, bro."

"As if I needed to be gotten ready!"

"I got some stuff that should make it easier too!" Max said eagerly. He hopped off the bed and ran into the bathroom, to return a moment later with a little plastic bottle. He tossed it to Justin.

"What's this?" The elder Russo looked at the bottle suspiciously. "And where did you get it?"

"It's lubricant, dude, and I got it at the ship's drug store."

Justin's jaw fell and his eyes popped wide open. "When did you buy this?"

"I picked it up on the way back from Zack's cabin," Max said with a casual shrug. "You know, be prepared."

Max immediately flopped on his back at the edge of the bed and grabbed the insides of his knees with his hands, spreading his legs wide and revealing his pink little hole. His young teen balls were tight, and his lovely big brownish Latino cock was hard against his flat tummy. His little 6-pack was super-defined as he worked to hold his legs up, offering himself to his big brother. "C'mon Justin, please fuck me. I know you want to." Max said in the sexiest low voice he could manage.

Justin was taken aback for a moment. Here was his cute little brother Max, now on his back, rocking his long slim legs up and presenting his little butt-hole for Justin to stick his cock into. What the hell was going on? But he could not deny the feeling inside him, the lust surging in him to take just what sexy Max was offering. He wanted to make love to his hot little brother, and, yeah he wanted to fuck him.

"Max..." he growled, sliding over, and grabbing a pillow to push under Max's skinny hips. His hands were shaking as he opened the lube and put a little on his fingers. He very gently started to work one finger into Max's little puckered butt. "Does that feel okay?" He asked hoarsely. The muscle ring of Max's butt seemed really tight.

"Ohh, yeah, Justin!" Max let his head fall back and moaned.

Emboldened, Justin worked his finger in all the way, then worked it in and out, while with the other hand started to stroke Max's cock and get it lubed up.

"Yeah, bro, that feels great..." Max managed to say between moans as Justin worked two, then even three fingers into his brother's tight, grabbing hole. Max was like some kind of crazy young horny boy, his lean legs waving all over the place in the air as Justin worked his ass and cock. "Oh I think I am feeling the champagne! I'm all tingly!"

Justin figured once he got the head of his cock in, it would be smooth sailing. The head was like a mushroom top, and his cock shaft was somewhat smaller after that. And the part right behind his head was real sensitive, so if he got that in Max, maybe they could just move that around. He was really scared about putting all of his cock inside Max, that he could hurt his insides somehow. But he was so horny, and Max looked so hot lying there, wanting him. He used more lube to cover his cock, trying not to get himself too close to cumming. Then he held up one of Max's legs and rubbed the head up and down over his little brother's pink little opening. "You're sure?" He asked one more time, looking into his cute brother's caramel-colored eyes.

Max reach under himself, gently grabbed Justin's cock at the shaft, and stroked it. "Bro, I know it is gonna hurt at first, no matter what, so don't freak, okay?"

"Okay." Justin held his cock just behind the head as Max fondled the base and balls. Max's ass resisted at first, but he kept pushing, and suddenly the head and a little more was inside.

"Ohhh shit! Justin! Stop-stop-stop!" Max wailed.

"Max! I'm sorry!!!" Justin panicked and started to pull himself out but he felt Max's fingers gripping his ass.

"No, its cool, don't go out now. Just wait a minute, stay... stay." Max was taking deep breaths. "It's okay, bro, just give me a second!"

Justin thought it was so sexy watching his brother's young muscular chest rise and fall so powerfully now. They were both starting to sweat even though the room was cold. He looked down and his cock head and an inch or so were inside Max, and he could feel his little brother's ass ring--or whatever-spasming around his cock. Actually it felt really... hot. It kind of felt like Max's ass was trying to push him out, but also was kind of massaging his dick.

"Maxie are you sure?" Justin was torn between his conscience not wanting to hurt his brother and some primal lust of wanting to just ram his cock into this incredibly hot sexy young man, whose ass was seemingly grabbing his cock, sometimes pushing out and sometimes pulling it in. 'There is probably a spell for this, and it is probably in some forbidden book, which I am sure our straight dad knows nothing about!'

"I'm okay, it doesn't hurt any more; it was just when you first went in, oh shit Justin that thing is big! But now, try more."

Justin had to smile a little, proud that he had a big cock (yes, it was a 'cock' he thought to himself in his buzzed brain, and yes it was a lot bigger than Zeke's; he had noticed Zeke looking at him in the showers, those few times they had not getting out of showering in PE.), though he did not want to hurt Max with it. Still lying partly on top of Max, he moved his hips and pushed in a little more.

"Ohhhh! Yeah!" Max threw his arms out to his sides, and his cock did a little dance. "Oh my god, Justin, yeah, just, yeah, please just go slow." Max had never felt anything like this: his ass was burning as Justin pushed his cock in, but it felt so good. 'Good thing I had that big bathroom visit after the buffet and I guess emptied out.' He thought in his typical teenage naughty way.

"Okay, let me know if it hurts..." Justin held Max's legs as he started to ease in more. He closed his eyes and tried not to cum just from the feeling of his cock moving into this hot channel. He pulled a little out then pushed his cock back in, trying not to cum yet.

"Yeah, Justin, go slow, wow it feels good now."

Slowly and surely, with many pauses as he thought he was about to blow his load, Justin worked his eight inches all the way into Max's spasming ass.

"Oh, god, Maxie..." Justin moaned softly. His cock was all the way inside his brother, and propped on his hands, he looked down at Max. First at the base of his cock, with his pubes against his brother's smooth ass, then up at Max's face.

"Does it feel good?" Max smiled crookedly up at him, though Justin thought he could still see some pain in his expression.

"It feels so good, bro. I almost came a couple of times just trying to get it in. How are you doing?"

"It just kinda burns, but it doesn't really hurt any more. And when you move in and out a little, it's like 'woah!' It's rubbing the... prostate inside me. That feels amazing."

Justin put his hands on the inside of Max's knees to raise his legs way up and out. Then he slowly pulled his cock out a couple inches, then eased it back in, all the while watching his little brother's face. 'He looks so cute and sexy, I hope he really is feeling good.'

As his cock was going back in, Max opened his mouth wide. "Oh yeah, that's it!" And also, his hard cock bobbed up and down. Max reached up and cupped Justin's pecs, kneading the muscles and playing with his nipples teasingly. "Justin, you are so hot, I love your chest." He was almost afraid to touch his own cock or he would cum.

Justin could not believe how intense this was, joined with his brother like this, and the feelings coming from his dick as Max's ass muscles seemed to squeeze and knead him inside there. And now Max was playing with his sensitive little nipples! He thought he was having a sensory overload. "Your ass feels incredible. I'm not going to last very long like this." He let his cock ease out a little, then using his abs, he rocked his hips forward and pushed it all the way back into Max's ass. He didn't know which was hotter, seeing his thick rod going in and out of his brother's hole, or watching the expressions on Max's face.

Max, for his part, could not believe how good it was feeling now. It had hurt like hell at first, then gradually it started to feel like he was being stretched, and now he could feel Justin's cock sliding inside him "Do it longer like that bro, I can feel it rubbing against my prostate thing inside me. Oh, shit, yes, like that bro, oh my god, pull it out like that, fuck."

Justin could not believe what a potty mouth Max had, with just a few glasses of champagne, nor could he believe how it turned him on how his supposedly virgin sexy little brother was directing him on how to get fucked, and with that language.

"You like your big brother's cock in you, little brother?" He leered down at Max, feeling very naughty as he started to find a long slow rhythm of working his dick in and out of Max's smooth little ass. He was as hard as steel.

Max actually looked a little shocked as first but then he grinned back. "Yeah I do, bro. I love your big cock in me. It's even better than I dreamed it would be. You look so hot on top of me!" Then he grabbed the back of his own knees to spread them and free up Justin's hands.

The elder Russo son took the opportunity to caress Max's smooth body as he continued to slowly slide this thick cock almost all the way out of Max, then push it in until his pubes were brushing his brother's smooth hole. Max would moan or grunt with every thrust in. Justin wrapped his hand around his brother's pulsing cock and began to slowly stroke it in time with his thrusts. With his other hand, Justin massaged Max's abs and chest, playing with his pert little nipples. But he felt like he was going to cum soon, so he stopped for a moment, leaned down and tenderly brushed his brother's hair away from his face.

Max looked confused for a moment, then smiled shyly up at his brother. "I guess you were getting close too."

"Yeah, real close. And I just wanted us to enjoy this moment, 'cause for me... and I hope for you... it's about more than just getting off together."

Max let go of his legs and locked his ankles together at the small of Justin's back, freeing his hands so he could reach up and touch his brother's cheek. He could feel himself getting choked up. "It is for me too, Justin. You know I love you so much."

"Don't cry, Maxie!" Justin face took on a concerned expression.

"It's okay, just allergies." Max grinned and winked, wiping the tears away with his fingers. That was always Justin's excuse when he got emotional about something. He reached up and slid his hands around Justin's body just under his arms, running his fingers up and down his back.

He happened to look to the side and realized there was a big mirror next to the bed and he could see him and Justin together. His slightly darker skin and his slim legs around his brother, and Justin's strong round glutes flexing as he moved his cock in and out, and his powerful shoulders holding him up over Max. "Justin look at us! Damn, you look so sexy."

"Aw Max, stop it!" Justin felt himself blushing. But he did look, and he had to admit it was an incredibly hot sight. But for him it was as much seeing his and Max's faces side by side while their naked bodies were intertwined. Then he turned back to face his brother just as Max was doing the same. He leaned down, feeling his brother's hands starting to pull him. He gently touched his mouth to Max's soft full lips.

His brother let out a quiet moan-and at the same time clenched his ass muscle around Justin's shaft.

Justin made a surprised little noise and almost came right then. He felt Max's lips smile against his before he pulled away a little.

"Dude, I love this, but I'm still only fifteen, and I can't believe I've held it this long. I am gonna freakin' explode any second, and I want it to be with you really giving it to me." Max looked up at his brother with an expression of some kind of need. "Fuck me, Justin; fuck me now." He begged.

Justin felt his already aching cock swell even bigger just from his brother's quiet request. "All right, little brother, you wanna get fucked, you got it." He growled. He grabbed onto Max's slim hips, and started to piston his cock in and out of Max's tight little teen ass. His head was so big that it never slipped out, even though he stroked with almost his whole shaft.

"Oh, yeah!" Max shouted, digging his heels into Justin's back. He slid his hands down Justin's back to grab his round ass to pull him in. "Fuck me, Justin!" He said through clenched teeth. His hands clawed at Justin's ass and he even smacked him a couple of times.

Justin could not believe what his sweet little brother had become: some sort of wild animal, his hair flying while he bucked himself up to meet Justin's thrusts.

Finally Max said in a strained voice, "Oh god!" and grabbed his dick and started to stroke it furiously.

Justin tried to go even faster, leaned down to lick and suck on one of Max's nipples. He could feel his brother's ass clenching around his cock and he knew he was going to blow any second. "Max, I'm gonna cum..."

"Justin, me too, me too, oh SHIT! Max kept stroking with one hand but pulled Justin down to kiss him. Justin could feel Max's ass ring clamp down around his cock like a vise, so he kept it mostly inside, as he thrust as deep as he could into his brother's hot hole. The load he had been building for hours boiled up and blasted out of his big cock, firing into Max with spurt after spurt of cum, as he instinctively pushed his hips forward, trying to get his cock as far in as possible, delivering his sperm deep into his mate's hole.

At the same time, Max felt his cum boiling up. He jacked himself hard, and suddenly, his cock spurted a big load across his chest, onto his abs, all over him, again and again. He kept jerking his dick as Justin shoved that huge cock in him, and he swore that he had a second orgasm right after. He was seeing spots as his cock unloaded again, and he heard Justin moan...

"Oh god, yeah, oh my god Max!" Justin kept pushing into Max as his cock head swelled bigger and he fired load after load of cum deep into his little brother. Justin leaned up to get as deep as he could and banged his little brother again and again, feeling his swollen cock unload. He was sweating and gasping, and finally he fell onto his poor spent little brother, who wrapped his arms around him. Max's cum clung to them both.

"Oh Max, what did we just do?" Justin was overcome with conflicting feelings: love, guilt, satisfaction. His cock was still pretty much hard inside Max.

"Take it easy, bro, I think they call it making love." Max whispered with his usual, totally random, wisdom. Then he clenched his ass, squeezing his brother inside him, and they both broke out in giggles.


End of Part 5

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