Wolf and Witch

By Jessie Mkay

Published on May 24, 2012


Twilight Saga story. If you aren't 18 or older then don't read this. Donate to Nifty.org to keep the stories flowing. This has male/male relations if you are disgusted by this then come out of the closet your reading in the gay section. Enjoy.

Wolf and Witch-1

The music blarred "Conceited" by Remy Ma. I was performing on stage. The crowd going wild. I walked out on the stage sensually, swaying my hips. The song ended....people wanted more....that's what happens when you use magic on people so you can fulfill your desires to perform and sing and dance and purely entertain.

At the end of the night they wouldn't remember a thing, I always remember to erase any and all footage of myself.

"Please don't stop the music" played by Rihanna. I performed and the crowd went wild dancing and sing against me. Grinding on my body, a guy's hands around my waist.

When it finally finished I was shocked into reality by, applause it was so loud, close to that of thunder.

"I have time for one song. What will it be?"


I laughed that was too funny. "Bootylicious" by Destiny's Child played,

I was dancing people singing and dancing along with me, "My body to bootylicious for ya babe!"

I said in the middle of the song and everything froze. "Is this how you spend all your free time?" A voice said from behind me, a hand on my waist.

"Marcus. What do I owe the displeasure?"

Marcus, a blond haired blue eyed asshole. He comes from a family of well off witches. They are second to one family...mine. We express ourselves with use of magic to a simple degree. We have given our magic to help others...giving us infinite magic. Known as the blood conncordet, since my mother had me just before the pact was broken, I still had the infinite magic, just without the rules.

Point being that His family has been after our magic for so long now, even setting Marcus up with trying to seduce me. He tried it all from the classic approach to trying to drug me with potions.

"Oh...come on. You know why I'm here. You can only wait out the inevitable for so long. You are going to become mine one way or another." I sighed, "I don't even like men." He laughed, "Really did you not see your display you have run for everyone around here?" "I like independent sexually powered women, who know their worth. Not something to be put up on a shelf and taken off when men want to fuck."

"That's all their good for...aswell as submissive little bitch boys like you." He grabbed my arm tigthly, "You're family's legendary powerful magic will be at my disposal. Infinite magic...all mine. As soon as you say 'I Do'." He grinned, "I can marry who I want." I told him, "Besides my infinite magic is at MY disposal. So...GOOD BYE."

"I will have you, if it's the last thing I do.You're magic is mine....only a matter of time." He smiled like the Cheshire Cat fading from view. Time played again with people cheering, with a wave of my hand everything went back to the way it was before I even got there.

I climbed into a time warp and appeared in....well what your world would call Camelot. It had something to do with my great grandfather Merlin and putting Camelo outside of the time line. Not many allowed in, time works differently here. You don't age at all and by the time you go back to the mortal world...you discover how off the time spectrum here is. Daylight here can be night time there.

"Hello mother." I greeted my fair haired mother Mildred. Her golden locks have sway the tides in many a men's hearts. Her sea blue eyes have created the image of peace in even the most dangerous of enemies. Her golden skin has been the image of health since before the time spectrum reconstruct of Camelot. Such as all from King Arthur's lineage.

My father Pademi his tall heavily muscled frame brings any man to shame for not being like him. His handsome features has charmed many a women in his life. His chiseled abs and pecs, his smooth cut chin.His cloud grey eyes have daised women for centuries. His thin plump lips have been the object of affection and acquirement to everyone woman in Camelot. I received a combination of their looks.

Looking in a mirror, I saw myself.

5'11 lean nimble frame, tightly muscled. Light olive skin, my eyes light honey with colors of all kind shinned in them. My hair of raven image, separating the hair it is revealed to be blond inside and the ends turn a deep orange color, it's length goes to my back. My father says the orange is from my grandfather Merlin. My thick plump light pink lips full and moist as my mothers, she always wished for a girl...my dad for a son, this is as close they got. To say it, they're proud of me....yet I feel I always live up to their expectations and never live my life...I am sick of it!

"Hello Kalahari" My parents greeted, my mother with a kiss to the cheek and my father with a hug. "How goes your days?" I only smiled, "Well mother well." "Singing again?" I blushed to when my Father asked, "Yes Father." I couldn't lie to him. "Oh?" I was surprised by what happened next. "I cannot wait for you to perform for us one day." I grinned, revealing the perfect pearly white teeth our family always seems to have. My father never was happy about my singing, something must be up.

"Father?" He just laughed, "I cannot hide it. Marcus has asked for your hand." I rose in shock, "Father! He is evil. Marcus has come to me before asking for such. He has tried everything from potions to spells." He rose in anger, "That's enough. We need to grow over that." Getting up from the chair. "You can do as you wish. Let Marcus marry you. I for one am my own person. All that I hold to myself is MINE alone. Not for another to give away." I walked out of the room and began walking to the garden.

It was essentially a maze, with flowers of all kinds scowering the statues and columns along the path. I always found peace here, I had to remember this place not my own. I am in truth great grandson of Merlin and grandson of King Arthur, yet Arthur still lived, so my parents forever remain Duke and Princess. I remain Prince since their are no others to the thrown.

Do not fear, I do not wish my Grandfather's death. Nay, it is what keeps Marcus at bay. If anything were to happen to fall ill my Mother would have to step in, causing me to have to marry so to take the thrown next.

It is fortune that the spell keeps this place ageless and forever youthful. I walked up to a plum tree, one that Arthur had given to me as a present. I loved the fruit and they always bloomed in Camelot. I picked one and bit into it, the sweet juices tingled on my tongue. It was beautiful here.

I looked at my sorcerer robe. It's Burgundy tresses fell to the floor, it's smooth hood over my head, the arms cut off revealing flesh. With veils over and around metallic bat armbands that Morgan Le Fay gave to me. A Celtic knotted crown on my head with a red ruby encrusted in the middle.

That's why it was awkward going to the mortal world. Everything was simple yet complex there. I didn't want stay attached to the magic realm...I wanted normal....yet for me was castles and knights and dragons and sorcerers. I couldn't get away long enough.

"Thought I'd find you here." Benjamin approached me, his thick muscled body. Deep reddish tan, his light brown hair chin length. He was my crush....I only wished he felt the same....he's straight. Not to mention a werewolf, he wasn't tied to the moon....he can change whenever he wanted.

"So how is my fair prince today?" He teased, "I am fine....except...well...Marcus." I didn't have to finish to know that Benjamin was pissed, he was like very overprotective older brother. "What did that pathetic snake of a man do?" His face getting even more red, his hands balked into tight fists that his knuckles turned white. "He came to my father, asking for my hand. He doesn't love me, nor I him. He simply wants my magic." Benjamin seemed to grit his teeth together.

"I will put an end to this." "Benjamin! Don't bother." I yelled but he was gone, having me chase after him. I didn't know my way aswell as he did, one of the reasons I come here to relax so I can take my time finding my way.

His werewolf speed had him miles away in a few minutes. "Benjamin!" I did the one thing I could think of, I burst into hundreds of doves and reformed outside of the maze.

"Benjamin!" I called to no avail, "Kalahari!" Father called, "Yes?" "Get ready for the reception." "What? The reception so early? Please father not." "I will not hear It."

Hours Later it was 22nd hour of the day...10pm

I was dressed in a tight white slit legs sorcerer robe, it was worn by submissive males about to be married. Mallachi, an old man worn out from the day he was born. Also known as Marcus's Father....therefore the worst man in Camelot. Burst through the doors to the temple, "Stop everything!" Mallachi's face red and angry his mouth open his teeth shown like a dog barring it's teeth.

"What's the meaning of this?" My grandfather King Arthur demanded in annoyance, the man honestly looks as young as he did when he first became king, minus the beard and long hair.

"My son! Marcus! He is dead!" Everyone's face in shock, mine in awe. He pointed at me, "I demand he be killed!" My face went to shock as my mother pulled me behind her. "Under what charges?" "Murder! You slut!" "Watch thy tongue! Thou insult my daughter!" King Arthur yelled, "I know thy are in grief and demand justice, yet thy will show respect!" He only nodded and left in a huff.

"What do thy say to the charges?" I didn't want Benjamin to be killed, "I do not deny, that I am happy over Marcus's death." "Then...under the laws of Camelot. I am deeply saddened to say thou art sentenced to death." My grandfather said, crying. He hugged me before my parents, and then Merlin. Then the guards ceased me, escorted to the platform.

When you were found guilty then you were killed instantly. No trial can stop it, they didn't even examine the body. A werewolf involved it should have claw markings, but hopefully he isn't found out.

I was layer down, as the axe was raised so was a roar. Thunderously across the sky shaking the ground. Benjamin in his wolf form, covered in black fur running on four feet until he got up to the executioner he stood on two and slashed the executioner's face before he could turn the axe on Benjamin.

He killed the other guards, quickly and lifted me up and took off running. The wind whipping my hair this way and that, we came to a gate. The one that leads outside of Camelot...into the mortal world. He shifted turning into a amazingly handsome pile of man flesh and muscles...naked I mind you.

"We must flee...I killed Marcus, rather savagedly. They cannot find us in the mortal world....only problem is I cannot open the portal." He said fatigued sweating horribly. Not everyone had magic in Camelot...actually most didn't infact.

"Alright give me a moment." I lifted my hands and in a clap the portal opened. "Take my hand." We grasped on another as we leaped into the portal into the mortal world....landing in that of Forks, Washington

(That's the start of a new story. Let me know what you think of it doesn't work then I'll shut it down. I am putting a pause to Magic of The Falls, I have to learn more about The Vampire Diaries. So it may take a few weeks or so. If this one doesn't work then I'm doing a Hellboy fic with being human in appearance yet on complete psychic standards....or maybe in a beast appearance. Let me know. Reach me at jessiemkay@Yahoo.com)

Next: Chapter 2

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