Wolf and Witch

By Jessie Mkay

Published on May 25, 2012


Twilight Saga story. If you aren't atleast 18 then don't read this. I hope you enjoy it, as it has no personal information on the celebrities who play the roles. Before we get started, Kalahari and Benjamin will not be together. They are great friends and it's one sided at first till he meets his real wolf mate.

Wolf and Witch-2

Ever watch the cartoon version of Alice in Wonderland. Then you know what I'm feeling right now. The air blowing my hair and clothes around, as we were falling and falling....and falling.

When we got close to the ground, I transfigured us into birds and reformed us both on the ground. "We need to make you clothes." I said waving my hands into the air. Leaves from the trees fell and wrapped around Benjamin's lower body. Forming shorts made out of leaves. "Hopefully you don't get by a hot surface or you're going to regret wearing this. He looked at me funny, "Please...I demand thou make me clothes of none flammable material." I laughed pointing at his shorts, a small flame flicked a fire, I blasted him with water from the air, surprised it wasn't raining usually it rained like crazy in forks.

"Thou art a jester, I see?" He joked, tackling me to the ground laughing together. I flipped us over. I gripped a necklace from my pocket and handed it to him. "Wear this and you'll have whatever you demand as clothing...if you take it off then so go your clothes." A plain cotton shirt and brown farmer shorts appeared on him he walked barefoot.

"Also we need to change your verbal skills...we're in the mortal world...no more talking like we do in Camelot." H cocked his head to the left, "Verily!" "See that's what I'm saying." "Alright?" I nodded and he did a lame attempt at a thumbs up.

"Riiight." I said laughing as we locked arms, walking into who knows what. "First things first. We need a house." "Why not simply just make one, you have all that magic and no one to tell you how to use it...why not." "Wow, you're getting use to it." I joked, "Okay."

I waved my hands in the air, thinking of the house. "So we can play let here a house be laid." A beautiful blue house appeared out of flashes of light. It was 2 stories on the side of a cliff. It was perfectly descreet in the woods.

"Shall we go my prince?" "Well of course my fine furred friend." We joked together arm and arm. "Get inside." Benjamin ordered, "huh?" "Something's running this way." I got into the house followed by Benjamin. We went to the bathroom. "Stay here."

He said before walking outside. I waited, turned on the sink and stopped the drain. Fittling my fingers above the water, an image appeared. Benjamin standing outside, ripples were made. I swayed my hands to keep the image calm, if the ripples become to intense...no image.

A person...as pale as the snow that falls during winter in Camelot, appeared from the foliage. Hair as red and brilliant as fire. Her eyes and lips the shade of red only roses can make.

She hissed at Benjamin, his form quickly shifting to a bipedal black wolf, with menacing golden eyes. She ran up to him, he swung making brief contact. She flew to a tree, getting up from the floor she put a hand on her side to see some of it ripped off her body.

Benjamin roared as more seem to show up. Eyes almost as golden as Benjamin's wolf eyes. They stopped and stared at the only being with flaming hair and back to Benjamin. A big muscled black haired male ran towards Benjamin along with a lean blonde with curly hair male.

They hissed at Benjamin coming closer.....I couldn't let them hurt him. With a sway of my hands I created a force field around Benjamin and the house.

They leaped at it before it was shown to them. The wall shuddered from the impact, as the males were sent flying. I took notice of the fire hair female, she was being chased by a beautiful blond and brunette pixie of a girl. A lean bronze hair male chased after them.

A male with golden locks, pale skin, and the image of late twenties appeared out of the woods with a female with long luscious light brown hair, golden eyes just like her mate.

"Go after Victoria, and I'll help with the werewolf." He said to her before they separated. He ran up to Benjamin and the force field again shuddered, I felt the impact. I felt like the wind was knocked out of me. I pushed harder placing a thicker force field around Benjamin and the house. He stood there knowing I was protecting him and being smug about it.

If you had a being with infinite magic and motivation to use it to protect you, wouldn't you be smug aswell? Benjamin gathered infront of the house and stood in a protective stance.

The fire haired one got away and ran off, having the ones chasing her return to the others.

"We must stop...it's holding a protective stance." The blond male with curly hair said with a southern twang. The older leader with blond hair walked up to the force field and touched it. Benajamin held his stance and growled in warning, "We mean you no harm." The bronze haired one walked closer to the force field placing a hand on it aswell. Followed by the blond with the southern drawl. I could feel something in my head. Before pushing it out, "He has a friend making the shield, he pushed me out of his head." The bronzed haired one, "I can feel emotions from only one being and it's not the wolf." The southern one said.

"We want to just talk." Benjamin turned around and headed inside.

I heard footsteps before, a naked Benjamin came in. "Clothes, Benjamin." "Of course Kalahari." He held the necklace as a white shirt and jeans appeared on him. "What do we do?" He asked getting close to me peering into the sink.

"I don't want anything to do with fighting." I said before he nodded and walked back outside. "I want nothing to do with your fight." They looked at eachother before the leader said, "We simply wish.." "I do not care what you wish. I only for my prince and right now he wants to be alone, so leave and do not return." Benjamin ordered, "Is that so?" The big muscled raven haired one said, obviously trying to challenge Benjamin out of the force field. "While this field is up, nothing gets in and nothing gets out. Good bye." He said his old English accent came back, before he cleared his throat and walked inside. Closing and locking the door.

I watched as they all retreated back into the woods not before looking back one last time.

Later on that night

Benjamin and I have been watching a scary movie on the tely. Called "Alien" Sigourney Weaver was an amazing strong woman. Next to Jamie Lee Curtis, they were truly inspiring. I cuddled into Benjamin's side his warm embrace always relaxed me.

Commercial, I went to the bathroom and washed my hands after I was done. I played with the water...still curious about those people. A flicker went by, it was the blond with the curly hair who was outside our house....next to the bronze haired one.

I pulled the force field up before they got any closer. As soon as they saw it they moved back into the woods. "They're stalking us." I said walking back into the living room, Benjamin made to get up but I sent telekinetic pulses to hold him down. "Relax. The field is up." I said walking up to him and laying down on his chest. "Should we let them in?" Benjamin asked, "Tomorrow for sure." I answered yawning.

I got to thinking some things. I placed the forcefield around the house by another source, the support beams to the house, each one enchanted and held the field up. As I sleep the chance of the field falling was very low to not a chance.

As I walked to the bed I realized how much I loved Benjamin....and no matter how much I showed him, he wouldn't be sexually attracted to me. I also thought of how, my magic keeps me young forever....what about Benjamin. Camelot kept him young, does he age? Do werewolves age? I couldn't live being young forever while Benjamin withers to dust before my eyes.

Tears formed in my eyes. "Kalahari? Why do you cry?" He asked getting closer to me. Kneeling, he took my hand in his. "What must I do?" "Sorry. I was thinking...how my magic keeps me young." I placed a hand to his face, "What keeps you young? I cannot bear to see you wither to dust before my eyes." He smiled at me, "Werewolves don't age. When we shift it's like renewing to the skin, so as long as I shift I'll be forever young. Besides I cannot stand being human all the time." He said with a smile.

I smiled hugging him. "Wow you must be tired, you're acting hysterical. Time for bed." He said picking me up bridal style walking up stairs and laying next to me in bed.

I slept on his chest....a dream came into formation. Vividly and beautiful, I walked the forest grounds. A howl was heard, I turned around a large dark silver wolf came running up to me, it's teeth barred. Before the impact I woke up, breathing heavily. Sweat soaked to the brim, as I realized I was floating as well as every object in the room. I landed on the bed, with a thud and yelp Benjamin got up from the floor. "What happened?" I laughed a little. "Sorry. I had a dream of a wolf attacking me." "I wouldn't do..." "I didn't mean you."

He got on the bed and held me. I feared I was becoming too attached to Benjamin. In truth he was with me since we were kids, he became my Chevalier. The problem...was I fell for him...while he kept it strictly friend and protector business.

Bright and Early Day

I was up, Benjamin gone. I felt cold. I looked at the mirror and decided I needed a shower. Undressing and climbing in I let the warm water touch me, run down my back and warm up my body. Walking to the closet, there was materials of all kind. I picked a blue and green material it shinned when the sunlight hit it just right. I wrapped it around my body and with a few words it clung on me perfectly. It was more like a sash robe now. I placed a silver crown on my head with a saphire on it upon my head. I should start dressing like they do in the mortal world.

I'll watch the tely to know what to wear. I walked out of the room and downstairs, the smell of food caught my nose. I heard a female voice and then a male voice, these voices I didn't know. Fire appeared in my palms, I walked to the kitchen and aimed, Benjamin jumped out of nowhere grabbing my hands and closing them.

"It's alright. Kalahari" he whispered, I nodded before turning to our guests. It was the leaders, they offered beautiful smiles, the brunette went back to cooking. "Sorry. We asked Benjamin if we could talk. He said it was alright as long as we kept it to just two people. Everyone else is waiting outside to know what's going on." I nodded, "It's alright. I'll let them in." I walked to the door. They literally were all waiting, eyes shifted to me. "You can come in." I let the force field and went to the door. The blond southern male by the door already to escort me in. "Thank you." I said walking in.

"So how do we go about this." Benjamin asked, "What?" I asked him. "Where going to help these vampires with their rogue vampire problem." I looked at him, "We?" He stopped talking, "I'm sorry your highness. I neglected to run it by you." He looked down in shame, I placed a hand to his face. "It's fine. After what you did to the vampire yesterday, I could imagine she would be angry with you. I couldn't let you go in alone." I said smiling, "But first I eat." "That's my que." The woman said giving me eggs and bacon and what they call hashbrowns.

I ate it happily, they introduced themselves. "It's really awesome of what you guys are doing for us." I looked at Emmett when he said that, "I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for Benjamin. He posses off...Victoria. Once this is over we're done." I said putting my dish on the sink. With a snap it washed and dried itself and put itself away.

"Right. Sorry." I only nodded, Rosealie seemed to get posses off about something. "Do you always talk to people like this?" I offered no glance. "If I recall, you ask for help....in your problem."

"Kalahari." Benjamin said in a low tone coming up to me, hugging me from behind. He whispered in my ear. "It would be best to help. Remember she may be angry at me now." I only nodded. "Just remember you don't make any moves you don't need too." I said to him, he hugged tighter. "I'm helping." He turned me around, "It's too dangerous." I put a finger to his lips. "I'm helping. With magic." He nodded knowing if I wanted to do something I was going to do it anyway.

"So let's see where this bitch is at." I said using the word I learned from the movie last night. I grabbed a glass cup and poured water into it. I sat it down and ran my hands over it to see if I can pick anything up.

Images started to form, Benjamin sat next to me peering inside. The others attempted to looked, it was too small. "You know what, lets go to the back. There's a pool." I said getting up and leading the way. The back doors opened to an amazing garden. Flowers and exotic plants from all over were present. The vines climbing on marble columns and marble statues.

There were hummingbirds fluttering around drinking nectar and the sound of the ocean in distance. I got up to the pool, light engulfed my hand as I slapped the water. The lights went inside and brought images to the surface.

It was Victoria running, being chased by wolves...large horse sized wolves. I noticed a dark silver one, he...was that right? Yes it was a male. I blinked trying to shake the thoughts out of my head.

"She is running from the La Push pack." Edward said, "I have to tell Bella." He said sipping away. I don't know who Bella is but that was very rude to leave while I'm helping him with his problem.

"This is what they're doing now." I said as it appeared the pack chased her to a dead end her back to the sea, she turned and took a leap. Plunging into the sea, leaving the wolves to look on.

"Where will she be tomorrow?" Jasper asked, I swayed the water muttering under my breath. It showed us, Victoria running around being chased by the Cullens and Wolves together on different sides of a creak.

"Thank you for your help." Carlisle said before he ordered everyone one out, "We'll be in touch?" I nodded and he smiled shaking my hand before leaving with the family.

I looked at Benjamin to see what he was looking at. It was a figure standing by a house somewhere in La Push. A beautiful girl stood there.....and as I saw her face and Benjamin's now in the vision....my heart fell and shattered.

(That's the next chapter. Hope you like it so far. Just trust me where this is going. If you don't then oh well I'll write it either way I want. :) reach me at jessiemkay@Yahoo.com)

Next: Chapter 3

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