Wolf and Witch

By Jessie Mkay

Published on May 29, 2012


Twilight Saga story. If you aren't at the very least 18 then don't read this. Donate to Nifty.org to keep the site going. This contains no personal information on the celebrities who played the roles of the characters. This contains male/male relationships if that bothers you then broaden your horizons. Enjoy.

Wolf and Witch-4

"Is he okay?" A young voice said, "I have bathed him, he has some previous injuries. His arm is broken, I fixed it. He just need to wear this cast, for a month or so. " An elderly voice said, the voices were getting clearer. I could see a light, slowly my eyes came to an open. My eyes came to the sight of a handsome faced russet skinned male with brownish pink lips and chocolate brown eyes.

"Where am I?" I asked croaking lowly, my voice hoarse. "My house, in La Push." The man said, "You had an accident. You have a cast for your arm." He mumbled before going to the other room. "Thank you Old Quil." The boy hollered, a grunt was heard.

I got up looking at my arm seeing white cloth and smelling herbs. "I'm...Jacob Black. The only who ran you over....I'm so so sorry." He said in one word, breathing hard as his face flushed and slight saliva came out his mouth. "Gross. It's fine." I said patting his head with my good hand. "So...can I give you a ride anywhere? Anywhere at all?" Jacob asked, "I don't remember much. I just came out of an accident, I don't remember much of anything."

He looked me, "So you don't remember? Anything?" He asked, shaking my head. "Well I was told my name is Kalahari." He perked for a second, "That name is so familiar." He shrugged it off thinking it would come back to him somewhere.

"Well....." He began, but a buzzing sound stopped him. Pulling out a black cell phone, he began talking to someone. "Hey....yeah but...I....okay. I'll bring him with me." I finally gained my full eye sight back, Jacob wasn't a boy....He was a MAN. He was atleast 7' feet tall, his short fohawk was pointed forward. His massive form only seemed bigger with his colossal muscles.

"Hey...uh. A friend of mine wants to watch a movie.....do you want to come along?" He asked, I couldn't stay here any longer. "I..uh..yeah. Can I borrow clothes though." He grinned handing me a shirt and shorts a little to big for me."You're gonna love Bella." He said picking me up and carrying me to his car.

1 hour later

We been driving in the rain for at least an hour, I have been feeling much better...it's like whatever that pressure was on my head helps ease the pain. I held my cast, pressing to feel any tender spots, there was barely any left.

We pulled up to a white rain damaged house, there was a old red truck parked next to a police cruiser. Jacob got out and over to my side quickly opening the door and helping me out. I walked to the door, a short pale skinned girl with chocolate brown wavy hair and eyes. "Hey Jake!" She gave him a hug and held out her hand, "I'm Bella. It's nice to meet you.....?" "Kalahari." She seemed to pause at that name, "You mean the guy who went missing?" I shrugged unsure of what to say. "I don't know...." She gasped, running inside.

We went in and sat at the couch. "What was that about?" Jacob asked, "I..remember my memory loss I told you about? Well, I am supposedly a bigger person than I know."

He just looked confused, "I can't think with this cast on." It disappeared before our eyes. "Whoa! Now that's a trick." Jacob laughed, lightly taking my arm and examining it. "Does it hurt?" He asked staring into my eyes, "No.Not at all." I smiled.

"That's some insane healing, and I thought I healed quickly." He joked, gaining no laugh, I didn't understand his joke.

Bella came back into the room sitting down across from us, "Benjamin will be here soon." She said, the man with the reddish skin and big muscles. I found that guy so sexy but something just told me to keep my distance.

A knock on the door, Bella ran to open it and tripped her face hitting the frame. "Bella!" Jacob yelled as he picked her up and set her at the couch. I opened the door, to Edward and Benjamin. Benjamin too excited tackled Edward into me, hugging us both. Edward deciding to just go along with it hugged me aswell as I hugged them back.

"It's so good to see you." Edward said, "I'm so sorry for everything." Benjamin said into my chest. I patted his head, "What happened to you?" I sat down telling them everything that happened, when it came to Jacob running me over, Benjamin got up and roared in his face.

Jacob got up and showed dominance, he was not going to be submissive to another wolf. They began with fist fighting, being evenly matched. They bust through the door almost breaking it. I ran outside, following the damage into the woods. Hearing howls I realized they were both wolves now. "Benjamin! Jacob!" I yelled chasing after them. "Kalahari!" I heard Edward's voice, but kept running. I found a large bipedal werewolf fighting against a wolf the size of a horse.

I thought Benjamin was going to kill Jacob. His teeth about to sink into Jacob's neck as more howls were heard. Large wolves running into the field, being led by an even bigger black wolf. They all circled Benjamin barring their teeth, a familiar feeling came back. Jacob in wolf form leaped at Benjamin, the familiar feeling came back as I pushed in my head. Jacob was held in suspension, I looked in a different direction where he was flung too.

"Enough!" I yelled the wolves came at me, a dark silver one taking the lead. Voices whispering in my ears, memories rushing in my head. I remembered I remembered everything.

I am Kalahari descendant of Merlin and King Arthur. I am not afraid, lifting my hands up and with a clap. A wall was created, it pushed forward and threw wolves off their feet. "That's enough." I flew to Benjamin grabbing him, and we flew off back home.

"What was that!" Sam yelled at Jacob, "Why would you fight with a werewolf....an actual werewolf! He almost killed you!" Sam was really letting Jacob have it. Paul on the other hand was acting strange compared to his usual standards.

Jacob told them everything, "You ran the boy with the long hair over!?!" Paul yelled immediately angry no one understood what had gotten him so upset. It took him a second before a tear was heard and a snarl. Paul had exploded out of his clothing.

He was on top of Jacob in a second. Sam quickly shifted into wolf form. "Paul! Jacob! Enough!" He commanded in his Alpha voice.

When we landed at the house, it was to no surprise that the Cullens were there waiting; the surprise however was that Bella was there with them. They were all waiting outside, "Carlisle...how can I help you?" He looked at me directly in the eyes. "We need to know where Victoria is." I nodded, "Indeed. This must come to an end." I led the way inside and to the back. This time I walked on the water.

"Is there ever a moment where you do not amaze me?" Jasper said with a smile.

"Come....he who wishes to see their future." I said, rather surprised Benjamin went first. Eyes on me confident in my magic. He stepped on the water's surface a small ripple made yet no actual breaking in the surface. He finally got up to me, holding my hands we watched as his future came into view.

Benjamin was smiling to the woman that has been in question for a time. They shared a kiss in the sunset as two children a boy and a girl held onto them both. The love the family had was so deep it was something that cannot be faked, it was so real that a tear appeared in my eye. Not so much of pain this time but of happiness.

"That's your future....here is now." I said searching for the girl her face clear to us all. "Hey...that's Jacob's sister. Rachel." Bella said, looking closer. "Rachel." Benjamin whispered the name bringing a smile to his face.

Rachel was talking to Jacob who looked tired and worn out from the fights. "You will meet her very soon. Patience Benjamin...all in due time." I said to him.

He walked away from me with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face, "Next." Bella being the first to stand on the water.

I closed my eyes focusing as we grasped hands, Bella paler than she already is with golden eyes running through the woods with a smile. Edward chasing after her, he gasped at this....Bella truly to be a vampire. A small pale skinned child with curly bronze hair and chocolate colored eyes, plump red lips smiling at them while playing with Jacob.

This brought a gasp from the family...a girl to be born from a human and vampire. Bella walked off happily to Edward and hugged him tightly.

Next it was Esme and Carlisle, an image of her and Carlisle together on an island. The sun hitting their skin as they began to twinkle like the stars themselves. "That's all I need to see." Esme said walking away, "Me next." Alice and Jasper approached together...wanting to see if they were still together.

An image came of Jasper and Alice speeding in a fancy car speeding across desert roads. In search of something. Emmett and Rosealie were playing together with the little girl that Bella was to have. "Thank you." Edward approached next. Things became strange....it was snowing.

The La Push pack was with the Cullen family. They were training for what looked like war. Jasper was acting as general teaching how to fight it seems, it fast forward to battle.....vampires of all shapes and sizes were rushing the Cullens. Their eyes red with bloodlust and face filled with anger, they fought but were slowly defeated by the Cullens.

"What of your fate?" Edward asked me, "It's best I do not know. I happen to always mess things up knowing about them." I told him, "Please...so we know you will be alright." He said, I sighed, "You must leave the pool to see it." They all stepped back, looking inside. I lifted my hands and images came to be.

I was kissing a tall handsome muscular russet skinned man. I was happy we were holding hands on the breach. "Wow. Paul is gay?" I heard Bella whisper. Paul....the name of the man holding my hand. He changed into a dark silver wolf, and leapt at a figure that showed up out of nowhere. I lost my concentration after that, "This is quite a future we all have." Benjamin said hugging me from behind.

I looked to the night sky knowing that things were just getting interesting.

(That's the next chapter. It's slightly shorter but hey Shit happens. Review at jessiemkay@Yahoo.com)

Next: Chapter 5

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