Wolf and Witch

By Jessie Mkay

Published on Jun 2, 2012


Twilight Saga story. If you aren't at the very least 18 then don't read this. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who portray the characters. Donate to Nifty.org to keep the site running. Reach me at jessiemkay@Yahoo.com and enjoy.

Wolf and Witch-5

I asked for the Cullens to remain there as I desperately needed the company. I couldn't stop thinking about Paul, I was driving Edward crazy. He smirked, "It's alright...I was the same way when I first found Bella." He said rubbing her sleeping form.

I began feeling hot. So unbearably hot, I needed to revert back to Camelot fashion so I could cool down. With a snap my clothes began a metamorphosis into cool attire.

My crown turned into an Ebony metal with a large Diamond in the middle. Ebony bands appeared on my arms, with leaf green veils linked to them. A leaf green bathing skirt appeared held together by an ebony metallic belt. The skirt actually goes to the floor so I had to lift it up as to keep from falling.

Hound Dog Whistling came from Benjamin and Emmett, I grabbed a bottle of mead. Taking a rather large gulp, Benjamin was on me in a second. "Kalahari! You shouldn't drink your problems away!" Benjamin said grabbing the mead from me.

"Give it back!" I yelled like a child trying to get it from Benjamin who held it high in the air. "If you don't I'll change you into a woman and put you in heat!" Nothing scared him more, as he handed me the bottle.

"Thank you!" I said snippy before walking outside to the pool and I began drinking the bottle the sweet honey taste filled my mouth setting my senses on fire, as I entered the pool. Setting it on the steps.

I dove into the deep side, I formed an air bubble and placed it over my head so I could breath underwater. I could feel the heat my body was making increase, it felt like I was sweating in the water!

I created another bubble and solidified it that to a crystal ball. Peering inside I looked for Paul....I had such a yearning for him.

A swirl of light appeared in the orb as it began showing a dark silver wolf running by himself. I needed to see him, launching into the air from under the water a big explosion occurred of water. Wetting everyone who came to see me.

"Sorry." I said levitating in the air, as I began to descend. I snapped my fingers drying off instantly, the leaf green veils changed into fire veils. Colors of red, blue, yellow, and purple appeared.

I held the orb up to Benjamin, it showed the silver wolf.

"I need to see him." He didn't seem to like the idea, "I don't want you anywhere near him!" He yelled, "Silence!" I said my voice erupted in a thunderous command.

The very air around us was quiet, nothing made a sound.

"I need to see him."

I commented as I walked inside. Bella was awake, but had to go home as it was getting late. I waved as Edward put Bella on his back and he ran off in a blur.

° ° ° ° °

Paul couldn't stop thinking about that guy. He forced Jacob to tell him the name, "Kalahari." He said the name sounded as sweet as honey during spring on his lips. His body was going through hot flashes and he wondered if it was possible that he met his Imprint.... he wasn't gay! He wasn't!!! It pissed him off on how someone could make him feel this way, he wanted to make Kalahari pay...but at the same time He wanted to meet him personally.

"Jacob" he called entering Jacob's house. He was sitting with Quil and Embry on the couch watching Tv and eating chips like they usually did on Saturdays. "We need to talk." He said, "I'm kind of busy." Jacob mumbled eyes glued to the television. Paul stepped infront of it, "I'm not asking!" He yelled, griping Jacob by the arm and pulling him outside.

"I need to contact that guy. Any idea how?" He asked, leaning against the garage. "Bella...probably." he said not sure what to say, "We can go now." He suggested and to Jacob's surprise Paul was all for it.

° ° ° ° °

I have been thinking it over and over. I would do it at first light tomorrow. I looked to the sky at it's gray raining face. What will happen?

° ° ° ° °

Paul and Jacob had gotten to Bella's house, thankfully Bella was home. A knock to the door, and Bella answered curiously as Paul never came over. "Look I'm not going to beat around the Bush...I need to see him." She seemed to think for a second, "Who?" He slammed his hands on the table, alerting Edward who came down quickly. "Back off!" Edward warned with a growl, Paul and Edward were bumping chests, staring eye to eye.

"Paul." Jacob said as Paul sighed and backed off. "I need to meet Kalahari." He said, "Benjamin won't like it. He might even kill you on sight." Edward said. "Kalahari....might be my imprint. If he is then...I need to see him it's a matter of life and death." Paul said sadly, "Please." He added looking at the floor.

"Bella...Ed-...ward. Please help the guy out." They looked at eachother before answering... "Okay. When?" Bella asked, "Now!" Paul said excitedly. "I don't know..."

"Please." He asked again, "Alright. Tomorrow." Edward said, and Paul's face fell.

"We just left them. They are tired, let them rest and tomorrow. You'll finally meet." Edward reasoned, "Alright. Tomorrow." Paul said moving towards the door. "This better not be a prank." He said before leaving, with Jacob on his tail.

° ° ° ° °

I laid on my bed, thinking of Paul....

In a dream

A silver wolf ran up to me in a field of flowers. It transformed before my eyes into an incredibly sexy tall russet skinned muscle bound man. He was gorgeous, I was swooning on seconds. No words uttered and it was like none were needed.

He ran his large hand along my face and down my head. His hand petting my long hair. "I have been searching for you all my life, and I didn't even know it." He said as our lips found eachother. The heat of his body made me melt in his arms, I needed his touch across my skin.

Waking Up

I rose out of bed in heat and sweat. I couldn't breath, the dream was so intense and it was only a kiss. I felt a yearning in my body, I couldn't go any longer in life without meeting Paul. I only feared that as soon as we met, I wouldn't be able to leave his embrace. On the other hand, I can't bring myself to want to leave it once I am in it.

The Next Day!!!

I awoke and took a shower getting dressed in silver veiled clothes, being held together by gold bands. My crown gold with a large Moonstone.

Going downstairs I smelled food, Esme.

I was too happy to see her, I hugged her with all my might...knowing that to her it was nothing. I was eating what they call bacon and eggs, it was quite delicious.

° ° ° ° °

"We have a problem." Jacob said, to Paul and Bella and Edward. "What?" Paul asked, "The pack and the council want to meet Kalahari." Bella and Edward looked at eachother before answering. "Really?" Bella asked, "I don't know how we're going to do this...." "There's another problem...." Jacob said, "They're already outside." Edward answered. "Stay out of my head." Jacob warned.

"They want to use Kalahari to their own advantage." Edward said, "What? Do they know that he might be my imprint?" Paul asked, "Yes they said that if you wanted to keep him then you would have to convince him to move to La Push." Jacob said looking down.

"Great." Paul muttered.

"Time to go. Kalahari is waiting." Edward said, as they lead the way through the woods.

° ° ° ° °

They came to the magnificent blue house, Paul howled in excitement. Running into the force field that was up, he went straight through it. As did Bella and Edward, when it came to the rest of them, they realized they weren't allowed in.

Old Quil began chanting, to try to lower the shield. Yet it would not faulter. It stood proudly against all outside threats.

° ° ° ° °

I heard a knock as Benjamin went to open the door, I decided

I heard chanting...it tried to make it's way inside my shields, It barely made a push on the shields. I heard footsteps behind me as I sat by the pool. "Hey..uh...excuse me?" I heard a masculine voice say nervously, I turned to see HIM.

Paul....the visions held no justice to his beauty. I sat up and walked to him, our eyes met. I...I couldn't think of anything besides HIM. He was my world now. As I got close enough, Paul pulled me into a hug. Grabbing my chin and delivering a kiss upon my lips. The ecstasy and euphoria I felt from it was so much better than the dream. I put a hand on the back of his neck and pulled the kiss closer, as I felt his abs a moan coming from both our lips.

A growl was heard as we stopped kissing, I looked to see Benjamin with an angry possessive look on his face.

(That's the next chapter. I hope you like it...if not I don't care, I have to keep writing for myself, I'm not stopping because someone hates it, believe me I won't lose any sleep over it. So please...review and thanks for reading. Jessiemkay@Yahoo.com)

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