Wonders of Will Young

By twm morgan

Published on Sep 19, 2005


Disclaimer If you are under the age to read porn or it is not accepted in your area, please leave now. The fictional story below is completely from my imagination. Nothing from it is true. *** ** * * ** *** Chapter 3 "I'll call you" he whispered before disappearing around the corner of the doorway.

Will's heart missed a beat as he realised, he had a fighting chance of getting his boyfriend back.

He snapped out of his trance and glanced at his watch, sliding back the sleeve of his jacket. It was 11.45, now he was very late! He quickly picked up his travelling bag and dashed out of room 200, not thinking twice of the photo left behind on the table.

Tom walked silently to his car, breathing in the glorious day. He felt a lot better for calling. It was lucky that Matthew had spoken to the limo driver and had casually asked where the client was staying. Tom smiled to himself over pictures in his imagination of his best friend interrogating the limo driver. He fumbled for his keys before pressing the release button to unlock the doors to his Vauxhall Vectra. It was a basic car, well basic to look at. With the extra money from the promotion, Tom could now afford to do the inside of the car up to perfection. His œ3,000 in car stereo system spoke for itself.

Sitting behind the steering wheel, he gunned the engine all 20 valves sparked and she roared into life. He smiled again before screeching out of the parking lot of the Hilton Hotel.

The weather was dry, in fact sunny for the usual climate of London. He followed the road and pulled into Highman Street. Silencing the engine, he stepped out of his car, killing the music also. He was lucky; the Hilton Hotel was only a few blocks away from his new apartment. He pressed the central locking button again, the car locking itself. He selected the apartment key from the bundle and ran the few steps to the main doors. Pushing the revolving doors around, he was soon standing at the reception desk.

"Excuse me" he asked "Do you have any mail for Apartment 16? Mr. Tom Williams?"

The receptionist turned away, glancing briefly at the mail that was left for that day. He wore the usual staff black trousers and shirt with a red gold buttoned waistcoat. How 'Butlins' thought Tom, smiling to himself. He was quickly awoken from his thoughts.

"I'm afraid not sir but I do have a note here from a telephone call not so long ago - about 5 minutes ago" spoke the well mannered young man. He reminded Tom of a young version of Bono from U2.

"Who was it from?" asked Tom, intrigued by what he heard. No one knew he'd moved yet, only his mother.

"A Mr. Young sir" replied the man with a smirk on his face "A Will Young"

Tom snatched the note from the receptionist's hand.

"If you'd like to block the calls sir, you may do so. I realise how stupid teenagers can be these days. They find any number and pretend to be anyone. If only the government could."

"That's ok, no need to block any calls" snapped Tom before turning towards the elevator. Although the reception area was not crowded, Tom could hear every step anyone took, even himself. It was the effect the marble floor gave. He stepped into the elevator and pressed the level he wanted. Level 6. The elevator hummed and started on its journey upwards.

Tom placed his keys in his jeans pocket before turning to the note and ripping open the envelope. He pulled out the little note inside, his fingers trembling. He was lucky; it was only him in the elevator. The bright beam of light shone down from the halogen bulb in the lift. He opened the note, revealing the contents.

Mr. Tom Williams (Apt. 16) - call from Mr. Will Young

Glad you called over, don't know how you knew where I was staying although I'm glad you made the effort to find out. I will be in LA for around 12 days before returning to England. If you would like to meet up, give me a call - you have my number.

With all my Love


Tom glanced over the note once more, not to miss any detail out before feeling completely satisfied and returning the not to its envelope. 12 days is all he would have to wait. That is when he could ring Will.

His heart beat faster, his breath quickened and his throat got tighter as he realised something horrific. Will's mobile number was in his shirt breast pocket. The very same shirt he had taken off last night and placed in the laundrette service to be cleaned for work tomorrow.

Never before had Tom ran so fast up to his apartment. The soles of his trainers screeching on the marble floor of the corridor. He got to his door, fumbling for the door card, letting himself in. He stopped in his tracks.

His washing was folded up neatly on the sofa,

stacked from colours to whites. He rushed over

to the pile, leaving the door wide open. He

found the shirt, opened it and placed his hand

in the breast pocket, feeling for the piece of


Stepping into the limo, Will positioned himself comfortably before placing his seatbelt on. He had been quite surprised that there his 'presence' in London had not hit Paparazzi Paradise. Usually photographers had a fun time trying to take photos of him. He leaned to the bar, poured himself lemonade - no drinking before flying. He'd learnt his lesson once whilst flying to Tokyo. It had taken him over two days to fully recover. Taking his schedule back two days was not what he wanted at the moment. Not when in twelve days, he would see Tom again.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** A gust of wind blew through the open window of room 26 in the Hilton Hotel through the window that the previous occupant left open. It blew through into the living room, ruffling the pages on the 'Cosmopolitan' magazine left on the coffee table. It also blew a discarded photo to the floor. It landed softly on the carpet.

The door to the room opened, a figure stammered in, not noticing the photo and placing a size 5 shoe on top of it. Crinkled and dirtied, the photo remained on the floor.

Hey! This story seems to be going really well and I hope so much that you readers are enjoying it. I've had lovely comments so far. It's these comments that make me write more so keep them cumming (Pun intended) A shout out to Andy who recently e-mailed me, with such a kind e-mail. I do agree, it's nice to have a British story for a change. I have set up a small website for the story, I'd like to see how many people actually read my story so if you'd like to sign the guest book, I'd be so happy. All information is below.

Tom xx xx xx

www.freewebs.com/wonders_of_will_young - (The site) twmmorgan@hotmail.com (to contact or MSN)

Next: Chapter 4

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