Wonders of Will Young

By twm morgan

Published on Jul 15, 2006


Disclaimer If you are under the age to read porn or it is not accepted in your area, please leave now. The fictional story below is completely from my imagination. Nothing from it is true.only in my dreams. *** ** * * ** ***

Chapter 7 "Gerwyn, your sons here, now hurry up or you can forget be cooking anything tonight". Tom laughed at his mothers shouts - she had not changed. A chill suddenly caused Tom to shiver. The sun was setting, the sky turning a red and purple colour. He steadied himself before walking back up to the house, wondering what Will was doing at this moment in time.

Tom sat upright in bed, the sweat trickling down his abdomen, soaking his white shirt. He hadn't remembered how warm his old bedroom had been when he was child. As a young adult, he'd learnt to sleep with wearing only underwear. He glanced around at the dark silhouettes of the room. The cuddly toys still covered his sofa bed. The wide screen TV, worked hard for, suddenly seemed small compared to the plasma wall mounted TV he had at home.

Twisting from underneath the bed sheets, Tom raised himself off the single bed and made his way to the door of the room. Suddenly, a sheering pain shot up his left foot, sending him head first into the door. He'd tripped and snubbed his toe on the desk. He swore under his breath before picking himself up and resuming his standing position, listening for any noise outside. Fumbling for his clothes, he placed his red sweater on and slipped into his jeans, taking caution not to get his foot stuck in the rips.

He grabbed his keys from the desk before opening the door and slowly and as quietly as possible, descended the old creaky stairs. Walking through the house, he realized what had scared him whilst living here as a child. It was the whole presence of the living room. The biggest room in the house and ironically the scariest. The wrought iron chandelier still hung above the dining table, cascading pieces of shattered light from the street lamps onto the white washed walls. He opened the front door and quickly pulled himself into the cold night air.

The air clung to his sweater, making him shiver. Wales had always been a cold country but Tom could never imagine it was this cold. He contemplated whether to return to his room and grab a coat. He decided against the idea, he did not want to wake his parents up. A voice suddenly startled him from the darkness. A low growl that shook the living daylights out of him.

"Where are you going now?" spoke the rasped welsh accent.

Tom relaxed, suddenly seeing his father standing in the shadows, holding a rolled cigarette. He smiled, seeing his father standing outside. His father, like himself had always been a night walker and rarely slept.

"I need some air, the bedroom is warm dad" Tom replied, raising his keys and unlocking the beast he called his car. His father just shook his head with disapproval as he always did. Tom smiled before glancing at his watch, it was 3.23am. The throbbing in his toe seemed to get worse every time he walked. He must remember to get painkillers he thought as he slipped into the car, closing the door quietly.


Will slept; his body lay motionless on the white bed. The only sound coming from the sleeping beauty was that of the soft breathing. He lay only in white boxer shorts and a white vest, showing off his toned muscles beautifully. His eyes flicked slightly as images of his ex boyfriend crowed his sleeping dreams. Tom appeared only wearing a shirt and shorts. A cheeky grin appeared on the sleeping persons face as slowly his thoughts drifted back into deep sleep.


The throbbing in Tom's foot seemed to increase in pain every time he pressed down on the clutch of the car. His mind raced of Will, his parents and work. He realized that the speed limit he was traveling in was only 30mph although he was doing 90. Who would care at 4am?! He knew these roads like the back of his hand any -

His Vectra took the corner, hugging to the road as it was built to do. The white van appeared over the brow of the road as Tom fumbled with his foot, trying to take pressure of the painfully toe. In doing this, completely took his eyes off the road. There was a flash of headlights and darkness

The little sleepy village of Tumble was suddenly awoken with a huge explosion. Crowds in robes and night gowns appeared on the street, watching the flames engulf the green Vectra that had hit the white van in a head on collision. A fire engine siren could be heard in the distance as Tom fought with the unbearable pain before loosing consciousness.

Gerwyn Morgan stood outside his house. The weather had changed dramatically over the last few days, going from a humid warm to ice cold nights. He stood up straight from his leaning position against the wall and took the last breath of his cigarette. He then threw the remains into the road where it smouldered and went out. As he turned his back to the road, he glanced over the valley that stood before him. They had always been blessed with a view of the valley as his eyes focused on a fire in the distance. Sirens could be heard and the flames were rising quite high. Suddenly a pin of panic struck him and he reached into his robe to produce his car keys. Unlocking his Vauxhall Astra, he sped off into the night, hoping that it was just a coincidence, trying to push away the fear for his sons health.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* Will opened his eyes , the sunlight blinding him. He woke up, the bed suddenly becoming too warm and he slide out from beneath the sheets. His mind thought of Tom, he wondered what he was up to. He hadn't heard anything but this time he was going to wait. I'd wait until he was back in the UK to give him some time.

Whilst deep in his thoughts, Will was interrupted with the phone ringing. He quickly picked up the receiver "Will? It's Marcus, what does `Switch It On' mean to you?" Rather confused by the question, Will sat on the bed and listened.


Ok guys so there's another installment. I hope you enjoy it. Im sorry its been awhile but Wonders of Will Young is back and kicking! Feedback is much appreciated. Make the subject of your e-mail `Wonders of Will' to twmmorgan@hotmail.com With My Love Twm xx

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