Work Toilets

By moc.liamtoh@eulbgniglub

Published on Oct 7, 2004


This story is based on real events that occurred whilst I was working in a department store:

After leaving the toilets, embarrassed and watched my Geoff, the store manager, Danny and I walked back to the shop floor. My undies are still damp from the piss but mainly because of the cum. As I walk I can smell the strong odour of spunk wafing around. My balls are throbbing.

When we walk through the door from the staff room to the sales floor all the members of staff are looking at us, watching us. They don't know what has happened but suspect something, especially with Pete telling everyone about me feeling his hand.

Danny is sent to the ground floor as punishment, a member of the security staff has to stand there all day and keep an eye on the door to ensure nobody walks out without paying for goods. It's the most boring job in the whole building, and hated by all security staff. I however am placed on the first floor, near the expensive toiletry and jewellery departments, this is because there are CCTV cameras in this area and so I can be kept an eye on.

Jay walked up to me, another security guard and a close friend of Danny's. He tells me that Danny wants to meet me after work and gives me his mobile number. Danny wants to go to the pub with me, the one opposite the shop. I could have died with embarrassment. Why had Danny asked Jay to come and tell me, has he no shame? Although I suppose Jay and Danny have been good friends for ages and are really close, Jay isn't the sort to spread gossip anyway.

It is 6pm and the store is ushering out its last customers of the day. At the end of every day staff gather together to have a debrief of the day, what has gone well, what needs improvement, if anybody's hours have changed etc. I was looking forward to this time as it meant I could go to the pub with Dan. However the team debrief meant that all the staff had to be together and before I could I had to face it.

The staff debrief on the whole was painless; Geoff didn't say anything about me and Dan directly although subtle hints were dropped. The boss tells everyone they can go, finally I can go to the pub with Dan have a few drinks and relax.

How wrong could I be! "You two stay behind, I want a word with you" barked Geoff.

"Can't we talk about this tomorrow, I'm tired and wanna get outta here" I pleaded.

"It's no big deal, yeah I jerked off and sucked his knob, you gotta problem with that" came the retort from Danny. Oh my Lord! What had he just said? He just admitted to the manager that we had fucked in the toilets; he'd only seen us kissing! Danny was the type to say things like that though, he was a straight talker, said what was on his mind, he really didn't care, although I did!

"Wait outside my office, now you two!" ordered Geoff. I felt as if he wanted to lay into us just for being gay but he couldn't because he was at work and in the role of the manager; he had to be polite.

He asked Danny into his office first while I waited outside, feeling like I was outside the headmaster's office at school, how homoerotic? I was getting going again, but then it began. Danny began shouting but then Geoff replied, "This is your last warning, one more cock up and your out of here, I'm sick of your behaviour".

"Screw you, I quit you arsehole" roared Danny back at him in his deep, booming masculine voice. He left the office and told me he'd wait for me outside.

Now it was my turn to enter the breach, I opened the door, which was stiff and needed my weight behind it to open it after Danny had slammed it shut. I entered to find Geoff sat in his chair, red in the face with his eyes glaring at me as if I was death on legs. On his desk are pictures of his family, his wife and son in happier times. His wife died 16 years ago of ovarian cancer and his son committed suicide with the loss of his mother and the strange relationship between he and his father being too much for him. His son was good looking and I could see where he got his looks from, certainly not his father.

The moment I saw the man sat behind his desk of paperwork and memories I began to pity him. It was sad to see a man devastated like this, Geoff had plunged himself into his work headlong since the break up of his family.

I don't know why but he went gentle with me, not screaming and shouting like with Dan, perhaps he had seen me looking at his photos; perhaps he could read the empathy in my eyes. "What were you doing on the toilets today?"

"It was as Danny said; we had sex in the bog". I responded sheepishly and uncomfortably. "It wasn't planned it just happened, I am sorry for what I have done and am thoroughly ashamed of myself". I lied. I wasn't sorry, at least I wasn't sorry for being sucked off by Dan; however I was sorry for being foolish enough to get caught. I wasn't ashamed either, why should I be? Its human nature to desire and have sex.

"You understand I have to treat this situation very seriously, I can't have staff treating this place like a `knocking shop'".

"I understand, but please know I am sorry for my behaviour and realise this is a place of work and should be treated as such". I had to brown nose him, he was known to punish his `minions' harshly even for the smallest of misdemeanours, besides the job was undemanding and the pay wasn't bad.

"I will make a note on your records that you have been given your first official verbal warning; that is all I have to say in the matter "Geoff explained.

"Thank you Geoff, I appreciate you treating the matter delicately" I replied and turned for the door.

"Where are you going? I said that was all I am willing to say in the matter, I might want to do something else" he said, flirting with me.

"What do you mean?" not stopping long enough to think the obvious.

"Well you were eager to please Dan and to fondle Pete, I miss my wife and boy, and I saw you looking at the photos. I work here and don't get much time to find a `lady-friend', and I err.....can always^Å.. find something that is a dismissible offence if you don't oblige.

Oh shit! My boss is coming onto me! What should I do? How can I get out of this without losing my job or causing offence? I don't know! As I'm thinking Geoff takes off his tie and begins to rub his groin provocatively. I thought he was anti-gay although I suppose he does miss his wife and kid, maybe he's just a big softie.

"Would I only have to do this once?" not thinking how offensive this question was.

"Yeah, of course. I couldn't have rent boys running all over the shop could I now?"

I agreed to do whatever he wanted. That way at least I could keep my job and the pay. I didn't feel dirty about what was about to happen, it would only be once and it was only sex, hey, who knows, I might even enjoy it.

He told me to drop my trousers and boxers, I did so and I wasn't hard. I couldn't get hard over this fifty something bag of bones; he had no meat on him at all. He instructed me to walk over to his chair, where he was sat. He stayed seated and just played with my cock and balls. He would occasionally lower his left hand and squeeze his own helmet, and smell his hands from playing with my man bits. After a couple of minutes of this, I still didn't have a hard-on. I looked around the office and saw his son's photo.

The son looked gorgeous, about my height, 5 feet 7 with square shoulders and a chiselled jaw line. The photo was a holiday snap, taken when he had a tan. His legs looked long and muscular with a forest of black hair covering them. I looked down at my own peter and it was hardening. I began to feel filthy and trashy now, thinking of his son, would he be proud of his dad, fondling a 17 year old shop boy?

He stood up and dropped his drawers, tight Y-fronts, I was amazed, now I know where he keeps his meat and fat! His cock was 7 or 8 inches long, wide and had loads of visible, bulging veins. Now I see why his wife had a smile on her face ion all of the pics. He cleared the desk of paper and pictures by wiping his arm across it. Next he bent me over and spat on my ring piece to lube it, then shoved his pole in and out, in and out of me, not all the way at first. Then he shoved it all in, with all his strength behind it, I had never taken such s big cock before.

He gripped my hips tightly as he shoved his length up my tunnel. It was heaven; he was groaning from the exercise of shoving his willy in and out of me. I was moaning from the ecstasy and the warm pleasure of his man meat inside me. He reached around and gently squeezed my bollocks whilst bumming me. It was quite painful yet pleasurable; I was caught up in the moment. Fuck the son, I was having a great time, his dad was riding me!

The desk rocks with the rodgering I am receiving, and then he comes inside filling my hole with his hot cream. He keeps his prick inside me and gasps for air. He pulls out a moment after, the smells are astonishing, the cum, the sweat, the breath, its shear bliss.

Then I turn around and look at hi, he is smirking and looking like the cat that got the cream, the skinny man with the face full of pot holes. I pull-up my trousers and run out of the office telling him I have to go, I will see him at work tomorrow. My ass is soar and aching. I run down the escalators trying to get away, remembering I have left Danny outside waiting for me. Shall I tell him what has happened, what will he think? Should I quit my job anyway, could I work there knowing that had happened?

Finally, reaching the ground floor, by now wincing in agony from the `fudge packing' I have just received. I skirt around a cleaner and her mop bucket, open the glass door onto the street and he is not there!

What do I do now? Who should I tell? Do I tell anyone, my parents, Danny, my friends? I need to talk to Danny, I love him, I admire his fiery passion, but I have betrayed him.

I wander home, go to the toilet and inspect myself, take a shower and go to bed, dinner can wait, I've had enough today.

The End

Thank you for reading my story, I hope you have enjoyed it. Feel free to send suggestions, comments or corrections to For other stories by the same author see Dad's Dangling Dick (Gay, Incest) or part one of this story if you haven't read them in order.

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