Working Out with Jared

By Kevin Sting

Published on Aug 15, 2019


I'd been working out with Jared for several months in the private gym he'd set up in the converted garage at the back of his property. I'm lucky that my job allows me to afford his rates, which aren't cheap, but I really appreciate the personalized attention and not having to jockey for equipment like I did when I worked out at the local upscale chain gym.

Jared's gym setup was surprisingly comprehensive for the relatively small space. The glass-paned garage door opened to reveal a bright and spotlessly-clean area with an array of free weights, a couple of weight benches, a wall-mounted apparatus that could be used for a number of different strength exercises, an elliptical machine, and good sized mat for stretching. Mirrors covered most of the two side walls and the back wall.

In one of the back corners, a curtain created a semi-private changing area with spots for his clients to stow their gym bag and hang up their street clothes. Within the changing area was a compact bathroom with sink, toilet, stall shower, and a metal shelf filled with clean towels. It also featured a glass door that led to an outdoor shower, which could also be accessed from the adjacent pool. The shower was partially concealed from the yard by a bamboo hedge on the back side and offset wooden fence panels that extended from about 8 inches off the decking up to about 5 feet.

When I set up my first appointment last summer, he emailed me a link to a pretty lengthy health, fitness and nutrition questionnaire as well as instructions about what to expect during my first workout. He advised me to wear loose workout attire over a Speedo or briefs, as he would weighing me, taking several body measurements and taking photographs. He said we'd be repeating these measurements and photos every month or so to document my progress.

I'm no prude, but I was a little shy stripping down that first day in the dressing area. I don't think anyone would've classified me as "fat", but I'd neither worked out or watched my diet for the last few years. In just a pair of navy briefs, I was a little sheepish about the idea of Jared examining and touching all 200+ pounds of my 5 foot 10 inch hairy dad bod.

Jared, on the other hand, was exactly what you'd expect of someone who had been working as a trainer for the last 20 years: at 6 feet tall and probably 180 pounds, he was muscled and toned enough to look like someone who took very good care of himself and his diet, but also enjoyed a few beers on the weekends. The white tank top and light grey shorts he was wearing that day highlighted his olive skin, beefy arms and round butt. The visible hair on his chest, armpits and legs reassured me that he wasn't one of those obsessive body builder types who shaves everything off. He sported a neatly trimmed dark beard and kept his hair cropped quite short.

As I stepped out of the dressing area, Jared smiled warmly and motioned me first to the scale to get weighed, and then outside to a spot out of the direct sunlight. He proceeded to take several photos of me against the neutral backdrop of the garage wall -- front, back, left and right. Then he pulled a measuring tape out of his pocket and methodically measured my biceps, thighs, calves, neck, chest, hips and waist and recorded each measurement into an app on his iPad. When he measured my chest, I could feel my nipples hardening slightly as the tape brushed them. And similarly, as he wrapped the tape measure around my thighs and waist, I felt a slight stirring in my briefs when I realized how close his hands were to my crotch.

"Okay, that takes care of the measurements," Jared said. "Let's head over to the mat and get started with some stretching and warmups."

"Shouldn't I get dressed first?" I asked.

"Nah, unless you're more comfortable that way," he replied. "We'll only be doing resistance and body-weight exercises today, so no need for shoes. It's actually easier for me to see your form and help correct it without your shirt. And it's pretty warm out here anyway. But it's totally up to you."

"Uh, okay. I guess I'm fine like this," I said. "Can anyone else see back here? I don't want to scare your neighbors or other clients off."

"Ha!" Jared laughed. "I don't think there's any chance of that. My next client isn't due until after lunch and the pool guy comes on Thursdays. And besides, the yard is totally private. I swim naked in the pool all the time."

Reassured by that pleasant mental picture, I smiled and we began my first workout. The hour went by quickly. Jared had me do planks, pushups, squats and a few exercises using resistance bands. I started to forget the fact that I was nearly naked, until he made a couple comments about my form on a particular exercise and then placed his hand on my bare stomach to show me where I should be feeling it.

At the end of the workout, he stood up and extended a hand to help me up off the mat. He placed his hand on my sweaty back, which sent tingles of electricity. "Great job this morning!" he said. "You did really good for your first day back. Now hit the shower. I recommend the outdoor one."

I went into the dressing area, peeled off my sweaty briefs, grabbed a towel and headed to the outdoor shower. It was a great feeling to be naked outside in the sunshine. As I lathered up my body, I heard a rustling in the bamboo and turned to see the partially obscured figure of Jared as he passed by.

"Don't mind me," he said, sensing my surprise. "I'm just grabbing the pool net back here."

A few seconds later he emerged into the yard with the net and proceeded to begin the task of fishing out leaves and other debris from the pool. He'd taken off his tank top, and I took my time washing my hair so I could enjoy the show. My cock firmed up at the sight of his tanned, hairy chest and abs, and the thought of him swimming naked in that pool. I'd have loved nothing more than to jerk off while watching him. But the shower surround only provided partial privacy, and I didn't want to get kicked out of the gym on my first day. So I quickly finished my shower and got dressed in my casual work attire.

I emerged from the dressing area as Jared was just heading back into the garage. He was still shirtless and I was able to see the droplets of sweat clinging to his chest hair and trickling down his treasure trail and into his shorts.

"The shower's great, isn't it?" he smiled. "Again, great job Matt. See you again on Wednesday morning."

I managed to stutter a "Thanks Jared" as I made my way down the driveway, out the gate and to my car.

An so this schedule of Monday, Wednesday and Friday workouts with Jared began. I'd usually start off in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from an over-priced athletic store. If the morning was particularly warm or humid, I'd skip the shirt entirely or remove it at some point during the workout. Jared often did the same, peeling his ubiquitous tank top off and tossing it on a chair in the corner.

Every 4 weeks, he'd remind me that my next session would be designated time to retake photos and weigh and measure me. For the majority of my workouts, I'd either go commando, if my athletic shorts had a built-in liner, or I'd wear a jock, if the shorts didn't. So on these weigh-in days, I had to remember to bring a pair of briefs. Then, like my first day, I'd just do my workout in the briefs after we'd finished with the photos and measurements.

This routine went on for several months, and thankfully, I was seeing results. Jared would pull up the graphs on his iPad that showed my weight slowly declining, my waist slimming, and my biceps and chest getting bigger. And we'd scroll through the photos of me in my briefs to visually reinforce the stats. It was kind of fun to be gazing at my nearly naked body slimming down and firming up as the images progressed.

On one of my weigh-in days, for whatever reason, I forgot to bring my briefs. On that particular day, I was wearing nearly knee-length blue basketball shorts over a white jockstrap and a loose-fitting light-blue tank top. As I walked out of the dressing area, Jared looked at me puzzled and said, "What's up? Today is your weigh-in day, remember."

"Oh crap!" I said. "I forgot today."

"No worries. Just strip down and we'll get going," he said.

"I don't have my briefs today," I replied.

"So what are you wearing under there?" he asked, giggling as he realized how much his question sounded like one posed by a 10 year old boy.

I think I blushed a little as I admitted, "Just a jock."

Without missing a beat, he said, "Perfect, we can do the pics and measurements in your jock. It's basically the same as your briefs."

"Except the ass is missing," I retorted.

"What are a couple butt cheeks between friends?" he smiled. "C'mon. Hurry up and strip down so we can get this over with."

I finally relented, peeling off my shirt, removing my shoes and socks, and finally sliding my shorts down over my hips and stepping out of them. I placed my clothes in the cubby in the dressing area and walked out to the scale. I couldn't believe I was standing bare ass in Jared's garage in just a jockstrap.

Jared gave me a whistle and said, "Looking good, Matt!"

I flipped him off playfully and then stepped up on the scale for my weigh-in. After that, we went outside and I assumed the position against the garage wall for the routine series of photographs. As I turned my back to him for the rear shot, he said, "Your cheeks are as fuzzy as mine."

Then he whipped out his tape measure and began the series of body measurements. When he looped the tape around my hips, it slipped down slightly and brushed my bare butt. He lifted it up around my hips and went to pull it together in the front.

"The waistband of your jock is a lot higher than your briefs. Can you pull it down a bit so I can get an accurate hip measurement?"

"Uh, sure," I said, as I folded it down below my hips, revealing the top inch or so of my pubes in the process.

"If I get lost in here, please send a search party," Jared joked, his sly white smile contrasting against his dark beard, as his fingers pulled the tape tight just above my pubes. "Okay, all done. Let's get over to the mat and start your warm-up."

"Let me just get dressed first," I said.

"Don't waste time doing that, it's just us," he said. "And it's going to be a warm one today"

Sensing my hesitance, he finally said, "If I strip down to my jock, too, will that make you more comfortable?"

"Sure," I said. Although comfortable was probably not the word I'd use to describe how it would make me feel.

And with that, Jared pulled his tank over his head, kicked off his shoes, and pulled his shorts down to his ankles. He was quite a sight to behold in his white jock. The waistband dipped down in the front to reveal the top of a healthy bush of dark pubic hair. The pouch was stretched to capacity with what was clearly a healthy sized cock and balls. And when he turned to toss his clothes over onto a chair, I could see that his ass cheeks indeed had a light covering of hair like mine. The hair thickened and darkened as it made its way into the crack.

Where my ass was 2 or 3 shades lighter than my stomach and legs, Jared's ass was the same shade of light olive brown as the rest of his bare body. Must be all those days skinny dipping, I thought!

"Okay, now we're even,"Jared said. "Let's get to the workout." And with that, we proceeded with one of the most memorable workouts I'd ever had.

Because of all the mirrors in the garage, I had a pretty good view of Jared no matter what exercise we were doing. One minute I was staring at his chest and hairy armpits as he demonstrated the lat pull-downs, and the next I was admiring his furry butt as he bent over the bench to show me a tricep extension.

I was holding it together pretty well until he was demonstrating a variation on a squat that had him thrusting his ass toward the mirror. With each squat, his cheeks parted just enough for me to see the hairy ring of his sphincter. That's when I felt my cock start to stiffen. I casually adjusted it into the "up" position, to avoid an obscene tenting situation, and then my erection subsided slightly as I did 3 sets of the aforementioned squats.

"Okay, on your back on the mat, Matt," Jared said, laughing at his own joke. "Time to stretch you out."

I laid my sweaty self against the mat.

"Knees to your chest, hands on the back of your thighs," Jared said as I moved into this familiar stretching position, which was suddenly taking on pornographic tones due to my near nudity. Standing in front of me, Jared grabbed my feet and gently pushed me deeper into the stretch. "Relax. Breathe into the stretch."

I noticed Jared take a quick look down to my now completely exposed asshole. He smiled and said, "I think it just winked at me." And with that, my cock begin to fill out to a fully-erect 7 inches, stretching the elastic pouch of my jock. I could feel my face redden and my chest flush, but I soldiered on and completed the remainder of my stretches at full mast.

Finally, Jared extended a hand to help me up off the mat. "Great workout today, Matt. I think you better hit the shower -- and take care of that monster," he said with a wink.

I looked down to see that the waistband of the jock had slid down slightly, and the nearly the entire head of my erect cock had emerged from it. A bead of precum glistened in the sunlight on my pee hole.

"Um, thanks, yeah," I stammered. And then, my eyes quickly trailed down from Jared's handsome face to that beautiful furry chest, and down his treasure trail to his jock. There was a visible wet spot where the head of his cock pressed against the white fabric of his jock. While he wasn't erect, that wet spot indicated that he'd been leaking a fair amount, so he must've liked something he saw.

With that pleasant image burned into my eyes, I made my way into the dressing area, stripped off my jock and proceeded to the outdoor shower, my still-full erection pointing skyward. Following Jared's directive and throwing caution to the wind, I used a combo of my ample precum and a bit of body wash to pump my cock for several minutes until ropes of thick white cum began shooting out, landing on the decking and then getting washed away down the shower drain.

I finished my shower, dried myself off and then headed back into the dressing area to discover that Jared's next client had already arrived. "Hi," he said, as he made a quick scan of my naked body. "I'll be out of your way in just a minute."

"No worries," I said. I guess my jerk-off session had emboldened me, because I didn't bother covering myself with the towel. I just stood there completely naked as he finished getting undressed.

He was a stocky guy about my age, a couple inches shorter than me, with tightly cropped red hair, milky white skin and a dusting of copper fuzz all over his body. He finally pulled off his boxer briefs, standing naked before me, and then extended a hand and said, "I'm Kyle, by the way."

"Nice to meet you Kyle. I'm Matt," I replied shaking his hand and letting my eyes drop a bit to take in his red bush and the small-but-thick white cock nestled in it. He smiled, released my hand and then reached into his gym bag for a pair of white bikini briefs.

He slowly stepped into the briefs, pulled them up his legs, over his ass, and finally up under his balls, With his cock and balls still spilling over the waistband, he reached down and pushed his basket into the white pouch. A good portion of Kyle's red pubic hair was still exposed above the waistband of the low-rise briefs. "It's my day for body measurements and progress photos," he said, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Yeah, mine to. We must be on the same schedule," I replied.

Kyle gave me a quick wave, pushed aside the curtain and headed out to the scale. I didn't bother closing the curtain as I got dressed for work. Kyle had seen me naked and Jared had seen me nearly naked, so what was the point. Besides, they were occupied over at the scale.

Once I was dressed, I headed out of the dressing area and through the gym to the driveway. I looked over and saw Kyle posing against the garage wall. Jared was standing a few feet away from him, still clad only in his jockstrap, snapping photos of Kyle on his iPad.

"Have a good day you guys," I said as I headed towards the gate. When they turned to wave, I could see that Jared was still sporting a sizeable wet spot on the front of his jock. I made my way out to my car, bemoaning the fact that I had to go to work and wishing I could stay and hang out naked all day with these guys.

A couple of months later, I made my way through the gate and into Jared's back yard. I was surprised to see that he was not in the gym on his iPad as usual, but was instead swimming laps in the pool. He stopped at the near end of the pool and popped his head and chest out of the water and said, "Oh hey, Matt. Sorry, I lost track of time this morning."

He hoisted himself out of the pool and my suspicions were confirmed, he was completely naked. I caught a quick glance at his large, tan uncut penis below the thick darkness of his pubic hair. He grabbed a white towel off the nearby chaise and began to dry himself off. I caught only a couple more quick glimpses of his manhood, since he did a pretty good job of concealing it with the towel. But I was enjoying the spectacle. Eventually, he wrapped the towel low around his hips and tucked the end in at the waist to secure it.

"Told you I swim naked," he said as he flashed a broad grin. "Now go get read for your weigh-in and photos."

"I thought that was next week," I replied with a groan.

"I'm going to Vegas next week for that fitness conference, remember?" Jared said.

"Oh, right." I vaguely remembered him mentioning that, but I didn't recall him telling me about doing the progress measurements and photos today. "I don't have my briefs with me today."

"Just do it in your jock again," he quickly replied.

"I'm not wearing one today," I said looking down at my long athletic shorts. "These things have one of those built-in briefs."

"Well we can't do it in those, so we'll just have to do them naked." Recognizing my hesitance, he added, "You've now seen all of me and I've seen almost all of you, so what's the big deal?"

"I haven't ever had nude photos taken of me," I responded. "I don't really wanna end up on the internet like that."

"The pics are for your eyes only, and mine of course, to track your progress," he reassured me. "Don't worry, I'm not going to create a fake Dudes Nude profile with them!"

I couldn't believe I was doing this. As Jared went into the garage to grab his iPad and tape measure, I sat down on the chaise and took off my shoes and socks. I stood up and pulled my shirt up over my head and tossed it on the chaise.

"C'mon sport, your body looks great now after all the hard work you've put in," he said with that damned irresistible smile of his. "You'll thank me when you're 80 years old and you can look back at what a stud you were."

I looked down as I untied the drawstring on my shorts, and then shucked them down to my ankles and stepped out of them. I was now standing naked in the back yard of my personal trainer. He was still clad in just the white towel, and a few stray droplets of water still caught the light amidst his chest hair.

Jared nodded his head and smiled at me as he gave me a quick all-over glance. Then he set his iPad on the chaise and approached me with the tape measure. He measured my neck and biceps, and then asked me to raise my arms as he wrapped the tape around my chest. Then he dropped it down to my waist and then to my hips. The loose end of the tape lightly brushed against my flaccid 6-inch penis. Jared squatted down in front of me and wrapped the tape around my thigh, his face just a few inches from my cock. As he squatted before me, I could see the tip of his penis and the darkness of his crotch up inside the towel. My cock started to twitch a little as I felt the impending flow of blood to it.

I tried to think of old ladies, broccoli and trigonometry to quell the swelling between my legs as I walked over to the wall of the garage for my photos. It was kind of working, so my penis had lengthened and thickened, but it wasn't standing straight out or up. I turned around doing the requisite poses as Jared snapped the photos that I hoped would never be seen by my coworkers or my family.

When we were done, Jared walked over to me and showed me the photos on the iPad. It was strange to see myself naked on the little screen. They actually looked pretty good. My body was in good shaped and my dick was nicely fluffed. If I saw these photos of myself on a hookup app, I'd definitely swipe right.

"You look great, Matt," Jared reiterated. Then he caught me off guard with a question: "Would you mind taking photos of me? I usually have another client take them, but he's sick and cancelled today."

"Uh, sure," I responded as Jared handed me the iPad.

"Don't need this," he said as he pulled the towel from his waist and walked naked to stand in front of the wall.

Again, I couldn't believe what was happening. I was standing naked in my personal trainer's back yard about to take pictures of him -- also naked.

Jared proceeded to go through the same poses I had just done, occasionally giving his flaccid dick a slight tug as if to fluff it. I took photo after photo. He was beautiful. His furry pecs were punctuated by quarter-sized brownish nipples that were still perked up from the cool water of the pool. His trim stomach had a dusting of dark hair that converged into an even darker trail that led down to and merged with the thick, dark nest of pubic hair. His ball sack drooped full and low in the warmth of the sun. And his 6.5-inch uncut cock laid against the sack and extended just slightly beyond it. He raised his arms to flex his biceps and I could see the dark patches of fur under each arm. His legs were solid, but defined and were covered in the same shade of dark hair as his chest, stomach and ass.

As I continued to take photos, I noticed Jared's cock was thickening and I noticed that a droplet of precum was dangling from the edge of his foreskin.

That was it for me. Helplessly, I felt the blood filling my cock, raising it bit by bit off my ball sack and away from my body in short bursts like a car jack. It continued to fill and firm up until it was perpendicular to the ground.

"I'm so sorry, Jared," I stammered as he caught sight of my erection.

"Don't worry about it, Matt. It happens. And I guess I'm flattered," he replied. And then, with slightly raised eyebrows, he added, "That is nothing to be shy about."

"Uh, thanks," I said blushing as I handed him the iPad.

"These photos are great," Jared said as he swiped through the shots I'd take on the iPad. He zoomed in on his torso in one of the shots and I could just make out that droplet of precum. "I think I'll have you take them from now on. Okay, let's get started with your workout."

"Um, okay," I said grabbing for my clothes on the chaise.

"Just leave those there," he said. "We can workout naked today. It's too damn hot for clothes. I actually have a couple clients who I work out with nude all the time."

"Really?" I said. "I didn't realize that was an option."

"It's not something I advertise on my website," he replied. "I think I'd get a whole different kind of clientele, if I did. But as you can see, I'm really comfortable being naked, and so are some of my clients. It's probably one of the few jobs in the world where it kinda works."

"Cool. Is it, uh... I still..." I stammered as I cast a quick glance down at my still erect cock.

"If you need to take care of that first, go for it," Jared said smiling. "But I usually save mine for after my workout." Realizing how suggestive his comment sounded, he added, "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound pervy. I get kinda sleepy after I cum, so I usually just try to power through the workout and deal with it after."

"So, it won't bother you that I'm hard during the workout?" I asked.

"Not at all. It's your body's natural reaction to stimulus," he said. "It'll probably come and go as we work out. And it'll probably happen to me, too, at some point. Now put down those clothes and let's head over to the mat."

My erection diminished only slightly during the workout. We did a series of stretches on the mat before transitioning to squats, lunges, step-ups on the weight bench, and pull-ups on the bar mounted above the mirror. I was drenched in sweat, and Jared was sweating quite a bit himself. Then it was time for the bench press. I laid a towel on the bench and then lay down on top of it as Jared added weights to either side of the bar.

"Okay, let's warm up with 10 reps at this weight," he said. I grabbed the bar, lowered it to my sweaty chest, pushed it away, and repeated the maneuver 10 times.

Jared added more weight to the bar as I lay back admiring the up close view of his cock and balls hovering several inches above my head. The excessive heat made his balls hang low in their sack, and they moved up and down slightly in response to his muscle flexes as he added the weights. The head of his penis was pushing slightly out of the foreskin.

Jared looked down and caught me staring at him. He flashed a huge white smile and said, "Enjoying the view?"

"Yes, sorry," I replied. I could feel my cock firming up to a full erection again.

"Nothing to be sorry about, Matt. I'm obviously not shy. Now let's focus on your form and do 3 sets of 10 at this weight."

I began my first set and tried to focus on my form, rather than his. But it was challenging with 6 feet of naked hairy man meat hovering over me. As I rested during the second set, I noticed that Jared's cock had firmed up even more and his foreskin had pulled back from around the head.

"Okay, let's do your second set," he said.

I repeated the motions again. On my third rep with the bar almost resting on my chest, Jared leaned forward and touched my stomach lightly.

"Make sure you're taking that breath in and pushing the front of your stomach back towards your spine," he said, his fingers still lingering in the fur on my stomach.

Then he shifted back to resume his position at the head of the weight bench. When he did, I felt a slight drop of wetness on my forehead and looked up. I could see that his penis was now semi erect and a bead of precum was hovering near the slit. I realized that he'd just deposited a droplet of precum on my forehead!

"Damn, I'm so sorry, Matt!" he said looking down at my forehead as the large droplet of his precum started to make it's way towards my temple, following the contours of my face. "Let me clean that up."

He grabbed another towel and wiped the wetness off my forehead. Then he held his cock upright and dabbed at the end of it, trying to sop up the wetness.

"I'm really sorry about that," he said blushing.

"No worries. I've had far worse things on my face before," I said smiling. "My ex-boyfriend's cum, an entire pitcher of margaritas, a fistful of Croatian mud, a load of hot piss. Not all at the same time, of course."

"Hmm," Jared said smiling. "You're becoming ever more interesting, Matt."

We finished my remaining sets on the bench, and then shifted over to the mat for my cool down stretches. There wasn't much cooling down due to the nudity and the heat. I was drenched in sweat and so was Jared now.

I went through the series of stretches. Jared assisted me with my leg stretches as usual. It came time to do the one where I cross one leg over my body and he pushes down lightly to stretch my hamstring.

"Can you move that out of the way," he said glancing at my erection. "I don't want to break it!"

I laughed and complied, holding my hardon off at an angle to avoid being crushed. We repeated on the other side, and then Jared stood up, extended a hand and helped me to a standing position.

"Great workout, Matt!"

"It WAS a memorable one," I said with a smile gazing at our erections in the mirror.

"Do you want to hang out and swim for a bit?" Jared asked. "Kyle won't be here for another 30 minutes or so, and he's my last client of the day. A lot of my people are out of town for the holiday. So you could stay and swim as long as you like."

"Sure, that sounds like fun," I replied. "My company gave everyone an extra day off, so no rushing off to the office today."

"Awesome. You okay to swim with your stiffy or do you need to deal with it first?" he asked nonchalantly.

"Yeah, I'm good. I can deal with it later."

"Cool, let's hit the pool then, Matt!"

We both made a beeline for the pool and dove in. The water felt amazing. It was cool enough to be refreshing, but not so cold that it shriveled my penis. In fact, as we swam about splashing each other, I was surprised to see that I was still fully erect.

After a few minutes of frolicking, Jared pulled himself out of the pool with his strong arms, twisted around and sat on the edge with his lower legs still dangling in the pool. The water glistened on his skin and trickled down the contours of his body. His penis was also still erect, but the weight of it pulled it down so it almost rested on his beefy thighs.

I pulled myself out of the pool and sat a few inches away from him. The warm sun and cool water on my bare skin felt great. My erection was still pointing upward.

"So tell me about the pitcher of margaritas," Jared said, breaking our few moments of naked silence.

I regaled him with the story of the raucous night at the Mexican restaurant when my ex made a nasty comment that really pissed off a friend of his. "He hurled the margaritas at my ex," I said. "But the bitch had horrible aim and it all landed on me."

Jared laughed, and then asked "And the Croatian mud?" I told him about my trip with friends to Croatia, where we visited a beach with mud that was purported to have therapeutic powers. We all got naked and painted each other with the mud, sat around for awhile baking in the sun, and then proceeded to have a mud fight, much to the chagrin of the naked old Croatian men nearby.

"I probably don't need to ask about the cum on your face," Jared said. "But do you mind if I ask you about the piss?"

"Uh, sure," I said, surprised at his curiosity. "I dated a guy for a several months who was really into water sports. Mostly I would pee on him, but a few times I let him pee on me."

"Did you like it?" Jared asked earnestly.

"Yeah, it was actually kinda fun," I said. "The first time I was a little weirded out when he asked me to pee on him in the shower. But I did it and he seemed to really like it. So we'd do it pretty regularly in the shower or at the beach or in his back yard. We even did it once at a leather bar that had the whole bathtub setup on their patio."

"Interesting," Jared said. "Did he drink it?"

"Oh yeah. He didn't that first time in the shower. But a lot of the time he'd have me pee all over him, including his face and he'd open his mouth and take it. Other times, he asked me to piss right into his mouth, and he'd try to take it all."

"Sorry, for so many questions," Jared said. "I've always been kinda curious to try it. How was it when he pissed on you?"

"It was actually kinda nice," I said, again surprised at his curiosity and openness about his sexual interests. "We were at a gay resort in Palm Springs once and he asked me to pee on him outside by the pool at night. I felt kinda bad because I'd just taken a huge piss about 20 minutes before. So I told him he could pee on me instead if he wanted to. Admittedly I was a little drunk, but I figured I should give it a try."

"And did you like it?" Jared asked.

"Yeah, it felt good. I laid down on the grass next to the pool and he stood there and started peeing on me. It's really warm and it doesn't smell like you might think it would. He kinda swept the stream up and down my body."

"Did you drink it?"

"I tasted a little bit of it that night," I said. "It's kinda salty and I guess the flavor depends on what you've had to eat and drink. Whatever he'd consumed made it so it wasn't unpleasant, but I wasn't ready to guzzle down a full load like he did."

"So you got into it?" he probed.

"Yeah. It's not something I want to do all the time," I said. "But the piss feels good -- and it makes pretty good lube!"

I realized Jared's cock was now fully erect. It was nearly 8 inches of thick tan flesh standing straight up against his stomach.

"Did you only do it with him?" he asked.

"Mostly with him," I replied. "There was one time we went to a fetish party at a rich, old queen's huge house in Palm Springs. Everyone was either half-naked in leather gear or completely naked. They had an area in the corner of the yard that was kind of the designated piss area. When you had to take a leak, you could go over there and piss on -- or in -- whoever happened to be hanging out there. We were there for the whole day, and I'd had a LOT to drink. So at one point I went over to pee. There were 3 or 4 other guys standing over there, and they all kinda stared at me wondering what I was going to do. Something came over me, and I just decided to kneel down next to them. I aimed my dick up at my chest and started peeing on myself, and then they all joined in and started pissing on me."

"Wow, Matt!" Jared said. "That sounds really hot."

"It was pretty hot," I said. "The guy I was dating was watching the whole thing, and he ended up coming over and hosing me down himself. And then we had sex in the yard amidst 100 or so other guys!"

"Damn! I must be attending the wrong parties," he said with a smile. "You're so reserved here. I didn't peg you for such a wild guy."

"Hardly," I replied. "I did it more because of the guy I was with. But it was fun."

We continued to sit there in silence for a few minutes. Our naked bodies warming in the sun. Then Jared broke the silence.

"I have another question for you, Matt," he said.

"Sure," I said.

" you think you could pee on me?" Jared asked sheepishly.

I wasn't expecting that one. "Oh, um....sure. Right now?"

"Sure," he said. "Kyle still won't get here for another 15 minutes or so. Are you ready... I mean, is that something you could do right now?"

"Yeah, I think I could," I replied thinking that the 24 ounce sports drink I'd consumed during my workout had probably made its way through my system by now.

"Is that okay? Really?" he asked earnestly. He lowered his head and gave me a schoolboy smile. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I've just always wanted to try it.... and it would be nice to do it with someone I trust."

"Yeah, I mean no," I stumbled on my words. "No it won't make me uncomfortable."

"Okay, should we do it over in the grass?" he asked.

"Yeah, that seems like a good spot," I replied.

He pulled his legs out of the pool and stood up, his erection bobbing up and down as he moved. He pulled the cushions off the nearest chaise lounge and pulled the vinyl-webbed chair over onto the grass in a spot shaded by the bamboo.

I stood up and walked over, as he lowered the back on the chaise slightly and then lay down on it. He raised his arms and tucked his hands behind his head. He made me think of a dog rolling onto its back in submission.

I looked down at the beautiful naked man in front of me. The angle of his arms accentuated his biceps and led my gaze into his dark, furry pits. He was dry from the pool by now, but the hair on his chest and abs glistened with sweat. His full erection laid amidst the dark nest of his pubic hair, his exposed pink cock head contrasting against the dark hair.

Jared looked up at me, squinting a little against the glare of the sun. I shifted slightly to move my shadow across his face. He gave me the biggest, warmest, full-toothed smile.

"Okay, Matt, I'm ready when you are," he said. "Let 'er rip!"

"It might take me a minute," I said trying to will my erection down slightly to facilitate the flow.

"Take your time," he said grinning. "I'm enjoying the view from here."

I stared off towards the bamboo, examining each shoot methodically until my dick softened just enough to pee. Then I held the head of my cock gently in the fingers of my right hand and tried to relax.

"Okay, here it comes," I said, giving him fair warning.

Jared squirmed a bit in anticipation, like a kid waiting in line for the first time at Disneyland.

A few droplets skipped out of my penis and landed on his thigh.

"I forgot to ask you where you want it," I said.

"Everywhere," he smiled as he rubbed his left hand across his hairy chest, down his stomach, over his erection and back up to his face, before tucking it back behind his head.

I shifted my aim and let a few droplets loose onto his stomach and pubes. And then a trickle started and I aimed it at his right nipple.

"Yes!" Jared exclaimed.

My flow increased and I swept the stream across his chest.

"Oh wow!"

The stream got harder and I swept it down his furry stomach and sprayed warm piss on his erection. Then I shifted it up his stomach and chest. I aimed the stream at the nearest furry armpit and then swept it across his chest and beard towards the other pit.

"Oh yeah! That feels amazing!" And then he gave me a slightly nod with his head. I aimed the stream at his face. He instinctively closed his eyes and opened his mouth as my warm piss flooded over his face, soaking his mustache and beard, and trickled into his mouth.

Feeling the end of the flow was near, I aimed my cock directly at his open mouth and let the last few seconds of the stream fall in there onto his tongue.

Jared was squirming in the chaise again, this time in pleasure. He shifted his left hand down again rubbing the piss that was clinging to his chest and stomach hair. Then he moved his hand down to his pulsing erection.

My own erection was beginning to return as I took in exactly what was happening: I was standing naked in my trainer's back yard and hosing him down with my hot piss while he was jerking off!

I began to pump my own cock as Jared opened his eyes.

"That felt amazing, Matt!" he said smiling. "I'm gonna piss now!"

He held the base of his cock as a small stream of piss began to emanate from his erection. The flow increased to full force, and he aimed the stream up at his chest and mouth.

"Wow! That's so hot, Jared!" I said, taking in the spectacle of his beautiful tan, hairy torso covered in piss.

I reached down and rubbed my right hand across his wet abs and chest, letting my fingers linger on his firm nipples. His piss was hitting my hand and forearm as he continued to hose himself. Returning attention to my cock, I used the combination of our piss as lube on my throbbing cock.

As his stream subsided, Jared started pumping his cock with his left hand. He pulled his right hand from behind his head and began rubbing his torso from nipple to pubes, massaging the piss into his tan skin. Then he focused on his nipples, alternating pinching and pulling from one side to the other, all the while pulling his foreskin back and forth across the head of his erect cock.

"Oh wow, it feels so good!" he said writhing in the chaise. "I think I'm gonna cum, Matt. Is that okay?"

"Yes!" I replied. "I'm gonna cum, too!"

"Shoot it on me, Matt!" he grunted, pumping feverishly at his cock.

I could feel my balls tightening and my glutes tensing in preparation for the eruption. "Here it comes!" I said sensing the pleasure coursing through my cock.

I shoved my pelvis forward and let loose the first jolt of cum that landed on his chest near his right nipple.

"Oh yeah, Matt, give it to me!" he cooed.

I let loose five more doses of my hot semen, covering him in white pearls from his beard to his pubes.

"Yes, yes...!" he screamed squirming on the chaise. I could see his muscles tightening and his back arching slightly. I knelt down next to the chaise and began to rub the piss and cum into his skin and hair. I massaged his firm pecs with the mixture and then rubbed down to his pubes and ground it into the hair at the root of his cock.

"Oh my god, Matt! Yes!" His toes began to curl as I felt a hot blast against my arm. It was followed by what seemed like blast after blast after blast. It was more cum than I'd ever seen anyone shoot, and it created a white spray trail from his face to his stomach commingling with my own cum. He'd shot on his own mouth, and instinctively his tongue popped out to lick the jizz off his lips. Jared's body relaxed as I continued to massage our fluids into his torso. His eyes were closed, but he had a huge satisfied grin on his face.

"You guys could've at least waited for me!" the familiar voice yelled from behind us. Jared and I both jolted up and turned towards the voice.

"But it was a REALLY good show," Kyle said grinning.

Next: Chapter 2

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