World Tour

Published on May 2, 2000


World Tour2/suck/fuck/dildo

by Alex Carbine

Please excuse the slow beginning, but one has to set the scene and there is no short way. I have no way of knowing how many chapters this will end up with, and I give the usual warning that there are graphic descriptions of man to man sex, of many types. So if you do not wish to read this, go away now!!! However if you do enjoy the titillation reading about this can give, hold at the back of your mind that what I describe actually happened. I know, I was there!!!!!

Chapter 3.


If you have read my chapter one, you will know the what and why of my travels, so I will not delay any longer. It was a short flight to Istanbul and I was fortunate to land in the daytime, thus seeing the wonderful panorama of the city that is divided by a major waterway. I had arranged a taxi-link direct to my hotel and was a little surprised at the lack of visual splendour when I arrived outside it. Not really special at all I thought. I had chosen the Pera Palace Hotel because Agatha Christie had stayed there, allegedly, when she disappeared for several weeks, worrying her nearest and dearest, who thought the worse had happened to her. However legend has it that she just needed to get away from everything and whilst at the hotel she mapped out the plot for 'Murder on the Orient Express'.

A uniformed man at the door took my luggage from the car and followed me to the Manager's desk, which was to be found off to the left inside the entrance. I was greeted by a rotund, smiling, perspiring man who spoke good English when I spoke to him concerning my room. It was almost Easter and I had expected the hotel to be well booked, but he was able to change my room for one that had a view over the city and the harbour. I was also given the hotel brochure showing the tours of the city, which I read when I took my bath.

A young boy of about 14 years, dressed in a smart uniform took my bags when the Manager pinged the desk bell, and I followed him around the corner and into the main reception hall.

What a splendid hall! A white veined marble floor on which stood pink marble columns joined by arches of red and white chequer-board marble. A painted ceiling illuminated by concealed lighting confused the eye as to the height of the room. To my right was a bar lounge, and looking through the doors I imagined that the long heavy drapes at the windows were probably the ones that Agatha had stared at when seated at the writing desks in each window alcove, whilst she listened to her muses and wrote.

The young bell-hop waited whilst I stared in awe, then gave me an almost cheeky, toothy smile and continued on to the main staircase. What an incredible sweeping and majestic affair it was. Starting in two set of stairs at the bottom, they swept round and met at the first landing, only to separate and sweep round joining again at each of the six floors. Starting between these stairways at the bottom was an old open-cage lift, which creaked and rattled its' way up, giving an almost asthmatic wheeze as it came to a halt at the required floor. Day and night it was driven by a young uniformed lift attendant who, when not required by guests or cleaning staff, would sit at ground level on the wooden bench at the back of the lift in an almost glazed trance, only to be roused by the single ting of the bell in the cab which rang once each time someone pushed the call button. Dependant on how deep the trance was the number of repeated tings, before the lad came to, slid the cage doors closed and goaded the lifting gear into action.

My room was simple, but definitely adequate, with two tall windows over the city, and an en suite bathroom with gold fittings. The lad showed me how to use the air conditioning, television, and showed me the hotel directory of information. He laid my cases on the bed and said he would be back up with my other cases in a few minutes. I thanked him, gave him a generous tip and told him not to hurry and to bring them straight in as I was going to have a bath. He looked at the tip I had given him and then thanked me profusely as he backed out of the door. I liked him.

In a matter of a couple of minutes I had started my bath and unpacked most of my clothes into one of the chest of drawers, and hung up the suits that had come up so far. I was booked in for a week with the option of another week, and I hate living out of a suitcase, wearing creased and crumpled clothes. I normally travel light but had bought some fashion clothes in Rome - I just couldn't resist them - so I had four largish suitcases instead of the two I started with. I put the two empty suitcases on top of the wardrobe, slipped out of my clothes and sank into my bath to read the brochure I had been given. The bubble bath supplied made the water smell of lavender and roses and I relaxed as I read.

It was not long before I heard a knock at my door. I called from the bath and the bell boy entered with my other cases. He came to the bathroom door and asked if I wanted him to unpack them and put the contents with my other clothes. I thought that the tip I had given him was probably making him work for another, and the cases did not contain anything of value, like my wallet or passport, which were secure in the room's safe.

I continued to read the brochure about the trips I could do, whilst I heard him potter about humming to himself as he opened and closed closets and drawers, putting away my shirts, suits and shoes. Then I heard him stop humming, and I could not hear him moving, and I was sure I had not heard him go out the door. Anyway he had not hinted at another tip before he left.

"Is everything all right?" I called out. The boy came to the partially closed bathroom door and asked, "Where shall I put this, Sir?"

"What is it?" I asked. "A black shaving bag containing some items, Sir" he answered. I could not remember a black bag, and asked him if he would bring it in to me to look at. He stepped into the bathroom and held the bag out at arm's length, coming only near enough so that I could take hold of it. I had never seen it before. He stood there whilst I opened the drawstrings and pulled the mouth of the bag open. Inside I found a note and some items. The note was from Peter, who must have slipped the bag into my case in Rome before I left. It read "Dear Alex, I know you were only due to stay for a few days, but I am sorry you had to go so soon. I shall remember our time together, as I hope you will remember. Enclosed are a few things to remind you. All my love, Peter." I put the note on the stool beside the bath and took out the three items from the bag and arranged them on the bath side. The first was a thin anal probe. The second was a thick butt-plug. The third was a six inch long black cock which stood on a suction cup behind the realistic balls. The young lad's eyes were like saucers as he took in what was infront of him.

I looked up at him. "You had looked in the bag before you called me, didn't you?" I asked gently. He nodded and his face started to go bright red. "Don't worry. You are not in any trouble." He had hunched slightly, and he seemed to straighten up. "I did not know these were in my bags. The note is from a friend in Rome. They are his parting gift to me." He took this in as he nodded to me slowly. I picked up the black cock and looked at it, holding it by its base and washing it in the soapy water of my bath, almost wanking it. I had half expected the boy to go, but he did not move. I looked over to him and his eyes were riveted on the black cock in my hands. I smiled at him and said, "Do you want to hold it?" He hesitated and gave his bottom lip an nervous lick. "Go on," I urged gently, "Take it."

I held it out to him. He had to take a couple of paces forward. His hand closed around the black shaft. I opened my hand and took it away, back into the bath to swirl the water around abit. My cock was getting hard and the tip was just peeping through the thin layer of bubbles on the water. The boy laughed almost like a giggle, his eyes alight with fun. He looked at the dildo first one way then another, his teeth flashing as he smiled. Then he suddenly became serious and said to me "I am sorry Sir. I should not have disturbed you like this. I must be going now."

With both hands I cupped my balls and lay back a bit. My stiff cock broke the surface. I watched his eyes as they flitted from the sight of my cock to my own eyes and back to my cock. "Are you allowed to run errands for Guests?" I asked. "Yes Sir," he answered, suddenly becoming embarrassed by the object he was still holding and not knowing really where to put it. "Maybe you would like to do something for me?" I said, and with my right hand I took hold of my cock and started to wank myself slowly. He watched mesmerised. "That is .. if you want to.. I don't want to get you into any trouble." He moved forward to stand beside the bath, looking straight down at me. He placed the black dong on the bath side with the other toys and said, "I have heard of others running errands but," he hesitated to find the correct words, "but I have never been asked to run" he nodded at my cock, "these errands myself." "It is your choice," I said bending my cock forward so it stood straight up out of the water, "I would not want you to do anything that you did not want to do." I smiled at him and sat up so my cock disappeared beneath the foam. He turned and made for the door, then stopped and turned back, holding the door ajar. "I will see the Manager and ask if he will let me run your errand. I will tell him that you have a package you want to post. We do not take packages to post at the front desk, they have to go from the Post Office, which is about 20 minutes away. My work hours are almost complete. He may let me go early." He went round the door, and then his face re-appeared. "I would like to come back Sir, if that is allright with you?" "I look forward to it," I replied, and he was gone. I heard the main door close with a click as he went out, and I climbed out of my bath. Standing infront of the full length mirror beside the toilet and I looked at the reflection. There I stood, 50 plus, in a foreign land, slightly over weight, and with a stonking hard-on, waiting for a young lad of 14 to come back to my room. And I had only just got here!!!!!!

I briskly dried myself off and put on the white towelling robe supplied by the Hotel. In my room I opened the bar fridge and poured myself a beer. I lay back on the bed and flicked through the Hotel Directory. The third page listed the channels that the TV received, which was very comprehensive as the hotel was hooked up to satellite TV. Using the remote I thumbed through the channels, stopping on CNN to catch up with the latest world news. Nothing much had changed and I had almost finished my beer when there was a light knocking at my door. "Its open" I called and to my surprise the lad came in quickly and closed the door behind him. I did not think he would actually return, and certainly not so soon.

"It is done. I am to be let off work now, half an hour early, as I am to take your package to the Post Office. It is good, no?" I laughed and then asked him, "Won't they expect to see you go out of the hotel with a package?" "Do not worry, Sir. There are several ways out for me, and who would think I am not going to the Post Office?" "So what would you do when you finish work?" I asked him. "I would probably go to my room, Sir. I live in the Hotel." "You do not live at home?" I asked. "I have not home, Sir. My father is dead, and my mother could not feed me and my other brothers. I left two years ago, and I live here, and make good moneys." "How old are you?" I asked, "and come over here. You don't need to stand by the door." He moved across the room and sat on the side of the bed, next to me. He looked down at his hands in his lap and then up at me. "I am thirteen. I will be fourteen next month. It is my birthday." He gave a slight smile that was tinged with sadness. "I am the eldest in my family." "Would you like a drink," I said, raising my glass of beer. "Drinking alcohol is against my religion. But, however, I will have a Coke." "Help yourself," I said, gesturing the bar fridge. He pulled out a Coke bottle, opened it and drank from the open top. I watched as he swallowed it down, his lips wrapped round the upturned bottle neck and my cock started to twinge as I remembered why the lad had come back to my room.

I moved my legs apart as I lay on the bed with my back supported by the pillows. My robe fell open revealing my semi- hard cock. He finished the bottle and placed it carefully in the rubbish bin. I scratched my balls as he straightened up and the movement caught his eye. His face started to blush again, and he looked uncomfortable.

"Are you quite sure you want to be here?" I asked gently. He nodded several quick, jerky nods. I got up off the bed and went over to him. "Come on," I said, putting my hand to the back of his neck and pushing him into motion, "Let's get you in the shower. You must be hot and sweaty." He looked up at me and smiled. "Thank you Sir." he said. "Oh and that's another thing," I said. "My name is Alex, not Sir. What do your friends call you?" "Demi," he answered, "My friends call me Demi." And with that we went into the bathroom.

Peter's presents were still on the edge of the bath and I sat beside them. Demi carefully took off his uniform jacket, shoes and trousers, placing them over the back of the chair in the corner. I noted he did not wear socks, and his 't' shirt and pants had seen better days, but were clean. His back was towards me and he looked round over his shoulder. "Shower," I said pointing to the cubicle. He took off his 't' shirt and looked over his shoulder at me again. "Soap," I said holding out a fresh tablet. He self-consciously took down his pants and laid them ontop of his uniform. Then he turned round to face me.

At first he covered himself with his hands. I smiled and his hands dropped to each side. His skin was slightly dark, as if he had a good tan, but there was no 'bikini' mark, he was 'tanned' all over. He had a thin bush of hair at the base of his circumcised cock, and his balls hung quite low. His cock was about three inches long, and jutted out from his body before drooping down with gravity. "Come here," I said with my arms open, and he came over to me as I sat on the bath. I put my arms round him and he put his head against mine, with his chin on my shoulder. I tightened my arms round his middle. He put his arms round my shoulder, and then he surprised me. He started to cry.

We stayed like that for at least a couple of minutes, I holding his waist, he my shoulders, whilst he quietly, gently sobbed. Then I moved my hand to pat him between his shoulder blades in comfort, like burping a baby. He moved back a bit and looked me in the face. His tongue licked the tears off his top lip. He sniffed. Tears welled up in his eyes again. I pulled him to me and he bawled like a kid who had fallen over and grazed his knee. Then he was just sucking in air. Then he was wiping his eyes with his hands. I pushed him away from me alittle and said, "Life's tough, isn't it?" He nodded slightly and gave another big sniff. "Go on, go and have a shower." I stood up and opened the shower cubicle door and turned on the spray. I set the temperature and stood aside so he could enter, then passed him the soap. He stood under the falling water so it soaked his black wavy hair, then he started to wash himself. I watched as he soaped under then along his arms. Then he soaped his hairless chest, working round to his back. Then each leg in turn, until finally he worked up a fist full of lather and washed his cock and balls with one hand, whilst the other worked up and down the crack of his arse. Then, covered in soap everywhere, he stood back under the jet and washed it all off. I handed him some shampoo and he washed and rinsed his hair, then I stood waiting with an open towel and he stepped out of the shower. Kneeling down I rubbed him all over with the towel until he was dry, and then threw it in the corner with a "Ta!Da!" He stood infront of me as I knelt there and I leaned forward and kissed the cleft of his chest. He ran a hand through my hair like a comb as I kissed him. I moved back a little and looked down. His cock was stiffening. I leaned into him again and kissed him as before, but this time I moved my right hand up and cupped his balls gently. He moved his legs apart a bit to allow me easier access.

His cock was definitely becoming engorged. I could feel it getting harder between his legs where I was stroking his balls. I ran a finger back from them to his anus and felt the base of his cock twitch and pump as I carefully squeezed them. I looked up at him, but he had his head back, looking at the ceiling. I moved my left hand to grip his now stiff cock, and started to wank him slowly, all the while gently playing and squeezing his balls and their sack. He moved his feet further apart and tightened the muscles in his legs. His hands went to his hips and he thrust himself forwards, towards me, as I slowly pumped his cock. He was breathing through his mouth and panting audibly with little "Ah!" sounds. I licked the tip of his cock with the tip of my tongue. He bent his shoulders back more in a bid to thrust himself further forward. I took the head of his cock in my mouth and tickled the 'g' string under the helmet with my tongue, and then deep throated him. He gave a loud "Ah!" as I reached the base of his cock with my lips. I slowly pulled my head back then thrust down on him again. Several times I slowly withdrew his cock from my throat only to swallow it quickly and to the hilt. My right hand was still massaging his balls, and the index finger of my left hand was rubbing his ring. I felt that he was about to cum, and this was confirmed when he held my head and started thrusting into my mouth. Seven, eight, nine thrusts and then he began to spill his boycum. He gave me three hard squirts then he went dry, but continued to fuck my mouth for another five or six times, before the intensity of his orgasm made him stop. He just stood there, not moving, with his hands on my head and his rigid cock in my mouth. I let him stay like that for a few seconds then I pulled my head away, and ran his spunk over my tongue and around my mouth. Young, fresh sperm has a taste all of its own. Then, as he looked down at me with dreamy eyes, I swallowed his load, and licked the end of his dick clean.

Chapter Four.

He fetched me a beer and had another Coke himself as we lay together on the bed, watching the TV. CNN was repeating the news again, and I reached over for the remote. Demi took it from me and changed the channel for a number not on the listings. A blue screen appeared with a message 'Key in number'. He used the remote to key in four figures that came up as asterisks on the screen. The picture wobbled for a couple of seconds and then cleared. It was a gay film. I looked down at him and said, "What's this then?" "It's the Hotel. These films run all day and night. Sometimes my job is to change the tapes when they finish. I have the coding so I can monitor the quality of picture. There are three channels. Man and man. Girl and girl. Man and girl. We have just had some new tapes, so I have not seen these yet." "Do you usually watch them?" I asked. "I can only watch them in the Guest rooms. There is not television in our room." "What do you mean, our room, Demi?" "I am one of six boys who work here. We each have a bed and a locker all in one room." "What all six of you in one room?" "Yes. I have no privacy. When we can we use an empty guest room. Then I can watch TV." He turned to me with a big grin. "This is good, No?" On the screen two well hung men were being sucked and wanked by as third who knelt between them. As we watched he stood up and stroked a good ten inches, then bent over a chair and the one he had been sucking started to feed his monster into the guy's arsehole. A close-up showed the thick, veined cock sliding all the way in. "Do you like this type of sex?" Demi asked me. "Have you tried it?" I countered. "No," he said looking back to the screen, "But I would like to." He said it so casually I could not believe it. Here was this almost 14 year old telling me he wanted to have his bum fucked. "It is not as easy as it looks," I said. "Remember these guys are doing it for the cameras. You have to relax your ring, and have it stretched a little. You also need to use condoms and a lubricant." "Are your friends gifts for stretching it?" Demi asked, looking back at me, his eyes sparkling in the light. "So that's it. I wondered what all this was about!" I said. "You saw them and you wanted to take a chance." Demi started to giggle and turned to face me, standing on all fours on the bed. "Well are they?" he asked again. He shuffled up the bed to me, turned round and with his bum in the air, his head and shoulders on the bed, he reached round and opened the cheeks of his arse to show me his puckered ring. "Do you think it needs stretching much, before I can take your cock?" "Hold on a minute," I said, running my finger lightly up and down the inviting crack of his arse. "You are going to have to learn what you are doing first. Its one thing to watch a movie, but its another thing," and I pushed my finger into his hole, "to actually do it." He moved forward, falling in a heap with a yelp. "Ahh! That hurts!" I playfully slapped his rump and said, "Go and get Peter's Toys, and I will show you how they can be used." Immediately Demi got up off the bed and went into the bathroom, coming back quickly with the toys. I had gone to one of my drawers and got a supply of condoms and a tube of KY. He bounced onto the bed and laid the toys out on a towel on the pillows. I also took out my gold plated cock ring, and inserted my balls and cock through it as I talked to him.

"Firstly, always use a condom with any toy. It can stop infection if you have not washed it properly from the last time, and also if it has been used by someone else, well, you know.." I gave him a foil packet to open and he tore it in half, took the rolled rubber and started to put it on the black cock. "Hold on a moment, I think we'll start with this." I gave him the anal probe and another condom. He rolled the rubber down the probe, which was made of soft blue jelly, was about ten inches long, about half an inch thick, and had lumps all the way down it. "OK. Now let's get this covered," and I gave him the butt plug, which was pink, made of a hard but pliant pink rubber and was about six inches long and about two inches at its thickest, and about one inch across at the neck before the 't' bar. Demi rolled another rubber over the plug, and holding it up, asked how it would help him. "Let me show you. Spread some of this over the probe." I gave him the tube of KY and he rubbed a little between his fingers. I got on all fours and told him to put a bit on his finger, then work it into my hole.

I felt him at my back door, then he slid his finger in slowly. I told him to pull out, grease up the probe, and put that in instead. He slowly eased the probe into my bum hole, and I could not stop the shivers going up my spine as each lump on the probe forced its way past my sphincter muscle. "OK. Now slowly fuck my hole with it," I told him, and Demi started to saw the probe in and out of my arse. I looked down between my legs and I could see my semi-hard on dripping pre-cum onto the bed cover. I reached through to give myself a wank, but Demi realised what I wanted and started to milk my dick with one hand whilst the other fucked my arse. With his help I got harder and harder until I was really stiff, the cock ring helping me to maintain my hard on. I could feel the thick shoulder of the ring biting slightly into my flesh at the base of my pumped up cock. Demi took hold of the ring and jiggled it slightly, which heightened the feeling for me, and eased the trapped flesh.

"OK Demi. Take it out and try the plug." Demi withdrew the probe and greased up the plug. When he put it to my ring I consciously relaxed my muscle as though I was having a crap and pushed back against it. "Rotate it slightly as you push it in," I told him and it started to ease in until with a sudden plop it was sitting inside me with my ring closing round the waist before the 't' bar end. "What does this do?" he asked. "Well Demi, It stretched the muscle as it went in and now the muscle is sitting on the waist, and is not fully closed. Try to pull it out and then put it back in." This he did and found it to be a lot easier than the first time. "I'll leave it in for a couple of minutes and then I'll try the cock." Demi took hold of the black rubber cock and started to apply KY to it, enjoying the feeling of the slippery wank he was giving it. I reached round behind me, took hold of the butt plug and pulled it out. Then I lay my head and shoulders down on the bed and held my cheeks apart just as Demi had done earlier. "Now you can try that dick on me. I think I'm ready." Demi took hold of the base of the dildo and applied the tip to my bum hole. Then, slowly corkscrewing it one way then the other, he inserted it into me right up to the hilt. It felt fantastic. He then slowly fucked my arse with it, the rubber cock slipping in and out as he pushed and pulled it. Then I felt him take hold of my cock and start to wank me in time to his in and outs with the fake dick. This went on for a couple of minutes until I told him I had to take a breather for a moment. He stopped, left the dick inside me and moved off the bed. I reached round and held the cock to stop it slipping out. Then Demi was back on the bed and he took hold of the dildo. He gave it a couple more pushes then I felt him take it out. Next thing I knew he had moved closer behind me and I felt him slip his own dick into me. His hands got hold of my hips and he started shafting me deep and hard. "It OK Alex," he said as he pumped me, "I use a rubber." Considering he had already cum once he was definitely full of stamina. I felt his climax build and then I could feel the ridge of his cockhead expand and scrape up and down the inside of my love tube. Then he was digging slow and deep and he shot his load into the rubber buried in my guts. It was all too much for me and I started to shoot my load all over the top of the bed. I just shot and shot and shot, pumping wad after wad out of my balls. Then I was just twitching as Demi slowly enjoyed an after the cum slow fuck, going as fast as his sensitive dick end would allow. I just lay there and let him.

Finally it was time to clean up. "So do you understand now that you can't just be fucked without preparation?" "Yes, I can understand it," he replied with his slightly accented way of speaking. "When will you do it to me?" he asked. "Not today," I said. "You've had enough for one day I think." Demi looked down at the bed and then up at me. "But you will do it to me, won't you?" "If you really want. Let's try and work things out for tomorrow, eh?" Demi bounced up and down on the bed with anticipation. Then he stopped and asked me with a serious tone to his voice, "Can I bring my friend Ali? He is my close friend. We play with each other sometimes at night if we can get a room and watch the films... He was the lift boy today. Did you notice him?" I knew who he meant but I was not going to let on so easily. "I'll think about it. Let me know tomorrow when you are off and maybe we can go and do some sightseeing together."

Demi took to the idea immediately and offered at once to be my personal guide. After he had dressed and left my room I sat watching the porn film wondering what the hell had hit me.

Next time, Demi introduces me to Ali.

Next: Chapter 3

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