World Tour

Published on May 4, 2000


World Tour 3/suck/fuck/dildo

by Alex Carbine

Please excuse the slow beginning, but one has to set the scene and there is no short way. I have no way of knowing how many chapters this will end up with, and I give the usual warning that there are graphic descriptions of man to man sex, of many types. So if you do not wish to read this, go away now!!! However if you do enjoy the titillation reading about this can give, hold at the back of your mind that what I describe actually happened. I know, I was there!!!!!

Chapter 5.


I did not see Demi until two days later, as I spent most of the time sightseeing around the City. I was just finishing breakfast when he came into the Restaurant with a letter for me. There he stood infront of me, in his neat uniform, with a silver salver, waiting for a reply if there were to be any. I opened the envelope, not knowing who it could be from, and read the simple message - "Meet me in Room 112 at 11 o'clock this morning. I have a surprise." I looked into Demi's face, but there was nothing there, except a hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth. "Thank you boy," I said loudly, "There is no reply." I looked down and reached into my trouser pocket for a coin. I held the coin out and said quietly as he took it "112 at 11." "Yes Sir. Thank you Sir." said Demi, and then he was gone. I looked at my watch. It was just on 9am. Two hours to kill. I finished my coffee - very small, very strong with a bottom to it like mud - wiped my mouth with my napkin, and went to the Bar, where I whiled the time writing postcards and a couple of letters. At 5 minutes to 11 I moved out into the Hallway and made for the Lift.

"First Floor please," I told the young lift boy. He banged the doors across and the lift lurched into motion. I found Room 112 and stood listening outside the door for a few seconds but could hear nothing. I opened the door, went inside quickly and closed it quietly behind me. I was not sure what Demi was up to. It could have been a childish prank, who knows?

A sound from the bathroom made me smile. "Come in. It's open." The cheeky sod was in the bathroom. I turned the key on the entrance door and went across into the bathroom. Demi was in a bubble bath, just the same as I was when he met me, but he was not alone. Facing him at the other end of the bath was Ali the lift boy. "Would Sir like to have a bath?" asked Demi, "you appear to be a little hot." "Why that would be very kind Demi. And who is this? We have not been introduced yet. And remember it's Alex not Sir, thank you." Demi stood up in the bath, the foam sticking to his pubic hair. "May I introduce Ali. Ali this is my friend Alex. Alex this is my friend Ali," and then to Ali he said, "You must now shake hands." Ali stood up and I went over to him, and shook his right hand.

He had a cherubic smile and an infectious, shy giggle. I took a pace back and held his left hand, and studied him from head to foot. He had short curly hair on his head, was darker skinned than Demi, a slight pot to his belly, no pubic hair, and a two inch penis He was uncircumcised and his scrotum looked like a walnut. I turned him round and saw that he had a scar under his right shoulder blade. "What's that?" I asked him running my finger along the groove. He answered with his unbroken voice which had a thicker accent than Demi, "I was stabbed in a street fight. The convent took me in and made me better. They find me my job." He turned round to face me. "Do you not like me for it?" he asked, anxiety in his voice. I smiled, reached forward and gathered him into my arms, cradling him under his shoulders and behind his knees. We looked into each other's faces and eyes. I reached down and kissed the end of his nose. He put his arms round my neck and hugged me. "I told you he was nice," said Demi.

I caught hold of a towel off the rail and bidding Demi to follow us, went into the bedroom where I simply dropped Ali on his back on the bed. He lay there spread-eagled, just giggling. Demi came out of the bathroom wearing his bath towel like a roman toga, his hand up in the air like Nero greeting the crowds. He came over to me and started to untuck my short- sleeved shirt out of my lightweight trousers. I moved back and sat on the edge of the bed. Demi unbuttoned my shirt and Ali took it off my shoulders. I lay back flat, and Demi began to untie my shoes and remove them whilst Ali climbed over my chest and started to unbuckle my trousers. I lifted my head to have a wonderful view of his bottom and little anus with his tiny ball sack and prick as he knelt either side of my chest, his feet in my armpits. Demi pulled my shoes and socks off and when Ali had undone my belt and fly Demi was able to pull my trousers off my legs.

I was wearing a dark red silk jockstrap and Ali put his hands either side of my thickening cock and rubbed up and down the edge of the jockstrap from the elastic top to the bottom of the pouch between my legs. I reached up and ran a finger up and down the crack of his arse and gently rubbed the underside of his ball sac and prick. Demi flopped down beside me and saw what I was doing. His hand went to his own cock and he started to wank himself slowly to full hardness. Ali introduced one of his small hands into my jock and curled it round my stiff dick. I put my feet on the ground and lifted my bum, and he peeled my jock down to my knees where I was able to kick it away to the floor. Ali's little elbows were pressing into my lower abdomen as he cupped my balls with his left hand and stroked my stiff with his right. I took hold of his hips with both my hands and pulled him back onto my face and licked his crack up and down several times, then concentrated on his anus. He started to make little noises as I penetrated his ring. "He, he, he" he moaned in time to my tongue. Demi moved round to my cock and took hold of it now. His hand wrapped round my shaft and he started to masturbate me properly, then I felt his lips slipping over my glans. I pulled my head away from Ali's rump and told Demi to stop. "Hold on. Not so fast! You'll have me cumming in no time." I rolled Ali off me onto his side and stood up on the carpet. "Anyway, I haven't had that bath yet, have I?"

I should have mentioned that the bath in this room was a larger squarish affair, which was big enough for two adults, and made of block and tiles. Demi took me by the hand into the bathroom and Ali followed, one hand unselfconsciously holding his stiff little dick as he walked. I stood by the bath as Demi reached over to the taps and did something, wiggling his little butt provocatively as he did it. Ali came up beside me and put one hand round my jutting cock and the other's thumb in his mouth. Together we all watched the bubbles of the jacqusi start to swirl.

I reached down and lifted Ali into the bath. Then I picked up Demi, my hands under his armpits. I lifted him up above my head so that I could suck his boy hard-on a couple of times and then let him down into the bath. "Don't think I'm ignoring you, or anything," I said to him, and he got hold of Ali, so that they were embracing each other and he said, "I would not be jealous of Ali. We are like brothers, and share everything." "Everything" echoed Ali, nodding his head up and down emphatically, and, taking hold of Demi's prick he gave it a couple of wanks. "Everything," he repeated, then sat down on the tiled bench in the bath. I climbed into the bath and found there was a ledge at the other end as well. I grabbed another towel off the rail and folded it, sat down and stretched out, with my head cushioned on the end of the bath by the towel. Demi stood in the middle in between my legs.

The foam on the top of the water was getting a bit thick and I suggested he turn it off. He had to reach the controls by my head and stepped up onto the ledge I was perched on. As he reached over my head I took hold of his hips and pulled him down to me. He switched off the air pump and put his hands on the wall infront of him. I was able to take his cock in my mouth and he was able to fuck my lips. As he bobbed his arse his cock slid in and out of my mouth, his cock head scraping the top of my palate as my tongue pushed up underneath his shaft. Ali moved forward and took hold of my prick in both hands. The water was only at the top of my legs so my cock stood out of the water. With soapy hands he started to easily pump me, one hand holding onto the shaft, the other working on my cockhead.

This continued for a couple of minutes and I could feel myself approaching a climax when Demi, who had been totally silent up till then, suddenly said "Oh Alex! Ah Alex!" and stood up straight holding my head. I saw the muscles in his legs tighten and he pulled and pushed my head onto his cock. I took hold on the base of his cock and wanked him with a twisting movement whilst sucking his cockhead. I felt him buck and tasted his boy cum squirt into my mouth. Then again, and then again. Five times in all he ejaculated his sperm into my throat. Then he stood perfectly still as I gently continued my head movements, lightly fluttering my tongue round his mushroom. He pulled away from me with "That was the best ever, yet," and milked his cock to make sure that all the spunk was out. Ali had been watching from where he knelt between my legs, and he had been so engrossed with his friend's climax that he had stopped his ministrations on me. "Will you do that to me?" he asked in his thin voice. "He's going to do something better," said Demi and quickly climbed out of the bath before I could say anything.

He scuttled across the tiled floor and into the bedroom. I heard a drawer open and close and then he came scuttling back with a plastic bag. He had the bag out for me with a big smile. "Present," he said proudly. "What?" I said questioningly. "Something special!" he said, "Have a look." I took the bag and immediately knew what was inside when I felt the contents. "Where did.." I started but he cut me off. "Saw what we needed and found out where to buy them. Got them yesterday." "But it must have cost you.." "Worth it! Surprise for Ali too." He turned to Ali and gave him a little conspirital smirk. I opened the bag and looked inside.

My suspicions were answered with what I saw, and I withdrew three objects which I put on the side of the bath. One was a thin butt plug, the next a thicker one, and the last a cock dildo like the one Peter had given me. I looked at Demi who was completely wreathed in smiles. He was holding his balls and gently wanking his semi-hard cock, waving it from side to side with pride for getting these trophies. Ali reached over and picked up the thin butt plug. "Is this what you were telling me about?" he said. Demi nodded. "I got that one for you. I thought it would have to be very small to begin with. We can get larger ones if you like." Also in the bag was several 'packets of three' Mates condoms and a tube of lubricant that looked like KY's packaging but was in Turkish. "Where..?" "I asked around in the market for a shop that sold them. I said it was for one of the Hotel guests. The man sold me them, no questions." I shook my head in disbelief, although I knew that there was no commodity here that could not be bought or sold. I suggested we went back into the bedroom.

I sat up on the bed with the pillows behind me for support. Ali climbed up beside me, still holding the plug in one hand. Demi climbed onto the bed too, with the plastic bag of goodies. "Does anyone want a drink?" I asked, but Demi said we could not use the bar fridge in the room as it was supposedly not occupied. He explained that after we had finished he would re- make the room as though no one had been there, but he could not re-furbish the fridge. I made a mental note that if there was to be another session, it would be in my room, as I was dying for a beer.

"What has Demi told you," I asked Ali. "Oh, everything about what you did." "Everything?" I asked Demi. "Everything, which is why Ali wants to have a go." "What with me?" I asked Ali. "Yes, I want you to stretch my hole so Demi can fuck me," Ali said, his face totally serious. I noted what his hands were unconsciously doing. One was holding the 't' bar of the plug whilst the other was wanking up and down it. "You're quite sure this is what you want?" I said holding his shoulders and looking him right in the eyes. He nodded positively. "OK," I said, "But you must tell me if I hurt you. Deal?" "Deal," he said.

I brought my knees up a bit and got him to lie over my crotch on his front, with his knees apart, so that I could see in his crack. I opened one of the condom packs and started to put one on the thin plug. I told Ali what I had said to Demi about always using condoms over 'toys' if they are shared, and he said that Demi had already told him about it. Demi reached over and put condoms on the other plug and the dildo as well whilst I opened the KY and put a blob on my finger.

With Ali resting his head on his hands with his elbows on the bed spread and his bum stuck up in the air over my very hard cock, I ran the middle finger of my right hand up and down his arse crack, spreading the KY. Another blob on my finger and then I was knocking at his door with it, gently trying to ease it into his ring. "Relax," I told him, "Imagine you are having a thick crap." He giggled and opened his knees a bit wider, but he did relax and my finger went in up to the first knuckle. I pulled out carefully and applied another blob of KY to the finger. This time it went in a lot easier, up to the second knuckle, and, bending my finger, I was able to feel the inside of his sphincter muscle. His head went back abit and he gave a low moan. Again I withdrew my finger, lubed it up, and inserted it, this time all the way up to my hand. Then I started to finger fuck his little bottom. I turned my hand round so that the palm faced the bed and felt out with my finger tip for that special lump, but could not find it. "How does that feel? Does it hurt?" I asked him. "We have never done this before. It's great. I have seen the men on the videos. I can understand why they do it," replied Ali

Demi handed me the slim butt plug. He had smeared KY over the surface, so I took my finger out and started to feed the plug in instead. I t was only slightly thicker than my finger, and I was able to work it in a little at a time, whilst rotating it first one way then the other. With very little effort, it was in up to the hilt, with the 't' bar snugly up his crack behind his ball sack. "Grip onto it," I told Ali, "otherwise it will slip out again." I saw the plug move slightly as he gripped it with his ring muscle.

He moved then to an upright position on his knees. His little prick was very stiff, and sticking out and up from his body. "It feels funny," he said, and reached round to push it and make sure it was right up. "Will I be able to take the other one?" "Maybe in a few minutes, we'll have to see." Ali shuffled round to the edge of the bed and then climbed carefully down, one hand holding the plug in his arse. He walked over to the full length mirror on the wall, and, turning his back to it, he bent over and looked at the 't' bar in his hole. He took hold of it, and whilst he watched himself, he pulled it out slightly and then pushed it back in. Demi went over to see what he saw doing and watched as Ali fucked himself with the plug. Then Demi got hold of it and started to fuck his friend for him. Ali was giving an almost asthmatic wheeze he was so excited, and I suggested that too much could make him very sore. Demi pulled it out and they came back to the bed. Whilst Ali climbed up next to me, Demi took the condom off it and replaced it with a new one. I got Ali back down across my lap and gently massaged his slightly swollen ring. "Do you want to try the bigger one?" I asked. "Yah!" he said and wiggled his bum in expectation. Demi had been lubricating the thin plug and he handed the KY to me. As I smeared some onto the thicker plug, Demi crouched down with his knees apart and slid the thin one up his ring in one go. He then stood up and went over to the mirror to have a look, just like Ali had done. I fingered a large blob of KY into Ali's open ring and then started to feed the thicker plug into him. As I got to the widest part of it, he gave a little moan. I pulled back and asked if he wanted to go on. "Yes please. I can take it this time" he said. As I slowly corkscrewed it in he pushed back at me slightly, and with a plop it was right in. He sat up again on his knees and wiped away a small tear with one hand, then smiled at me. "Soon Demi will be able to fuck me," he crooned, and looked over to where his fuck partner was on all fours infront of the mirror watching the plug go in and out of his ring as he played with it. Then Ali bent down infront of me, gripped the end of the plug and eased it out of himself. I could see his ring was slightly inflamed and told him that he would be too sore today for that, but that if he practised with the plugs, first the small then the large, he would be able to take his friend within the week. Ali gave me a big smile at that, and then I suggested that he run a fresh, hot bath and bathed his sore bum hole. He climbed down from the bed and went into the bathroom, where I heard him busying himself as I suggested.

Demi came over to the bed, reached behind and pulled out the thin plug and held it for me to see. Then he reached over and got hold of my rampant cock and gave it a teasing rub. He got a condom out of a packet, tore it open then rolled it down my rigid prong then he took a handful of KY and slid his fist up and down my cock a couple of times. Then he stopped and said quietly, "I want you to fuck me."

"Do you think you're ready for me?" I asked and swung my legs down to the floor. He lay face down over the bed side with his feet on the floor, and pulled the cheeks of his arse wide apart. "What do you think, Alex?" he said. I could see his ring was slightly open and I stepped up behind him. Holding my dick between my right finger and thumb, I aimed it at his hole. Gently I eased the head in past his muscle. He let out an "Oh! Yessssss!" and then as I stood still he pushed himself onto me. I took hold of his bent over rump and slid in and out a few times, each time working in deeper, having to hold him so he did not push back too far and hurt himself inside. Then I was all in, and shafting him slowly. He called out to Ali, who got out of his bath and came in to find out what was going on. He stood beside us watching as my stiff length disappeared and reappeared in and out of his best friend's shute, then he reached under Demi and started wanking him in time to my thrust. I got hold of his stiff little prick and with the lube already on my hands was able to wank his little cock head between my finger and thumb, as I fucked his mate's arse.

It was the contractions of Demi's anus as he came himself that triggered my climax. I did not want to hold back any more and just pumped and pumped my spunk into the rubber sack deep in Demi's bum. I stood still, buried in him for several second after I had finished cumming, then slowly withdrew myself. Demi slumped forward onto the bed and Ali was fascinated by my condom, which was heavy with sperm. With all the excitement in the previous hours, I had worked up more than just the usual teaspoon full. He got hold of it and slipped it off my cock, then held it up and looked at it against the light. Then he cupped it as if to feel the weight, and then, completely oblivious to me or his friend, he took it into the bathroom. I don't know what he did with it there, but later I found it empty on the side of the bath.

I spent a few minute cuddling Demi who was completely exhausted, then we went into the bathroom and all enjoyed the waiting bath. I left the boys to tidy the room and, about an hour later, Demi knocked at my room's door, came inside, and thanked me. I said that it was I who should thank them, and asked if they could come out for a meal with me that evening. Demi said that neither he not Ali had ever been to a proper restaurant so I left it with him to decide where they would like to go. As the days wore on, I was sure that the Manager became aware of our relationship, but, as it only happened 'out of hours' he did nothing to curtail it. We had some memorable times over the next ten days before I decided that I ought to move on.

My next stop was Mombasa in Kenya.

Next: Chapter 4

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