
By A. B.

Published on Aug 24, 2004


I really don't understand what happened. I mean, I know what happened I just don't know HOW it happened. I guess I should start at the beginning. My name is, or was, I should say, Jake. Until about 3 weeks ago I was your average normal 13 year old boy. At 5'4" and 120 lbs I wasn't the biggest kid in my class but I wasn't the smallest either. My friends and I did all the usual things guys our age did. Hung out at the mall, skateboarded, and checked out the cute chicks and tried to figure out how to get in their pants. Everything was going along as normal on that day. It was a Tuesday like any other Tuesday. I went to school. Screwed around with my friends at the mall afterwards. Went home, played video games till my folks got home. Watched tv, ate dinner, watched some more tv, and went to bed. While laying in bed I began rubbing my dick and fantasizing about some of the cute girls in my class and what they might look like naked. I'd been jerking off for a little over two years now I guess. Ever since finding some hot pictures of naked girls on the internet and reading some stories on a bunch of web sites. It didn't take too long before I had an orgasm and drifted off to sleep.

As best I can figure, it happened sometime around midnight. I remember having a dream (although I can't recall exactly what it was) that involved all the girls from my class standing naked in front of me on their knees. I think I must have cum in my sleep because I half woke up and remember a strange feeling wash over me. It was almost like an orgasm but not quite. For some reason I felt like the whole world had shifted but that's not quite right. I really can't describe it any better than that. I remember glancing at the clock and seeing that it said 12:00 am before I drifted back to sleep. When I woke up the next morning I had my first shock. I was no longer in my room. Except that I was. It WAS my room -- the shape was the same, the window looked out on the same street, my clock radio was the same, there was the little stain on the ceiling where we'd had the leak last year, the carpet was the same off white -- but that's where the similarities ended. Instead of pictures of Anna Kournikova and Lindsey Lohan and other babes, there were pictures of Ashton Kutcher and other male singers and actors whose names I couldn't even recall. Instead of models of Airforce jets and Star Wars spaceships on my bookcase, there were stuffed teddy bears and Barbie dolls. Instead of the navy blue color on my walls, my room was painted pink with a border of flowers and bunny rabbits along the top.

I sat there in bed for a few minutes taking this all in. "What the fuck?" I said. I got out of bed and felt a little dizzy...a center...and looked out the window to confirm that I was still in my own house. Even though my eyes told me I was, I still thought that I'd been kidnapped and taken to a strange bedroom for some reason. I continued to look around my room. My dark wood dresser had been replaced by a white one. Hair ribbons and barrettes lay on top instead of my usually assortment of coins, hot wheels, and other assorted junk I usually threw on top of it. My next thought was that my parents were playing a joke on me and had come into my room at night and redecorated it like a girl's room for some reason. But I couldn't imagine how or why they would have done that. I looked at my open closet and saw dresses and skirts and blouses hanging there instead of my jeans and dockers and shirts. "What the hell is going on" I said again. It was then I noticed that my voice seemed higher. I hadn't really noticed it the first time I spoke since I had whispered. But now I'd spoken out loud. My heart began to beat faster. I realized something was seriously wrong and I think I suspected what had happened but didn't want to admit it. I had no choice though when I closed my closet door and saw myself staring back from the mirror hanging there. I was no longer Jake the average 13 year old boy. I was now...a girl. I could still see some remnants of my old self in my face. But it was as if someone had taken my picture and photoshopped it to morph the features into a more feminine appearance. I assumed I was still 13 since I looked like most of the girls in my class. I was wearing a tshirt and a pair of nylon shorts but I could see that I had small breasts. I was still about 5'4" but I guessed I was only about 100 lbs -- maybe less. My eyes were still blue and my hair was still dirty blond. But now it draped over my shoulders and had a slight wave to it. I reached my hand up to touch my face and confirmed that I was looking at my own reflection. I nearly screamed but held it together since I didn't want to scare my parents. Oh my god I thought, How am I gonna explain this to them. I don't even know how this happened? Just then I heard my mom's voice calling from downstairs. "Jackie! C'mon honey. Breakfast is ready. Hurry up or you'll be late for school." I thought to myself, Jackie', she's calling me Jackie'? Oh my god...I can't go to school like this! I heard her coming up the stairs and panicked. I wanted to hide. I wanted to cover up everything in my room. How would I explain this? All I could do however was stand frozen like a deer caught in the headlights as the door opened and mom stood there saying, "C'mon sleepy head. Get a move on." She must have noticed the confusion on my face because she looked at me with a worried expression and said "Is everything ok honey? You look a little bewildered"

Bewildered, I thought to myself, That's putting it mildly. Apparently though my appearance and the look of my room were normal to mom. Could it be that she still saw me as a boy and it was all in my head? That thought quickly disappeared when mom said "I washed your blue skirt for you. You said you wanted to wear it today, right?" I nodded, trying to recover as mom draped a pleated blue mid-thigh length skirt over the back of my chair in front of my desk. "Well, move it missy. Your breakfast is getting cold and I don't want you going to school hungry like you did yesterday." "School?" I managed to squeak out. "Yes, school. You have school today. Its Wednesday. What day did you think it was?" "Um...I guess I'm still half asleep" I babbled. "Well wake up and get a move on." Mom said smiling as she turned and walked out the door. I then realized I had to go to the bathroom. I walked down the hall still in a daze and closed the bathroom door. Instinctively I pulled my shorts to one side expecting my dick to pop out of the leg hole and gasped as the incredible truth hit me with more force than seeing my pink room or even my long shoulder length hair had. My dick was gone.

I panicked for a few seconds. "How am I going to pee?" I thought to myself. Then I took a few deep breaths and realized that, of course, I'd have to pee like girls do. By sitting down. I pulled down my shorts and sat on the toilet and let loose. It felt a little strange but not that much different from when I'd had to pee while taking a crap. When I finished I took some toilet paper and wiped myself. Now that was a strange feeling. I dropped the toilet paper into the bowl but continued to sit there feeling around my new pussy. I never expected the first pussy I'd feel would be my own. I can't describe the feeling of running my fingers along my slit where my dick used to be. I guess it would be like having a finger amputated and waking up expecting it to be there. Of course there was no pain like there would have been if it had been surgically removed. In fact, as I continued to run my fingers along my outer and then inner lips it began to feel kinda nice. I had taken sex ed in school and knew what was supposed to be where and within a few seconds I found "my" clit. Ohhhh...that feels good, I thought but before I could get more turned on I heard my mom calling again. I stood up, flushed and quickly washed my hands and face, brushed my teeth (with a pink toothbrush instead of my usual blue one) and hurried downstairs to eat breakfast.

As I sat eating my scrambled eggs my mom kept glancing at me. "Are you sure you're ok" she asked., "You look a little pale." "I'm fine" I answered quickly. Although when I thought of it later I realized it would have been the perfect opportunity for me to stay home "sick" at least for a day to try and figure things out. "Is something bothering you," mom continued. Always the perceptive one. "No, mom. Nothing's bothering me." "Have you, you know...gotten your period" she whispered so that dad (who was in the next room) wouldn't overhear -- dad hated to talk about "women's issues" as he called them. "What!" I said a little too loud, "N-no. No I didn't" I stammered. At least I didn't think I had. I knew what girls went through when they got their periods (or at least I thought I did) thanks again to Sex Ed. I wasn't bleeding when I was in the bathroom earlier and didn't feel any cramps or anything like that so I didn't think I was...what the hell do they call it...menstruating. But hearing mom ask was like a slap in the face. Oh shit, I thought. Am I going to have to deal with tampons and pads and shit like that? Oh god help me.

"You remember we talked about your periods and what to do, honey?" "Yes, mom!" I said. Probably with the same embarrassed tone of voice any 13 year old girl would have. I certainly did not want to talk to my mom about having "my" period. I quickly finished my breakfast, barely tasting it and went upstairs as fast as I could. As I passed my dad he gave me a quick "Mornin' sweetie" and gave me a peck on the top of my head. My dad hadn't kissed me in years and I again got that strange feeling like the whole world had gone crazy. I went to my room and stripped off my tshirt and shorts and opened the top drawer of my dresser. I was only mildly surprised to find, not my normal white cotton jockey shorts but, instead, silky brightly colored bikini panties. I hesitated thinking of how foolish I'd feel putting on panties when I heard mom's voice shouting again for me to hurry or I'd be late for school. I thought, What the hell, and grabbed a pair of white nylon bikini briefs that had little yellow flowers on them and, without thinking, slipped them on. When I felt how soft and silky they were I again got that, "mmmmm...nice" feeling and almost had to sit down when I felt them cupping my smooth crotch. I tried to shake it off but then I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. This was the first time I'd seen my naked tits. Hell, it was the first time I'd seen ANY naked tits in real life (except when I'd peeked in the girl's locker room once) and, late or not, I wasn't about to pass up this opportunity. Had I been thinking straight I would've realized that I'd have plenty of opportunity to see "my" tits (and probably lots of other girls' tits as well) but that thought didn't come into my head until much later.

I stared in fascination at the areola and nipples which, while not huge, were certainly bigger than my boy nipples. My tits were nicely shaped. Not huge (34A I was to find out later) but about the size of tangerines. I moved my hips twisting my body from side to side and felt them jiggle very slightly. It felt weird. The slight extra weight on my chest. I began to wonder if they would stay this size or grow any bigger. My god, I thought, What the hell am I thinking. I don't want them bigger. I don't want them at all! But that didn't stop me from reaching up and cupping them with my hands. Squeezing them gently at first and then more firmly. Pinching my nipples and...Mmmmm...thats nice..No.. Stop it...just stop it! I took my hands away and slipped on the shirt mom had laid out for me and looked down at the skirt. I again felt weird. Like if I went out in public wearing it everyone would laugh at me and call me a fag. I had to shake myself again and remember that no one would think twice about my wearing a skirt because apparently, for the time being at least, I was a girl and girls wore skirts and dresses. I slipped it on and zipped it up. It hung low on my hips. Lower than I would have liked. I could see the merest hint of my panties' waist band peeking out of the top and thought how much I would have loved to see that if I were a boy again. As a girl, I realized, boys would be checking me out, hoping to see more of my panties. The skirt was also shorter than I would have liked. I knew lots of girls in my school wore much shorter skirts but still...This one came down to about mid-thigh and I realized I'd have to be careful about how I sat so as not to give the boys too much of a show. I almost stopped and started crying at that point as I realized that boys were going to be looking at me and checking me out and thinking about peeking up my skirt and wanting to have sex with me...yuck. Oh did this happen, I thought for the thousandth time. I thought about putting on a pair of jeans but remembered that mom had said I specifically asked for this skirt last night and she might think something was weird if I suddenly didn't want to wear it. She might think I got my period after all and messed it up and want to talk about tampons and shit. "Fuck!" I looked around and saw a backpack sitting on the floor (My Little Pony -- god help me) and ran downstairs.

As I walked past the kitchen again heading towards the front door mom came out to say goodbye. "Hold it right there young lady!" she said. I turned. "What do you think you're doing going out like that?" she asked. I thought I'd made some horrible mistake and checked that my skirt was laying straight and my zipper was up but didn't notice anything amiss. I looked at mom with questioning eyes and she said, "You march right upstairs and put a bra on young lady. And don't let me catch you not wearing one to school again." I looked down at my budding breasts and realized my nipples were poking out. Thank god mom noticed. The boys would've loved me if I'd gone to school without a bra. "Sorry mom. I guess I was just in a rush." I dropped my pack and ran back upstairs, tripping on the steps (the sandals I was wearing didn't have very big heels but they were still a little bigger than I was used to) and stripped off my shirt once I got to my room. I opened my dresser and found a bra and then stood there for a minute trying to figure out how to wear it. As I was slipping my arms into the straps I heard a slight cough from the hallway. I'd forgotten to close my door and there was my dad looking in at me. I realized he was staring at my tits and got a real weird feeling. Dad cleared his throat and said "You really should close your door honey." Then he moved on down the hall. I shook my head and finished fumbling around with the bra, finally getting it on straight and put my shirt back on and ran back downstairs and out the door.

As I walked down the street heading in the direction of my school I finally had some time alone to think. I was in a daze. A million thoughts floated through my head -- how did this happen, is my school the same, what else has changed in the world, how did this happen, will I stay like this forever, are my friends still the same, do they even exist, will I get to see the girls I've lusted over naked in the locker room, how did this happen, ... Well, you get the picture. As I passed by Karen Jackson's house I heard a voice calling "Jackie! Wait up." Lo and behold it was Karen herself. She was just running out her front door and came up to me. Karen was on of those girls I'd been lusting over for the last two years. Ever since I discovered that there was something about girls that I liked. Karen was a cheerleader in our middle school and had an adorable face. She looked a lot like Sandra Bullock with dirty blond hair and had the greenest eyes I'd ever seen. Her hair was pulled back in a pony tail today and came down to about the middle of her back and she was wearing her cheerleader outfit. When I was Jack she barely knew I existed. She'd say hello to me in passing but that was about the extent of our previous conversations. So when she came up to me on the street I didn't know what to say after "hello". She, however, had plenty to say. "How come you didn't come up to my house and get me?" she asked. "You're not mad about yesterday are you?" I had no idea what she was talking about so I just went along. "'m not mad. I guess I just have a lot on my mind. I didn't sleep that good last night."

"Oh, good. I'm glad you're not mad at me. You know you're my best friend" (I am?, I thought) "and I'd never do anything to screw up our friendship." "I know," I lied. She went on. "Its just that...when I walked in on you and Dave yesterday..." David Jackson was Karen's brother. At 14 he was a year older than me and didn't run in the same circles I did. Though again, I knew him enough to say hello and had played basketball with him and some of the other neighborhood kids occasionally at the park. Dave was pretty cool for an older kid. He didn't bust the younger kids' chops like some of the other older kids and would even stick up for some of us if we were getting bullied. He was about 5'8" 145 lbs with short light brown hair and the just-developing muscles of an athletic 14 year old. His smooth, hairless, well built chest made girls stare when we'd play shirts and skins at the playground and I'd heard more than one girl in my class tell Karen that they thought he had the most gorgeous dark eyes and long eyelashes. I guess I'd always sort of known that he was a good looking guy but I'd never thought of him that way before Karen said, "...and seeing my best friend and my brother making out just kinda freaked me out you know."

"Making out!" I nearly screamed. "Well...duh...I mean, c'mon don't have to pretend. I mean, I saw you guys sucking face and I saw where your hand was and where HIS hand was and all...." "W-where did I have my hand?" I asked nervously. Not really wanting to know. Karen smiled and even giggled. "Oh please. You can't pretend with me. I saw your hand in his crotch and his hand up your blouse. I could even tell he know..." "What?" "You know...his...dick...was hard." She giggled again. I nearly dropped my backpack at this. Karen giggled some more. "Its ok. Don't freak out. I won't say anything to anyone." "O-ok." I said. Trying to recover. This is a nightmare, I thought. Not only do I wake up as a girl today but now I find out that I was making out with a guy yesterday. I think I'm going to puke. But for some reason the queasy feeling I was getting in my stomach didn't feel like I wanted to puke. It felt like...NO...when I'd seen Paula Osgood naked when I peeked in the girl's locker room a few weeks ago. That nervous, scared to death, excited, horny...No god-damnit...feeling.

"Well...?" I realized Karen had been talking for a couple of minutes and I hadn't heard a word she'd said. "Well what?" I asked. "I asked you how long you guys had been fooling around?" "Oh...umm...that was the first time we did anything like that." At least I hope it was, I thought to myself. "Well...I've thought about it a lot Jackie" she said "and I decided that who better to date my brother than my best friend and who would take better care of my best friend than my brother. So even though it's a little weird still, I have no problem if you guys wanna hook up." I was stunned. I couldn't believe any of this. The day just kept getting weirder and weirder. Finally I managed to say "Well, I don't think its going to be a problem Karen." "No, neither do I." she said with a smile. "No. You don't understand. I don't think anything's going to happen between your brother and me. In fact I can probably guarantee that it won't." "Why?" she asked, suddenly concerned. "Did...did you guys not like click or something? Doesn't he like you? I'll talk to him if you want...." "No! No, don't talk to him. Its nothing like that," I said quickly. "Then...he didn't force himself on you did he?!" she asked suddenly. "No! Its just..." I didn't know what to say. How do I explain to her that the thought of kissing and making out with a guy...any guy...even one as cute as her brother...was just... gross. Oh my god, I thought, did I just think of her brother as cute?! God, what's happening to me. "What," she asked "what is it then?" "You wouldn't understand." She stopped in her tracks then and grabbed me by the shoulders. "We've been best friends since we were four years old Jackie. I'll understand." She was so sincere and so sweet. I never knew this side of her. Hell, I hardly knew any side of her. I wanted to cry. Shit, I was crying. I couldn't help it. I never cried! Even when I got hit in the head by a baseball that time. Even when I fell out of the tree and fractured my wrist last year. I was a guy! Guys don't cry. But there I was in the middle of the sidewalk with tears rolling down my cheeks. "Hey...its ok...I'm your friend. What is it? Please tell me or I'm gonna start crying too," she said.

I wiped my eyes and looked at her. I had to think fast otherwise she'd think I was nuts. "Its...its just that it would be too weird. You being best friend and all." "But I told you. I don't mind. I think it would be cool. Sure it might be a little weird at first, but like I said Dave is such a sweet guy (when he's not being a pain in the ass big brother) and I know he'd never hurt you or be a jerk to you. And I know you'd be so good for him too. I don't want to see either one of you hurt and I know both of you are the sweetest nicest people in the world and you both mean everything to me. So it would be like...perfect," she said with a smile. She seemed so happy I didn't want to spoil her mood so I figured it would be best to just get off the subject as fast as I could. "Well, I'll think about it. I don't want to rush anything." "You two looked like you were rushing things pretty good last night," she said with a wicked grin on her face. I felt myself blush beet red which Karen took as a sign that I liked "rushing" things with Dave. "Unless you lied and that wasn't the first time you guys got together?" "N-no." I said too quickly. "That was the first time. I swear." "Suuuurre it was," she said devilishly. "Thats ok. If you don't want to tell your best friend..." "Karen I swear..." She slapped me lightly on the arm and ran off down the sidewalk and I chased after her saying "Oh you..." and as we ran down the block towards school I found myself giggling a schoolgirl, and for the first time since I'd woken up that morning I forgot for a few minutes that I wasn't supposed to be a schoolgirl at all.


The rest of that day was pretty much a blur with two notable exceptions and one observation. I'll tell you about my observation first because the other two things that stand out from that day might take a little while to explain. What I observed is simply this. Boys, no matter what age, are horny little fucks. I mean I knew that, when I was a boy, I thought a lot about sex and getting into a girl's pants (how that wish came back to haunt me!) but I was so consumed with my own thoughts and feelings that I never realized how much other guys are fixated on the idea of sex. As a girl, especially on my first day as a girl, I realized that every guy that looked at me had this look of lust in his eyes. It was kind of scary at first. Initially I thought it was just my imagination. That I was just feeling exposed and vulnerable and paranoid that someone would suddenly realize I was a boy in girl's clothes. But as the day wore on and I saw the way the guys in my classes, and even my male teachers, looked me up and down with a hungry look in their eyes, like I was a juicy piece of meat, and the way they could barely tear their gaze from my tits to look me in the eyes, I realized I wasn't imaging things. They all seemed consumed with lust and looked at me as though they wanted to rip my clothes off and fuck me right there. It was scary at first and I found myself not being worried about being around the other girls because I felt safer with them. Big deal, so guys are horny, you say? Well, its not just that they're horny. Its that they...I mean we...are so damn obvious about it. I never realized till that first day just how obvious we guys are. I'm almost embarrassed to be a guy now.

Anyway, the first notable thing that happened that day was my first gym class as a girl. When I realized I had gym I nearly fainted. Again, my first thought was how do I get out of this (stupidly thinking that I'd be exposed as a boy as soon as I got undressed). But that only lasted half a second till I remembered that I had a girl's body. Then I got excited. Maybe you can imagine just how excited I was. The idea was my ultimate fantasy. I'd jerked off I don't know how many times to the thought of being in the girl's locker room watching them get undressed without their knowing and now it was going to come true. Maybe not in the way I'd hoped but damn near close enough. My heart was beating faster as Karen and I walked into the locker room. Some of the girls were already getting undressed. There was Debbie Clark, the goddess everyone drooled over `cause she had the biggest tits in our class standing in just her bra and panties and Mandy Sweeny who was so flat chested she never wore a bra and, because of that, all the guys loved seeing her nipples get hard. True to form Mandy wasn't wearing a bra today either and I was having a hard time taking my eyes off her naked tits -- small as they were. I stood there with what must have been a stupid look on my face watching 15 girls stripping down in front of and thought I'd died and went to heaven when suddenly Karen slapped my arm and said, "Hey, ok? You gonna change or are you just gonna stand there with that dumb look on your face? Are you ok?" I jumped as though shocked with a cattle prod. "Oh, um...yeah...just...daydreaming. Spaced out for a minute." I began stripping down while I snuck glances at the beautiful bodies before me.

The rest of gym class was ok. I actually liked the fact that the girls got off much easier than the guys. We could walk the track instead of running and no one yelled at us. And the calisthenics were also much easier than the ones they made the guys do and if I thought I'd gone to heaven before class while watching the other girls change, my brain really froze after class when they stripped naked and got into the showers. Once again I was somewhat nervous, not so much because I thought I'd be found out, but just the fact of being naked in front of all those other naked girls. I was so turned on that I began to feel a wetness between my legs. I didn't realize at first that the wetness was the normal pussy juices flowing from my horniness and I hurried into the shower. My nipples were hard as rocks and Mandy Sweeny noticed.

"Water a little cold?" She asked. I nervously nodded and turned the hot water up, but not before I noticed her giving me the same kind of look that some of the boys had earlier. I was staring back at her wondering why she was checking me out. Does she realize I'm in the wrong body, I worried. But before I could figure out an answer, Karen nudged me and brought me back to my senses. I hurried out with Karen to finish dressing and looked back at Mandy who gave me a strange smile. Later, in study hall I asked Karen casually if she noticed Mandy looking at me strangely. "Well, duh!" Karen replied, "Where have you been girl? Mandy looks at al the girls like that. Everyone knows she's a dyke." "She is?" I asked stupidly. "Jackie! What is wrong with you today. We've known Mandy Sweeny was lez since like fourth grade when they caught her in the supply closet with Mrs. McKenzie." So that's what happened to Mrs. McKenzie, I thought. I'd always wondered why she left school so suddenly halfway through fourth grade. Most of the girls seemed to know why but no one was talking, and certainly not to the boys. "Oh, yeah...I forgot." Was all I could manage. Karen just shook her head and said, "David must have really rattled your brain hun." I gave a forced giggle (God I hate giggling, makes me sound so stupid) and went back to reading the chapter we'd been assigned for history that day wondering why my belly did a flip at the mention of Karen's brother.

The next thing that stood out from that day happened during study hall a few minutes after Karen revealed Mandy's lesbian nature to me. Our study hall class was in the cafeteria due to overcrowding. The locker rooms were off to the side. As I sat there reading my book I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up. There was Pete my best friend. Well...he was my best friend, when I was Jake. But now, as Jackie, I didn't know what my relationship was with him. I quickly learned though as Karen asked him, "What do you want geek?" I felt bad for Pete. I mean he was no Brad Pitt but he was a decent guy. He was always nice to everyone and so what if he liked science fiction and got good grades. I was about to say something of the sort to Karen when Pete said, "Nothing, from you anyway Stepford bitch. Mark asked me to come over and tell you he needs to talk to you about something personal." The last was directed to me. Mark was my other best friend. The three of us were so close our folks called us the Three Musketeers (yeah, I know, ha ha. Parents -- go figure). I looked over at Mark who was standing near the boys locker room door and got up when Karen pulled my arm. She looked up at Pete and said, "You tell King Dweeb that if he has something to say to Jackie he can damn well come over here himself."

In retrospect I should have listened to Karen. But I had this nagging feeling that maybe Mark knew something about my predicament. Maybe he'd been switched or something or knew it was really me. So, like a jerk, I said, "No, its ok. I want to talk to him about something." I got up again and walked over to where Mark was standing. I didn't notice the three eighth grade boys standing a few feet away from Mark. I was looking at the way he was smiling at me and felt sure that he had an answer, or at least knew something that I didn't. Boy was I right. As I approached him one of the eighth graders quickly opened the door to the boy's locker room while the other two each grabbed one of my arms. Mark stepped out of the way and I was too startled to say anything. Suddenly I was pushed into the boy's locker room hard enough for me to trip and land on my butt. I slid another few feet into the locker room and when I looked up I was staring at the biggest cock I'd ever seen. It had to be at least seven inches soft and was so close that I could have touched it with my tongue if I'd stuck it out, but of course that would have been disgusting. I continued looking up until I was staring into the eyes of the owner of that massive unit. There, looking down at me with a big shit eating grain on his face was David Jackson, Karen's brother. I could feel myself blushing beet red. Suddenly I began to hear hoots and hollers ass the other boys in the locker room began cat calls, "Whoo Hoo!" "Oh yeah!" "Hey baby, want some of this."

Dave was not one of those cat calling. But he wasn't going to let me off that east. "Make a wrong turn?" he asked making no move to cover himself. I looked down and could see his cock twitch. Oh my god, I thought, he's getting turned on. I gotta get outa here. The embarrassment of my situation seemed to freeze my brain. I stood up and looked around, but now there were a bunch of guys blocking the exit. I turned around looking for a way out but all I could see was naked and half naked guys everywhere. Someone pinched my butt and when I spun around to see who'd done it my arm flailed out and brushed against someone else's dick. I quickly pulled my hand away when someone grabbed my other hand and put it on their cock. I tried to pull it off but squeezed it in the process and felt it stiffen in my hand. My stomach was doing flips and I felt disoriented and brain dead for a moment. Like when I was in the girl's locker room and saw all the half naked girls. Suddenly a loud voice boomed out from the back of the room. "What's going on in here?" I knew it must be the boys gym teacher Mr. Lockland. Dave suddenly grabbed me by the arm and pushed through the crowd near the door. He quickly opened the door and shoved me outside before Mr. Lockland could push his way through the crowd at the back of the locker room. I was outside and ran straight into Karen who was standing in front of the locker room door yelling at the eighth graders who were sprinting down the hall. "Yeah, you better run you jerks!" I heard her shouting.

She turned and saw me and grabbed me by the arm and ushered me down the hall to the girl's bathroom. "Are you ok?" she asked softly once we were inside. I nodded, still feeling disoriented. "What happened?" she asked. "You saw," I said. "Those jerks pushed me into the boy's locker room." I looked at myself in the mirror. Still not used to seeing my reflection and wondering if I'd ever wake up from this nightmare. I turned on the faucet and splashed some water on my face. "So...see anything good?" Karen asked with a devilish look on her face. "What?!" "C'mon," she said teasingly, "spill the beans, girl. What did you see?" I had to laugh. I thought she'd be furious with those guys and concerned for my welfare and, well, she was, but she was also interested in hearing about whether I'd seen any naked guys. I never realized that girls thought about guys like that. "C'mon, c'mon. don't keep me in suspense." "I saw your brother," I said. "!" she squealed. "Was he naked?" I laughed again. "Yes!" I said. "And he's got the biggest dick I've ever seen." "Oh like you've seen so many," she said. I was about to tell her that of course I had in gym class before realizing for about the hundredth time that day that I was now a girl so I just kept my mouth shut. I went on to tell her about someone grabbing my ass and the other guy that had grabbed my hand and put it on his dick and how her brother had gotten me out just in time before Mr. Lockland had seen me. When Karen heard about the guy putting my hand on his dick she got really pissed off and asked me who it was, but I couldn't tell because there were too many guys pressing in on me and I was too disoriented at that moment to have focused. She told me that was practically rape and said she was going to get the three eighth graders in trouble but I calmed her down and told her not to make a big deal out of it. The last thing I wanted was to wind up being known in school as the girl who'd gotten some kids suspended or expelled because of some stupid prank that I myself might have done only yesterday. Karen continued to insist that I report it and I felt like I had to say something to get her off that track so I finally just said, "Its ok. Really! I...I kind of liked it." "You did!" she exclaimed. "Um...yeah. was kinda cool feeling the guy getting a stiffy cause of me. made me, I guess." Karen laughed and slapped me on the arm. "You little slut," she said jokingly. I laughed too. I figured this was getting her away from the idea of reporting the matter so I continued. "And seeing Dave's cock was pretty cool too. turned me on. He's so big I wanted to touch it," and for some reason, for the first time that day, the thought of touching another guy's dick didn't completely repulse me. Even though I'd said it jokingly (at least to myself anyway), once the words were out of my mouth I realized that a part of me actually meant it. No, I tried to tell myself, you do NOT want to touch a guys dick. But I had to be honest with myself and a part of me did want to touch Dave's cock as it stared me in the face. Part of me even wanted to stick my tongue out and lick it! " was gorgeous," I heard myself saying to Karen. "I know," she said, "I've seen him naked a few times. He's got a gorgeous cock. If he wasn't my brother..." "Karen!" I said. Shocked to hear that she'd not only seen her brother naked but thought he had a nice cock (gorgeous) and even had thoughts about having sex with him. "Well...I can't help it. You don't have a brother so you don't know what its like. I mean I'm not blind. He's a hottie. Its not like I'd ever actually do anything," she said rather defensively. "Still...he's your brother. You shouldn't be having thoughts like that." "What do you think? I'm a nun?" she laughed. I laughed too. "By the way. I have cheerleading practice after school today so I won't be home till later. But if you could do me a favor and drop off my green dress you borrowed last week my mom needs to take it to the cleaners tomorrow `cause I need it this weekend." Just then the bell rang and we had to run back to study hall and get our things before the next class started. As we walked to our next class I couldn't get Dave's dick off my mind. It hung there in my brain like a picture floating in the air in front of me all the rest of the day and I wondered what would happen the next time I was alone with him. Because I knew that time was coming after school today when I would drop off Karen's dress at her house.

Please let me know if you'd like me to continue this story.

Next: Chapter 2

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