
By A. B.

Published on Aug 25, 2004


This is Part 2 of the Worldshift story. For those who don't want to read part 1 I'll give a brief synopsis.

Jack, a 13 yr old boy in 7th grade, wakes up one morning to find that the world has inexplicably shifted somehow and he is now a girl named Jackie. Everything else appears to be the same, (his school, his parents, people he knows) except for the fact that it seems that he's always been a girl in this world. His room is pink and decorated with girl's things, his best friend is a cheerleader named Karen who never gave him the time of day when he was Jack. While trying to figure out what has happened he goes to school with Karen who tells him that she walked in on Jackie and her 14 yr old brother making out the other day. Jack, now Jackie, is repulsed at the thought that he'd been making out with a guy but doesn't let on. At school (s)he is excited to see naked girls inthe locker room and finds out that oneof the girls who was checking her out is actually a lesbian. Later some 8th graders throw Jackie into the boys locker room where she sees Karen's brother, David, naked. Jackie finds that, as much as she tries to resist the idea, she is getting excited by the thought of seeing David's naked cock and she worries what will happen when she and Dave are alone next time.

My heart was beating so loud as I walked to Karen's house later that day that I thought everyone who passed me must be able to hear it. I clutched the the green dress that Karen had asked me to drop off and which I'd aparently borrowed from her, in my hand as I walked up the steps to her front door. I knew Dave would be home alone since Karen had ccheerleading practice and her parents both worked (at least they did in the "other" world - the one where I'd been born a boy named Jack). My folks apprently also both worked since no one was home when I got home from school. I had hoped I wouldn't be able to find the dress and had already begun imagining stories I could tell Karen as to why I hadn't been able to drop it off but no such luck. When I opened my closet, there was only one green dress hanging there.

It practicaly glowed, staring me in the face and seeming to mock me as it hung right in the middle of all the other dresses and skirts that were apprently mine. My hand shook as I took it down and I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience as i walked down the stairs and out the front door.

I don't want to do this, I said to myself. It was like a mantra running through my head. I was scared and nervous and...Yes...No!...yes...I had to admit it...a little excited at the thought of seeing David again. The image of his naked cock popped again, unwanted, into my brain. That huge (gorgeous - no!) cock I'd seen in the boys locker room only a few hours before. I tried to force it from my thoughts by repeating over and over to myself, I'm a boy, I'm a boy, I like girls, I'm not a fag...but if I'm in a girl's body then liking boys doesn't make me gay does it? NO! Stop thinking like that, I shouted silently to myself. You're not a girl, you're a boy! But the swish of my skirt and the breeze I felt between my legs and the tightness of my bra kept intruding and my thoughts began to drift. Dave's always been nice, even when you were a boy, I thought to myself. And he did rescue you from getting caught in the boy's locker room, and he is kinda cute. Stop it! Stop it, I said to myself. You like GIRLS. Remember how you felt seeing all the naked girls in the locker room during gym class? How turned on you got? How you pussy got wet? I stopped suddenly on the top step of Karen's porch. "My pussy?" I said in a whisper. Oh god, I thought, What am I? Am I gay? Am I a lesbian? And for the thousandth time I wondered, How did this happen?

My hand shook as I reached up and knocked on the door. It seemed like an eternity as I waited, hoping against hope that maybe Dave wasn't home. I was about to turn and go home when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs from inside. A second later the door opened and there he was. David was wearing a pair of cutoff denim shorts and a grey sweatshirt with the arms cut off. When I looked at him my stomach did a flip like I'd just gone through a loop on a rollercoaster. When he saw me he smiled and I could feel my knees go week. Oh god, I thought, its like I have no control over my body. "Hi," he said. "Um...hi," I said, holding out the green dress, "Karen asked me to drop this off" I thought maybe if I just handed him the dress I could get out of this quickly and not have to deal with him but my luck failed again. "Well, c'mon in. why don't you hang it up in her room so it doesn't get ruined." Damn, I thought. I walked in and he moved aside somewhat, but not enough to let me pass without brushing against him. I could feel his firm chest and tight abs even thru the sweatshirt as my arm brushed against him and again felt my knees get week. As I walked inside and began to climb the stairs Dave was behind me. I could feel his eyes staring at my ass and I was simultaneously repulsed and excited. Luckily Karen's house was the same model as mine and so, even though I'd never been in her house before, I knew where the bedrooms were I glanced into the first one but saw posters of the Space Shuttle and Airforce jets hanging on the wall and immediately assumed it was David's room and kept walking. The next room I knew would be the materbedroom so I continued to the far end of the hall where I knew Karen's bedroom had to be. I was right. Her bedroom was decorated much like mine was (now anyway) with lavender colored walls and posters of Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and apparenlty famous college cheerleading squads in various pyramids and such. I went to her closet, found a hanger and hung the dress on the back of the closet door, all the while Dave was right behind me. "Well, I guess I should go," I mumbled. "Aren't you even going to say something about this afternoon in the locker room?" he asked. I couldn't look him in the eye but looking down caused my gaze to fall on his crotch. Even through the denim shorts I could see the bulge in his crotch and began to feel a dampness in my own so I looked back up into his face. He beamed another smile at me and for the third time I felt my knees threaten to buckle.

"What's there to talk about?" I said softly. "Look, I hope you don't think I put those guys up to that or had anything to do with it...," he said. "No, I ...I don't think that..." "...cause I didn't. In fact, Billy Frazer and I got into a fight after school because of it. ... "You did?" I asked, suddenly concerned that he might have gotten hurt. Why did I feel that way? Why did I worry that Dave might have gotten hurt in a fight because of me? And Why did a part of me feel so...thrilled?...that he'd even wanted to fight for me? Nobody had ever done anything like that for me, even when I was Jack, and the thought of someone risking themselves for me made me feel.....speacial? wanted? loved? "He's the one that grabbed your hand by the way. I saw what he did. I almost kicked Mark Wallace's ass too until he told me the names of the other eighth graders that pushed you into the locker room." " shouldn't have done that. You're not going to try and beat them up are you?" I asked, suddenly more concerned with his welfare. "No," he said, "but my buddies and I will figure out a way to get even with them. Don't worry." ", I guess." "Is that all I get?" he asked with a chuckle, "Just 'thanks'?" "Um...well...," (Oh brilliant response, I thought to myself, you have such a way with words). Dave laughed, "Its ok, don't worry about it. I'm just kidding. Well...sorta...I mean...after yesterday I thought it would at least rate a kiss," he said with a big smile (Damn that smile! I wish he'd stop doing that. Shit, he wanted a kiss - yuck - am I really going to have to kiss a guy?). "I'm sorry," he said more seriously now, "I don't want to pressure you to do anything you're not ready for. I mean yesterday was nice...nice? was great...but I understand if you feel wierd know...being with your best friend's brother and all." Shit, I thought to myself, he's being so nice. I don't want to hurt his feelings. He did stick up for me after all. And all he wants is a kiss. I could have gotten in a lot of trouble if he hadn't gotten me out of there before Mr. Lockland saw me. " ok...thank you," I leaned in and did it...I kissed him on the lips. I meant it to be just a quick peck. I can do this I thought, just a quick kiss and then I'll be out the door, but as our lips met I felt a shock run up my spine. He smelled good...not like the boys locker room usually smells and certainly not like girls smell but there was soemthing about it...maybe he was wearing some cologne or deodorant or something but it just smelled good. Like coffe and bacon and eggs on Saturday freshly cut grass on a hot summer

I found my arms reaching up, my hands holding the back of his head. I felt his arms encircling my waist. They felt good, strong, holding me tightly, protecting me. I felt safe for the first time since I'd woken up that morning. I didn't want to leave his arms. I wanted to stay there forever and feel him holding me. Then I felt his mouth open. Some small part of me still resisted. A faint voice was trying to yell in the back of my head but it sounded more like a dull buzzing at this point. I knew what was coming next and I couldn't stop it or myself. What was worse...I didn't want to. I felt his tongue slip in past my lips. It was firm and probing and insistent. It invaded my mouth and slid along my own tongue but I didn't care. My fingers ran thru David's short hair and I breathed in his scent deeply through my nose as I pressed my lips harder against his. His lips were soft but firm. His wet tongue teased my mouth and I hungrily sucked on it, wanting to take him into me. He pressed his body against mine and I felt my small tits crushing against his strong chest. I felt a lump pressing into my abdomen just above the waistband of my skirt. Pressing harder against my pubis and I realized he was getting a hardon. He moved his hands from my waist, one hand sliding down to grasp my butt cheek aand the other sliding around in front and cupping one of my tits and sqeezing it gently but firmly. "Mmmmmmmm...," I moaned into his mouth. We broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes. Our faces barely an inch apart. I could smell his sweet breath as his hands moved slowly...oh so slowly...around places that had never been touched by man or woman before...places that even I hadn't touched or least not in this body...and not the way he was exploring them now. He gently squeezed both my ass and my tit and softly kissedmy lips again. Then he kissed my cheek and neck, lightly nibbling on my earlobe. My own hands seemedc to have a mind of their own, sliding down his back feeling his young muscles and slipping beneath the waistband of his shorts to grasp his firm tight ass. I realized with a start that he wasn't wearing any underwear. He pressed himself harder against me. His cock was hard and the bulge in his shorts rubbed insistenly against my pubis. He moved his body slightly lower so his dick pushed against my own crotch and I felt a tingle that quickly turned into an electric feeling explode from my groin.

Now my knees finally gave out and I nearly fell to the floor, held up only by his strong arms. I gave out an involuntary laugh that was half moan and half giggle. David pulled me to my feet and smiled (damn him) and asked "Do you want to lay down on the bed?" "," I mumbled. I felt somewhat groggy, almost as if I'd been drugged, but I knew I hadn't. My drug was David and his smile and his strong arms and those soft lips and his scent filling my head and making me giddy. We walked, arms entwined around each other, to Karen's bed and he laid me gently on the comforter. I rolled onto my side as he laid down next to me. We lay there for a few moments gazing into each other's eyes. He stroked my hair so tenderly and caressed his side. "This looks familiar," he said. "Humm...? I asked. "Yesterday...this is how we started...before Karen walked in on us." He slid his hand up my leg pushing my skirt up and reaching across to caress my panty clad ass. Suddenly it hit me like a bucket of cold water. Karen. Yesterday. She'd seen us making out. My hand was on in David's pants. His dick was hard. Like it was now. Oh my god, I thought, What am I doing. I'm making out with a GUY! "David...," I began as I started to sit up, a panicy feeling coming over me, "...I...I can't do this...I..." "Shhhhhh...," he said, gently pulling me back down, "its ok. Karen won't be home for another hour. I made sure this time. And my folks won't be home for another two hours. We'll take it slow. I promise. I won't do anything you don't want me to." "You don't understand," I said, trying to sit up. "I...I just....this is wrong..." " not wrong. I know you're Karen's best friend and I'd never do anything to hurt you. God Jackie, I've known you since you were like eight years old and you know what? I've always liked you. But for the last year, I've been thinking about you more and more. I really...really like you Jackie. Didn't you feel it yesterday when we kissed for the first time. It was like an electric spark hit me. I realized for the first time that you were more than just my sister's friend. I realized that I wanted to be closer with you than with anyone else. Didn't you feel it just now when we kissed? I know you did. You almost fell to the floor 'cause it felt so good. You can't deny it."

"I...its not that Dave...I...I you. You're really sweet and cute and you've got a gorgeous body..." Damn what was I saying, what was I thinking? "...but I'm...I'm not the girl you think I am. I...umm ...I don't think I'm ..umm ...ready..." "Ready for what?" he asked. "For this..." and he leaned in and kissed me again and oh god help me his soft lips and his warm tongue slipping into my mouth again made me lose my train of thought. I had a moment, one tiny moment, even then, when I tried to muster what was left of my masculinity and thought I could push him away and jump to my feet and run out the door and maybe become a nun and live in a convent somewhere except that just then he moved his hand down from my hip and slid it between my thighs and pressed it against my pussy. Oh god, "my" pussy. My cunt. that slit that was built for one thing. It was my pussy's fault. It had control over me. I wasn't used to the feelings it gave me. It knew what it wanted and I was poweless to stop it. It...I...felt David's hand pressing against my cunt and I involuntarily thrust my crotch hard against his hand. I didn;t want him to take his hand away. I wanted to feel more. I wanted him to rub me down there and rub and rub. My cunt felt hungry. It wanted to be filled and all I could do was spread my legs apart and open myself to him. He moved his hand up and down my panty covered slit. I dind't think he was experienced with girls since I'd never seen him with, or heard about him having, a girlfriend (at least in my old world) but I was so horny at that moment that it didn't much matter if he was fumbling around down there as long as he continued to kiss me and rub my pussy. I moaned as he slid two fingers up and down my slit and then whimpered when he took his hand away. I was so far gone at that point that even if I had thought of leaving then I couldn't have. My poor pussy was so hungry and was occupying all my thoughts. I was about to tell him not to stop (Oh god, I'm acting like a slut, I thought, and giggled silently when I realized I didn't care) when he took my hand in his and gently moved it down to the bulge in his pants. I placed my hand on the bulge and squeezed firmly but gently. I remembered how big his dick was soft and felt a little fear creep into me thinking about how big it must get when hard but I couldn't help myself. I had to see it. I licked my lips as I unbuttoned his shorts and unzipped his fly. Far away a small voice was shouting, what are you doing, you're touching a guy's dick. But it faded like echos in the wind when I felt his hand slide under the waistband of my panties and touch my naked pussy for the first time.

Together we tugged at each others clothes - me pulling his shorts down and he pulling down my panties - and together we both lifted our hips to make it easier for the other. His dick popped into my hand before I knew it. Hard and throbbing and silky smooth. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before. It felt so different touching another guy's dick than my own and I was suddenly fascinated with how hot it felt. At the same time his fingers found my clit and almost moved on before he realized he'd hit my magic button. I arched my hips when he touched my clit and a gasp came unbidden to my lips turning into a cry of "Yesssssssss...there...touch me there." He found it again and rubbed it with the tip of his finger and I arched my hips again. Pressing myself harder against his probing finger.

"You like that, huh?" he asked playfully. I nodded smiling back and looked down at his cock. I knew what he wanted, having had much practice myself alone at night in my room furiously stroking my own little prick in the dark and I began to stroke him. I wanted to make him feel as good as he was making me feel and I didn't care that I was jacking off a guy. At that moment I loved him so much all I cared about was making him feel good - boy, girl, it didn't matter. When I'd seen his dick soft in the locker room it had looked to be about seven inches. My own (when I used to have one) had been about five inches (I had measured) but now David's looked only slightly bigger even though it was hard. As I stroked it I said, "I thought it would be a lot bigger hard." "Whats the matter," he said with a chuckle, "not big enough for you?" "No!" I said quickly, not wanting to hurt his feelings, "Its just that it was so big soft that I thought it would be like really huge when you got hard." He laughed again and said, "Well, I'll tell you a secret. I rub it a little bit before I get undressed to make it get a little hard. Not hard enough so anyone could tell, but just enough so it gets bigger than it normally it when its completely soft. that way everyone thinks I've got a huge dick and all the guys think I'm like a god." He laughed again as he said this and I had to giggle too. Before I knew it I blurted out, "I thought I was the only one who chubbed up in gym class." His hand stopped moving on my clit and I realized what I'd said. "Huh?" he asked. "I...I nipples...umm...I kinda rub my nipples before I take off my bra so the other girls thing my nipples are bigger." "Oh. I never knew girls did that," he said. I merely nodded and stroked his dick faster causing him to gasp and begin his exploration of my womanhood. "Mmmm...that feels good," he said and he leaned in and kissed me again. The kiss lingered, our tongues dancing around each other as I moved my hand and caressed his balls...again so different than when I rubbed my own. His fingers left my clit and explored my hole, sliding inside me easily and making squleching noises from my wetness. He took his hand away from my pussy and again I whimpered in frustration. He moved his hand up to my breasts and I could smell my own fragrance from my sopping wet cunt on his hand. David tugged at my shirt and I lifted up letting him pull it off me. I reached around and unhooked my bra without thinking, as though I'd been doingit all my life and let my tits free from the confining garment. David squeezed and kneaded my breasts and it felt so good that for a moment I forgot my pussy and when he leaned in and began suckling at my breasts like a baby I nearly came.

David sat up and quickly pulled off his own shirt and laid back down and continued suckling as his hand went back between my legs. I spread my legs wider opening myself to him, giving myself to his touch, my cunt was aching, begging to be filled demanding release. David kissed his way down my tits and across my belly. He stuck his tongue in my belly button causing me to giggle and he laughed into my stomach. Oh god it felt so good to be loved and touched by this boy. To have him worshiping my body like I was a goddess. Knowing I was driving him crazy with lust and desire I realized the power women had over men. Having been one myself I knew that I would have done anything asked of me if I'd been in David's position right then and I thought I would try it out. "Lick me," I said. He looked up from my belly. "Huh?" "Lick me. Lick my pussy." He smiled wickedly and kissed his way down to my wontonly spread legs. When I felt his tongue touch my pussy lips I arched my back and gasped with pleasure. I'd never felt anything so good before. "Oh yesssssss," I gasped. He stuck his tongue inside me and it was as if rockets were exploding in my brain. I'd made myself cum before many times as a guy but this was different somehow. I wasn't quite cumming but I was. David contiued to slip his tongue in and out of my wet cunt, tongue fucking me and I thrust my hips up to meet his probing. He began sucking my fuck hole. Sucking my juices out and then he swirled his tongue around my clit and took it between his lips and flicked his tounge quickly across the sensitive little button and I exploded for real. In all the times I'd jerked off I'd never had an orgasm like this one. I screamed out loud, I couldn't help myself, "Ohhhhhhhhhh fuck yesssssssss god damn David I'm fucking cuming ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yessssssss aaaaaaahhhhhhhh." But he didn't stop and neither did my orgasm. I was thrashing around on the bed and thrusting my hips and my cunt against his mouth but he wouldn't stop sucking and licking and then ooohhhhhhh fuck another orgasm started and this time I just screamed "aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrhhhhhooooooohhhhhhhh fuuuuuccccckkkkkk" and had to push his head away. The comforter was soaked with my cunt juice and he looked up at me with a shit eating grin on his face, smiling from ear to ear.

"You liked that?" he asked stupidly. "Did I do a good job?" "Fuck yeah. Where did you learn to do that you bastard?" I said. "I read a lot of my dad's Penthouse magazines," he replied with a mischevious grin. He crawled up closer to me and kissed me again. I could feel his hard cock poking into my thigh. It felt even harder than before. It seemed he got turned on by giving me an orgasm which I thought was so sweet of him. That he got pleasure out of giving me pleasure. I could taste my juices on his lips and in his mouth and I began to get aroused again myself. I never thought my first taste of pussy would be my own, I thought ot myself. He kissed me again and then said, "Now me." I knew exactly what he wanted and had been dreading this moment (somewhat) so I tried to play dumb. "'Now you', what?" "C'mon. You're not gonna leave me hanging are you? You do me now....please?" He said it so sweetly that I had to laugh but I thought I'd try and prolong the inevitable just a bit longer. "What if I told you I wasn't into that sorta thing?" I asked. I saw his face fall like a little boy who'd just been told that his favorite toy was broken and I immediately felt guilty.

"Oh," he said, "Well...I guess if you're not into it thats ok..." Before he could finish I smiled at him and slid down the bed till I was face to..umm..face with his cock. In the couple of seconds since I'd said I wasn't into blow jobs his cock had deflated some but as soon as I took it in my hands it began to stiffen once more. Being so close to it I could smell that masculine scent of his more strongly now. It smelled somewhat like chlorine...reminiscent of a pool on a hot summer day and I realized why I'd thought of freshly mowed lawns earlier. He had a sparse growth of light brown pubic hair above his cock and I could see a drop of precum on the tip. The helmut shaped head flared out at the base and the veins along the shaft were bold and angry looking. Are you really going to do this, I thought to myself. Are you really going to become a cocksucker? Are you really going to give a boy a blow job like a fag sissy.... Suddenly I felt his warm breath on my crotch as he moved his head closer to my cunt and the memory of that orgasm flodded into my brain blocking out all other thoughts. I wanted to make him as happy as he'd made me a few moments ago and I opened my mouth and guided the head of his cock in past my lips. I swirled my tongue around the head for a bit tasting the precum drop on the tip. I had tasted my own jism a few times before out of curiosity and knew that it would taste a little salty. Frankly I was expecting it to taste like snot but was suprised that it tasted more like plain salt water with a hint of sugar. "Mmmmm...." I moaned and David moaned back. I took more of his cock into my mouth. My tongue sliding up and down the shaft. I'm doing it, I thought to myself, I'm sucking his cock and...oh god...I like it...I'm a cocksucker...I'm a cocksucking little slut girl and I like it. I began to bob my head up and down on his shaft as I'd seen in some internet porn videos.

David began moaning louder saying, "Oh yeah baby. Oh god...suck it...suck my cock baby girl...oh god that feels so good." I couldn't speak so I just moaned. His dirty talk was turning me on. "oh yes Jackie," he continued, "suck my dick. Let me fuck your mouth baby. I'm fucking your face." He began pumping his cock faster into my mouth and I sucked faster and harder. A few times his cock slipped down my throat and I almost gagged, not out of revulsion but just out of the simple gag reflex but he pulled back in time. I sucked faster and relaxed my throat as best I could trying not to gag and it seemed to work. Each time his cock slipped into my throat I wanted to gag less and less until finally I was doing it. I was deep-throating him. Taking this boy's hard fuck stick down my slutty throat and sucking him like a pro slut whore. I could feel his balls hitting my chin now and I smiled in spite of the cock stretching my lips and mouth. I was actually pleased with myself at being able to take him deep into my mouth. David must have realized that i liked his dirty talk. "you like that jackie?" he asked, "You like when I talk dirty to you?" I moaned, "Mmm hummm" and he continued calling me names, "Oh yeah you little cocksucker, you little slut whore bitch take it take my cock and suck it like a slut fuck your face fucking your slut cunt of a mouth suck my cum out of my balls you whore slut cock sucking bitch...." and on and on...each vile name made me hornier and hornier until he was ramming his cock so hard into my mouth that his balls were slapping against my chin until finally he screamed out, "Ohhhhhhhhhh yesssssssssss you slut whore fuckkkkk Im cuuuuuuuuminnnnnnnnnnggggggg...." and suddenly I felt his dick throb and felt a jet of cum spew into my mouth. I gagged but tried to swallow it. It was globby and salty and sweet and I loved it and wanted more. I sucked harder, trying to suck all the cum directly from his balls and was rewarded with another blast of his hot creamy jism and then another smaller one and then another. Each time there was less and less until finally his cock was just twitching in my mouth with nothing coming out. Some of his cum leaked out of the corners of my mouth and down my chin onto the bedspread but I continued to suck and lick until I felt his dick begin to soften in my mouth and I took my head away from his crotch and licked my lips and wiped some drops from my chin with my fingers and licked them clean.

"Mmmmmmmmm," I said as I looked at him devilishly. "God that was incredible," David said. "Where the hell did you learn to suck cock like that?" "Well...I read my dad's Penthouse magazines too you know." With that we both broke up laughing and hugged each other and kisssed each other some more. And as we broke one kiss I happened to look up for the first time in the last half hour and saw, to my horror Karen standing in the hallway peering arond the corner into her bedroom. As I gasped and sat up I could see her hand working furiously under her cheerleader skirt and I gasped again as I realized she was masterbating while watching us.

"K-Karen..." I managed to squeak out. David sat up suddenly trying to cover himself with the comforter until he realized it was Karens and was covered in my pussy juice and his cum. "Karen..." he said and then he too noticed her hand rubing her cunt beneath her skirt. We both sat there dumbfounded not knowing what to do or say until Karen smiled at us and lifted her skirt with her free hand showing us her fingered buried deep in her sopping wet pussy. " guys just gonna sit there," she asked, "or are you gonna help a girl out?"

To be continued........

Let me know if you want more of this story. I'm having a lot of fun writing it. :)

Next: Chapter 3

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