
By A. B.

Published on Aug 27, 2004


So Far - 13 yr old Jack wakes up one moring to find he's now living in a world where he was born a girl. Other than that, everything else in this world is the same. The neighbor girl, Karen, that he lusted after as Jack is now his best friend and Jackie finds herself getting attracted to Karen's 14 yr old brother David despite her initial revulsion at the idea. Jackie gets thrown into the boy's locker room at school and sees David naked. She finds out later that David got into a fight with one of the boys responsible for the prank and, while alone with David at Karen's house she gives in to her blossoming desires and has her first sexual experience (either as a boy or a girl) when David licks her to orgasm and she returns the favor by giving him a blow job. They realize Karen has been watching them and, after their intial shock, they welcome Karen into bed with them where all three pleasure each other orally. After cleaning up, Jackie leaves just as Karen's parents get home. She realizes she's never felt so happy and thinks it might not be so bad being a girl after all....

I felt like I was on cloud nine as I walked home. I felt giddy and light-headed. The air smelled sweet and the sky was bright. You're acting like a stupid silly girl, that nagging voice in the back of my head tried to say, but I ignored it and practically danced up my front steps. If being a girl in love meant I had a friend like Karen and a - oh god - a "boyfriend" - eeek - like David, well...there were worse things to have happen in life I guess. I mean I still had the same parents who loved me. I was cute (not to be immodest) and I was loved! Oh my god, I felt like shouting it to the world. Is this what girls go through when they fall in love? I don't care. I don't care. I like it! I liked being held by David in his strong arms and feeling his firm mouth pressing against mine. I even had the best of both worlds since Karen seemed to be bi-sexual - or at least she liked kissing me and licking my pussy (I still can't get over that idea that my dick is gone! But who cares! I'm in love and my best friend is the girl I've had the hots for and likes to lick me as much as I like to lick her and we both like sucking her brother and oh God its all so kinky and sexy and I...just...LOVE IT!). I giggled as I walked in the door feeling like I wanted to sing and dance. My mom was in the kitchen and heard me come in. She said "Hi" and told me dinner would be ready soon. I went upstairs and jumped in the shower to wash away the smell of sex. I was a little sad at having to do it as I wished I could have left David's masuline scent and Karen's sweety pussy smell on me all night but I didn't think my folks would appreciate me smelling like a just-fucked whore at dinner.

After showering I changed into a spaghetti strap shirt and shorts and went down to dinner. I still felt giddy but I also felt a strange sense of unreality sitting there at dinner like any "normal" day but for the fact that I was wearing a pair of pink shorts and a shirt with Strawberry Shortcake on the front and had to keep pushing my shoulder length hair out of my face so as not to get it in my food. I was strangely aware of the tightness of my bra and how the straps showed on my shoulders whenever my dad looked at me. Maybe it was the fact that he'd seen me topless that morning while I was dressing, but I still felt uncomfortable being in girl's clothes in front of my dad. I kept expecting him to tell me to stop being a sissy and go put on some real boy's clothes but I tried to push those thoughts aside and kept telling myself that I was his "daughter" now and not his son. Mom, however, was a different story. She could see the silly grin I must have had on my face and the way my cheeks were glowing because she said, "You look awfully chipper this evening. something good happen at school today?" "'m just in a good mood is all," I said. Mom stared at me intently for a minute and then smiled and said, "Who is he?"

I must have looked startled because she said, "Uh huh...I thought so. C'mon, spill the beans. Who is he?" I was afraid she could somehow tell that I'd had sex that afternoon. Had I missed a drop of cum in my hair? Could she smell the sex on me even after my bath? I was saved from saying something stupid however by Dad when he said, "Who's who? He who? What are you guys talking about?" "I think our little girl has found herself a boyfriend," Mom replied with a smirk. "Look at her, she's practicaly glowing." "She is? She has? A boyfriend! She's too young to have a boyfriend!" "Oh honey, she's 13 years old. You're so clueless," Mom said with a laugh. "So, who is he?" she asked again. I sat there for a moment worried. Would they get mad? Would they object to their "little girl" dating a 14 year old boy? I looked at Mom and her smile made me feel better, she seemed happy for me, so I took a deep breath and told her. "Its David Jackson," and just saying his name brought a smile to my face that made me look like the Cheshire Cat. "From next door? Karen's brother?" Mom asked. I nodded. The smile on my face got even bigger if that were possible. "Thats great sweetie. He's such a nice boy. I always thought the two of you would make a cute couple." I giggled like a schoolgirl! "Now wait a minute. I'm not so sure you should be dating any boy at your age. I know what 14 year old boys want..." Dad said. "Oh Marvin," Mom interjected, "Don't be such a old coot. Its about time Jackie started dating. There's nothing wrrong with it. Its not like they're getting married or anything." (If she only knew!) Mom laughed and so did I. Dad didn't know what to say so he just shook his head and went back to eating his dinner. During the rest of dinner Mom tried to draw me out on how David "asked me out" and stuff. I just told her that we'd had a nice long talk yesterday and that when I went over to Karen's to drop off her dress he was there and we talked some more and that he kissed me when I left. Mom knew there was more to it than I was letting on, but I wasn't about to tell her anything close to the truth.

After dinner I watched a little TV, did my homework and went to bed. It was strange sleeping in a nightgown so sometime in the middle of the night I woke up and put on a pair of shorts and a tshirt. It was 11:45pm on my clock and I quickly fell back into a deep sleep. I remember dreaming that I was a boy again and that I was in the girl's locker room watching all the girls getting undressed when Karen walked up to me stark naked and said, "You can't lick my pussy like that." I remember asking her what she meant and then looked down at my hard-on. In my dream Karen reached down and grabbed my dick and pulled it off like it was a Lego block. When I looked up I was on my knees staring at David's cock which he shoved in my face as he said, "Suck it you little sissy." I tried to tell him that I wasn't a sissy, I was a girl but he shoved his dick in my mouth and I gagged as it hit the back of my throat.

It was then that I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 6:30 am but something didn't seem right. It took me a moment before I realized what it was. I had to pee and had a piss hard-on! I had a dick! I reached down between my legs and confirmed the truth. I threw off the covers and yanked off my shorts (blue, I noticed) and there it was, staring me right in the face. "Old Faithful" was right where it was supposed to be. I quickly looked around my room and saw the blue walls, the Airforce jet models on my bookshelf, the posters of Angelina Jolie. I was back! I was a boy again! I jumped out of bed sayiing "Yes!" but a part of me felt a sadness, a loss that seemed even deeper than when I realized my dick was gone yesterday. Yesterday? Did yesterday even happen or was it all a dream? It couldn't have been a dream, I thought to myself. I remember every detail so vividly. Just to be sure I found my watch on my dresser and checked the date. Sure enough, today was Thursday. If yesterday never happened, if it had all been a dream, then today should have been Wednesday. So what happened yesterday? Where had I been? I filed it away in the back of my head and figured I'd try and make some sense of it later. Right now I was just glad (somewhat) to be back where I belonged.

I went to the bathroom and relished in my ability to pee standing up. When I finished I stroked myself hard again. It seemed strnage for some reason and I almost longed for the snesations I got in my pussy. I shook my head to clear it of those thoughts. Don't be stupid, I told myself. You're a guy and that's that. I washed up and brushed my teeth and got dressed (in jeans and tshirt - yea, no skirts or stupid bras - although those panties had felt kinda nice) and ran downstairs and grabed some toast and bacon. As I sat munching away Mom walked into the kitchen and I said good morning. She didn't reply, didn't even look at me, and I could tell from the set of her shoulders that something was bothering her. "Umm... Mom... is everything ok?" I asked. She turned and glared at me.

"Ok! OK! How can you even ask that after what's happened," she shouted. I was taken aback and understandably confused. What was she talking about? What had happened? Did she somehow remember me being a girl? Was she upset that I'd turned back into a boy? But no...that can't be right, I thought. In the other world I had been born a girl and no one remembered me as anything other than Jackie. In this world I was born a boy...unless this still isn't the world I came from..." I looked aorund the kitchen...everything seemed the same. I thought back to my face in the mirror, my bedroom, the seemed just like it was when I'd gone to bed Tuesday. So what was Mom talking about. There was only one way to find out.

"Umm...what do you mean?" I asked. "Oh please...don''t play stupid. I know you haven't forgotten that you're suspended from school. Or did you think your father and I would forget?" Suspended from school, I thought. How did I get suspended from school? Everything was fine Tuesday. Something must have happened yesterday then, I realized quickly. I tried to figure this out. I wake up one morning and find I'm a girl. No one seems to notice the difference except me. The next day I wake up and I'm a boy again and I find out that something happened the day before that got me suspended from school. Was I going crazy? Did I have some sort of blackout where I did something that I don't remember while I was living in a fantasy world? There was only one way I was going to get to the bottom of this and it wasn't by telling Mom the truth since that road only led to one place - the psych ward. No, I was going to have to try and bluff my way through this until I could figure out what was going on.

"No, I didn't think you'd forget. But...umm...I'm sorry for what I did." "'Sorry' is not going to cut it this time mister. 'Sorry' is not going to get Karen Jackson out of the hospital or get her brother David or Billy Frazer reinstated." Karen was in the hospital?! I nearly choked. And David was expelled?! Calm down, I told myself. Take it easy. Remember, in this world they are not your best friends and lovers. You barely know them. I couldn't think of anyway to get the information I needed other than to come right out and ask. "W-Why is Karen in the hospital?" I asked quietly, hoping against hope that I wasn't the cause of her being there. "Because of the little prank you were involved in," Mom said angrily. "After those eighth graders got you to lure her over to the boy's locker room and pushed her inside, Billy Frazer apparently touched her or something and David got so furious that he punched Billy right there in the locker room. In the fight, Karen got knocked into a bench and cracked her skull open. The school has expelled David and Billy for fighting and suspended you and your two idiot friends Mark and Pete as well as the eighth graders involved. Is any of this registering with you?!" "Um...well..of course I knew Pete, Mark and I got suspended, but I didn't hear about Karen or the fight." At least I hoped I didn't. Luckily my reasoning wasn't too far off.

"Well...I suppose since you were sent to the principal's office immediately you wouldn't have known about the fight or about Karen getting hurt since they sent you home right after suspending you. I should have told you earlier but I was so furious with you after sending you to your room that I didn't want to look at you." "I swear Mom, I never thought anyone would get hurt. I...I didn't even know what those eighth graders were planning. I'm as much a victim in this as Karen," And wasn't THAT the truth, since in the "other world" it was me that got thrown into the boy's locker room, and it was my hand that Billy Frazer grabbed and put on his dick. But in that other world David hadn't freaked out. He'd gotten me out of the locker room before Mr. Lockland saw me and beat up Billy Frazer after school. "Oh don't give me that crap. The only victims here are Karen and David." "But why did they suspend David? He was only protecting his sister," I said defensively. I may have been back to my normal male self, but I still felt a ...fondness...for David and hated to see him get in trouble over me. "You know the school's zero tolerence policy. Fighting results in automatic suspension, or expulsion if the injuries require hospitalization." "But Billy didn't get hospitalized...did he?" "Doesn't matter. The fight resulted in someone going to the hospital. You're lucky you didn't get expelled considering it was partially your fault. I can't believe you did something so stupid Jack. How many times have we told you to be a leader, not a follower. Its obviously not getting through to you. Well...maybe this will help. You father and I discussed it and you are grounded...and I mean grounded with a capital 'G' for the next two months. No TV, no video games, no friends. Once your suspension is over next week you will come directly home from school, do your homework and go to your room. If you're lucky we may let you read a book and if anything like this EVER happens again your father and I will start looking for a good military school. Now, your teachers have sent in your homework assignments for the next week. March you butt back upstairs and start working on it. I have to leave for work in a minute. And don't try to play video games or watch TV while we're gone. You father took your Gamecube and the cable box with him so all you'll get is static. And don't leave the house. I'll be calling periodically and if you don't answer the phone I'll assume your outside and I'll add another month to your punishment." "What if I have to go to the bathroom?" I asked. "Take the cordless!" she yelled as she slammed the door on her way out.

I sat there dejected. I'd never gotten in trouble before. Well, not like this at least. And I felt horrible that Karen wa sint he hospital and David had been expelled. No...I felt worse than horrible. I wanted to cry but the tears would not come. With no release the anger and frustration built up until I wanted to scream. How could this have happened? Last night I was so happy. Everything was perfect. But last night you were a girl, that nagging voice whispered in the back of my head. "Shit," I said out loud. I stomped up the stairs to my room and threw myself onto my bed and stared at the walls wishing....what? that I was still a girl? Somehow I coudln't begin to imagine what it had been like. My anger was clouding my brain. It was like yesterday was a dream...but it wasn't, I told myself. But it FELT like it now. I couldn't imagine being a girl. It couldn't have been real...could it? I almost wished the world would shift right then and ther just to prove to myself that it had happened but no luck. My dick stayed solidly attached to my groin. I pulled my shorts down andlooked at it. soft, shriveled, pathetic looking. I began to stroke it. I thought of the naked girls I'd seen in the locker room and that helped get a rise. I reached down with my other hand and stroked and rubbed my balls. Feels so different than stroking David's cock, I thought, and I could feel my dick stiffen even more. "Stop that!" I said out loud. "Stop thinking of David and his dick. You're a guy for Christ's sake. You're not gay and you're not a fag so stop thinking of guys."

I forced the image of Mandy Sweey and her little tits into my head. Mandy Sweey who was apparently a lesbian. At least in the other world she was. I wonder if she's a lez in this world too? I thought to myself. Well, the only way you'll find out would be to come on to her. Yeah, well...that would work a lot better if I was a girl wouldn't it? I thought about Karen's naked body and the way her pussy tasted as I licked her and for a moment my cock hardened again but then the image of Karen laying in a hospital bed came into my mind and my cock softened. I continued stroking it, trying to get it hard enough for a good jack off session but it seemed like nothing was working. When I'd try and remember the naked girls in the locker room, pictures of the naked guys in the boy's locker room would suddenly pop into my head. If I tried to think about Debby Clark, the goddess with the big tits, an image David's (gorgeous - shit, stop it!) prick would slip across my brain, and when I pictured Karen again fingering herself beneath her cheerleader skirt all I could feel was guilt. Finally I gave up trying to masturbate and sat at my desk to do some homework.

This sucks, I thought after reading the same math problem over and over for the last twenty minutes. I have to do something. None of this makes sense. I may not be able to find the answer, but I can't just sit here. I have to...I have to...I have to see Karen. I have to make sure she's ok. She's my best friend after all. No she's not dipshit, that voice reminded me. Not in this world anyway. Here she's "The Stepford Bitch" and you're "King Dweeb". Isn't that what she calls you? "Shut up!" I said out loud. But I knew the voice was right. I had to admit it to myself. Karen barely gave me the time of day. but it didn't matter. All that had changed. For me, if not for her. And I had to see if she was ok. And who knows....maybe she can change too. Even though we're not friends now...who's to say we can't become friends...and maybe...something more...? I felt a twitch in my cock and got up and headed for the door... and the hospital.

To be continued..............

Next: Chapter 5

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