Wrestlers Go On An Outing

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jul 1, 2001




It had been a great day...out in the woods with Jerry ...trying to keep up with the humpy stud on the hiking trail. Being in back was alright, though the sight of his smooth, muscular thighs and full, powerful buttocks kept giving me a day-long rod-on that wouldn't quit!

Actually, I was a bit surprised when he invited me to join him for the outing. We didn't have much in common beyond being in the same wrestling class. And even there I had little contact with him since my much slighter build was 'outclassed' by his. Still, we had an amiable acquain- tance. I was constantly on guard so he wouldn't notice how much I stared at him with lustful thoughts!

We were pretty exhausted by the time we decided to hit the sack. Hell, I was so tired my hardon had even finally gone down enough that I could strip without giving myself away. Of course, the two six-packs we'd dusted off by the camp-fire didn't hurt, either.

I snuggled into my sleeping bag. I was grateful for the light of a full moon that filtered into the tent, and watched him getting ready--waiting for him to strip off those tight shorts he'd worn all day and give me look at his meat. I was sure he packed a big one and I hoped for a peek at least. But he kept fiddling around with his bag, stretching it out and rearranging it...rummaging around til it drove me crazy. He was stripped, but for those damned shorts, when he made a final adjustment. Crouched down, his big butt was right in my face only inches away. That would have been nice, but any straight guy would have complained immediately if a guy did that. Suddenly the stench of his butthole hit me and I had to say something. It was just too powerful. He had to be aware of it, too, so I couldn't just ignore it or he'd have my number for sure. I mean, it was disgusting. But I would have gladly endured it for a while if it hadn't been so obvious.

"Phew, you gotta change those shorts, Jer! Damn they stink! Get away."

"Heh!" he chuckled, looking back over his shoulder down at me. "They're not so bad. That's the shit on my asshole you're smelling."

"WHAT?!!" I cried--amazed he'd even admit such a thing. "W-well...clean that then. Gawd! Didn't your mother ever teach you to wipe your ass good?"

"Heh!" He wiggled his butt and backed up more. "Give it another sniff, buddy. Right up the old crack."

"Fuck off!" I laughed, turning my head away in feigned disgust. "Cripes, why would I do that?"

"You might like it."

"You're crazy. Get away, you asshole!" I smacked his bottom, loving the feel of those firm cheeks for that one instant.

"Aw, come on." Laughing, he reached back and grabbed my neck, pulling my face up til my nose was crammed into the smelliest part of his butt crevice. "Just a couple of seconds--I wanna test something out."

"W-what?" I giggled, squirming away. "Test what? If you can make me throw up?"

"Two sniffs and I'll let ya go, okay?" He held my face firmly up his rump as he crouched there, staring ahead, an amused tone in his voice.

"Erggh! Alright, alright!" I agreed, going along with his game...convinced it was the result of too much beer at high altitude that was making him playful and feeling nasty.

"An' lemme hear it!"

I took two big whiffs and fought my way out--choking for air. "You shithead! That's a dumb, dirty joke!" I complained, coughing more than necessary to match his laughter.

"Just a test, buddy." He turned.

"Test my ass! Uh, testing what exactly?" I demanded.

"This," he said, slowly and mysteriously before quickly unzipping my sleeping bag and yanking it open to leave my nakedness exposed.

"Unh, hunh," he said with satisfaction. He looked at me with a nasty smirk and growled. "You got that big fat boner from smelling my asshole, didn't ya?"

"N-NO!" I gasped, sensing his change from horsing around to accusation. I tried to pull the cover over me but he layed across my body and held it back--grazing my towering erection and making it throb in the air. He bore into my eyes with a no-nonsense intensity that make me tremble from fear and embarrassment and nearly brought tears to my eyes. I was close to passing out from the humiliation!

Then he wrapped his fist around my stiff prick and brazenly stroked it!

"Come on, tell me the truth. You're so fuckin' hot for me you even get turned on by my stinky butthole. I'll bet you'd like to lick it for me, wouldn't you?"

"G-gosh, Jerry, what do you th-think I am?" I stammered.

"Oh, I know what you are, buddy. You're a cocksucker. I see you checking me out all the time. I know when a cock- sucker's got his eyes on my balls. Yeah, shit and all, you'd lick my asshole if I asked you to, hunh?"

"N-no! No, I...."

"Sure you would. This big hard prick says so!" He stroked it with unbearable expertise...staring into my eyes and showing no shame at handling my cock...getting off on my squirming.

I gulped, seeing pre-cum begin to pour from my knob and run down his fingers. He saw it too, and flicked a finger over it.

"You lying cocksucker!" he growled. But his gruffness didn't frighten me--as butch as it was--because the powerful stud's blue eyes had a twinkle that shown in the moonlight and turned me on intensely! I wanted him to slap me in the face with his big meat! But that wasn't what he had in mind.

"You're juicing all over the place, buddy. You dig me messin' with your joint and lettin' you smell my dirty ass. Hell, I shoulda just taken a dump right in front of you instead of going into the bushes. Letcha watch, then you coulda licked it."


"Heck, man, all I gotta do is keep pumping your joint and turn around like this. Get over your face and let ya pull 'em down. Go 'head, buddy. Pull 'em down in back. I'll let ya smell and lick it all you want. Lick the shit off my ass, blow me, suck my nuts...all you ever had to do was ask. I'll fuck your asshole, too, if you're into that."

"J-Jer..." I moaned, grabbing the waistband above... anxious to bare that huge hunky butt. The stench of his asshole was overpowering as I lifted my face higher and flared my nostrils.

"That's it," he cooed, cupping my balls in his other hand. "Nuzzle your nose right in there, baby. Get freaky and nasty. I haven't sucked a dick since I was 13, but if you do filthy things to me I might try it again. This ain't no pussy piece of meat you got here, that's for sure. Yank 'em down, Phil. You want my big naked butt in your face. You always have. I'll lick your dick while you tongue my asscrack. Lick my dirty asshole, Phil. Mmmm, lick the shit off my ass!"

The moment he bent over and ran his wet tongue over my cockhead, I wrenched those shorts down in back and buried my face in his smelly buttocks! I lapped it all up! I just fuckin' lapped the shit out of his crack, off his cheeks, all around his anus, and tweaked it out of the fuckin' wrinkles! With him bending over licking my prick like that, I had no shame whatsoever! I cleaned him up real good- hugging those smooth buns and prying them apart. No one could have guessed I was eating another guy's hot shit for the first time!

Later on, he even had me suck the crust from his shorts where I'd crammed my nose and gotten it all smeared around. I didn't mind. I sucked it until it got good and juicy! "You like the taste of shit?" he'd asked. "No? Of course not. But you like the taste of MY shit, doncha?" He grinned lasciviously when I nodded, then went down before me and licked my leaking prickhead. He got off on me watching him do it, too. And that made him slurp it up all the more. But he was careful to keep me from coming. It was very nerve- wracking. I wanted to blow my wad so bad.

"Can't believe your juice is so sweet, buddy. That blowjob at 13? The little bastard blew his load in my mouth! I got all upset and pissed a fit, you know? But actually, I kinda liked the taste of it. I just didn't let him know it. Ever since, in fact, I've had this fantasy about grabbing some cute 13-year-old off the street and blowing the fuck out of his little dick so I could taste that sweetness again. Never do it, of course, but this is almost as good as my fantasy."

He licked me some more.

"You know, I wasn't planning on going this far with it. But you just had to have this beautiful fucking cock, didn't you, you dirty cocksucker?!"

I was taken aback by his sudden half praise/half insult.

"Ah, I didn't mean it that way. Oh, you're a queer, cocksucking, ass-licking, shit-slurping faggot, alright. But what I meant was my dick's pretty raunchy too. But you'll suck it anyway, right? So...you're a dirty cocksucker!"

"S-sure, Jer. Anything, man. But when are you gonna let me blow ya? I want that big prick in my mouth!!"

"I know, baby. Soon. Soon. I wanna hold off a little longer. I dig licking your juice up and I know once you get your knob-sucking lips over my joint I'll blast a load that'll make me collapse. I'm digging this, aren't you?"

"Sure. You know I am. I don't go licking guys' crap all the time, you know. But goddammit, I want to drink your balljuice, man! Coming won't be the end. Not if you don't want it to be. We'll be up here for two more days and I'll suck your hole the whole time if you want...as long as you give me some nourishment!"


"Yeah, that too. You can fuck me...if you go easy. I've only been screwed a couple of times, and never with a slab like you got."

"Heh! Slab? Who's kidding who, man? You've got a cock bigger than mine. That's another thing that puts me off. Somehow you always figure your dick'll be bigger than a queer's. And here I've spent more time with cock in MY mouth!"

"Well, lemme change that, okay?" I looked down between his legs and licked my lips. "It's big enough for me, man. In fact, it's just perfect!"

"Damn, suck my hole anytime? Here, baby, go down on it! It probably stinks worse than my shit did."

"I know," I said, scooting back to get my hand between his legs, "it reeks! I don't care. I already caught that when I was licking your dirty balls. I don't think I ever want you clean. I'd rather LICK you clean!"

"OH, YEAH! LICK IT UP AND DOWN, BABY! I always wanted to run across a dirty chick, but somehow you're better. No chick would do what you'll do. Mmmm! And I get to be a pig, too. Lick a dick! Gonna suck your jizz out before we leave. Oh, man, you dig that smelly dick, doncha? What a fuckin' queer! You'd suck it if I just pulled it out of your ass, wouldn't you? Course you would. Or some other dude's ass. Ain't that so? Suck on it straight from some other guy's smelly rectum if I asked you to? Hell, yes. Anything I want, hunh? Watch me fuck one of your faggot friends up the butthole then lick off anything I drag from his shithole. Yeah, I could dig that."

The more I licked up and down his rampant cock the filthier his mouth got. And the harder his cock throbbed ...giving me juice to slurp up as I ran my tongue over his bloated knob. It was wonderful, and suddenly I wanted it to last a while longer so I ducked underneath.

"Ah, lick underneath those balls. Get back there--back to your favorite spot. You wanna drive your tongue up my shithole some more, doncha? Be my guest, buddy. I dig it as much as you do."

He layed back and pulled his thighs to his chest... watching me eat him out.

"Ooooh, tongue me inside out! Fuck, you just say the word and I'll take a big shit and letcha lick my turd! Would ya like to suck my turd, Phil? I'll let you. Do it right in your face and let ya see it come out? Lick it? Suck on it? You know me, I eat like a horse. I blow some pretty big turds out. Big jumbo ones. Make your mouth water?"

I was enjoying myself too much to answer his ravings. I just stared up at him with glassy eyes. He took that as affirmation...just as I meant it to be.

"Nasty, fucking filthy idea, hunh? You'd suck on mine, though, wouldn't you, Phil? Yeh, suck the juice out of it while I watch you. Shoot a big wad of cock-juice in your face while you suck my shit and come in my fist. I'll jack you off then lick your cum up. Then I'll fuck you and blow you at the same time!"

That thought set him off beyond control. He screamed he was gonna come and bent his prick down at me. I went down on it just in time to catch a massive explosion of jizz that was repeated four or five more times...filling my mouth over and over. It was thick and lumpy and totally delicious! Everything about him was powerful, and his balljuice was no exception. It burned all the way down my throat...just the way I like a stud's load to taste.

He liked mine, too. He blew me twice that weekend... fucking me one of those times like he'd promised. Fucked me a couple more times...preferring to do it like a dog so he could bang the shit out of me and call me filthy names while he screwed me like a bitch.

Yeah, I sucked his turd, too. I sucked two of his turds, in fact. One on the last day--playing a game in the bushes where I pretend to sneak up on him taking a shit in the woods and get so excited I crawl out naked and beg him to let me watch and lick it coming out. He agrees, as long as I promise to take it in my mouth and let him see me suck on it.

I did better than that. I got him to lay down and sat on his prick so he could fuck me. I bounced up and down, twisting his luscious turd in my mouth!

The second time was several days later after wrestling class. We hung around real late, then he dragged me into the head and got me to kneel in front of the toilet. He flung his long legs up against the partition walls and shit in my mouth while he jacked off...splattering a huge load all over my face and hair!

I guess I'm his fuckin' slave now, cause he just told me to meet him under the bleachers after classes. He said he's got this queer lined up he's gonna screw, and I get to lick his prick clean afterward! I've got my shirt pulled out and hanging down to cover my wet crotch during classes. My prick keeps leaking! With a little luck, maybe he'll let me suck out the guy's asshole, too. I love his cream!

Comments appreciated...please mention story name. bawdypen@hotmail.com

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