Wrestling for Relief

By moc.liamtoh@3002enercoppih

Published on Dec 23, 2005


Jimmy arrived by bus on Thursday, so he and Ty had a full day to look around campus and complete registration before they and Dave were to leave for Normal. Jimmy was even more of a hunk than Dave remembered, and when Ty asked whether his baby brother could crash on Dave's big couch for the night he regretted being unable to think of an excuse to sleep down there himself instead of up in the sleeping dorm.

After dinner the three of them and Danny watched TV in Dave's room. Danny was wearing a wife-beater and shorts, and Jimmy couldn't take his eyes off the studly build they displayed.

"Man, you on some kind of steroids?" asked Jimmy. "You some muscular dude."

"Never touched the stuff in my life. It will kill you. You aren't using, are you?"

"Me? My folks would kill me."

"They wouldn't need to," said Ty, "I'd pulverize you myself. Besides, you got one fine body already. Show my fraters here what you got."

Jimmy willingly peeled off his sweater and displayed a chest and gut equal to his older brother's, flexed his biceps, then turned around and flexed his broad back. Dave noticed that he also had glutes comparable to Ty's. Danny obviously liked the looks of them too, because he reached over from the sofa and gave them a wallop.

"Nice buns, buddy."

Jimmy smiled broadly and then glanced at his brother, who laughed, "Runs in the family. We got a sister who's no slouch in that department either. Me and Jimmy have to fight off all the horny droolers.

"That's right," said Jimmy. "We got to save her for ourselves."

Dave was shocked. "You're kidding!"

The two brothers guffawed. "Of course we're kidding," replied Ty, who then boxed Jimmy's ear, slammed him in the abs and called him a perv. Jimmy laughed and gave Ty the finger. The brothers instantly tied up, and soon Dave was on his feet, protecting an antique desk lamp entrusted to him by his mother. He and Danny then settled back on the sofa to watch the battling brothers. At one point Danny silently snaked a hand behind where Dave sat and goosed him. In retaliation Dave yanked a few hairs from Danny's bare leg.

It was a nice, even match -- which bothered Ty, who in earlier years had always been able to put Jimmy away pretty handily. This time one of them would gain the top only to be reversed. A big grin lit up Jimmy's face every time he was able to get his brother in a predicament, but Ty still outweighed him, and in the end he gained a submission head lock from behind and Jimmy was obliged either to give or to risk passing out from the pressure. They got up, shoved the carpet back into place, and embraced warmly. Dave smiled, wondering how, when they were alone, these brotherly skirmishes normally ended.

They watched Leno's opening monologue, then Danny, who was picking up Carla early in the morning, had to excuse himself. Ty and Jimmy went off to Ty's study to get his luggage while Dave polished off a reading assignment. As he was changing for bed, Jimmy returned and threw a sleeping bag on the couch. He and his brother had just showered, and he was encased in a bath towel.

"I really appreciate you letting me sleep here. Ty and Mike got no couch, and there's no spare bunks up there."

"No problem, Jimmy. Mi casa su casa. I can see why Ty's so proud to show off his little brother. You're going to really dig university life next fall."

"Ty says you're the coolest guy in the fraternity. You think they'll have a problem admitting more than one black member?"

"Christ, Jimmy, what kind of people you think we are here? You may not have met everyone, but we've got two guys who are Asian, one Filipino, and one who's at least half black. I'm part Indian. So relax. You'll be one of the most popular, probably the most popular, pledge we get."

Jimmy reached out and touched his friend's forearm.

"There's plenty of room in the closet for your stuff," said Dave. As they stripped down they matter-of-factly sized up each other's body. Jimmy's cock was now displayed, a real man's weapon. And those meaty cheeks were now bare as well.

"Wish I had your nice hairy legs," observed Jimmy, whose legs were smooth. "You shave every day?"

"Every fucking day. What sports are you into, Jimmy?"

"Football, same as Ty. Plus soccer and rassling. Donkey basketball. And we got a weight set in the basement at home."

"Obviously you use it a lot. Great set of arms."

Jimmy again flexed in appreciation. Then he pulled on a pair of long johns and a t-shirt, for the weather was still cold. Dave wore flannel bottoms, but no top.

As Dave headed for the door, Jimmy asked, "You in a hurry to get to sleep?" They looked at one another and Dave smiled.

"Not especially. We don't need to leave before ten. Want to talk some more?"

"That'd be cool." Jimmy stretched out on the sofa, bending his legs so there was room for Dave to sit. "Man, my feet are cold."

He smiled when Dave pulled his feet onto his lap and began rubbing them.

"Mmm. That'll get `em warm. Thank you."

Dave massaged his feet and ankles, reaching beneath the long johns to rub the muscled calves of Jimmy's legs. Jimmy sighed with pleasure. "More, man."

After several minutes of massage, Dave playfully ran his fingers along the sole of one of Jimmy's feet, then the other. Jimmy began to growl and jerked his feet away. "Hey, that's mean. Ty didn't say you were mean."

Jimmy leaned forward, grabbed Dave's ear and pulled on it. Dave crashed on top of him and they went into a clinch, chortling and flailing away with open palms at vulnerable openings. Instantly they were both stiff as boards, and flailed with those too. Suddenly Jimmy grabbed Dave's face with both hands and attacked him with a long, wet tongue. He licked Dave's nose, cheeks, chin, then mashed their mouths together. Dave did not resist. They squirmed around the sofa so energetically that Jimmy was on top and Dave was pulling his t-shirt over his head. Jimmy was wide-eyed with lust, nostrils flaring and muscles tensing. Dave feasted on the sight and scissored Jimmy's waist with his hairy legs.

As they rolled onto the carpet Dave released the scissors and they locked hands, each striving for control. Dave stretched Jimmy's arms above his head and sat on him. He then crouched down and their lips and tongues fought some more. Their bottoms were now practically down to their ankles, and their cocks slipped and slid and banged together. Their legs interlocked as cocks jacked against thighs.

"Ooh ooh!" gasped Jimmy."Too much, man, too much." They ground together desperately, and while Dave's mouth was creating a world-class hickey on his partner's throat they both jerked and came mightily and repeatedly.

It was a long time before either had the strength to speak or to move. They just kissed and clung with sweaty limbs. At last Dave got up and brought them each a hand towel.

"We gonna have a fun trip this weekend, bro," grinned Jimmy.

"You get some sleep, kid. I think we're in for some kind of marathon up there."

Entering the darkened sleeping dorm, Dave was passing Ty's bunk when Ty raised himself on an elbow to whisper.

"Yo, Dave. You glad I brought along my baby brother?"

"Some baby. He's a tiger. Just like you."

Ty reached out and pinched Dave's still-damp nip. "Sweet dreams, whitey."

Next: Chapter 13

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