Wrestling for Relief

By moc.liamtoh@3002enercoppih

Published on Apr 9, 2006


Dave's pulse was pounding as he looked around at the roomful of mattresses and the guys sitting or standing on them. After the lights went out, the glow from the fire cast their silhouettes on the walls. The fire's redness had instantly converted every wrestler into a bronzed California surfer. Even Jimmy, who was huddled at the far end of the room with the two real beach boys, looked more red than brown. Dave didn't readily make out Ty's whereabouts, but in his mind's eye he saw that magnificent butt transformed by the embers' glow.

While he was surveying the shadowy room, everyone seemed to be waiting for something to happen. Some guys were chatting quietly, a few were doing warm-ups, one or two putting on baby oil. Then Gary stood up, ambled to the center of the mats and beckoned for Mike to join him. Standing face to face, they silently reached over and lowered the shoulder straps of each other's singlet. Dave gulped and rubbed his crotch. Stripped to the waist, they moved into a mutual bear hug and began bucking for a takedown. Once the two big grapplers were off their feet, the ice was broken. Every man wearing a uniform either lowered his straps or removed his singlet entirely and pitched it off to the side. Those in shorts jeered at the naked ones, and then mostly shed theirs as well. Every face Dave could make out wore a smile - or maybe it was a leer.

Something like this evening's adventure had happened to him only once, years before. Dave had gone to Scout camp the summer he turned fourteen. His troop challenged another troop to an evening game of Capture the Flag, and when it was over some of the boys ^Ö maybe a half dozen - sneaked off and went skinny-dipping in the lake. Horseplay began in the water and led to chasing one another up into the tall grass by the lake. Everyone found an opponent. Dave went after the biggest kid in the group, and they had a a terrific, long bout together: laughing, panting, rolling around in the grassy dampness. It had been an intensely erotic experience for him, though nothing very sexual occurred. They rubbed their woodies together several times, snickering as they did, but it went no further and he never saw the kid again after that summer. When he crawled into his sleeping bag that night, however, he re-played the whole match and pounded himself to a manly big gusher.

Fights were being initiated all around him. Jimmy had executed a fireman's lift and had Chris of the Tarzan hairdo up on his shoulders. Jimmy was naked and was sprouting a big one. Chris still had his shorts on, but as he got lowered to the floor he also got pantsed. After that Dave's view was blocked by a closer writhing pair. Mike and Gary were still locked together, still in the center of the room. Just as he was wondering how to get in the action, he felt a bare toe rub against his back.

"Let's wrestle, man."

Dave turned to see one of the high school wrestlers staring down intently at him, hands on his hips. His singlet straps were down, revealing a set of abs which in the firelight loomed taut and deep. Thick, tapered calves on his legs, too.

Dave stood and offered his hand. "I'm Dave."

"Yeah, I know. From the U. You're really buff. Want to take me on? I'm Jason."

"Sure do, Jason. Where's your buddy?"

"Brian? He and Willie are over there near the bar, beating the shit out of each other."

Dave looked that way and grinned to see the pair jabbing one another, even pulling hair. Then he gulped. Their pricks stood out like ram rods, both huge. How could a runt like Willie be so richly endowed? He turned back to Jason.

"I've never wrestled in the raw before," said the big high schooler.

By now Dave was getting the itch big time. "Then it's about time you did, Jason." Dave's singlet fell to the mattress and he kicked it out of the way. Eagerly Jason followed suit, and they stood inches apart admiring one another's muscularity. Jason reached to tweak one of Dave's dark nips, then looked up with a tentative smile to gauge his reaction. Dave smiled back and in response rubbed Jason's six-pack with the back of his hand. The room was starting to reek with the sweet aroma of sweat and used singlets, and they were both hungry to tangle. They went into a referee's crouch and the domination dance began. Jason was maybe three years younger, but as big and strong as, say, Jimmy or even Ty. Furthermore, Dave had not wrestled competitively since he left high school, and now he had to show this high school stud he was the alpha dog. Keep your mind off his dong and his ass, he told himself, and focus on the fight. God, this kid is country cute, treating me like I'm his idol. Watch his feet. I wonder what color his eyes are. That's it, Jason, stick your knee out where I can grab it. Strong fucker.

Take down! Dave, you still got it, baby. Wrap him up. Man, but he feels good. They struggled within their constricted share of the room, bumping into other fights as they tumbled around. Eventually Dave gained control, on top and at an angle. When he tried to mount his opponent, Jason's knee shot up and blocked his leg. Jason wrapped both arms tightly around Dave's head and tried to roll on top of him. Dave spread his legs wide, then placed both hands on Jason's face and pushed. This brought them into full body contact for the first time, and as they flexed and squirmed, stiff cocks sliding against moist bellies, Dave wondered if he was going to lose it right there. No, first it was his job to win. His biceps bulged, then extended, and Jason's head was shoved back into the mattress, his hold broken.

Dave leaped on his prey and with his legs clamped on a stretcher. He pushed outward against the resistance of the kid's strong legs. He thrust his chin into Jason's sweaty chest and trapped his arms above his head. Their faces met.

Panting from the exertion, Jason managed to mutter, "Damn, you're quick."

"Damn, you're strong," was the reply. "How old are you?"

"Eighteen. How about you?"

"Twenty. Wrestling you makes me feel like I'm over the hill."

Unable to free his arms from Dave's grasp, Jason butted their heads together.

"Yow!" cried Dave. "Okay, fucker." Keeping Jason's wrists firmly trapped, he slid to a sitting position and ground his butt on the teen-ager's face. "How's your breathing?"

Jason stared up into his attacker's face, then tried licking Dave's balls.

"Ew! I got hair in my mouth." He tried to spit. "Gimme a breather."

They relaxed, but they did not disengage. Dave rolled off to the side, and their eyes met again. They brought their foreheads together.

"Hi, Jason."

"Hi, Dave." Jason reached over and lifted one of Dave's eyebrows, causing that eye to open wide. Jason gazed into the eye.

"Look into my eyes. Listen carefully. You are my slave. You are growing very weak. You will not be able to resist my superior strength."

"Yes, master. You speak, I obey." Dave took the hand pressing against his eyebrow and brought it to his lips, submissively nibbling on it. Then suddenly he again captured both hands and rolled back on top of Jason. This time he ground their crotches together and attacked Jason's neck with his lips and teeth.

"Oh Christ," groaned Jason, "Oh Christ."

Lips parted and tongues sparred. Jason yanked his hands free and they immediately embraced with crushing force. Legs entwined and pumped. Two big dicks, lubed with pre-cum, had their own duel.

"I'm going to cum, man," Jason whimpered. Dave intensified his assault on the kid's erogenous spots. He reached behind and massaged Jason's crack with his middle finger.

A guttural gasp was Jason's only response as he stiffened and exploded against Dave's abdomen. His eyes were shut and his mouth ajar. After several blissful moments he relaxed completely in Dave's embrace. They nuzzled some more.

"I been watching you all afternoon, man. You are one sexy dude. Can you and me sleep together tonight?"

"I dig you too, Jason. Let's just have a good time while we're here, and, sure, we can share a sleep later. Did you bring a sleeping bag?"

"Yeah, a big one. It's over there by the fireplace. Want to crawl in it with me?"

"The night's young, buddy. I've got to get something to drink. You better go over and help Brian take out Wolf Willie. It looks from here like he's getting the worst of it."

"No shit. Willie's slapping him." Jason jumped to his feet. "Thanks for everything. I'll be back."

Dave watched as Jason attacked Willie from behind and pulled him off his buddy. Willie let out a war whoop as he began contending against his reinforced opposition.

Jason had been a wild turn-on, but Dave was now ready to look for a fresh challenge. He thought he had seen Chuck up against Woody earlier, and Woody was sitting on one of the sofas making out with a guy Dave did not know. He rose to his feet and threaded his way through the war zone to the bar. On his way, an arm reached out and grabbed his ankle. It was Ty's, whose other arm was wrapped around the neck of Mike Simmons.

"How you doing, Davey?"

Dave shook his leg free and squatted down beside the dueling pair. "Having a great time. You letting this State wuss whup you, Ty?" Dave reached over and goosed Mike, who grinned up at him just as he was throwing a full nelson on Ty's sweaty neck. Mike then starting humping shamelessly on that stupendous ass which Dave admired so much.

"Looks like you need to concentrate on defense, lover" said Dave, and moved on. He popped open a can of beer and chugged it all down. He wiped his mouth on his forearm and reached for another. Then he spotted Chuck. The specimen blond was leaning against the far wall and staring right at him. Dave raised his beer can in salute and grabbed a second one to wave at him. Chuck motioned for him to come over.

"Hi, buddy. You want a beer?"

"I don't think one more will put me under. Thanks. I've been watching you man-handle that young hunk from Decatur. You ought to pick on somebody your own size, you know."

"You're about my size."

They both grinned as they sipped their beers. Chuck was still wearing his singlet, and the front was soaked with sweat.

"You been wrestling," observed Dave.

" Yeah, the minute the lights went out Josef and his roommate jumped me. We had ourselves a little strip match. Lose your singlet, you lose."

"Sounds dirty. I see you still have your singlet."

"I wish I could say the same for you, Mr. Bare-ass. No, I take that back. You look pretty good naked."

"So, do I get to see you naked too, or do I have to wrestle you for it?"

Chuck put down his beer, stood and slowly peeled off the singlet. He flexed his arms and then pawed his prick. "You like what you see?"

"Just turn around. That's what I'd really like to see."

Chuck pivoted around and tensed his ass cheeks. "So?"

"I want that."

"I don't think you're man enough to get it. Let's start on our knees."

The adrenaline flowed as Dave beheld his herc adversary, this handsome guy he was going to impale and make love to. Go, alpha man, take him. He faked a grab downward toward Chuck's crotch, then grasped the jock's bicep with one hand and wrist with the other to push himself around behind. He encircled Chuck with his arms and locked his fingers below the navel, digging his chin into a rippled back. When Chuck tried to sit out, he grabbed his chin to pull him onto his back and dove on top. Chuck, however, yanked Dave's head forward and captured it between his thighs. Dave's face was suddenly mashed against his opponent's scrotum, and a rapidly swelling cock was pressing against his collar chest.

Chuck flipped Dave onto his side and grabbed both ass cheeks. While Dave tried to extricate his head from the scissors, Chuck thrust his middle finger clear past the sphincter. Dave let out a yowl, for his cherry bottom had never been invaded by anything firmer than a tongue. He desperately grabbed a handful of Chuck's golden bush hairs and yanked on them. Now it was Chuck's turn to yowl, and they both broke free.

Dave went for a side headlock while Chuck was still prone, but Chuck's hands reached around both sides and clawed at his face, forcing it back and sideways. They lurched back and forth, breathing heavily, their pricks now fully erect and throbbing. One pair of wrestlers beside them paused in their own struggle long enough to watch the spectacular exertions of these two buff fight machines.

Chuck eventually freed his neck from the headlock and scissored Dave from behind. Dave threw on an over-scissors and almost managed a submission, but before he could get his second leg in place Chuck slipped out of it and rolled away. They were both thoroughly winded, and by unspoken agreement they paused for a breather.

"Are we having fun yet?" said Chuck.

Dave was too busy inhaling oxygen to think of a reply.

"C'mon, Davey. Somebody's got to be king." As they engaged again the grappling became slower and more deliberate. Their arms maintained an intense embrace and their chins were hooked into one another's shoulders. Only the legs kept shifting, thrusting, locking and unlocking. When Dave tried to push Chuck away, that arm was grabbed and forced into an arm bar. Again and again Dave tried to break it by joining his free hand to the captured one, but Chuck kept the arm bar just out of reach. The arm bar progressed to a hammer lock, and finally Dave was flat on his stomach, one arm held firmly behind his back, bearing the full weight of Chuck's body.

With one hand Chuck maintained the hammer lock. With the other he grasped Dave's chin and pulled his face sideways to the mattress. Then he bent his head forward, giving his tongue full access to Dave's ear. He licked it, massaged it, nibbled on the lobe. Dave sighed, then began to moan. His free hand reached up to stroke Chuck's soaking hair, then to reciprocate by fondling the blond's ear.

"Do you give?"

For the second time Dave muttered, "We have a winner." The hammer lock was released, and feeling slowly crept back into the long-immobile arm.

Dave felt the full length of Chuck's hardness against his crack. He felt vulnerable, felt uneasy and at the same time excited. When Chuck began slowly to slide up and down on his back he thought he could even hear the squish of precum. He opened his eyes. Not three feet away was the awesome sight of two guys fucking, one with his legs supported by his partner's shoulders. They were kissing as they fucked. He couldn't make out who they were, but it was beautiful.

Chuck's face came closer, and they began to kiss, then to french. Dave twisted his body around to face Chuck and the kissing got intense. Hands grasped cheeks, squeezed the backs of heads and tousled hair. They rocked back and forth. Dave spread his legs and locked his feet around Chuck's mighty calves. He massaged them with his feet, and that triggered deep moans from Chuck. Chuck pulled Dave on top and practically inhaled his neck before their mouths crushed together again.

Dave slid down and licked the swelling prick head, whose size did nothing to lessen his uneasiness. He took in as much as he could without gagging and gently sucked on it. When Chuck cautioned against pushing him over the edge, he moved on to the balls and the ridge behind them. Chuck pushed his head away, whispering "Too fast. Easy." They lie face to face again, and the necking just got hotter.

Chuck looked up into Dave's flushed face. "Have you ever taken it in the ass?"


"We don't have to do this. Just say the word."

"If I'd won I wanted to fuck you."

"You still can. I'm not big on `winner takes all.'"

"If you're man enough to take it, so am I."

Chuck maneuvered Dave onto his back and went down on him. Having pleasured his cock and balls, he knelt and raised Dave's legs so that he could slowly rim his ass, first with his tongue and then with his fingers. He began fisting Dave's cock as well.

"Feel good?"


Chuck jumped up and made a quick trip to the fireplace mantel, then returned to slip a lubricated finger or two into a fine virgin ass. He kept watching for reactions on Dave's face, which no longer signaled high anxiety.

Dave turned onto his stomach with his butt elevated and cradled his head in his arms. Chuck mounted him and very gradually pushed past the sphincter. Stopped, relaxed, nuzzled the back of his partner's neck.

The discomfort was real, but not as intense as Dave had anticipated. He breathed, and as he began to relax it felt less like an invasion and more like frenching in a new location.

Chuck sighed with pleasure, because Dave was tight and because he had a firm, muscled butt. Around them was a mixture of sounds: combat, carousing, and also of getting off in various ways and to varying degrees of passion.

Chuck kept jacking on Dave's slippery prick while his own prick thrust in and out at an increasing pace. Twice Dave asked him to pause, then they began again. When the end was near Dave replaced Chuck's jacking fist with his own, and they started kissing urgently. Dave came first, and as he squeezed the full stream was captured in the palm of his hand. Chuck pulled out at once, removed the condom and flailed away until, with a deep rumbling groan, he coated Dave's back with the proof of his virility. They slumped together to the mattress with legs and arms interlaced, quiet, exhausted and thoroughly satisfied. They listened and chuckled at all the weird noises guys make when they are having a good time.

"Let's hit the hot tub before the water gets too greasy."

"And then what?"

"And then to sleep, you pervert."

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