Wrestling for Relief

By moc.liamtoh@3002enercoppih

Published on Oct 2, 2005


Wrestling for Relief Part Seven

Dave had received a real education from his two encounters with Ty, who, though he was a year younger, was obviously the more sexually experienced of the two. Dave had been introduced to boy erotics during his school years, chiefly through his activity in sports, but he had never kissed a guy or been given head. Ty was not only a jock but a handsome one. Ty was also extremely buff, and male muscularity turned Dave on as much as a woman's seductive curves. His being black had if anything increased the attraction. A few of Dave's teammates back in high school had been black, and he had appreciated the fact that they were less hung up about sex stuff than most of his white friends. Until the end of football season Ty and Dave shared a locker and invariably showered together. The other black guys on the team had become more friendly toward him because he was a friend of Ty's.

Ty did not, however, become Dave's regular wrestling partner, not until later when Danny had graduated and gone off to California for grad school. Dave and Danny had developed a solid buddy bond, and their special matches had become the highlight of fraternity life. Danny had returned from the presidents' workshop on a Sunday, and by the following Tuesday they were right back to the pleasures of grunt and groan.

On his way upstairs after classes Danny stuck his head in Dave's door. "I brought you something from Wichita, Stud. Drop by later, OK?"

"You're on, bro. Feel up to a little exercise this evening?"

"What do you think? Speaking of exercise, our first invitational trip is a week from Friday at Urbana. There will only be three of us in my van. You want to tag along?"

"Absolutely. With football winding down, I'm almost sorry I'm not a part of your crew of thugs this winter. What's my share of the motel going to cost?"

"Don't sweat it. You can pay me back by standing and screaming when I pin those suckers. Maybe massage my aching back afterward."

This got a grin from Dave, and after his buddy disappeared he pictured himself rubbing and then pounding on that meaty hulk. He should have asked who else would be in the van. Later. Damn, he'd gotten a hard on and it would be hours before he could chuck his homework and trot upstairs. He closed his study door and relieved some of the pressure in the tried and true manner which he had discovered at the age of twelve while doing chin-ups in his basement.

Nine o'clock finally came. Having sent a painfully prepared assignment off to the printer, he eased into a clean pair of snug briefs and threw on jeans and a sweat shirt. Then he dropped to the floor and did a rapid forty pushups, just so he would look properly ripped when he removed his shirt in

Danny's room.

Danny's door was closed when he got there. He knocked and got no answer. Again. "Yo, Dan, you in there?" He opened the door and walked into a dark room. "Danny?" The door slammed shut behind him, and two burly arms lifted him in the air, twirled and dropped him onto a thick old quilt which was spread out on the carpet.

"Sucker." Danny's hot breath was on the back of his neck, and he jerked Dave's arms back into a double hammer lock. Dave managed to free one arm, and jabbed back at his attacker's groin. His fingers collided with bare skin. Christ! he thought to himself, he's already bare-ass naked! This was going to be a night for the books.

"Let me up, asshole. At least let me get out of these Levis. They're the only ones I've got."

They disengaged, and, while Dave stripped down, his host bolted the door and turned on a single desk light. In the faint glow they faced one another, flexing muscle, smirking defiance, then reaching out to explore the other's pecs and abs.

"Looking good, Herc baby. Ready to start even this time?"

"Let's start from down. Some guys out there are still trying to study and won't appreciate the noise of bodies smashing through the floor."

Danny knelt and let Dave have top position. Dave grasped Danny's elbow with his left hand, and as he encircled his waist with the other arm his fuck finger made little circles around Danny's navel.

"That tickles, fucker."

Dave quietly signaled, "Wrestle," and the contest began.

With the season opener less than two weeks away, Danny was pumped and primed for some serious grappling. He lost no time in reversing, trapping his rival's right elbow and rolling him onto his back. He threw his right arm around Dave's neck and trapped his right arm with both legs. This was a submission hold, not freestyle, but the two brawlers had dispensed with the rules long before tonight. Dave managed to lock his hands together and break the hold, but Danny just dove behind, threw on a mean body scissors with his powerful thighs and jerked his buddy's head back with both hands to the chin. It was just short of a choke, abetted by burying his own chin in the back of Dave's neck. Dave countered with head butts and threw elbow jabs into exposed ribs, as Danny tightened his grip and dug deeper with his chin.

Once Danny's arm was forced to move down to block these vicious elbow smashes, Dave spun and turned into him. Now Danny was on the bottom, with his head trapped in Dave's armpit. Dave clawed at his abs, and when Danny blocked that he switched to his partner's swollen cock and started to bend

it sideways.

"Give!" He squeezed and bent it further.

"Auggh! OK, OK," muttered Danny. "Give. Time for a break. Damn, you cut my lip with those head butts, you son of a bitch. I'm gonna get you for that."

He rose and fetched a towel so they could wipe away the profuse sweat from their naked bodies. With chests heaving they lay back on the quilt. Dave turned onto his stomach and rested his chin on an elbow.

"Have you ever kissed another guy?"

Danny raised up on his elbows and looked at his pal. "Have I what?"

"You know what I said. Kissed. Have you ever kissed a guy?"

Danny chuckled. "Why, are you trying to put the make on me, lover? I can be had for twenty bucks, but it has to be paid in advance."

"Don't worry, Virgin Mary. I wouldn't soil my mouth on your ugly face. I asked you a question. Are you going to give me an honest answer?"

"Well, suppose I have? Does that make me a perv? You know that I went to an all-boys' school for six long years. Stupid things happen in a boarding school when old Mr. Pooberty hits and women are nowhere to be had. So.... have you?"

"Yeah, actually I have. Recently. First time, except for family. It felt pretty good, too. Not quite the same as a babe, but it felt good. I'm glad I'm not the only one of us who has."

"So, slut, I hope you kept it `in the family,' so to speak."

"You think I'd sneak off to some truck stop or arcade to experiment with strangers? While you were off being presidential our good brother Ty and I messed around a couple of times. I think he may be bi or something. He's got hot lips."

"Wow. You and Ty. A dumb football player like yourself, who's into guys. I wonder why he's never come on to me. I'm way sexier than you are. Tell me how you two got it on. What started it?"

Dave described the friendly scuffle in his study room and the subsequent bus ride back from Middleton. Once or twice Danny interrupted to ask a question, but otherwise he was silent and attentive.

"Buddy, kissing a teammate was pretty damn gay, you know that?" said Danny when it was finished.

"Yeah? How different was it from what you did in prep school? I suppose you hated it whenever it happened?"

Danny was silent for awhile. His balls itched, and he reached down to scratch them. Their eyes met and held, not a defiant stare but inquisitive.

"Are we here to wrestle or to compare sexual exploits?" asked Danny. There was a hint of irritation in his voice.

Without waiting for an answer he lunged at Dave and forced him onto his back, stiff-arming his chin. As he came down, however, Dave shoved a foot straight between his legs and kicked him off to the side. They went into a clinch as they rolled around, attacking one another's face and even grabbing for hair. The grappling was getting rougher. As Danny secured a figure-four arm bar, he shoved his forearm against Dave's throat. Dave grimaced with pain, and with his free arm tried unsuccessfully to squeeze his rival's scrotum. Danny grabbed that arm and switched to a completely illegal arm bar, throwing his legs across his opponent's torso and thrusting his groin upward against the trapped arm. It occurred to Dave that his best buddy might be pissed off because he had screwed around with Ty. Was jealousy turning this into some kind of a lover's quarrel? Naw.

When they first began these private matches, the basic rules of freestyle were the norm. As long as it was, Danny the varsity wrestler invariably won. Once they began ignoring the rules, however, and edging toward submission fighting, Dave was often able to hold his own. He was almost as strong as Danny, and had grown up in a neighborhood where rowdy anything-goes was the prevailing style.

Dave's free hand grabbed one of Danny's feet and began twisting the toes. It hurt. He swung himself up into a sitting position, then managed to stand, his left arm still trapped in the arm bar. Danny's feet were now straight up in the air. When Dave's fist slammed into his midsection, he collapsed, clutching his abdomen with both arms.

Dave pounced and rolled him onto his stomach with a full nelson. The adrenaline was flowing, and he forced Danny's chin down against his chest. Lying squarely atop his struggling opponent, Dave jammed his stiff cock against the rock-hard cheeks of Danny's ass. What followed was a primal test of strength and endurance. Slowly the repeated flexing of Danny's mighty arms parted Dave's fingers and then his hands, and the nelson was broken. Danny rose to a kneeling position, captured one of Dave's wrists and threw him off his back.

Again he lunged on top, this time trapping both of Dave's arms above his head and hooking his feet around Dave's calves in a leg split. The outward stretch began and intense pain registered on Dave's face. Begrudgingly he uttered his submission.

"I give."

Danny relaxed the leg split, but instead of releasing his foe he stayed on top of him. He raised his hands and ran his fingers through Dave's sweat-soaked hair. Surprised, Dave looked up at him and then started to stroke Danny's blond waves.

"You fucking pansy," muttered Danny, "letting a guy kiss you on a bus! You queer-assed son of a bitch!"

He mashed his lips against Dave's and then sucked on the top lip. Their mouths opened and the tips of their tongues sparred. Their bodies joined the tangle, writhing and humping. Their legs intertwined, separated, locked.

Danny rolled to the side and pulled his partner on top. They nuzzled for a long time. Dave's heart was racing, but his entire body was enveloped in pleasure. Danny opened his legs and hooked his feet inside Dave's bulging calves, massaging them with his heels. He reached down and grasped Dave's ass cheeks so as to mash their crotches together. Tongues probed ears. Mouths sucked on necks. The moans were deep-throated and happy.

The foreplay became more intense, more urgent. Feet intertwined and toes rubbed together. Danny's legs encircled Dave's hips and locked together. He reached down and guided Dave's pulsing prick up against his sphincter.

Dave's head swam. He had been at this point with a few girls, but never with another man. His dick was urging him to be boss, to trust, to advance. How could he be so lucky as to be doing it with this terrific guy, this magnificent jock? Shouldn't they stop and get protection?

"Danny," he whispered, "you want this as much as I want it, right?"

"Gotta do it, man. Want it, need it."

Danny reached for the trusty hiding place behind his sofa and produced a condom. Dave slipped it on as quickly as he could in order not to interrupt the mood. What happened then could not be described as the loss of Dave's virginity, but the blissful achievement of sexual inclusiveness. The wrestlers made the most of it, grunting and thrusting, swallowing tongues, fondling every part of two anatomies at the peak of their development. Orgasms were intense and prolonged, but as quiet as possible out of respect for those in the house who might be concentrating on academics.

They made it to the sofa and continued to explore one another's glistening physique. Two more climaxes, principally by hand. At some time sleep came. It was around four a.m. when Dave emerged from Danny's room clothed only in shorts, and quietly made it down to his. He would probably skip his morning class. Man, he said to himself, I am a stud, I am. And Danny is the studliest, grooviest guy in the world.

Next: Chapter 8

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