Wrestling for Relief

By moc.liamtoh@3002enercoppih

Published on Oct 20, 2005


Dave did not make it to his morning class. Both exhausted and exhilarated by the experience of his first man-fuck, he slept until ten a.m. When he finally woke up he was alone in the big dormitory, and attacked his hard-on ferociously while re-living the combat and the climax of the night before. He cleaned up in the showers, which were also deserted, and by the time he was back in his room to dress he had to sink into the couch and do it all over again. He looked for his stud brother at lunch, thinking they might sneak in a quick battle somewhere before afternoon classes, then remembered Danny had a lab on Fridays.

Tonight was out, because they both had dates. Danny's was of course with Carla. Dave was taking a great-looking D.G. to a rock concert at the civic amphitheatre. It was their third date, and he felt grateful for the promise of a warm, willing outlet for the itch that was obsessing him. They had made it on their second date, and he knew that she -- Shelly -- would be just as horny as he was. Shelly was a year older, and shared an off-campus apartment with two other D.G.s.

She asked Dave up after the concert, and they enjoyed beautifully-prepared hors d'oeuvres and several glasses of wine before retiring to her bedroom for the main course. Dave considered himself a romantic guy, a gradualist and a seducer with his dates, but tonight he practically tore their clothes off and threw her on the bed in his eagerness. He kissed her hard and petted hard, and then he fucked her hard. For just a moment he wondered whether she might react to his aggressive love-making as "date rape," but her response was immediately so intense that he knew he was safe. If anything, Shelly was egging him on. He'd had girls yank on his wavy hair before when they were deep into a fuck, but she intensified the climax by wrapping her legs around his hips, drawing their mouths together by grabbing his hair with both hands, and then digging her nails into his back. This was not a "quickie," but neither was it very prolonged. She thrust up to meet every stroke, and then spasmed when she came. Dave followed seconds later.

While Shelly enjoyed a cigarette, Dave emptied the bottle of wine. As he gently rubbed her down, she explored his muscularity in detail. He enjoyed being told that his build excelled that of any other man she knew, and did not bother until he was homeward bound to speculate how she had gone about her physiological research on the male body.

When he entered the fraternity house he headed straight for the president's room. The door was shut. While he was considering whether or not to knock, he heard Carla's distinctive giggle, and knew that his buddy would be occupied until sometime early Saturday morning.

Was he jealous? No, he really wasn't. Yes, he pictured their bodies intertwined. He envisioned Danny's big arms and thick legs^Å.and meaty ass^Å.and he smiled. He headed for his room, undressed, and entered the showers. He sat down on a little vinyl stool and let the hot stream pound down on his back. He ran his fingers through his hair, played with his nipples, then began to soap his genitals. Through the steam a silhouette appeared and took the adjoining shower. It was Ty, freshly arrived from a date of his own.

"Hey, stud. We saw you at the concert. I didn't recognize your girl friend."

"Hi, Big Dave. No, she's not from the University. She's from back home. We knew each other from high school. Pretty foxy lady."

"She'd have to be to land a killer jock like you for a date."

"Quit shittin' me, man. No, don't quit. I like it."

They quietly scrubbed. Dave's gaze kept returning to Ty's unbeatable six-pack and his full-moon ass. Because they were used to one another, Dave's glances at the brown hunk were not furtive. Two great looking guys admiring one another's equipment. Ty knew what he had, and from time to time he flexed his ass cheeks.

"Do my back, bro?"

Dave rose and began to soap Ty's broad shoulders. Never having seen his own shoulders except in reflection, he wondered whether his back displayed as nicely as the one he was washing. When he began to scrub the ass crack, Ty quietly exhaled and hunched forward.

"We ever going to rassle again?"

"Sure, if you want to," replied Dave. "Of course, the last time you almost wrecked my room. Next time it'll be your room."

"You and Danny still rassling pretty often in his room. Every once in a while, if it's a quiet evening, I hear the thuds. It gets me excited sometimes and I feel like breading in and rassling the crap out of both of you." .

"Why don't you just take on your roommate?"

"That big jackass? Oh, we get into our tussles often enough, but he's too slow for me. Once I get him off his feet he's like a helpless baby. And he wears out too fast. Besides, he doesn't turn me on."

"Me and Danny turn you on?"

"One of you does. You ought to know that."

"You want to switch roommates next semester? I don't have one."

"Yeah, I'd dig that. Wouldn't want to hurt Mike's feeling, though. I'll think about it. Man, we could have some good times together, y' know?"

"Easy, kong. I promised Mom I wouldn't get pregnant til I was hitched."

As they were talking Danny reached around to soap Ty's chest and belly. When he descended toward the groin he bumped against the helmet of a massive black spear. His own prick proceeded to nestle itself between those two flared melons. His lips brushed Ty's neck, and his prick began a slow, insistent pump.

"Davey man, you know I'm a top. What do you say we both turn around."

"I'm quite comfortable the way we are."

Dave locked his arms around Ty, pinning Ty's arms at his sides. They began to struggle on the slippery floor. Ty jabbed Dave's bicep with his elbow and managed to turn into him. His hands found Dave's chin and Dave's head was thrust back against the shower wall. Dave released the lock, shoved Ty backward and dove for his legs. He lifted his adversary off the floor, lowered him carefully onto his back and straddled him.

"Don't kill each other, guys. This is a hell of a place for a wrestling match!"

Three more fraternity brothers were arriving for their midnight ablutions, and laughed at the two combatants stretched out on the wet tiles. Their presence had the predictable effect on the wrestlers' erections, and by the time they disentangled themselves they could safely rise, grab for their towels and bid the other guys goodnight.

"We'll talk later, bud," said Dave.


"I'll let you know." Dave headed for his room. It had been a long day, and he would soon be asleep. On his way up to the dormitory he checked out Danny's door. It was still closed. "What a stud!" he thought.

Next: Chapter 9

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