Wrestling Tournament Locker Room Adventures

By Vostock 1

Published on Jul 15, 2003


The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between young males and older males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. Additionally, the actions of the characters in this story is no way intended to show approval of, or give sanction to, their actions.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

This is chapter 3 of a continuing story, how long it continues depends on the feedback I get. Let me know what you think, flames will be ignored. vostock2@hotmail.com

It was getting dark, it was cold, and the wind was picking up, a nasty Thursday afternoon in January. I was sitting in my SUV trying to psych myself up for what I was about to do, while in the back of my head a voice was telling me I was going too far. I was in another town, about to "accidentally" bump into a guy I was hot for, in the hope of getting him into bed. Now that isn't unusual, except that this was a 17 year old super jock and I would be trying to meet him in a high school gym! I like young guys, mid-teens are best but I've had boys as young as 12, and I've had sex with lots of teens. If you play your cards right it isn't too hard, they are at that perpetually horny age, and they'll take what they can get. It helps to be masculine and non-threatening, not queeny or creepy. In all my conquests I've proceeded cautiously, setting the stage and always ensuring I had an escape plan, but this was different, I was venturing into the lion's den.

The latest saga had begun about 3 weeks ago, when they had held a wrestling tournament at the gym I go to. During the tournament I had sucked off 2 wrestlers in the showers, and enticed another young stud back to my place for an afternoon of fucking. One of the two teens I sucked off was a big blonde heavyweight wrestler, an absolutely flawless Adonis; muscular, handsome and hung like a horse; and I couldn't get him out of my head. I had discovered his name was Kevin Waldron, and he was from Greenville High School. A check of the Internet uncovered the school's website, with a nice feature page on the wrestling team. There was Kevin, the team captain(that somehow didn't surprise me), all 6'4" 215lbs of him, with the thick wrestler neck and broad shoulders. There were several pictures of Kevin, which I dutifully downloaded and gazed at constantly. He was stunningly handsome, hair perfectly combed, skin tanned and unblemished, wearing his letterman jacket and the rich boy A&F wardrobe. If he wasn't so built he would probably be considered a pretty boy, but with a body like that he was big man on campus. The website helpfully provided info about my dream boy: his birthday was October 23, his favorite color was blue, his sports idols were Brett Farve and Cal Ripken Jr., and his favorite movie was Men in Black. A check of the Internet provided further info, there was only 1 Waldron in the Greenville phonebook, and they lived at 44 Northridge Trail. This added fuel to the fire of my fantasy life, with so much information available, I had to take it to the next level.

One afternoon, I made some excuse about a meeting with a supplier and slid out of work at lunchtime. There was no meeting, I hopped in my truck and roared down the highway to Greenville, and I soon found Greenville High School. It was almost 3PM so I parked in the restaurant parking lot across the street and watched the students drift out when the bell rang. I was starting to give up hope, but about 3:20 PM I saw 2 guys wearing letterman jackets come out the front door, one was a shorter dark haired kid and the big guy with him was unmistakable, it was Kevin. They got in to a Jeep and pulled out of the parking lot, with me following. They drove to a subdivision, and Kevin's buddy, the little guy called Jeff as I recalled from our encounter, got out and went into a house, while Kevin drove on. He turned into Northridge Place, a winding street with mansions, and he pulled into #44, a big red brick house which was one of the nicest houses on the street. I cruised by, watching him grab his books and stroll into the house. He didn't notice me, but I drank in the sight of him and let my imagination run wild.

That trip to Greenville soon became an addiction, I would drive out during the evening and cruise past the house, on weekends I trailed him to the mall and surreptitiously watched him and some friends hanging out at the food court. He seemed to be the leader of any group he was with, girls hanging of his arm, the guys seemingly in awe of him. Little Jeff seemed to be stuck to him like glue, whenever you saw Kevin, Jeff was usually right behind him.

Kevin seemed to treat him like a pesky little brother, and you could tell that he was Jeff's hero.

One night I trailed Kevin and a girl to the movies, and I managed to get into the row of seats behind them, and watched them instead of the movie. Jeff was not around, Kevin must have grounded him that night. Kevin had his arm around the girl, and she rested her head on his chest, they whispered to each other throughout the movie, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Just as the movie ended I slipped out of the theatre, before the lights came on, and into my SUV in the parking lot, and I watched them come out arm in arm and hop into his Jeep. I trailed them to an area of town I hadn't been in before, presumably her house. They went inside and I parked across the street. I watched a light go on upstairs, then a few minutes later the light went out. I had no doubt about what was happening, Kevin had this girl in her bedroom and, like all good jockboys, he was fucking her brains out. I waited almost 2 hours, it was freezing and I kept waiting for the cops to come by and ask what I was doing. I also had to ask myself the same question, "what was I doing", an adult, sitting here in the middle of the night waiting for a glimpse of some muscle-bound high school jock.

But I wanted him, I wanted him more than any other guy I'd laid eyes, I wanted that body and I wanted that huge cock of his. I'd had lots of young teens, and I usually only sucked or fucked them once or twice; usually they were chance encounters and I didn't want to risk a long term relationship, in case Mommy or Daddy found out I was fucking there innocent teenager. Once was usually enough, "a notch in my gun", and I was on the hunt again, very few of my conquests had turned out to be long term relationships. Since I was often taking the kids cherry, I knew he wouldn't forget me, good, bad or indifferent, because I had been the first, so a return engagement wasn't really necessary. But Kevin was different, the fact that I had sucked him off once only made me hungry for more, the fact that I had been able to gather so much information about him, made him the object of my every thought. I so desperately wanted to see him, touch him, talk to him, I was going crazy, but the simple fact was I was scared. This big butch jock was unlike any other teenager I had, tough and sure of himself, he intimidated me. What if I approached him and he was decidedly unhappy to see me, he was more than big enough to kick my ass or what if he turned me in? Finally I saw a light come on in the front hall, the door opened and I saw Kevin standing talking to the girl, who was clad in what appeared to be a robe. He gave her a quick kiss and went to his Jeep, he seemed to have some extra swagger in his step, no doubt he was quite proud of this little fuck he'd had. I slid down in the seat so he would not see me, and he drove off into the night. I didn't follow him, it was after 1 AM, I headed out to the interstate, and the 2 hour drive home. Kevin would be sleeping like a baby, dreaming of cheerleaders and debutantes, before I even got home. On the long drive home that night I made a vow, it was time to put up or shut up, I was going to meet him face to face by the end of the month. I knew he had a tournament coming up in Jefferson, Greenville High's big rival, I would approach him then. It was neutral territory, if he didn't want to see me, I would bail out. I had attended a couple of his tournaments before, the crowds were large enough that I went unnoticed.

So here I was, on a Thursday afternoon, taking a deep breath and preparing myself. The bus from Greenville High had arrived about a half hour before, and I had seen Kevin and Jeff, and the rest of the team, file off and head inside. They were probably in the locker room, stripping off their clothes, putting on their jockstraps, singlets and wrestling shoes; girding themselves for battle. I went inside, paid my admission to the perky girl at the door, and took a seat up in the bleachers. I had noticed, from previous tournaments, that after their matches, the wrestlers, including Kevin, would often wander around the gym, to cool off a bit; or they'd go up into the stands and watch the other matches. My plan was to go down to the sidelines and cross paths with Kevin after his match, if he was interested, we find a quiet place to talk, if he wasn't interested, I'd bailout of their and head home. He wasn't too likely to freak out in a public place, but I'd had a recurring nightmare of him yelling "FAG" and a mob chasing me out of the gym. I tried to remain calm and idly fiddled with my camera while I waited for the tournament get under way. Soon there was a buzz from the spectators as the teams filed out and took their places on their respective benches. There was some welcoming remarks, we stood for the national anthem, and then the matches got underway.

I was watching Kevin, he was standing beside the bench, going to each wrestler, patting them on the shoulder, giving them a few words of encouragement. I peeked through the camera viewfinder, and noticed he stopped a little longer with his little buddy Jeff. Jeff looked really nervous, so Kevin sat and talked with him and put his arm around his shoulder. Eventually Jeff gave a bit of a smile, just then his name was called announcing his match. Jeff's record was 4 and 28, so he must not have been too confident going in the match. Jeff stood up and put on his headgear, and started to walk out onto the mat, Kevin gave him a swat on the butt and shouted "Let's go Jeff" That got the team worked up, and they all started clapping and cheering for Jeff. As wrestling matches go, it wasn't great, Jeff and the other guy spent most of the time tying each other up, trying to put some move on the other guy, but the other would always slip away. All the while, Kevin was on the sidelines, shouting encouragement to Jeff, it must of worked because at the end of the match the ref held up Jeff's arm in victory. His teammates went wild, slapping him on the back, while Kevin scooped him up in his arms and effortlessly lifted him onto his shoulders. Jeff seemed to be enjoying the attention and raised his arms in celebration. I took several photographs of the scene, they would join my growing Kevin collection.

About 20 minutes later Kevin's match began, he strode confidentially on to the mat and stood facing his opponent with a look of calm determination on his face. It was over very quickly, in the tie up Kevin twisted his opponent's torso, throwing him off balance for a takedown. Kevin moved quickly and got his arm behind the guy's knee and lifts up, putting him on his shoulders, the guy struggled briefly, but it was futile, the ref slapped his hand on the mat and that was it. The crowd went nuts, the Greenville team went nuts and Kevin went nuts. He jumped up, punching the air and letting out a wild roar. After they ref held up his arm in victory, he posed in the middle of the mat, flexing his biceps. The crowd loved it, roaring their approval, and I snapped off a few pictures of the young god posing for his fans.

Once the tumult had died down, and the next round of matches began, I saw Kevin had pulled the top of his singlet down, exposing his powerful chest, and was strolling aimlessly around the gym. A few people stopped to congratulate him as he walked around, and I knew this was my chance.

"You've got good taste"

I froze, who the fuck had said that? I turned and looked to my right, and there was a wrestler, clad in the colors of Jefferson High, sitting beside me and staring right at me. What the hell did he want?

"What did you say?" I asked, trying to stall a bit, to figure out what he wanted. He was about 17, brown hair with sideburns, a lean and sinewy build that was very well defined.

" I said, you've got good taste" he said, pointing towards my camera.

"Oh yeah, thanks, it cost a bit, but it's great" I replied with a bit of relief, he was merely admiring my new digital camera.

"Ah no, I wasn't talking about your camera, I was talking about the subject of your photographs" he said, looking me straight in the eye with a slight smirk on his face.

I was a little shaken, what was he playing at, was he some young thug out to harass a gay guy, or was he trying to blackmail me? I decided to play dumb and deny everything.

"uh yeah, I'm a wrestling fan, used to wrestle in high school, still love the sport" I said in an explanatory manner.

He smiled again, " Are you a fan of wrestling? Or do you just like wrestlers? He looked at me in a way that I just knew at once that he knew what I was up to. He was making me nervous, this kid spelled trouble. What should I do?

He stood up, he was impressive to look at, I could see the tight six-pack of his stomach underneath his outfit, with one brown nipple poking around the strap. He looked very tough, about 160 lbs and about 6 feet tall, but he didn't seem thuggish.

"I'm thirsty, why don't we go get something to drink" he announced. I hesitated, and he smiled, "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, and I'm not trying to cause trouble" I didn't know what to do, but if he was trying to blackmail me or seduce me, the stands weren't the place to discuss it, so I stood up and followed him down out of the stands.

We walked down, and out the side door of the gym to a hallway that was deserted. He walked ahead of me, leading the way to a couple of soda machines further down the hall. He tapped the machine, "Make mine an apple juice" He said. So I fished out some change, and bought him an apple juice. He guzzled it down then he looked me straight in the eye.

"You want hotboy Waldron, don't you" he said. I blushed and tried to deny it, but he saw right through me. "Don't give me that bullshit, I saw you taking pictures of him at the tournament in Madisonville, I saw you watching him like a hawk today, you don't pay any attention to the other matches, you just watch him all the time. Like I said, you've got good taste, but you could never have him"

I didn't let on that I'd already had Kevin's cock in my mouth. "Stranger things have happened, what's it to you?" I said, trying to act a bit tough.

He smiled and took a deep breath, which accentuated his muscular body. "Since you can't have Waldron, how about a little fling with me?" he said with a sexy smile. I couldn't fucking believe it, this hottie was offering himself to me. I was stunned and speechless.

"Follow me" he commanded. He turned, walked to a door down the hall, and he pushed open the door. I looked back, making sure no one was watching, and I followed. There was a short corridor, which lead to a stairway, he walked up a flight of stairs and stopped on the first landing. The stairway was quite warm, due to a heater at the bottom of the stairs.

He turned to face me, and he pulled down his wrestling singlet and kicked it off. He had a thick, cut cock, a bit over 6 inches long, nestled in a bush of brown pubic hair. His body was still a bit sweaty from his last wrestling match, but it was a very nice lean muscular build. He fisted his rigid cock and watched with lust filled eyes as I stripped off my clothes. "My names Jimmy" he mentioned as he watched me strip.

"It's very nice to meet you Jimmy, I'm Steve" I replied

My hard cock swung out as I pulled off my pants, and I saw his eyes widen in admiration. It's not the biggest cock in the world, but it's bigger than most and it serves my very well.

He stepped toward me, grabbed my face and planted his lips on mine. I let myself go, opening my mouth and taking his tongue into it. Jimmy let go of my face and moved his hands down, caressing my shoulders and back, before grabbing my ass. He squeezes my buns as I wrap my arms around him. Our stiff cocks pulsate between our abs. I reach down and squeeze our cocks together. He broke the kiss, gasping for air, and stepped back. "I want your cock in my mouth" he exclaimed as he knelt in front of me.

He grabbed my cock and began licking it with his tongue, probing under my foreskin, vacuuming up the first drops of precum. He rolled back my foreskin and plunged down on my cockhead, while his fingers searched for my ass crack.

"Suck it down, man, suck it all down" I begged, my wanton need boiling to the surface.

He smiled up at me, "See, isn't this much better than staring at a big jock you can't have"

I didn't answer, I grabbed his head and forced him down on my cock.

He took it all down, his nose rubbing in my pubes. I could feel my cockhead dancing with his tonsils. His throat just tightened around it, while his tongue worked the shaft. He was good, very good, and I wasn't going to last long. I could feel the rush taking over. The burning started in my groin, and went shooting up my spine. A guttural groan escaped my throat, as I shot my hot load down the teen jock's throat, and he swallowed every drop.

"I can't believe how much you shot" he said as he licked my cum from his lips and sat back on his haunches.

It's my turn now, so I push onto the steps and kneel below him. His fat cock bobs in front of my face, and I open wide and inhale it.

"Easy does it" he moans, as I swallow his salami to the root. I back off and tease his head, flicking my tongue at the piss slit. The salty pre-cum drips out and I lap it up. I pull off his cock, and begin to lick and kiss my way up his torso to his brown nipples, which are standing up, begging to be sucked . I lick a circle around each pec and then dive on his nips, sucking them hard. He whimpers and begs for more.

"Oh fuck, man, you are so good, and so hot" he murmurs as he rubs my muscular shoulders.

"You're not bad yourself" I say.

"It's so good to do it with a real man" Jimmy says. "So many gay guys act like such fags, but you don't" I look up and smile at his ironic comment. He smiles back "You know what I'm talking about, now get back on my cock.

I obediently drop my mouth back on his cock and resume sucking, taking him deep in my throat. He moans with pleasure and he stiffens as his climax approaches. I place my hands on his firm thighs and quicken the pace of my sucking. He begins to tremble and his first spurt hits the back of my throat, quickly followed by another and another. I slurp down his copious load and listen to his plaintive little cries as he basks in his orgasm.

Afterward we lay together, his head on my chest, my coat pulled over us to keep us warm. We talked a bit, post-coital pillow talk. He was a senior, he loved sports, but he also realized he was gay. He felt like he didn't belong with any of the cliques at the school, so he cultivated the loner image and threw all his energy into wrestling. "It's so great to be with you, I get so lonely sometimes" he whispered as he traced his fingers through my chest hair. I gave him a little kiss and told him I understood.

We lay there for a little while, then he grabbed my arm and looked at my watch. "I'd better head back, they'll think I got lost" he said resignedly.

He pulled on his gear and we headed back downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs he paused, and hesitantly asked if he would see me again. I instantly knew this boy was worth seeing again, so I gave him my e-mail address and told him to contact me. He smiled, "See I told you I'd be better than Waldron" I laughed, "yeah you're hot, but he's pretty hot too." "Come on, a big straight stud like that won't want anything to do with us' said Jimmy. "I don't know," I replied, "you look pretty straight and I got you!" He laughed and we said our goodbyes, he scooted around to the back door of the gym to join his teammates, and I went in the front to get back to the stands.

When I got back the tournament was just wrapping up, they were handing out trophies and medals. I saw Jimmy slip in and slide in behind his team. Soon the crowd started leaving and the teams started heading back to the locker rooms. "Shit, I've missed him" I thought as I watched Kevin Waldron amble to the locker room. The session with Jimmy had been good, but I'd blown my big chance. Then he stopped and turned back towards the bench. I saw a sweatshirt crumpled up under the bench, he must have forgotten it. I realized I had to act fast, so I started walking down from the stands, as quickly as I dared. When I got over by the Greenville bench, he was bending over to retrieve his sweatshirt, giving a great view of his rock hard butt. When he stood up, I was standing right there, I stuck out my hand and said "Great match, Kevin"

He thanked me and shook my hand, and then his eyes widened, as he recognized me. He was briefly at a loss for words, and he looked around to see if anyone was watching. "Do you remember me?" I asked, knowing that he did. He smiled wickedly, "yeah you look familiar" "I'm not trying to cause you any trouble, but I just wondered if you'd like to get together again, no strings attached?" He looked at me carefully, trying to read if I was on the level. Some people were walking towards us, so he turned to leave, but he spoke to me on the side. " Route 61 and Taft Road, at the White Castle, meet me there at 9:30 tonight" and then he turned and nodded to me. "I'll be there" I said and then he strode off to the locker room. I wandered out of the gym, and I realized my hands were shaking, Holy Shit, I thought, "I did it, I'd made a date with Kevin Waldron" Immediately I began to have doubts, maybe he wouldn't show up, maybe he call the cops and have me arrested, maybe he and the whole team would show up and beat me up. Or maybe he was hot and horny, and wanted some action, no strings attached. I decided to make some preparations, so I headed out to rent a motel room, who knew what might happen?

To be continued? Let me know what you thought. Vostock2@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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