Wrestling Tournament Locker Room Adventures

By Vostock 1

Published on Oct 14, 2003


They say good things come to those who wait, well you have waited, so here is part 4 of Wrestling Tournament Locker Room Adventures. I had hoped to have this chapter ready months ago, but work and school, and my personal life have made it difficult. It is hard to find the time to write, and also be in the proper frame of mind to write. I really appreciate all the e-mails I've received about this story, it is really amazing to know that so many people, all over the world, are reading my stories. I look forward to hearing how you like this chapter. vostock2@hotmail.com

DISCLAIMER: The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between young males and older males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. Additionally, the actions of the characters in this story is no way intended to show approval of, or give sanction to, their actions.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

Wrestling Tournament Locker Room Adventures Part 4

It was a dark and stormy night, no kidding, it really it was! The snow was coming down harder, and the wind was picking up, most sensible people were at home, but I was sitting in the parking lot of the White Castle, waiting for Kevin Waldron to arrive. I had this gnawing suspicion that this was going to go bad, he would not show, or it was some sort of a set up. I had been obsessed with the young jock for weeks, and Id finally gotten up the nerve to approach him after his wrestling tournament today. He remembered me from our little tryst in the locker room at the gym, and agreed to meet me, just to talk, but I was hoping it would lead somewhere.

At the appointed time, I saw his Jeep pull into the lot. He parked and got out, I was relieved to see he was alone, hopefully he wasn't setting me up for a beating, but I would be on my guard, just in case. I flicked my headlights, and he strolled over to my side of the SUV. I rolled down my window, and he peered in.

"Nice set of wheels" he said approvingly. I thanked him, and he suggested we go inside for a bite to eat. We walked into the restaurant together, I sized him up, he was about 4 inches taller and about 30 pounds heavier than I was, 30 extra pounds of muscle that is. I consider myself to be in very good shape, but compared to this stud I was nothing. The place was nearly deserted, so we ordered some food, and grabbed a seat in the corner. In the light I drank in the site of my idol, he was nicely dressed, hair neatly combed, with a very relaxed air about him, quite the contrast to the aggressive wrestler I'd seen at today's tournament. But I knew he was tough, and by the smug smile on his face, he knew he was tough as well. He ran his fingers through is dirty blond hair, then laid his massive hands flat on the table, and I remembered the saying about how you could judge the size of a man's cock by the size of his hands.

We chatted warily for a few minutes, he asked me my name, and we made some random small talk about food and the weather, all the while he was looking me over, like he was appraising me. I asked where his friend Jeff was? He chuckled and said Jeff was collecting his reward. I was puzzled and asked what he meant, but he just laughed and said he would explain later. After 5 minutes of this chatter, he got to the point.

"So, Steve, I was surprised to see you today, I don't think you came out here just because you like wrestling?

I smiled, "Well no, I like wrestling, but I really came to see you" "I've been thinking about, ever since that day in the showers"

His eyes narrowed and he stared at me. "Well I gotta say Steve, this is a little weird, you tracking me down like this, stalking me"

"Kevin, don't worry", I hastily explained. "I'm not a bad guy, I got your name off the Internet, and decided to come watch you wrestle, I'm not trying anything you don't want to try." "It's just that I can't stop thinking about us in the locker room, do you remember that?"

He chuckled, "Of course I remember it, isn't everyday I get a good blow-job, especially in the showers at a tournament"

I asked if he would be interested in a repeat performance. He seemed a bit puzzled, "Why me" he asked, "why not a guy back home, my own age?

I shyly proclaimed that I wanted him, because he was the best, and the biggest. He smiled smugly. "Well Steve, you've got balls, and good taste" I asked him if he was interested. He thought for a moment and then smiled "I'm not gay, but I like getting off, especially with no strings attached, you know what I mean?" I definitely did. He put down his glass and thought for a moment, then he continued. "I've got a good image around town, and I have to be on my best behavior, but a guy needs to get off, a lot, and I like to kick back and relax, without worrying about what's going to be said in the cafeteria next day. Lot's of girl's in high school want "commitment" and a "relationship" he said in a voice full of sarcasm, "But fuck, it's way to early for that shit, I wanna have a good time, you know" he said earnestly, looking me in the eye.

"Kevin," I replied, "I couldn't agree more, I like having a good time, and I value discretion, so I think we'll get along just fine"

He smiled and nodded, "Okay, it's a deal, but just so you know, I'm not gay, and some things I won't wanna do, so if I say no, we don't do stuff, okay? I nodded in agreement, he seemed to find it very important to insist that he was not gay, which didn't really matter to me, but it would seem slightly silly given the events that were to come.

We finished our food and left. As we stepped into the cold dark parking lot he stopped, " So how do we do this, do you wanna get in the car, or should we go somewhere?, he asked"

"Well," said I, " do you want to go to your place, or I have a room at the Diplomat Motor Lodge"

He looked at me very seriously and said, in a very firm voice. "We're not going to my place, my place is off limits" That was my first lesson in Kevin's rules, and as the months went by there would be other rules: he didn't allow any public displays of affection, he didn't allow me to meet him with his friends, and his home and his family was off limits; but of course, as I would discover, every rule has its exceptions.

He followed me to the motel, and we slipped inside. Once we were inside, he seemed to relax. We sat and talked. I asked him, curiously about his sexual experiences.

"That's a long story" he laughed, "I've got lot's of experience, of all kinds" He smiled his smug smile and puffed out his chest, flexing his muscles. I asked if he had done it with many guys. "Well, I'm not gay, but I've done a few things with guys, nothing really kinky, guys need to get off, and sometimes you need a friend to give you a hand. I've done a few circle jerks, sometimes me and a buddy would jerk each other off, just to help each other out". "If you can't get what you need, you take what you can get" I nodded my head understandingly as he continued, "I'm a big guy", he said gripping his crotch, "and when you're a big guy, you get a lot of attention, especially in the locker room! The guys on the team call me The Python, and everywhere I go, I get guys starring at me when I change. Now it's no big deal if a guy takes a second look, I've got a big cock and everyone wants a big cock, but some guys just keep staring. Sometimes, if a guy is really staring at it, I'll ask him if he likes what he sees, most guys get flustered and they usually take off, but a few times it's led to something."

"And you don't mind if it leads to something?" I asked.

"Sometimes, if the guy seems decent enough, not some fat old fart or some limp wristed homo, I'd let him do something, but most guys don't have the guts. But if there're willing to try it, and we can have a bit of privacy, I'll let him suck me off or jerk me off." He looked at me and smiled, "You definitely had guts back at the gym" He sat back on one of the beds and gripped his crotch.

"So how big is your monster" I asked. Being the cocky jock that he was he told me I should have measured it the last time. I laughed and said I forgot my tape measure. "Well" he said as he stood up and began to unbutton his shirt, "Be sure and take a good look at it this time" I moved over and began to undo his belt, but he pushed my hands away and stood up saying, "I'll do it by myself." I watched, totally entranced as he slowly undressed himself, and carefully folded each article of clothing and placed it on the table in a neat pile. The last item to be removed was his boxer shorts, which unveiled his thick cock, hanging limply between his massive thighs, even flaccid it was large and most impressive. Kevin stood there, his arms folded across his massive chest, his bulging muscles like a suit of armor, with that smug smirk on his face, as I quickly stripped off my clothes. "Oh no" said Kevin, "You have to fold you clothes neatly, like a good boy" I starred at him in disbelief, but he glared at me until I folded my clothes and put them on one of the beds, then he nodded approvingly. As I would discover in the coming months, Kevin had a few quirks, and one of them was neatness; he never discussed his parents much, but I gathered his mom was a neat freak.

Once I was undressed, I stood facing, about 2 feet apart, my knees shaking and my cock rock hard.

He looked me over and nodded his head. "You've got a good body, you must take care of yourself, but your cock looks weird."

I was surprised by this statement, and looked down at my cock, jutting out from my groin it looked perfectly alright to me. "What's wrong with it" I asked?

"It's all weird, the tip looks funny" he replied, wrinkling his nose with distaste.

I laughed, "It's uncircumcised, it has a foreskin, haven't ever seen one?"

"I've never seen one as weird as yours" he replied shaking his head. I laughed at his squeamishness, and jokingly said I'd give him a better look, but said that wasn't going to happen. He sat on the end of the bed, then looked at me, "Show me how good you are"

I went to the bed and knelt before him, he spread his legs to give me access to his cock. It was not hard, but it was beginning to thicken, no doubt he was excited.

I reached out and grabbed the massive tube of flesh in my hands, it was silky soft, but it quickly began to harden in my hand. I flicked the tip of my tongue over piss slit, and Kevin's cock sprang to life. I could see why his buddies called him The Python, his cock began to rise up, like you see in the movies about the snake charmers in India, it rose and soon was standing straight up, a perfect tower of flesh. Kevin gave a contented groan, as I teased the head of his cock with my thumb.

I savored the sight of my prize, Kevin's cock was a masterpiece; long, thick, unblemished, it stood straight and tall, with several thick veins to keep it engorged with blood. The pink head was somewhat larger than the shaft, but not too big, otherwise I'd never get it in my mouth. He had a small bush of dirty blond pubes, and a sparse sprinkling of blond hairs on his calves, but otherwise he was hairless. I placed my hands on his thick thighs and leaned forward, sniffing in the nice clean soap smell.

I stuck out my tongue and lightly teased the shaft, evoking a shudder from Kevin. Gently I explored his massive dong with my tongue, tracing a trail along some of the thick veins, and Kevin responded with gasps and groans, and his cock began to leak precum like a faucet. I took a deep breath, opened my mouth real wide, and forced myself down on his cock.

I jammed about 4 inches into my mouth and started gently sucking it.

"Fuck, yeah" bellowed Kevin, lifting his ass off the bed, and ramming 3 more inches of cock into my gullet. "Suck it, suck it good" he began to chat, as I gagged on the sudden intrusion. I gripped his tree trunk thighs and pushed him down, I didn't want him to choke me to death on our first date. "Easy stud, you've got a lethal weapon, be careful" I cautioned. "Keep going, keep going" he grunted through his clenched teeth.

I bobbed up and down rapidly, taking him as deep as I could. I glanced up at him, it was a beautiful sight; his magnificent torso was covered with a sheen of sweat, every muscle bulged as he tensed his body, he leaned back his arms spread behind him, his head thrust back, his perfect white teeth bared, his eyes tightly shut. That was one thing I would notice, in the weeks and months to come, Kevin usually kept his eyes closed, presumably because it would spoil the fun to look down and see another guy sucking his cock. I didn't really mind, he was having his fun, I was having mine.

I cupped his firm ass cheeks in my hands, and I began to knead them, but Kevin quickly let out a warning growl. "Leave my ass alone" he said menacingly, and I quickly withdrew my hands. I spat out his cock and looked up at him "What's wrong, you didn't mind it when we were in the shower" I said. "You didn't ask permission in the shower, I'm not queer, so don't play with my ass, got it?" he said quite firmly. I'd never figure this guy out, so I just said yes and started sucking him again, and he lay back down and resumed his contented groans.

Although I didn't think it was possible, his cock got thicker and seemed to lengthen, as his gasping and groaning intensified, which told me he was about to spew. He hadn't lasted 5 minutes, but then teenagers never last very long, at least during round one.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" he roared, as he pumped his hips up off the bed, and rammed his cock down my throat, lucky I'd had my tonsils out when I was 9, or otherwise I'd never have handled it. Kevin let out one last mighty roar, and I felt his cock pulsate in my mouth, and then he flooded me with cum. I'm very experienced, but damn, that boy nearly drowned me as spurt after spurt of cum flooded my mouth. He must have shot 8 copious spurts of his hot and salty cum into my mouth. I was slurping cum as fast as I could, but it dribbled out the side of my mouth. Gradually the flood subsided, and Kevin's gasping slowed to normal breathing. I continued to suck lightly on the head of his cock, which had not diminished much, despite the massive orgasm he had just had. Eventually he gave me a playful swat on the head, "Easy Steve, let's give it a rest for a bit"

He lay back on the bed and pulled himself up so that his head rested against the pillows. I got up off my knees, and crawled up beside him. This was a critical time, lots of straight guys get a little freaked out after they cum, realizing they have actually done something "gay", but Kevin seemed to be handling things just fine. He shook his head and laughed, I asked what was so funny?

"Why is it that the only time I get a good blowjob, it's from another guy?" he asked "Most girls are all teeth and hot air, and that's if you can get them to put it in their mouth" I've had about 10 guys suck me off, and all but one have been fantastic, why is that?" he asked quizzically. I was shocked at this statement, he'd had 10 guys suck him off, that was a way more than your average teenage experimentation!

"Well, Kev, only a man knows what a man likes." Girls don't have a cock, so they don't know how to make it feel good, but guys do."

He nodded in agreement, "Your probably right, but I don't have a pussy, and I've made lots of chicks feel good"

"You've seemed to be pretty experienced for such a young guy, and pretty open minded" I complemented him, "I'll bet you've got quite a few tales to tell?"

"You better believe it" he said proudly. "You're only on this earth for a short time, so you might as feel enjoy yourself" he said defiantly. "I'll settle down eventually, but I don't want to be one of these guys in their 40's thinking about the high school years, and wishing you'd had more fun, I'm living it to the hilt" He rolled onto his side facing me and propped himself up onto his elbow. "That's why I'm here with you, you made me feel good, so I came back for more" "Some guys are afraid to take some chances and have some fun, and they're the guys that end up wondering "what if" when they get older"

I smiled at him and slowly traced my finger up his muscular torso, pausing to tease his pert brown nipples, which caused him to stiffen and shudder.

"Oh fuck", he gasped, "you know what you're doing"

"You like?" I asked playfully

He closed his eyes and smiled, "Oh yeah, my tits are really sensitive. It's those straps on the singlet, they always rub against my tits when I'm wrestling. Between that and the cold air in the gym, there're hard all the time." I nodded and continued to tease them, not many guys his age realized the pleasure they could get from their nipples.

We continued our chat for about 20 minutes, and then I asked "So you've really had 10 guys suck you off?", eager to hear the details.

He thought for a moment, "Yeah, I thinks so, actually, I think you're number 11, Jeff was number 10"

I sat up in surprise. "Your little buddy Jeff is sucking you off?"

"Yeah, remember at the restaurant, when I said Jeff was collecting his reward?" I remembered, and I also remembered Kevin saying he would explain later. "Well Jeff isn't much of a wrestler, I try and teach him some moves, but he never seems to pick it up. Jeff's kinda goofy, he follows me around like a little puppy dog, and I try and look after him. His parents are idiots, his father is always away on business, and his mother spends all day reading the National Enquirer, so he looks up to me, like I'm the big brother he never had. Anyway, Jeff isn't a very good wrestler, and he's cost us a couple of tournaments, by fucking up his matches, and a lot of the guys were getting pretty pissed off at him. Jeff also has very little sexual experience, actually the blowjob you gave him in the showers was his first sex with something other than his right hand. He told me later that he kept thinking about you sucking him off, and he was afraid he was turning queer. He'd only won one match all season, and that was when the opponent got the flu and didn't show for his match. So I decided to try a little motivation, and I made Jeff a deal, I says, 'Jeff, if you win your next match, I'll get you laid with a girl, guaranteed, if you lose, your going to suck me off.' " Kevin was now lying on his back, hands behind his head, smiling as he reminisced. "Let me tell you Steve, Jeff was pretty pumped up for his next match" "He stepped on the mat and just flattened the guy, he actually pinned him, Coach couldn't believe it, none of the other guys on the team could believe it, but he won his match." "After he got changed, he reminded me about our agreement, he's all excited saying 'I won Kevin, I won, when do I meet the girl.' I'm a man of my word, so that night I took him over to Angela Hanson's, she's the Senior Year slut, I've fucked her, and so has most everybody in Greenville. I'd told her Jeff wanted to get laid, and I promised to give her a very good ride the next time I hooked up with her, so she went for it. Jeff is more excited than a kid on Christmas morning, he could hardly talk when we got there. They went upstairs, while I was in the rec room playing with her brother's X-Box. After about 15 minutes I hear her start screaming, and I'm like 'What the fuck is Jeff doing', then I start hearing crashing and banging and I figure I better go check it out. I go upstairs and I hear her screaming at him, calling him a little piece of shit and an asshole. So I figure Jeff's in trouble, so I bust in, he's crawling on the floor, trying to shield himself, she's standing over him, they're both naked, she's kicking him and slapping him. I drag her off him and I see she's got cum on her face and in her hair. It seems little Jeff got bit too excited when she started to suck him off, and he blew his load all over her. She got some in her eye, and apparently that stings. So I tell Jeff to get his clothes on and we got the hell out of there. Riding home he's like 'Kev, I didn't get laid, you promised' I told him he was lucky she didn't cut his balls off. He won his next match, and finally got a proper fuck out of Tanya Porter, I had him jerk off in the Jeep before we got to her place, so that he didn't shoot his load too soon.

He's definitely getting better at wrestling, and he's got way more confidence, so it's all good" I'd been laughing at Kevin's escapade, he definitely had a wild streak in him.

"So has Jeff lost any matches" I asked curiously?

"Yeah, a couple of times" said Kevin, "And, he hasn't enjoyed his punishment"

"You made your buddy suck you off"? I said incredulously

Kevin looked surprised, "Of course, a deal's a deal. What would be the point of letting him off the hook, he has to learn about the consequences of his mistakes." Kevin's speech sounded rather fatherly, but most fathers don't get blow jobs from their sons. "After he lost his match in Taylorsville, I brought him home to my place, we went up to my room and I turned up the music. He was being a big baby, saying how sorry he was, and saying please don't make me do this, but I didn't take any of his bullshit.

I dropped my jeans and whipped it out. He didn't do a very good job, he kept biting, but I shot my load, and he learned his lesson."

I was shocked that Kevin would force the kid to do this, but I was also very aroused by the thought of the little wrestler on his knees, servicing his studly teammate.

"You like that story" he asked, as he playfully slapped my hardening cock. "Your weird prick seems to like my story" he said laughingly.

"It's not weird, it's uncircumcised" I said in exasperation. "Don't they teach you anything in school?" I sat up and skinned back the foreskin. "See, it's normal, it just has a foreskin" I explained as I moved it back and forth. "You had one once, but your Mommy had the doctor chop it off when you were born."

"I'm glad she did, now I have an normal looking cock" he teased back.

"You don't know what your missing, it's very sensitive, makes sex more intense."

"Yeah right" he said dubiously

"No really, if a guy runs his tongue under the skin, or if I slide it back like this before I fuck a guy, the feelings just drive me wild" Kevin was now sitting up, cross-legged, facing me, and I watched with fascination as his right hand slowly reached out to my cock. He timidly grasped it between his thumb and index finger, then he began to toy with the foreskin. My cock stiffened from the attention and his face took on a look of fascination as he twisted and pulled on the skin, testing its limits. He was good, the boy definitely knew how to jerk off.

I must have gasped or something, cause he stopped playing with my dick and looked at me with concern. "Is it okay?" he asked innocently

"It's way better than okay" I said, "You've got good hands"

He chuckled, "All that jerking off is paying off"

I reached out and grabbed his stiff rod, returning the favor, which evoked a contented sigh from Kevin.

"Do you jerk off everyday?" he asked curiously

"Most day's I do, unless I have a heavy date" I replied. "What about you?"

He looked a bit sheepish, "Well I'm usually pretty horny, so I usually jerk off 3 times a day, sometimes more"

"More?" I asked incredulously

"Geez, Steve, you make it sound like I'm a psycho, I'm just horny and 17" Kevin said defensively.

"What's the most times in one day?" I asked as I quickened my strokes on his cock, and used my left hand to play with his silky golfball size balls.

He gasped at the intensity of the feelings he was having, then he answered "14 times in one day"

"Bullshit!" I said, giving his cock a squeeze.

"No really, it's true" He insisted earnestly. "Last summer, my folks went out of town to take my brother to a baseball tournament" "They left early in the morning, and I woke up to say goodbye when they left at 6 AM. Once I was up I figured I'd jerk off, so I did. After, I went out by the pool, since I was alone, I decided to go skinny dipping and after I swam I laid on the diving board soaking up a few rays, and well, one thing led to another and I jerked off a 2nd time, that was really cool, doing it on the diving board. When I went inside, I watched a porno and jacked off twice watching it, and well, I won't bore you with the details but by 11:30 PM I had jerked of 13 times, so I figured what the fuck, one more time. Probably wasn't the best idea I'd ever had, my dick was sore, it hurt when I pissed for a couple of days, and I was really tired, but it was a fun day."

While Kevin was regaling me with his summertime antics, he had taken a firmer grip on my cock and began to stroke. He continued to tease the foreskin with his thumb, and I quickened my strokes on his log-like cock. We stared into each other's eyes, Kevin's were somewhat glazed and unfocused as his breathing began to get ragged. My cock began to tingle as I drank in the sight of him starting to squirm and shake with the beginnings of another orgasm, and suddenly it was me who was cumming, squirting a big load onto Kevin's hand. I tightened by grasp and speeded the pace of my strokes and in a few seconds Kevin was spurting everywhere. I was amazed that he could spurt so much after having cum only about 30 minutes beforehand. He gasped and grunted while 5 thick spurts shot from his dick.

It was a few minutes before we came down from our sex high. Kevin held up his hand and said "You made a mess" I grabbed his hand and quickly licked it clean. Kevin obviously didn't return the favor, so I dodged into the bathroom to clean up. When I came out Kevin was tucking in his shirt, and getting ready to leave.

"Thanks Steve, I've got to get home, it's a school night you know." he said.

"Give me your number, I'll call you when I get a chance" I scribbled my number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. I asked for his number, but he just smiled "Aahh, I'll call you Steve, when I'm ready"

He put on his coat and turned to go, while I still stood there naked and somewhat disappointed. He held out his hand, "Thanks for tonight, I had a blast" He stood and looked me over, "How often do you work out" he asked?

I told him 3 times a week and he seemed impressed. "Maybe next time we can go to work out in the weight room at school, I've got my own key" I quickly agreed, thinking of the many interesting possibilities it offered. At that point Kevin departed into the cold and snowy night. I didn't feel like a long drive back home in the storm, so I got into the other bed, the one Kevin and I had been using was somewhat soaked in sperm. I lay awake for quite awhile, replaying the nights events over and over. I had finally done what I had been afraid to do, but now I wondered if I would see him again.

To be continued? Let me know what you think, vostock2@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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