Wrestling Tournament Locker Room Adventures

By Vostock 1

Published on Jan 1, 2005


Happy New Year to all. You had probably given up hope of ever seeing another chapter of this story, but after much toil here it is. I could give you a million excuses as to why it takes so long to crank out the chapters, but you probably wouldn't believe me. I hope you enjoy the chapter, and I hope you will drop me a line and let me know what you think of it. vostock2@hotmail.com

DISCLAIMER: The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between young males and older males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. Additionally, the actions of the characters in this story is no way intended to show approval of, or give sanction to, their actions.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

It was the Thursday morning after my latest tryst with Kevin, and I was fighting the rush-hour traffic on my way to work, when my cell phone began to ring. I fumbled with it and finally answered on the third ring.

"What took you so long" Kevin demanded loudly.

"Hey relax, I'm a bit busy" I replied

"I thought you'd never be too busy for me" he joked. "You should be waiting by the phone for me to call."

"Kevin, your inflated sense of self importance never ceases to amaze me"

"You're gonna pay for that" he growled. "Feel like working out tonight" he asked?

"You bet" I said excitedly.

"Hold on, Steve, get your mind out of the gutter" laughed Kevin. "I mean a real workout, in the gym, not the bedroom"

"Sure Kev, anything you want" I assured him, knowing that we might start in the gym, but we would likely end up in the bedroom

"Okay, come to my school at 7:30 PM and park in the rear lot, I'll meet you there." He instructed, "Bring some workout gear"

"I'll be there" I promised.

After work, I grabbed my gym stuff from home and headed down the road to Greenville. It was another cold night, and it started to snow, so I had to watch my driving. I arrived just before 7:30 and found the school all dark.

I pulled around into the back lot, mine was the only vehicle there. I sat there in silence, watching the snowflakes fall. It seemed a strange place to meet, where were we going to work out, the parking lot? I looked off in the distance and saw a figure approaching. It was someone jogging, and as the person passed under one of the lights, I recognized the unmistakable form of Kevin. He trotted up to the car and I rolled down the window.

"Did mommy and daddy take away your driving privileges" I teased.

"Fuck off" he snapped, "I do a 3 mile run every night." "Let's go" he said gesturing towards the darkened school.

I got out of the car and followed him towards the school, still a bit puzzled that we were going to work out in a locked school. Kevin seemed to sense my puzzlement, and he held out a set of keys that he jingled in front of me.

"The superstar always gets special privileges" he said as he unlocked the rear door to the gym. "Coach gave me my own set of keys, so I can use the weight room anytime I want to"

We moved into the darkened gym, Kevin went to a keypad and bypassed the alarm system, and then he flicked on a few lights. I followed Kevin in to the locker room, and he began to strip off his sweats. In the dim light, I watched Kevin unveil his magnificent body, and change into is workout gear, and then, true to form, he carefully folded his clothes. "Quit gawking and get changed, I haven't got all night" snapped Kevin. I got changed too, and then Kevin led the way into the weight room. We worked on the weights for about 45 minutes. I kept gawking at the young Adonis as he worked out, but Kevin was completely focused, he pushed himself to the limit. I was in awe of his strength, as I watched him strain and sweat as he lifted 75 pounds more than I could. When we finished we were both pumped and sweating. Kevin came over and patted me on the shoulder.

"Not too bad" he said, squeezing my arm, "Not bad for an old guy"

"Fuck you" I snarled in mock anger as I took a playful swipe at him.

"Oh no Steve" he laughed, "you won't fuck me, but I might fuck you, if you are good"

"Come with me" Kevin announced as he pulled me up from the weight bench.

"I usually do" I quipped, which prompted a mock slap to the head from Kevin and a warning to not goof around.

"I need a workout, the Glenfield Academy Invitational Meet is coming up soon, and I've got to be prepared."

We went into an adjacent room, whose floor was covered on wrestling mats.

"So Steve" asked Kevin, "You said you used to wrestle, were you any good?"

"Oh, I could hold my own" I replied cautiously

"Which means you weren't very good" laughed Kevin. "Well, I won't have to worry about straining myself wrestling you" Then he jumped into the wrestling stance and shouted "Let's go"

I actually had wrestled in high school, and I wasn't all that bad, but it had been 12 years, and I had never been as good as Kevin. The next half hour was a blur, as I was pummeled and tossed around the mats like a rag doll. I got the impression he was just playing with me, as he would occasionally allow me to get him into a semi-threatening hold, only to shake me off with ease and slam me back down to the mats. It wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't kept up a continuous chatter of taunts and insults about my skill, or lack of skill.

"Is that the best you can do" he would sneer; "Come on, can't you do anything better than that"; "You wrestle like a little girl", the insults never stopped, and neither did the beating I was taking.

The only benefit was that I had plenty of chances to put my hands on Kevin's body, and feel his bulging muscles. After half an hour I was sore, exhausted and humiliated. I lay on the mats gasping for breath and begged for mercy, but Kevin was unimpressed and wanted to go again.

"Come on Steve, you're not quitting yet are you?" I insisted I was done, but he yanked me to my feet and put one of his massive arms around my shoulders and pulled me close.

"How about I give you a little incentive" he whispered in my ear. "How about we do 5 more bouts, and if you can pin me once, I'll let you fuck me. I was jolted by Kevin's statement, and turned to look him in the eye.

"You must be joking" I said

But the way he looked at me, the way he stared at me with those beautiful blue eyes, I knew he actually meant it.

"I'm not kidding Steve" he said, as he reached out and grabbed my crotch. "If you pin my shoulders for one second, you can take your cock and slide it up my ass, my tight jock ass" He gave my cock a hard squeeze through my shorts, then asked "Do we have a deal"

"You got a deal" I replied in a bit of shock.

Kevin grinned and clapped his hands, "Let's go"

I must say Kevin gave me every advantage, he got on his hands and knees (a position I hoped to get him into back at the motel) and he let me yell "GO", but he was just too good. I got slammed and crushed into the mats, repeatedly. Normally I would enjoy rolling around the floor with a muscular young jock, but this was frustrating, I had a big chance and I was screwing it up. Kevin had won 4 of 5, so I decided to go for broke. I threw the rule book out the window, and got dirty. I punched him in the gut, I pulled his hair, I grabbed his balls, I even considered biting him, but that probably would have gotten me killed. We had grappled a bit, and Kevin twisted over onto his side, all I had to do was knock him onto his back and jump on top of him, and he'd be pinned. I sprang forward and hurled my entire body toward him-and I hit a solid wall, the wall that was Kevin. He didn't even flinch, instead he blocked me, drove his elbow into my midsection, and then tossed me right over his body and onto the mat. I landed hard and I got the wind knocked out of me. As I lay there gasping and trying to get my bearings, I could hear Kevin's laughter echoing throughout the gym.

"Way to go superstar" he taunted. "Even when you break all the rules you still can't win". He got to his feet, walked over to me, and stood there looking down at me with a big grin on his face. "You didn't actually think I was going to let you fuck me"? he asked incredulously

"We had a bet" I replied as I gingerly sat up and began feeling for broken bones.

"Yeah, right; a bet I knew I couldn't lose" he laughed. "I could beat you in my sleep." "Okay Hercules" he said sarcastically, "Let's hit the showers, I can't stay long, I've got homework to do." With that he strode off the mats toward the locker room without looking back. I took a deep breath and pulled myself up, amazed I could still actually walk, and hobbled after Kevin.

When I walked in to the locker room, I was stopped short, by the sight of Kevin's firm athletic butt, as he carefully folded his workout gear and placed it back in his locker. He grabbed some soap and shampoo, then stood and watched me undress. I grabbed a towel and walked towards the shower, only to be stopped by Kevin.

"Fold those clothes right" he growled, pointing to the pile of clothes on the bench. I trudged back and folded my workout gear, and after receiving an approving nod from Kevin, we entered the shower room.

Kevin turned on about 8 shower heads, which soon enveloped the room in clouds of steam. He began to scrub his muscular torso, and I started to wash myself. The hot water felt good against my aching body, and I stood there soaking up the warmth and let myself relax. I don't know how long I had been standing there when I felt Kevin's hands lightly touch my shoulders. I stiffened involuntarily, and I heard Kevin's deep voice telling me to relax.

He had a bar of soap in his hand and he began to wash my body, gently moving his hands across my torso, lathering me up. For such a large man with such big hands, Kevin was amazingly gentle. He ran his hands over my body, gently washing me, my chest, my back, my arms and my legs, every inch of my body was gently caressed by this big handsome jock.

"Are you okay" he asked shyly as he gently massaged the soles of my left foot. "I hope I didn't really hurt you, sometimes I get a little carried away"

"No problem Kevin" I murmured in a bit of a blissful daze.

My cock was fully erect, and since Kevin had squatted down to wash my feet, it was staring him in the face. I desperately hoped he would suck on it, and I hunched my hips outward, pushing my dick towards his mouth. But Kevin playfully swatted it away and laughed.

"Oh no you don't" he said as he stood up. "I don't suck dick, Steve, you know that" Kevin grabbed my shoulder and steered me into the locker room, and at that point I noticed that his big dick was fully hard and jutted out from his groin like the gun from a battleship.

When we entered the locker room Kevin pushed me towards the bench, and ominously announced that now he wanted to have a little fun. He rummaged inside his locker and pulled out a container of Vaseline. I offered him the tube of lube I always carried, it was better than the Vaseline, but Kevin said he used Vaseline to jerk off, and he, "liked the feel of it"

"You better get yourself ready" he said handing me the Vaseline. I dipped my fingers into the oily gel and began spreading it on my butt, and plunging 2 fingers into my fuckchute, lubricating it for Kevin's rampant cock which would soon be pistoning in and out of me.

Kevin stood there like a statue, his massive cock jutting out from his muscular body, the web of veins engorged with blood. I could see the lust in Kevin's eyes as he watched me finger my ass.

"Okay, Steve, I'm horny tonight, so straddle the bench and hang on tight" he said, practically panting with lust.

I handed the Vaseline to Kevin and he quickly coated his massive rod and moved behind me. I straddled the bench, spreading my legs wide, and I leaned forward, exposing my butt to Kevin.

I felt his thick cockhead poking at the entrance to my hole, as he probed around, trying to find the entrance to the garden of pleasure. It only took him a second to find it, then I felt the sharp pain as he plunged in.

"Aw fuck" we both bellowed at the same time, but for different reasons.

Kevin was kind enough to pause for 5 seconds and let me adjust to the massive cock in my ass, but then he impatiently plunged forward. As many times as I would take Kevin's cock, and there would be many in the coming months, the first few strokes were always painful, but soon the pain would give way to pleasure, as the well-built jock began the slow in and out postponing, caressing every nerve in my love canal with his thick 10 inch cock.

All the girls and women Kevin had fucked must have taught him a few lessons, because he was definitely a master at fucking. Most teen guys are so excited they ram it in, pump in and out like maniac, half of them accidentally pull their cock out when they withdraw too far, and then they cum in less than 2 minutes, but not Kevin, he always gave me quite a ride. He was a master a varying his strokes, fast little rabbit punches which invariably stroked my prostate, or long lazy strokes pulling almost out, but not quite, then slowly boring its way back into my colon, and all the while he would grind his hips in a circular motion. In no time at all, I had forgotten the pain of the intrusion and I reveled in the glorious fucking I was receiving.

Kevin was mostly silent, save for some incoherent groans and gasps as he sunk into the depths of my ass, again and again. I added to his pleasure, by clenching and unclenching my muscles, massaging his cock even more.

"Oh man, this is so good" Kevin moaned. He increased the pace of his strokes as he spoke. "It feels so good". I had tried to balance on one hand, so that I could stroke my own needy cock, but the pounding that Kevin was administering was tossing me about like a rag doll and I needed both hands to steady myself.

The room was silent, save for our panting breath, the relentless squishing sound of Kevin's cock sawing through my guts, and the steady slapping of his hips against my ass. Soon Kevin grew louder, his thrusts speeded up, and I knew his release was approaching. All too soon he was loudly groaning obscenities as he spewed a copious load into my guts. There was a brief pause as he caught his breath, then there was a loud slurping as he withdrew. I straightened up and turned to see Kevin staring at his softening, slime covered, cock. He looked up at me and gave me a big grin "I guess we need another shower" he said cheerfully and then he turned and walked back into the shower room.

I hoped for another slow gentle shower, but I was disappointed. I guess Kevin had unloaded his balls for the day, so there was no need for pleasantries. He scooted back under the water and quickly commenced scrubbing his body. I moved towards him, figuring I could return the favor and wash him this time, but he wasn't interested.

"Oh no, playtime is over" he said firmly. "Hurry up and get washed, I've got to get going" I quickly washed myself, and then we shut off the water and dried off.

Kevin quickly got back into his clothes, and kept urging me on. "Come on, I've got two homework assignments, I can't wait all night. I hurriedly changed, then Kevin shut off the lights and I followed him out. He locked up and then walked back to the parking lot with me.

"Thanks for tonight, I really needed some relief" he said earnestly. "All the assignments and the practices, and the meets are really stressing me out, this wrestling meet at Glenfield Academy is the biggest thing in the state. Everybody in town is wanting us to win it, and recruiters from all the big colleges are going to be there, if we win that, they're going to be breaking down the door to recruit me." I looked at Kevin, he seemed so manly and mature, but listening to him talk like this, you remembered he was still just a teenager.

"Well Kevin" I said patting him on the shoulder, "I've got a feeling you'll do well, your one of the best wrestlers in the state."

"Yeah, I'll be okay" he agreed, "but it is important for the whole team to well." "The winning school gets to keep the trophy for the year, and each member of the winning team gets their own personal trophy" I shook his hand and wished him well, and Kevin jogged off home through the swirling snow, declining my offer of a ride.

I hopped in to my vehicle and looked at the clock, it wasn't even 9:30 PM yet. It had been fun with Kevin, but I hadn't gotten to dump my load, I guess that was going to have to wait until I got home. I drove out of the lot and headed towards the interstate. As I approached the on-ramp I saw flashing lights, the state police had a road block up. As I pulled up a trooper approached and explained the interstate was closed, a tanker truck had flipped over and there were toxic chemicals leaking. He directed me to take Highway 15 through Jefferson, I could back on the interstate there. I cursed as I drove on, that would add time to my trip, especially in this crappy weather. Fortunately there was little traffic and I cruised on through to Jefferson. As I drove past the mall, I stopped for a light, and a person crossed in front of me. He was wearing a hooded sweat shirt, and he had on a school letter jacket. As he walked in front of my headlights he glanced towards me, and I instantly recognized him, it was Jimmy Adams, the young wrestler I'd scored at the Jefferson High School.

I honked the horn, which caused him to turn and give him a one finger salute, followed by a very loud "Fuck you, asshole." I laughed and pulled up to the curb, rolling down the window. "Jimmy" I called out, "that's not a very nice way to greet an old friend"

He walked over and looked in the car. His eyes bulged as he recognized me. "Oh shit, Steve, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you" he said apologetically.

"No problem, Jimmy" I said cheerfully "Hop in, and you can give me an extra special apology"

To be continued?

Once again I'm sorry for the long gaps between chapters, I can only write when I'm not busy or stressed out, and that rarely happens. I'm going to keep plugging away at this, as long as you folks want to read it. Give me your feedback, I want to know what you think. Vostock2@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 7

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