Wrestling Tournament Locker Room Adventures

By Vostock 1

Published on Dec 3, 2005


They say good things come to those who wait, and you have definiely waited a long time.

This is part 8 of the Wrestling Tournament Locker Room Adventures. It took a long time because I wanted to make sure I got it right, I hope you are satisfied with the results.

Special thanks to Warrior who assisted with the writing of the wrestling scenes, the chapter never would have been completed with out him. Let's give him a round of applause for his hard work!

Please let me know what you think, your feedback is important to me. My e-mail is vostock2@hotmail.com and I always like to hear from fans, or people with some constructive criticism.

DISCLAIMER: The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between young males and older males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. Additionally, the actions of the characters in this story is no way intended to show approval of, or give sanction to, their actions.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

I was driving through Glenfield and, as I looked at the magnificent mansions that I was passing, I wondered what it must be like to be ultra-rich. Sure, I did well, but the opulence of Glenfield was in a totally different world. As you drove out of the city, you went through various neighborhoods, some that were rundown, some that were full of new subdivisions, and then you came to Glenfield. The houses were well more spread apart, on large lots, with manicured lawns and towering trees, often with fences and gates to keep out plebeians like me. When you got a glimpse of some of the houses, you instantly wondered how anyone got the money to afford that kind of palace. How long would I have to work to afford one of those 34 room castles? And then you came to Glenfield Academy.

Glenfield Academy was where the rich and powerful sent their boys to be educated. It was in the center of the enclave, set well back from the road on a hill, surrounded by a brick and wrought iron fence, the kind with spikes on the top, to really keep the riff-raff away. The campus took up several acres, with the main building, several dormitories, and an athletic complex at the back. The massive limestone buildings, with a clock tower in the center, were very imposing, and were nicely complemented by the well treed and manicured grounds. Here the sons (the daughters went to Benton Hall, a few miles away) of the powerhouses of industry and commerce, studied hard, played harder, and made the connections that would help them move up and succeed in the world their fathers inhabited. You could not help but have a sense of awe when you saw the place, it was a totally different world.

Glenfield Academy was well known in the state as the prestige private school, and while there was great focus on academic pursuits, it also had a very good reputation for athletics. Glenfield's swimming, baseball, and especially wrestling teams were always contenders for the state championships. It always seemed to surprise people that a genteel place like Glenfield Academy even had a wrestling team, never mind a top ranked wrestling team, but they shouldn't have been surprised. Wrestling allows a man to be aggressive, to dominant his opponent, to use strategy and skill to stalk and defeat your prey; all things that serve a man well in the cutthroat world of business that these teens would enter in a few years. I had had a few encounters with Glenfield boys in the past, and they had proven to be top-notch sex partners, without the hang-ups a lot of guys have, most likely because at an all-boy school gay sex is more common and not stigmatized . I smiled to myself as I thought about my flings with Tristan, Matt and Jason, 3 guys from Glenfield's hockey team, although they were now off at university. I wondered what they were up to these days?

It was a Friday afternoon , and I was arriving to watch the Glenfield Academy Invitational Wrestling Tournament, one of the must-see events of the wrestling season. The leaders of each division of the state wrestling federation, and some of the other prominent private schools from adjoining states would be there, all competing for the Jerome Trophy, a huge silver trophy the size of a coffee table, the holy grail of state wrestling. One of those competing today would be Kevin Waldron, my clandestine fuck buddy, and I would be there to cheer him on.

Kevin was a very focused athlete and I knew he would not want to be disturbed or distracted during an important tournament, so I would be discretely at the back watching and cheering. Kevin had not contacted me for a while, he was concentrating on the tournament, which might prove to be the most important of his wrestling career. The Glenfield Tournament was very well known in wrestling circles, and it would attract scouts from all the major colleges. Guys you saw wrestling at the Glenfield Tournament often went on to NCAA careers, and Olympic glory. The team's competing today were quite a mixture, from rundown inner city schools, exclusive private schools like Glenfield Academy, and hard scrabble rural schools; the only thing they had in common was wrestling.

I arrived at Glenfield and was waved into a distant parking lot by a security guard, and then followed signs to the athletic building. The route was well marked and there were more security guards pointing you in the right direction, I guess they didn't want any outsiders wandering around the grounds. I entered a large auditorium and took in the sights of a wrestling tournament. The fans were spread out in the stands, you could tell by their attire who was from the poorer schools and who was from the private schools.

The fans clustered into groups from each school, and usually there were several wrestlers lounging in the area, chatting with friends and family, or catching a quick nap between matches. When I scanned the crowd I saw a couple of faces I recognized, NCAA wrestling coaches, here to scout the best wrestlers in the state. I recognized Hodge McClaren the legendary coach of Southern Ohio State, and Glen Terpak, the coach of Iowa Methodist University. I had arrived a little late, and the matches were already underway, with four mats set up in the auditorium, so there was always someone wrestling. Tournaments are always noisy and chaotic; the screaming fans, the shouts from the coaches, the constant squawk of the PA system announcing match results or calling people up for their matches, not to mention the non-stop grunting and thumping coming from the mat.

I took a seat high up in the stands and drank it all in. They had the heat cranked up in the auditorium, so I savored the aroma of sweaty teen wrestler, the most fragrant cologne there is. I scanned the crowd and spotted the Greenville team. Kevin was pacing like a caged lion behind one of the benches, there was an open space around him, nobody wanted to get in his way. From a distance I could see the intensity on his face, he was pumping himself up for his match, totally focusing himself on his mission--winning. Kevin looked particularly impressive today, his muscular torso was perfectly displayed by his tight singlet, and he stood tall and proud, like a soldier. You could see the affect Kevin had on others, everyone was taking a close look at him as he paced up and down, most of the females, and a few of the males, were drinking in the sight of this hot muscular teen. A few minutes later they called Kevin's name and he strode confidently out into the mat.

Kevin's opponent was a big black guy from and inner city school, he looked tough, but Kevin looked tougher. Once the match started, it was quite apparent that this level of competition was much higher than other matches I had seen Kevin in. Previously Kevin barely worked up a sweat before pinning his opponent, but this guy put up a real fight, pulling off several reversals and escapes, before Kevin could pin him late in the match. It was awesome to watch, two built teens, every muscle straining, teeth clenched, sweat pouring from their bodies, as the were wrapped in a muscular embrace. When it was over, Kevin stood there sucking in lungfuls of air, every muscle bulging, his 6 pack abs visible through his singlet, his massive pecs straining against the straps. The crowd gave Kevin a big cheer, and he smiled and waved, and gave his opponent a friendly pat on the shoulder. Kevin was mobbed teammates, one of whom made a rude gesture at the opposing teams bench, only to receive a quick jab in the chest from Kevin, whose glare made it quite clear that un-sportsman like behavior such as that was out of line. The kid immediately shrank away from Kevin and sat back on the bench.

Once the tumult died down they called out the next group of wrestlers, and one of them was Kevin's buddy Jeff. I had spotted Jeff sitting on the bench earlier, he seemed to be staring off into space, like he was hoping no one would notice him. He slowly rose and adjusted his headgear and stretched a bit, presumably stalling for time. Kevin went to his side and put his arm around him, whispering something in his ear, which prompted a weak smile from Jeff. He trotted out onto the mat and met his opponent, a tall gangly kid from Eaton Prep, another swanky private school. It wasn't a pretty match, Jeff got by a small points, a single leg takedown here, a reversal there, never a brilliant move. The other kid wasn't much better, he would takedown Jeff, but couldn't hold him, and Jeff would squirm away with an escape. It definitely wasn't high caliber competion, but it was enough for Jeff to win, and he was delighted. Kevin gave him a big hug, and he and Jeff seemed to be sharing a little joke about something.

The day rolled on, and I practically OD'd on all the eye candy--muscular teens everywhere. I watched the wrestling matches, but mostly I watched the wrestlers, especially Kevin. The guy from Greenville who had made the rude gesture after Kevin's match lost 2 matches in a row, he was pinned both times. One guy used a standing lat whip to slam him to the mat, the pinned him with a front end lock, he never knew what hit him. In his next match the guy took him down with a cross ankle takedown while he was still standing, then he quickly pinned. The guy was totally useless as a wrestler, he had no business wrestling against most of these guys. He was muscular, and he would have been considered handsome had it not been for his monobrow and crooked nose. Kevin was royally pissed at him for losing, but the guy simply wasn't a good wrestler. Later in the afternoon, I was daydreaming about a cute red-haired 135lb wrestler when they called a familiar name, Kyle Staunton. Kyle was a cute blonde wrestler from a remote rural part of the state, I had met him (and fucked him) on the same day I had first met Kevin. It had been a few months, but he looked great, and he didn't have a twisted ankle today, so I would get to see him actually wrestle. His opponent was a cute auburn haired guy from Glenfield, he was nicely built and he looked like he could hold his own.

There was a bit of a delay when the referee stepped over to the time keepers table to discuss something, so Kyle and the other kid stood there face to face for a couple of minutes. Kyle's opponent was taller and quite wiry, compared to Kyle's shorter, beefier frame. Both boys were very cute, Kyle with his pale blue eyes and mop of shaggy blond hair, while his opponent had short auburn hair and beautiful brown eyes. Kyle leaned close to the other guy and said something to him, which brought a startled look to his face. He looked a bit flustered and said something to Kyle, who merely grinned and nodded his head-I assumed it was a bit of pre-match trash talk. The guy looked around, as if to see if anyone could hear them, then he spoke again to Kyle. He paused for a moment, then he grinned and nodded his head, and then the ref finally showed up and they began the match.

It turned out to be one of the best matches of the day, two evenly matched wrestlers going at it with everything they had. I wondered if Kyle's comments had something to do with it? The match seesawed back and forth, just when one guy would almost have his opponent pinned there would be a reversal and the battle would begin anew, with almost everyone in the auditorium was watching the match. I thought Kyle was sunk at one point, the guy had him in a half nelson and was moving in for the kill, but Kyle bridged his way out of it and escaped. Despite their pretty boy looks, they wrestled with a desperate savagery, as if their very lives depended on winning this match. The crowd loved, roaring with excitement as the two teens battled it out. There were no pins during the match, and since the action had been so fast and furious it was hard to keep track of the points.

When it was finally over the 2 combatants were exhausted and drenched in sweat, and the audience gave them wild cheers and applause. We all waited with baited breath, until they announced the winner, it was Kyle! The ref raised his arm, the crowd roared, and Kyle broke into a wide grin, while his opponent's face fell. Kyle waved to the crowd and embraced his opponent, and paused to whisper something into his ear. The guy nodded to Kyle with a sheepish look on his face, and he quickly jerked his head toward the eastside of the auditorium, where the emergency exit was. Kyle gave him a smug smile, then scampered off to do the ritual handshaking, then scampered back to his own bench, to be mobbed by his teammates. The other guy went back to his bench, but after a few minutes of speaking with his coach, he wandered over towards the exit, pretending to be casual, he looked carefully around to see if anyone was watching him, but he didn't realize I was closely observing his every move. When he left, I cast my gaze over to where Kyle's team was, and I saw that Kyle was gone. Suddenly it all became clear--there had been a little bet between Kyle and the kid from Glenfield Academy, that's why they were wrestling so fiercely, and unless I missed my guess, the Glenfield wrestler was now paying his debt. I rose from my seat and began moving towards the exit, if I was lucky I might see some action that was more interesting than a wrestling match.

I strolled out of the auditorium through the exit the Glenfield kid had used, and found myself in an empty hallway. Kyle and the other guy were nowhere to be seen, but in the distance I heard a door close, so I headed that way. I went down the hallway and heard muffled voices from behind a door. The hallway had empty classrooms, with small windows in the doors, so I crept up and peeked in the window. Unfortunately the window was almost totally covered with a notice about Spanish tests, and I could only see a thin slice of the room, but what I saw made me want to see more. I could see Kyle's back, and he seemed to be pulling down the straps of his singlet.

I cursed the poor view, but as I looked up and down the hall I had an idea. Many schools have the classrooms positioned back to back, with an office or supply room in the middle. I went down the hall and tried a few doors, finding the classroom east of the room Kyle and the Glenfield guy were in was unlocked, I went in and found the door to the office room at the back. I eased open the office door and saw that the door into the next classroom, the one Kyle was in, was partly open, so I crept closer. I paused and listened to the conversation, and I recognized Kyle's farm boy twang.

"Is this place okay, ain't nobody gonna walk in on us?" he asked

"Everyone is either gone or watching the wrestling, and I locked the door" assured his opponent.

"Did you check that backroom" Kyle asked? I froze when I heard this, there was no way to hide in the room.

"Don't worry, there's no one there, the teachers are all gone" said the other guy.

"Well alright" said Kyle, " I guess you know what you have to do"

"I can't believe we're doing this, you must be crazy to bet a guy a blow job in the middle of a wrestling mat."

"I'm not crazy, just like to make life interesting" said Kyle.

"Are you sure you want to do this, we can do something else" said the other guy.

Kyle guffawed "Oh no, I didn't make a deal, just so youse could weasel out, now open wide. Unless you want to bend over the desk and let me fuck you?"

"No, no, I don't do that" stammered the Glenfield kid, "I'll suck, but no way will I let you fuck me"

"Well alright, here it is" drawled Kyle, "Get to work"

There was silence, then I heard a big sigh from Kyle, followed by rapid slurping sounds.

I took a chance and peered around the doorway. Kyle was sitting on a desk, leaning back on his elbows, his singlet peeled down to his knees, with the Glenfield guy down on his knees, bobbing up and down on Kyle's fat cock. Damn, Kyle was hot, leaning back with his eyes closed, a big smile on his face, his sweaty torso glistening and showing every muscle. The Glenfield boy was bobbing up and down on Kyle like a piston, no doubt trying to bring Kyle off as quickly as possible, to end his humiliation.

"Oh yeah, boy, you're good" murmured Kyle, "If you wrestle as good as you suck, you'd be a champion" "You must do this a lot?"

"Very funny" said the other guy, coming up for some air. "It's an all guy school, so we help each other out" he explained, while licking the head of Kyle's cock "Some of the guys take it too far, they want to fuck you, and other stuff, but I don't do that, that's too queer"

"Well, don't knock it till you try it" said Kyle, and the kid resumed sucking him off.

Soon Kyle was groaning and thrusting his fat dick up into the kids mouth, and then he let loose, blasting his cum into the loser's mouth.

The sucker was good, he didn't flinch and slurped loudly, taking Kyle's load.

"Well thanks buddy, you're a man of your word" said Kyle, standing up and pulling up his tights.

"I don't suppose you'd care to return the favor?" the kid said a bit sheepishly.

"Uh uh, you lost boy, you get nothing" said Kyle adamantly. "Maybe one of your buddies will help you out"

The kid looked a bit dejected but he merely nodded, then Kyle seemed to have a change of heart.

"Aww, you look so cute, I can't break your little heart. Hop up here with me, I'll get you off" said Kyle.

"Yesss!" exclaimed the Glenfield boy. There was some rustling and shuffling, followed by a deep groan.

I peeked around the corner again, Kyle was sitting on the desk with his legs spread, the Glenfield kid was sitting between his legs, getting a hand job from Kyle. Kyle's free hand was roaming all over the kids ripped torso, while he planted little kisses on his shoulders. The kid was leaning back with his eyes closed, lost in the bliss of the moment. It only took a couple of minutes, then he was squirming and groaning, and shooting his load onto the floor.

They sat there for a few moments, savoring the afterglow of the moment, the only sound was their gasping breaths as they calmed themselves.

"That was awesome, you really know how to jerk a guy off." Complimented the Glenfield kid as he stood up and began to dress himself.

"It must be all the practice I get milking cows" chuckled Kyle.

"Really, you're a farm kid," said the Glenfield boy, with a hint of shock in his voice.

"Yup" drawled Kyle, "guess you've never slummed it with a poor farm boy"

I laughed to myself, the snobby rich kid didn't mind sex with another guy, but he did seem to mind that Kyle was from the "working class".

The boys made themselves presentable, and they walked out of the room, checking first to make sure the hallway was clear.

Once they were gone I could finally breathe, that had been a very erotic experience. Watching two teens in action, just enjoying a bit of sex play, was more thrilling than most porn flicks.

I walked back to the gym, I wanted to talk to Kyle, or maybe his opponent, but fate seemed to keep conspiring against me, Kyle immediately joined his buddies in the bleachers, while the Glenfield kid went and sat with a man and a woman, I presumed to be his parents. I was slightly amused that the boy could engage in sex with another boy, then, less than 5 minutes later, he was sitting talking with his parents--if only they knew.

The afternoon progressed, matches were won and lost, fans cheered, wrestlers sweated and grunted, all was good in the world. Kevin won his matches, and progressed towards the finals of his weight class, Jeff also won his matches, much to everyone's amazement. Before each match, Kevin would take Jeff aside, put his arm around him and whisper some advice in his ear, then send him out to the mat with a swat on the butt. When I'd previously seen Jeff, he always had this goofy grin on his face, like a dumb little kid, now he had this intensity about him, a mixture of fear and steely determination.

I knew of Kevin's "incentive" program, and no doubt for a tournament as important as Glenfield Academy there were big incentives, for both winning and losing. Whatever Kevin's method's were, they worked, because by the end of the afternoon Jeff was scheduled for the finals of his weight class.

The Greenville team was in good position to take the tournament trophy, they would have had it all sewn up, were it not for the monobrow guy who kept losing in spectacular fashion, despite his strutting around like he was the world champion, this guy was so bad my grandmother could have pinned him. He would get pinned every time and then when he would walk back to the bench he would be grinning and joking with some of the others, as if he thought he had won. He had a buddy who wasn't much better, a cute brown haired, kid who won his first match, but lost all the others. The guy was a 155lb wrestler, and he was very cute, but very hairy, a coating of brown hairs on his arms and legs, and pelt of hair on his muscular chest. It was a bit odd to see a kid with a cute and innocent face, but the hairy muscular body of a man. This kid seemed to be a bit of an asshole, he refused to shake the hand of an Asian kid who had pinned him and started walking away from him, until he saw his coach and Kevin glaring at him, then he went back and gave a lame handshake. He got told off good and proper by the coach when he returned to the bench.

The finals started in reverse order, from heaviest to lowest weight class. Kevin strode onto the mat, his face full of calm determination, his opponent was a big hulking guy from Harwood Park, a middle class suburb of the state capitol. They stood trying to stare each other down, while the ref did is pre-match talk, then they went at it. The first minute was a very even match, then there was a period break and the Harwood guy got on the bottom. Kevin quickly broke him down and got him into a crossface cradle, a very painful move for his opponent. The guy struggled gallantly, every muscle straining, but Kevin was relentless and he pinned him quickly. The crowd roared as Kevin's arm was raised in triumph. That started off a good afternoon for the Greenville team, they took 6 weight classes, but so did Glenfield Academy.

The last match was the 125lb weight class, Jeff's weight class. Poor Jeff, the hopes of his entire school rested on his shoulders. He looked very scared, as if he was going to vomit, everyone in the auditorium was watching him, everything depended on him. As always, Kevin was there with his arm around Jeff, offering advice and encouragement. Watching the two of them together really aroused me. Kevin was about a foot taller, and almost 100lbs heavier than Jeff, and Jeff had black hair and a pale complexion, compared to the blond and tanned Kevin. Both guys were totally ripped and muscular, Jeff had been working out with Kevin for months, and the results were very obvious. I realized that, although, Kevin looked older than 18, he was actually younger than Jeff, who looked 14 or 15.

Kevin did his best to get Jeff calmed down and focused for his big match, and Jeff marched out onto the mat accompanied by the cheers and applause of his teammates. Looking back, it was probably the best match Jeff ever fought, he kept his opponent tied up and was ahead on points, but he was not able to pin him. The crowd was yelling and screaming, the Greenville team was going wild, if Jeff could hang on he would win, and Greenville would win the tournament. He could have done it, had he not tried an arm bar pin, a stupid showboat move, which he messed up, and it cost him, cost him dearly. His opponent, had not tired during the match, and he quickly grabbed Jeff in a front end lock, and sent him crashing to the mat, and then he quickly pinned a stunned Jeff. The slap of the refs hand on the mat, echoed like a pistol shot, as if to put Jeff out of his misery. Still flat on his back, he shot a helpless glance towards Kevin, as if he was beseeching him for help, or mercy? The mood of the Greenville team deflated like a burst balloon, one moment they were jubilantly anticipating victory, the next moment they were horrified losers, and it was all Jeff's fault. The Greenville coach went ballistic, Kevin's face was transformed into a look of rage, the other teammates were all giving Jeff hateful looks, and there was nothing he could do. If he had lost a hard fought match, they might have given him some support, but he had been goofing around, trying to pull a fancy move, and he had blown it.

The award ceremony was an unpleasant ordeal for the Greenville team, they watched the Glenfield team captain accept this huge trophy, and each Glenfield wrestler got a very nice trophy. It must have burned quite deeply, to know that they could have been the one's getting those nice trophy's, were it not for Jeff's screw-up. They just stood there, with scowls on their faces, Jeff was practically in tears, I wondered if they would ever forgive him? I could see some of the team exchanging angry words with Jeff, while he seemed to be pleading for mercy. Jeff went to Kevin to say something, but Kevin refused to even speak to him, and he turned away. Eventually everyone began filing out of the auditorium, and I joined them, but I didn't leave the building, I thought it might be worthwhile to look around.

I walked down by the locker rooms, wrestlers were starting to leave, there were a lot of people wandering around, so I blended right in with the crowd.

I saw Kevin standing in the hallway, people kept coming up to him, offering a few words of encouragement and a pat on the shoulder, like mourners comforting the bereaved at a funeral. From the look on Kevin's face, I think he would have been happier at a funeral. While his back was turned, I walked up and extended my hand. When he turned around he started to shake hands before he realized it was me.

"You wrestled great out there Kevin" I said congratulating him.

He started when he realized it was me, but he quickly recovered his composure.

"Why thank you, sir, it's nice of you to say that. It's too bad the team didn't do better" he replied with mock seriousness.

"Don't sweat it, you were awesome, you'll be State champ for sure, you should be very proud of your self" I enthused

He gave me a slight smirk "Cut the bullshit, Steve" he whispered so no one could hear us. "I feel the need to unwind a bit, after all my hard training, can you visit on Saturday? "

I smiled and assured him I would definitely like to visit.

"Good, I can spend the night, so once you check into the motel, come meet me at the school gym at 9:30 on Saturday night. I'll leave the side door open for you."

I grinned and said "I'll be there for sure"

He smiled and turned to leave, "It's going to be special, you'll see"

Just before 9:30 on Saturday night, I carefully pulled into the back lot of Fremont High in Greenville, it was deserted. I crept up to the door and pulled it open. The gym was dark, there was no sign of Kevin. I checked around and could not find him, so I went towards the locker rooms, and heard the distant roar of running water. I walked in, and stopped dead in my tracks, there were two sets of clothes, carefully folded on the bench, someone was with Kevin. I wasn't sure what to do, this was not part of the plan, who was with Kevin? I heard voices from the shower room, inaudible over the running water. I snuck up and peeked around the corner.

They had several showers going, enveloping the room in clouds of steam. Kevin was standing with his back to the wall, his muscular body looking sexy as ever, and little Jeff was on his knees, vainly trying to stuff Kevin's thick 10 inch cock into his mouth. He spat out Kevin's cock and looked up with pleading eyes.

"Please Kevin, I can't suck it all, it's too big"

"Your not even trying, just like when you wrestle" retorted Kevin, as he grabbed his cock and pushed it back into Jeff's mouth. "You know the deal, you win you get a nice surprise, you lose, you get an unpleasant surprise. Tonight, is your surprise night, little buddy, so get back to work"

I watched in amazement as Jeff tried to swallow the huge python like cock, making slurping and gagging noises which added to the drama. Kevin had his hands on Jeff's head, gently fucking his mouth with his oversized prick. He happened to glance up and he saw me standing in the doorway.

"It's about time you got here, we started without you" he said with a big grin Jeff spat out Kevin's cock and turned to look at me in shock. Kevin gave him a pat on the head and said, "You remember Steve don't you, he's here for your surprise" Jeff could only gawk at me in disbelief.

"Don't just stand there, come on in and join the fun" Kevin said in a sly tone. He shoved his cock back into Jeff's mouth "Back to work little buddy, your night is just starting"

I quickly began to peel off my clothes, this was certainly going to be some night!

The End, for now.

Well, that's it for this chapter. Please write and let me know what you thought about it, feedback is the fuel that keeps me going, write me at vostock2@hotmail.com This chapter took a long time, because of some personal issues, and I needed help with the wrestling scenes, and I got that from by buddy Warrior, an actual wrestler, who was a huge help in getting this done. I'll start work on the next one soon, but there is no telling when I will have it done, as you know, it takes time to do it right. I'll let you know when it is ready.

Next: Chapter 9

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