Writers Block

By Bradford Dean Bigelow

Published on Sep 3, 2005


The following story is a work of fiction set in the format of reality. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental in nature, and is not meant to accurately reflect persons in towns, cities, or governmental areas, in which the story is staged. If sexual scenes involving male to male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this by law. This is fiction. Don't forget, in real life, to think about 'sexual safety matters'; got condom?

"Writer's Block" 10 written By Bradford dean Bigelow


If Darryl's blowjob wasn't enough to set off the orgasmic delight, Kareem had to finger up my chest as well. But, hell, what an emotional fit.

"What's the matter Darryl?"

Poor Darryl couldn't answer, which Frank most likely summised, as he choked, trying to get my protein drink down, some squishing out the sides of his mouth.

"Oh man, this has made me so horny. Y'think Darryl can do me too?" Kareem asked.

Even though I was sweating bullets, every piece of hair on my body, with a sweat bead attached, it streaming down my face, the salty sweat stinging my eyes, I could still view and comprehend seeing Frank and Bobby standing in front of Kareem and address him.

"Not yet, Kareem. You did me dirty and I think punishment's due," Bobby laid on him.

"Yeah, besides that Bobby," Frank starts in on Kareem, too, "It's more fun to play with those big globes when they're full, huh?"

"Oh yeah and I'm sure Kareem's nine inch shaft would be more fun, fully loaded."

"Nine inches? Is that what he's packing?"

"Yeah. Funny how Bradford's dick is the same length, but doesn't Kareem's hard shaft look more fuller?"

"A regular monster, I'd say Bobby. Yeah," now that Frank's caught onto Bobby's humiliation play, "Bradford sure looks puny next to Kareem's master blaster."

"Yeah, but I figure sometimes we'll whip Bradford's cock and make it swollen more."

"Oh fuck that's hot! Can you torture my cock like that, too?"

Those codpieces looked volatile, as Kareem edged the two masters on!

They let Darryl more than clean me up, licking my cock, balls, the floor and then letting his tongue roam my body, at will, as they drew their attention to Kareem. Of course I took full interest in their conversing.

"So, really we have our choice of condominiums, Bobby?"

"Not so, Frank."

"But maybe Kareem doesn't have to worry about moving his things. Darryl and I could move in with his things."

"Now you're starting to think like an executive, Frank. You'll get there yet. Yeah, okay. This weekend we'll oversee Bradford, Darryl and Kareem, as they help move you in."

"Oversee, Bobby?"

"Sure you don't expect the masters to lift a pinkie and get ourselves dirty?"

Of course I enjoyed Darryl's sucking, licking and overall tonguing of my loins, thighs, legs, sides of my body, navel, stomach, chest, pits and his sweet caressing of my lips, but Bobby knew as well as I did, that I eavesdropped in on their conversational fare.

"Wow! We're going to treat them like real slaves?"

"If you're game, Frank. Would be fun."

"Nice idea, Bobby, but..."

"Don't worry Frank. Outside of the condo block, we'll be careful. But inside the boys better think about working their asses off."

"Man, sure would like the chance to work 'this' ass off!"

"Oh, I'm sure you'll have lots of time for that, Frank," Bobby replied, as he softly patted Kareems golden mounds, laced with black ass hair, right down the middle of the crack.

"Y'know we could still help Chase with moving his things."

"Frank, you getting too smart for me. Of course we will, while we have all this slave power. Hmm... y'know I think I might have some boarders for that condo, yet."

"Anybody I know, Bobby?"

"Hey, you think you and Darryl are the only guys who surf the gayweb on company time?"

"No shit! Really, Bobby? Who else?"

"Hmmm... Now that I think of it, Frank, I think it might work out where you might get to use Kareem's ass every night. How close are you and Darryl?"

"We didn't even know each other until we hooked up after chatting in the gay leather room."


"Yeah. We each had no idea that we communicated, with a guy from the same company."

"So, Frank, no hard feelings if Darryl didn't move in with you?"

"Not in the least. I mean don't get me wrong, Bobby. Darryl's a real sweet guy. I know you're listening, Darryl and I mean that."

Darryl, drawing his attention away from cleaning up my pubic mess, smiles at Frank.

"Not to mention very good looking, too, Frank?"

"Oh, that's a def, Bobby. Yeah, Darryl's a real looker."

"So, now that you've eavesdropped Darryl, what do you think about not hooking up with Frank?"

"I'm happy for him, but it's not like we are lovers or anything. I'm sure there's a guy out there that can use my talents."

If not, I wondered what Chase-baby would think about adoption? Bobby and Frank went right along with their conversation, as Darryl turned back to trying to work me up to a second protein drink.

"But I see where you're really hooked on Kareem here?"

"Oh yeah. I think I could learn to really enjoy this body, Bobby."

"Treat him right, Frank and I think that camaraderie could go both ways."

"Hey, I think we've found a few things in common that we mutually enjoy. I mean, I don't really know much about cock and ball torture, so I hope you'll help me out?"

"My total pleasure. Yeah, we'll work our boys together. Tony loves his cock and balls played with. Gotta firm up Kareem's nips too."

"You bet, Bobby. Oh man, I'm so glad you snagged me chatting at work... but not in the way I hoped I'd gain success."

"Hey, look Frank, we all make mistakes. I'm lucky I found you doing it and not some other supervisor."

"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you, Bobby."

"What's that, Frank?"

"If my cubicle isn't in your section, then how did you happen to lean over my shoulder and accuse me of... you know?"

"Hey, you think Darryl's the only guy you chatted with at the gay leather website?"

"Noooooooo... yoooooou?"

"Remember chatting with 'Ironballs'?"

"Noooooooo... that was you?"

"Yeah. Hot chat, as I recall."

"Oh man you had me going."

"Hey, I found out enough about you Frank, that showed me that you were worth saving."

"Thanks, Bobby. I owe you a lot."

"Yeah and sometime when we get intimate in bed, I'm sure you'll thank me!"

"But I thought you and Tony?" Frank asked skeptically.

"I love my man dearly. Don't think that we're going to play behind his back, if that's what you think."

"I don't get it, Bobby."

"Oh you will. Yeah, I can't wait til you and I are propped up on our pillows with our guys servicing us."

"Do you mean the four of us? Together? Kareem, Tony, you and me?"

"Sure. Tony and I don't mind sharing, but hey. You talk it out with your man and see if he wants to indulge."

"But I thought Tony was...."

"Hey, in this room it's roleplay, Frank, but in real life, Tony has a mind of his own. Feelings. Get it, Frank?"

"Yeah. Shit! You had me fooled there, Bobby."

"Well let's get you unfooled, Frank. Tony's his own man. He has a say in our partnership, same as me. In fact, if Tony says he doesn't want to have sex with you and Kareem, I'll respect his wishes."

"But, you said, a few minutes ago... said it like it was a done deal, Bobby."

"Sure. Or course I didn't saying anything about bribing Tony!"

Out of Kareem's lips, they heard, even though he was tied faced down to the bondage table, his long legs sticking over it, "I can be bribed, too!"

"Will you look at this?"

"What, Bobby?"

"Tony will need to make us a longer bondage table!"

Bobby was real cool, I have to admit. He gave Frank some pointers on playing with Kareem, whom fit into the category of a mashochist, rightaway, as Bobby taught Frank how to whip a guy's ass. I didn't have to wait for Darryl to stimulate my body much with his tongue, as much as watching Frank and Bobby, each wielding a leather strap, beat Kareem's ass.

"You! enough of that!" Bobby turned to Darryl, telling him to get his tongue off of my cockhead.

"Yes, Sir."

I whimpered, feeling not far from my second orgasm, being left unattended, as Frank continued working the strap up Kareems back til he tanned the athelete's shoulders, beyond the natural skin. I knew that Darryl wasn't experiencing any bdsm. Bobby stated that outside of the room, life was 'normal'. I did hear sounds in the kitchen, like somebody preparing something to eat, so figured it was them.

After delivering what must've amounted to a hundred lashes to Kareem's ass and back, he stopped and looked back and forth between us, sighing, "Hmm.."

Both of us discovered what the low sigh meant.

Bobby came back into the room, saying, "Frank, you fuck!"

He had every right to complain, standing there in his leather gear, hands on hips, eyeing up Kareem and I, on our knees, leather wrist cuffs bound behind our backs, nips clamped, chain running between each clamp, then chain woven over chain, connecting our bodies, as we both lapped away at Frank's 8c. Kareem's height, sitting tall on his knees, kept the chain pulling at my pecs.

"Where's Darryl?"

"Went home to pack."

"Oh? And what plans do you have for our Darryl?"

"Not your's or mine, Frank. More like 'Chaz Little's?"

"Chaz Little? You caught him chatting?" Frank questioned.

I broke off my sweet sausage long enough to question, too, "Chaz Little?"

Frank complained, "What the fuck, boy," taking my head and grinding it into his pubes, depriving Kareem of his licking treat, temporarily.

"Yeah," Bobby continued, "Chaz might be ten years older than you guys, but doesn't mean his cock is telling him any different."

"Chaz Little, huh? Would've never believed. So, he a top or bottom?"

"Oh, I had a sweet little chat with Chaz, going on a couple of weeks. He's a hot dominant. Yeah, Darryl and Chaz should get along quite well."

"Why Darryl?"

"Chaz has a special desire for young, blond, hairy jocks. Besides, Darryl's more the follower type."

"That's Darryl!"

"Not only that, Chaz is a sweetheart."


"Yeah, nice of him to give me some pointers when I started with the company!"

Second time I got my face smooshed into Frank's pubes. Not that I didn't enjoy the manly scent forced up my nose. I think the reason Kareem pulled his body in the opposite direction was to get even. Didn't phaze me in the least, as he got pleasure at his nips stretching my sizzlers and vice versa, with his truffles.

"Sorry to steal that hot cocksucker away from you, Frank, but it's time to put him to bed."

Bed, I thought. It's only like five in the afternoon. Then we all looked up, hearing a big crash, followed by an Italian voice, registering an "Oh shit!"

Bobby took off for the kitchen. Next thing we all listened, hearing, "Tony you clumsy ox! You alright, baby?"

Then the conversation became too quiet to hear. In fact, as the three of us waited for any cognition, one of us, Frank tired of listening and demanded action.

"Sounds like Bobby's got everything under control," Frank reported. "C'mon Kareem."

I watched, my cock throbbing, as Frank grabbed hold of the blunt clamps on Kareem's nips and detached them.

"Gnnnnnnnnnnnnnnh!" Kareem sighed out loud, absorbing more pain than I could take.

Of course, being new at having his chocolate truffles worked over with clamps, he got these blunt, rubber tipped attachments, whereas Bobby knew my sizzlers could take more of the 'cutting edge', in the form of alligator clamps.

"Oooooooooohheeeellyeaaah!" Kareem went on to form his opinion of the aftermath, as Frank mashed the truffles.

"I'm anxious to see what's more sensitive."

"What's that, Sir?" Kareem addressed Frank.

"These or.... 'these'?"

Kareem must've been in heaven, as Frank switched from mashing to fondling, adding some squeezing power, when he handled Kareem's big globes, able to clutch only one of the orbs in his hand at once.

"Damn, Frank... I mean 'sir', work them all at once!"

"Mmmmm..." Frank showed the delight, motioning for Kareem to turn around, slapping his ass, saying, "C'mon, let's go try out that bed. Got some release all pent up for that hairy ass!"

"What about my clothes?"

"You've got long legs, Kareem. Let's see how fast you can run down those stairs!"

Oh man, would I have liked to have seen those basketballs bouncing, as Kareem bounded down the stairs. They left and I still stayed there, on my knees, wrists bound with leather cuffs, connected behind my back. Tony and Bobby had been awfully quiet, still in the kitchen. My curiosity began getting the best of me, so I got up, which is rather a feat, with hand gathered behind my back. Good thing that Frank left one of the double doors open. I nudged my elbow, sliding through, the door edge grazing my chest, nicely disturbing my clipped nips, pulling on the chain.

"Oooooooh," I caught myself sighing.

What a blockhead, I thought of myself, stopping in the middle of the doorway. Pressing the middle of my body against the edge, snagging that chain over and over, I pulled it one way or the other, giving my pecs an eternal thrill. The churning below added to the pleasure. It's then I heard a rippling group of sighs, coming from the kitchen. I proceeded to investigate. I knew that I shouldn't be peeking through the kitchen doorway, but my 'porno instincts' grew too great. Tony, completely in the buff, was bent over the butchblock kitchen island. Bobby was firmly planted in his ass, one hand on Tony's shoulder, to counteract the stabbing motion of his 9c up his lover's chute.

"Oooooooohhh yeah... punish my ass, Bobby!"

I couldn't begin to guess how the broken bowl of what looked to be pizza dough, on the floor, equated to the sweet punishment that Tony was receiving. All I know is that I've been on the receiving side myself, in the kitchen with Chase, during those rare moments when 'if ya gotta have it, ya gotta have it'!

Watching the two, Tony begging for more and Bobby trying to get in deeper, by placing a second hand on the nineteen year old Italian's shoulders, riding his ass, gave me a flashback to when I was in Tony's place, with Chase-baby working his sausage deep inside of me. I wondered what he was doing at this very moment. I snapped out of my sweet reverie, when both men uttered out the words that signal total relief. Bobby's body fell right over onto Tony's and they lay silent for awhile. I can't figure out much why Bobby lay on Tony's sweating back, eyes facing me and not seeing me standing there. In my book, Bobby didn't miss a trick, however he didn't say anything. With one hand on my pubes, I walked back to the dungeon. Even though the dragging chain stimulated my nips, I sensed his missing presence. I had been standing and kneeling for a long time this afternoon, so hopped up on the bondage table and sat. I pondered over more or the man I was missing.

"Did I tell you that you could sit down, boy?"

I rolled my eyes, snapping out of the foggy recollections. I figured it was time for my flaccid cock to get revived.

"By the way, Bradford, before Chase left, he made promise to take care of you and ooooooh, am I going to take care of you!"

The man has to have a sixth sense or something!

Behind my back, Bobby worked, disconnecting the leather cuffs.

"So, you like to watch things, up a guy's ass, do you?"

I knew he knew. Somehow, even though those eyes seemed to be tightly shut, during the afterglow of his hot fucking of Tony's ass, he sensed my presence!

"I asked you a question, boy?"

"Um yeah... yes! I like watching things go up a guy's ass."

"Good, because I asked Tony if he would be needing this cucumber for the salad and he said he had plenty, that is, if I needed to 'feed you something'?"

The looks of the cuke, placed it far less fatter than what was up Darryl's ass earlier. My nips are my hot spot, but for lack of my Chase-baby's cuke up my ass, I guessed that this would do.

"Do I need to give you the hint to bend over that bondage table, Bradford?"

"No, Bobby... I mean sir... I mean Master Bobby...sir..."

When it came to stickin' it, I wasn't so sure I was crazy about having it 'stuck'. I hoped Bobby's sixth sense kicked in. Guess not, since I started to feel some slimy stuff being spread down the middle of my ass crevice.

"Bobby, what the fuck you think you're going to do with that?"

I don't know who was more startled; Bobby or me.

"Oooh Tony, I was going to was it off after we're done!"

"Don't give me that shit, Bobby. You march right back into that kitchen and put that cuke back in the vegetable bin!"

I couldn't believe my ears. Here, the peon was telling the master off, left and right!

"But Tony, honey..."

"Don't you Tony honey me, Bobby. Didn't I tell you that you couldn't use that cuke?"

I know it probably wouldn't look good for me to say this, but I kind liked it that for once Bobby was getting his ass kicked all over the dungeon by his mate.

"Bobby said you said it was okay to use, Tony."

I figured Tony would use this to further shame Bobby, but my idea backfired.

"When I want your opinion, Bradford, I'll fuckin' ask for it. Bobby, you going to take that cuke and put it back or do I have to use it on your ass?"

"But I got Bradford's ass all lubed up."

"And like you don't have any other toy to stick in it... ya gotta go and use my salad fixings?"

"Oh alright."

On the way out, the belly-teed jock swatted Bobby on the ass.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"For lying to Brad!"

"Oh," Bobby accepted it, rubbing his chaps-clad ass, like it really hurt.

"Hey, look I'm sorry about opening my mouth, Tony."

"No problem. C'mon and have some chips and dip. On shit! Forgot the corkscrew."

"I can get it for you."

"Nonsense. 'Hey, Bobby bring a corkscrew back with you!'"

"Um, I take it that Bobby isn't going to bust your ass for ordering him around like that, Tony?"

Damn, did that hairy belly look good in that belly tee!

"Nah. Well yeah, he'll rape my ass later, but I love it when he does that to me."

"Sounds like you've got things under control Tony?"

"I dunno. All I know is that I love the man... oh, here you are. About time you got back."

"I washed the cuke before I put it away."

"Thanks. Now do me another favor, hon?"

"Sure, Tony. All it takes is asking!"

This was pathetic. What happened to the mean Bobby I knew?

"Find a nice tight set of clamps for my nips?"

Kissing Tony, Bobby replied, "Would be my entire pleasure!"

Smiling, Bobby walked off towards the cabinet, as Tony uncorked the wine. Like most people have their cocktail parties in rooms loaded with fine furniture, we had our wine, chips and dip in a room of a different flavor.

"How nice. You brough a pair for Brad, too."

"Thanks," I said, I thought to Tony, meaning the glass of wine he handed me.

Bobby thought I meant the nip jewelry, replying, "Look at this Tony? I don't even have his sizzle nips clamped and he's thanking me."

"Sizzle nips?"

"Yeah. That's what Frank called Brad's nips, after I told him about torturing Brad's nips with the hot wax."

"Seems like sizzle's nips are getting more attention than mine, Bobby."

"Oh yeah, Tony? Strip that belly tee and I'll prove your wrong!"

I thought the view from the bottom of the belly tee was spectacular, but when Tony dug his elbows into the bottom of the tee and stripped it off, I wanted to eat his chest. Not that I haven't seen it before, but the wine was a little dry and I needed something to wet my tongue down. However, I didn't want to interfere with their 'fun'.

"Oh yeah... your nips are starting to get out of shape, Tony."

"What do you want Bobby, when you're always playing with Brad's?"

"Oh, is that so, Tony?"

Still, I kept my cool. I didn't want to go against Bobby, but Tony was in the right. Bobby has been having way too much fun with my chest, paying more attention to Tony's ass. But who am I to criticise?

"Yeah. When is the last time you tortured my nips, Bobby?"

"I dunno, Tony, but it's a definite now that tonight I'm going to work two sets and real hard!"

"Hee heee... yeah. I knew I'd get you into the mood, Bobby."

"Well, give me some credit, Tony. Don't we have to take care of Bradford here, especially when we promised Chase?"

"He said for you guys to look after me?"

Tony smiled, saying, "Yeah, didn't Bobby fill you in, Brad?"

Silence permeated the room. I didn't want to get Bobby into anymore trouble than he already was in, with Tony. Sometimes silence is just as much a pawn, as admitting guilt.

"Bobby you didn't tell him?"

"I didn't get around to it, Tony honey."

"What am I going to do with you, Bobby?"

"I dunno," Bobby replied, pretending to scratch the back of his head. I know the room was bugfree.

"Well, are you going to tell him or.. never mind," Tony literally pushed Bobby aside, saying to me, "You're taking the week off from work, Brad."

"Oh, Bobby did mention that, saying I'll be 'hanging around in here'?"

"At least he didn't fully lie to you, Brad."

"I didn't lie," Bobby replied, grinning, which is a rare state for Bobby, caught in a fib, ending with, "sort of."

"Yeah right Bobby. Like I don't know your little games you like to play. Anyway, Brad, Bobby probably told you that your going to be on vacation this week."

"That he did," I looked at him, as he gave me a little smile.

"Well, you'll be cleaning out all the junk and to make sure you get what Chase calls 'the junk', he left me a list."

"List? Like what?"

"I have the list in the kitchen, but he did mention something about a rope made with your socks?"

Bobby pipes up, "Oh, I'll take that. I'm always looking for unique gags!"

I can't believe the three of us standing there, laughing over my invention.

"Did you have enough chips and dip, Brad?"

"Yes, thanks."

"Good. Let's go eat."

"What about your nips, Tony?"

"I better wait til later. I don't want to get the chain in my food or worse yet, caught on one of the pots on the stove."

"Then I think I should take Bradford's off?"

Most of the pain had deadened by now, by with two glasses of wine downed, I think I could stand for some lively pec activity.


"Like I said. Brad gets all the fun!"

"That man!" Bobby said to me, throwing the alligator clips, attached to a chain, on the cupboard, as Tony carried the tray of mostly absorbed wine, and half eaten dip, minus all the chips.

"So, Chase really told you guys to take care of me, huh?"

"That he did."

"Did he say anything like he's going to miss me or anything, Bobby?"

"The way he said it, hinted it, Brad."

On our way to the kitchen, it seemed that Bobby mellowed out more. Almost like the twenty-four year old and I became equals. In fact, he did place his arm around my back,his hand over the top of my shoulder, like real pals do.

"Y'know I'm not mad at you Bobby?"

"I would hope not, Brad, since it was Chase's idea that you take off, while he's gone, to spruce up the place."

"Chase's idea?"

"Y'know, Brad, I think Chase could really run the whole business, better than you and I put together?"

"He can be like that."

"I've been thinking about that lately, Brad."

"Oh no, Bobby. Chase wants to be a writer and.."

"No, not about Chase running the business. More like you and I, Brad."

"Oh? In what way do you mean that, Bobby?"

I hadn't a clue to where this was all headed. Did he mean the business? A clandestine love affair? Drinking buddies? Fuck buddies?

"Brad, what would you think about opening our own advertising business and leaving the middle man out?"

"You and me, Bobby? Like partners?"

"Sure. Tell you the truth, I did a little study of my own and did you know that there's going to be a major takeover?"

"No. Where did you hear about that?"

"I have my sources, but the thing is, with a takeover, our jobs could be on the chopping block, Brad."

"No way. Wow! And you know for a fact all this is going to come about?"

"Right and soon. I'm not talking tomorrow or next week, but in the coming months you'll see a change in the company. I've seen this happen before."

"You have? But you're only twenty-four Bobby. How could you have?"

"My father's company. That's where I got my expertise from. He saw it coming and since my teen years had been spent at his company, he clued me in to any facet of company management."

"Wow, so you've had experience running a company since a teenager."

As we stood at the kitchen island, munching on a loose chip, Tony replied to my query, "Yeah, Bobby's got a lot of expertise early on in life, Brad. Bobby, tell him about your father's advertising exec who tried fucking you in the men's lounge."

"No way."

"Yeah. Man, did I fuck him up good."

"You, Bobby?"

Sitting down at the diningroom table, Bobby began chatting about times at his father's business, as Tony brought on the food.

"Need any help, Tony honey?"

"Nah. You sit and chat with Brad. I've got everything."

"Thanks, hon," Bobby replied, a kiss to Tony's cheek. He then motioned for me to take a seat at the table that could fit twenty, commenting, "That Tony's one in a million."

"Like Chase, seems like he's a good cook, too."

"Oh yeah. His folks used to be in the business, had their own Italian restaurant. That's where Tony gets all his experience from. I suppose someday, when he's out of college, he'll be hitting me up for the money to open his own place."

"That's funny."

"What is Brad?" Bobby asked, pouring some red wine in my glass.

"I never bothered to ask Tony what his major was in college. We both got so tied up, pardon the pun, into this bdsm stuff."

Bobby actually thought my slip of the tongue was funny. He laughed.

"Yeah, he's already got the cooking down pat, so he's studying business management. I think he and Frank will make a good pair."

"Frank? You mean Frank Faracco? Our Frank?"

"Yep. Our Frank. After analysing his interests, I'll be offering him a partnership in the business."

"This is so weird, Bobby."

"What is, Brad?"

"It seems like you have... have a hidden agenda."

"Hey, big business is nothing to fool with these days. What happens in a company today, will reflect on the making or breaking of that company or business, in the future."

"True, Bobby, but it seems like you have this gift... insight, into taking a man and placing him on track."

"Hey, let me tell you something Brad, hanging around my father's business since I was about sixteen, I saw and studied all kinds of people. I didn't say anything to my father, but watched, like a player on the sidelines. I saw what strategies worked and ones that failed. You know what makes something work or fail?"


"Right, Brad and like you say, I do have a hidden agenda. I'm picking out people that I know will succeed and the dregs. Those that have potential to succeed, are creative and I know will work for us, those are the ones we're going to rescue from the takeover."

"You said 'us' and 'we', Bobby?"

"Right. Putting aside all the fun you are to play with in the dungeon, you're my type of guy, Brad."

"Hmmm... and I thought all you liked is making my nips sizzle!"

"Yeah, I like working your body, Brad, but I know I have to leave some fun for Chase. I've got a hot body to work anyway. Lucky Chase and I, huh Brad?"

I didn't answer him in words. By this time, Tony had brought on the Italian feast and dished out a portion of the veal parmesan to each of us, passed the bread and Bobby made sure we all had full glasses of wine.

"I hope we're not going to talk business for the whole meal."

"What else is there?" I joked.



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Next: Chapter 11

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