Writers Block

By Bradford Dean Bigelow

Published on Sep 6, 2005


The following story is a work of fiction set in the format of reality. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental in nature, and is not meant to accurately reflect persons in towns, cities, or governmental areas, in which the story is staged. If sexual scenes involving male to male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this by law. This is fiction. Don't forget, in real life, to think about 'sexual safety matters'; got condom?

"Writer's Block" 11 written By Bradford dean Bigelow


"Oh man am I stuffed!" I shouted out, holding my hairy stomach.

Arching my back, to make it look stretched so, it made my bellyhole look perfectly rounded. It reminded me of Chase. If we had been having our own little meal together, he would've made me march off to the bedroom and put on a shirt.

"What's up Brad?"

"Oh nothing Tony. I was thinking about Chase."

Bobby says rather robustly, "Well, ready for some hot dungeon play, sizzle-nips?"

Tony scolds Bobby, "Yeah, after some hot dishwasher play!"

The three of us busied ourselves with cleaning off the table, depositing the wastes in the trash, and prepping the dishes for the washer.

"Okay. That's good enough. You guys can go in and get started, but Bobby?"

"What Tony?"

"I want equal time with sizzle-nips here!"


I knew Bobby had something brewing in that head of his. He completely faked me out. Instead of heading for the dungeon, we detoured to the bedroom.

"We're not playing in the dungeon?"

"Nah. Too late. I have to be at the office early tomorrow. Chase said take care of you, so I figured we would have a leisure evening in bed. I feel like relaxing, so I'll lay back and let you two work me over with your tongues."

Hmm, seemed like an honorable request. Especially after that filling meal. Nice apertifs, I thought.

"Hey Brad, c'mon, let's get a shower before we suck up to Bobby."

"What about Bobby, Tony?"

"Think about it, Brad. You want to be licking Bobby's natural manscent or something that tastes like a bar of soap?"

Oh, what a robust shower!

"Hee heee...what're you looking at Brad?"

"Nuthin'...oh...okay....your hair... there's so much of it!"

"You ain't exactly a smoothie, Brad."

"Yeah, I know. Guess we're a coupla bears, huh Tony?"

"Ready to go do Bobby?"

"You don't have a problem with that, Tony?"

"Nah. There's plenty of him to go around."

So, drying off, we left the jon and headed towards that bedroom.

"Don't that beat all!"

"Is Bobby asleep?" Like I had to ask!

"Yeah. Poor man. He works so hard."

'Bobby? Work hard?' I thought. I'd have to pay more attention.

"Hey Brad, you want to fool around anyway?"

"Like have sex, Tony?"

"Yeah, or have some mutual fun in the dungeon. Whatever's your pleasure, Brad."

"Mutual sounds hot. Um, think we can mix a little of each?"

"Yeah, cool Brad."

I followed Tony's hot, 5'9 frame down the hallway. My tongue salivated, wanting to taste that hairy asscrack.

Once inside the 'dungeon', I asked, "Tony, think I can taste your ass?"

"Looks like Bobby was right about you, Brad."

"Oh? And what did Bobby say about me?"

"Um, I think you better ask him yourself."

"Ask me what?"

We both turned, seeing our mutual acquaintance scratching his head, yawning, a single hand feeling up his crotch.

"Brad was asking me if he could service my ass and I cued him into what you said about him, as being right on the mark. He wanted to know what you said about him, so I told Brad that he should ask you himself," Tony replied to his lover, in one long winded response.

"Oh you mean the comment about being any man's slut?"

"Slut?" I replied to Bobby, seemingly towering over me, in the authoritative manner, even though he was a year younger than me.

"Yeah. Go ahead Bradford. Show Tony what I mean. Tony, bend over that table and pull your asscheeks apart. I need something to jerk my dick to."

Tony complied, with no problem. Maybe I had a problem with it. Suddenly, it came to me, what Frank and Darryl talked to me about in the office. They said that Bobby treated me as his equal. I'm not sure where this superior attitude originated, but for once, I was tired of taking the crap from Bobby.

He badgered me, saying, "C'mon Bradford. I'm waiting for your tongue to get deep in my Tony's ass. C'mon, show him what a good slut you are and do what I tell you."

I stood a good two inches taller than Bobby's five feet, ten inch height. We both had a worked out body, even though his abs seemed a bit more taut. He was tough, never having a problem with working me over with his knee to my crotch, but it had been the case where I more or less, 'let him'. I wonder how he would fare against one to one combat. Plus, as Tony had suggested earlier, Bobby was run down from 'working hard'.

"I got a better idea, Bobby."

"Oh?" He replied, extracting himself from his position of leaning against the doorframe, standing up straight. Adjusting himself, as if taking on a more dominant stature, in front of me. "And what would that be, 'Bradford'?"

His demeanor changed, as if I had questioned him, reversing our roles, as if he had been the CEO and me, the little peon, at the office.

I went for it, 'telling' Bobby, "Never saw you eat out an ass, Bobby. Might be interesting to view!"

He smiled, walked over by Tony, who lay over the table, his hands grasping his hairy ass crevice open, revealing the shag that ran up and down the divided cheeks, a black hole within the deep pit of hair. I closed in on the targeted area, both of us now eyeing up the area of assault.

"Hmm... y'know, Bradford, I never have tasted ass before."

"Go ahead, Bobby. Experience it!" I dared him, feeling a bit anxious to see what he would do or say, like I had my own personal agenda.

For sure I was stimulating more than Bobby's brain cells. When he appeared at the doorway to the dungeon, his 9c hung nearly flaccid over his bed of balls. Now it stood out, even though Bobby's hand provoked it, causing it to swell. He wasn't the only one, Tony's hard cock hanging down, as his belly lay perched over the bondage table and my 9c piece firming by the minute.

"That's alright, Bradford. I wouldn't want to deprive you at what you came in here for. You wanted it, so take it!"

Before I could say another word, Bobby had his hand on the back of my head and flung me toward Tony's open ass. I know I said something, even though it came out muffled, as if I said it to Tony's hairy ass chamber.

"Yeah! Go Bradford."

However, the evil streak, to resist, remained a high priority.

"Akkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkooooooooohoooohshiiiiit!" Bobby called out, as jabbed my elbow backwards, catching him in between the legs.

As Bobby knelt in half, on the floor, I jabbed his ego, "What'samatter, Bobby? Can't take a little whack in the balls?"

Then it was as if I was ganged up on, as Tony stood behind me, saying, "I can't believe you did that to Bobby." Right away, Tony squats down, saying to Bobby, "You okay, Bobby?"

"Yeah... oooh.."

"C'mon, let's get you to bed, Bobby honey. I can't believe you did that, Brad."

How did I become the bad guy here? I was only playing around. How many times has Bobby kneed me in the balls and unexpectedly. Couldn't he take a little knock to the crotch? As the two stayed out of the dungeon, it set in. Lowly me put the big man down. I left and went into the bedroom.

"Hey, look guys, I'm sorry."

What was I scared of? That Bobby wouldn't want to play with me anymore? Maybe he wouldn't want to torture me anymore? A big guilt trip came over me.

"You should be," Tony replied, now massaging Bobby's balls, as he lay there in bed.

Bobby said nothing, except a few "ooo's" and "aah's".

"Hey Bobby, I was only joking. C'mon."

"Don't even think of getting in our bed," Tony said.

"I wasn't."

"Then why did you start to lean on the bed, Brad?"

"I wanted to make sure Bobby was okay."

"Oh, so now you're suddenly concerned about the guy that you just bashed his balls in?"

I didn't need to further convict myself. Tony was doing a good job of that.

"C'mon, Tony.... Bobby, I'm sorry. I'll do anything to make it up to you."

It's then I thought of how this could've been a conspiracy, but Tony didn't have the conniving brains that Bobby had. That smirk told me that the pain, of my elbow connecting to his crotch, had long dissipated and his 'act' had worked Tony into making me feel disenchanted with myself.

"Anything?" Came Bobby's first words, since the groans of pain. He didn't even wait for me to reply, but said, "You can first show me how good you can eat out Tony's ass, then we'll take it from there, Bradford."

"Whatever," I replied, regaining the excitement of tasting that hairy Italian treat.

The three of us, me leading the way, found us back where we started. Tony's attitude hadn't lost the anger.

"I better feel that tongue deep fucking me too, Brad!"

"Yeah, sure Tony."

Bobby offered, "Hmm.... you let me know if Bradford isn't treating you to a nice deep tongue fucking, Tony honey."

I didn't like the smile, but my cock sure did, my psyche returning to it's submissive state.

"No, Tony. Let Bradford pull your ass crevice apart. You just lay there and enjoy the nice hot tongue job he's going to give you."

"Okay, Bobby. Thanks," came the short response.

So, placing my hands on either side of Tony's hairy ass, I pulled gently. My cock twitched when my tongue found the first sensation of touching ass hair. That wasn't the only thing stimulating my crotch. I didn't stop my insertion of my tongue, as I felt my balls being manipulated. Bobby was playing with them, fastening something around my balls, between the base of the sacs and my hard cock.

"Cool that you said you would subject yourself to anything, Bradford, because I'm going to give you the works tonight. How's the tongue fuck going, Tony?"

"Okay," Tony replied, "but no great shakes."

"Guess I'll have to do something about that!"

I prepared myself for a direct hit to my balls. Like Kareem had pointed out in the 'Balls & Chain' magazine, he wanted to experience something similar to this guy's balls stretched far away from his cock, severe weights hung from the sacs, by what appeared to be strings, but had indeed been the skin connecting the guy's ballsacs to his body.

"Akkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!" I interrupted the licking, just as the tip of my tongue entered Tony's assrim.

"Ooooooooooh!" Tony sighed, then reported to Bobby, "Brad was just ready to tongue fuck me!"

"What? And he stopped?"


"The fuckin' slut. Get that tongue back in there and now, boy!"

My reply came in sticking my tongue out, rigidly, then stabbing it back inside Tony's assrim, even though the first weight added to my balls hurt like hell.


"He stopped again, Bobby," Tony pouted, reporting my work stoppage.

"I guess I'll have to show Bradford here who is boss. Tony, why don't you go to bed. If, in a couple of hours Bradford has learned his lesson, I'll bring him back in to give you a proper tongue-fucking!"

As Tony got up, Bobby instructed me to take his place on the bondage table, only lying on my back. He made me stand with my back to the table and hop up on the edge. As I jumped up, to lodge my ass on the edge, my weighted balls conformed to the activity, them dropped downwards.

"Akkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkoooooooooohshiiiiiiiiit!" I cried out.

"Oh, don't even think about complaining, Bradford. I've only started with you tonight!"

Realistic as it sounded, I knew Bobby played. However, I wondered how far he would take me tonight.

"Lay down, boy."

I soon found myself being tautly cuffed down to the bondage table, lying on my back. The chain that held the weights, making my balls sag, no longer did their chore.

"Looks like I'll have to do something about that."

Before Bobby did anything more, he made sure the double doors of the dungeon had been closed. I thought I heard a click of the lock.

Bobby offered it, before I even suggested it, "Don't want anyone walking in on us."

"Why? You... you're not going to really be torturing me for real, are you?"

"Oh yeah. 'Pain time', Bradford. Pain like you've never knew you could take. Hell yeah! Gonna rack your body with pain!"

At this point, it seemed Bobby was serious. He probably sensed my anxiety, when I gulped out loud. I could hear it myself. He produced the same red ballgag and when I didn't open up, forced my mouth open, via a hand grip on my balls.


Sweat began to take over almost immediately. As I looked down through my chest and stomach hair, I could see the little beads forming, as Bobby removed the apparatus from my balls.

Holding my two globes in his hand, he said, "Now to give you pain like you've never known, Bradford!"

I could tell without even looking in a mirror that my eyes looked like saucers. The anticipation was killing me more than the emminent pain.

'What tha?' my next reaction came, as my ballsacs sensed 'wetness'. What the fuck was Bobby doing? I suspect he heard my muffled plea, asking the same, 'What are you fucking doing?'

Here I am, cuffed tightly, eagle-spread to the bondage table of a locked dungeon, the boss of a major corporation, expecting to get the living daylights tortured out of me by my right hand man. Instead, the nuded, muscled bear is up on the table, head bent and licking my balls!

"Am I humiliating you, Bradford?" He asked, before returning his tongue to my crotch, taking a swiped of my cockhead, on his way to my ballsacs.

Of course I couldn't ask him, but did wonder what the fuck he was doing!

"Mmmm.... I've wanted to taste these for a long time."

I watched, then wondered what next was on Bobby's slate, as he reached up, crawled up the table, letting my leaking 9c paint a streak of goo up his chest, his stomach, lodge temporarily in his bellyhole, then touch his own hard cock, as he reached my face. Reaching behind my head, with his hand, Bobby unfastened the ballgag. As if rolled out of my mouth, he replaced it with his lips.

"What tha?" I tried speaking, but fell back into a muffled drawl.

Bobby was kissing me, full force, on the lips, his body slowly settling down onto mine. Our crotches forming one, our stomachs touching, our chests melding, his lips not moving. His right hand reached up and began fidgeting with my right cuff, as his left hand played with the other. He broke off our kiss.

"Oh man, Bradford. I'm so glad you gave yourself to me tonight."

"But, Bobby, I didn't mean for you to...."

"Shhhh... you gave yourself to me, to use for my pleasure and I'm really going to use you. C'mon now, let's go join Tony for a real hot evening."

I didn't argue. Right now, I was more than willing to trade off an evening of pain, for total pleasure. I'm not sure what it would be like, on the other side of the dungeon door, in bed with the two hot, hairy hunks, but not putting up a fight either. I couldn't figure out what Bobby's angle was and at this point didn't argue, as he hopped off the bondage table and began dismantling my cuffed ankles.

"What's this Bobby?"

"You can either join in, or finish studying your book, Tony."

Taking his reading glasses off, Tony quickly closed his college text and set it on the side table, with the specs, sliding down in the bed.

"Cool! Brad and I are going to service you, Bobby?"

"No, correction. I'm going to service Bradford. You can take your pick, Tony honey."

"Wait. Somebody slap me. I think I'm dreaming."

I was the first one on the bed and the closest, so I honored Tony's wish, slapping him lightly on the face.

"Oooh," Tony sighed, then touching his cheek, said, "I'm really not dreaming am I? Heeeey, what'd you slap me for, Brad?"

"You said to."

"I meant for Bobby to do it."

"Tony, forget it," Bobby said, then offered, "I really need some hot sex and I haven't bottomed in a very long time and need this, so can we cut the drama? Oh man... I really need to work both of you guys."

I almost felt like I needed a slap in the face; a nightmare wakeup call, as Tony and I lay down on the bed, are arms interlocking each other's shoulders, as our hairy bodies lay right next to each other. We looked at each other, as Bobby lowered his mouth around my cock, while feeling up Tony's shaft. Then he popped offa me and went to work on his lover's dick. Tony and I didn't waste any lip time, kissing each other, which I sensed some bit of guilt, but carried on with. When Tony went to get up, to turn his body so that he could suck my nips, his shaft met mine. Bobby began to service both of us.

"I'll get it," Tony calls out, upon hearing the doorbell ring.

Coming back, I hear more than one set of footsteps, as Bobby carried on with his bottoming me.

"What a boring convention, I tell you. Hi Bobby!"

I almost freaked out! There, standing in the flesh and literally the flesh, most likely having stripped on his way from the front door of the condo, to the bedroom proper, was my Chase-baby! I figured I was in deep shit now.

"Taking good care of my Brad, I see, Bobby?"

He popped one of my balls out of his mouth to answer, "Well you said to, Chase."

"I know. Tasty, Bobby?"

"Yeah. Have you had the chance, Chase?" Bobby replied.

"No, but you continue. I've got jetlag," Chase-baby announced, immediately taking up the place next to me, in the bed, giving me a 'hello' kiss. "I could really use a good oral workover."

Of course, the only unused mouth, was Tony's. But like day and night, Bobby snapped his fingers, motioning me to get up.

"What're you waiting for Bradford?" Bobby reverted to a quasi-dominant state. "Didn't you hear what your man said? C'mon. Make it snappy!"


So, I got up, let Bobby lay down, crossed over to my Chase-baby and started getting oral on him. Tony made himself comfortable, stationing his body over Bobby, then leaning his head forward and like me, began licking and sucking away.

A loose thought entered my mind, so I stopped licking the head of Chase-baby's cock, to put my mind at ease, asking Bobby, "I still don't get why you did it, Bobby?"

"My fault, I guess," came from Chase-baby's lips.

Like a desertation, the clue to Bobby submitting himself to me, licking and sucking my pubes, unraveled. In all earnest, Bobby had had secret desires to dominate the boss, having flashbacks to when his father, in my position, as head of a huge corporation, dominated his employees, Bobby being one of them. Life on the homefront, wasn't much different. Now, as an adult, and out in the free world of business, he's wanted to employ different methods, yet still pretending to wield the same weapon of domination, his father has had, for so many years. But this ideal only stood to comprise ninety per cent of Bobby's drive. That ten per cent had the opposite effect on him.

"You didn't stay away long enough, Chase."

"I know Bobby, but don't worry. I'm sure 'the boss' will have other times when he feels like being serviced by his hairy right hand man."

"I wasn't even planning on it, you know Chase. It's one of things where it just happened."

I replied to what Bobby was feeding us, by asking, "You mean, if I never elbowed you in the balls, you wouldn't have sucked me, Bobby?"

Tony picks up on the question, replying, "Yeah, Bobby can be a strange bird sometimes."

"Tony, mind your own business and get those lips back on my cock!"

Smiling, Tony complied, pursing his lips and replicating a tight ass, pressing down Bobby's thick, 9c, totally swelled.

"Oooooh yeah! Oooooh yeah! Oooooh fuckin' yeah!"

Chase-baby comments, "Hmm... I wonder which Bobby enjoys more, Tony's tight lips or his tight ass?"

Bobby jokes around, "Or Bradford's tight ass?"

"Dream on, Bobby," my Chase-baby fends off, "I didn't come home to sink into just any ole ass chute!"

"Aha! So you did miss me, huh Chase-baby?"

"Yeah, well, the convention actually was kind of interesting, but I outweighed the action in the hotel room, afterwards and figured it wasn't going to get any better. So I grabbed a flight home."

"But what about all that money you spent on the hotel and registration fees for workshops?"

"Let's see now, the hotel manager thoroughly enjoyed his protein drink and almost every workshop is refunding my money."

"Never underestimate the power of a writer!" Bobby joked.

"Yeah and I figured the money I'm being refunded, can go towards us fixing up our love nest, Brad."

Right away, I filled Chase in on all the going's on, while he way away for his short two days.

"Kareem and this Frank guy? What about Akeno?"

"Akeno and Ian Morrison are shacking up and moving to the coast."

"Oh? And now where does that leave Ian's father?"

"I didn't think about that, Chase-baby. Maybe he'll think about selling," I offered.

Bobby says, "Who? David Morrison? Not likely."

"What makes you say that, Bobby?" Tony asks.

"No, David will most likely find himself a nice young cub... or two?"

"Cub? What do you know that we don't know, Bobby?" Chase-baby asks him.

"Oh," I divulge to the two non-office personnel, "you don't know Bobby, like I know Bobby. He knows all and sees all!"

Bobby smiled, as I winked at him. He knew the score with Frank Faracco, Darryl Jennings and Chaz Little. How many others does Bobby know about, that aren't expecting the unknown to pop up, in their lives at any twist of the fate?

"Come on, Bobby. Fill us in," Tony, whom now sat up, apparently more interested in what Bobby knew, than pleasuring his stiff rod.

"Alright," he sighed, sitting up with his back against the headboard.

Chase-baby followed suit, though my nose did follow his pubes, as I lay the side of my head on his thigh and doodled with his pubic region, with my hand.

"Okay, so this is what happened. One day David had had it up to the eyeballs with Ian's behaviour. Seems that he had overheard Kareem mention something about the 'Balls & Chain' magazine, referring to Brad."

"I knew it! Wait til I get my hands on that Kareem!"

"Cool it, Brad," Bobby dug in to me, "it's not like David's going to report you to the police or anything. In fact, I doubt the subject will go any further than his and mine ears, that is unless you want it to?"


"Meaning, unless maybe you want David Morrison to play with us sometime?"

"Hmm... I always knew he'd make a foxy master!"

"Um, can we get on with this?" Tony asked, impatiently, licking his lips.

"Nobody told you to stop sucking me, Tony."

As Bobby had told Frank, Tony was his own man. He now proved it.

"Don't you get so fuckin' persnickety with me Bobby Freeman or you can go get another hot mouth to work your hot poker!"

"Sorry, Tony."

"That's better. Now get on with your story before my mouth dries up?"

I looked up at Chase-baby. He and I smiled at each other. They're behaving just like a couple of jockboys. Like we do sometimes!

"Well, David and I chatted for awhile outside in the hallway and got sidetracked. Didn't matter anyway, as later on, Ian informed his father that he was moving out, that he and Akendo had thought about going to San Francisco and shacking up."

"Where was the loot coming from, though?"

"Akendo's uncle has a big home and offered to rent part of it out, dirt cheap, so the boys could have a place to stay while going to college."

"Nice arrangement."

"Yeah," Tony complained about me interrupting, "it's going to be a nice arrangement when I shove a buttplug up your ass, for interrupting Bobby!"

Chase-baby commented, "Don't do him any favors, Tony. Brad, don't interrupt anymore."

I saluted Chase-baby, apologized to Tony, saying he could still plug my ass, if it turned him on and gave Bobby the go ahead, to continue.

"So, David invited me in for coffee.. ahem... Irish coffee, that is, he let loose all his pent up fantasies and desires and I found out that he would love to have one or two cubs around to 'rule'."

"Hmm... sounds nice," Chase-baby replied, smiling, his hand moving to my hairy chest, petting it, "I wonder if he'll get a nice, hairy one like mine?"

I smiled back, showing how much I appreciated the thought.

Bobby informed us something we already knew, "They're out there. A dime a dozen, waiting to be reeled in!"

"That's nice, Bobby. Now slouch down here so I can think about swallowing your load sometime tonight?"

Chase-baby replied to that, "I've got two days of protein stored up for 'my cub'."

I didn't know whether Tony and Bobby minded, but Chase and I wound up spending the night. We actually spent the rest of the week at 8-6, since 8-5, mine, right next door to Tony's and Bobby's, was being given a major overhaul and Chase's, downstairs, 8-1 was already being violated by Chaz Little and Darryl Jennings, moving their things in. As Bobby and Frank promised, Kareem, Darryl, me and even Tony, became slave laborers, over the weekend, helping to move Frank's furniture and belongings into 8-3, as Akeno moved out. As it happened, one of the movers from the service that Akeno's uncle hired to move the two to the west coast, a SoCal college kid, decided not to make the return trip. We all could see why the 20yo cub made his decision, after Ian's father took a liking to him! In fact, Kirk Trudeau swore that his 18yo brother, Lance, was the spitting image of him and planning on college, but didn't have a clue to where he wanted to go, nor what his intended major is. David Morrison figured that since the two had lived on their own, Kirk taking on the responsibility to fend for the two, that a move might deem benefitable for both.

David's last words had been, "Here I go again!" referring to having another boy, like a son to him, trying to decipher 'what to do' in life.

In reality, he couldn't see himself living alone and even though David thought something like, 'Kirk... I'm like nineteen years older than him', he was willing to give the paunchy cub a chance and vice versa, on Kirk's views. He saw in David the hot 'daddy' he always desired. He wasn't sure of Lance's thoughts on the matter, but Lance always went with what his bro said, like he didn't have a mind of his own.



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Next: Chapter 12

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