Writers Block

By Bradford Dean Bigelow

Published on Aug 26, 2005


The following story is a work of fiction set in the format of reality. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental in nature, and is not meant to accurately reflect persons in towns, cities, or governmental areas, in which the story is staged. If sexual scenes involving male to male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this by law. This is fiction. Don't forget, in real life, to think about 'sexual safety matters'; got condom?

"Writer's Block" 05 written By Bradford dean Bigelow


"So, how does it feel to sleep in late, Brad?"

"Nice. Best thing though, is with whom I'm 'sleeping in' with!"

"Yeah. Nice, isn't it?"

"Yeah. 'Bout time we decided to shack up together, what do you think, Chase."

"Well, it is kind of stupid to keep running back and forth."

"Yeah, this way, if we move in together, I can keep tabs on how much cream goes in the soup, huh Chase?"

"That will be my forever secret, what goes my chicken soup, Brad, but might be nice to double the volume!"

"Hmm... ever think of marketing it?"

"I don't think so, Brad. When you market a food, you have to list all that stuff, ingredients, carbs, etc."

"You kidding, Chase? That's what will sell it, the protein outweighing the carbs?"


"Yes, Chase-baby?"

"Are we going to move into your place or you move into mine?"

"I'm willing to make any arrangement that suits you?"

I thought the added kiss to Chase's forehead was sweet and I meant it!

"I thought it would be nice living on the second floor."

"Then it's settled."

"Then again, I'm used to being on the first floor, not hauling all those groceries upstairs and all."

"We could stay on the first floor. No problem, if that's what you want, Chase."

"But then again, Brad, there will be both of us to bring the groceries in."


"But, on the other hand, I'm used to my condo."

With tongue in cheek, my hands began to get edgy, tightening up the gripping action.

"Then again, you have more junk, so I guess we'll move in up here."

That made my hands begin to relax, though I was hesitant over the 'junk' factor.

"Of course we'll have to do some remodeling. I don't expect you to conform entirely to my decor, Chase."

"I don't know, Brad. The condition of your place, it'll a cost a fortune to remodel it to where it's fit to live in."

My hands began to tighten up, even though I tried to quell the strangulation factor.

"Um, I'd like to have you know that I've been living there, Chase."

"Yeah and you don't know how much pity I've felt for you, Brad, living under those conditions, but don't worry, we'll make it habitable."

What was I up to for the year? Strangulation number 496? However, when Chase began giving my barechest a rubdown, mashing my nips, I began to see my condo in a new light!

"Ooooooooooooooohhhh yeah!"

"You know, Brad, when I mentioned that Bobby and Tony are quite happy together, did I make mention that Bobby is putting his acting skills to work, roleplaying with Tony?"

"You're joking?"

"I am not."

"You mean that because Tony found out about my interest in bdsm, that he's liking it now?"

"Yup. In fact, when Tony found out that Bobby kneed you in the balls, Tony asked if he could try it."

"No fuckin' way! Tony 'wanted' Bobby to knee him in the balls?"

"That's right."

"No way. How did it go? Like how did he stand and all? Could he take it? Did he like it?"

My mind raced on so. Chase told me that I was so excited, that I spit saliva.

"Tony asked Bobby if they could roleplay, him the slave in training and Bobby the master."

"Let's back up here a minute, if you don't mind, Chase. I have question about Bobby and his acting that day in my office."

"No problem. What's up?"

"Did Bobby have any prior knowledge of the bdsm scene?"


"Then how did you manage to have Bobby act all this out? It's like he was a pro at it, a real life master and all."

"Well, after I found out from my bro that Bobby was once an aspiring actor, I put my plan into action."

"Plan. You little conniver!"

"Yeah, well for about two weeks, after Bobby agreed on my plan, for an entire ten days straight, we sat down every night and watched bdsm DVD's."

"Oooooh so that's it. And I thought you had been so pissed at me that you didn't want to be with me. By the way, did you get my messages, Chase-baby?"

"Listen, Brad. I did get your messages. The reason I didn't answer them is because I 'was' pissed at you. I was very pissed... no, I was extremely pissed at you."

"Yeah, I could imagine and I know it was all my fault. I mean, I know I tried seducing Tony into eating my cum and milking my cock dry."

"Well, let's put that behind us now, Brad. Want to hear about Bobby and Tony?"


We got all comfy in the bed, Chase lying his naked chest, faced down, playing with my chest and telling me about Bobby and Tony.

"So, by the time the third night rolled around, I had Bobby talking like a real master."

"He sure sounded like it, to me. I mean, he had me totally fooled."

"Yeah, but acting it out, in words was totally different than having somebody to roleplay with."

"So, you pretended to be his boy?"

"No, you blockhead! That's where Tony came in."

"Cool! When he was my boy....ahem! Never mind about that. Continue, Chase."

"Yeah, right."

"Ooooooooooooh!" I sighed, as Chase used a little 'getting even' tactic on me, fingernailing my nips and pulling on them, before letting go.

"So, I went over to 8-3 and asked Tony to come over to my place. All the time we strolled down the hall, he was apologizing all over the place."

"He's really a very nice looking... I mean very nice person, Chase. Yeah, that's what I meant to say.. akkkkkkk...oooh... oohhhh!"

"So, when we got to my place, I already knew from Kareem that Tony had 'the interest'."

"Kareem? He knows?"

"Yes, but Akeno doesn't and he's keeping it secret."

"Um, how did Kareem find out?"

"He caught Tony looking at the 'Balls & Chain' magazine."

"Cool! Kareem's got a nice set of chocolate-covered nips."

"One track mind, Brad!"

"Yeah... okay, so?"

"So, as soon as Tony walks in the door, Bobby, whom I've lent my old set of chaps, harness, boots and cap to..."

"You never told me you had leather gear, Chase-baby!"

"Shut up and listen, blockhead."

"Okay, so?"

"So, Bobby, all decked out in my leather gear, complete with those sexy glasses.."

"Yeah, he does look sexy in them. I was sorry when he took them off. You know I think his glasses had been partly responsible for making my cock twitch?"

"Yeah, whatever grooves you, Brad. Are you going to let me finish this before they ring in the new year?"

I couldn't argue Chase's point.

"So, Bobby walks right up to Tony... he was dressed in the usual, gymshorts, belly tee, etc.... walks right up to Tony, whom is saying hello, you know the nice, cordial way he can be, extending his hand in friendship.... Bobby walks right up to Tony and slams his fist into Tony's abs, saying, "On your knees, boy!"

"Oh fuck, no! Bet he wasn't expecting 'that' type of greeting, just like when you tucked in his gut, Chase?"

"Yeah, sort of a repeat performance. And there's Tony, winded, bent over, on his knees, breathing heavy, his arms folded over his gut, looking up at 'Master Bobby', then down, not believing that his abs are caved in."

"Oh man. I wish I could've been there. Bet it was a hundred times better than a DVD."

"Wait, it gets better."

I wondered if Chase could feel my cock getting hard?

"I have to admit that my leather gear is kind of ancient. When Bobby practiced ripping off the codpiece, like I instructed him, the snaps were kind of rusty, so we had to limber up the snaps with some WD-40."

"WD-40? On a codpiece?"

"Hey, don't knock it, Blockhead. It worked decent. Bobby waited til he caught Tony's eyes on him, then ripped it away. Only one snap didn't work, so Bobby used it to his advantage, making it like he intended the codpiece to hang by the thread of one snap. Walking up to Tony, whom I could tell loved the scene already, because his 9c was already stiff as a stalk of broccoli and the cockhead peeking out of the leg of his gymshorts, grabbed the top of Tony's head, snapped it back and in his toughest vocal interpetation, said, 'Get your fuckin' teeth on my codpiece, boy and tear if off!' What do you think about that?"

"Fuckin' hot! So?"

"I think Tony was still stunned over his abs not taking the gutpunch. He sat there a minute, on his knees. You'll never guess."

"You're right, Chase. Stop keeping me in suspense."

"Bobby takes one of the leather gloves that I kept folded in the side of the harness, at my waist and slaps Tony hard on the side of his face."

"No fuckin' way! Oh man, that must've humiliated the hell out of Tony! Did he jump up and punch Bobby's lights out?"

"No. That's what I thought, too. But Tony sat there on his knees like a blockhead. Bobby says to him, 'You going to do what I tell you boy, or do I have to beat that ugly kisser of your's?' What do you think of that?"

"He said that to the Italian studmuffin?"

"Yep. Of course, Tony wanted to be dominated, but the way Bobby and I figured it, he wanted it all, the humiliation, being slapped around and just wait til I tell you the rest!"

"Just don't lay there, playing with my body, Chase, tell me!"

Chase had to feel my cock. No doubt about it, that he played dumb, the electricity going through my cock and balls, at this moment.

"Tony clenched his teeth on the side of the leather codpiece and tore it away. Get this. Bobby reaches behind himself, takes the metal cuffs out of the little packet, walks around behind Tony. Tony goes to look over his shoulder and Bobby warns him, 'keep your ugly kisser faced forward boy, before I work it over some more. Got that boy?' Tony replies, 'Yeah, I got it' Bobby holds his metal toed book back.. well, mine and kicks Tony hard, right in the ass, saying, 'it's Sir to you, boy!'"

"Ooooh that must've hurt!"

"He did sigh with some pain, but Tony replied, 'Yes, sir'."

"Cool! Fuckin' cool! Oh man, Chase, I don't believe that you got to stand there and watch Tony getting broken. Oh man, would have loved to see that Italian get his ass kicked! I wonder how Bobby thought I held up, compared to Tony?"

"Oh, you really wimped out, Brad!"

"That what Bobby told you, Chase?"

"Nope. Saw it for myself."

"You fuckin' what?"

If my hands weren't holding my body up, in a situp position, they would have been involved in strangulation number 497 or are we on 498?. Whatever, I was now totally livid.

"Sometime we'll sit down some evening, make some popcorn and watch the DVD, Brad."

"You? You recorded it? My humiliation and torture?"

"Yeah. Isn't that a scream?"

"But what happens if it gets into the wrong hands. I could be ruined!"

"Don't have a cow, Bradford. We blurred out your face."

"Oh. That's different. So, what else happened with Tony?"

"Oh man, you should have seen Tony's face when Bobby takes out a knife and cuts Tony's favorite belly tee, slicing it right up the front."

"He must've had a fuckin' cow. Do you know how much he loves that shirt?"

"Yeah. I clued Bobby into how much he liked it. He took the knife, and with a big grin on his face, cut it up into little pieces."

I never laughed so much in my whole life!

"As Tony cursed him, he got Tony to his feet and did the same to his gymshorts. Tony said Bobby was going to pay for every stitch."

"He must've been pissed!"

"Yeah, he was, but after Bobby cut his shorts and briefs off, you should have seen the way his cock was leaking. I thought maybe he hadn't cum for days, the way his big balls were full."

"I hope Bobby made use of them."

"Oh, he did, in fact right away. He took a leather lace, lassoed the two milktanks, cinched the lace around the base and then used it to get Tony to his feet."

"Ooooh, that's gotta hurt!"

"Yeah, but the whole time Tony's cussing Bobby out, his cock is hard and leaking. Bobby then takes Tony into the jon. He loosens one of the cuffs, feeds Tony's arm up and under the upper towel bar and then cuffs his arms over his head."

"Hot! Then what happened?"

"Humiliation part two. Bobby takes the shaving brush, heats it up, swishes it around in the shaving cream mug and then lathers up Tony's chest and stomach."

My hands slapped the sides of my face, as Chase laughed. Tony's hairy chest and stomach are the pride of his body!

"He didn't!"

"Not all of it, Brad. Tony's yelling out, 'You're fuckin' crazy! You're fuckin' crazy!' as Bobby shaves the sides of Tony's stomach, except for a stripe down the middle."

"Oh, I see. He's going to leave a trail."

"Yep. He shaves all of Tony's stomach hair except a stripe clear down from his midchest, to his pubes. But when he gets to Tony's chest, he only shaves circles around Tony's nips."

"That's weird."

"Yeah. We saw it on one of the DVD's. On that one, the master prepared the slave's nips for torture. We both liked it."

"Hmm... wouldn't mind trying that out myself."

"Don't worry, Brad. Bobby and I thought about it already, for when we tagteam you and Tony."

"Hot! Fuckin' hot! The two of us?"

"Only if you 'misbehave' yourself!"

I had to be leaking!

"So, after Bobby finishes up on the shaving, which had to take at least an hour, he washes everything off, which is another good reason that I should move out of my place."


"Yeah. I think the place needs a new floor in the jon."

"Whatever. Keep going. I can think of something more exciting than a new floor in the jon!"

"So, Tony is almost in tears, as it's revealed that the hair on his belly is almost wiped out, he has these two inch circles carved out of his chest, around his nips and, to top it off, Bobby shaved his pit hair."

"Oh my!"

"Yeah. What a royal insult, Tony thought, when his bushy pits were bare. So, after that, Bobby took him in my bed and after Tony got the royal nip torture treatment and some of the fun stuff I told Bobby that turned you from a raging beast, into a harmless lamb, he finally tamed Tony's attitude, having him suck him off."

"Um, did Bobby claim his ass?"

"As I understand it, after their candlelit dinner tonight, that will be the highlight of their roleplaying."

"Hmm... wonder if the candles are going to play a part?"

"I'm sure Bobby isn't going to let all that candlewattage to to waste!"

"Well, Chase. Sounds like they both had a lot of fun. Just think though, if you hadn't found Tony and me in bed, being naughty boys, he and Bobby might never have met."

"Yep. I look at it as a test for us."

"You mean, like how strong our love is and bouncing back, forgiving each other and all that, Chase?"

"No. I'm thinking more along the lines of what kind of punishment your body has to take, to avenge your unfaithfulness, Bradford!"


"Oh, by the way, Brad, Bobby told me to tell you that he forgot to tell you that he's sending a memo around to all the offices in the division, to tell them that there should be no parking in the eastern section, along Main St., next week."

"Hmmm... I wonder why that is?"

"Something about cracks in the pavement and he's having it paved."

"Wait. Let me get this straight. 'He' said 'he's' having it paved?"

"That's what he said, but I figured you knew about it anyway."

"I knew nothing about any of this! Wait! I've gotta check this out!"

"You can't Brad."

"I mo certainly can. I mean, he lives right next door."

"But you can't Brad. You have to get ready soon."

"Ready soon? For what?"

"Now you went and made me ruin the surprise."

"Surprise? What surprise? I think I've had enough surprises, with what you told me about Bobby. I mean, the audacity of him going and having the Eastern parking lot paved, without my permission. Do you know how much paving costs are these days?"

"A lot... um, maybe he's going to use slave labor."

"Slave labor?"

"Yeah, have you and Tony out there, with the whip at your backs!"

"Chase, this is no time for humor. Oh, what's the surprise?"

"Probably not as important as the news of what's happening at work, which should be left at the office you know, Brad? I mean, here I am playing with your pecs and you haven't groaned for five minutes."

"Chase-baby, you're right. And yeah, it does feel good, even if you've been ignoring my delicate nips."

"I can't play with them all the time, Brad or else they're going to be raw and red and......."

"Oowwwwwch! Ooooh! Oooooh! I felt that!"

"I can tell, Brad. I just got poked in the thigh!"

"Yeah, well, what can I say. It hurt so good!"

"Do you want to hear the surprise, which we're going to have to get ready for soon?"

"Does it have to do with that little sack you brought and told me to keep my nose out of?"


"Okay. I'm all ears."

Chase swivels his cute ass over by the door and returns, flaunting the hairy, blonde body, his 8.5c bouncing around. Ooooh, how I wished it bounced around in my ass!

"Okay. Get up and stand here, Brad."

Like we roleplayed master/slave, I jumped out of bed and stood where Chase-baby designated, right in front of him. I stood an inch taller, at 6', but wasn't any true difference in height, but my average build, weighing in at 190, compared to his 175 pounds, made me seem bigger than him.

"Close your eye, Brad."

I stood there still, eyes closed, licking my lips, as if a hot sausage was on a plate, waiting to be eaten. I don't know why Chase had me close my eyes, as I felt him take my left wrist and wrap something hard around it, fastening it in place.

"I know this is a wild guess, Chase-baby, but are you fastening a leather cuff around my wrist?"

"You peeked?"

"No... no, I swear I didn't!"

He didn't say anything, not even admitting that it was a cuff, doing the same thing to my right wrist. Then, as he held my right arm out in from of me, I heard a clicking sound. He brought my left arm to meet my right one, at the wrists.


Looking down, I expected to see ordinary leather cuffs with some kind of metal gadget, hooking them together.

"Wow! Cool! Are they real leather?"

"Yup. Authentic imitations!"

I rolled my eyes, smiling, then asked, "Um, why the lock?"

"Oh, so no matter what we do to you, you can't get out of it."

Maybe Chase didn't catch the 'we', but I sure did. I bet what whatever he had slated for us to do, involved Bobby and Tony, since I showed a 'wowwed' sense of interest with playing out a scene with them. I kept my knowledge, secretive.

"Close eyes, Brad!"



This time his hands touched my neck, feeling something circling it. I wonder what that could be?

"Are you collaring me now, Chase?"

"I'm not telling."

After Chase finished fiddling with whatever he putting around my neck, he told me to keep my eyes closed, while he walked me over to the mirror.


"Hmm... nice... I like it!"

"Well, the cuffs are from my older collection, but the slave collar is brand new, Brad."

"I like it!"

I wasn't giving Chase a line here. The feeling running up and down my spine, detouring to my pubes, turned me on big time. I felt 'owned'.

"A kind of present, since we are going into a more serious relationship."

"Nice. Thanks, Chase!" I gave him a kiss on the lips, wanting to caress him in my arms, but the locked leather cuffs, in front of my belly, kept me from doing so. Still, it was erotic, as I could still open my hands, like a clam shell and lay them flat on his stomach, above his navel and clench his body in them, touching that shaggy trail that ran from his midchest, and... ahem... further. "I wish I had known. I could have picked up something for you. I wanted to do that anyway. Even beat you to it."

"I figured your kind heart would want to do that, Brad, so I picked up a few things that I know you would want me to have."

"Oh? Whatcha got there?"

"Close eyes!"

I wasn't thinking about anything leathery or roleplaying in the bdsm scene. Maybe something more personal, like a ring, but if Chase had something that could turn both of us on, especially utilizing it 'tonight', then more power to him!


"A dust mop?"

"No, blockhead! It's a 'willy whip'."

"A what?"

"Willy whip."

I had this feeling that Chase was giving me the hint of what it was for, as he let the small leather-stranding thing brush back and forth over my already long, hard 9c.

"You... you're going to whip my willy? I mean, cock?"

"Yeah. Hot, huh?"

Before answering, I unintentionally gulped, saying not too enthusiastically, "Yup. Nice present. Thanks."

"Oh, I'm not finished playing Santa Claus, yet Brad."

"Um, are you sure, Chase? What about the other kids on the block? Wouldn't want to make them feel jealous!"

"Close eyes."

We went through this secretive process, 'close eyes', 'open eyes', 'close eyes', 'open eyes', about ten times, each time, Chase presenting me with a personal gift, to celebrate us settling down on a longterm relationship.


"Okay, what are they for? Croquet?"

"Give you a hint. They go here!"

"Ooooooh... your fingers are cold, Chase!" I called out, as he wiggled his digits in between my hairy ass crevice.

"One problem, Chase."

"I don't see a problem, Brad. I mean, I think this one, which has the little 's' on it, is obviously small," Chase clues me in, dangling the black balls in front of my face, with the black lace running through them, "and this, 'm', this one 'l', which would most likely require some additional lube, but oh, this 'xl' one might need to be really saturated with lube and the 'xxl' ball... well, I'm sure I'll have to really pound on that one, to get it in to widen your assrim enough to get it in."

I knew I shouldn't be joking about it, since it did look awfully big and painful, but the idea did occur to me, "I think I've got a rubber mallet in the closet!"

"Good idea," Chase said, patting me on the back, then saying, "I might need it for the other set of Benwa balls!"

"Oth-th-th-th-ther set?"

Later we joked about how I turned pale and stood there with my mouth gaping open, my eyes like saucers.

"Now, this was expensive, Brad!"

"Oh no, McPhee! You're not going to be working my abs over with 'that'! Maybe Tony might enjoy it, but..."

"Calm down, Brad. This isn't for hitting you in the stomach with. What do you think?"

"Looks like a policemen's billy club!"

Chase laughed his ass off, which cooled my nerves and made me smile. You know how it is, when somebody starts laughing ya just gotta laugh along, even though you don't know what the hell they're laughing about.

"Oh man, you're a scream, Brad. No way. This isn't for working your abs over, it goes up your ass!"

Suddenly I stifled my laughter, returning to my original palefaced demeanor.

"Um," I gulped, "That there is going up my ass?"

"Yep. Got it all the way from England. They call it the 'Black Intruder'."

"I wonder why? How long is that thing."

I must've eyed every inch of the long dildo.

"It must say it somewhere's on here. Let's see."

Of course, Chase took his time, which continued to send shocks of dread through my ass, as he turned the instrument of ass torture over and over.

"Brad, you're sweating."

"Don't you think I have a right to?"

"Oh come on, Brad. Don't you trust me?"

"Sure I do, Chase, but it's that 'intruder' I don't trust!"

"Don't worry Brad. I might only get half of in the first try, anyway."

"Half? It'll wind up under my chin!"

"O come on Brad, it can't be longer than fifteen inches, anyway. Here, let me take your mind off it and show you the next toy."

"There's more?"

My asshole felt sore already and there was nothing parting it's cheeks, except the coating of assfur!

"Hmm.. maybe I should use this before I use the Black Intruder," Chase said, holding this fat little buttplug in his hand.

"Oh man, Chase. That'll never fit. Not in a hundred years. Not even a thousand!"

"Don't worry Brad. I'm going to use lots of lube on it. Geesh, you know it didn't look this big in the catalog. I thought maybe it would be about as big as my fist, but no... maybe as big as Tony's fist and his are big ones. Oh well. let me see what else I have in here."

While already feeling the misery of Chase trying to stuff the little black, rubber, fat buttplug up my asschute, I tried to think how big Tony's fist was.

"Which one do you want to try first, Brad?"

"Mmmmmmm... now you're talking my language, Chase!"

I could believe how two different species of torture toys could lift my spirits so, as Chase dangled so many chains over his fingers, multitudes of different styles of nip clamps attached to each of the two ends.

"Ooooh now, that one looks interesting. Can I try it on now?"

Chase stood there, looking, smiling.

"Yeah okay."

Like usually, I went insane with pleasure, as Chase took my nips and firmed them up. I'm not sure I knew what I was getting into, as he was correct in analysing the soreness of them. But I kept my fingers crossed that the nip clamps, attached to the chain wasn't 'that' painful.

"Are you sure you want these on, Brad?"

"Um, I think."

"If I put them on now, you have to wear them all night, or until I change them to put another style on."

I hesitated, then gave Chase the go ahead, hoping I wasn't being a blockhead.

Worse than going over a report at work, I studied Chase's hands, as he took the chain in his hands. My eyes followed him, as he approached my chest, looking down at my chest.

"Wait, Chase. I can't see what you're doing."

"Hmm.. maybe I should carve out your pecs with the shaver?"

"If you want to!" I know I smiled.

"We don't have time."

I think I whimpered, but Chase went right ahead, taking the nip meat from my right pec, in his hand, opening the clamp and placing it over my nip. He giggled.


"The look on your face, that's what, Brad. I haven't even let go of the clamp and you look like you're in pain."

"I just don't know what to expect. Go ahead. Let go. See if I care."

"I just did."

My eyes shot down to my pecs.

"I...I thought that was your finger and thumb squeezing my nip! I didn't even feel it when you let go."

"Yeah right. Let me do the other one."

Not bad, I thought, watching the rather decorative clamp, it's shiny silver metal and the little white rubbery thing grasping my nipmeat.

"There. How do they feel, Brad?"

"Piece of cake! They call this torture?"

"Not yet."

"What do you mean not yet?" I started to lose my confidence that these nipclamps would be an 'easy trip'.

"Well, for one thing, Brad, you don't have, shall we say, 'virgin nips'?"

"Well yeah. You've played with them for a couple of weeks now."


"Akkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! Ohshit! Ohshit! Ohshit!"

I can't believe he was laughing, as my nips throbbed in mortal pain.

"You need weight on them, Brad!"

"Oh shit! Oh shit, did that hurt! Sure go ahead and laugh, McPhee!"

"It's not your clamped nips I'm laughing about, Brad, but the puddle on the floor!"

Was he ever right. I wouldn't term it a puddle, but my cock had secreted suffient amount of precum, still strands of the thin goo winding it's way to the floor.

"And don't worry, Brad. I won't have to stand here and 'pull your chain'. They had a special. Buy five sets of nipclamps and get a free set of weights!"

"What a bargain," I replied, sarcastically.

"Want to see anything else?"

"There's more?"

"A few toys, but I have another very special item, if you're not too worn out, Brad."

"Oh wait! Here's the paper that came with the buttplug. Silly me, I had stuffed it in the bag with the Grenade."

"Grenade? What's that?"

"What do you thing this buttplug is shaped like, dah?"

"A Grenade? Whew, looks bigger than the other one, Chase. How are you ever going to..."

"I didn't buy it for you."

"No? Who?"

"A housewarming gift for Bobby and Tony."

"Hmm.. more like an asswarming gift!"

"Let's see, that buttplug is 8.25 inches x 14.25 inches. Is that big?"


"That's what the paper says. Oh, I think the top part is 8.25 and the wider part 14.25."

"No kidding, Chase."

"But this part isn't listed, so I guess it's the part that I hold onto, so it doesn't get stuck in there forever."

I rolled my eyes. 'No kidding,' I felt like saying, but it seemed like Chase was more on the receiving end than I was, more the kid opening his gifts on Christmas morning, showing the anticipation.

"What else you got in that bottomless pit."

"Close eyes!"

When I opened my eyes, I gasped.

"Oooooh Chase. That's stunning! Is that for me?"

"Yup. Want to try it on?"

"Of course I do!"

He brushed by the nip clamps more than once, as we both worked to figure out how the straps went over my body, to fit the harness to my contours.

"It's real leather, you know Brad?"

"I don't doubt it, Chase-baby. The aroma is incredibly erotic!"

"I know. Now it could get a little snug down here."

"Hmm... built in cock and balls strangler, huh?"

"Helps control the flow and believe me, with all the fun we're going to have with your nips, Bradford, you're going to need the help you can get controlling your balls!"

I couldn't dispute anything Chase was saying. My nips, a direct link to my cock balls, would prove that I'd never be able to control the flow of my cockjuice, as he sweetly worked them over, plus all the other fun we would have. Thinking back over that ass assortment was enough to stimulate my cock!

"How does that feel, Brad?"

"Woohoo! That strap really does hug the cock and balls!"

"Uncomfortable, Brad?"

"Yeah, a little Chase."


We smiled at each other.

"Now for the finishing touch."

I swallowed, wondering what torturous delight awaited me. Maybe a PA for my cock or nip rings?


I read the little metal dog tag out loud, "Brad... isn't that sweet, Chase."

"Read the other side."

I turned it over. I'm sure he had something sweet engraved on it, like that date we first met. I read it out loud.

"'B I T C H'?"



Copyright 2005 Bradford D. Bigelow All Rights Reserved.

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Next: Chapter 6

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