Wwe New Rules

By Jaybird Nifty

Published on Feb 23, 2013


Here's the next chapter of my story! Also, as always, don't forget to donate to Nifty so we can keep this free for everyone to 'release some steam'!

"No chance, cause that's what you got!" The crowd booed as Mr. McMahon stood in the ring, looking into the crowd. He sighed as he tried to ignore all the boo's he got, as he held a microphone in one hand and a black case in the other. He was wearing a black wife beater and a pair of black jeans, and he held a hand up to single for the sound booth to stop playing his music and his video.

"Yes, I know you guys hate me! Get over it! Without me, WWE would be nothing!" He yelled, causing the audience only boo him louder. "Now, before I was rudely disrupted! I have come to introduce to you guys a NEW championship!" he yelled, his voice raising as he got closer and closer to the end. He went to his briefcase and unclipped the two locks on it and let the top half fall down.

Inside of the briefcase was revealed a black belt with the large circler part mostly pink with a little bit of random purple designs with glitter on them. "Gaze upon our newest championship, the Sissy Championship!" He said, and the crowd went crazy. Since getting rid of the divas, the Women's and the Diva's Championship went out the door. But that only opened room for the Sissy Championship, something Vince had spent a lot of time debating about.

"This championship will be the equivalent of the women's, except anyone competeing as a 'Sissy' will have to wear more...different clothes." He said with a grin, the crowd yelling it's favor. Vince took a moment to savor this, since for the longest time the crowd has been booing him. "But first, we need to decide who will be on the sissy roster! So to start it off, I have a handicap match! And the looser, or loosers, will end up in the Sissy weight."

All of a sudden, Batista's music started playing. The crowd looked like it was about to cheer, until they saw him walk out with a cocky smirk and Sheamus right behind him. Both of them sneered as they walked down the ramp, looking as if they'd like to be any place except where they were. Batista was in his black and gold trunks, while Sheamus was in his green, black, and white pair. As the two got into the ring, they sneered as they walked to one side of the ring and looked at the audience.

"This is so lame." Batista said to Sheamus.

"I know, and it's even worse that our opponent is-" Before he could even finish speaking, the lights dimmed and some started flashing as a familiar song started to play. The crowd rose on it's feet as Rey Mysterio came out , pumped and ready for action in his white pants. He ran towards the ring and slid in, his face masked behind his matching white mask as he went from turnbuckle to turnbuckle, pumping the audience up as Vince got out of the ring and walked up the ramp.

"The following match is a handicap match!" Terry yelled into the mike, wearing the classic referre outfit. "And it is to decide, which person or persons will be the first Sissy of the Sissy weight! To win, the looser will be the team with someone who cums!" He yelled, and the crowd roared its approval. "It will be...Rey Mysterio!" He paused to let the crowd let out it's deafening roar. "Verus, David Batista and Sheamus!" The pair struck a pose, only to be booed by the audience. Which seemed to only make them feel better about themselves.

Terry signaled for them to ring the bell as Batista went to get out of the ring. Sheamus smirked as he stepped towards Rey Mysterio, towering over the rather small man. "You know, you'll look better in the sissy clothes then you will in your silly wrestling clothes. I'll give you a headstart, you can just lay down and let me jack you." Sheamus said, and Rey Mysterio quickly laid flat on the ground. Sheamus grinned, thinking the other had seen common sense, but when he went to grab the other guy's pants he was met with a boot in the face.

He let out a shout as the boot connected and Rey hopped up, glaring at the smaller man. "I gave you a chance!" he yelled, and he ran at Rey. However, Rey rolled beneath the clothesline that he was trying to deliver. He growled in irritation as he turned around, only to be met with a boot to the shin. Hopping on one leg for a bit, he felt another boot hit his ribs. "Fuck!" he yelled, and looked up as two boots wrapped around his neck, spinning him and throwing him into a huricana.

Sheamus's head swam a little as he stood up, causing him to stumble a bit. When he turned around, he caught a glimpse of Rey's boots as he was kicked into a drop kick. He crawled away from him and tagged Batista in, suddenly not as confident as he once was. He saw that his display didn't cause Batista to loose a ounce of it, however. Both Batista and Rey went charging at each other, and when Rey went to duck under the clothesline, Batista brough his knee up and kneeded him right in the face.

Rey groaned and stumbled back, his hands going to cup his nose through the mask. However, before they could get up there he found the inside of Batista's elbow connecting with his throat in a clothesline. Rey gasped as the back of his head hit the ring below him, causing him to be dazed.

"I've always wanted to do this. Your about to be unmasked, Rey! Except, it won't be your top cheeks!" Batista said with a smirk, ripping off his pants to reveal a baby blue thong on underneath. He grinned as he reached down, grabbing the other guy's dick and starting to stroke it through the thong. "I bet this feels good, don't it?" He asked with a smirk.

And suddenly, Batista found himself thrown forward and ontot he second ropes. He was so dazed, that he didn't realize the position he was in until it was true late. He groaned as Rey's 619 connected, and he did the splash body. Rey, a idea forming, ran towards Sheamus on the other side and grabbed his head through his legs, throwing him into the ring with a hurricana. Pulling out of the pants he had on that was tossed to the side of the ring, he put it on backwards on Sheamus's head so he couldn't see before kicking Sheamus on the head. He moved out the way so sheamus fell onto a 69 ontop of Batista, and Rey quickly dropped his ass on Batista's face before he could say anything. Which wouldn't be so bad, if he wasn't wearing his thong.

"Hey, get off of me!" Rey said, making it sound like he was the one that Sheamus was lying on top of instead of Batista. The irishman's had suddenly fell into Batista's trunks, gripping the dick and starting to stroke it. Unfortunatly for him, he didn't know it was Batista and he was jacking off his own partner. "Oh fuck!" Rey yelled, feeling Batista moan in his ass as he moved his hand faster and faster before he gripped Batista's trunks and pulled, showing the other had went comando that time. He grinned as Sheamus went back to jerking his partner, putting the mask by the dick to catch any cum that came squirting out.

He grinned as Batista let out a roar in his ass as he came, his cum flying right into the mask. "And the winner, Rey Mysterio!" Terry yelled, and he heared Sheamus's yell in the mask. He didn't let him finish, however, before he kicked him in the head and knocked him out. Grinning, Rey whipped his dick out of his thong and started pissing into the mask, lifting his head to look at Batista's horrified face.

"For the new Sissy of WWE." Rey said as he slipped the cum and pissed filled mask over Batista's head, despite the others yells. As Batista tried to yell, however, piss and cum got in his mouth.

"The loosers, and the new Sissy's of the WWE, Batista and Sheamus!" Terry yelled, and the crowd roared it's approval.

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