X Awakening

By Zeke Willis

Published on Mar 5, 2013


Disclaimer: This story involves, or is going to, characters from X-Men. The characters in this story have no relation to the REAL characters and/or the actors that play them in real life, and imply nothing of their sexual orientation, (No matter how much we would like it to)and any similarities are purely coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel.

"Mr. Nolan?...Mr. Nolan?...MR. NOLAN?" my pre-cal teacher screamed from her desk at the front of the class. My head snapped to the right looking directly at her. I can't believe my minds been wondering again. Every time I wasn't busy my mind wondered to the same dream. It all begins with the same darkness. Then out of nowhere the beams of light begin to form. One is red and it reminds me of fire. It gives of this warm knowing feeling, like it can see everything that's going on. Then there's this white that moves like the wind. It gives of this feeling of peace and balance. Lastly there's the one that's blue, but it's a dark blue that almost blends in with the darkness. There's something wild and untamed about it, but it's gives me a feeling of safety, almost like it's protecting me. Then the three beacons of light expand into streams, and they began to converge and twist around each other. As they began to converge a beautiful song began to fill the void I was in. The song was beautiful. It was strength and weakness, it was peace and violence, it was life and death, and the void I was in began to thrum with power. The beams converged until they made a ball of glowing purple light. The ball changed into every color of purple imaginable as it began to fluctuate and grow so bright that it blinded me. The only thing about the dream was that I never finished it...until now. After a blinding flash I opened my eyes to see a teenage boy walking toward me. He stopped right in front of me and it took me a few seconds to realize that I was staring at myself with just a few minor improvements. Before I could really look at him/myself he leans forward and whispers "It's time to wake up," before kissing my forehead and causing my head to explode in pain.

All of this happened in a few seconds that felt like eternity, so I forgot that I was still in class. When myself in my dreams kissed my forehead and my head exploded in pain, I screamed out in real life. I fell out of my desk and curled up into a ball on the floor. The class fell silent with my scream and all attention flew to me. I was in so much pain that my body began to shut down. I saw my teacher run from behind her desk screaming my name, asking me what was wrong. I could hear everyone in the class yelling, asking questions, and freaking out, but when I looked over at them no one was moving their mouths. I saw the sky outside darken and it began to pour down raining. I saw flashes of lighting flash across the sky and thunder shake the earth. I couldn't believe how much pain I was going through. My body felt like it was on fire and I couldn't do anything about it. I dug my fingernails into my hands only for my nails to extend and cut into my hand. I screamed for bloody murder as I felt the pain sear through my hands only to see my hands heal themselves. Out of nowhere the pain doubled and I screamed so hard that I started to cough and blood. The last thing I remember seeing was a bright flash of light before I passed out was my teacher's worried face.

The next time I opened my eyes I was at home lying in my bed. My body ached and it felt like I had just been dipped in acid, cut open, burned, drowned, and then ran over buy an eighteen wheeler. I could barley move and every breath I took I struggled like I had just ran a 10k marathon. I briefly wondered how I got home when my mom burst into the room carrying a tray of food.

"How is my little animikii" she asked as she placed a cool wet towel over my forehead. I instantly relaxed when she used my nickname. She gave it to me because as a child I would go outside and stand in the rain whenever there was a storm. While other kids thought the storms where scary they comforted me.

"I'm ok mom...just tired" I groaned. "Where's dad"

"He's down stairs...uhm...talking to some people."

"OK...do you know what happened after I blacked out at school," I asked.

"Well honey that's what your dad and our guests want to talk to you about," she answered shyly. "Let me go get them," she replied as she got up and left. My mom was a beautiful lady. She was a Native American and she had all the looks. She had long midnight black hair so dark she had blue highlights, high cheek bones that would make a model jealous, and a body made for a goddess. I guess that made since because she was one of the top female actresses in the world. Her job was to look good and she did what was required. My dad owned some multi-billion dollar corporation and was known for having one of the most brilliant minds in the world. I want to say he was second in the world next to Mr. Fantastic and Dr. Hank McCoy, who were both tied for first. Although they loved me like I was their son I knew they weren't my real parents. I couldn't help but remember how my parents said they found me. They said they found me wondering in the backyard of their summer house during a severe weather storm. According to them I was naked as the day I was born and I was crawling through the grass. My mom was the one who actually found me. She had come out side to enjoy the rain when she saw me crawling toward the house. My mom picked me up and took me into the house calling out to my dad. After they had me dried off and wrapped me in warm blankets they called the police. The police came and went. The doctor at the local hospital dropped by to make sure I wasn't sick and to get some of my blood to see if they could figure out whom my parents were. They waited hours, which turned into days, which turned into weeks that turned into months. After six months with no news they finally adopted me. I had already became attached to them and they already saw me as there little son. My mom called me here animikii because she said I reminded her of the thunderbird in the Native American tales she would hear from her grandfather.

I got out of the bed and walked over to the mirror that was really my closet door. I scanned my body from head to toe and noticed all the changes. My body had got a little buffer and taller. I now stood at 5' 10'' instead of my old 5' 4''. I had also gained about 30 pounds, so now I weighed about 140. All the muscles on my body were lean and defined. My body looked strong and agile. I opened my mouth and I noticed my teeth were just a bit sharper and my canines a little longer, but the most noticeable changes were my eyes and my hair. My eyes were once hazel, but now they were electric blue on the outside that gradually changed to a violet when they meet the iris. They were normal but the color was breath taking. As I leaned a little closer I saw the iris change to vertical making them look like cat eyes. As I was leaning forward my hair spilled over my shoulder and in front of my face. Whereas my hair was once black it was now snow white. My hair was white as snow at the scalp but turned blood red tipped with the deepest black at the end. The new changes to my body made me look exotic, dangerous, mysterious, and sexy. My body looked like it belonged to a Greek god. I stretched my body and I felt a few shifts that weren't normal. My fingernails grew about four inches and turned silver. My senses heightened and hair started to blow in an unseen breeze. I closed my eyes and took in the rush of whatever I was feeling. I saw patterns that didn't make sense but where beautiful in my mind's eye. I thought I could hear the thoughts of some of the people close to me. I was getting drawn in until I was interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Honey, your father wants you to come down stairs and meet our guess" my mom yelled through the door.

"Ok...I'll be out in a sec. Just let me put some clothes on," I mumbled as I pulled a shirt on over my head and pulled on a random pair of jeans. As I was walking out of my room and down the stairs I began to notice that my movements were more graceful and fluid. I felt more aware of my surroundings. I was crazy. For example, before I even got to the bottom of the step and turned the corner to reach the living room, I knew there were four new people were standing in my living room. I also knew- somehow- that there were some more people outside standing guard. I finally reached the bottom step and turned the corner to see three people that I have seen in the newspaper and one old man sitting in a wheelchair.

"Hello Strom, Jean, Wolverine and Mr..?" I asked shaking each person's hand in turn.

"Charles Xavier but you can call me Professor X," he answered shaking my hand.

I turned to my dad and sat next to him on the couch. I could tell something was bothering him by the frown he had on his face. He was looking at me like he expected me to disappear at any moment.

"Dad, what's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked.

"How do you know who these people are Nixo?" he responded, answering my question with a question.

I raised my eyebrow to let him know that I knew he was deflecting the question and I was just amusing him now, which caused him to chuckle.

"Well I've seen Storm, Jean, and Wolverine on TV fighting bad guys. And now that I know the man in the wheel chair is Professor X, I know that he's in charge of their team. I also know that they are all mutants, powerful ones at that," I answered, "is that what you wanted to know daddy," I laughed, putting my head in his lap.

"Oh is that attitude I hear, "he laughed running his fingers through my hair. I couldn't help but relax even more in to his touch. My parents had a way of making me feel safe and calm.

"Well Nixo. Where here to talk to you about going to our school in New York. We want to train you and help you control..." Professor X began to explain before I interrupted him.

"Thanks for the offer but I already go to a school that I like, and I don't really like New York. I don't really do well with the city I like nature," I said being as polite as possible. My mo cleared her throat and looked like she was about to cry.

"Uhm...well sweetie. You kind of have to go," she whispered. I felt like my heart had just been ripped out of my chest and burned to ashes. I began to feel angry. Why was my own mother abandoning me? Did she not care about me? Did I do something wrong? I noticed that the sky started to get dark and the wind outside started to pick up.

"What do you mean I have to go? They are complete strangers," I growled rolling of my dad's lap and onto my feet.

"Honey it would be better for you if you go. We don't have the resource to take care of you anymore," she explained.

I whirled around to look at my dad, "And you have nothing to say? You agree with what she said?" I ended up screaming at the end and I saw lighting and thunder that set my mood perfectly.

"A...kid cool it don't be such a wuss ther...," the gruff looking man said, while approaching me from behind. He put his hand on my shoulder and my body just reacted on instinct. Before I knew what happened he was lying on his back on the other side of the room and I was crouched down on the ground. I was about to apologize when I was knocked off my feet. For some reason I knew it was the redhead who laid me on my ass. I was on my feet in a flash and giving her the death stare. Out of nowhere she was thrown in the gruff guy. I felt the air next to me shift and when I turned around the lady with the long white hair was staring down at me. Her eye flashed pure white and I noticed that it was pouring down raining. As I looked at her I just got a feeling of peace and calm. I stood up from the crouch I was in and couldn't take my eyes of her. Her hair started to lift in an unseen breeze and I saw chains of electricity traveling through her hair. There was a quick gale of wind and the rain stopped and the sky cleared. A sense of peace spread through the room.

"Calm down little one. We don't want anyone to get hurt. My name is Ororo Monroe, but you can call me Storm. We didn't come here to take you away from your parents. We just wanted to offer you a chance to learn control," she explained as she gently placed her hands on my shoulders. I couldn't help but calm down with the physical contact.

"Nixo we are trying to prevent you from hurting any more people than you already have," Professor X told me.

"What are you talking about old man? I've never hurt anyone in my entire life," I hissed at him.

"Actually kid ya did. You destroyed your classroom and put you teacher into a coma. Then you gave everyone in a ten mile radius a migraine," Wolvey grumbled. I looked at my parents to see if it was true. They both looked at me with sad eyes and that how I knew it was true. I don't know how it happened but I had somehow injured a class full of people. I had put my teacher into a coma. I was a monster. My mom must have seen the emotions on my face because she was across the room in an instant. I didn't even know I was crying until she wiped her thumb under my eye.

"Shhh. It's okay sweetie. You didn't do it on purpose. It was an accident. That's why we thought it would be a good idea for you to go with Charles. He can teach you how to control your gifts to the best of your ability," she whispered in my ear as she hugged me.

"Hey buddy. You know we don't blame you right. We still love you too. We just want you to be the best that you can be okay son," my father said while rubbing my back. I couldn't do anything but nod my head. How could this happen to me? Me? Out of all the people in the world I had to be a...

"So I guess that means I'm a mutant then. So this school of yours, I'm guessing it has others like me since you wouldn't possibly put me in a situation where I could potentially hurt others?" I asked Charles.

"Correct Nixo. At my school you will learn everything you need to know to begin your new journey," he smiled at me.

For some reason it didn't make me feel better. Even though I had somewhat fought them I got a better feeling from Jean and Logan. I had so much to think about at once. All these emotions and feelings came rushing at me. I saw snippets of Charles', Storm's, Logan's, and Jean's lives. I really just got a basic background before I felt like I was being pushed. I snapped my eyes open to see that Jean and Charles were staring directly at me with a not to friendly glint in their eye. I suddenly felt pressure in my head. One was coming from the front and the other was coming from the back. I got an impression of the minds behind this scan and to no surprise it was Jean and Charles. I simply just pushed back and they both skidded back a few feet from me.

"Please never try to get into my head. My thoughts are private and if I ever want to tell you something I will. So forgive me for going into your minds it wasn't intentionally. Mom and dad I'm going to go get packed so I can learn how to control these gifts. Oh and let's make this clear the only person at your school that I trust is Storm. The sooner I learn control the sooner I can come back home." After I gave my Minnie speech I went to my room and tried to pack all of my clothes. I began to wonder when I would get control of these powers. My instincts were just on go and I knew things that I never have before.

To get my mind off all my rampaging thoughts I decided to practice my powers. I looked at my closet and concentrated on the image of my suitcases coming through the doors. As if called my closet doors flung open and my suitcases came floating out. I then sat down in a meditative pose that help me concentrate. I focused my mind solely on putting my clothes in the suitcases, folded and neat. Soon I heard the whoosh of clothes moving through the air. I don't know how long I was concentrating until I felt a familiar presence.

"You can come in Storm I know your there," I laughed when I heard her squeak.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude it's just that your giving of this energy that reminds me of nature and the wilderness. It makes me feel more at home." She explained to me.

"The rate that you have gained control over your powers is pretty impressive. It took Jean moths to get as good as you are now," she went on further.

"Well I'm just following my gut. And I think I'm about through packing. I would say I'm ready to go. I just have to make sure I have all of my gadgets," I sighed.

As my parents helped me lug my stuff to the car Storm was driving, we said our goodbyes. They promised to come visit. They had already planned on moving to the condo we had in New York. I got in the car with Storm and we began to drive away from my house in Hollywood, California. I took one last look at my childhood home before it disappeared from my sight. I turned to Storm and gave a little sarcastic smile.

"Looks like I'm on a new dangerous adventure," I laughed and she joined me as we drove toward the airport, while the sun was setting.

A/N Thanks for reading this story and I hope you like it. If you have any comments, suggestions, questions about the story you can reach me at animikii_thunderbird18@yahoo.com (there's an underscore in there so it's animikii_thunderbird) I would appreciate your honest opinion about this story, it is my first after all. And please forgive any misspelling or the relation of characters to any real person. Who should Nixo end up with? What powers should they have? Are they good bad or neutral? Help would be appreciated. Tune into the next chapter to find out.

Next: Chapter 2

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