X Force

By Ben Harvey

Published on Feb 2, 2008



All of the standard disclaimers apply. The X-men are the property of Marvel, and I take no credit for the creation of their characters, only my own. This is a fanfiction, therefore anything dicontinuous to the normal X-men universe, including sexuality of the characters, is the product of my imagination. Any similarities to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains male/male sex and romance. If you find either theme offensive, what are you doing reading nifty stories? And if you are underage or this story is illegal where you are reading, please leave. But if you chose to ignore this warning, it's your own fault!

Chapter One - Arrival

The sound of our footfalls echoed down the alley, adding to the symphoney of panicked breathing and falling rain. I felt a sudden pull on my arm as Robyn grabbed my jacket before she staggered and fell to her knees.

"Remmy, I have to stop," she gasped.

"We can't stop," I yelled over the pounding rain, "Not until we're out of the city".

"But what about the others!" she pleaded.

"They're gone Robyn! We're all that's left". I stooped down and pulled her to her feet. "Now come on".

Gripping her hand tightly I guided her towards the end of the alley, pausing behind a dumpster long enough to check that our way was clear. As soon as we had left the concealment of the alley, I felt their presense. Like a knife had been plundged into my skull, their thoughts and emotions assualted me. Reeling from the impact of so much hate and fear, I lurched backwards, clutching my head in my free hand.

"Remmy!" Robyn shouted in surprise.

"They're here! Run!"

"It's too late," she cried pulling me to the ground before a hail of bullets tore the alley wall apart.

We scrambled to our feet and ran as fast as we could in the other direction. We barely managed to dive behind the dumpster before another barrage of bullets flew through the air. The sound of ricochetting metal filled the alley as I pulled Robyn towards me. Closing my eyes, I channeled my mutant powers, envelopping both of us in a field of translucent blue energy.

"I found the muties!" a voice sounded behind us, echoing down the alley between barrages of gunfire.

"Robyn, you have to hide us!"

"I can't! They'll still see us in the rain!"

"Damn it!" I shouted. "You run. I'll hold them off for as long as I can!"

"No! I'm not leaving you!" she protested, wrapping her arms around my chest.

"GO!" I shouted, pushing her off of me as I lept to my feet and turned to face our attckers. There were eight of them, all wearing white and grey camo military garb, complete with masks. Each one carried what I recognised as an Uzi. We were in a bad neighbourhood of LA, so I knew that there wasn't any police on their way to help. Rallying what little power I had remaining, I readied myself for the fight.

"Come on you cowards! You want a mutant! I'll give you a mutant!" I screamed as loudly as I could. They all took the bait, their emotions surging with anger and hatred. As they raised their weapons to fire, I lashed out. Using their emotions as a back-door into their minds, I filled their heads with an ear-splitting shriek, distracting them long enough for me to use my most potent power. Coils of telekinetic energy wrapped around the dumpster, and at my whim, launched it towards my adversaries. It sailed through the air before smashing into the ground and scattering the white clad figures.

One of my assailants recovered from my assualt and brought his weapon up in order to begin his own but before he could pull the trigger a bolt of dazzling light erupted from over shoulders and blinded him.

"I told you I wasn't going to leave you!" Robyn shouted, running to my side.

Robyn's bolt only postponed the attack however, because our blinded adversary began firing down the alleyway towards the sound of our voices. I forced my companion to the ground, covering as much of her body with my own as I could. Bullets zipped over our heads.

"Can you distract them long enough for me to get us out of here?" I whispered in her ear.

"I'll try".

From beneath my chest, Robyn snaled her arms into the open air and exerted her own mutant talent. The entire alleyway dimmed until everyone was plunged into utter darkness.

"Close your eyes".

I followed Robyn's instructions and shut my eyes. Even facing the ground with my eyes closed, the brilliant explosion of light and colour blinded me for a moment. But only for a moment. I heaved Robyn to her feet and pulled her with me away from our attackers. A series of metallic clinks caught my attention just in time for me to recognise the small canister. A grenade.

"Shit!" I cried out. My telekinetic shield manifested around us a fraction of a second before the cylindircal device exploded, sending Robyn and I crashing into the brick walls. Even with my shield cushioning the blow, the impact was enough to send my spiralling into the clutches of unconsciousness.

St. John Allerdyce ran down the alleyway towards the sound of the explosion, the rain pounded against him fiercely all the while. Before the bright flash of the grendade, John had seen the translucent sheet of energy wrap around the young mutants. He only prayed that it was enough to prevent any serious injuries.

Ororo Munroe, or Storm, as she was called, sailed through the air above him, held aloft by her mutant sway over the elements. Sweeping forward, Storm hurled frigid blasts of cold air down upon the white clad assassins, leavng John to inwardly cursed his own limitations. In rain this heavy his pyrokinetic powers were useless. He may not have been able to fight, but he had no intensions of failing at the one thing he could do; getting their targets to safety. Breathing heavily, John finally made it to where his quarries had fallen. Both of them were young, twenty years old or so he assumed, and their appearance told him that they probably lived on the streets or else came from a rough neighbourhoood. Only the girl was conscious, her companion lying prone beside her.

"Pyro! Are they alright?" came Storms voice from down the alleyway. John looked over his shoulder and saw her levitating above her prey, her white hair flailing wildly in the squall she had summoned.

"They took a hit but they look okay!" he shouted back.

During the brief exchange of words, the girl had struggled to her feet and now stood between John and her fallen comrade, arcs of light lancing between her fingertips. Even in the low light he could see that she was beautiful. Her deep red hair had been cut just above her shoulders and her tight jeans and leather jacket hugged her femanine curves suggestively.

"Who the hell are you!" she demanded, raising her hands so that her palms were facing him threateningly.

"Hey hey! It's alright, we're here to help you," John said, raising his own hands to show he meant no harm.

"Who are you!" she shouted again, her voice bordering on hysterical.

"Later," John shouted back. "Head towards the other end of the alley. There's a black SUV".

Stooping down, he heaved the young man to his feet and, with the young woman's help, began dragging him down the alley towards the car.

As they exited onto the street, the sounds of battle reached their climax. Three echoing booms shook the air and John knew that the conflict had been brought to a swift resolution. Finally reaching the SUV, he pulled open the back door, and, with the help of the red headed girl, deposited their burden across the back seat.

"What's your name?" John asked.

"My name's Robyn," the girl replied. "This is Remmy".

"Okay Robyn, I need you to get in the back seat with Remmy while I drive us out of here. Do you understand?"

She quickly climbed into the back and lifted Remmy's head into her lap. Taking this as an affirmation of her understanding, John shut the door and ran around the car and slid into the drivers seat. Twisting the keys in the ignition, he put his foot down on the accelerator. The wheels of the SUV spun on the wet road for a few moments before they found purchase on the slick surface and the car sped forward. Under John's control, the car performed a complete 180 and sped off down the street.

"What about your friend?" Robyn asked.

John smiled, "Storm will meet us outside of town".

The drive to the airstrip was one of relative silence. Robyn had asked several questions, but all John had told her was that she'd get her answers when they arrive at their destination. Exhausted from the nights events, she quickly fell asleep. John was quite happy to see her begin slumbering, because he could finally survey Remmy without fear of Robyn noticing. Remmy was 5"9 with short red-brown hair that stuck up in wild bangs. His form was that of a perfectly proportioned swimmer, covered in firm, defined muscles that buldged seductively under his tight clothing. His scruffy appearance sent tingles along John's spine and he found himself hardening at the thought of kissing Remmy's full lips and creamy skin.

Snap out of it John!, he thought to himself as he forced his attention back onto the road. He's not even gay! He has a girlfriend! And even if he was gay and single, he wouldn't even look twice at you!

I awoke with a start, shocked into consciousness by the images of the previous night that were playing in my mind like some sort of horrific slideshow. Twisting my aching body, I sat up on the edge of the stiff matress and took in my surroundings. The room looked like some sort of medical facility, filled with equipment I'd only ever seen in a hospital. There was nobody around, for which I was thankful, because my clothes had been removed and I was only covered by a thin white sheet. A small bundle of clothes had been left on a table to my left, so I took them and hastily dressed myself. The grey sweat-pants were slightly baggy while the white cotton shirt hugged my flesh snuggly. Whoever had left them hadn't known my size.

Sighing, I tried to recall everythig that had happened over the last few days. I had just got back to the tunnels we mutant run-aways called home when all hell broke loose. While everyone was busy getting dinner ready, men in white outfits and masks stormed in and started shooting at anything that moved. Most of the mutanst there didn't have any sort of offensive power, so they were cut down quickly. I managed to protect a small group of us from the bullets with my telekinesis, but there were so many of them and I wasn't anywhere near full strength after the days work. Before long, I was too overwhelmed to keep up my shield. A friend of mine had managed to teleport most of the people I was shielding away before I was exhausted. He took a hit in the shoulder and was forced to teleport away so it was just Robyn and I. She used her powers to bend light around us, rendering us invisible, as we made a break for it. We made it up to street level, but the pounding rain made our cloak useless. (Being invisible doesn't help if people can see the rain hitting you). The masked men that had guarded the surface had seen us and we were forced to run for a our lives. I was knocked out when they caught up with me and Robyn.

That's when I realised that in all my contemplation, I'd completely forgotten about Robyn. I immediatly reached out with my thoughts in every direction. I may not have been as talented at telepathy as some of the other mutants I'd met, but I knew enough to get by. Maybe a hundred metres above me, I felt several hundred minds, each with their own distinctive thought patterns. But they didn't interest me. At the very edge of my telepathic range, I felt her, Robyn, in the presense of half a dozen others. My last mutant gift, the power of empathy, told me that she felt safe, but even so, I needed to know for curtain.

Robyn, I called out with my thoughts, Are you okay?

She started slightly as my mind touched her's but she replied quickly, Remmy, Thank God you're alright!

Are you okay? Where are you? I questioned.

Yes, I'm fine. You don't need to worry, we're safe.

Good. But where are we exactly?

I believe that I can answer that better than your friend can, the wisen voice of an older gentleman entered the mental conversation.

Who are you? I asked.

My name is Charles Xavier, and I'm a mutant, just like you.

Well that's pretty obvious, I smiled, you wouldn't have been able to enter the conversation without my help unless you were a telepath, and last time I checked, mundanes weren't telepathic.

It is equally obvious that you, young man, are no fool, he replied. If you would care to join us, I'll explain the situation.


Under the mental instruction of Xavier, I quickly made my way out of the medical facility and down a long corridor to an elevator. Everything seemed extremely futuristic, almost as if it had been modelled after a science fiction movie. The elevator door slid shut with a metalic hiss and I stood motionless as it ascended. A faint ding heralded my arrival at the next level and as the door slid open, I was met by the sight of a large painting hanging on the wall across from me. Stepping out onto the hardwood floor, I cast my eyes up and down the hallway. The walls were covered in beautiful red wood panelling and I could see that dozens of paintings and sculptures decorated the entire length of it.

"Hey there!"

I turned towards the voice and my cock twitched. Walking towards me from the other end of the hallway was the most gorgeous guy I'd ever seen. He was about an inch or two taller than I was with a build that was slightly heavier than my own. But his face was what caught my attention. Where my eyes were caramel, his were a piercing shade of blue akin to saphires. Every feature was perfectly proportioned and his smile was amazing. Even his medium length dirty-blonde hair, which was tussled and untidy, only added to his rugged handsomness.

"Um..ah..hi," I stuttered as he finally reached me.

"St. John Allerdyce," he said, holding out his hand, "but you can call me John".

"Remiel St.Cloud, or Remmy," I said, shaking his hand. The handshake was firm and warm, but I quickly realised that I'd held on for too long. Breaking the grip, I placed both of my hands firmly in the pockets of my sweats, simaltaniously covering the sudden erection that was blooming in my crotch. John didn't seem to notice as he quickly pressed on.

"The Professor sent me to meet you".

"The Professor?"

"Professor Xavier. He asked me to come and get you so you don't get lost".

"Get lost, huh? Guy's thinking ahead. What exactly is this place?"

John smiled and my heart melted. "I'll let the Professor explain everything".

We made our way through several long hallways similar to the first before we finally arrived at a large door that I assumed led to an office of some kind. John knocked on the door and it was pulled open by a woman with mocha coloured skin and hair as white as snow. As I entered the office, for an office it was, I saw that several other people were standing in various positions around a large oak desk, behind which sat a bold gentleman in a wheelchair.

"Good Morning Mr St.Cloud," the bald gentleman greeted me. "I am Professor Charles Xavier".

"Remmy!" I heard Robyn cry before she lept out the high-back chair she had been occupying.

She wrapped her arms tightly around me and squeezed. Robyn wasn't what anyone would call intimidating, the top of her head barely came up to my chin, but God, the girl had one hell of a grip.

"Okay, Robyn. Oxygen. Becoming an issue," I wheezed.

"God. I'm sorry," she said, breaking her hold on me. "I've just been so worried about you. After the grenade, and when you hit the wall, and after everything that happened yesterday". I smiled and wrapped my own arms around her slender form, pulling her into a warm embrace.

"It's alright. I'm okay. I'm just glad that you're safe".

The rib-crushing hug that Robyn had subjected me to must have stopped oxygen from reaching my brain, because I could have sworn that a look of jealousy briefly flickered across John's face. But I must have been hallucinating, because it was gone as soon as I looked back to confirm my suspicions.

I pulled back from Robyn and looked back to the Professor.

"You said that you'd explain everything once I got here, so please. I need some answers".

Xavier looked at me with an expression of total honesty, "Of course. I can only imagine what you've been through over the last few hours, but there is one thing I want to impress upon you; you are safe here".

"Where is 'here', exactly?"

"It's a school for people like us," Robyn answered, having slid next to me with my arm still wound around her waist.

"Yes. I was just in the midst of explaining the situation to Robyn when you arrived. I think the best place to start would be with proper introductions," Xavier said. "You've already met John. This is Scott Summers," Xavier pointed out a tall man wearing some sort of red visor. "Ororo Monroe". The white-haired woman smiled and bowed her head slightly. "Jean Grey". Another woman, with flaming red hair, gestured much the same way that Ororo did. "This is Logan," the Professor gestured over his shoulder to a man looking out the window.

"My name is Remiel St.Cloud, but you can call me Remmy".

"It is a pleasure to meet you," Xavier said.

After Ororo, Jean and Scott greeted me (Logan remained silent and continued to stare out the window), Xavier began his explaination.

"As Robyn said, this is a school for mutants, where young men and woman can learn about themselves and their powers without fear of persecution. Normally, we locate mutants and offer them a place, but occationally, they'll find their way here by themselves".

"But John seems a little old to be in school and a little young to be a teacher". I cast my eyes over John. He was looking down at his feet with a broad smile over his face.

"I said it once and I'll say it again; You are most curtainly no fool," the Professor said. "You are correct. John is neither a student, nor a teacher".

"Then what is he?"

"May I handle that?" John stepped forward and asked the Professor. With a nod from Xavier, he turned to Robyn and I and explained. "I am a member of a group called the X-Men. For the most part, the team is made up of graduate students. We operate out of this school and aim to promote trust and cooperation between mutants and regular humans. Usually this means that we intervien whenever a mutant or mutants use their powers for illegal or dangerous purposes, or when regular human's try to harm the mutant community".

"So you're like some sort of mutant police".

"In a manner of speaking," Xavier said. "Technically speaking, we're a vigilanty group, but most of the major world governments acknowledge our existance, though not officially".

"I see".

"Did you rescue anyone else?" Robyn asked. "I mean, did any of our friends make it besides us?"

"I'm afraid you and Remiel were the only ones we found," Jean Grey finally entered the conversation.

"But our friend Jackson, he teleported a lot of people away, some of them must have survived"

"And I'm sure that that is the case, however," Xavier said, "the people who attacked you were using some sort of jamming technology that prevented us from tracking individuals within a curtain area".

"Then how did you find us?" I asked.

"Your powers," Jean answered, then continured once she saw the confused expression on my face. "You are what we call a Psi, a psychic mutant. When a Psi of your calibre uses large amounts of power, it creates a sort of ripple that other psychic mutants can pick up on. When you were attacked, I gather that you expended a great deal of energy defending yourself and others". When I confirmed with a nod, she pressed on, "One of our contacts in LA felt the ripple and contacted us. When we used our tracking system, Cerebro, we were only able to get a reading on you because of how much energy you were putting out".

"And in comes the cavalry" Robyn finished the discussion.

"We are all truely sorry about your friends," Ororo said. "We'll keep looking out for any signs of them".


Xavier sighed. "Well, you are here now, so let's discuss you options. Now Robyn, according to what you said when you first arrived, you hadn't finished high school when you were forced to leave home. Is that correct?"

"Yes sir," Robyn answered.

"Then in that case, I'd like to offer you a place at the school and the opportunity to finish your education".

Robyn's entire face lit up into a beautiful smile, "Thank-you sir. I'd like that very much".

"And Mr. St.Cloud. Robyn also said that before you were forced to leave home, you had accumulated enough credits to graduate in abstentia".

"That's right".

"Well then I can't offer you a place as a student, but I would like to extend to you an invitation to join the X-Men".

"The X-Men?" I gasped. "But what possible use would I be? I can't fight. Hell, if I was any use at all, don't you think I would have been able to help my friends?"

"Hey! Don't sell yourself short," John cut in. "You've got some serious power".


The Professor explained, "When a student comes to this school, we run a series of tests to identify their class and power rating. Classes range from class one to class five, and represents the individuals potential. A mutant's power rating reflects a mutants current level of power. These tests were performed during the medical evaluation you recieved upon your arrival. It revealed that you have three generalised psionic powers. These are Telepathy, Empathy, and Telekinesis".

"What do you mean generalised?" I asked.

"Simply put," Jean answered, "your talents are non-specific. This gives you a great deal of versatility, but it also means that they are not as effective as those who have specific powers. The easiest way to explain it would be to say that a mutant with a generalised power would expend twice the energy of a mutant with a specific power, and would still only achieve half the effect. Granted, those proportions are not always true, but I imaging you grasp the idea".

"Yeah, I think so".

The Professor resumed, "As I said, you have Telepathy, Empathy and Telekinesis, three very potents talents, especially in that combination. All of your abilities have been rated as having class four potential. According to your power rating, your Telekinesis is operating at class three. Your Telepathy and Empathy however are only operating at class two".

I tried my best to understand the information being explained to me, but some of the concepts seemed somewhat over my head.

"What does that mean exactly sir?" I asked, "I know what I can do, but I'm not really sure what you mean in regards to my potential".

"Well, as you are now, your Telepathy allows you to communicate with people metally, whether they are a telepath or not, as well as being able to distinguish between the different thought patterns of specific individuals. Now as a class four, you would be able to actively manipulate thoughts and memories, in addition to a far greater range. Your Empathy would develop much along the same lines. A class four telekinetic has the ability to affect objects on the molecular level".


"So now you see why we think that you would make an excellent addition to the X-Men," John smiled.

I must have blushed because Robyn swiftly elbowed me in the ribs to get my attention.

What was that for?

I don't think anyone else notice, but you're giving him 'the look'.

I am not.

Yes you are!

Am not!

Jean smiled, "Um, you do realise that there are other psychics in the room, right?"

"Oh God. You heard that just now?" I asked.

Jean began chuckling, "If I may ask, what exactly is 'The Look'?"

"'The Look'?" Scott finally spoke. "Sounds dirty".

Everyone started laughing. It was embarassing, I couldn't help but laugh too.

"'The Look' is just, well, it's a private thing," I admitted.

"Very well. But in future, it would be best to leave private matters private, as there are quite a few psychic mutants at this school," Xavier said.

"Yeah, you and your girlfriend are already the talk of the school, so people are even more likely to want to evesdrop," Scott told us.

"Oh, God no. Robyn's not my girfriend, she's like my little sister".

Scott's cheeks burnt a hot red as he apologised for his mistake.

"Back to the topic at hand," the Professor cut in. "I don't expect an answer right away, but I would like you to give my offer serious consideration".

I sighed. "I'll make you a deal Professor. I'll join your X-Men on two conditions. First, is that Robyn, and any of our friends you find, are given a safe place to stay. Second, is that when you find the people responsible for attacking us, you let me help take them down". I fixed Xavier with the sternest look I could muster to let him know that I was serious.

He pondered my terms for a moment before giving me his answer. "Your conditions are fair and acceptable. You have a deal".

John couldn't help but smile on his was back to the room he now shared with the object of his desire. Not only had he found out that Remmy and Robyn considered each other brother and sister, but the Professor had assigned Remmy to be John's new roommate.

Oh yes! John thought to himself. Not only is he single, but he's gonna be sleeping in the same room!

The journey from the office to the dormatories was initially one of silence; it wasn't until half-way through the transit that Remmy spoke.


"What for?" John asked.

"I never got a chance to say how much I appreciate what you and Ororo did for Robyn and I, so thank-you".

Remmy turned his eyes to meet John's own. The caramel gaze held such sincerity that John's heart melted away, and he knew that for as long as he lived, he would love Remiel St.Cloud.

"You will never have to thank me for anything," he said, returning the fierce emotion he had just recieved. Remmy's steps faltered for a moment, caught off-guard by John's words.

"Come on. You probably want a shower, and to get into some real clothes".

The remainder of the trip passed quickly. Reaching the door, John showed Remmy the code that needed to be entered into the electronic lock in order to be permitted into the room. The lock beeped once and the door swung open.

The dormatories at Xavier's school were spacious, housing two king-size beds, a pair of oak desks and a large walk-in wardrobe. The beds were arranged so that they were on opposite sides of the room with the heads of each pressed up against the wall. Opposite the entrance, which opened between the beds, the oak desks were pushed up beneath the windows at either end of the room. A door stood next to each bed, leading to either the walk-in wardrobe or adjoined bathroom.

This particular dormatory was a mess. Clothes, books and an assortment of other things were lying in piles all over the room, including both beds. Catching the look that crossed Remmy's face, John explained.

"Yeah, sorry about the mess. I don't normally have a roommate. I'll clean my stuff off of your bed and desk so that we have space to pack away your things".

Remmy's face burnt as he said, "I don't have any stuff to pack away. I only had what I left home with and that was destroyed when we were attacked".

"You don't need to worry about that. The Professor gave me five thousand dollars on a credit card to take you shopping with. Once you've had a shower and something to eat, we'll head to the mall and get you some new clothes and anything else you need".

Remmy was stunned. "Five...thousand...dollars," he said, barely believing his own words.

"Go get in the shower before you pass out or something. I'll pull out a few of my things that you can wear until we restock your wardrobe".

For the first time all day I felt completely relaxed, letting the water cascade down my shoulders and back as I leaned against the shower wall. It felt good to let the warm jets scour away the grime and dirt that had clung to me since the previous night. Taking the small bar of soap, I began to rub it across my chest and stomach. The soft lather slid down my body as the water rinsed it off, but as it ran down to my crotch I found myself becoming aroused.

John wouldn't be able to hear anything over the sound of running water, so there's no harm, I thought to myself.

I put the soap back in its holder and began to stroke my rapidly growning cock. Under my careful ministering, it grew to its full seven inches. Closing me eyes, I began to stroke it, slowly at first, then with greater speed. My breath became heavier as I drifted towards my climax. After about five minutes of constant stroking, my balls tightened and the electric sensation of my orgasm rocketed up the length of my spine as I erupted, covering the wall with several ropes of cum.

It took me a few minutes to catch my breath before I finally rinsed away the evidence and turned off the taps.

John lept back from the door as he saw Remmy turn of the water. He'd pulled out a few articles of clothing that he thought would fit Remmy when he'd noticed that the bathroom door was open just crack. As much as he'd tried to resist, he could help but sneak over and take a peek. And there Remmy was, as naked as the day he was born, covered in rippling muscles, stroking away at his perfectly sized piece of meat. John's breath had caught in his throat and his own cock hardened when he saw Remmy climax, painting the wall in front of him.

"Remmy?" he called. "You almost done?".

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute," came the response John had known would come before he'd even asked the question.

"I've left some clothes on the bed for you. I need to quickly go next door for a second, but I'll be back shortly".


With that, John opened the door stepped out, barely managing to keep his breath steady. Rubbing the significant bulge that had appeared in his jeans, he headed out to find a secluded place where he could take care of his problem.

Thank-you for reading chapter one. If you liked it please let me know at: scifi_fanboy@hotmail.com

Authors thrive on feedback so if you have something to say, or you think that something could be done better, please, don't hesitate to let me know, but the one thing I ask is if you're going to offer critisism, at least make it constructive. Also, please write X-Force in the subject line so that I know it's not junk.

Next: Chapter 2

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