X Force

By Ben Harvey

Published on Mar 27, 2008



All of the standard disclaimers apply. The X-men are the property of Marvel, and I take no credit for the creation of their characters, only my own. This is a fanfiction, therefore anything dicontinuous to the normal X-men universe, including sexuality of the characters, is the product of my imagination. Any similarities to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains male/male sex and romance. If you find either theme offensive, what are you doing reading nifty stories? And if you are underage or this story is illegal where you are reading, please leave. But if you chose to ignore this warning, it's your own fault!

Thank-you to everyone who has read X-Force so far. I'm sorry about any accidental screw-ups with grammer and formatting, but I promise that I'm trying my very best to get everything right.

I've decided that for the sake of the upcoming storyline the remainder of the story will be told in the third-person.

Chapter Three - Future Tense

Remiel St.Cloud sat cross-legged on a disc of telekinetic energy, suspended ten feet off of the ground. Two dozen tennis-ball sized spheres of liquid mercury orbitted the young mutant, their motion and defiance of gravity provided by his psychic talents. Their reflective surfaces mirrored the spartan environment that the Danger Room provided. The low ambient light of the domed room refracted off of the liquid metal, casting Remiel in an almost etherial glow.

The Danger Room's tall metallic doors hissed open and five new figures entered the wide empty space. The first was Jean Gray, a tall, slender woman with long red hair that cascaded down her shoulders, enhanced dramatically by her pale skin. Next to her walked Scott Summers, her husband, and leader of the X-Men. His body was powerful, but lithe, covered in firm, defined muscles that showed through the tight combat suit he wore. Behind the powerful couple where three of Remiel's closest friends. Noriko Ashida, or Nori as everyone called her, David Alleyne and finally, John, Remiel's boyfriend.

Remiel's fiery young lover was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans and a form-fitting black sleevless shirt. His feathery blonde hair was layered chaotically, giving him a perpetually scruffy look.

"Good morning Remiel," Scott said, leading the group across the Danger Room.

"Good morning Scott," Remiel replied without breaking his focus on the metallic spheres. "Everyone".

"I see that your training is progressing smoothly," Scott said, observing the display of telekinetic talent.

Remiel smiled, "Is it any wonder, with that slave-driver of your's teaching me?"

"Slave-driver!?" Jean mocked indignation. "I'll have you know that most students thank me for keeping such a regulated training program".

John made a not-so-subtle coughing sound that greatly resembled "NERDS". Jean turned to glare at him and he smiled innocently.

"Anyway," Nori declared loudly in an attempt to diffuse the situation, "haven't you got something you need to tell Remiel, Scott?"

"Yes. Remiel can you come down, please?" Scott watched as Remiel opened his eyes and the metallic spheres dissipated. The young mutant floated down smoothly and landed in front of Scott without making a sound. "Good. I've talked with the Professor and we both agree that you're ready to join everyone else on active field duty as of now".

"What?" Remiel's face broke into a wide grin.

"That's right baby-boy", John called, catching Remiel in a head-lock and ruffing up his hair. "As of now, you're a full-fledged X-man!"

"And you know what this means!" Nori started.

"Party!" David yelled out.

Jean and Scott stood back as all three of Remiel's friends decended on him and hauled him out of the Danger Room in a chorus of laughter and noise.

"It's hard to believe he's only been with us for six weeks," Scott said.

"I know. He's come so far," Jean said. "I don't say this often, but I think that that young man really is something special".

"How do you mean?"

"Come on Scott. How many other mutants go from having Class Two and Three abilities to being Class Four across the board?"

"I'm guessing, not many".

"Try none, Scott. In all of my years of teaching here, I've never seen a mutant come as far as he has in such a short span of time".

Scott sighed. "Well, I guess we're lucky to have him on our side".

"You bet your porn stash we're lucky. That kid is going places".

"Okay," Nori announced, dragging Remiel behind her as she walked through the sub-basement. "Now that you are an official X-man, you need a codename, and a uniform, and a cake!"

"Yes," David snorted, "because you clearly need more sugar".

Nori stuck her tongue out at him as she continued walking. "Let's see. You're a Psi, so how about Brainwave? Or Psion? Maybe Mindwalker?"

The small group of friends finally arrived at their destination; a medium sized room that housed a series of lockers set into the walls and a raised dias in the centre. Nori quickly hefted Remiel onto the dias and grabbed a small hand-held device that resembled a palm-pilot. She looked up at him expectantly.

"What?" he asked, looking bewildered.

"Well, strip!"

"Excuse me!?"

John sighed and stepped forward, taking the device from Nori. "It's a holographic tactile overlay. We're going to use it to design you a uniform that you feel comfortable in, but we need you to strip down to your underware for it to work".

"Oh," Remiel nodded before turning to Nori. "Now that makes sense. Why couldn't you have just said that?"

"Whatever," Nori said, rolling her eyes.

Remiel quickly removed the sweat-shirt and track-pants he was wearing, exposing the rippling muscles of his cut swimmer's build.

"Damn!" David let out a low whistle. "No wonder you got Johnny so whipped".

"I am not whipped!"

"Whipped!" Nori laughed

"Whatever!" John said as he fiddled with the small device.

Light shone up from beneath Remiel as the dias activated. A black uniform materialised over his semi-naked form with a sound that was a cross between a hiss and a buzz. The uniform was made of a material similar to that of leather that hugged his body like a second skin. Every inch of Remiel's skin was covered, from his boots and gloves, to his high collar.

"I don't know guys. I'm not sure I like being covered up. I kind of feel a little restrained".

"That's no problem," John announced, tapping the device a few times.

The high collar disappeared, along with the sleeves and gloves.


"Much, thanks. Mind if I have a play around with it?".

John tossed him the remote and took a seat on a nearby bench. "So what about the name. Have you given that any thought?"

"I don't know. What are yours?"

John smiled, "Pyro".

"That's kind of sexy," Remiel said, giving John a coy smile.

"Oh God. Get a room!" David groaned, "and it's Prodigy by the way".

"Surge!" Nori shouted, thrusting her hand in the air like she was answering a question in class.

Remiel continued to fiddle with the controls, adjusting the unifrom in a number of variations. "I was thinking maybe going for something angelic, on account of being named after an angel already".

"That could work," David said. "How about Longinus?"

"The guy who stabbed Jesus?" John asked, eyebrows raised. "How about we not name my boyfriend after the guy who killed Christ".

"Seraphim?" Nori offered. "I'm not sure what it means but I think it has something to do with angels".

"Yeah. The Seraphim are the highest order of angels. They're like the person bodyguards of God," David answered. "They also have three pairs of wings".

"So?" John asked.

"So..." David looked at him with an expression of mild annoyance. "Your boyfriend has three psychic powers".

A look of realisation crossed John's face. "Right. I get it now".

"I like it, but I think that it's a bit of a mouthfull".

"Then shorten it to Seraph," David reasoned.

"What do you think babe?" John asked.

"I think it's a match made in heaven," Remiel said. "Now what do you think of my uniform?"

The three older members of the X-men refocussed their attention on the newest recruit. A shiver ran up John's spine as he surveyed his lover's attire. Remiel was wearing a tight pair of black pants and a pair of SWAT style combat boots. His upper body was covered by a sleeveless vest that sported a wide hood that was pushed back over his neck. The vest hung open, revealing a singlet that was fashioned from rows of interlocking metal rings that afforded a great deal of protection while still revealing the fine contours of his chest and stomach. His hands and wrists were covered in a pair of fingerless gloves with an added wrist guard. Finishing the uniform was a wide leather belt with a circular belt buckle emblazed with a stylised 'X'.

"I always knew you had in ironic streak," John said.

"How's that?" Remiel asked, smirking.

"Because you may be named after an angel, but all that uniform does is make me want to live in sin".

The night air stired slowly, driven by a force beyond the laws of time and space. The strong scent of ozone wafted across the parking lot as arcs of electrical energy lashed out against the cold tar. A violent tearing sound rent the air and from within the focal point of the disturbance, a metallic sphere began to grow. Electricity poured from it's mirrored form as it continued to expand. Its growth slowed and finally stopped when its diameter reached two meters. Suspeneded two feet above the ground by some invisible force, it remained completely still, the hazy forms of the few remaining cars reflected in its polished metallic surface. Seconds passed and as suddenly as it had appeared, the sphere melted into nothingness, leaving the naked form of a young man to fall to the ground.

Seconds bled into minutes before he began to stir. He stood slowly, moving with measured precision. An azure glow radiated from his cobalt coloured eyes as the young man surveyed his surroundings.

He stood roughly in the center of an expansive parking lot, bordered by roads on three sides. On the last side stood a large shopping center. In the corner of the lot, a tall clock tower stood out against the night sky. 2:23 am. With the exception of a half dozen empty cars, the immediate area was deserted.

Taking off at a brisk jog, the young man made his way to the entrance to the shopping center. Its glass doors were locked and a large metal barricade had been extended across the inside of the entrance. The sound of warping metal rang out as he extended his hand towards the barrier. Molecules were rent from one-another by the temporal sheer that extended from his palm, effortlessly ripping the obsticle aside and leaving only a circular aperture behind.

He stepped through the new opening and made his way along the prominade, glancing through the windows. Finally stopping in front of a men's clothing store, the young man again extended his hand towards the glass. The glass warped and shattered as the sheer extended. Once the sheer had finished it's task, the azure glow behind the stranger's eyes faded, leaving only the cobalt blue behind.

Time to get to work.

The party was in full swing. Every member of the X-men had managed to cram themselves into the small function room that Xavier had set aside for Remiel's graduation celebration.

"Remmy!" A young woman shouted from across the room.

Remiel turned from the small group he'd been conversing with. Spotting the origin of the voice, his face broke into a wide smile.

"Robyn!" He shouted back, waving the fiery red-head over.

Squeezing through a small break in the crowd, she crossed the room and wrapped her arms around him. Remiel hugged her back before holding her at arms length to examine her closely. She'd changed in the six weeks since they'd been brought to the school. They'd tried to stay close but between Remiel's extensive training and Robyn's classes, the pair hadn't seen each other in over a month. Her deep red hair had taken on a soft feathery quality that caused it to dance from side-to-side as she moved. The hard edge Robyn had developed during her years on the street was still there, but it had receeded, allowing her natural beauty shine through.

"I'm so glad you're here. I've missed you so much!" Remiel said, pulling her back into a rib-cracking hug.

"Oh, come on. Like I'd miss your graduation," she returned with a smile.

"Here, I'd like you to meet some people," Remiel declared, pulling her into the group he'd been talking to. "This is David, Nori and Josh".

"It's nice to finally meet you. Whenever Remmy and I manage to see each other, he has nothing but nice things to say about all of you. It is just a pity that we haven't been able to meet face to face until now".

"We're very sorry to have kept him away for so long," Josh said. "It's just that initial training is so intensive that it really doesn't leave any time for socializing. Now that Remiel's a full-fledged X-man, he'llhave a lot more free time".

Robyn smiled at Josh, and Remiel noticed that her cheeks reddened ever so slightly.

"Remiel! There you are," Jean announced. "I've been looking for you everywhere".

Remiel turned to observe her making her way through the crowd, two people in tow. The first was a young asian woman with violet hair that hung just below her shoulders. Her movements were smooth and elegent, consealing what Remiel recognised immediately as deadly strength. The appearance of the second person could only be described as demonic. Every peice of exposed flesh was covered in fine blue hairs. His ears were pointed and swishing behind him was a long slender blue tail.

"Kurt!" Robyn waved.

"Young Robyn," the blue man replied, sweeping into a polite bow. "It is good seeing you again".

Jean nodded towards the pair and began introductions. "Remiel, this is Elizabeth Braddock and Kurt Wagner. They've both been on assignment for the X-men and have only just returned to the school".

"Please. Call me Betsy," the young asian woman said in a fluent british accent.

"Remiel," he said, taking the hand she offered. "Forgive me, but if you have both only just returned, how is it that Robyn and you have already met Mr. Wagner?"

"Ah," the demonic X-man grinned, revealing pointed teeth. "We met earlier today, ja. In the garden".

"Well it's nice to meet you".

"Well then Remiel, please forgive my curiosity, but a certain individual who shall remain nameless," Betsy said, giving a not-so-subtle look at Jean, "refused to inform us of our newest comrades mutant capabilities. I think the phrase she used was 'wait and see'".

"Ja. I must say, I too am curious," Kurt added.

"I'm afraid then, that you will have to 'wait and see'," John said, emerging from the crowd and wrapping his arms around Remiel from behind. Placing his head on Remiel's shoulder, John smirked at Betsy, "but I can tell you that my man is extremely talented".

Everyone laughed with the exception of Jean, who just frowned.

"St. John Allerdyce I swear, you are anything but," Kurt declared.

"What?" John blushed. "All I said was that he's extremely talented -- which he is -- it's not my fault you took it the wrong way".

Their renewed laughter was cut short by a sharp telepathic burst.

<All X-men to the War Room immediately!>

Remiel sat next to John and David in the back seat of the SUV. Nobody was speaking, leaving him to organise his thoughts. A temporal distortion the likes of which the Professor had never seen before. Time. An unbreakable law of the universe and someone had shattered it completely. Remiel trembled at the prospect of facing off against whoever had that kind of power. And that's exactly what they were about to do. Everyone.

His hand unconsciously found John's and their fingers interlocked. John was trembling too.

<Remiel. I need you to do something for me> Jean's thoughts touched his own.

<What do you need?>

<Everyone's afraid of what we might find once we reach Salem Center> Jean explained. .

<Jean, I'm not sure I can do that. I mean, I'm terrified of what we're going to find. You saw the data. Whoever did this can play with space and time like their nothing more than cheap chinese toys. How the hell am I supposed to calm everyone down!>

<Please Remiel. I need for you to do this. If this guy turns out to be an enemy, we need for everyone to be on top of their game>.

Remeil sighed before replying; <I'll try>.

Closing his eyes, he reached out with his mutant powers. Centering on himself, Remiel pushed aside his fear and focussed on the feelings of calm and contentment he experienced whenever he was rapped up in John's strong arms with the early morning light shining through the window. The feelings of love when they kissed. Of pride when John praised him. The emotions welled up and flooded him, purging the darkness of fear and anxiety. Slowly, his emotion trickled through the links he forged with his comrades, germination their own feelings. Scott's courage bloomed and flooded back through the link, awakening the dormant pride in Noriko, which sparked the suppressed love in David, which releasing the pent-up lust of Josh. The network of emotions cascaded back and forth between the three vehicles and their passengers, banishing the fear.

Remiel's muscles relaxed, suprising their owner who had no memory of tensing up. His powers receded, leaving everyone ready for the confrontation ahead.

Jean thought .

The three SUVs came screeching to a halt and the X-men emptied out of the vehicles and onto the pavement.

"Remember everyone, we are here to detain and question, peaceful is possible," Scott paused, "by force if nescessary".

"Then we're going to have a problem," a voice sounded behind them, "because I'm not going with you and you are not going to stop me".

Eleven pairs of eyes turned and beheld the young man standing on top of one of the SUVs. He stood at 6" with his legs spread out in a fighting stance. His medium length feathery blond hair was layered and swayed slightly in the slight breeze. The clothes he was wearing were simple; a pair of jeans and boots, a t-shirt and a canvas military jacket.

"Identify yourself!" Scott ordered, while everyone else took up a wide combat formation, forming a semi-circle with the stranger at the center.

"I will warn you once," the stranger said, ignoring Scott's question entirely, "and make no mistake, even this warning is a courtesy; stay out of my way. My mission here is of vital importance and I will not allow you to interfere. Leave now, and you will not be harmed, stay and you will be given no quarter".

"We do not respond well to threats".

The stranger smiled. "As I said before, this is a warning. I don't make threats".

"In either case, your terms are unacceptable," Scott pressed. "Surrender, and once we have determined that you pose no threat you will be released, but we cannot allow you to leave here".

"I have neither the time nor the patience to squander on your childish persuits. I am leaving now, attempt to prevent my departure at your own peril".

"Prodigy?" Scott called.

"His mind is shielded," came David's reply.

"Seraph, Phoenix, Psylocke. Now!" Scott ordered.

All three psychics lashed out with the most powerful telepathic assualts they could muster, hoping that the combined strength of their suprise attack would shatter the stranger's mental guards. But there was nothing. When the trio assualted the stranger, it was as if he were a blank slate. No thoughts. No memory. No emotions. Just a distinct absence of everything.

"You really shouldn't have tried that," the stranger said.

The stranger turned Remiel and their eyes met. Cobalt blue eyes that began to glow. Remiel felt a icy sensation shoot up his spine and the stranger lept into the air, carried by some invisible force.

Scott's optic blast glanced off of an invisible barrier, casting the entire parking lot in a scarlet glow. The reflected beam struck Logan and sent him skidding across the ground. As soon as the stranger landed outside of the X-men's circle, he repayed Scott with an azure optic blast of his own.

Nori lept over Scott's fallen form and unleashed the full force of her mutant power. Arcs of electrical energy lept throught the air, but the stranger merely held out his palm and absorbed the power directed at him. He suddenly became a blur, moving with inhuman speed across the short distance between Nori and himself. Planting a blow squarly at the base of her neck, he rendered her unconscious. David lept forward to revenge his fallen comrade, only to be struck down by brilliant arcs of electricity cast forth from the strangers hand.

Next came Remiel and John.

"Ready babe?" John called.

"Let's go!" Remiel called from behind the stranger. But even as he moved forward and lashed out with his telekinesis, Remiel was troubled. The stranger had given off the most power readings of temporal energy when he had arrived, but he hadn't used any power that even resembled time manipulation. That was the last thought to pass through Remiel's mind before it was assualted by images. Flashes of his worst nightmares played in front of his eyes. John dead. Robyn dead. The school in ashes. Men in white masks.

John watched as his lover slumped to the ground under the psychic assault. Enraged, he ignited his powers, streaming the flame of his zippo lighter around him like a molten whip. It snapped out towards his enemy, breaking out into a dozen flailing strands. They rapped around their target burning the flesh of the stranger's arm.

"Bad boy!" The stranger yelled, blasting John with an intense optic burst.

The unconscious form of Pyro thumped pathetically at the feet of Ororo, who, in a voice like the wind howled;

"You will pay for this! X-Men, to me!"

The wind whipped around her and lifted her into the air. Her irises faded into the whites of her eyes.

"I warned you not to interfere! What happened here is on your heads, not mine!" The stranger yelled out over the howl of the wind. He raised his burnt arm and to the suprise of the five remaining X-Men, the scortched flesh regenerated. "I haven't the time to deal with you as I'd like so this will have to do".

The ground beneath Ororo underwent a metamorphasis from solid to liquid and gas. It reared up and swallowed her, pulling her into a binding cage of stone and cement. The four other X-men were likewise attacked, but only the recovered Logan was caught.

Kurt vanished in a plume of sulphuric vapour and Betsy dissolved into the shadows. Jean's telekinesis rent the ground as she sent a wall of force against the stranger. He vanished in a plume of cobalt mist, reappearing behind Kurt, who had materialised an instant before. Gripping the teleporter firmly, the stranger swung him around, allowing the blow Betsy had aimed for him to strike Kurt in the forehead, rendering him unconscious. Besty was so suprised, she didn't have time to intercept the swift kick the her opponent landed against her temple. Another plume of cobalt mist, and the stranger left the two unconscious forms to be thrown aside by Jean's assault.

Jean casted her gaze around the entire parking lot but the stranger did not reappear to continue the attack.

. The stranger's telepathic message touched her mind. <You could have walked away. I leave you unharmed, Jean Grey, so that you may remember this message. Stay out of my way>.

Jean stood in silence, observing the unconscious forms of her friends and comrades.

Such terrible power, she thought. Such terrible power.

Next: Chapter 4

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