X Men into the Light

By Charlie Jiu

Published on Jan 15, 2015



This series of storied is fictitious and based on the X-Men franchise in comic books (graphic novels), television series, and movie franchise. The plot of this series runs parallel to the movie "X-Men: Days of Futures Past". I do not own the characters, nor do I have the "mutations" of these characters. Please be advised that there will be sexual content, it is in appropriate for readers under the age of 18.

Ice Man – Part 4

Year 2019 – Basement in Phoenix, Arizona

Kitty and I stepped into what remained of the basement. We could tell instantly that we've been infiltrated, but I wanted to see if we lost any supplies while the rest of our team made their daring escape – what we found was more than any of us could handle...

Light was shining through the holes dug by the Sentinels. The room being empty of any damaged supplies was the only good news in all this. There was a figure in the middle of the room that bared impeccable familiarity to our friend. Kitty gasped and covered her mouth, tears streamed down her face immediately as she realized it was Charles (Asclepius). I tried to hold my composure, but my heart was trembling, the first person I've ever loved stands before me – the blaze from the mechanical demons had turned him to stone.

He stood tall with his chin tilted up, mouth slightly open, and his eyes closed. His was a beauty comparable to the sculptures of Michael Angelo. I walked up to the statue of the man I loved, and wrapped my arms around him, holding him close one last time.

Me: You were supposed to live forever... That makes you a liar, you know? You never told me a lie before... Please don't start now.

I kissed his lips, and the pent up tension I tried to hold within me released. A blast of ice emitted from every cell of my being, and the room was frozen. Kitty let the blast phase through her just in time to avoid being frozen with everything else. The icy room reflected the sunlight that entered, and everything sparkled.

Kitty spoke quietly: Bobby, we should meet the others.

Me: A beautiful grave, for a beautiful being.

Year 2019 – 5 miles from the Basement

We ran for about five miles from the basement to the local park that had a thick tree line. Kitty was holding my had the whole time so that we could run through all the obstacles in our way, like houses and trees. I was finding it hard to keep up with her – she was always a faster runner than I was. We found the group from the light reflecting off Colossus' metallic body, which Kitty threw herself at when we caught up with them (Kitty and Peter have been together since 2012).

I was about the throw myself at Rogue, until I realized she wasn't wearing her gloves. The "no skin" rule has dragged us down for years now. However, this time it crossed a line... I pieced the two together, and came to the conclusion that Rogue stole Charles' immortality. The woman I love, for the man I love. I ignored Rogue's much needed embrace. I was looking for the man who must be equally or maybe even more devastated than I was. I found him lying in the grass, in one of few spots where the sunlight penetrated the barrier of leaves. He wasn't crying – his face showed no emotion until he noticed my presence. He shot up desperate for information.

Roberto: Did you go to the basement? Was he there? Is he –

Me: He was there, but not there at the same time.

Roberto: So he's gone...

I watched as his body went limp, and he fell back onto the grass. All purpose had disappeared from his life. As his arm fell, and he hand opened, I saw a golden ring – a wedding band.

Roberto: I was gonna ask him something important, something I knew I would ask the minute I met him.

Me: You were gonna ask him to marry you...

Year 2011 – Xavier's School for the Gifted in Winchester, New York

I grabbed Charlie's hand. He's been ignoring me for weeks now. People have been talking about him. Saying he hooked up with Colossus, and I want to know the truth. Charlie's been staying in Wolverine's room every night since the eve of his 18th birthday. That night I crawled into his bed to give him his present – you know, birthday sex and what not. I've been pretty frustrated sexually, since I started dating Rogue, but she needs someone to love and somehow I found myself volunteering for the job. Not that it was work to be with her, but it put a strain on the relationship I had with Charlie. I suppose I could understand why he doesn't want to talk to me. I'm with someone else, our mutual friend, and I want to maintain the routines we shared before. Some might say I'm a guy who wants it all... but honestly, there's only one person I want to be with – one person that can warm my frozen touch... Charlie.

Me: Stop avoiding me! I just want to know if it's true or not.

Charlie: Does it matter? You're with Rogue, so quit acting like you're my jealous boyfriend!

Me: Did Peter fuck you? Charlie, I just want you to come back to our room. I miss you.

Charlie: Is that all you want, just the roommate?

Me: I want... you.

Charlie: Don't be greedy, you can't have the best of two worlds.

Me: I just want you.

Charlie: The solution is quite simple then. If you really want me, find a blue rose and put it on my desk tomorrow in History class.

He left me standing there thinking of where I would find a blue rose.

I had a little mutant girl, named Rosa, create one for me in the school's greenhouse. I almost didn't make to class on time. People were already starting to be seated, but Charlie wasn't there yet. I saw Rogue at the front of the class, and my heart cracked – I didn't know what to do. I froze the rose and crushed it with my hand. That day Charlie came to class to see an empty desk – that day Charlie left Xavier's School for the Gifted.

I later heard news that Charles was suspected to be involved in a number of diamond heists and priceless art gallery robberies. He was said to be working with Quick Silver, a mutant who can run extremely fast. Charlie was recruited back to be an X-Man about five years later, when he was 23 years old. When I saw him in the training room, my heart stopped, and I was in love all over again.

Year 2019 – Park in Phoenix, Arizona

My heart sank. My soul was debating if this was good or bad. If Charlie was still here – could I bare to see him married to someone else? Greed consumes my entire being. Why am I not happy with Rogue alone? I had the thought that, if I couldn't have Asclepius – I was glad Sunspot didn't have him either. I sat with him, as a friend, but in my mind I was far from it. Rogue called it "Black Ice". When I showed signs of sin and darkness, she would call me Black Ice. The analogy was seamlessly on point – Black ice is hard to see, and deadly when crossed. I've killed before, but I told myself that I had no choi –


Blink opened a portal as the Sentinels descended onto the field. Everyone was running through to the other side – everyone except Roberto.

The Sentinels landed in the field, just metres away from where we were in the tree line. Roberto walked slowly into the field to greet the bastards with the fires of Hell. He shot blaze after blaze of raging fire into the faces of the faceless. In the commotion Sunspot managed to take down one of the four Sentinels, something none of us would have managed alone. One of the robots pinned him down with their bladed arm, and I watched as Sentinels tore him limb from limb. But I knew that he was happy, that he would find love, and be married... in the afterlife.

Next: Chapter 5

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