X Men New Life

By moc.loa@29popomzig

Published on Jun 30, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, then leave right now. This is a story involving gayness. So if this offends you, leave... please. This is fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality I'd really appreciate feed back. Send me mail at Gizmopop92@aol.com

X-Men New Life Chapter 2

After three full hours we finally landed in what I learned was Manhattan. My foot fell asleep on the ride here so as I got up I made a big stumble before Logan caught me. "Are you okay bub?" Logan had such a sexy voice. "No, i'm alright. My foots just asleep is all." He still had me wrapped in his arms which were ginormous I might add. "Logan, I think I can stand now." I said giggling. How I wish I could stay like that forever.

Logan being a gentleman again, helped me out of the jet and into the hanger. That was the last I saw of him. He ran off. "Aiden over here!" I herd Jean's voice behind me and I spun around to see her standing in front of a door. "Hurry, so we can get to ground level. I'm starving and i'm sure you are too?" Jean said yelling. "Famished!" I yelled back running towards her.

As we approached the elevator Jean caught me off gaurd with a very random question. "So did you grab Logans ass or something? He ran off like something freaked him out?" So I knew there was a reason he ran off. I was trying to hide a smile. I wish I'd grabbed his ass. "Jean I just met the guy, and how do you even know i'm into guys." Jean gave me that "Are you serious" face. "Honey I know a gay boy when I see one. Otherwise I'd totally be on your nuts right now." I laughed and she did too. I was really gonna like this girl.

We finally got to ground level when Jean said. "Listen I have to go on another mission in ten minutes so i'm sure you can find your way around." I just nodded and she walked off. I began walking down the hall when I heard the most amazing song being played on the piano. So I followed my ears and found my way to what looked like a ballroom. But the man sitting in front of the piano is what shocked me even more.

He was extremely gorgeous. A total hunk. He was wearing ruby red glasses. "He's indoors...Strange." I thought to myself. I continued to watch this gorgeous guy play when he stopped and looked up. I immediately came back into reality when he started smiling. I smiled back and walked over to him.

"Do you like the piano." was the first thing he said to me. "I've been playing since I was four. My father taught me." All of a sudden, after I said those words, I felt empty. I missed my parents. But they didn't feel the same way. It was bad enough I was a mutant. But being gay was something they couldn't have in their family. I wish things would have been different. Why couldn't they understand?


"I will have no faggot living under my roof!" My father spat at me. I could see the tears forming in his eyes. "Dad! I'm still me. I'm still your son. Please! I can't help but be this way. I can't change this." I managed to choke out. I couldn't stop crying. He just kept pushing me and pushing me until I was outside. My mother wouldn't even come down the stairs. After I told her the news. I was no longer her son. To her I was dead. My father slammed the door and locked it. I sat at the door crying, wishing I would just die.

*End Flashback

I started crying in front of this hunk. I took a few steps back and mouthed off "Sorry." Before turning around to walk out before he stopped me and turned me around. "Hey what's wrong? Did I do something." I couldn't tell this guy my story. Not yet at least. "It's not you, it's me. I just need some fresh air." "Mind if I tag along? I don't wanna leave you like this by yourself." This guy was eating at my heart. I just nodded. "My name is Scott by the way. Scott Summers." Scott was being too nice. I wounder if he's gay. "I'm Aiden."

We began walking up some steps when I said. "Scott, I don't wanna go upstairs. I wanna go outside." He just laughed and said. "I just thought we could hang out in my room. I have a balcony that's outside. It's the best room in this whole mansion. I just thought you might enjoy the exclusivity of having a little privacy." I then began to ask him why he had those sunglasses on when he was indoors. With no light. "You see I've got the power to shoot optic blasts out of my eyes. But when I was nine I was in a horrible plane crash and my eye sight was damaged. Now when I open my eyes I can't control the blasts. So I wear these glass to keep from blowing a hole into a wall." We finally reached his room.

When we walked inside the first thing I saw was the bed. It was huge. "Do you sleep here alone?" I asked him. He was fiddling with his shirt when I turned around. "Yeah, it's kind of big but I was the first person to be living here with the professor, so I got to pick whatever room I wanted and I wanted this." I walked over to the balcony. I didn't actually walk out. The door was closed. But I looked out the window and the scenary was beautiful. "Do you like it?" I was startled at how close Scott was behind me. His chest was touching my back. I could feel his breathing. Very slow. Very deep.

I span around to look at him. He put his arms around my waist and whispered, "I won't do anything you don't wanna do." This was too soon. I moved his arms off my and took a step back. "Scott I don't wanna do anything. Not right now." I think I pissed him off. But he walked back up to me, but I began backing away til I hit the wall. "Don't be afraid, i'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna get a piece of you." Scott was so confident but not with me. I punched him in the face. "You know, maybe if you bothered getting to know me. Maybe! Just maybe I would consider even kissing you!"

I was pissed. I won't be some booty call to this guy. But he wanted me and he wanted me bad. He tackled me on the floor and had me pinned. "I know what I'll do, I light him on fire." I thought to myself. But nothing was coming out. No fire. Why aren't my powers working. "You know what I like best about this room?" Scott whispered in my ear. I just ignored him struggling to get him off me. "No one will hear you screaming while i'm pounding at that ass." He tried to spin me around when his door blew off its hinges. It was Logan.

He ran towards Scott and sliced off his head. "Fucking piece of shit Magneto." All of a sudden I look at the body and it looked like a clay doll. "Logan what just happened to Scott?" I was still on the ground. I couldn't stand. "That wasn't Scott. It was live dummy that can morph into anything. Created from Mystiques DNA. Now come on i'm getting you out of here." Logan lifted me of the ground and we started running back down the stairs. "Logan i'm fine let me walk!" I screamed at him. He put me down and we both started running. Me following him. We finally burst through the door and a man in a wheelchair was on the phone.

"Professor, Magneto has had clones infiltrate the building. Trying to kidnap Aiden." Logan was panting. "I've sent Ororo and Jean to search the entire premesis. In the meantime Aiden, take a seat." I followed his instructions. "Aiden my name is Professor Charles Xavier. This is my school for...." I cut him off. "Yeah, it's a school. Blah, Blah Blah. I don't give a fuck. Why is this Magneto prick trying to kidnap me?" I didn't care about anything else but finding this Magneto guy and kicking his ass. "I don't know. We'll need to run some tests. Put you in the Danger room and see what kind of powers you have. Thats obviously the reason Magneto wants you." "Okay lets get this shit done and over with." The professor led the way, and we were off to this "Danger Room," to test my powers.

Okay. Okay Okay. I know it took me a trillion years to get this posted up. I'm sorry. I had alot going on and I ended up moving and I'm finally getting things settled so the next post will be up sooner than it took to post this up. Once again send me some feedback at Gizmopop92@aol.com.

Next: Chapter 3

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