X Men New Life

By moc.loa@29popomzig

Published on Jul 8, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, then leave right now. This is a story involving gayness. So if this offends you, leave... please. This is fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality I'd really appreciate feed back. Send me mail at Gizmopop92@aol.com

X-Men New Life Chapter 4

We must've been kissing for another five minutes before Logan pulled back and looked at me. "Are you sure this is what you want?" I just nodded back at him. I wanted him and I wanted him bad. I knew it was the same thing for him. Before I knew it we were on his bike and back at the mansion. Once we were back in the garage he grabbed my hand and we were off to his bedroom which he decided on going.

As we approached his door I leaned against it and pulled him towards me. He went straight for my neck. Sucking and biting. I reached into his pocket for his keys. Once I unlocked the door he hoisted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me all the way to the bed and got on top of me. Still attacking my neck. I could do nothing but moan and call out his name.

He stopped for a second to take my shirt off. I did the same for him. Once I got it off I got from under him and sat on his lap. He had his hands firmly on my round bubble butt. I began my attack on his nipples. Biting and sucking until he pushed me down on his crotch. I knew what he wanted and I was going to give it to him. I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them all the way down to his feet. I grabbed his cock which was really thick and long. At least 9.5 inches long. I started going downtown on his cock.

I got at least a good 7 inches down my throat without hassle but the other 2 took some work. I kept bobbing and bobbing. I could hear Logan moaning. "Okay stop, you're gonna make me cum." I took his throbbing member out of my mouth and he began taking off my jeans. "Lay down." that was an order. I did as he said and laid down on my back. He took out a bottle of lube and began greasing up his thick cock. He then hoisted my legs over his shoulder and lined his cock against my ass. I took in a deep breath before he inserted the head into my tight hole.

"Keep going." and I grabbed the back of his neck so he would push more and more in till he was all the way in. I had to stop breathing. It hurt like hell. But soon the pain subsided and Logan began going in and out of me. He was grunting and panting. So was I. With each thrust he would go harder and faster. I began stroking my own cock which was hard as a rock. I knew Logan was close. He leaned in more and put his face right on my neck and once again began biting. He took one last long moan before I felt him cum inside me. Blast after blast of hot cum. I soon came after him. He then got off of me and kissed my cheek.

"Are you hungry?" Logan asked me. I just looked at him funny. "Logan we just had sex and the first thing you ask me is if i'm hungry?" He started laughing at me. "Well i'm starved, but I need a shower first." He smacked my ass really hard before jumping off the bed and going in the shower. "Are you coming?" He asked me with a grin. I got up and followed him into the shower.

It was nice. Logan with his huge arms wrapped around me. I tried my best to wash every inch of him. His body was huge and muscular. After we finished the shower. We walked together to the cafeteria. When I saw Kitty and them at the table eating dinner I immediately forgot. "Logan i'm sorry, but they asked me to eat dinner with them." "No it's cool. We probably shouldn't be seen eating together anyways. Rumors fly by fast here." I just smiled and walked to the table with my new... I guess you can call them friends.

"Hey guys. Is it still okay if I eat with you guys?" "Of course, said Rogue." She sounded excited. I just went to get my food and took a seat with them. "So where were you?" Kitty asked me. "Oh, just out and about." By then I heard John chuckle. "What?" I said. They knew something. "We saw you with Logan." Kitty said pointing to her and Jubilee. "What?" I was playing dumb. "You guys were totally macking on each other before you burst through his room. I got really serious. "You guys can't say anything. Please!" They all laughed. "You're secret is safe with us." Rogue said. I just smiled.

"So does this mean you guys are like...You know...Together." Bobby said. I don't think he's talked to much gay guys with all the stuttering he was doing. "No.... I don't know. I don't think so." I was begginning to stutter myself. I didn't know how to answer that. "Mhm" said Jubilee. "Thats why Logan keeps smiling and looking at you." I turned around to see Logan. He was smiling. I just smiled back and turned to eat my food.

"You know he can hear everything that were saying." John said. "Really." I said spitting out my drink. By then Logan got up and walked over to our table. "Hey do you mind if I take him now?" "I knew it. You are a couple." Kitty said. They all agreed and I smiled and followed Logan out of the cafeteria. Soon I followed him outside and into the garden. I haven't seen this yet, but it was extremely beautiful.

"So is that what you want?" At first I didn't know what he was talking about but then it hit me. "Don't you think you wanna get to know me before asking me that?" I think I hurt him. "Yeah, but we can still do all that stuff and you can be mine." His. Hah. He was a possesive person, I could already tell that. "I don't know. Maybe." "Will you at least think about it fast." I smiled and kissed him. "Maybe." He just laughed and walked away. "Where are you going?" I called at him. "I have stuff to get done. I expect to see you in my room tonight with an answer." After that he turned out of the garden and I couldn't see him anymore.

I reached into my pocket for a cigarette and found that I didn't have a lighter. "Shit!" I muttered to myself. "Whats wrong." I turned around to see Scott turning into the garden. "No lighter." I flashed my ciggy at him. "Here." He tossed me a lighter. "Thanks." I lit my cig and threw it back at him. "Listen...ugh... I know earlier...that was kind of akward." I just gave him a fake smile and I knew he could tell. "You know i'm not a bad guy. Once you get to know me i'm actually kind of a great person to be around.

I felt like a douche now. I knew it wasn't really him that did that to me but it looked just like him. It was kind of hard to not be mean to him. "You're right. I'm sorry. It's just I see you as the guy who tried to rape me." He began to frown but I continued. "Just give me time and i'll eventually warm up to you." I began to walk out of the garden. "Oh, and thanks for the lighter by the way." At that time I gave him a real smile. I began thinking of Logan. Even tho I just met the guy today. Maybe I should just say yes. He seems like he can protect me. I'm sure I will need that. With Magneto and all. I was gonna go back and tell him what my answer was before something wrapped their hand around my mouth and before I knew it I felt like my body was dissolving.

At Magneto's Headquarters I must've blacked out cause when I woke up I was in a dirty cell. My hands were tied behind my back. They were stupid cause they used rope. I just used my powers to burn the rope and proceeded to walk towards the door. "It's wood." I laughed to myself. I just burned the door down as well and continued walking down the dim lighted hallway.

I was just about to turn the corner when I heard footsteps. I don't think I've been so scared in my life cause as I leaned against the wall my body went through it. I think that freaked me out anymore. "I can walk through walls?" I thought to myself. I tried to do it again but it wouldn't let me. "Fuck!" I whispered to myself. The footsteps stopped at the door. I saw a bed so I decided to duck under it.

I just stayed under the bed for about five minutes until I started hearing a conversation. "Yes I got him. No,nobody saw me orb..No he's sitting in a cell, probably awake by now wondering where he is..Yes Magneto..Right away." After that the woman left the room. I got out from under the bed. I really needed to get out of there until the door opened again.I tried to hide but there was nowhere to hide anymore. A blue woman with red hair stood before me.

"Now how did you get out?" She sounded calm. Not even alarmed that I had escaped. I choked. I couldn't even speak. "Oh well. Follow me. Magneto wants to speak with you." I stood frozen in place. Why wasn't she gonna attack me? "Now!" She ordered. I forced myself to move my feet and followed the blue woman out of the door and into another room.

It was huge. But there in the middle stood Magneto. "Ah. Welcome Aiden." I didn't care what he wanted with me. I just wanted out. I wanted Logan. "I don't know what you want with me but I really need to get back to the mansion." I saw a bunch of metal swords and used my telekinesis to throw them all towards Magneto but as the swords were about to hit him they all mashed together into a ball and fell before his feet.

"Nice try son, but we don't want to hurt you. We just want your blood." "My...Blo.." BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! I was knocked back about fifteen feet and rolled another ten. That hurt like hell. Suprisingly I wasn't hurt.I got up to see what happened and there was Scott, fighting the blue woman. Storm was fighting a dirty looking guy. Magneto was gone. "Aiden!!RUN!!" Jean screamed at the top of her lungs.

Before I knew it I was picked up from behind. It was Logan. I just looked at him and smiled. He looked angry. He probably thought they did something to me. Before I knew it everyone including myself was on the Jet and we were off.

"What happened. Did they hurt you?" Logan and I were sitting on the floor of the jet. Me in between his legs. "No. But I know what they want with me." At that point everyone began looking at me with a please continue face. "My blood. I don't know why. I was about to find out before you had to crash the party." I could feel Logan chuckling under his breath. "Well how the hell did they kidnap you." Jean said. "I don't know. I was grabbed and it felt like my body was liquifying." "I don't know of Magneto having a henchman who can do that." Logan spoke up. "Well who do you think it is?" Jean said. ? At that point I remembered something. Something that I heard the woman on the phone say. Something about "Orbing." "Hey you guys." I spoke up. "What is Orbing?" They all looked at me with shocked faces. "Scott. Turn around. Were going to San Francisco." Jean ordered. "What did I say?" I said. They were all acting strange. "Aiden, you say orb. You mean someone orbed you there?" I just nodded at Logans question. "Aiden only witches have that power, and if thats the case we have witch friends who can find the one who orbed you there." "How?" I turned around and looked at Logan. "I don't know. But you look really tired Aiden. Lay back down and try to get some sleep. It's gonna be a while before were in San Francisco." I did as he said and lied down on his chest and before I knew it I was fast asleep. ? Logan's POV ? It's been a couple hours. I looked down at Aiden and he was fast asleep. His hand was rubbing against my rib cage. He looked comfortable. Jean was looking at us. A smile crept across her face. I just gave her a cold look and she got up and sat down next to Scott. "Logan." I looked down to see Aiden waking up. He was so damn gorgeous. Those eyes. They were like two shades of brown. Dark with a golden brown tint. He began talking again. "I can't sleep anymore." He got up and and sat with his legs crossed in front of me. His knees touching my feet. ? "Logan, how much longer is this gonna take?" He had that "just woke up" look on his face. But he still looked cute. "Not long. We should be there by now." I smiled at him. He just sighed and layed back down on me but this time his back was against my chest. I took in a deep breath and wrapped my arms around him. He started giggling. "Whats wrong?" I asked him. "Nothing i'm just really ticklish especially on my sides." I just laughed and started poking at his sides and he started squirming and laughing. ? "Logan!" He screamed and jumped up. "Okay, okay, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. Come back." He gave me that "i'm not sure if I can trust you look" and sat down on the chair. "You have to promise you won't do it again." He had a serious look on his face. "Okay. I promise." "Were here." Scott said. Aiden jumped up and ran towards the door. I got up and ran after him. ? Aiden's POV ? Finally we were off the jet. Although I was having fun with Logan I wanted to see the city. Logan helped me out of the jet again and put his arm around my waist. We all took a cab to a house. On the mailbox it read, "Halliwell." Logan, the professor and Scott were in front. I was behind Jean and Storm when they rang the doorbell. After a couple minutes the door opened. "Oh hey. It's been a while." I heard a womans voice at the door but I couldn't see her.

"Piper we need to discuss some events that happened earlier today." The professor spoke. "Please come in." Piper let us all in. When she saw me she spoke. "So who is this?" "This is Aiden. He was kidnapped by someone who can orb. Now I know that whitelighters are the only ones who can do such. You guys were the first that came up in my mind when I thought of white lighters." Piper frowned. "PAIGE!!!" She screamed. All of a sudden a woman came down the stairs.

"Piper i'm in the middle of somethi...Oh hello Charles. It's been a while." "Yes it has." The professor spoke up. "This kid Aiden was kidnapped by a whitelighter. Since you're half whitelighter you can track down the one who did this isn't that right?" "Sure thing." She looked at me kind of puzzled. "If you have him why do you need me to track down the whitelighter that kidnapped him?" "Because he has the asnwers on why Magneto wants my blood." "Wait!" Piper shrieked. "Didn't we hear something that happened in the underworld about Magneto wanting Triad blood to ressurect the Source." "Triad?" I asked confused. "They are the second most powerful demons in the underworld. The Source being the first." Another woman walked into the room. "I'm Phoebe." She shook my hand and she flinched.

"Guys. We have trouble." Phoebe spoke after she let go of my hand. "I saw a premonition. Well more like one from the past. It was of you Aiden. You were chosen by the Triads for evil. But you aren't." I still looked confused. "You were given their blood to one day ressurect the source. But it's not til your 18th birthday that the ritual can be fully complete." The professor began to speak but I didn't wanna hear it. I went outside and Logan came running after me.

"Aiden. It's okay, you're gonna be fine." Logan was trying to comfort me. "Damnit Logan. I'm a fucking vessel for evil. What if Magneto does get me and unleashes this Source. He's gonna kill me." Logan shut me up with a kiss. "Stop talking." He kissed me again. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I'll be by your side all the way through. I'm not gonna let you get hurt. By anything." He sounded sinceare. "Promise." I looked down but he lifted my head back up to look at him. "I promise." I pulled him back in for another kiss.

Well anyways, This chapter was supposed to be posted 2 days ago. I was going places and of course there was the 4th of July,(excuses excuses) which I hope everyone had a good one by the way. I didn't get to see fireworks tho. :( By the way thankyou everyone that wrote to me to tell me how much they loved my story. Plus this story had alot of adding on and cutting back. I had 7 different scenarios on who took Aiden and I was watching Charmed one morning and I was like fuck it. It won't hurt. They wont be in the story forever tho. I'm thinking about collaberating other things into this story. Give me some ideas. This is for you guys anyways. I love you all and send me more feedback at Gizmopop92@aol.com. All criticism is welcome.

Aaron Michael. :D

Next: Chapter 5

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