X Men Tales

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Jun 8, 2015

Disclaimer: X-Men Tales: is loosely based on the X-Men- Evolution t.v. cartoon series, as well as the comic book produced by Marvel Comics. ___________________________________________________________________

The X-Men are mutants, unfortunate people born with an X-gene that gives them extraordinary powers and abilities which makes them outcasts to those considered "normal" in the world. ___________________________________________________________________

X-Men cast: (Teachers) Professor Xavier/Legion, Angel, Banshee, Beast, Caliban, Darwin, Forge, Healer, Mother Mayhem, Polaris, Storm, Wolverine,

(Students) Iceman-17, Magik-16, Multipleboy-14, Nightcrawler-17, Sunspot-17, / Amanda-17, Jubilee-14, Karma-17, Magma-16, Rogue-17, Shadowcat-15, Syran-17, Wolvesbane-16,

(Morlocks) Fish-15, Mole-15, Neanderthal-17, Smoke-16, Tether-17,

(Others) Bishop, Cable, Calisto, Colossus, Cyclops, Domino,

THE BROOD: is an alien race of insectoid parasites that possess wings, fangs, tentacles, and have the ability to breed by infecting a host race with their eggs!

X-Men Tales: -pt76

Title: The BROOD



High above The Bayville Mountains at the top of the crest is a vantage point unlike any other in the 5 counties surrounding Salem Center! It's most common name is: lookout point' [amongst the teenagers that often used it to make out], which overlooks the 5 counties in every direction...! It was there that 4 students from The Xavier Institute [Iceman, Rogue, Smoke, and Syran] were hanging out in one of the school's borrowed' vehicles, that their young lives [as they know it] were about to come to an end...!

Bobby Drake sat in the front seat beside his girlfriend Rogue [his arm about the back of her neck cuddled together watching a movie on his tablet], while periodically staring at his schoolmates [Smoke and Syran] making out in the backseat...! Omar had Terry's blouse open with his hand stuffed in her brassiere, tongue kissing her deeply as he eased her back in missionary position and fumbled to get their pants open...!

"Stop staring, Bobby..." warned Rogue, catching him adjusting the rearview mirror to keep watch...! "...it's rude...! Not to mention perverted...!"

"I'm sorry, Rogue..." said Bobby [both he and her dressed in long sleeve shirts and long pants and gloves to avoid skin to skin contact (Rogue has the uncontrollable power to absorb powers, memories, and personas through touch)]! "...its just...why can't WE make out...?"

"You KNOW why, Bobby..." said Rogue, sitting up...! "...I can't control my powers...do you WANT to slip into a coma like Cody did when I kissed him...?"

"You won't hurt me..." insisted Bobby, icing over [partially] before leaning in to kiss...! Rogue was understandably apprehensive, but timidly allowed their lips to touch for the first time...! The seconds ticked by without anything drastic happening...! Rogue pulled back, shocked that Bobby wasn't lying on the ground convulsing and foaming at the mouth [like her last boyfriend]...!

"Wow..." she responded, blowing cool frosted air from her lungs...! She and Bobby smiled [realizing they could kiss and make out (and maybe MORE)], as she leaned in to kiss him again, pulling him atop her [just as Omar was atop Terry were in the backseat]!

Bobby started drilling her mouth with his cold tongue, as Rogue suckled it like a popsicle! The 2 were just seriously starting to get into it, when Rogue powers suddenly kicked in and she started leeching off his powers...!

"Urgh...!" grunted Bobby, pulling back before losing consciousness...!

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...!" apologized Rogue, feeling guilty as she sprung back up in her seat [memories of Bobby's childhood playing in her head]...!

"I...I'm...okay..." he said, unsure...feeling shaky...!

Just then a fiery ball of light streaked across the sky...exploding in a nearby field over Chadsfield County...! "LOOK..." said Bobby, getting distracted...! "...a meteorite...!"

"Really...?" asked Omar, popping up from the backseat [shirtless]...! "Let's go check it out...!" he thrilled, as he and Bobby jumped out of the car and ran towards the site [Bobby transforming into Iceman and creating an ice-bridge to slide down the side of the mountain, while Omar turned into SMOKE]...!

Rogue and Terry watched the boy run off, leaving them sitting in the van by themselves...!

"Let's go, girl..." said Teresa, re-buttoning her blouse before getting out of the car and taking to the air as Syran [riding the force of her sonic-scream, just like her father]...!

Rogue got out of the car and slammed the door shut...! Bobby had his ice-slide, while Smoke and Syran could FLY down the side of the mountain...! Rogue would have to CLIMB down!

"Forget that...!" she said to herself, getting behind the wheel to DRIVE back down the mountain the way they came...!



"Oh wow..." said Bobby, de-icing as he stood in front of a crashed spaceship...!

"Oh WOW is right...!" said Smoke, materializing beside him...! "It's a SPACESHIP!" He thrilled! "A fucking SPACESHIP...!"

"WOW..." said Syran, soaring down beside her friends...! "...what do we DO...?" she asked [the 3 of them staring at the burning ship]...!

"Call the authorities...?" suggested Bobby!

"We go onboard, of course...!" said Smoke, moving forward...! "There might be survivors...!"

"But..." hesitated Bobby, grabbing Smoke's arm...! "...it could be dangerous...!"

"Of course it could..." smiled Smoke, before disappearing into a puff of smoke...! "...that's why we're superheroes...!" he said, flying towards the ship...!

"I think we ought to call somebody..." said Bobby, skeptically...! "...the police...The X-Men...The Avengers...?"

"YOU go ahead..." said Syran, following after her boyfriend...! "...I'm going with Omar!"

"Awww shit...!" cursed Bobby, icing over as he started to run after them...! "Wait for me!" he yelled, as the 3 students stood outside the ship's hull searching for an entrance! Syran used her sonic-scream to blast a hole in the side of the ship, making a way for them to get inside...!

Inside the ship [about the length of a 747 and the width of a city street] was all smoky and dimly lit with emergency lighting...! There was obvious damage everywhere, with exposed wiring, burst pipes, flooding, and some sort of strange resin [mucilage] substance clinging to the walls and ceiling, taking over the ship...!

"What the hell is this stuff...?" asked Smoke, touching the walls with his hand, feeling the soft sticky texture as he and his friends ventured forth...!

"It feels kind of organic..." reasoned Syran, following her boyfriend's lead...! "...almost like the inside walls of a beehive...! A honeycomb!

"uh, guys...I don't think we should be IN here...!" said Bobby, having second thoughts...! "This looks like something right out of `Aliens', or some OTHER sci-fi horror movie...!"

"What if there's survivors...?" asked Smoke!

"What if they're MONSTERS...?" argued Iceman!

"WE were called `monsters' once..." countered Smoke, making Syran and Iceman give in...!

"Okay...ONE quick scan and we're OUT..." agreed Iceman [reluctantly], "...we have no idea if this thing's going to explode or not...!"

"Good point!" agreed Syran!

"Then let's go...!" said Smoke, as the 3 students went into different directions...all looking for any survivors...!

Iceman slid through the corridor [dodging debris], when he thought he saw something move up ahead...!

"HEY...!" he yelled, moving faster to catch up! Jumping off his ice-slide, he turned the corner to find a dead end...! Looking overhead he saw a square hole [a crawl space] where a metal panel was missing...! Creating an ice-lift with his feet [lifting himself up a couple of feet to look through the hole], he stuck his head into the dark overhead space and looked around...only to be SNATCHED UP into the hole...!

"ARRHHH...!" he screamed out of shock and surprise, feeling octopus like tentacles wrapping all about him, twisting and turning his body in different directions! When he tried to pull free, they tightened, becoming stronger, squeezing out his last breath! In a panic Iceman created a giant igloo of solid ice, the weight of which became too heavy for the crawl space ceiling, causing it to drop through and crash to the floor! Iceman, the igloo, and the tentacle creature all hit the floor hard! The igloo cracked into pieces, freeing the creature as it grabbed Iceman up again, then slammed him face first against one of the metal walls! The grip about his neck tightened, the extreme pressure causing Iceman to revert back into human form [making him more vulnerable]! Iceman was just about to blackout, when he felt the seat of his pants being ripped away...then felt something [BIG] started to push up in-between his ass cheeks, searching for his anal entry...!

"Arrhhh...nooo..." he managed to choke out, just as `it' secreted some slimy liquid against his entry, then pushed in, stretching him WIDE and going DEEP...!



Syran went into a totally different direction than her boyfriend [Smoke], leaving the creepy soft secreting resin for HIM to check out! She'd seen enough horror movies to know not to enter into creepy unexplained `organ like' tunnels, or walk down dark corridors...! Stopping where she was, she looked down the dark corridor ahead of her, and used her sonic-scream to clear a path [just in case something was hiding out of sight]! She was surprised when something jumped OUT at her in response, zooming by her and causing her to fall backwards on her butt...!

"What the...??!" she questioned, missing whatever `it' was, as she jumped up and spun around, seeing nothing behind her...! "Oh shit..." she said to herself, knowing something was waiting in the wings...! But instead of going back [or forward], she decided to go straight UP, using her sonic-scream to blow a large hole in the roof of the craft, as she took off to head through the hole [to safety]...! But before she could clear the hole [seeing the outside just ahead of her], she felt something grab her feet, yanking her back into the vessel and slamming her down against the floor [knocking the wind out of her]...!

Before she could gather her wits about her, she was suddenly covered by a large in-humanoid...! A tentacle was quickly stuffed down her throat [preventing her from screaming], as her pants were ripped away and something large was shoved into her vagina...! She struggled to get free as the huge creature atop her started humping and thrusting into her, forcing itself between her spread legs...!



Smoke floated down through the insect like' corridor in his smoky' form, cautious not to touch anything...! Like his girlfriend [Teresa], he too had seen enough horror movies to know not to be too cocky...however living underground in the sewers of Manhattan [as one of The Morlocks], he'd learned not to be afraid of anything...!

Coming up upon what looked like the bridge' or cockpit of the vessel, he switched into his human form and began trying to cypher through the strange readings and designs in front of him [instruments on how to control the ship]...! He was still looking over the control panels when he was suddenly grabbed from behind, strong tentacles gripped up his neck and torso, pulling him back into the hive' like tunnels he'd just emerged from...!

Omar was able to get a good LOOK at the creature attacking him...seeing its huge `bug' like eyes, its razor sharp teeth and growling smirk, its scaly reptilian skin and tentacle arms pulled him into the monster's chest, its long thick monster-cock standing straight out at him, preparing to enter into his body through one of his orifices...!

"Oh hell no...!" he shouted, turning back into SMOKE and escaping into the ventilation system...screaming to his friends to "GET OFF THE SHIP...!"


OUTSIDE Rogue drove up in the school's van, then parked near a dirt road before walking in the rest of the way towards the crashed spaceship...! She saw someone stumbling out of the manmade exit [where Syran had blown in an entrance], and ran over to help...!

"Bobby...?" she called, rushing up to her boyfriend just as he fell forward onto his knees...! "What happened in there...?" she asked, looking him over strangely, wondering why he looked so worn and beat down...? "Where's Terry and Omar...?"

"I...I don't know..." said Bobby, grabbing himself about the arms and shoulders...as if cold...!

"What's WRONG with you...?" asked Rogue, kneeling before him, afraid to touch him [after what happened in the car]...!

"I...I don't know..." repeated Bobby, reaching out to touch Rogue...!

"No Bobby, don't..." recoiled Rogue [fearfully], "...remember what happened LAST time...!" she warned!

But Bobby continued coming after her, grabbing the sides of her face with his hands as he came AT her as if to kiss her...only to stretch his mouth out WIDER than a human being should be able to, as an alien parasite started to form from the back of his throat...!

"BOBBY...!" screamed Rogue, staring up at him as he climbed on top of her and held his face over top hers...the parasite pushing its way out of his mouth as Bobby's throat bulged and the creature came tumbling out of his oral cavity towards HER face...!

"BOBBY DON'T...! PLEASE! WHAT IS THAT THING...? DON'T GIVE IT TO ME! I DON'T WANT IT! NO! NOOOO...! AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!!" she screamed as the creature pried its way into HER mouth, then down her throat and into her body...!

Rogue jerked and convulsed on the ground, bucking wildly as the parasite took her over, latching onto her brian! Bobby stood up [silently], then held his hand out to help Rogue up...! The 2 waited as Syran came out to join them, before all walking back to Xavier's school's van and taking off for The Institute...!




The 3 internally transformed teenagers returned the van back to the garage on Xavier's Estate, then exited with the intent of infecting everyone in the house...! "Ooo..." sounded Multiple-Boy [Robbie Madox], standing outside the garage after the teens parked the van and got out...! "...yall snuck off in The Estate and stole a VAN...! Just wait until The Professor hears about this...!" he teased, as Rogue suddenly growled an evil [monstrous] snarl, then took-off and tackled Robbie into the bushes, turning him with a quick anal fuck up the ass...!

The other 2 students enter the house, and immediately go to visit with their roommates...!


INFIRMARY Sub-level-2B

"I'm afraid it's time for your meds, Calisto...!" said Darwin, walking into the med-lab with a small tray of meds left behind by Hank McCoy [Beast]...!

Calisto rolled over in his hospital bed...

"I thought these machines fed me my meds automatically...?" he asked, still hooked up to monitors despite feeling healthy enough to be released...!

"Dr. McCoy left strict instructions to take you off of automated meds and to start getting you prone to taking them orally...!" informed Darwin, placing the tray aside to physically hand Calisto a cup of pills and a glass of water...!

Calisto took the pills and downed them, then drained the glass...!

"Are you thirsty...?" asked Darwin, feeling Cal's forehead for heat...!

"Nothing a lil' bedside manner can't cure me of...!" winked Cal, reaching down to SLAP Darwin on the ass [like a nurse]...!

Darwin pulled away...! "Oh..." responded Cal, pulling his hand to himself...! "...you're WITH Forge...!"

"No. I'm not." answered Darwin!

"Oh..." sounded Cal, "...if its Angel, we're not together anymore...!" he explained!

"I've heard!" answered Darwin!

"OH..." sounded Cal, "...it's my LOOKS...?" he question, referring to his rough skin-tone and extreme dark features [excellent for camouflage]...!

"No, it's not that..." answered Darwin!

"Then what IS it, then...? I'm dyin' to know!" asked Calisto!

Darwin hesitated...

"It's..." he started, blushing in the process...! "...I heard you're REALLY hung...! Like over a FOOT LONG! And I've...I've never been fucked by anyone THAT big before...!"

Calisto sat up on his elbows...!

"Well, from what I hear about YUR mutant powers to adapt to any situation or environment..., my DICK shouldn't be much of a challenge...!" smirked Cal, his dick already starting to rise under the bed sheets...!

"Care to strap it on and try it out for size...?" he teased, as the snake lengthened and fattened between his legs...!

Unable to resist such a challenge, Darwin pulled back the covers to Cal's bed, then lifted his hospital gown and grasped his dark python of meat, and hoisted it straight up into the air 13 inches! Staring in awe, he was barely aware when Cal's hand reached back around his waist and started groping his meaty ass through his tight fitting pants...! Darwin explained how his body simply adjusts sometimes without his knowledge or doing, his body thickening in certain areas to fill out his clothes, often making it look as if he had a big dick and/or a fat ass...!

He titled Calisto's cock towards his mouth and started licking about the head and shaft! Calisto unfastened Darwin's pants and snaked his hand down into the back of his shorts, having wanted to DO that since they first met! Calisto pushed his hand down into the crack of Darwin's ass, feeling for his bunghole! Darwin [in turn] oval his mouth around Cal's cockhead and took it inside, slowly inching his mouth down the shaft until he was comfortably sucking about 5 to 6 inches without gagging...!

Calisto was impressed with Darwin's anus, after only a few rubs with his middle finger he was able to slip it inside without having to use saliva...! The anus was already moist! He finger-fucked the teacher's asshole while watching him bob his head in his lap, swallowing his cock another inch every couple of bobs! He felt his cock enter Darwin's throat at around the 7-8 inch mark, then felt him continue to gain ground as he pushed himself to go further! Calisto watched [bug-eyed] as Darwin's throat thickened to accommodate his thick/long mass, then buried his face in his groin, having successfully swallowed his entire 13" cock whole!

"HOLY SHIT...!" gasped Calisto, feeling his whole dick wedged straight down the very back of Darwin's throat [entering his chest cavity]! Darwin [unable to breath with the gigantic cock in his throat] grew extra air holes which allowed him to continue to breathe while deep throating! He pulled back off of Calisto's cock only about 4 or 5 inches and then bashed his face back down in his groin, fucking his own throat for the duration of the blow job [having to never come up for air]!

"OHMYGOD yur throat is amazing...!" gasped Cal, falling back in bed at the sheer ecstasy of it all!

He practically forgot he had a finger stuffed up Darwin's ass, when he suddenly added another! The anus started to become wet like a vagina, allowing the fingers to dig through with a strong grip! Cal felt an orgasm coming on quickly, as he yanked his fingers out of the teacher's ass and physically pulled his mouth and throat off his cock...!

"I gotta FUCK you...!" he said, pulling off Darwin's clothes!

Darwin didn't fight back or resist as he was quickly stripped naked and pushed back on the bed! Calisto raised his legs to expose his asshole for fucking, but then forced them back against his chest [leaving his hole vulnerable]! Darwin watched with bated breath as Calisto slapped his humongous cock against his ass crack, then aimed the gigantic head right at his anal opening and pushed inside...!

Both men moaned [erotically] as Calisto's cock sank into the warm ass in front of him! He watched his big thick dark dick get swallowed up inch by inch by Darwin's anus, the brown ring spreading naturally to accommodate him comfortably, generating its own moistness, lubricating the rectal track for supreme fucking!

Calisto groaned when his pubic hair banged against Darwin's buttock [indicating that his entire rod was sheathed up the brown hole], for the first time making him wish he had MORE cock to stuff in Darwin's ass!

Darwin groaned softly when he felt Calisto bottom out inside him! He too could see when Calisto's pubic hair were scratching against his ass cheeks! He could FEEL the entire cock inside him, pulsating happily as Calisto pulled back with his hips and started fucking!

Darwin's body quickly became limber as his legs were allowed to push back behind his head, doubling him completely in-half so Calisto could have an unobstructed path through his gut! Calisto took full advantage of the opportunity as he used his weight to hold down Darwin's legs and his physical strength to power his fuck thrusts, sending his thick dick in and out of the wet gripping hole between 10 to 12 inches, long dicking the teacher and spearing him on the end of his rod like a medieval knight with a lance!

Darwin [for the most part] didn't DO anything except lay there as his body adjusted to the fucking! He could feel himself getting moister as his innards started to secrete liquids to allow the dick to slide through his rectum easier...! He could feel his body becoming calmer and relaxed, his anus becoming receptive to the cock fucking in and out of it! And his legs went back further, giving Cal more depth inside him!

His own cock lay hard over his stomach, already leaking pre-cum as a testimony of his excitement! Darwin couldn't resist looking down and watching Calisto's dark [DARK] dick sliding in and out of him, the thick hard shaft looking more like a body of some thick snake than a cock as it disappeared and re-appeared from the depths of his ass! When he stared up into Calisto's DARK-skin face, he could barely notice any special features at all except for his thick lips and pupil-less eyes! There was something about his face that invoked fear [on the levels of `The Creeper' from the Jeepers Creepers movie franchise]...however the longer one looked the less fear they felt as they began to realize the PAIN behind the eyes!

Darwin reached up and touched Calisto gently about the face [surprised that the rough looking surface was actually quite warm and soft], causing Calisto to look up from the action below as he took his eyes off his cock and looked deep into Darwin's...! The 2 men stared as if finally seeing each other for the first time, as Calisto leaned forward and kissed Darwin square in the mouth! Darwin accepted the kiss, as he parted his lips and allowed Cal's thick tongue to enter his mouth!

Calisto picked up the pace of his fuck and started to hammer the teacher hard! Darwin simply spread his legs even wider in acceptance as he surrendered both holes! Calisto bang Darwin as hard as he could [much harder than he ever did with Angel], pounding him relentlessly because he knew his body could take it! Breaking the soulful kiss, he rose up on his strong arms [in pushup position] and POUNDED Darwin with all of his might, slamming all 13 inches bone deep with every stroke, literally battering the insides before finally shoving in one last time and screaming at the top of his lungs...!

"AAARRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGG...!!!" he bellowed as he came, coming harder than he ever had in his life, grinding so hard that he physically tried to climb up into Darwin's body whole!

"ARRHHHHH...!!" grunted Darwin, his own cock shooting off prematurely between them after feeling Calisto's cock hosing him down inside...! He could practically FEEL the cock pulsating in his stomach as it flooded his innards in a heavy dose of thick cum!

Calisto fell down over Darwin [exhausted and drained], as Darwin wrapped his arms about his back and held him closely, allowing his mighty cock to continue draining inside him...!

Angel stood at the med-lab entrance, having watched his ex-lover fuck another man...! He was as hurt as he was angry, as he slowly eased his way back out of the room and into the hall where he composed himself...before seeking someone to help him forget as well...!



Peter Rasputin [aka: Colossus] was lying backwards across a workout bench, pressing over 500 pounds of upper body weight, when someone entered the weights room and wandered over to where HE was working out...!

Peter thought nothing of it, as someone was always coming and going from the weights room to work on their body building and muscles mass! He was focused on his goal, and thinking about his little brother [Stefan] who was now known as Magik [after being kidnapped and sexually accosted by a netherworld demon known as: Belasco]!

Peter swore to protect his brother from any more harm, only to discover [when he returned from outer space] that Stefan was now being fucked by The Morlock known as: Caliban! He'd walked IN on Stefan and Caliban fucking, and nearly tore the head off the pasty-face Morlock [believing he was molesting his brother] only to have Stefan defending him, telling him that they were lovers! And to add insult to injury, Peter allowed himself to be seduced by his little brother, letting him ride his big cock to completion! He even double-stuffed him along with Caliban as both of them fucked his little brother simultaneously in his asshole!

Peter felt guilty for enjoying in such lewd behavior!

His mind wandered about, but his body was focused as he pumped iron like a madman until he felt someone's hands moving up in-between his legs...! He quickly rested the weights in their holder, then peeked down over his thick chest to see little Robbie Madox [Multiple-boy] sitting between his legs, reaching his little hands up into his baggy shorts to play with his hanging cock and balls...!

"Hey, little one...don't DO that...! That is not for YOU...!" he laughed, pushing the boy's hands away as he went back to lifting his weights...! But Robbie was persistent as he reached back up in-between his legs and started pulling and tugging on Peter's ball sac...!

"HEY...what I say...?" said Peter, looking down over his chest as the boy simply pulled his growing cock out of the leg of his shorts and took it in his mouth...!

"OH...FUCK...!" gasped Peter, nearly dropping the weights as he struggled to get them back in the rest...! "Hey kid...DON'T do that...!" he protested! Sitting up he could SEE Robbie crouched between his legs, feasting on his cock as if it were some sort of delicacy! Peter recalled how HE and some of the others from his graduating class [Thunderbird, Gambit, and Cannonball] used to take advantage of Robbie's young age by fucking multiple clones of his body [way back in chap-7 `The Hunted']! But since graduating Peter's been given as second chance to better himself, and didn't want to take advantage of the younger boys...!

He sought to pry Robbie's mouth from his cock, when Robbie suddenly doubled himself in Two! Now Peter had 2 Robbies sucking his big Russian cock, one on each side as the boys painted their mouths up and down his Russian sausage! Peter found it difficult to resist to the 2 mouths, when a third mouth was introduced as ANOTHER Robbie started suckling his hanging balls!

"Ooooohhh myyyy..." groaned Peter, falling back on the bench as he surrendered to the 3sum! The 2 Robbies sucking his cock took turns taking him in their mouths, both licking the sides and underbelly of his cock while the other tried to deep throat him! The 3rd Robbie continued licking and lapping at his balls, taking them in his mouth [individually] before sucking them, swirling them about like jawbreakers!

Peter was in heaven, his cock and balls had never felt so thoroughly attentive, when one of the Robbies suddenly got up and straddled his waist...! "No, wait...!" protested Peter [too late], as Robbie quickly lowered himself on his erection and bottomed out...!

"ohmygod..." moaned Peter, feeling the boy's tight anus gripping his 8" cock at the root!

Robbie started riding Peter's cock while the OTHER Robbie started eating Peter's ass...wedging his face up between his thighs to suckle on the tasty manhole! Peter normally didn't like anyone playing with his asshole [especially since he'd already been raped twice in battle (once by The HULK in chap-28, The Vault; and again by Gladiator in chap-67, The Imperial Guard')]..., however he couldn't resist the feel of Robbie's warm tongue lapping at his hairless hole...! He even found himself spreading his legs to give the young boy deeper access at his most sacred spot [knowing Robbie was too young (at 14) to really penetrate him]!

Meanwhile the first Robbie was busy riding Peter's cock like a champion jockey, bouncing his ass up and down on the thick rod and making the entire cock disappear up his ass! Peter could feel himself well on his way to an explosive orgasm, when he felt something LARGE suddenly starting to DIG into his anus...!

"HEY...!!" he protested, trying to look pass the boy on top of him to SEE just what the other boy was up to...? He was getting up off the bench with the Ronnie riding his cock suddenly started to transform into some hideous monster [big bug-eyes, scaly rough skin, long sharp teeth, and tentacles]! He easily held Peter down while the other Robbie forced a parasite SLUG up his ass! Peter could feel the creature crawling up his rectum, and couldn't help but GO organic metal as he suddenly changed from flesh and blood into pure organic metal in a flash! The instant transformation caused his cock to shoot a blast of cum up riding' Robbie's ass, sending him soaring a few feet through the air, while also [simultaneously] repelling the SLUG, causing his anus to spit it back out as it slammed into ass eating' Robbie, sending them both crashing to the ground...!

Colossus arose in Peter's place [Peter: 6'5", 250lbs; Colossus: 7'5", 500lbs], causing the 3 Robbies and the SLUG to run and hide, as Colossus yelled at the top of his lungs...sounding like a Jurassic Park dinosaur!


If you would like to read MORE X-Men Tales, hit me up @ NPhillydogg@aol.com with your comments and/or suggestions. OR you could join me on my Facebook page under the name name!


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