X School Boys


Published on Jun 20, 2003


This is Chapter 7. I have nothing to do with X-men, or marvel comics because this story is just fake. Hope you like it, if you are not over 18 than or do not like gay sex don't Read this. ~ This means someone is thinking < This means someone is talking telepathically = This mean means inside someone's mind or dream In addition, for those of you that do not know who some of the new mutants are go to this site. http://x-men.animationinsider.net/cast.html

Last Time...

Pyro melted Quicksilver from the ice. Avalanche nodded and put a bomb in the street and set it for 10 seconded. "We will see you later loser, try not to make a mess when you die." The group ran with Bobby trying to resist but he was forced to inhale something that knocked him out. The x-men tried to chase them but the bomb hit 0. Flames and a blast of air sent them flying back and hitting the asphalt. They were scattered all around, all Magma could say is "Bobby".

Chapter 7 (The final Battle)

Bobby awoke with a killer headache. He head was pounding for whatever he was forced to inhale. He rubbed his eyes and ran his finger through his hair before he sat up in the bed he was laying in. The room was all white with one single hanging light in the middle of the ceiling. The door had a single small square cut out with metal bars. Bobby put his feet on the ground and tried to sand up but fell to the earth. His energy was drained to the point were he could hardly pick himself off the ground. He forced his body off the ground and forced himself to stand. He walked slowly to the whole in the door. He held tightly to the bars and looked out to see if anyone was out there. He saw another door, it was black inside but he could tell someone was moving inside. Hey tried to get their attention by whispering. "Hey, hey, who's over there." The light turned on and a little girl with red hair approached the whole. "Bobby is that you," the little girl asked. Bobby knew who it was. "Siryn, you're here?" Bobby asked in shock. "Yay, a lot of us are here. Me, Shadowcat, Multiple, Jubilee, and Rogue are here." Siryn said looking more down the long hallway. "What do they want us for?" Bobby asked the young girl. "There trying to brainwash us into believing that humans are out to hurt us, and trying to get us to join his army of mutants." "That's why John attacked us." Bobby said now understanding what happened. "Why don't you guys just use your powers to escape from here." "Were too week, they keep us sedated, and the metal in the walls are very reinforced. Try and use your powers." Bobby stepped back and tried to use his powers but his body just felt even weaker. He fell to his knees trying hard to stay awake. "Shhhh, Bobby someone is coming." Siryn said as she walked back and turned off her light. Bobby stayed on his knees facing the door. His doorknob started to twist and the door swung open. There in the doorway was John. He was wearing a tight red T-shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans.

"Wow Bobby, I didn't even get here and all ready you're on your knees." John said laughing. "Fuck you John." Bobby said putting a look of discusses on his face. "What's the matter Bobby, not happy to see me?" John said in a cocky attitude as he sat on Bobby's bed. Bobby stood up, walked over to the bed, and sat next to John. "What happened to you John. Why are you fighting with Magneto?" Bobby said looking into Johns brown eyes. "He showed me the way to go, humans despise us, why should I help protect them?" John asked Bobby with fire in his eyes. "Tell me that." Bobby just looked at him in disbelief. "You have to fight it John, Magneto is just telling you lies. Snap out of it." Bobby grabbed John's hand and held it tightly. "Bobby I have see the lig..." Johns words were cut off by the sudden urge of Bobby's lust. Bobby forced their lips together and held John's head form pulling back. John stopped trying to resist the kiss and let his tongue run over Bobby's lips. Bobby opened his mouth and aloud John's tongue to explore his mouth. Bobby felt around Johns mid section till he felt the keys to the doors. Bobby started to take them off until John pushed him away. "Nice try Bobby boy, but your not getting them that easily." John said standing up and walking out the room, shutting the door behind him. He walked down the hallway when he got memories of him and Bobby that night they went to the movies. He shook his head and talked to himself. "Get it together you pussy, that was the old you." He keeps walking till he came upon Rogues room. ~ Ill get back at Bobby by hurting his little girlfriend.~ John opened the door to the dark room. He steps in for a second till he felt Rogues hands on his face. "Ahhhhh" John screamed in pain as his life force is drained. John's body hits the floor. "I'm sorry John but I got to do what I got to do," Rogue said as she grabbed his keys and ran out. Rogue franticly ran from room to room letting her friends out.

She ran to Bobby's room and released him. "Rogue it's so good to see you," Bobby said as he picked her up in his arms and hugged her tightly. "I missed you so much but we have to go," Rogue said pulling Bobby down the hall. "How did you get the keys?" Bobby asked as he walked down the long hall. "I just touched John and he knocked out." Bobby stopped dead in his tracks. "And you left him, I have to go get him." Bobby said as he ran back for his fallen lover. He went to the room that Rogue was in and found John on the ground. He started to drag him out as fast as he could. Rogue helped carry him till they heard the alarms go off. "The cameras saw us," Jubilee said as she shot her firework like powers, blowing up the cams. "Let's get out of here." Shadowcat yelled from down the hall. "Wait, Ill contact the professor. Bobby laid John on the ground, put his hands on his head, and tried to contact the professor as hard as he could but nothing happened. "We must be to far away from him." "Here try with all of us." Rogue said grabbing Bobby's hand. Shadowcat, Jubilee, and Multiple joined hands as well. "Siryn, you keep a eye out for us." Bobby said. She nodded. They once again tried to get the professor when Lady Deathstrike walked down the hallway. "What are you kids doing out?" She yelled down the hall as she extended her metal claws. "You guys keep trying to get the professor ill stop her." Siryn said. She turned her attention back to Lady Deathstrike. Siryn opened her mouth and let out an ear-piercing scream. The scream bounced off the wall and into Lady Deathstrike making the force stronger. Lady Deathstrike fell to her knees in pain. Meanwhile Bobby and the others got in contact with the professor and the x-men. "He said he's going to be here in 10 minutes. Let's go" Bobby said pulling the other to their feet and trying to pick up John by himself. "Come on Bobby we will save him later," Jubilee, said pulling Bobby along. They ran past Lady Deathstrike but Rogue stopped and put her hands over her face absorbing her healing powers. "Now let's go".

They ran to a large open area with creates stacked up. "Whoa, where are we? Multiple asked out in the open. "You are in the air hold. It's where we keep the helicopter." Magneto's voice echoed in the large open plane hold. The kids turned in shock to face Magneto, Toad, Quicksilver, Mystique, Sabretooth, Avalanche, a very weak Lady Deathstrike, Scarlet Witch, Pyro, and Blob. "You're not going anywhere." Pyro said with a smirk on his face. "Were leaving no matter what," Bobby said back. "Get them" Magneto commanded his army. Just then, Bobby got a telepathic message from Professor X say that the X-men were outside. "MOVE!" Bobby yelled jumping on the ground. The wall to the hold blew open. From the hole in walked Cyclopes, Storm, Professor X, Jean, Wolverine, Boom Boom, Magma, and Berzerker. "I'm sorry Magnus but I must take my students" Professor said. "Ah Charles, it has been a long time but today will be are last. Get them" Magneto commanded once again. "Get out of here kids." Cyclops said pointing to the hole in the wall. Jubilee, Multiple, and Sriyn ran out while Rogue, Bobby, and Shadowcat stayed behind. "I'm not going anywhere, this is my battle to," Bobby said looking at John. "Pick your partners," Wolverine said extending his claws. Lady Deathstrike took her claws out in response. "Ill take big boy," Boom Boom said pointing to Blob. They squared off, Wolverine vs. Lady Deathstrike, Storm vs. Sabretooth, Jean vs. Scarlet Witch, Professor X vs. Magneto, Blob vs. Boom Boom, Quicksilver vs. Magma and Berzerker, Cyclopes vs. Mystique, Shadowcat vs. Avalanche, Toad vs. Rogue and, Pyro vs. Iceman.

Wolverine was the first to attack. He and Lady Deathstrike climbed the crate and battled claw to claw. Sparks flying when the metal claws clashed together. Boom Boom through 20 of her exploding marbles at Blobs feet tripping him up. Magma and Berzerker shot their powers together but Quicksilver ran circles around them. Jean and Scarlet Witch battled using their powers to through crates at each other. Sabertooth lunged at Storm but her powers of being able to use the wind she blew him back into the wall. Professor X tried to use his powers but Magnetos helmet blocked his telepathic rays. Magneto used his metal controlling powers to shot the professor's wheel chair into a pile of creates. Cyclopes shot his laser beams at Mystique but her speed and acrobatic skills made her an unhitable target. Toad climbed the walls, grabbed Rogues legs with his tongue, and dragged her into the air. Avalanche and Shadowcat faced each other. "Sorry pretty Kitty, its time to get hurt." He lifted his hands and the earth started to shake, he stomped his foot and a wave of earth came flying at Shadowcat. She jumped straight into the wave and through it. Pyro and Bobby looked each other in the eyes from afar. Pyro lit his lighter and shot his fireball. Bobby quickly shot an ice-beam. The powers combining made a vacuum that sucked air in then an explosion toughing Bobby and Pyro back. Rouge removed one of her gloves and grabbed Toads tongue. Toad dropped to the floor and Rogue landed on her feet and jumped on the wall. Quicksilver was still avoiding Magma's and Berzerker's power when Rogue shot the slime (from Toads powers) at the floor and Quicksilver ran right into it and was stuck. Magma and Berzerker look at each other and with a grin shot their powers blowing him away. Rogue jumped down and touched Quicksilver on the face taking him down. The professor being stuck in his chair hand no choice but to get jeans help. Jean stopped what she was doing and used her powers to remove Magnetos helmet. She removed it but was taken out by a rogue crate complements of Scarlet Witch. Magneto picked his helmet back up and put it on. Rogue jumped on the roof and dropped down onto of Scarlet Witch. She drained Erin's powers and used them to once again remove Magneto's helmet. "Now Professor," Rogue said in her beautiful Southern accent. The Professor gave Magneto strong physic blast with his mind. "Mystique help me!" Magneto yelled in pain. Mystique herd Magnetos cry for help. She jumped in the air and kicked Cyclopes in the face. She grabbed his helmet and put it back on Magnetos head. Then she ran over to the professor, kicked him repeatedly, knocking him out. Wolverine saw Mystique attacking the professor. He jammed his claws into Lady Deathstirke's abdomen. He jumped down at Mystique, claws out and enraged. Right before he could stab her she grabbed his hands and through him back. Rogue ran over to Mystique but she grabbed her and trough her into Storm. Rogues hand accidentally touched Storms skin. Storm was knocked out and Rogue flue into the air. Lightning, rain, wind, and snow flew around the X-men and the Brotherhood. "She has Storms powers but not her control." The Boom Boom said. "We must stop her," the Professor said look at Bobby. Bobby nodded and lifted his hand. "I'm sorry Rogue," Bobby whispered as he shot his powers.


Hey I hope you liked Chapter 7. I sorry but I wont be her for the next week. My family vacation is going on so sorry.

Next: Chapter 8

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