X Team

By Story Master

Published on Oct 11, 2009



This story takes place during the Ultimate X-Men timeline with a few changes to the time line. These will be obvious as the story progresses. This story will contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts, if it is against the laws of your country or against or moral code to read such acts then do not. Lastly I do not have the rights or make claims to anything related to the Marvel Universe.

Chapter 1 -- David's Decision

-David- says a voice.

"Huh", answers David.

-David- repeats the voice calmly.

"Wha?", answers David groggily.

-David-, repeats the voice this time a little loader.

"Professor?" asks David confused.

-Yes David, can you please come to my office-

-Yes sir. Sorry I was just waking up and did not realize you were speaking, I thought it was a dream-

-That is quite all right. You are not a telepath; your first thought would not be communication. But now that you are up I want to be the first to wish you happy 18th birthday. And if you please, can you come to my office-

-Thank you sir. May I take a shower and dressed first-

-That is not really necessary. What we have to discuss is important and I have a guest waiting-

-Yes sir-

Who would come visit the professor this early? I open up my eyes and look across the room at the alarm clock. "What the fuck its 6!" I hear my roommate on the top bunk mumble something. I must have yelled that a little too loud. As quietly as I can I get out of bed, go to my dresser and pull out a pair of shorts. -I don't think the Professor meant for me to come nude-. I hear snoring again, good at least he fell back sleep he'd be pissed with me if I woke him. I leave our room shutting the door behind me. I've been at the Xavier's Institute for 2 years now and I have never been out in the halls this early, its spooky. Not a single light is on, shadows are everywhere and what's worse not a sound because everyone else is asleep. -I hate the darkness; I mean I really hate it. I wish my mutant power were light so I could make the hallway brighter- I begin to walk more quickly to the Professor's office.

Standing in front of the door to the office I raise my hand to knock but before I can...

-David please come in the door is not locked- states the Professor.

-Yes sir- as I open the door and see the Professor, a bald White male, sitting at his desk and another man standing by the desk.. It is hard to make him at because my eyes are adjusting to the light.

"David, this is General Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Hello sir." Now that I can see better I notice that Nick is a bald Black male with an eye patch over his left-eye, goatee, probably about 6' tall, and is definitely military in the way he stands and the outfit he is wearing. I notice the gun strapped to his chest. -I thought the Professor didn't like guns considering that he was shot in the back-

-Actually David it is not guns that I dislike it is people that misuse them. But it is impolite to use telepathy when others can not- states the Professor.

-Sorry sir I was just thinking out loud- I reply slightly embarrassed.

"Now that you are 18 there are a few things that you must decide that will determine the direction that your life will take. I hope that you have thought about the options that I presented to you. I would have like to have given you more time but it seems that that is not an option.", states the professor gravely.

"Yes sir, I have thought about moving out of the school and living in the real world. I realize that the school will always be here and that I can help support the school by sending 10% donations.. But I want to do more than just support the school in its efforts, I want to be apart of the efforts.", David responds.

"And that is why I am here David, to offer you the chance to come work for S.H.I.E.L.D. and make a real difference serving your country and making the world safer for humans and mutants. We can help you realize your full potential utilizing the full resources of the American government." Fury declares proudly.

"I don't understand what does S.H.I.E.L.D. do that you need mutants for, sir", questions David.

"That is a good question son. What this organization does is gather the best powers, not just mutants, we don't discriminate power is power. We gather the best powers in America to protect American interests throughout the world. We are the highest and the best force the U.S. government has to offer. All other agencies fall under the S.H.I.E.L.D. umbrella."

"Umm sir I'm not sure that being an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. is exactly what I had in mind. While I am proud to be an American and everything that goes along with it, I am not sure that being in the military or a paramilitary agency is what I am cut out for. I want to help but that seems a lot more than what I'm able to do at this time.", replies David softly.

"That is fine son, I just wanted to let you know about us and give you that option. Just so you know when you feel you are ready just let me know, Charles knows how to contact me. S.H.I.E.L.D. will always open its door for you", answers Fury. "Charles don't get up I'll see myself out, I'm sure you have more things to talk about and I have pressing issues to attend to."

I watch as Fury walks over to the window opens it and looks out. -What is he doing at the window- Then I see Fury just walk straight out of the window. My heart skips a beat but then I notice that he is being lifted in the air by some sort of helicopter hover plane. -I didn't even hear a plane or helicopter engine overhead-

"Fury has a way with making a point.", states the Professor with a smile. "Now to the business at hand. Sorry to call you so early but Fury made a surprise visit and asked to see you. Since you are already here let's talk about your future at the Institute. I understand that you want to be more involved with the activities here. What I need to know is how involved? Because as you know you can stay and help with the running of the Institute but there are more ... in-depth activities you can be apart of."

"Sir what do you mean more in-depth? I want to help out as much as I can but being that involved with the government scares me, as does being as open as you are scares me. I am not ashamed of being a mutant but at the same time I do not really want to be on television with it."

"I understand David. That statement and your position eliminates and points to one alternative but I warn you now that there is no turning back. This option can cost you your life and should you fail you will have no memory of what transpired during that time and should it be necessary you will lose your memory of your time here as well."

"Sir can you tell me what the option is so I can make an informed decision?"

"No. There is no way for me to tell you anything more than what I have already informed you, I am sorry."

"Sir do you know if I can do whatever it is that you are asking of me?"

"I am sorry David but know one can tell the future and I cannot look into your heart and see what you are capable of. If it is any condolence I would not mention it to you if I knew that you could not do it."

"Sir I want to be of use and show that I am grateful for all the things that the Institute has taught me without the Institute I would not really have a life.. So therefore I will willingly give my life to you and try to do what you are asking of me."

"Thank you David. I know that you will make an excellent addition to the X-Team. I did not say so because I did not want to pressure you in anyway. Let me explain what the X-Team is. They are a group of mutants that I use to further my goals of peace and human and mutant co-existence. On occasion there are things that must be done so that peace between humans and mutants can be sustained along with allowing for both to co-exist together. But that is a discussion for another time for now please head to the nursing station, there you will meet Jean Grey."

To be continued

Any comments, suggestions, complaints please send to storymaster480@yahoo.com. I will respond to all of them. Yes there will be sex in the next chapter and a complete description of the main character.

Next: Chapter 2

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