X Team

By Story Master

Published on Jan 31, 2010



This story takes place during the Ultimate X-Men timeline with a few changes to the time line. These will be obvious as the story progresses. This story will contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts, if it is against the laws of your country or against your moral code to read such acts then do not. Lastly I do not have the rights or make claims to anything related to the Marvel Universe.

Thoughts will no longer be expressed by -...-, instead they will now be expressed by <...>. This change is to make it easier for readers to visually see the difference between thoughts and the spoken word.

[...] will express inner-thoughts that are not meant to be read by others.

X-Team is told through the eyes of the Main Cast

Main Cast

David Snow

Mutant: Bio-electromagnetic level 5, Race: Mixed (Black 45%, Hispanic 35%, White 20%), Ancestry: Brazilian, Complexion: Naturally medium tanned, Age: 18, Ht: 5'10", Wt: 168lbs, Body Type: Swimmer's with strong legs, Eye Color: Hazel, Head Hair: Black curly shoulder length, Body Hair: Absent except for underarm and pubic hair, Cock: 7.25x6.25, Cut/Uncut: Loosely cut still has most of original foreskin

Tim Canon

Mutant: Dark Energy/Storm Summoning level 5.5, Race: White, Ancestry: English, Complexion: White no tan, Age: 18, Ht: 6'2" Wt: 165lbs, Body Type: Slim runner's with hardly any fat, Eye Color: Black, Head Hair: Black straight styled as a 6" faux hawk, Body Hair: Shaves completely, Cock: 6.25x5.25, Cut/Uncut: Tightly Cut

Pericles "Ric" Danaans

Mutant: Psychic/Peak Human Condition level 3.5, Race: Greek, Ancestry: Greek, Complexion: Beige (Pale-brown), Age: 18, Ht: 5'10" Wt: 177lbs, Body Type: Gymnast, Eye Color: Hazel, Head Hair: Dark brown wavy ear length; highlighted and textured, Body Hair: light body hair; shaved underarm and trimmed pubes, Cock: 7x6.75, Cut/Uncut: Uncut

Chapter 10 Getting to know David

<I want you to trust me, David. I have a feeling that we are meant to be friends> states Ric slowly.

<But that doesn't explain why you don't have clothes on> exclaims David still trying but failing to just look at Ric's face. The body before him reminds him of the greek statues that he has scene in museums, perfection. Except this statue is flesh and blood and right in front of him.

<I can only project my physical form so clothing and such is ... well as you can see not ... brought> Ric says trying to judge David's reaction and understand what he should do next. He determines that this is the path that will bring about the outcome he sees in his mind and states <David it's not really fair that you can see me but all I can see of you is the cloud of your essence>

<What the fuck?!?>

<You can see me, but I can not see you. How is that fair?> Ric states with more confidence than he is actually feeling at the moment. <I did this so you could trust me, and you do trust me don't you?>

<Yes I trust you, but ...> finishes David not sure how to deal with emotions that he is feeling.

<If you trust me then shouldn't you help me trust you? I basically took off my clothes so you could trust me, shouldn't you be willing to do the same?> states Ric with increasing confidence and manipulation, noticing that his reading was correct. <I would feel better talking to a body with a face, rather than a cloud?>

<I trust you, but ...> David focuses his mind and transforms his cloud essence into his physical self. David smiles.

This wasn't what Ric had expected; he thought David would be nude not fully clothed. <Are you joking with me?>

<What do you mean?> Asks David genially confused.

<I am naked in front of you and you want me to trust you, yet you have clothes on> Continuing to manipulate David he adds, <How can I trust you, if you will not meet me on equal terms. I feel how you have been checking out my entire body!>

<Sorry I'm ... I mean ... sorry. Fuck look you are right, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to check you out like that. It's just this is the first time someone was in my mind without clothes. It's just unreal ... I'm sorry for staring> states David quickly trying to figure out a way to protect his sexuality.

<Don't give me that David, if I was in your room without clothes you would be staring right now> states Ric now having a clearer picture of David. <I don't even need my powers to know that you like ... ahhhh>

Before Ric could even get the word guys out David had already begun hitting Ric's body with repeated bolts of electricity. <Fuck you, you don't know me!>

Ric realizes his mistake too late as the bolts of electricity tears through his body lifting him off of the ground. [Shit I have to do something but I can't concentrate to hit back hard ... maybe he doesn't have any defenses up for a mental attack] as he attempts to subdue David.

[What? Why can't I attack?] as he watches Ric crash into the ground. [Maybe I have a smaller energy reserve bank while in my mind] as he runs over to where Ric fell.

[Good he can't attack with electricity anymore, but if I don't do something that won't matter as he simply kicks me in the face] Ric tries to get up but realizes he has lost too much energy in the surprise attack and his body refuses to respond. [Shit now what?]

Ric can only watch as David's foot collides into his side repeatedly, with such force that if this were his physical body he would have several broken ribs right now. Yet still the blows cause the same damage as Ric feels his life force teetering on breaking.

[Shit I misread this one pretty bad. How could I misread death? I mean it's a pretty clear read. Death, final, done not much to miss.] Ric asks himself he sees David's unrelenting assault upon his body then it darns on him. <David are you trying to kill me?>

<...> David stops his current kick in mid swing.

<Do you plan on keeping me forever?>

<...> Still trying to ponder the first question, David attempts to grasp what it is he plans to do with this person.

<I'm never going to willingly stay here David. I'll fight you; I'll never give you any rest, until you kill me>

<...> [I thought, I don't know what I thought or was thinking. What do I do with Ric? It would be so much easier if I never even knew his name and just turned him back. I should have just made him leave, but now what?]

<What did I do that is so bad that you have the right to keep me here for life?>

<...> [Damn it just shut the fuck up. I'm trying to think.]

<What did I do that I should die for?>

<Just shut the fuck up!> yells David as he kicks Ric as hard as he can in the ribcage to make his point.

[Damn that hurt!] <Did I do something to you?> Ric sees the kick coming again knowing that he can't take much more, not knowing that if this will be the kick that finishes him. But he continues anyway. <That says you should kill me?>

David tries to stop the kick just as it is about to land, but the force of the kick is too great that he couldn't stop. The kick lands with such force that Ric's body contorts with the blow. [Oh God. His eyes are closing!] <Ric, Ric! Oh fuck Ric> [Fuck what have I done?]

smiles Ric as he opens his eyes. [Damn that was close though]

<Fuck I thought I killed you!>

<Well you could have, it came pretty close. I have great conditioning and recover quickly.> [But not this quickly. What gives? Things are off, but I can't tell how. Or better still why] <I'm glad you came to your senses. Want to talk about what set you off?>

<...> [Not really]

<David you just about killed me over something. I think I have a right to know what it is? Don't you?>

[Fucker] <...>

<You said you trusted me, well trust me and talk to me> presses Ric

[Fuckin asshole] <I've only talked about this with one other person ... and I'm not sure how I feel about him right now>

laughs Ric in an attempt to prod David along.

David begins laughing unexpectedly at the statement because of how true it is. [Is Ric David to me? Is that why I lashed out at him? Why, I don't even know Ric?] After regaining his composure,

[Good he's talking, now just to keep him doing it. Maybe I can get some good readings off of it, hopefully more accurate ones.] <So why did you attack me? I mean ...>

<No one knows what, well no one but him, knows what I am about to tell you>

[That's right tell me. Let me help you with this. If you let yourself out of this prison then you'll let me out. So tell me, let us both be free] <...>

[Why am I telling him? Why do I trust him? Why?] <...>

[No don't stop talking. Talking is what will help you come to grips with yourself] <David. Your clothes are still on. We agreed that it was only fair that you would take them off so we could be equal. You haven't done that yet>

[What he's still on that.] <I didn't say I would take off my fucking clothes!> states David starting to get upset.

[Ok I have to do this right this time] <Don't get upset man ... I just think ... we should be ... equal that's all. I mean ... fair is ... fair right? I don't have ... clothes. So ... why should you?>

<Fucker you did this. You decided to change to physical form. I never told you to!>

<Yeah I did, but it was for you. And I think ... you ... owe me ... something. All I'm asking is that you meet me as an equal. You see me without hiding anything, right? Well show me the same. Allow me to look over you ... as you did me to make sure I was ... not hiding anything.> [I hope that I am doing this correctly] <And for that you attack me. How can I trust you if you won't do something as simple as returning a favor>

[Damn it to hell] <Fine you want me to take off my clothes, I'll take off my clothes and then we are fucking even, ok!>

[Yes finally we are getting somewhere] <Yes we'll be even and we can start from the beginning. With trusting each other and not lying about anything.>

[Not lying, what does clothes have to do with lying?] David pictures himself looking into the mirror without his clothes. <Happy, fucker!>

[Damn, hell yeah I'm happy. Fuck he has a great body] as he allows his eyes to openly go over every inch of David's body. Ric smiles.

[Why does it feel like he is memorizing every detail of my body?] <Talk freely?>

[Wow he doesn't even realize that he is getting harder as we talk. I think I'll wait a little while longer until I mention it to him.] <Yes talk freely and truthfully. I know lets play a game, ok. I think we should play truth or dare. ... Let's play truth or dare it'll be fun I promise.>

[Truth or dare?] <Why play that, its basically just a way to get and do things that normally you wouldn't do> [And from what I read it's more about sexually things, the same as spin the bottle.]

<... Well I know it can be used for getting people to get their clothes off and such, but we already have our clothes off. So that really doesn't matter. By the way, you know you are hard right?> [It's too hard to deny it now.]


Main Cast

David Snow

Mutant: Bio-electromagnetic level 5, Race: Mixed (Black 45%, Hispanic 35%, White 20%), Ancestry: Brazilian, Complexion: Naturally medium tanned, Age: 18, Ht: 5'10", Wt: 168lbs, Body Type: Swimmer's with strong legs, Eye Color: Hazel, Head Hair: Black curly shoulder length, Body Hair: Absent except for underarm and pubic hair, Cock: 7.25x6.25, Cut/Uncut: Loosely cut still has most of original foreskin

Tim Canon

Mutant: Dark Energy/Storm Summoning level 5.5, Race: White, Ancestry: English, Complexion: White no tan, Age: 18, Ht: 6'2" Wt: 165lbs, Body Type: Slim runner's with hardly any fat, Eye Color: Black, Head Hair: Black straight styled as a 6" faux hawk, Body Hair: Shaves completely, Cock: 6.25x5.25, Cut/Uncut: Tightly Cut

Pericles "Ric" Danaans

Mutant: Psychic/Peak Human Condition level 3.5, Race: Greek, Ancestry: Greek, Complexion: Beige (Pale-brown), Age: 18, Ht: 5'10" Wt: 177lbs, Body Type: Gymnast, Eye Color: Hazel, Head Hair: Dark brown wavy ear length; highlighted and textured, Body Hair: light body hair; shaved underarm and trimmed pubes, Cock: 7x6.75, Cut/Uncut: Uncut

Chapter 11 Getting closer to Ric

[What ... shit! How the fuck do I explain this?] <...> David begins to move his hands to cover himself, and then stops. [If I cover it then its like I'm admitting that it is hard]

[I should help him, but it's nice to see him flustered like this] <...> Tim just watches as David tries to cover himself then not, and then attempt again.

[Fuck this is my mind. Why am I so embarrassed? He's obviously not.] <It's not like you aren't also>

<Yeah but I'm cool with it, it's natural.> [Now that he's talking again, let's play!] <I'll let you go first and I'll even go with truth for you. Why aren't you?>

<Hey I'm supposed to pick truth or dare.> exclaims David not happy to be chosen for.

<Ok then you can have dare and I'll dare you to do something.> [He really isn't all that hard to read as you get to know him. I bet he doesn't want to go first.]

<No I didn't pick truth or dare! I didn't even say I wanted to play this game.> [Why the hell does he want to play this game for anyway]

<You're right I should go first since I asked you to play. I pick truth, you can ask me anything and I'll answer as truthfully as I can>

<I never said that I would play. But fine, why are you looking at my dick?> [Let him feel what I feel right now! If he doesn't answer then I can press and end this stupid game. If he answers I can say the same thing and it'll be cool]

<That's easy, its natural for a gay guy to look at another guys dick.> [Bet he didn't think I'd come right out and say it.]

[He's gay! But what if I freaked? Then what? Why come straight out and tell people] <...>

<So guess it's my turn now? So truth or dare?>

<Wait, fuck, wait, hold up. Just like that? You tell me you're gay just like that and ...>

<Ric are you fucking with me? You really are gay?> [He doesn't even know me and he tells me that he's gay? What the fuck?]

<It's not really your turn to ask?> [This is fun]

<Fuck that shit! Seriously you are gay?> emphasizing the are gay part.

<Ok I'll let it go this time. Yes I'm gay. No I'm not shitting you. I am gay. I like dicks. Or rather guys with dicks. I do not like pussy in anyway shape or fashion. Dicks only please. So does that answer your question?> [Never knew I could be so elegant about it] <Well now its my turn. So truth or dare?>

[Fuck I don't want to say truth or dare. Truth and he'll prob ask if I'm gay. Dare and who know what he'll say. I have to pick one to be fair] <I'll go with truth.>

[I should ask him if he's gay but ...] <So why were you checking me out? Truthfully, not that lame excuse you gave earlier. We are playing truth or dare.>

[Does he think I'm gay? Do I look gay or something?] David says as he starts to blush and get noticeably harder.

[He's not getting off that easy.] <You looked over my whole body, including my dick. Especially my dick! So ...>

[Fuck ... alright]

[Finally] <Everything in a truth or dare stays in the truth or dare!> Ric states seriously

[There I said it]

[Almost not quite] <So what does that mean?>

[What the fuck! I said I like guys! What the hell, he wants me to say ... gay. Fine] <Fuck Ric, fine I'm gay happy now>

[...] <No the question is are you happy?>

[Yeah I'm gay and it's cool] <It's not your turn Ric?> states David with a smile on his face

<Dare!> [So what can he come up with?]

<Ok I fucking want to see your boner since you can see mine!> David watches as Ric slowly strokes his dick with his right hand and caresses his balls with his left. [Wow he's thicker than me and its beginning to leak]

[Damn that's good I don't want to nut] as Ric moves his swollen dick around so David can get a good look at it. <What do you think? Does it match the body?>

[Fuck yeah. Its perfect just like his body.] [Shit his veins are thick] <Well there's no point in saying truth, so dare>

[Shit my hearts racing ... I've never kissed anyone but Tim. Ok a dares a dare, just close your eyes and do it] David slowly walks over, closes his eyes, tilts his head as he swallows softly, parting his lips as he licks them with his tongue, and he leans towards Ric's waiting mouth. As their mouths touch and their tongues meet, David's heart begins pounding against his chest. Instinctively David tries to break the embrace to escape for some air, for time to think about what is happening.

But Ric's strong arm is already around David's waist pressing David into him. As David attempts to move away all he can do is lean backwards. Yet still Ric will not let him go, Ric follows David's mouth, kissing him even more passionately. [I don't know why this just feels so right] Ric feels David shudder as Ric leans across him, grinding David's dick with his own. Ric takes his free hand and firmly places it on the back of David's head, so he can keep David from leaning back any further. Ric feels small squirts on his stomach. [Its ok, go ahead and nut David. I know you are trying to holdout. But I don't want you to hold back] he pushes his tongue deeper into David's mouth searching for all the most sensitive spots as he continues to grind his body into David's.

[Fuck Ric's strong; even if I wanted to I would have no hope of breaking his grasp] David slowly let's himself go, and becomes increasingly lost in the moment. He no longer tries to hold onto Ric, but trusts in Ric's strength to keep him from falling, as he runs his hands through Ric's hair, feeling the strands glide through his fingers. [Ric's abs are as hard as stone, I think I can slide my against it thanks to all the juice I'm spilling] David begins to slide his dick against Ric's stomach, feeling the ripples of the six-pack as he does so. David breath begins coming in short bursts and he quickens his pace not wanting to nut but quickly losing control.

[That's right David lose control] Ric begins grinding David in earnest as he feels David's hands on his shoulders. He feels the hot breathe coming from David's mouth into his, all of a sudden he feels David clawing his shoulders. As David starts to shudder uncontrollably, Ric presses there mouths together so they can breath the same hot air. He realizes that this last thing is too much for David, as he feels hot cum soaking his abs and even shooting up into his chest and neck. Ric holds David up completely as the strength leaves him and his legs give out from the exertion.

David opens his eyes and looks into Ric's beige ones and sees a softness in them that he has never seen in anyone's before. <I'm sorry ... I didn't mean to jizz right then ... I just couldn't help it.> between breathes.

<That's ok. I wanted you to> smiles Ric as he looks into David's sparkling hazel eyes.

<Ric I couldn't tell ... but did you shoot?> asks David concerned <Or is all this juice just me?>

laughs Ric

<Fuck man! I'm so sorry, shit. I should have tried harder. Really I'm sorry!>

<So you went early, no big deal. You can go again right? I mean you are hard still.> as he tugs a few times on David's dick to make his point.

states David as he is still using Ric to support himself. <I don't think I have the energy to really blow you or anything>

<There's more to gay sex than just hands and blows David. Here I dare you to let me show you.>

<Fucker it's my turn. You dared me to kiss you and this happened.>

<Yeah but don't you think you owe me a dare. You were supposed to give me a good kiss instead you backed out and shot all over me.>


<Actually I think that you owe me a penalty since you didn't do the dare correctly> smile Ric slyly.

[Fuck what is he going to dare me now] <Alright fucker what's my dare>

<No not a dare, penalty.> reminds Ric <That means I get to do something to you or have you do something worse than a dare and you can't say no. And I choose something to you.>

<Um ok so what are you going to do to me, shoot in my face or something> laughs David nervously.

<What? You want to jizz in my mouth?> asks David confused.

<No ... well the mouth of your ass> laughs Ric

<Shit man I'm a ...> [Fuck I don't want him to know that] <I'm a top>

teases Ric

yells David not at all upset, but not liking being teased.

he continues to tease.

<Fuck off, bitch> states David actually getting upset

<Don't get mad with me. Look I'm only teasing cause you are lying again.> softly states Ric. <What you were going to say was, "Shit I'm a virgin.">


<David it's cool to be a virgin. But now you owe me two penalties. The second one is for not telling the truth.>

<Fucker. Ok fuck I'm a virgin, damn. But I could be a top ... or bottom ... or something. Not being sure isn't exactly fucking lying.>

<Ok ok so just one penalty. But still I'm topping you.> Ric states seriously.

<Fucker you are pretty big. Fuck don't you think that you should be nice and have me take you in my mouth>

<Oh.> states David feeling like an idiot. <I'm ready fucker>

To be continued

Next: Chapter 11

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