X Team

By Story Master

Published on Mar 1, 2010



This story takes place during the Ultimate X-Men timeline with a few changes to the time line. These will be obvious as the story progresses. This story will contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts, if it is against the laws of your country or against your moral code to read such acts then do not. Lastly I do not have the rights or make claims to anything related to the Marvel Universe.

Thoughts will no longer be expressed by -...-, instead they will now be expressed by <...>. This change is to make it easier for readers to visually see the difference between thoughts and the spoken word.

[...] will express inner-thoughts that are not meant to be read by others.

X-Team is told through the eyes of the Main Cast

Main Cast

David Snow

Mutant: Bio-electromagnetic level 5, Race: Mixed (Black 45%, Hispanic 35%, White 20%), Ancestry: Brazilian, Complexion: Naturally medium tanned, Age: 18, Ht: 5'10", Wt: 168lbs, Body Type: Swimmer's with strong legs, Eye Color: Hazel, Head Hair: Black curly shoulder length, Body Hair: Absent except for underarm and pubic hair, Cock: 7.25x6.25, Cut/Uncut: Loosely cut still has most of original foreskin

Tim Canon

Mutant: Dark Energy/Storm Summoning level 5.5, Race: White, Ancestry: English, Complexion: White no tan, Age: 18, Ht: 6'2" Wt: 165lbs, Body Type: Slim runner's with hardly any fat, Eye Color: Black, Head Hair: Black straight styled as a 6" faux hawk, Body Hair: Shaves completely, Cock: 6.25x5.25, Cut/Uncut: Tightly Cut

Pericles "Ric" Danaans

Mutant: Psychic/Peak Human Condition level 3.5, Race: Greek, Ancestry: Greek, Complexion: Beige (Pale-brown), Age: 18, Ht: 5'10" Wt: 177lbs, Body Type: Gymnast, Eye Color: Hazel, Head Hair: Dark brown wavy ear length; highlighted and textured, Body Hair: light body hair; shaved underarm and trimmed pubes, Cock: 7x6.75, Cut/Uncut: Uncut

Chapter 12 David and Ric tussle

<Well, are you going to do it or not?> asks David trying to ignore how nervous he still is.

<I was thinking why don't we do it on a bed, instead of just standing up?> Ric asks. [A bed should make him a little more comfortable with the situation]

<A bed ...> [... Damn I can't concentrate ... shit, yeah I'm not going to be able to do that] <Sorry ... I'm not able to think straight>

Laughing, <David of course you can't think straight. You are gay remember?>

<Ha, ha funny> states David with a smirk on his face.

<It's ok we don't need a bed> as Ric pulls David closer for a kiss.

David allows Ric's strong arms to control him, enjoying the feeling of trusting someone completely again. He feels Ric's hot breath on his face as he closes his eyes surrendering himself to Ric.

[I think I will have him lick my lollipop] firmly pushing David down to his knees. Ric brushes his hard dick along David's mouth, shuddering as David's moist, hot air caresses his head and foreskin.

Out of shear reflex David sticks his tongue out to lick the precum that is now on his lips. [Sweet] Slowly, unthinkingly he moves towards the object of his desire.

[Wow he really wants it in his mouth ... I'll tease him ... just a little] as he moves his dick away from David. He watches as David follows his dick; that is always just out of reach

[I can follow his dick just by the musky scent] as David places his hands on the ground so he can get closer. [Fuck I've never wanted something in my mouth so much]

Then Ric sees David's eyes suddenly open with a wide smile across his face. [What ... what is he up to?]

In a blink of an eye David springs towards Ric, catching him off guard. David quickly wraps his arms around Ric's legs as he uses the momentum to tackle Ric to the ground.

With his legs wrapped up Ric has no choice but to go with the flow [He can't be serious?] as he hits the ground. [Well my body isn't just for show] As Ric hits the ground he plants his left leg, preparing to push off, simtaimiusly lifting his right leg catching David in the abs.

[Fucker you just tapped my nuts with your foot]

Using David's own momentum, Ric sends David sailing over his head. [Now to finish the move] pushing hard off the ground with his left leg, Ric flips both himself and David.

[What the fuck? How did he get above me?] as he looks up at the grinning face looking down at his. But David has no time to ponder how Ric reversed the situation as he slams into the ground with Ric's heavy body landing full force on top of him, forcing the air out of his lungs.

Ric quickly straddles his helpless victim <Well now that was fun. I didn't think you could get physical> laughs Ric as he pins David's arms to the ground.

[Fucker, did he think I was just some bitch? I'll show him!] David tries to buck Ric off using his hips and legs but all that manages to do is allow Ric to get in a better position.

<You have a great body, but you really don't know how to use it.> [Damn he has great definition in his muscles, hardly any fat.]

<Fuck you. You're not going to be able to laugh when I get you off of me!>

<Really? And how do you think you are going to accomplish that? It's not like you are a fighter.> teases Ric

[Fucker's right, but still I'm not going to be toyed with like this.] <Just you wait!> as David attempts to twist around and starts flailing his feet in an attempt to dislodge Ric.

[No wonder he can recover so quickly and cum again and again. He hardly gets tired and regains energy well. With all the exertion that he is putting out right now, you would think he just started trying to get me off of him.] thinks Ric as he admires David's physique. <You are just wasting your energy, but it is fun watching you struggle.> laughs Ric as he teases David some more.

<Damn you, fuck you and your mom> through clenched teeth. [I'm going to get fucking out of this. If for no other reason to show him that I can.]

Laughing, <Someone fucked my mom, but it wasn't you. First you are gay still. But better yet do you even know how to do it?> [I should stop but dominating someone is just too much of a turn on to me.] as he looks at his rock hard dick that is now lifting off David's chest.

[Fuck how do I get him off me? He reversed the position without even trying and I'm on my back still? Shit! He's not even paying attention to me. Fucker!] <Punk bitch, I'll ...> [Wait he's not paying attention] as he swings his legs up wrapping them around Ric's head. [Fuck yeah. Now to pull him off, not pay attention to me will ya.]

[What?!? Damn it, I got distracted] As he feels himself being pulled off.

<Fucker now it's my turn> grins David as he twists his body, slowly peeling Ric off. [It's fucking working]

<Seriously you really don't think it is that easy do you?> as Ric begins to use his superior strength to fight back. [But it's not going to be easy for me either. The leverage as all wrong, lucky for me David really has no idea what he's doing] now using his arms against David's legs.

[Damn it. How fucking strong is Ric?] as he feels himself losing control of his new position.

Ric sees the shock in David's face as he continues to fight for dominance. [Yeah you have a great body, but you need to learn how to use it. Besides I think I like being on top!]

[Well at least the Ric is straining and I'm making him work hard to beat me. It's not that I really thought that I'd win. It's just, fuck at least he should have to work for it, and anyway my reward is to watch all of his bulging muscles glistening with sweat.]

[What is he smiling about?]

<Why are you smiling Ric?> [I'll make you work even harder then] as he tries to get more of his legs around Ric's neck.

As David begins to wrap more of his legs around Ric's neck, he also squeezes as hard as he can. [This would be an issue but you are doing it all wrong, it's uncomfortable but it's not going to choke me.] Ric begins to slide from David's abs onto his chest, allowing David to arch his back more and more.

[Yeah just keep on smiling fucker, I don't care how strong your neck is, you will have to give up] With Ric moving to his chest he is able to arch his back completely and get his thighs around Ric's neck. [Fuck I have to be careful not to squeeze my own nuts against the back of Ric's neck]

[Damn can you suck your own dick?] as Ric admires the flexibility of David. [If I wasn't blocking you with my body, I bet that you could easily lick your dick right now!]

[Why the hell is he still smiling? I'm squeezing hard enough to pop his fucking head off]

[Guess I should end this. While this is fun I really want to get back to fucking him.] Ric quickly grabs David's right ankle with both hands, then immediately pulls it down and away from his body breaking the choke hold on his neck. [Surprised? Don't worry it gets better David] Next Ric hooks his left arm over the back of David's knee, forcing it down so his hand can grab the back of David's head.

David attempts to kick out but he is unable to generate enough force laying on his upperback. [Fucker you let me get my legs around your neck!] Then he tries to stretch the hooked leg out, hoping to break hold, yet Ric's grip is simply to strong. Next he tries to hook his left leg under Ric's chin.

[Nice try but you'll never get it around if I move my shoulder in the way.] As Ric moves his shoulder by his neck. [It's kinda nice feeling your dick and balls sliding and bouncing across the back of my neck]

David now tries to use his left hand to pry Ric's fingers off of his head.

Ric watches as David moves his left arm from his side towards his head. [Now that's your last mistake] as Ric places his right knee firmly on the exposed arm pinning it to the ground. states Ric grinning.

<Fuck no! I can get out of this.> responds David fully believing it.

<No you can't.> smiles Ric. <Your right arm is blocked by your right leg and my left arm. My right knee is pinning your left arm, and your left leg is useless.>

exclaims David as he begins kicking with his left leg as hard as he can. Then he stops suddenly with a pained expression on his face, as one of his nuts hits the back of Ric's neck a little too hard.

laughs Ric looking at the expression on David's face. <So you ready to give up now? It must hurt to be in this position. What do you say, I win this round?>

<Fucker are you kidding? This doesn't hurt. I can stretch much further than this. You'll get tired before I get bored of this position.> [If only I could stretch my neck I'd be able to get to his dick; that would get him to let go.]

[Just as I thought, he can suck his own dick. Shit if I could do that I don't think I wouldn't really care to leave my room.] Ric moves his free hand to David's nuts. <Maybe you are right? So let's not wait to find out. The bad thing about being a guy is no matter how strong you are, your nut sack is still pretty weak.> as he moves David's nuts around in his hand.

<Fucker you wouldn't!> [No fucking way he'd do that! That's fucked up.] <Aww, fuuaww, oaww>

<See those were just some really light squeezes. Maybe I should try to see if I can crush eggs in one hand?> Teases Ric and he repositions David's nuts in his hand. [Does everything turn him on? Or is it just a reaction that his cock gets harder if his nuts are played with in anyway]

<No fucker, No! Shit that hurt. Light squeeze my ass, bitch!> [Ric really will squeeze them. No way I want to find if the fucker can crush them] <Fucker I, shit don't play, don't play. Stop fucking playing, fucker.>

[Damn he really does get wood just by squeezing them. Each time I squeeze it gets harder!]

<Seriously fucker stop fucking playing. Alright, alright I give! Shit I give ok? Cool so stop pretending that you are going to squeeze them.>

<Ok since you are serious. Should I let you up?>

<Fuck yeah let me up. I admit fucker that I can't get out.> says David as he tries not to grin.

<What if I don't want to let you up? Maybe I like you helpless like this.> smiles Ric as he leans towards David to kiss him lightly on the lips.

<Fucker just let me up; you can't fuck me like this.> [Fucker I'm not helpless, you're just physically stronger than me. If I wanted I could just use my power and toss you off. But then that would just ruin the game.]

as he releases David.

<Well are you going to get off of me?> asks David since Ric is still on his chest.

<No, you don't need to get up. Stay on your back.> as he moves his dick to David's lips.

David lightly licks the tip of Ric's dick, tasting the precum [His jiz is sweeter than any lollipop] as he opens his mouth to take more

Ric begins running his fingers through David's hair and starts to massage his scalp gently, [Shit you suck with the enthusiasm of a virgin, but damn you are a natural] thinks Ric as he feels David's mouth swallow his entire length

[Fuck his dick is long, it feels like I'll gag] David pulls off some [I'm not sure what to do or what Ric likes] David begins to play with Ric's slit using just the tip of his tongue

<Hell yeah that's the way> He reaches behind to begin stroking David's hard dick [Damn man there's so much juice I would think you already nutted, if I didn't know better]

David begins breathing hard from the attention that Ric is now giving his dick, [Oh god he's twisting his hand around my head] David's toes involuntary begin to point straight out from shear pleasure [Wait I can do that with my tongue]

states Ric quickly as David copies what he is doing

All of a sudden David stops and starts gasping for air. Ric immediately lets go of David's dick as a few squirts hit him in the back. <Not yet guy, you didn't actually cum again did you?>

In between breathes, <Sorry ... I wasn't thinking ... I was just enjoying it too much. But I was close ... you stopped just in time.> states David as he tries to stop his body from shaking knowing that if he doesn't he will nut again.

Ric slowly gets off David and turns him over, <Do you know what doggie style is?>

<Fucker just cause I'm a virgin doesn't mean that I don't know the positions.> as he positions his body

as he slowly inserts his dick into David's hole

David reaches back to stop him <Hey fucker wait, what about the condom and lube>

Laughing, <David this is your head I can't give you anything in here and just pretend that we already put lube in> as he continues to slowly pierce David's virgin hole.

<Fucker just you relax, I'm the one that is taking it.> [But really this isn't all that bad. I always thought that it would hurt a lot more than this. I barely feel anything, really just a pinch]

<There I'm all the way in. How are you feeling?>

<I'm fine. But it feels like I'm about to bust a nut right now>

Ric begins to slowly pump David's ass with long strokes to help loosen him up, <I'm going to start going faster now. Let me know if you want me to stop or it hurts>

[Oh my fuckin god this is awesome. Fucker if you stop I will kick the shit out of you]

[His breathing is getting rapid] <David I'm about to go, let's nut together] as he feels David's ass squeezing the fuck out of his rod]

David barely is able understand what was just said to him [Oh fuck ... I want more] he bends his arms and places his head on the ground. <Yes fuck me Ric ... fuck me harder> as he feels Ric ramming his ass.

Ric lifts David's ass up higher so he can penetrate deeper, <Damn you have a nice virgin ass. Keep squeezing my rod like that, it feels great.>

<Oh shit ... oh shit ... oh shit> [What the fuck I'm gonna nut and I'm not even touching my dick] as Ric stretches his asshole.

[Fuck ... fuck yeah] as Ric slams his hips into David repeatedly as he pumps hot spunk with each thrust.

<Fuck ... fuck ... fuck ... ohh ... ohhh ... oh my god> as David shoots his streams of cum down into his face. [Damn it burns] as he closes his eyes as it continues to hit his eyes and open waiting mouth with ever thrust from Ric. [Fuck I'm going to have to remember this position; it's easy to shoot into my mouth. I love the taste of my own juice.]

As Ric finally slows his assault on David he gently lowers himself onto David's back, <How was your first time? Was it worth the wait?>

David doesn't even hear the question as he is still wrapped in ecstasy. [I'm not sure whose heart is beating harder his or mine] as his body still goes through post orgasm pulses and he watches the cum now dripping from his dick.



<Are you ok?>

<Fucker that was just amazingly awesome! Jesus Christ I've never felt such ... feelings before. Shit that was the most intense thing I've ever felt>

smiles Ric <So was this what you thought your first time would be like?>

<...> [No this wasn't the way I thought it would be] as David quickly comes back to reality. <I ...> [I didn't want ... yes I did but ... shit I don't know]

<... what's the matter David? Is some ...> [Who the fuck is that looking at us?]

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