X Team

By Story Master

Published on Nov 6, 2009


Chapter 4 - David's First Real Kiss

Tim is unable to see the force field that David put in the bathroom doorway and runs straight into it. He yells, "Ouch," as he falls to the ground. "What the fuck?"

David looks at Tim in disbelief, <Yeah what the fuck? Did I just put a field in the doorway.>

"David are you trying to piss me off," states Tim calmly but firmly.

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't know I could do that. I was just ..." David starts to explain but Tim cuts him off mid-sentence.

"Don't you just anything, David," says Tim raising his voice. "Don't you ever block my fuckin way! Now let me out!" he says as he stands up.

<I don't want him pissed again but I can't just let him go> "Tim please man, I'm your best friend, I'm just trying to help you."

As Tim gets up, he spits, "We aren't going to be best friends for much longer, if you do not listen and let me out." He tests to see if the force field is gone then looks at David and takes a step towards him. "Mother fucker if you do not let me out, you will regret it."

David closes his eyes as he feels his heart pounding against his chest. <Concentrate, stay calm, you have to keep that field up> David opens his eyes and does not feel any calmer, just more terrified as Tim slowly, threateningly walks towards him. "Ple plea," David stammers. He swallows hard as he starts again with all the courage he can muster, looking at the person that just moments again almost killed him. "Please Tim listen, just listen for a moment. I know you can kill me, but you haven't." Watching Tim still coming at him makes him pause for a moment wondering what to do. But he soon realizes that there is no darkness and this fact gives him a little courage. "Tim you're right I shouldn't block you from leaving and the field is gone, but as my friend please just listen for a moment before you go. You can't just run every time something bad happens. We are still best friends and I care for you." David says as he places his hands behind his back. "Look I have no way of defending myself now, but I still trust you. Yeah I'm scared, I'm scared right now of what you can do to me. ... It's no different if we were just normal and you beat the shit out of me. So what if you are stronger than me, Tim. Normals have to deal with it all the time, someone is always stronger than someone else."

"But I ..." starts Tim but he can not finish.

"But what?" says David as he walks towards Tim, who has stopped walking halfway. "But what?"

"I have ..." Tim starts again but is unable to finish or look into David's eyes as he stands in front of him.

David reaches out with his left hand and gently but firmly moves Tim's face so that he can look into his eyes. "Tim I am your best friend, not because I have a crush on you, but because you are my best friend. I will always stand by you," promises David.

"Even if I do this," Tim says calmly as his eyes turn black.

Looking straight up into Tim's eyes David says, "Yes, I will not back down." Although his hand drops from Tim's face.

"You will not back down," mocks Tim. As he causes the bathroom to slowly become dark.

David grabs Tim's left arm with his right hand squeezing it hard, "I will not back down, Tim" David says sternly still looking into Tim's black eyes.

The darkness in the room closes around the two combatants. "Will you still not back down?" states Tim looking directly into David's scared eyes.

"I told you I am not backing down," says David softly but loud enough for Tim to hear as David takes his left hand and grabs a firm hold onto Tim's right hand.

"Do you still refuse?" asks Tim as the darkness only leaves the two faces visible.

"I still refuse," David says barely over a whisper as he squeezes Tim's arm and hand as if his very life depended on it.

"Are you scared?" asks Tim calmly as the darkness starts to cover their faces.

"Terrified," says David as tears start down both his cheeks.

"All you have to do is say, stop, and that light will be returned and you will be unharmed. If not you will die," states Tim calmly with absolutely no emotion.

"No," says David meekly not even audible if it was not for the eerie silence, to the eyes that he can not see because the darkness is now complete.

"Come along David. You wanted to see the depths of my soul. Let's go see what is there."

David no longer feels Tim's arm or hand, as he loses as sense of balance. Its as if he is in a void with no other matter whatsoever near him. He reaches for Tim but he feels nothing where Tim should be. All David can feel is a great despair coming over him.

<I'm so sorry Tim but I can't follow you any further> "Stop," but no words come out of David's mouth. Not a sound or even a puff of air to show that David even thought the word.

Yet the darkness slowly leaves the bathroom leaving David and Tim looking into each other's eyes until David collapses on the tile floor.

Tim kneels down to the uncontrollably shaking and sobbing body at his feet. David can not see through the tears or make one coherent thought all he can do is clutch the legs of Tim and not let go.

After a few minutes David is finally able to say through sobs, "I'm so sorry."

"Why?" asks Tim sweetly as he gathers David into his arms and David buries his face into Tim's chest. "Why are you sorry? Sorry that when you saw my soul it was completely dark? It is I with the dark soul?" says Tim sarcastically.

"No sorry that I could not keep my promise to you. Sorry that I became petrified when you left. Sorry that I am so much a coward that I could not follow you. I'm sorry I'm not a better friend," says David still sobbing.

"What are you talking about David?" pushing David's tear stained face away so he can see the red puffy eyes of someone who just cried themselves out. "You saw my enough of my soul, you followed me to the entrance. It is not your soul; you did not have to enter. You who are petrified of the dark, I could not ask for a better best friend," states Tim with a small grin.

"Really we are best friends?" says David smiling, hugging Tim.

"Yes," responds Tim embracing David. "Come on get up, you're heavy."

"Ok," as David gets off of Tim and stand up. "Um ..."

"No I'm not telling you what happened," as Tim gets up.

"That actually wasn't what I was going to ask. But since you brought it up. Don't ask about why I'm afraid of the dark, I'm still not talking about it."

"Fine, I've known you for two years and you have not told me, I can live without knowing," says Tim punching David playfully. "So what is this `um' ... wait are you still on the me accidentally tossing you into a wall thing."

"That wasn't an accident," says David being careful not to raise his voice or cuss. "You blasted my into a wall, busting up my face and then almost kill me. Why wouldn't I want to get even?"

"Fine, I see you are never going to let this go. So for the sake of our friendship I'll be the bigger man here and give you something you want. Ok?"

"That depends. What are you giving me?" asks David.

"I don't want you to take this the wrong way but we can nut together one last final time, just like we did as kids."

"What the fuck? Really?" exclaims David, as his eyes travels down his friend's 6'2" frame, noticing the lack of fat on his smooth runner's build.

"No I'm kidding," laughs Tim before David punches him in the chest, not all that lightly. "Fucker that's going to leave a mark." But Tim looks into David's hurt eyes and calms down. "Sorry David bad joke. I do mean that, what I said. Let's nut together one more time."

"Really, you are not joking?"

"No," as Tim walks into the bedroom, "Are you coming?"

"Hell yeah," says David as he follows Tim to the bed.

"Look this doesn't mean any ... you know," says Tim as he and David sit on David's bed.

"Whatever, it didn't mean anything then, we were just kids. This is just a farewell to childhood."

Tim puts his finger on David's lips, "stop talking," as he lays on the bed. Looking up at David's curly shoulder length hair that is obscuring his face.

as he lays beside Tim on the twin bed. Tim begins to slide his hand under David's shorts feeling for David's dick. <Oh my god. I forgot how soft his hands are. He is so damn good with them; he's not even touching my dick yet. Just playing softly with my balls> David lifts his ass up so he can use his hands to slide his shorts down, using his legs and feet to get it the rest of the way off.

"Tim I'm already have juice coming out," as David places his hand in Tim's dick.

Tim takes the precum and starts lightly making circular motions over David's cum hole, "I know I can feel your nut juice just flowing out and you don't even have a boner yet. You always make a mess," he says happily.

David heart skips a beat, , as he begins to stroke Tim's hard dick. David adjusts his hand so he can estimate the length.

"Fucker I can tell what you are doing," Tim laughs, "I'm 6.25x5.25, I'm guessing that you're like 7.5x6.5, but it's not the size that counts. See if I wanted I could make you nut right now," Tim says as he changes from just using his fingers to using his whole hand. Beginning to manipulate David's foreskin now, bringing it over the head as he rocks his hand slowly over the now swollen head. Slightly adjusting the pressure and speed looking for the combination that will send David uncontrollably over the edge.

<Oh fu ... oh fuck this feels good> David begins swarming, clenching and unclenching his toes as he nears his climax. "Sorry I was just curi ..." as his abs begin to flex involuntarily. "Curious. But I'm a little under ... under your guess. More ... over, little over 7.25x6.25, but ... bigger dicks ...are" David was going to say more but his breath was taken away when Tim found the right motion <oh shit ... I'm gonna cum ... fuck ... it hasn't ... even been that ... long> "Wait ... stop ... I'm goi ... ok ... ok ... ok ... wait ... stop ... ok ... ok ... cum ... ming" David abs starts to violently spasm uncontrollably, his toes are clenched so tight that they are turning white, his right hand grips the sheets pounding the mattress as his left hand pounds on Tim's throbbing dick. "Oh ... oh ... oh ... oh ..." David's breath begins to come in gasps as he clenches his ass tight, as squirt after squirt after squirt shoots from his dick onto his face.

"Damn fucker six shots to your face, that must have felt good," gloats Tim as he looks at David's cum soaked face. "You may lack control but you make up for it in intensity," teasing David and giving him a compliment at the same time.

"Shut up fucker," David says playfully still in ecstasy and catching his breath. "Sorry I didn't realize I was so close, hey let me finish you off."

"No need to. Once you began shooting, your hand pumped my dick crazy style," Tim says as he plays with David's foreskin to make him jump.

"Sto ... stop ... oh god," being caught by surprise and gasping for air, "Its sensitive Tim. I'm glad I got you to nut and you enjoyed yourself."

"I'm just glad I'm cut, or you would have tore it off. But yeah that was a great jack," says Tim blissfully as David turns to look at him and see that he is still flushed red.

<Fuck I wish I had the chance to see him shoot, that would have been hot> "Tim can I kiss you, I know you said this is the last time, so can a kiss seal it," David asks hopefully.

Tim leans over and lightly kisses David on the lips, sending shivers down both boys' spines. He slowly opens his mouth and uses the tip of his tongue to caress David's lips, causing David's heart to skip a beat.

<Damn Tim is awesome at this! I wish I knew how to make him feel as good as he makes me feel> David's dick starts to become semi-hard again as his heart beats faster and he opens his mouth meeting Tim's tongue with his eager own. He begins to press his lips against Tim's and starts using his tongue to invade Tim's mouth. <I'm so hard now. I bet he is to, maybe we can nut again> David's hand slides down to Tim's dick feeling its hardness and the fresh precum.

"David ... I think ... we need to stop," Tim says quietly as he pulls away from David enthusiastic lips. "I think this ... was a mistake."

"What? But you know you feel it to, this connection. You can't deny it, you have new juice on your head," David says as he leans in to kiss Tim again.

"Stop, David ... stop," Tim repeats quietly. "That's just it David, I'm horny. You're horny but you also have feelings for me. I don't have the same feelings for you that you have for me."

"You're right I'm still crushing you, but you can't say that you don't have some feelings for me beyond friendship," states David firmly looking into Tim's eyes. "I know you have feelings for me, even if they are not as deep as mine. So don't say this was a mistake."

"I do have feelings for you but I could never return the affection you have for me, it would just be a one-sided love. If this keeps up I'm going to wind-up hurting you, and I love you too much for that. I don't want to lose a friend over this."

"I know you're not ... gay like me. But I wouldn't say you were the exact opposite either," explains David. "I'm an adult I understand ..."

Tim quickly interrupts firmly but compassionately, "David you are a virgin in the absolute since of the word. The most you have ever done is jacking off with another guy, me. We may be the same age but when it comes to relationships and sex you are just a baby. No I'm not straight ... but I'm not bi either, so don't go getting any ideas. I'm just open to having sex with people I'm attracted to."

"So you are attracted to me," exclaims David louder than he meant to. "Sorry but its nice to know, its mutual. Yeah I'm a virgin, but so what it's my life and I want to ..."

Tim interrupts again, "Go out with me," he says sympathetically "I don't want to go out with you. Yeah it would be nice to have sex with you, but you are my friend. My friend that has a crush on me, I would be knowingly taking advantage of you. Nutting with you, us wacking each other off is one thing but going further can't happen. We want different things and you are just too ... inexperienced to tell the difference."

"Yeah but I ..."

Tim interrupts again and grinning says, "But I want to learn with you." Then with a serious look says firmly, "Do you even know why you have a crush on me? Still have a crush on me? We've been playing around for two years and other than me the only other person you played with is yourself. Of course you have a crush, you want to have sex and I have always been here. You're confusing your three feelings for me: your friendship, your crush and your lust. If we weren't friends I'd be all over you right now, and when you no longer had a crush on me we would still have sex just because we are both horny and know it won't mean anything. But David we are friends and I don't want to end our friendship like that, cause after we get tired then what. You my not have a crush but will want more than fuck buddy status, I'll have maybe someone I care about and want to have a relationship with them and not with you. What do you think that will do to our friendship?"

David leans towards Tim looking straight into his eyes as he goes to kiss Tim on the lips. As David gets closer he expects Tim to withdraw or stop him but Tim does neither. So he slightly opens his mouth anticipating the softness that awaits him when his lips touch Tim's. Now he is but a breath away and can actually taste Tim's breath and still Tim has not moved away or to stop him. He slowly turns his head to kiss Tim but goes past the lips and kisses the left cheek. "You never liked me the way I liked you," David says softly.

Looking into David's eyes Tim sadly says, "I'm sorry I ..."

David interrupts Tim, "It's ok. I think I always knew. I just wanted to pretend that things could be different," David says softly as he starts to cry and lays his head on Tim's chest. "Do you mind if I cry on your chest again."

As Tim embraces David he says, "You can always cry on my chest. We are best friends."

"Do you think best friends can still, you know?" asks David as he cries on Tim.

"Yeah," Tim says as he brushes David's soft dick with his hand.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 5

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