X Team

By Story Master

Published on Nov 13, 2009



This story takes place during the Ultimate X-Men timeline with a few changes to the time line. These will be obvious as the story progresses. This story will contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts, if it is against the laws of your country or against your moral code to read such acts then do not. Lastly I do not have the rights or make claims to anything related to the Marvel Universe.

Thoughts will no longer be expressed by -...-, instead they will now be expressed by <...>. This change is to make it easier for readers to visually see the difference between thoughts and the spoken word.

X-Team is told through the eyes of David Snow

David Snow

Mutant: Bio-electromagnetic powers, Ethnicity: Mixed (Black, White, Hispanic), Ht: 5'10", Wt: 168lbs, Age: 18, Body Type: Swimmer's with strong legs, Head Hair: Black curly shoulder length, Body Hair: Absent except for underarm and pubic hair

Chapter 5 David's Understanding

<Last night was fucking awesome with Tim! I would have liked to have stayed with Tim this morning and talked, but Hank needed to see me down in Medical> David enters the code to open the doors to Medical.

"Ah David thank you for coming to see me this morning," says Hank with a smile on his face that can light up a room.

"You said that it was urgent Hank," says David.

"Well it is! I have completed my analysis of your biological profile"

"Um, didn't you already read it and tell me basically what was on it?" asks David with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Well typically I can just read it and tell someone what is on it. But on rare instances there are things that I discover in the profile that are most intriguing," Hank says barely able to hold his excitement.

"What are you so happy about? It's starting to creep me out doc," David says wondering why Hank is in an even happier mood than usual.

"Well David you are unique, well in fact actually one of a kind," Hank says not taking his eyes off of David for a moment. "Remember when I told you that your power level was 4.5?"

"Hank seriously you are starting to scare me the way you are looking at me."

Hank keeps going as if he did not even register the complaint. "Well I was off, you are actually a 5. And do you want to know why?" states Hank continuing not even waiting for David's response. "I had thought that your master gene was corrupted and could not perform completely. But that is just it your master gene is completely stable, even though it is corrupted."

"..." David just stares at Hank.

"David do you understand what this means?" asks Hank practically jumping up and down in his excitement.

"..." <No! You fucking jumping idiot! For someone so smart you are a complete moron> Thinks David as he continues to stare at Hank in complete confusion.

"David this was thought to be impossible. The odds against this happening ..." Hank keeps talking but by now David is no longer paying any attention.

<Damn I wonder what Tim is doing right now? Maybe he's right and I should try to find a boyfriend or something. I'm not sure how to go about that though. I wonder if ...> "Oh what sorry," responds David as he comes out of his daze.

"Well I said that I think it would be good if I started a think tank to study your corrupted master mutant gene. I wanted your ok before I started it though."

"Sorry, yeah sure whatever."

"That's great David," says Hank obviously happy. "You must have some questions about what I've been explaining about your powers. Is there anything you want me to elaborate on?"

<What the fuck he was talking about my powers and I missed it, shit! He said something about a 5> "Um, I'm not all that sure about this 5 thing. I mean you said that I was a 4.5 and Tim was a 5.5, but he said that you said that he could have been a 7.5 if he was like me. But you told me 7 was the highest."

"Well I never said that 7 was the highest power level. That is just the highest that I can estimate here in Medical. With the instruments here I can accurately say what an individual's power level is up to 5 and reasonably up to 7. But that is no known limit of mutant powers. The highest that anyone has been able to estimate is 9 but there are so few near that range that the tests are not very scientific. Also there are those that we call 9+ because there is no test that has been developed to say just how powerful they really are." Hank looks up to the ceiling as he says this in complete awe to what is left yet to discover.

"Then why am I so unique of I am so low on the power scale?" asks David in confusion.

"Well it's not your power level that is unique it's your stable corrupted master gene. That is why I want to get a think tank formed, so that we can discover exactly what it allows you to do. By studying it, I hope to further understand the mutant gene. You could help unlock a lot of mysteries about mutants," Hank states with a far away look in his eyes as he ponders the possibilities.

"You keep saying think tank, but what is that?"

"Well I would obviously be in it. But on my short list I would like Moira MacTaggert, who heads a research facility, and Reed Richards, who is apart of the Baxter Institute. I am sure they both would jump at the opportunity. Yet I would hope that two others would accept the invite. The first is Bruce Banner; he is the scientist that created the Hulk. The other is Henry Pym, who is a scientific genius," states not really looking at David or talking to him. Hank is more interested in seeing the possibilities of bringing some of the greatest minds together on a single project.

<Who the fuck are they?> "Yeah ok. But what do you know so far?" asks an obviously tired David. "About my gene that can help me use it?" David adds hoping to get a more direct answer.

"Well you should try to use the danger room, see if you can get your roommate Tim to go with you. He has access and I think that you two maybe able to learn from each other," states Hank now with other things on his mind.

"Hank you have to be kidding, Tim can kill me," says David in disbelief that Hank would suggest Tim.

"Not true, you should be able to hold your own," states Hank stiffly. "Well you just have to learn how to use your gene."

"That's just it, you keep going on about this master gene thing. But I have no idea what you are talking and I can't summon any great powers," explains David. "Also Tim and I fought already and I was no much for him."

Now Hank pays attention to what David s saying. "You and Tim fought and you were almost killed by him?" states a surprised Hank.

"Everything cool now," quickly states David misinterpreting Hanks surprise. "But like I said I do not know about this master gene thing."

"Tell me everything about the incident. Be sure not to leave out anything and answer all of my questions truthfully," state Hank in an authoritative that David did not dare question.

David explain the entire episode with Tim not leaving out a single detail and answered Hank's questions about how he was feeling/thinking throughout the episode.

"Well David I think you saw a manifestation of your power when you placed a force field in the doorway," says Hank. "From what you explained to me and what I understand about your powers, I think I have a better understanding of your gene."

"Well then ...," says David mocking Hank's way of speaking.

Hank starts laughing, "Well ...," and starts laughing again with David at himself. After they are able to regain there composure Hank starts again. "Well then I think that you do not control your powers in the way of a mutant with a master gene but rather your gene unlocks your powers in a sense."

"..." <Damn it he's doing it again>

"Well from your silence I assume you are not sure what I am talking about? Well what I mean is this. Your type of gene should be controlled by your emotional state, by your desire to protect actually. But because your gene is corrupted it changed that role to something else. I do not know what it became, but the think tank should be able to figure that out. Yet I think you have powers that you do not realize and that somehow your gene unlocks them. Well this probably does not make since right now, but try this. Your body can throw a ball 100mph but before it can do it, you have to know how to do it mentally. After you know it mentally, you will have to give your body the technique so it can do it. Now the thing is your body can throw any ball 100mph but there are different balls and each needs a different technique."

"Ok Hank, but what does that have to do with my gene."

"Well everything David, all of your powers are in your stable corrupted master mutant gene. You need to know the exact technique to unlock your power, without the correct technique your power will not manifest itself. Obviously it is not your emotional state" Hank states again before David can interrupt, "It is not your emotional state. If that was the case you would be using your powers already, nor is it protective because you show no increase trying to protect yourself."

"Ok Hank then what the hell is my gene doing then," says David frustrated. "What is it waiting for, I almost died."

"Well maybe if you use your power incorrectly it will hurt you, the same if you threw a ball as hard as you could incorrectly, then that can cause a sprain," says Hank unperturbed at the outburst. "What we can go on is two thing at the moment. I did not want to mention this until I learned more but it seems that you need some answers. Well your gene seems to have stabilized as bio-electromagnetic and is influenced by others emotional states. Before you ask, the how, why, what, or when; I don't know."

"Ok but I still don't understand hardly anything that you are talking about," states David flatly.

"Well I think that by fighting ... I mean training with Tim you will unlock more powers somehow. As you know Tim's powers feeds on others but somehow yours is interacting with it and may have been for some time. How this is playing out other than saying that it could help unlock more powers, I do not know. It seems to be a key. Maybe it will help if I explain your gene."

"Ok I'll try to get it," says David doubtfully.

"Genes are the storage units that hold the blueprints on how to grow. Now the mutant gene has the blueprint on how a power is supposed to develop. But it can become corrupted, meaning it changes the blueprint at some point. The corrupted mutant gene can, either stabilize, stay corrupted or kill itself. Depending on when it stabilizes determines how the blueprints will interact with each other. I believe Tim went over the synergy of powers so I will not bore you with a repeat now," Hank says with a grin.

"No offense but thank you," says David with a smile.

"Well a corrupted gene can also stay corrupted, either advancing the blueprint further or changing the blueprint again. By the way changing the blueprint is a mutation. Now constant mutations are dangerous because the corrupted gene is acting like a cancer cell. Advancing a single mutation is not as nearly as bad as constantly changing a mutation, but let me stop; I digress. Well back to you, a master gene as I said before helps you control your power to a higher degree. Now think of a corrupted master gene as an uncontrolled controlling blueprint. Doesn't make since right? Because it can't, master genes that are corrupted, no longer are master genes. Even if they stop being corrupted they are still called corrupted because they are not truly stable, in the fact that they can use their full power. And that is why you are unique, David. You are the only mutant that has a stable corrupted mutant gene, meaning it has its full power range. Even if you are only a power level 5 mutant, you are capable of doing things that even a 9+ would have trouble pulling off."

"Wow so I can take on a 9+ mutant," exclaims David excited at the prospect of being the strongest mutant.

"Well no. I wouldn't advise that. Even if you can do things that I level 9+ can't do, a 9+ still has more firepower than a 5. Think of it like you have a shotgun but a rifle still wins just about all the time. In certain scenarios you maybe able to get something in that a 9+ isn't expecting so you win by surprise. But I would bet my life on it if I was you."

With new understanding Hank drills David more on the use of his powers. The think tank can wait; Hank wants first crack at the puzzle of David's stable corrupted mutant gene.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 6

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