X Team

By Story Master

Published on Nov 23, 2009



This story takes place during the Ultimate X-Men timeline with a few changes to the time line. These will be obvious as the story progresses. This story will contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts, if it is against the laws of your country or against your moral code to read such acts then do not. Lastly I do not have the rights or make claims to anything related to the Marvel Universe.

Thoughts will no longer be expressed by -...-, instead they will now be expressed by <...>. This change is to make it easier for readers to visually see the difference between thoughts and the spoken word.

X-Team is told through the eyes of David Snow

Main Cast

David Snow

Mutant: Bio-electromagnetic powers, Race: Mixed (Black 45%, Hispanic 35%, White 20%), Ancestry: Brazilian, Complexion: Naturally medium tanned, Age: 18, Ht: 5'10", Wt: 168lbs, Body Type: Swimmer's with strong legs, Eye Color: Hazel, Head Hair: Black curly shoulder length, Body Hair: Absent except for underarm and pubic hair, Cock: 7.25x6.25, Cut/Uncut: Loosely cut still has most of original foreskin

Tim Canon

Mutant: Dark Energy/Storm Summoning, Race: White, Ancestry: English, Complexion: White no tan, Age: 18, Ht: 6'2" Wt: 165lbs, Body Type: Slim runner's with hardly any fat, Eye Color: Black, Head Hair: Black straight styled as a 6" faux hawk, Body Hair: Shaves completely, Cock: 6.25x5.25, Cut/Uncut: Cut

Chapter 6 David versus Tim

<It was cool of Hank to help me learn about my past, its nice to know something about your history> thinks David as he walks to the Danger Room, beside Tim.

"Dreamer boy what are you thinking about? How I'm going to kick you ass again? You know you can always back out!" teases Tim noticing that David's mind is on something.

"Fuck you," David says laughing and then seriously adds, "This time will be different!" <I've been going over everything that I know about my powers> "You made a mistake not taking me on the first day!" <Hank said that it will take some time before the think tank is fully formed, but he has gone over the biological analysis in complete detail with me for the past few days>

"In 3 days time you think you can stand against me? Seriously David you can't be that stupid! The only reason why I even agreed to do this training session with you is because Hank ordered me to. I told you no repeatedly because the first real fight we have I don't just beat you but could have killed you at least 3 times without even trying," states Tim in obvious disbelief that Hank would order him to take on David at full power holding nothing back. "You know that Hank had me training none stop the last few days because of you!"

"Sorry but I wanted to test myself against the person that kicked the shit out of me, and I may have mentioned that you were totally against it. So hold it against me and don't hold back," David smiles confidently at Tim.

"Damn you don't know do you? I have no choice but to go all out on you in the Danger Room," mentions Tim sadly. "I asked Hank if I could go easy on you since you never been in a fight, accept with me ..." Tim stops walking and pauses to gather himself.

David feels the tension, stops and looks at his friend. "What are you saying?" he asks concerned.

Tim breathes out slowly and says, "David you are on the X-team. While it may seem like a game right now but it is deadly serious. Out in the field we can not expect an enemy to give an inch and we must obey any and all orders given. The Danger Room is to represent the field to us; there is no easy difficulty. Hell there's not even a normal or hard level, man. There is only one level, and that is hell, we go all out no matter what."

David just looks up at Tim, just now realizing the reason why the Danger Room is called, the Danger Room. He watches as Tim starts walking again and just stares at Tim's back in disbelief.

"Come on David, you are under orders to remember. Let's get this over with."

David hurries, catches up with Tim and says in a rush, "Wait! This was supposed to be training, not some death match! Fuck man, I think you got this all wrong, let's go talk to Hank, and he'll tell you it's just training!"

Without even looking at David, Tim responds, "This is training, asshole. Now shut the fuck up and get your mind on the fight. Stop daydreaming and get ready to fight for your life. No one is going to step in to save you. It's just you and me."

Tim and David stop in front of the Danger Room's doors. Tim without any emotion looks at David and says, "I will explain the rules and everything once we are inside," as he places his hand on the palm reader. Next he leans forward as a red laser begins to scan his retina. Last he states, "Tim Canon, X-team apprentice level, Danger Room open." Not bothering to look at David, "Voice recognition."

As the doors open, Tim walks through with David following behind him.

"David go to the other side of the room," commands Tim.

David walks over to the far wall as he is looking around at the room. He notices that although the room is large, there is nothing in the room, just black walls. <Why do I have to walk? Why not just have both of us go to the middle and fight> David stops near the center and looks up, wondering where all the light is coming from. <There's no ceiling light and yet the room is as bright as day>

"David that's not the far wall!" yells Tim. "I will explain as you walk to speed this up. The Danger Room can replicate/simulate just about anything within its walls. I think that a neutral site would be nice for our fight." Tim looks up and as if speaking to the sky, "Computer grass field, sunny, calm day."

The floor that was just under David's feet turns to grass and the ceiling disappears as a clear blue sky is formed.

"Understand this, there will be one winner and one loser in this fight and you are already looking at the winner," states Tim "You must realize that you can not win. I'll let you have first move." He just stands still, waiting for David to attack.

<Fucker it's not going to be that easy to beat me this time. I've been training too and I'm going to show you just what I can do>

David gathers his energy concentrating it into his and hands, then launches a bio-energy bolt at Tim and strikes him directly in the chest. A look of confusion crosses over Tim's face as the energy throws him back twenty feet. Smiling David lets loose another bolt, another, and yet another, each bolt slamming into Tim with the same devastating effect. David watches as Tim struggles to get back up and secretly wishes for his friend to collapse back to the ground, so this fight will be over.

Breathing heavily, with his vision disoriented and unable to stand, Tim realizes that he should not have underestimated David and smiles that his friend has come this far. But Tim has been in this situation before and knows that he can't go down no matter what. Too confused to know where David is, he just hopes that David is too inexperienced to change locations as he unleashes the strongest gale force winds that he can.

David sees that Tim is struggling just to stand but realizes that he needs to fire even more energy into his friend, wondering if Tim is taking it easy on him. But just as those thoughts enter David's mind, they are blasted out as he is lifted off his feet and thrown into the air as if he was a baseball. The gale force winds, after subsiding, threw David over sixty feet into the air. <Holy shit! Oh my god! I'm falling, head first!> As the ground comes racing back to David, he sees his life flash before him. <I can't die like this. Think, you have a fucking, a mother fucking master gene, you can't die like some punk> David begins gathering his energy, not knowing what else to do, but just hoping and praying that something will happen. He focuses all of the energy into the palms of his hands and stretches them towards the ground. Which is now just 30 feet away, but nothing happens, 20 feet away, tears begin to well up and fly up into his hair. But David refuses to look away or turn his head from death, now just 5 feet away, he is determined to meet it head on and trust in himself. As David's hands touches the cool grass <So this is it ...> but before David can finish his thought he realizes that he is doing a handstand not on the ground but on the grass, itself.

<What the fuck!> as Tim watches David freefall back to earth <Oh shit, I used too much power! Why the fuck didn't you put a shield or something, you fucking idiot> Tim runs towards the spot where David will land, trying to think of a way to reverse the fall. But before he can think of how to reverse the fall he stops in amazement, as he watches David doing a handstand on the ground. He does not have the time for the question <How ...> to form in his mind because in that second, he sees his friend crash to the ground. Tim's blood runs cold, as he hears the cracking of bone. Then the most painful scream, he has ever heard, causes his heart to skip several beats. And bile rises to his mouth as he watches David shake uncontrollably. But forces it back down realizing that the fight is not over just yet.

Nothing matters to David right now, just the overwhelming pain going through all of his body, as he rolls around in agony. He feels something wet and warm against his skin, in the back of his mind he realizes it is his own blood on the ground. As time passes David can feel himself slip in and out of consciousness, he no longer knows if he is even moving. He smells something foul and understands that he just threw up; he pivots his head so that he doesn't drown on his own vomit. He just barely makes out a figure walking slowly towards him. <Fuck ... I'm in ... a fight> David tries to get his body to respond but nothing is responding <I ... almost ... died ... have to ... move> he moves his right shoulder in an attempt to get some leverage for his arm so he can sit up. David screams in agony as he learns that his whole right arm is mangled and cannot take any pressure on it. But his right leg spasms, out of sheer reflex, to get away from the excruciating pain coming from his right arm. This causes him to flip over his left arm onto his back, as his head rolls to see where the figure is coming from. David sees some reddish liquid spew out a couple of feet from him, and he understands that he just puked again.

Tim looks upon the mangled form before him, as tears slowly develop in his eyes. He blinks his eyes quickly and they start to glide down his cheek. His vision becomes so clouded that he can not see clearly, but his powers do not need to be shown what to do. The dark energy within him earns to be released, and will seek out a life form to feed on without hesitation. Tim reaches into himself looking for that dark place in his soul and calls forth the energy that is there releasing it towards the victim in front of him. <I'm sorry David, I know you won't understand this ... but I am trying not to kill you> Tim watches as the darkness surrounds David and he attempts to control that which knows no master. Sweat beads on Tim's forehead as he concentrates on communicating his desire to disorient the victim and not drain its life energy. But the darkness refuses to relent despite the desires of its host, feeling that this victim has no ability to protect itself.

<I can ... not see. ... Am I ... dead? ...> Now beyond pain David is drifting in and out of consciousness. <... What ... happened? ... Why is ... my ... spirit flowing ... away ... from me? ... No, ... I want ... you to ... stay> Slowly David raises his left arm and with what remains of his energy, creates a force shield around himself to contain his spirit. <What is ... pushing ... against me? ... Something ... is getting ... through. ... Wait ... I know ... this feeling. ... Tim, ... Tim ... darkness ... must ... strengthen ... shield> David's force shield flickers repeatedly as he struggles to maintain it, to an ever increasing dark energy being sent by Tim. <I feel ... it now ... it's getting ... through ... I can't ... keep it ... back ... the shield ... failed> David's arm hovers in the air a moment longer, then falls back to earth as the shield flickers one final time.

To be continued

Any comments, suggestions, complaints please send to storymaster480@yahoo.com. I will respond to all of them.

Next: Chapter 7

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