X Team

By Story Master

Published on Dec 10, 2009



This story takes place during the Ultimate X-Men timeline with a few changes to the time line. These will be obvious as the story progresses. This story will contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts, if it is against the laws of your country or against your moral code to read such acts then do not. Lastly I do not have the rights or make claims to anything related to the Marvel Universe.

Thoughts will no longer be expressed by -...-, instead they will now be expressed by <...>. This change is to make it easier for readers to visually see the difference between thoughts and the spoken word.

X-Team is told through the eyes of David Snow

Main Cast

David Snow

Mutant: Bio-electromagnetic powers, Race: Mixed (Black 45%, Hispanic 35%, White 20%), Ancestry: Brazilian, Complexion: Naturally medium tanned, Age: 18, Ht: 5'10", Wt: 168lbs, Body Type: Swimmer's with strong legs, Eye Color: Hazel, Head Hair: Black curly shoulder length, Body Hair: Absent except for underarm and pubic hair, Cock: 7.25x6.25, Cut/Uncut: Loosely cut still has most of original foreskin

Chapter 7: David's Coma

female voice


<David, Focus> female voice


David feels an intense sensation in his head, not quite pain but definitely not a pleasant feeling. He can barely open his eyes now and sees in a haze, not recognizing that he is now in Medical. Although he is able to hear the conversation between the two people near him, he is unable to decipher the conversation. Before he passes back into unconsciousness he thinks that he is in some sort of liquid chamber.

"Dr. McCoy this is not working. Some how unconsciously David is fighting my mental suggestions," states Jean, shaking her head in disbelief. "I could try stronger suggestions or even commands but I can not guaranty that his mind will not be scarred by the process."

"Well that will just not do. We must find a way to engage his mind and get him to awaken, but without damaging it in anyway," Hank sighs. "And Jean can you stop calling me Dr. McCoy?"

"Fine but that doesn't make you any younger," teases Jean. "But how did this happen in the first place? The Danger Room is not supposed to cause this right?"

<Sorry to interrupt Jean. How is David doing?> asks Professor X concerned.

states Hank shaking his head in confusion.

Without thinking Jean mental connects the other two people that are across the room, to the conversation.

states a female voice confidently.

response her male companion without missing a beat.

<Sorry Charles, let me introduce Reed Richards and Susan Storm. Hank put the think tank on hold, but these two were already on their way. Reed, Susan, the person that you are talking to is Charles Xavier> says Jean.

Professor X says directly to Jean without broadcasting it to the others.

<Fascinating. I have never thought that I would have a chance to ever communicate telepathically> says Reed in awe.

<It is good to meet you Professor. But as I was saying, it is obvious that the Danger Room in someway caused this to happen> states Susan with conviction.

<The Danger Room has safeguards in place that would prevent this from happening. I designed them myself and ran a diagnostic yesterday. Everything is running at 100%. I do not think that the Danger Room caused this> states Hank louder than he intended, not wanting his creation to be the cause.

says the Professor sympathetically.

<Actually in a way that is exactly what I am saying. Hank indirectly caused this because he made the Danger Room, correct? The Danger Room directly caused this because if David did not go in there he would not be in a recuperation chamber right now, correct?> responds Sue growing impatient at the slow pace.

<Sue. We have not run enough tests to come to any conclusions at the moment. Further we should not rule out other possibilities without completing more tests> says Reed trying to reason with Sue.

<Look! We have a boy in some sort of coma. Sitting around and waiting until we have the scientific evidence to form a scientific conclusion from a scientific analysis just to say that yeah this boy is a coma is not acceptable. We don't need the scientific method here boys, simple common sense is good enough> retorts Sue becoming upset.

<Well Sue the Scientific Method is a tried and tested method advancing sound, logical judgments. We do not want to do damage in the course of trying to help David, he is not a test subject> retaliates Hank.

<Maybe you all could use a breather, maybe come to my office and sit down to a cup of tea> the Professor says calmly trying to ease the escalating tension.

<I think that would be a nice change of scenery, and I could do for a sit> says Jean quickly agreeing with the Professor.

<Sue that could be a good idea. It'll give everyone a chance to gather their thoughts and make a case for what they think the next steps ought to be> calmly explains Reed.

<We don't have time for that. I'm sorry to be pushing this hard, but here is what we know about the situation. There is no doubt about this point; that we all agree on. David is in a coma and the longer he is in it the harder that it will be for us to get him out. But more importantly his mind is degenerating and we do not know if it can be reversed. I know he is not a test subject, which is why time is of the essence. We have to risk damage to stop total collapse. What good is it if we bring him back perfectly but we took so long to do it that he is at 60, 50 or even at 30%. The mind can recover but only to a certain point, lets not let it get to that point> says Sue trying to stay calm.

No one speaks, because everyone knows that what Sue is saying is the bare truth of the situation. But each knows that although time is against them, a mistake could be even more costly.

<I can do better than that Professor; I can actually implant my memory into your mind>

asks Hank

Professor X begins to peel apart David's mind like an onion, one thin layer at a time. Learning from Jean that David's mind still has defenses and that they are stronger than when she first scanned him, the Professor does not want to alert it to his presence. It is a slow process but he has already gone further than Jean was capable of. Every time David's mind begins to become aware of the intrusion, he stops and goes to a different area. <Ah sexuality is not guarded. Normally I would not go there, but I have to go further, since I have not learned of the cause just yet it can not be helped. Though I would like to try other areas, they are alert to my presence at the level>

The Professor starts a scan of David's sexuality <It actually isn't that deep, well he is young still. It's just deep enough to get me to another level, then I will venture to guess that he is virtually inexperienced. Good then I do not have to worry about prying open any secrets other than teenage masturbation habits. I can just tell him that I know he masturbates like every other teenager. I doubt he will actually ask me how much I know about the habits, which will be everything> Confident that he is not invading David's privacy more than walking in on someone masturbating he starts a probe or David's sexuality. <This area is closed off, but it leads to the next level. Normally it would mean intercourse, but it is so shallow that nothing close to that could have happened>

The Professor hesitates for a moment. Pondering if he should perhaps see if he can go a different way, the area is closed off after all. <No, I have to go this way. There is not much to the area, probably just some masturbation fetish that he is embarrassed or ashamed about. Again I'm not going to tell him anything about this and he's not going to ask about the details of it. And I will put it in the further reaches of my mind so even strong telepaths would not find it without knowing to look for it>

The Professor removes the blockage so that he can continue his probe. <David's gay! I mean homosexual. ... Damn it!> In the shock of the moment the Professor forgot himself and allowed himself to be detected by David's mental defense. <Damn it. I can't get them to shut down this far in. I hadn't realized just how deep I had gone, just how much depth does David's mind have> But he has no time to think on that at the moment as David's mind engages the intruder. <I'll have to fight my way out without hurting David> The Professor starts his quick retreat out of David's mind, attempting to leave the defense behind. <David is enthusiastic about expelling me. What he lacks in ability he makes up for in desire. ... Wait he's not trying to expel me, he's trying to detain me> The Professor wonders why as he continues to dodge the defenses on his way out. <Its as if David's mind is desperate its throwing everything it has at me. It must realize that it can't stop me, so this is just a waste of energy. It should be just blocking of the levels so I can't return as I leave them, yet there is no attempt to do that. Why try to keep a strong invader instead of just pushing him out? My God ... He is not out. He doesn't want people to know that he is homosexual. I'm sorry David but I can not stay but I will not tell anyone either> As the Professor leaves David's mind behind.

<Charles, sorry Professor what happened? > Asks Jean in shock, upon feeling that Professor X has left David's mind.

<What on earth do you mean Jean?> wonders Professor X. <I will have to go back in later, but there is no cause for alarm>

states Jean trying to gather her thoughts.

explains the Professor solemnly. <In going into David's mind I did not mean to give the impression that that would be it. But I have learned a lot from the intrusion>

states Sue flatly.

<Sue, please. Professor Xavier, I do not believe that you have a grasp of the current situation> Reed says realizing that the Professor was out of contact with them but not the other way around.

<What do you mean the current situation Reed?> asks Professor X confused at the emotions that he is receiving from the people in the room.

exclaims Hank, after figuring out Reeds line of thought. <Professor what young Mister Reed is hinting at is you sent out a series of thought projections without realizing it while in David's mind>

<Hank, I do not believe that I sent out any thought projections> explains professor X. <I would have to consciously do that and I have not done such a thing. It is against what I believe in and what I teach other telepaths. To do so freely would cause irreversible damage to not only Human and Mutant relations, but also Telepathic relations to Non-Telepaths>

<Professor as you teach, "under emotional stress powers have a way of doing that which we do not want ..."> quotes Jean.

<"... that is why one must strive for mastery of our powers> quotes Professor X finishing his own quote. Sighing with the realization that he has not mastered his powerfully, he accepts that something got through. <What was the series of thought projections?>

<Well. David's gay, damn it!> responds Hank trying not to say it as emotionally as he heard it.

<... I see> is the Professor's short answer.

Jean ventures to say softly, not sure if he broke off communication.

<... I am here. ... I am sorry but I needed a moment to gather my thoughts> explains Professor X. <I know that, David's gay damn it, sounds awful. And it is, just that, awful>

<What! You are supposed to be enlightened, a preacher of tolerance and acceptance. How can you say such a thing, Professor Xavier?> asks Reed extremely saddened that someone that he admired could be a hypocrite.

<You are right Reed, how could I say such a thing?> continues Professor X. <I will not say that I did say those words, because I did. And like I said it is awful, if taken in that context. But that is not the case. I did not mean them in that contest. What I actually said was, "David's gay! I mean homosexual. ... Damn it!">

<How is that any better Professor? Gay, homosexual it doesn't matter, you still are upset that David likes guys> says Sue almost spitting out the words.

<I understand your emotional state, but please allow me to finish Sue. I am not upset that David is homosexual. In truth I do not care whom he is attracted to physically> states Professor X slowly and deliberately.

<God that's good to know> states a new voice.

Next: Chapter 8

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