X Team

By Story Master

Published on Jan 10, 2010



This story takes place during the Ultimate X-Men timeline with a few changes to the time line. These will be obvious as the story progresses. This story will contain graphic descriptions of sexual acts, if it is against the laws of your country or against your moral code to read such acts then do not. Lastly I do not have the rights or make claims to anything related to the Marvel Universe.

Thoughts will no longer be expressed by -...-, instead they will now be expressed by <...>. This change is to make it easier for readers to visually see the difference between thoughts and the spoken word.

X-Team is told through the eyes of the Main Cast

Main Cast

David Snow

Mutant: Bio-electromagnetic level 5, Race: Mixed (Black 45%, Hispanic 35%, White 20%), Ancestry: Brazilian, Complexion: Naturally medium tanned, Age: 18, Ht: 5'10", Wt: 168lbs, Body Type: Swimmer's with strong legs, Eye Color: Hazel, Head Hair: Black curly shoulder length, Body Hair: Absent except for underarm and pubic hair, Cock: 7.25x6.25, Cut/Uncut: Loosely cut still has most of original foreskin

Tim Canon

Mutant: Dark Energy/Storm Summoning level 5.5, Race: White, Ancestry: English, Complexion: White no tan, Age: 18, Ht: 6'2" Wt: 165lbs, Body Type: Slim runner's with hardly any fat, Eye Color: Black, Head Hair: Black straight styled as a 6" faux hawk, Body Hair: Shaves completely, Cock: 6.25x5.25, Cut/Uncut: Tightly Cut

Pericles "Ric" Danaans

Mutant: Psychic/Peak Human Condition level 3.5, Race: Greek, Ancestry: Greek, Complexion: Beige (Pale-brown), Age: 18, Ht: 5'10" Wt: 167lbs, Body Type: Gymnast, Eye Color: Hazel, Head Hair: Dark brown wavy ear length; highlighted and textured, Body Hair: light body hair; shaved underarm and trimmed pubes, Cock: 7x6.75, Cut/Uncut: Uncut

Chapter 9 David's new friend

<Damn that was intense!> thinks Ric to himself. <Where the hell am I?>

yells David.

<Hey chill, my names Ric, I'm not here to fight> explains Ric as he feels David preparing to expel him. <Look, I don't know where here is>

<Ok fine, I'm David, here is my head, and now go back the way you came> states David mimicking Ric's pattern of speech

<I would, believe me. I don't want to be here, I just am here> replies Ric puzzled as to how he is in someone's mind.

commands David. <Or I'll just force you out like I did last time>

<What? Hey man, I don't want to fight with you. I just got done getting my ass handed to me> states Ric trying to calm David. <I swear, I've never been here before, and besides I'm not a telepath>

<Then how the fuck are you in my mind then?> demands David as he starts to force Ric out.

<Wait man, I said I don't want to fight you, but I will, if you make me> states Ric as he anchors himself to David's mind. <Besides, you are a lot weaker than the entity that is outside of here>

<What the fuck are you talking about? Just get the fuck out of my head>

<See, there's an entity outside; that beat the shit out of me. So I'll take my chances, fighting you>

<What the fuck does that have to do with me?> Realizing what Ric just said, <Wait, get the fuck out before whatever is after you comes looking for you> as he begins assaulting Ric to force him out.

<Hey, just as I thought, you're not a telepath either, you have mental powers, but you are not a telepath> states Ric happily realizing that there may be a way not to fight. <Look, I'm not going to try to pry into your mind, or anything ok, I promise. But, I'm not going to be pushed out either>

<I don't know who the fuck you are, but if you are running from something I don't want to get in the middle of it. I'm sorry but I have my own issues right now> explains David compassionately because he does want to help but is just trying to wake up.

<I understand, you have issues. Let me stay here, if it comes I swear, I will not fight here and run>

<Of course you will run, you just got the shit kicked out of you> laughs David then seriously, <No you can't stay here. If it comes after you it may attack me when it learns of me>

<Please, if we fight, and you are able to push me out, I'll have no idea where, I will end up> explains Ric disheartened that he misread David. <As far as I can tell, the entity is not here, if I feel it at all, I'll rush to it and lead it away>

<Even if I said you could stay, what will you be doing?>

<Basically, building up my strength and ... maybe I can help you with your issue>

<Ok I'll let you stay but only out there and only because at the very least you can warn me when this entity comes>

<Thank you man, really thank you. Let's start, from the beginning. Hi, my name is Ric> he states enthusiastically.

Smiling <I'm David> pauses for a moment wondering if he should ask the question on his mind <Why do you talk with so many pauses are you ...> he stops not wanting to offend someone that is already having a bad day.

<You don't, really trust people ... that you can't see right?> inquires Ric hoping he is reading David right this time. <Sorry, about the pauses. But I do that, when I'm, reading people. And I'm, readying you>

<What the fuck!?! Damn it you are a fucking telepath. There's no entity you are the guy that came last time> David quickly begins encasing Ric, <I'm not letting you get away this time fucker>

<Hey come on! I told you I've never been here and I'm not a telepath, I'm psychic> Ric doesn't try to fight back understanding that David is just trying to encase him so he can't get away. Which is fine because he wants to stay anchored to David's mind anyway.

<Psychic? What do you mean you're psychic?> asks David since he now has Ric entombed.

<You know see the future, see the past, levitate stuff and make predictions. Come on you know what a psychic is! Fortunetellers, palm readers, mind readers, ghost whispers>

<What I mean is, there's no such fucking thing as psychics!> yells David not liking Ric's attitude.

<Ok so you're a none believe, that's cool. But you believe in telepaths, yet not psychics, why?>

<Fine you want to talk, I have nothing better to do right now. Psychics are fake>

<But I did just guess correctly that you don't trust ... no you are afraid of people you can't see>

<I'm not going tell you again, stay the fuck out of my head!> states David as he wonders what should he do now that he caught the intruder.

<I can't stay out of your head; I'm already here. But I swear I did not read your mind> explains Ric as he tries to figure out a way to convince David that does not look like mind reading. <Ok telepaths read and project thoughts right. Ok what if I ... damn there's really no way I can think of>


<Look David I don't know how to convince you that I am psychic, a large part of what I do is mind reading> Ric hastily adds <reading thoughts and mind reading aren't exactly the same thing. I can't actually go into your mind ... well no that's not exactly right either ...> Ric stops because he is starting to confuse himself.

<Your pulse has shot up, if you try to get out I will crush you in it> warns David not wanting to actually kill Ric

<Truthfully, I'm not sure that I should have let you capture me. I only allowed it cause I wasn't planning on leaving anyway. But now I'm not sure I can get out>

For some reason David believes Ric explanation and says <Maybe psychic and telepathy are similar powers. I remember Hank, a friend of mine, telling me how my powers are similar to other powers. Maybe you are having a hard time explaining it to me because they are similar. It took awhile for Hank to explain my powers to me and he is still trying to fully explain it>

<... I swear I'm not reading your mind but does Hank say, "Well" to start almost every sentence?> asks Ric cautiously not wanting to upset David.

<How did you know that?> asks David not sure what to think of Ric.

<... I'm right we are on the same team> screams Ric excitedly. <I must have come here subconsciously because you can put up barriers. That's why the entity can't get in>

<I didn't tell you I could put up barriers! You seem to know a lot for a guy that doesn't read minds> states David threateningly

Ric says ignoring the threatening tone explaining his reasoning <Somehow the entity can't come in, you encase me and I cant get out. Well turn that around, I can't get in or out neither can the entity. So you have barrier powers. You are not a telepath because you would have just read my thoughts or knew to un-anchor me before forcing me out. You don't trust ... you are afraid of the dark, that's why you don't trust what you can't see>

<Fuck, damn that's enough. You my not be a telepath but you're just as bad> exclaims David now believing Ric and not wanting to hear any more guesses.

<Can you take the barrier down now, please? We are on the same team after all>

David removes the barrier surrounding Ric.

exclaims David as he sees Ric naked body standing before him.

<Sorry but I can't project clothes, I can only project physical bodies> Ric says nervously not sure if he is doing the right thing. <I want you to trust me ... and ... so you need to actually see me to do that>

David keeps trying to focus on Ric's face, but his eyes keep traveling up and down Ric's sculptured body. <Now, now why did you do this> states David trying to keep his voice from trembling out.

To be continued

Sorry about the shortness of this chapter, I hadn't had time to write much with the holidays. Anyway I was asked to put out what I had since it's been awhile and I like making my readers happy. Also on that note, I want to thank the people that write to me about what they think of the story. And yes the next chapter does have sex.

Next: Chapter 10: X Team 10 11

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